Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Feb 1915, p. 6

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a viei 1*<4ý2 u -n lec- uequire the assi fince Of Dr, Haili. "h o io htyu rêht tonic is taken*i Bhi the houi,4 - ,-a' aoe y- fa4 ric mflr IiA mi«àes several Vhou- toii'Pilluswhh go dIrectt u et ihna ceo eU~utuw1 quickly diitppears The one ton e- -the doçvment, and the 4eparùment iRd. i'l adrv)ui-W 1li -da f-h rul.e otesaýwt naec the orly tonicminutwe aaud a ofitg ebtrouble. 'eOerhl pub"ic baththereeply. "Jied menh vomly V n d -fQr wekn i lgas ur e st enr alp blc Vhtth o y nsa t ittt5fthe 5Uýlsd pè d of t* n kis 'apa b4le ' 1To gi ys ltaIty and Po dto th ire l 'eir fr y rus, wînn ad u~hhirx~ s r. uveuz eis sv psg ig food t'> 11, i bakjOf accurate &jttnmentv tç,u era-kidne' oisod i t hebade ntisqea ba'.r0,"-LndvTWi i alean frseîen weeksI wa5 i acne.lcdte<uiadx beefohIre, ofre h bod f osos W illiam u' irlk P ills, %Y hîëh t p eed îly is u p p lies. E xc s i e ui i ell o e i t h l d y sae, aan decbfo rot6 .he e C.x p u ldr e , Ytg l-5,o o oth of a e m ol t e y 50 suc a b rin g - l ac k - a b u n d a n t h e a lth , be p erù ý itted , 4 .> t hte e st w a y to oprh eb a bly th ero la n o rfdàp rý i âtrength and' energy. They bv pb aonr udtehm sees.The, UeWor coukldinot help e ~n.cessful as Dr. H-amilton's Pilleor o"~~ * douethia in thotsainds and thou- tio &pend1 every cent wisely and to 80 Ideie oty odaIiny- The, 4forniatioj of he dady i Woanirglaiisthi etExertingAnIfune sands ! a&ais proved by thie the bestadva.ntage. Pilla.' id - kdin" 8adfî~~e he~l i knwn Fand-s ofý.ýa.ýes11-Aiterthe fir£tbox I- sausê-r0f"tuer.e mlldWsstethlng, ande of mere iIlcertainlny anoming ii$ to following.' Mr. Ed. A. Owen, Bur- Fo(,ds: are divided into four claa- ftefis bxIwas IDOme suinof lhe iproîectile is alo'ê1early healing effeet, Dr. Hamliton'S Pilla are lier own. E-yen ntneroac dett, Alti&,,,eays--"Aýbout -two es bv the chief me-ical oficer;< bterr.otnudt s Dd' (1) yýan ftîu aea af n r. eomn3e o ilseel xethon ..une h Yenrag un 890m hle th was inla aFat and, energy foods.5-Staroch'y Jidney PilI- Vill 'row 'the Ipalpita. The ring c_ gise.ousaemokoe au b e anf1women of ailaes25cnsprougushdjutbnaeped wree-hcl onitin. y hale sys. footIs, isîtgar and fats, sucli as pota- tor-sl! .m n iu'a well seen, ohtuiéugVheuruzzle cof the box at ail dealers,. Refuse any euh- tem seemcd to lie run clown sud tlie tues, bread, augar, lhuney, ayrup, womn, abilleut-odnimynd r]odsgun arCiti'ýig rapidily iupwarTda- titute for Dr. H-axiltons PillsEof Man' arpe.leecamd Btd -dcLut4r seenuëd puzzled at my condi- butter, dripping and fat meat;- (0-)XIned ilecuctneh i ecomn-,metbe 'r he ,Oe]l appqare. drake and butteraut. you thini-k, myIvIar goc tikon. I hiad no a-ptietite, exertion muscle and Illeïsh-forming fooda TeadthmVoàîl pertouis who sufer Wihti nqecmr iw ! ~ ..