ftoiz oie"ôthe YM.C." mn awithI 18%fl2Seal.Tis wag, a;giat Doi 4b Miéo1igénui ,Il gives ollemorne to the mien, and I boUlliook, the 514e. of the fine work the Association altogtJir b , X.prtsq n th_ là doing for the men.- If we iie4 a undestand the Y9.- 0k.dln i %WaUié a te éCotntfgent' we should klnd of tbing at the camp,, but I i IWIIO'ý»ko'wi that ho was belngso altogetiher past -4heir caliuIationi tii IkOil ý4Aô0»d attt. - '-the Association should follow - he "AtIor avoyaé 6144 day., Wuilabout 1tIheworld -to, lok alter tbe aSood and grealesi Armada of iV.n"ed. fh~ blatoiry haà passedtb6ê;ochbom<i 81 brought aboard wlth, me>so *0wPt the, EDglUshChâià iet,'and al Iumdred Testaet, e aily no*. lies aaohored mder the Ply, tiMe voyage announced'that 1 -uboii mioath fortlcatJons.'b. ,pasatng aingstt hem ,to gil ""I terit! iat thie Association work theseout teo every mani who bat!-p et Valcwtr«@ bat! made the Miers receivéd, oie. 0f the bundret!. tn Y.ULO.A. an open *msme to -the 1 brought oà (board 1 wth me, notq hsssrIs ot tii men ou ,board. fronu remains. -l ut - -the mont gralifyb 4w OntS t&ey plaeed Impoli tust thldmg was the tact that f ully sevet laM I L 1".KA. mai. It aa= mon y-ffve ejCent. 0of the7New Test wuatela'sm et.money, ent home meula dlutibuted Woe e ~n lienu hb a vidowet! n'Otboeerý My moiti, .wbo came iujafm"for themi- Tbew= «e a, Cle iwsýutçcm ndlng, or üpatlfylng -and. enouraglng wcvk la.heeutsai e ht nlg beng boit,il hb b thLe peioIal'topoc v la s,«y instance the wà OA.vs Uae nu. T caimof but feel-f r cmM a he lis clarf boa»' by eera exposione wlth our oflde - uwzMl.t nm. vus! mi o'e-tirouglrout tie. paslr-- efght lie Nuin xi vsuy short tlrui th. resmpon- tual 1thi. seso e!v in bl é albilty et là @ vork uponwhchlhaW ef bleèlzg le iny of b~T aitbred, andth le high .tsad set by are reW4y-fio 4 ul ~okie I Tomatees, 3 for, Corn, 3l& peau, 3 Q- New Figt, 4 -Ibo. Md OUR ELVEISERVICE will piesse yeu, Whithsr YOD have ever bought of us or mt r. wa4t jour tirade Mait! eet you pro6pt delivery eryioe s' au iduciment for you pý4 , us your patro-ag .1-e Your buosiMsouiad, Toronto -Gularaoteqe Ladi' & Men' TailorgCo Expert Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and- Repairing GENT'S LIST PRESSING BY. Saiglar> Pressing Machine. Se....... .... ........ .-50c. 1 ~ Ceais. -.. ». -----'25C. T.ro à er ..... . .......15C. Vesta'..... ..-.aO.te 15c. Dresa Suiïi-------- ,75C. CWereoits------------0C. Boys' Suit....... ... ......- 350. FRENCHI CLEANING, PRESSING. TRus9Tnrethôd etfttieaning dees let fhbrlm tue tîbnic or destroy the. , c e l e r . ' ut ta......... 1 5 Ceai.--- -...------85eý te $1.00 Trousers----------500. Ves---------25c. te 85c. Overcoits------------------. ......... 1.50 Sweaters ...-..... .-....O5c. te 75c. SPONGING AND PRESSING. Suite .... ...............75c. Treueff-l~ Ovoer ots .......?. -...... -65c. WFe Emple>' onlt Skilled Tilons ton - Repzin Wo7k. LADIES' LIST PRESSING By Sulitan>' Pressing Machine. Suits........ . ,...d............... 75c., -Skiris..................... 250. te 400. Short Cents .....* ............... 40c. Long Ceais......................... 