Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1914, p. 7

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ftoiz oie"ôthe YM.C." mn awithI 18%fl2Seal.Tis wag, a;giat Doi 4b Miéo1igénui ,Il gives ollemorne to the mien, and I boUlliook, the 514e. of the fine work the Association altogtJir b , X.prtsq n th_ là doing for the men.- If we iie4 a undestand the Y9.- 0k.dln i %WaUié a te éCotntfgent' we should klnd of tbing at the camp,, but I i IWIIO'ý»ko'wi that ho was belngso altogetiher past -4heir caliuIationi tii IkOil ý4Aô0»d attt. - '-the Association should follow - he "AtIor avoyaé 6144 day., Wuilabout 1tIheworld -to, lok alter tbe aSood and grealesi Armada of iV.n"ed. fh~ blatoiry haà passedtb6ê;ochbom<i 81 brought aboard wlth, me>so *0wPt the, EDglUshChâiàiet,'and al Iumdred Testaet, e aily no*. lies aaohored mder the Ply, tiMe voyage announced'that 1 -uboii mioath fortlcatJons.'b. ,pasatng aingstt hem ,to gil ""I terit! iat thie Association work theseout teo every mani who bat!-p et Valcwtr«@ bat! made the Miers receivéd, oie. 0f the bundret!. tn Y.ULO.A. an open *msme to -the 1 brought oà(board 1 wth me, notq hsssrIs ot tii men ou ,board. fronu remains. -l ut - -the mont gralifyb 4w OntS t&ey plaeed Impoli tust thldmg was the tact that f ully sevet laM I L 1".KA. mai. It aa= mon y-ffve ejCent. 0of the7New Test wuatela'sm et.money, ent home meula dlutibuted Woe e ~n lienu hb a vidowet! n'Otboeerý My moiti, .wbo came iujafm"for themi- Tbew= «e a, Cle iwsýutçcm ndlng, or üpatlfylng -and. enouraglng wcvk la.heeutsai e ht nlg beng boit,il hb b thLe peioIal'topoc v la s,«y instance the wàOA.vs Uae nu. T caimof but feel-f r cmM a he lis clarf boa»' by eera exposione wlth our oflde - uwzMl.t nm. vus! mi o'e-tirouglrout tie. paslr-- efght lie Nuin xi vsuy short tlrui th. resmpon- tual 1thi. seso e!v in bl é albilty et là@ vork uponwhchlhaW ef bleèlzg le iny of b~T aitbred, andth le high .tsad set by are reW4y-fio 4 ul ~okie I Tomatees, 3 for, Corn, 3l& peau, 3 Q- New Figt, 4 -Ibo. Md OUR ELVEISERVICE will piesse yeu, Whithsr YOD have ever bought of us or mt r. wa4t jour tirade Mait! eet you pro6pt delivery eryioe s' au iduciment for you pý4 , us your patro-ag .1-e Your buosiMsouiad, Toronto -Gularaoteqe Ladi' & Men' TailorgCo Expert Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and- Repairing GENT'S LIST PRESSING BY. Saiglar> Pressing Machine. Se....... .... ........ .-50c. 1 ~ Ceais. -.. ». -----'25C. T.ro àer ..... . .......15C. Vesta'..... ..-.aO.te 15c. Dresa Suiïi-------- ,75C. CWereoits------------0C. Boys' Suit....... ... ......- 350. FRENCHI CLEANING, PRESSING. TRus9Tnrethôd etfttieaning dees let fhbrlm tue tîbnic or destroy the. , c e l e r . ' ut ta......... 1 5 Ceai.--- -...------85eý te $1.00 Trousers----------500. Ves---------25c. te 85c. Overcoits------------------. ......... 1.50 Sweaters ...-..... .-....O5c. te 75c. SPONGING AND PRESSING. Suite .... ...............75c. Treueff-l~ Ovoer ots .......?. -...... -65c. WFe Emple>' onlt Skilled Tilons ton - Repzin Wo7k. LADIES' LIST PRESSING By Sulitan>' Pressing Machine. Suits........ . ,...d............... 75c., -Skiris..................... 250. te 400. Short Cents .....