~___ enoligh for Von 1" i ton-id wo~d eav m bratless, and- I Lean nmeut, fish, eggs, bearis, pea-s Idi mortar see-i luail positio ns- up o TRE BAYONET ChRGE imn n epid G wa- t-roubled much wilh dizzines. lenti, macaroni, mkiai milk, dheese oiehwmayoeurening V he time whenteyceased their tuip- nd I was steadily growiug food-Of special valuie-to ehildreu,. can finci relief luin od Kdc ae enotie.- D el, ButWithMetl -S wve-k-e-r. My nuother ur-ged'mre to found in uoatniucal, brown, breaul, Pille, The rea-son je thn.t ninie- BGtsryofcas oe ih Oeo h l-trao h a a try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and Vegetabe, firuit and mîlk; (4) inedi- tendihs of women'ýý lls sprng froru the nid of this Camera, t disther "J3iggiua eofa thbe rearkabl before 1 had taken thiem very long einal fui.das-Laxative and sucen- diseasedi or disordereci kidneys. cxactly what the modern bigh-power be h nlin u-essacm fond o! mushroore. 1. Ibega-u Vofeel like a ncw l'ia,'anci lent, suceli ne apples, prunes, fige, E',mwoman w o~kidiIcy show elicli do>~us he-n ipîows its wayplisheci by 11158115n!British bayoaet "e.n'.Finarec-feisS eônitiniag their use, 1 was restoreci letttuce, celery and ail green vege- ivfwakesaoli s d'struhsee.Fo, neaie hw-cagsIldtm n aanto- t'&o comlpi-ete health. I nîoi reoom- tables, to bîè caten largely lu the iudney Pilla. ofa-lel,1-»tho boys wiVi Vhe cc-Id grcy steel have' uuhapavta i eeeaîguh nied t-emto il un low inevugngaiec fer o! a sah 1-,OOt,h o! -Cattered the Gernuans like chu!! be- rooms ln ho-pc ha e il lieu end " th em Voa il r u n b7 m d w a a e ni g " - " - - - -' - e o n di le a f i V l as b i s , V m fo re th e w in c. A m o d e r n b a y o îe t t oa sc l x i b y m is a k . Iîslth af, te r Vsbý u ei esilistituite for Ment.1KiE TTL d AL EY RI LIvAY. b osbe t lda way o make charge le a combinati-on o! pluck Sodby ail mnediciie -deales or 1nder t e heading of the vege- - st-eal atronger by remedylng defe icÉ*ad icpseU byMail at 50 cents à box or s ix table fuods, Dr. MeCulloughi polits Linîks Up*I tite C.p.IH. 11,101United in the hardeuing and empering auydicplnfor it ,consiste c0f A Britigh soldiri ellr a 1;ltprocesses.moehn a recklese rusfh ut tihe one morning wendn awyt oe.?r$250, froru The Dr. Wjilo tthat lrieelpeas andibeans Coli- enexny. T1lwas.roopzengageclina uch an camp with àa flilerot~l li Moîlicine (!o, Rrockville-, Ont. ain as nuch flash-forming niatenial What Racmpeil on.th_____'--O -- undertaking now acivance towards arma, wheu h. ae ipd~b i -as meut andi are ruuch cheaper; Yàlley îlailway wilî mneanto trans- Jutaidth~f, (IIi e wo e Veay a bta iof drs- olneltokn NoCoon] bread and'pastry rmade froin "isc- continental traflicbotb freiglît adot a ndnoV advanis es-whce soimly taneousiy dbuesustealing ci5en EPE -E EI. onde" I lour, although lesês attrac- passengeî', was explaineci by Mn. J. I1iuidcesi hi? Nerviy, utminwaa the rep]y.