500. Cloth Dresses ............ 50c. te 75e., FRFf--J~ANIGPRESSING. This metibot! et cleamlg does net shnink the tabnie or destroy the colon. Sais-------------....... 1.75 te 12.50 Short Ceats..... ............81.00 Long Ceais..-.--....-..---.---.....81.50 Skints----------. ...... ........ $1.0 Dresses-----------... .... .--25 te1.5 Evenlng Dresses ....1.1.75 't b ý Silk Blouses...................... . SPONGING AND PRESSING."- Suiu............. $1.00 te $ Short Cot,. ....-------- skirts------------. ..50c. te 75c. Dresses .......w..... ..75c. te $1.00 OUR MOTTO IS SATISFACTION., Alterations and 'Repairs at Reasonable Rates. Contract Service-3 nionths, $65o in advance. Goods callei for and delivered. Perfect satisfaction assured. The Tronto, SuaanteeLadlosl and Men'8 Tailoring Gou -.Duda Sth o-tb TrnoUaato -WeRt 01 Posoffice Gïood Roads for Telephone Ta]' T FM1 good roade movement lias not been conlined te the highirayg. iL Telephone Systemn hm -covered the province with l"good roads" for talk , reaching -nearl>'- erer>' nook and corner. The Bell telephome When., as ai Lthe pre8ent lime, there is tak of hard imes and poor business, zaese teaepoue gooa rosh ald oint be overlooked. factor à u getting business back tý' normal. They are previmg te ho. a big Are jeu using (hem? -Thc lOýng distance telephone, b>' cuttimg eut travellinfg expense, saving tirneand liber and enablimg you te keep ln touch with rapidi>' changing markets and trado conditions, can keep thimgs moving ut greatly reduccd cost and prove a real right arm te your business. - Prove iL!1 vour business. THT Figure eut how yeu can appl>' the long distance telephone to nnldreds of bhneaa,., . a.~ mon U -49- --------ngra~ uccs Ever Bell Telephone a a ong Distance Station The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Any i ntereà td iingtheir rie >nday, December'.28t , o'Mrs. D C hildrepn o10 i fagc m \The Chista JThey nwsjà t repeat saine to theirý' . cehrrtoturg ~ î~ingset iteaad *er sulsSIra- rcM why you t!o§ ýt by e1 usJim U 4 ~ ~ ~ ~~t* tin i aya~tiquiet &a&.s-pieuse give un your nsusluthe f*~ insfrthç i. CJzi*t litbe, thOlt are incîoued stampe! evèope, and --we-- bngmade t!unlgt4!ess -days. Our [will strive té eootecue ve,-PTmo.an sang servicesa% Wdtoitethe The physician amuwere. as tollows arT m ngnirt0 uf tii« 584 r', d nY1ý $u1day ailermon t Your ile"è'of necent date asking hrl Iiu1ic, o r. H war J )Bbl CuéSaif 4«.POfftnWwh Ih m ot traded wihyou for CAl W it! t00uhtlulImet gtet! tetgetbh- a long ture reciel! and as yeu aask ogatemr or-toetudy a coÇumtu"The Min- me otell.yon ýf rankly "why, I1will Dcme 6 bot!, of the MuiOi Sive you -a tew reasnsi D Taklog Frult-a-um 1W. hbave beaaI1elearrange' , i Ist arn hlubuiness ln this tmre splendid,: coinsert. durihg tie.eu !n aa voag, orwebae budaeso!