* ............... 40c. Long Ceais......................... 500. Cloth Dresses ............ 50c. te 75e., FRFf--J~ANIGPRESSING. This metibot! et cleamlg does net shnink the tabnie or destroy the colon. Sais-------------....... 1.75 te 12.50 Short Ceats..... ............81.00 Long Ceais..-.--....-..---.---.....81.50 Skints----------. ...... ........ $1.0 Dresses-----------... .... .--25 te1.5 Evenlng Dresses ....1.1.75 't b ý Silk Blouses...................... . SPONGING AND PRESSING."- Suiu............. $1.00 te $ Short Cot,. ....-------- skirts------------. ..50c. te 75c. Dresses .......w..... ..75c. te $1.00 OUR MOTTO IS SATISFACTION., Alterations and 'Repairs at Reasonable Rates. Contract Service-3 nionths, $65o in advance. Goods callei for and delivered. Perfect satisfaction assured. The Tronto, SuaanteeLadlosl and Men'8 Tailoring Gou -.Duda Sth o-tb TrnoUaato -WeRt 01 Posoffice Gïood Roads for Telephone Ta]' T FM1 good roade movement lias not been conlined te the highirayg. iL Telephone Systemn hm -covered the province with l"good roads" for talk , reaching -nearl>'- erer>' nook and corner. The Bell telephome When., as ai Lthe pre8ent lime, there is tak of hard imes and poor business, zaese teaepoue gooa rosh ald oint be overlooked. factor àu getting business back tý' normal. They are previmg te ho. a big Are jeu using (hem? -Thc lOýng distance telephone, b>' cuttimg eut travellinfg expense, saving tirneand liber and enablimg you te keep ln touch with rapidi>' changing markets and trado conditions, can keep thimgs moving ut greatly reduccd cost and prove a real right arm te your business. - Prove iL!1 vour business. THT Figure eut how yeu can appl>' the long distance telephone to nnldreds of bhneaa,., . a.~ mon U -49- --------ngra~ uccs Ever Bell Telephone a a ong Distance Station The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Any i ntereàtd iingtheir rie >nday, December'.28t , o'Mrs. D C hildrepn o10 i fagc m \The Chista JThey nwsjàt repeat saine to theirý' . cehrrtoturg ~ î~ingset iteaad *er sulsSIra- rcM why you t!o§ ýt by e1 usJim U 4 ~ ~ ~ ~~t* tin i aya~tiquiet &a&.s-pieuse give un your nsusluthe f*~ insfrthç i. CJzi*t litbe, thOlt are incîoued stampe! evèope, and --we-- bngmade t!unlgt4!ess -days. Our [will strive té eootecue ve,-PTmo.an sang servicesa% Wdtoitethe The physician amuwere. as tollows arT m ngnirt0 uf tii« 584 r', d nY1ý $u1day ailermon t Your ile"è'of necent date asking hrl Iiu1ic, o r. H war J )Bbl CuéSaif 4«.POfftnWwh Ih m ot traded wihyou for CAl W it! t00uhtlulImet gtet! tetgetbh- a long ture reciel! and as yeu aask ogatemr or-toetudy a coÇumtu"The Min- me otell.yon ýf rankly "why, I1will Dcme 6 bot!, of the MuiOi Sive you -a tew reasnsi D Taklog Frult-a-um 1W. hbave beaaI1elearrange' , i Ist arn hlubuiness ln this tmre splendid,: coinsert. durihg tie.eu !n aa voag, orwebae budaeso!