-"ewtholiel - - MPR8S EGENE. ive lu appearauc-ha ha uaeJ.Wrènihspesdntostelied J gsuuvi i portions, andi each unitmus for a louw -sitting on t-leh lat H~ Converteci Hes tEê-sgmade J.taîe rom thhes je more uourthe-certain distance a-nd thea takes cocerc CovetdH* ls sae imwieflour, i oeno -curnpany, - who lias been epending a ,. e odn'V.so I ue tok i - ito Hopitl.reciitpic ii,; oatiieaile1.a very noîîrisliing few days' est. For ysars past thie 1-URSRHUAism.* ver.-IThis methoci bas Proved toa be h. -lm Vt-scowfrEgadad Intoa Hspial.IT URE RHUMAMore satisfuect-ory khan the odlî-ap. f~ô,but requirs-cetlorough boiling Caindian Pacifie -Ilaiiwuay lias- beca Thousada of people, chnck ifuIiohardaswih yoeslîcr- prisoner. Xinçjn iii sndî-?ds of rcn Vpc o niake ii;digestble, Leave the wrestliug wltè h le pî'ubleuno! redue- the Joy of llving-happy, glati, brlght ulei lu sncb h ay asuaIic es -__ ti(t:ucwîgthe LBritish soldier oul porridge pot uni Vhe flre for- tio or >ing gae in the 1toeky Mountain People, that Nerviline hias Cured to! tdi sc lay aiate iil u u ;inti ~tces, inuth's C rn- w-au pfrbr te a mastecio, and it is prob'able that it their pains, ail eil thesanme wonder f anuolîget ti-le participators.,F T RPRE say Yoth' Con- armtipfurbrekfat.fui story ofilis power ta drive out the Dnring the charge the bat-talion i -xr, w ae ntesiewili continue to struggie for y cars ahsadtrue o hualmsu pi pl otreprin-ihs llofnc le ugo o ens - siute; state, 110w, by the generos.hCorn ameaut on ihing creals inso ok eaeerlrestnime c esandgoodues,«bu rviin spaiacs h tetkn ue - lty tif its lowîn-r, a lospitai for -wousid- nanas ot ouishngceern iéisontrr i ntorarlyandrct-iontrc ahelftcails oeei nnd~atîç1 ac ceaer ndcd an uccirtaiîeci, orciers aregvcsn, miraciè.w'orker,"' îvmites Mrs. Char. iig ~ ~ ~ keeu u-ront sFtem« n<il brauil.Alcrutcua iver-y-oid lad>, and thicT'lebette-r tlian thsenuch-advert-ised freape ops h -ikonlteCirnnoîe faw lyi eothe e at ie emyadmulo- -î.î- italdaes tor.shw ue~,iin îoîrîîîîg ilat bekatf-d.Pttoesare beet t-he Rogers Pastunneli to c<nple- known familly re1d rya Mun- y it mnb.nuerneuhcairli - e-d gl- .î-,,~~eau-s, leauuîug o-a cutch cooiked or builed in their ekins; on- tuon. But witii Vhs Kettie Vailley- Pleasant. "Lat mouluI 1waa so crip. e, crcep toards their goal. 1Tue mîul n aliuîg wltiî 'nsoebiiglit ions, lbeets-antrid aurots are very nu- Bai]%va3-andi thec (Kct-uuavCentral pied Up wIth selatica and muscular tu J andaged 3ouig flelows out trillonis. Su' are -ail greenî vegeta- llailîîay ilu îwseation the Caay anrlenmnaulsm auVslantstho aImas V uomuable Vo 1)r unreu- ti- l teesfuititer whei a dheirs. bî ni fut i ls reîaii Pcfic Mil Ihave alternativ oue o a bit et housework. My joints fVe sr o îlok inie-n a 'w lu, pumI a]a atneic - 'lhW , u i s t V mu ogi nuid h e d t, a ie a va tiable it i- of food , f oth- e m ain lin , w i vei s out esut w ere s o sti Tf and the nu cles so fright- folci uin t e gr otîti i ed for p uir- * 1o~ sp - k o { n s y n d * k c-:mle Eugnie, once Enupres ofa' re alýso banusuas, raisins and oc mk nu h oi-esooitlfuliy sore tha-t i even erled utUies luO~s of cuver, andc in this way cas- lHe ,u s 'ne of ue mn ig Fr: t' ow for Iiic.re tiiti for cumnrs ant;sgr mesrpanes Iad io ins Vo ue acifi sdNriiel u tml n ui Bth e-rge an exla uîEtigIuud. curns*Sgr al yu n oia with Vhe Ipuin. For >-cnrs we have oities are kept do.w-n Vo a mini-Hes n ote1 VD»ritig thseelong years the vorld fiiu.The ae nsw l ha mîiuetCoaust. T-h-c Kttie Vailev- une iinjust got busy Nwituu Vtis wosderfui, (One gre-ut aulvantuge o! bis f<u-m i11a l fcard sa little or lier that it - od.Te tptl lso gveîia otîeru British Çolumbia, whîieh good aid linIment. Lots of ubblng ofaiac sta h newe fa emnîbr ho Vii as~lualeasst ! Vs ouswie. links up with railyays la hs Uilaed wltixNervlliue soon rallaved my nis. they do corne Vo gripe witI the en, alive, but beforc te disaatrou.s cul. The lVaile, or 'lchese. States, andi wii Vhs Canadian Paci. ery sud I was Ilp a real short tîia eopxaic1yfasas -"M Y WAR," she uaed to beacaeused Dr. McCulliigli says hu Il~ leIilî lias riiuing rights over about my work ne usual." n0 oseiigh-eewsoe0 the 5tmilsii ifak an admirable alterna. - No matter wherc the ache le, no uot ready Vo fail wilh fatigue s ofcefgf-h a oeo hé vni kimine-t, -l a most usefiul ive e hwdsesn h e an uthley would b e if ihey lhud mn for The -- - lu wnîo- woi-ld'e greatest lgures WiVh hs' animai fooci. To eut meutonce a e -rte uni ayofaclth r e' au mub IV auay ,yith NnifeFrseverai hundreci-yards- wilh'ont a iPer In -f-he JMaruusmiePu-ie rouît. bexceatio! Vhs ueen mauer 0W dlatrasolng. He pain you belie u sf-a-u o wstexc i f unVctra h.cath nug. oes noV beli er ent., wileat e e forty yars It ha -een curng lum.- breatling space. Ths last few yards I -twouufd suy thiat Id ntknw1f st u g ltecp n s p i e x c eeom a2 ine rac e n t.,at shil-eaV h s tK oytar ea g o , s c ia t c a , b a c k -a c lie , c o ld s , c e t V e c v r c y h a o e . i h . m ed ic f n e th a t lias e r dt h e t et c t - n I n E r o eoad fi r s p îjy c s o a n i a u e m a s b - a s e V e - a e n a y C e n t r a l l a s a n a v e r a g e g r a d e t o b e u i l s r s f w u e 1 1 1 e. cr s i s t e r e w iy t h e a yf i e - e r u h , l i e M I N A R D S L I N I M N . I b s b a elea tea hermatrlamytyan unf-asiiius heugs mutan 0,-rube ndainorsdfy in fls esouraenwih- houeruhanufholg emd I n u r o e , a n d l i r b a u y , r a e a d o s t am o . as t e f r e m n a d a ! e s t h n 1 p e r c e n t . T h e K e t t e K e e p s l a g e 5 0 c . f a m l l y s z e o t l e w h i c h n t o n l y a d es i m p e t u s o t h e o v e r n e s 1 e a u r e m e n b r a d b s o t ha, taslonabl falles united Vo mk utmoe ice sud aller lier- Vâlliey lin-c will aIse be o! great haudy sud you'Il be savcd lots of trou- charge, -'but as al crstb mtu.: hem fa moe dzzung igue t arngod fis vib-uVrm1eîaluea t. he fruit growers o! the hie sud hava smaller docton bills. eneuny, eapeci4,hly mhen our troopa the Britishu Quaan.' with 'ail hanr un-.agoi fooci wbile drippiag hais Okanagan Valley, as it touches Sunaîl trial sîze 25c. at dealers every- shrick ont their favorite