~-commumity andiýnî looklng, té ti i ujc age mIwu. egt li our Battalion.. -W. haveté communlty -wtt Isv$t nutries iie favery miserable té thon vWho funA two meetings Mghtly, because no for my support. I casuel naRi the suifer with Inliiestion, Dy la~ room n bord laiar~ emoui t~marchants efthiis tewu: for tlieîr sup. Sour Stomach au iinsei liîld ail. our men,,- se we bave oe port If I do iiot gir. tuim mine. leto rm Catineswon t(eGeth fore and eue att. Secoiid-In loekinig aven 8My books Lakes) tells boy te get quick follet "lDuring the paut .24 heurs 1 have I tait te llnd au>' of your cornpany's frorn Sternach Trouble. handled ý1,600 letters collected tron Darnes, wblcb reminds me that none FORT BuRwIir, ,ONT., May Sti,- 19134 ths olilcors and men for mailing, and et thoeogentlemen - have ever given " a a orcac tlvn Patch me apennand enjoying ie when hoe cannot est- a. irmere! abegrni fo dspacb mea enxy, patronage. W1 la That waî what was wrong with . AP11=ewlfngrsk.tin& Througliout the voyage, a fine pro- tii? Arn I ton - tar away, - or *have Les. et appetite and! Indigestionme.s oabi grami of sports was carnfed through neithen of ther nmeeded a, physician, brought on by Congtipati>u. I have e «n g under Our auspices, affording much or are tRie>' airaid.o! the Mail Order had trouble with these dioea.aafor; patmto ltakse ronor Interest and amusement te both -of- plan whn t'cornes to h rcle- O-I-othe,,' ai4reewufUUe itbouU aip icers and mon. ptmedicine ? 1 can eertainîy give as"ancoule rstaI ntlyPe the last "The werk bas boom ful et Inter- god satisfaction by mail as your coupe ef a, have tns am"drit- fyJ est, and I thazlk Qed bourly that ý1be bouse can, and will appreclate a the results that 1 have recemmendet!-Unw 1r.-dP~I.Si honor and prIvilege bas boom accorded- cail. from sither e! thein whon ln îbem ion muany occasions te trient!. and! me toi have a'part lu't ede eia evc. -- -aquainitances. fltË-ut"ri-, n 4.ee o incersevie.nel, ei Thir- Ii -iokfmgevori.sub - tîves" have-helped me ir.T~ u--~~ sVussncrlTrsd pulic hghwaysr 'ri--Ie"codntdot<~ "ý(Sgd.) IIARRY WHITET4AN." scr'iptien lista -- or împrcrvîug Our tloîgti itme dtkn THE DOCITOR'S I)IAGNOSIS. talled te fund the namneofeltetr iieuefiILDypeSANi gt A hsiinre~ledapesnl o-member et your fin dciiifon-one H WAje.ri Tm fbe A phyicianreceveil peronal et-'rult-a-tives" art sold b> ail dealers- ten rrn a large Mail Orden bouse. .ei 't sie u~wr.~a ibox 6 for $2.5o;- or trial size j t was a well wrltten appeal, and ~bv aitt it oa an ~2e or sent pestpaid on recelpt of price t cloet! b sayng: "f thos leay >'o! the cbasty lista wbere help 1,y ruit-a-tives Limite4.Oaa - bas boom rendenet! teoOur poer; lun __ Tue BrJghtest/ 7 t are not dow. as W olitribuoiFt'ndurunjl> ba in Hn odedtdoim~e hé y MtP as en The Pub- Tz'R m1% eresset la upiit.,ln,! thî I nae arnng heliie or cu..a5ularly nete oh.H tiy avrkô4he bci, tnbuindmrcans.Vor am I e neB moX ;mwsferng ha mk 1f.j ôo o u r comity h boeks, nordob N hiln hPb Itlderl seniteoieworth lfing.eBut tuIeri lnd rieyeibhave padhaddtyeI esMm. A metimenthat thy are d omenttions- avwlth ofben meh-- testraght o miliousmpessedlaiiti, a dss ta rDame aroge a îow a fswers t 'Coireath imt thyhaehà 4th, akchtieuti c !tm. booke te show the st.4 semnt ot lcn.BueuntIn r o'baepldactyl.M. TeAh. y R cenee! cooraeeenterilntbusieesa.ln Double Drown&inag in"0 oLakes.tht-fthereI apssbliyo!tea being aiabaeffor wbe- amoyout throtgthe tTAGES. haviugiois, aardedtrustarnishee.lLoave