~-commumity andiýnî looklng, té ti i ujc age mIwu. egt li our Battalion.. -W. haveté communlty -wtt Isv$t nutries iie favery miserable té thon vWho funA two meetings Mghtly, because no for my support. I casuel naRi the suifer with Inliiestion, Dy la~ room n bord laiar~ emoui t~marchants efthiis tewu: for tlieîr sup. Sour Stomach au iinsei liîld ail. our men,,- se we bave oe port If I do iiot gir. tuim mine. leto rm Catineswon t(eGeth fore and eue att. Secoiid-In loekinig aven 8My books Lakes) tells boy te get quick follet "lDuring the paut .24 heurs 1 have I tait te llnd au>' of your cornpany's frorn Sternach Trouble. handled ý1,600 letters collected tron Darnes, wblcb reminds me that none FORT BuRwIir, ,ONT., May Sti,- 19134 ths olilcors and men for mailing, and et thoeogentlemen - have ever given " a a orcac tlvn Patch me apennand enjoying ie when hoe cannot est- a. irmere! abegrni fo dspacb mea enxy, patronage. W1 la That waî what was wrong with . AP11=ewlfngrsk.tin& Througliout the voyage, a fine pro- tii? Arn I ton - tar away, - or *have Les. et appetite and! Indigestionme.s oabi grami of sports was carnfed through neithen of ther nmeeded a, physician, brought on by Congtipati>u. I have e «n g under Our auspices, affording much or are tRie>' airaid.o! the Mail Order had trouble with these dioea.aafor; patmto ltakse ronor Interest and amusement te both -of- plan whn t'cornes to h rcle- O-I-othe,,' ai4reewufUUe itbouU aip icers and mon. ptmedicine ? 1 can eertainîy give as"ancoule rstaI ntlyPe the last "The werk bas boom ful et Inter- god satisfaction by mail as your coupe ef a, have tns am"drit- fyJ est, and I thazlk Qed bourly that ý1be bouse can, and will appreclate a the results that 1 have recemmendet!-Unw 1r.-dP~I.Si honor and prIvilege bas boom accorded- cail. from sither e! thein whon ln îbem ion muany occasions te trient!. and! me toi have a'part lu't ede eia evc. -- -aquainitances. fltË-ut"ri-, n 4.ee o incersevie.nel, ei Thir- Ii -iokfmgevori.sub - tîves" have-helped me ir.T~ u--~~ sVussncrlTrsd pulic hghwaysr 'ri--Ie"codntdot<~ "ý(Sgd.) IIARRY WHITET4AN." scr'iptien lista -- or împrcrvîug Our tloîgti itme dtkn THE DOCITOR'S I)IAGNOSIS. talled te fund the namneofeltetr iieuefiILDypeSANi gt A hsiinre~ledapesnl o-member et your fin dciiifon-one H WAje.ri Tm fbe A phyicianreceveil peronal et-'rult-a-tives" art sold b> ail dealers- ten rrn a large Mail Orden bouse. .ei 't sie u~wr.~a ibox 6 for $2.5o;- or trial size j t was a well wrltten appeal, and ~bv aitt it oa an ~2e or sent pestpaid on recelpt of price t cloet! b sayng: "f thos leay >'o! the cbasty lista wbere help 1,y ruit-a-tives Limite4.Oaa - bas boom rendenet! teoOur poer; lun __ Tue BrJghtest/ 7 t are not dow. as W olitribuoiFt'ndurunjl> ba in Hn odedtdoim~e hé y MtP as en The Pub- Tz'R m1% eresset la upiit.,ln,! thî I nae arnng heliie or cu..a5ularly nete oh.H tiy avrkô4he bci, tnbuindmrcans.Vor am I e neB moX ;mwsferng ha mk 1f.j ôo o u r comity h boeks, nordob N hiln hPb Itlderl seniteoieworth lfing.eBut tuIeri lnd rieyeibhave padhaddtyeI esMm. A metimenthat thy are d omenttions- avwlth ofben meh-- testraght o miliousmpessedlaiiti, a dss ta rDame aroge a îow a fswers t 'Coireath imt thyhaehà4th, akchtieuti c !tm. booke te show the st.4 semnt ot lcn.BueuntIn r o'baepldactyl.M. TeAh. y R cenee! cooraeeenterilntbusieesa.ln Double Drown&inag in"0 oLakes.tht-fthereI apssbliyo!tea being aiabaeffor wbe- amoyout throtgthe tTAGES. haviugiois, aardedtrustarnishee.lLoave