wam-cries --doubted sold vintues. s uidh foid valué as butter, y Noapleador, thene' are plenty of Cheese is very digestible and,-lbas Penticton -andi Summerlanci, aud where. at Vhs tope o! their voices. flhsBri- other witnasseVo tetîy, couit aven- more food,'value thanmeat. suiet Pminiag ditdrt ! oue-u Bitisbtheth ae ebea byne-ghrsl a whem, theperfect -complexion, -In. may be3 use i in puddings Colurubia.Athacenieroutethe FALURE F TUEZitinELthe tensely blue eyes w'th danklasiles, For drink milk le best for c- world, sud eiecia-l painsof are takeFn Clieap Stutif.S chire, in s Iud prove attractive Vo tour- - ta trand heru l ins ruo!takekn e1l~o a o hmwd of- rilu h en t hr sud 'e aueol ik e r for- s vmemi ryn e bth tei or ein b t eV, as Vhse 'Bouthern end o ! Vh s At Present,- They Are Crude and A m achine for. this purp ase sl e lu ing u H w w s b r s va - s-ene Ind! ed o thiathra d b aty. a 5 er o r v ry n t t a or c fe.. O kanagan V a-lley ile.by far the m ost Ine ie tive. u e i h r y hi h c n ista o! a m arkedw Louis a le need ta hlm I. ik t t ferà k, Oa with xilk and sugar ils a Pi u es u ortion a! hs avored P a i l e ar hi h a l x u be n f th e s streti h ad c ro seofa an Behl - r r h o k ! i Von MNoe, i helmI,iuarckwbaissome drink. MWater shoulci laidy uctunesque p e nube o wre Votiokeaite mitigfgures taken Ire-que-nt .scin-fBiihCïubia. By p-srthdars n BleFo h o!flihe Franco-Prussian War.have been etîy. -- s eto o rite l olup.en -lo-ceci eputation of Vhs Zeppelin. a f naine long wi iè, balle of plaited sholtild say ut swas mrkc ow dust thes rnany ya -eris, he bnuner tuobeofNull p. ervicerwas war iachines, Vhe Scientifie straw rua dowawarde in an erratie blc dust w o these maay ye an. hs o we i uo ! e Ueervi ll be in opeaation, ud W ord rem arka,"W . told you sw." fashion. The soldier tiands a few ues atml survives watchIng sud watt- Beer and spirite bave little or no Mr. Warren expeets that.a large Speaking .hmug Wli ma Kemp- fetaa rn h paau n ranitdEel ig, wlth Gerany and France at death food valuee. They are ; x voluMe o! the transcontinental tra- fent, o! Vhs Scientifie- Amreican, make's>quick jabs at these balle, hie S 'e " exesve l wili ba Eycs id tohismed by ex o-re griîps ence again- But IV le noV "0het'r luxunies andi intempemance o!enveetd ohi lns hey aow proteit that Vhey never abjecet being Ve strike them trueie luÉc war naw, sud ÏaIthough iGenmany,s kiud shoulci be severely condemneci. ' expecteci mucli cifhe pondci-rus air the cenitre, and, witb a quick utEeCmo. mt#tlr ha- ve, raceteno-log- Ov-rfotymeips or the cookiug HId Fixed Thiingf4.' vessels. Thase - aerial mnonst-ene wreneh, withdraw the walapoul oSnanî en ecnmuptan ottnn mie u ! h ui teghgiviag f ssot,*bttm omk toea h fod îngVo hall. on eokiheyIra r a egorus ynd oug reire, nt of tae pninti anth o0&, nt te "Say, father, -Johunie J3urtou's serve tolenably w'ell n sote bt iiaV)mkeastoein h flo aut rinu@2;c pt atle Mamuey ungrepbli, nd llear pr-mtd n te fld an th 9when IV comes Vo, au atu-ail attack SalvelTu s2S dOes mt tfiglit nions. Whnteven Vthe Provincial Healtb Deparmrent an-goitig Vogive a party ucxt week. au' on a îontifisd pm4iîion, or eve(f ..