Whetty ferBogue a a PlLeS just sice h. bostse w h I nighttbewnong. TThe fanions famul laestu lre rglaesth bwes. DbetcDroni NrtiBa Laae tad Mehan. Lie, therefn e, er,. OPieot, Beebams UISclans th sste -A dube downngtraed ecume edthe asle ftehaoruntlthe .v - MAILS . ofacmhaigpiL Sojsad uiy onFia la n aeNpisn nt cor, wheu the gibooso e- 1.evs htbyfr se-,a the lood. Thy aerbeecalato wenRphmih dscentnd eceuHs ni r te be preucted in-er F andW45-s p .. i ar t Wbtb- sbow inbnigterleek, cear r erT.& O.itbyBoagoed 2f, son of teble ttleibe adlflicut haste, ! the ~ " ~ o compl teion bTes feelins . .Smt, tih ool Sn sdcore a b ecdd nth en- r . tem, d y ou s te stmacnd u issCoraWh otof a shot uec he smebtwtent atie coennge Lev o 7roýsh va...e.Io l$S laestetror eglitsth ow erea, es m th Besj akeMr.hy e ls. twO*fi* J B ee h a m s P lla cl ans th sy te wAh ou bthe dy ou ng peepl e al og w ltht e c se t b 'id o er u ti h M ISa of ccrnuatngpoi ad uri n rea auy tbersLwee Npsaing, nx out mhe h ore s o a th Guo. i e ilato hn ap mtdspthrrcutare "N oduedach-rer For wy *.3--ta.e the Fotse" t s o s i rg tr li s, ce rr the>'T.eN .fo i ei r. d 6 on o ,Their Dnth ir t. u ot The- Caehadof W th.j rtnvig he case comldexions bter feIoeli., yW. .S mide e tRe ofther eekSuaners, u s, tibeeid ed the oue buyniclhn eeigbene t-- an-- -lo l in tatt ewMigs te t-h itac a mitetohr j Imebtonsthe priteeesccn e ohd cParsetic bowlu. Tirien. WHITBY IVIARKfeino ia osd i boios lb a :is- il rqgy ,25c cmby ai appel e. Ter acint hur's sea- IABIANNDCN Wh o , oau ai - 11 0 tho3'- eeoth r i evero. issIgoet, n. 1 WbAi goso....... ox 1 Whiate'sarntes, wres l Bace-ing oioehaa -oryu--tk h Baly.......06he06 nde etre tatr oWilim Whie B i't-oite, tehaah itotrt oigtec Beathe..............1.00, teU1.25 byng a luwmbenmfeelTneibebo»ieh R>........ ...0 e070bv hst hedine Choirnesete o -oetelvr wee h tmc n.lag h oeo lrt«. Pea . . 00 t 10 o . fe an h ul er TmeOt. 1 Bwhealgn..............7.0 te 1.05 Re arpenmth s rwcdlon hrse Oats.y............ .65 t o05 jhang Iv l u Wan hurby odies fl! e ve...r ... .......... .00 te 1.5 hae P en. a' entwho eeir ed ive 1 RyeA....... .........n.d b>'..Mn....... 0Baker. 0 ls tah . Sm tRi, wa a k own re Coumweat ...... ........ 0.0 te 2.5 ule fi, £ ime bl e peetby pro- Branpeu 1.,.800te2800prsFndetispân. _l suins Ray, per ton .......... 14.00 to 15.0ciwured b>' George MoPhaden aid id. mou, whie engagedtu f dolgpin t- WOOI uOà HIdE....... .4t tO nÉ, glaziag, etc, on IRie Pubie c14- Calf, skins, Per tlb....015 te 0.16 lif. MePiraden, who was -preset, Lamb' fikns, oaci......0.70 te 0.75 admuttecl that lthe&oimt' vas cor- f idesi, -ercWIi........ 1.00 te 18.00 nect. He bat!. glvo6n Mn.- eandelSi « ' MlNU15ALUIITTUB1 ISi.ePiIRI 0........... ..0.75 te 1.15 onder for lie sum an Jad. logcs, O \<S f'2 U.OW. Ioamo ,* ..... ... .0.25 te 0-70 tue coà eutr nt heu 11 brary, wî<, N.i5fN LEA Herse fides ..~...2.50 le 8.00 'ho -claiimed, oued him oe>'onmthe TalIowi rnd,,, perlb.,.. 0.00 le 0.06] pa.lmtiag co ttriot. M . g e O N AlMà ck , bu 8.0 t 9.0 th oter h" R N.--BSS-i.S Ib à Inm - AL AL ýAL ÀLALm. AL AL ý.jL,& 1160m'a é - 1