Whetty ferBogue a a PlLeS just sice h. bostse w h I nighttbewnong. TThe fanions famul laestu lre rglaesth bwes. DbetcDroni NrtiBa Laae tad Mehan. Lie, therefn e, er,. OPieot, Beebams UISclans th sste -A dube downngtraed ecume edthe asle ftehaoruntlthe .v - MAILS . ofacmhaigpiL Sojsad uiy onFia la n aeNpisn nt cor, wheu the gibooso e- 1.evs htbyfr se-,a the lood. Thy aerbeecalato wenRphmih dscentnd eceuHs ni r te be preucted in-er F andW45-s p .. i ar t Wbtb- sbow inbnigterleek, cear r erT.& O.itbyBoagoed 2f, son of teble ttleibe adlflicut haste, ! the ~ " ~ o compl teion bTes feelins . .Smt, tih ool Sn sdcore a b ecdd nth en- r . tem, d y ou s te stmacnd u issCoraWh otof a shot uec he smebtwtent atie coennge Lev o 7roýsh va...e.Io l$S laestetror eglitsth ow erea, es m th Besj akeMr.hy e ls. twO*fi* J B ee h a m s P lla cl ans th sy te wAh ou bthe dy ou ng peepl e al og w ltht e c se t b 'id o er u ti h M ISa of ccrnuatngpoi ad uri n rea auy tbersLwee Npsaing, nx out mhe h ore s o a th Guo. i e ilato hn ap mtdspthrrcutare "N oduedach-rer For wy *.3--ta.e the Fotse" t s o s i rg tr li s, ce rr the>'T.eN .fo i ei r. d 6 on o ,Their Dnth ir t. u ot The- Caehadof W th.j rtnvig he case comldexions bter feIoeli., yW. .S mide e tRe ofther eekSuaners, u s, tibeeid ed the oue buyniclhn eeigbene t-- an-- -lo l in tatt ewMigs te t-h itac a mitetohr j Imebtonsthe priteeesccn e ohd cParsetic bowlu. Tirien. WHITBY IVIARKfeino ia osd i boios lb a :is- il rqgy ,25c cmby ai appel e. Ter acint hur's sea- IABIANNDCN Wh o , oau ai - 11 0 tho3'- eeoth r i evero. issIgoet, n. 1 WbAi goso....... ox 1 Whiate'sarntes, wres l Bace-ing oioehaa -oryu--tk h Baly.......06he06 nde etre tatr oWilim Whie B i't-oite, tehaah itotrt oigtec Beathe..............1.00, teU1.25 byng a luwmbenmfeelTneibebo»ieh R>........ ...0 e070bv hst hedine Choirnesete o -oetelvr wee h tmc n.lag h oeo lrt«. Pea . . 00 t 10 o . fe an h ul er TmeOt. 1 Bwhealgn..............7.0 te 1.05 Re arpenmth s rwcdlon hrse Oats.y............ .65 t o05 jhang Iv l u Wan hurby odies fl! e ve...r ... .......... .00 te 1.5 hae P en. a' entwho eeir ed ive 1 RyeA....... .........n.d b>'..Mn....... 0Baker. 0 ls tah . Sm tRi, wa a k own re Coumweat ...... ........ 0.0 te 2.5 ule fi, £ ime bl e peetby pro- Branpeu 1.,.800te2800prsFndetispân. _l suins Ray, per ton .......... 14.00 to 15.0ciwured b>' George MoPhaden aid id. mou, whie engagedtu f dolgpin t- WOOI uOàHIdE....... .4t tO nÉ, glaziag, etc, on IRie Pubie c14- Calf, skins, Per tlb....015 te 0.16 lif. MePiraden, who was -preset, Lamb' fikns, oaci......0.70 te 0.75 admuttecl that lthe&oimt' vas cor- f idesi, -ercWIi........ 1.00 te 18.00 nect. He bat!. glvo6n Mn.- eandelSi « ' MlNU15ALUIITTUB1 ISi.ePiIRI 0........... ..0.75 te 1.15 onder for lie sum an Jad. logcs, O \<S f'2 U.OW. Ioamo ,* ..... ... .0.25 te 0-70 tue coàeutr nt heu 11 brary, wî<, N.i5fN LEA Herse fides ..~...2.50 le 8.00 'ho -claiimed, oued him oe>'onmthe TalIowi rnd,,, perlb.,.. 0.00 le 0.06] pa.lmtiag co ttriot. M . g e O N AlMà ck , bu 8.0 t 9.0 th oter h" R N.--BSS-i.S Ib à Inm - AL AL ýAL ÀLALm. AL AL ý.jL,& 1160m'a é - 1

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