--~....Druggieu or MudiS7uSUEedyC.hi n nn.r e, I - wIhi he atrauge Ifn those a -r b h ý, s that yen-rs and teatu have onces thcatcpue aubelicifre e aiti hsine m . An' I t a xoeicy ! ruet y BABY'S BATTLES Oua can'V always jîg a -dillitkliA.urvive Vo look upen 1V. cip -um n toaths offices o! the e W hat's thaant fe. heimorane y h dprmn utteParliainent Whts'htfr?" "It's hie birth- dirigibes[liav-e ddue stome danmage,' Baby's batties for lieaitih can olewsisFl st Buidins.day Al Vs ici tke recut."mainly t-o nu-cmbata-nts. They easiiy %%--n if hs muther wiil con- Something7 bad gous wvrong ln Vhs have rîlineti a few buildings lu Ant- stantiy L.-ep -u aI îij the means of seînars-s Liniment Cure limpr UI) .v'ION.l, ISEASE ~- office that day, andi fatîmer wasut' werp anti kilîsci corne fs-houi<-il- aidiug her1 tle-ie -hn 1m - -NEW INDUSTRY FOR ENGLAND. iu a gooti hîiior. "Til'at's ail n)n'- di-en lu country districts, but noV emniergnymav aise. Baby' w ('unîtil by'l'en ad ('iTes. - - euse,"lhe decinred. iEveri. day mnuchu umure. Except for lueir scout- Tabiets «i îihefun lieî-emy-- - Vlu- sitans -kunw t-bat driigs wîî Liverpool Bidai For the Gcrman Toy or Vivo it's a preserit bei-c uand a pre, isg viniteh war wouilcl have ruîn hu-me wiheme tIi-me are smaîlcu ' I( ~ n t-tareu- _the ex-iscas1i t1 raèsenut there If youî eau't Lgo to a ils )Course wition)lt thepn- ut iou ren.Th Ta..s ac. gnt bt o * ui PARUS FOR SALE. 'f. W. DAWSON, Nin@tY, COibOne Straulf, Toronto. P YU WNTTO BUT Ou IELL, A lGa or DaIry FiArm, writeR.W aou Brampton, or go, Col- borne St.,Tc.Oiso Hf. W. DAWSON.. Commern St.. Toronto.- DEGIBTERED - SHORTHORN 1qAND * lHolstein 'Calves. T. J. Morrison. Durham. NURSERY STOCK., C~TÂWF~RESRASPBERBME8, Po. ~TATO8. C,0Iogue Ireo. MoConnell 1 SonMÂLort. BurwellOnt. L]ANBARBER TR»ADE:-. ALWAYS 'L ouzmre enloysnont m good 'wages; b weeks required to complete, course write for fufl arttculargsan catalogue to.<!ay. Meler Bar~ber College, 219 Queen Eaat. ToronWV. C àlqCZB, UMOBI. LUPS, ETC. *lat.inal 504 *zterosj. ured WiLh. ont Vain hi oyab ome treatm.nt. Wri:4 obafor. t ,Dr. Balimaa lfiredi C..LmiU OlllnwOd. Ont 151IUTSZ Aa j-ie ixsamionta. BOILERS - New sud Second-bhaud. forhbating I and * power proo. Waf-rI Flunaee. TANKS irpANO .SOKE, STACKS.I POLSON IOWOKTORONTO't p 'ATENTS 0F INVENTIlONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAViS liasst. JamesS.,*montrei H HA 1qNm.SSM mu-alei, anci I arn piaseci tosay that clilîdrea have aîready turnaed out are Speaking o! the oId wild day i for eaeh vassel. This requineruent Msr.PgoPgo &Dvs I havea hecu raikved -of indigestion. of admirable degigu, Vtopîcai anti hum-.-Scotlandan ageci dame, wt grpretylmietei sfu e. p atent ahicito te ntesreor my geera9 inhad in 4gmetlys a oes, rohahyte oundee atgrancichilcirea about ber kuce, sa-id sibl ta landi troc-ps fnm a Zeppelin i'ued for ths week endiug Januany a iu., ah m .uS e-i h et b et ly a a boeau ia ly draen u oand e o n i beea e de d o f oiown aTce ve f V rc oVm -d l h o Auncu,1 o uuhas u bn -u proveci, o oi ld. the Dresent ture in a l form a of art. o ceculsl a er o an c i n a hostile country. The p rfo nn- ith, 1915, 73 of which werle grantcd afaa, etO~ She batibe-ouii itiliihenîthi for many a Yical Set Of toj>s 4l3a row o! nia.- so0eLtruble withthue Cmewn: "It ]bso! Vhs men, wouid almoat car- 8V eîet !friucutis St- years, hs vital forces lois, with but pin s deslgned ta rmesent Death's wic use great Ving a' a heid, tac tainîy wreek the airship. l!îoiu litl.pai. ~-wroe lero! -he gadHead Hussars sud Perman lnfantry be sure, but lit wis a ssci bas tae For ail the ta-lk aibout sehat Zep-- No Synaaîatiuy.- , 500frLbI Ute1£i.%,rt iro h odwIth spiketi halmets, with the maliet i hm," - ' 60.00eth for s'av i, ou duhtr aspieie that l'o hta nd'df me anti adi-isec i em fiel as the centre pin. The new luIutntu.dpndae ua heu S to-try i.dustry le scarcely On its legs yet, but putini ruightdo, len erma-as n hav -e "SmeurMdaugher a rouscP "At hs eud -o! heyear scite wrote one of these tisys'Matie lu Liverpool" - -TeKasr.tocp ae oa V el ome my wie" m sm The Kaise's26r00 fharetdie lq 11 , W e îl. d o u 'toc-orneu cV oo nei n syl -- me tlîuut shebnci galueci 40 :panademay ha the hall-mark af the toy-sihop. gret dc-i a! dstrutionin Bi- olwomethiag~ eetadft kehreiOrgrand.chuîdren wilî then. pîty a- Iwob-eum-as fyo keî sdtepS.0 - guai, but i hî b- y ml*'s,-olion.. hngn uugaia.' ~genaration. whlch lhati German trees thair huga glins ou solici bases, notwul haenV yu, agzig>5br csi Namuu given b-y Canaduuin Plsturu folateti upon ltIn lit Noah's Anke, -b-y nainiug down bombe froni above. arounci lera five nights a week." Ts înra Co-,, Wîndsor,1 Ont, Read "The K 11) ruprNt pamEcs heyela LOW PARES TO THE CHICAGO-ars uii a licad Vo Welvilie, ii pkp-Resisting Tcînpitatlouu. no gret ne-ason Vo apprehenci au EXPOSITIONSrieotseva t>QatulIfl 00us$ 1 tWO ~i1U5 -invasion o! Englanuc by airsblps. via Chicago & horth Western Ry. -lns hl Regular Postum - must b. wel Sunday Sehool Teaehr-"Wiîîie, -They may, as Waldeman KoesmpfenV F<Mrgeplemn al, traisam toa nw -tetcoea- boîl1ed. 1lu .ad 25o paecfges. di- u ever resisttpt Mion" tiks Uwu - uidngm eadPiTangom TermingelesCandfan eo.S- 10 OE didyoutepteio - Aua.J, ic- (ice af ecenie sud dire-ct routee. Double Instant Pestum-1& aa olable pow- Wllle-"Yes'in, one" sunda ýAthere, but tup 'ae buildi er. su P'iAutîo. Las Aelos and a-r n Daolaa r ii e deor. A teaspoonflul dissolves qulck. School Teacher-'ýAnd whsob aomls agtbealMorle.ly ait - ly I a A o ld aic' r eia, a c witih sentiment pro np'~d y-u to d ait 1'_ __P r u e- ______ ~ n your trip sud fura iehfold. -he erna-nd un partiouauru. cra neer, maIres a d B. H. BnOitt.Th J ason to beveruage In SutIy. Co a-ndl 0o salel!, sud I could't rea'ch it." - Different. Tomra ntO ut tsIniet uon'I'd a"k you to dance auiy y OU There eûmes a time -iu the 1f. o!f _ TLcoekper eoup o! hoth kind. jle - Naines that paet - l-tuo È ol n eetre. hnb fesjsii aotthoeaan.- their chiîdren are enough, 4o a suse 'JTH ol eyau westr- every ma-n we afeldutiic RODGERS, (0 Y& T W "lhere', -a Reason'.1 kr Postum., themnVo break into jail in after_______________ "But innoV too tlred to dance." in kidklng ieIf .e9.WI 31 ER -ald by Grooee-.. years. - - - - D .issuE 4-"e1 . MluardinietC. lhhol.-MinartUs Liniment Cura Gargit ln Cowa 'nlt or wilfuIJy rO flot a*a.re tl 'yofC 3f'w, Melui Jullau, 1o<>ketd -l 'havye alreeý -u b -ulav-e cb4uesea te>treat- eruiayona lu treut me, -gai nzr ta stauîd tit," "Wbat: a-yoý-u ga-ins ta .lia-n with a- 3ueuýr. -Thri ?lVu<,w, doit- yuu,Tadr- ltl V f-ronigrr tiýtn yQ It iga noV a qiuitiia e> T( udsnîenia-îuswened, whiîtû fuihf- 'itDub oat-rs-a tn milil 1 ktîow -whaf- vous-a g( luî-t sies, I 1limw thuus yý, I find your wif6 'o ,hut et va - oëent tuedu4'eu-s o ,u, iusmd 1 - ares doirig lii,ý! It us b-ci tueîuarry Lady Feri (iroç tend to ]st- ben rb ( i1 aYtý Iiryalit -wallur-daros nutaIlr. Te-Ocu-te lookee ijundie Cyîe. ugiy syes. -Taki- the high -bandwith -- - -maio yon u ein ht inDte in te e tiuut,-whuuever your fan the futurs. you ba-am lait !"f>yaur corilden<s e e fan usuistatce, -'eformet bers, lnic faci' thaf- vou already has-s yuut I thinkIt W-Lad- ii«w t ii it zit uta-k - lyhau <d yen thinli?" Juiian Bryaliî looked a-t ,ss Mauni, lul -wbole face a-bisa î- thè eri lueoocd t-h ofon, "Talk businaiks," he a cd. -- IV wc-uld. have gis-eu ltr. -----IsMOI-nueso MOUnt of pleanu a-ble taeliaseý snapped bis - uggestion u but. as h ha-pUi particular neeti of mumiey. ebhd draubed a goo>dd <ea 1:f-fomi f mm whieh lin. Pi' pi ly ex-f-micated Lady Elil. mif-ogther thLuIre were tioi S binaasfbe ad beau The more lie -ursued th, laIid d&w for blasait in il realizedti Iba btsmust bave littie unoney, buta- f ortute Temderteu tea -yw arben lue nea-lzed -wluut pià Julian Bryant haciin -the *- fore, b&-wuufully dLternal Ohouid Malteuap to hlm mensou wîat lie ad lest iu ber.e t lasf- ha bd sote IV w-s prsîuy es-ideus thai bndl no destine that Lady Vforunsd- of how mationj jus: at, pmfenet. Thc-nacra fact-tbt hl disce sbusin'essed uud 'ouf- atsurd 1,m thatthue -. ta-lu axtent lu b ande suh-ý a- cheque 1usd bei h foidei If- uap u ---- se. -ho-eoaket a-t J-ula-n' eéxpresqipu -lu -bis eyeË. ----Iunde>,'stand troun Mr off ened bina tisework consi -pro,- sad dis-arcé, aud ibat M-I 'e ,l"-_n,if you like. Donut yen trust me?- witiu a littie oten, -1 -sa-nt te forget t'bat y af-ber ma-na-ns-werad-balf and then ainacet involuaiý --. "And i wont let yom coma =Y -wife-'now or a-t a-ny tii Mm. Teidentea aumiy laugi of bis beâd aud -turnet a-* -- e w-as autsde the noom d sf-airs te taie street, ha sa-i -1-,blk Ibe-l.bave tI bluiness to find Mme. Bryan ARCHIV ES OF ON TA RI TOInONTO led, as he

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