PAEEIGIIT. TU!DY EEBI . 54 'OI$TRICT NEWS Gathered by our Busy Reporters, BROOKLI.Tihe many patrons of Vii.B.rookllî The Brookla'Patrio«c League whliî Hardware store will klndly tae no, kold ýa ipooIal mneeting la the' base- tics that the eà rly closing eétwngi amet'ôtft4h. Kethodiat Church on wiIl be increased from two to fout 1Tu"dy evening, .Docember 15. Ad- evenings each week. Wednesday.. and treMses will b. givea by Dr. J. J. Saturday eveningo will be Koore, President 'ofthe League, and openi as mial. Do' not forget to dc brs. E. E. Star4, of Whtby. Mrs. you.r shopping ut èarly In the.w day Starr wt spedký.oç "PatriotieoOp- as posulblp.' portunitie6.11 This will be an lu- )Ira. Jas. Maynard has recently teetnçand' Proitable meting. returned f rom a month's ývisit Ia To- lverybody welconie. route. Buy Your Xmas Oifts Now Prices ta Suit the limes We have on display a large stock of suitable gif ts f<,r Christ mas A good choice in handpainted ' ~ ' ci in , l îs-ware, china tea sets, cocoa sets, glass se t S wi h silvvjr deposit, berry bowls and sets, fancy ca1 1r' Ce ers, salad b)owl$, carving sets, bread kmivo S, etc Big stock of toys,, picture books, doils, games, IiliId's sets of dishes, welI filled ChristmTas stockings N() M FI N --Newv hats, caps. dies, gloves, hand- ketclîiefs, swe;tters, 'kinderwear, shiits,1 -(;RZOC ERI ES-Fresh, dean, ap1 Choice 40c chocolates for 29C. Get voui[ballots ini now, see standing ii DOSOuUR 9UVING EARLY-SAVF. MON Brooklln, W. -M. LAWREN9 neck scarfs. petizing. ii this paper 'iEY HERE Ontario wwýw-'W'W'W ýW 'W ) s x ~ A 'lgh*. Bigalsorbma$ or goode for zMU! Wtts. à &.1J stuartî» W hemaain buylzg ltai;.. Ho mado a large shipient this week. x x A' The NMMater Band, a body X X of fiii .oung,meri, from Me- X X Master Univerelty-, Toronto, X N will hold servies ln the X X Brooklln Baptist Churcb on X X friday and Saturday eveulng X X of this week, at 8 o'clock, and X X on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. and 7 X 'X p.m. The Band bas its own X X mule qujartette, and lis com- X X posed o! brlght yo'ung men X X who wili conduet most inter- Xý X esting services. Corne and X X bring a frlend. x x x X X 'XXX' XX XX KKX X Mr. Arthur Grass la jjt;y n Y1a furnace. Mirs. M. Doolit.le bas been undur the weather for a few devs. The cold suap sturted thc beysi preparlng the rlnk. A very quiet weddirqg wai cPle-ý brà ted ut-"L-ongview Farm, ' E.ast W,ýbon Wednesday, Decemn,r -2, when'Mise Loutre E. James, yoe 1<5- est daugbber of Mr. and Mrq.. Johbn .James, was untd in marriage itftr Mr. Llewellyn L. Guy, Colunibus, In the presence of lhe near relatives of the contracting -partlik The cerc- mony was performed at 8 pin. l y ber pastor, Rer. Roger Allun, Mlyr- tiI,, while tb. wedding mareb was played by Misa Beuele Robert,,;. The bride, wlxo was glven away in mur- niage b! ber tather, wore a pretty gown o! white voile witb rlmniings of satin and carried a bouquet o! brlde'in roseS and lily-o!-tbe-v;2lley. After the weddlng dinner lhe happy couple left by lb. evenlng train on a ftnp t Buffalo, the bride travelling ln a navy Mlue suit with Ailce blue bat tirimmned With folfage. The bride reeved a number of useful -and cost- ly -giftu rom relatives and !riends. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Guy will resf de lu Columbus. Messrs. Smnitb & Richardson are ln G.uelph wlth a string o! 17 of theirine bomses MAKE THIS A Columbia Christmnas by giving your fami1>ý or friends a Columbia Grafonola and a set of Columbia Double Dise Records Corne in ýand let us show you our spoeal Christimas outifits on special Christmas terme, from 825 up. Netrer buy a îahking machine un- Ies. it ha. tone control leaves, *îherwise you wyul bc disappointed ColumbUia Double-Dise Re- cordo S5c ad-up. RK. Lawrence Colt obils #ar«dî os it tiola, tauds. 4 4 Il Choicest Xmas Qjoo0ýds 1 4 Il dr, MI Oaua.m oeeadouar ly o ple mYlng *at 1* don amot bMo M orth uille to jmuik».an peelal edorte tNil SXmau, owlig to the nad and impisa- at aalodltLons sverywher., nad the iflucfal depression .zlatlnî also. iThore neyer wau a $ me whea w, n eeded such help and comfort asu cornes trom a cheerful Xmas. Lot eveYone try to radiatie good cleer "at tile yuletlde.I Mr. R. Gllroy bas been buay of B0 lat-e, blastlng around Broc klln and SWhitby. Having had lax1g exper- a lence la thf's dangerous work, hie bas e been very successful. - 0 Mr. David Burns is ln Sherbrooke, Y Que., wltb a load of Government sheep. Mr. Burns bas had several Ygoôd trips recently. Mrs. Portway, who bas been an In- valid sinre she came to Brookitn some years ago, was, through the in- fluence of some kind friends, tiaken to the 4 Oshawa General Hospital, where she underwent an operation. She is doing splendidly, and expects -to be home in a short t4me. D)r. F.H. Starr, from Horning, N. Y.,," has been visiting bis mother, wbo hue been very Ill. There does not seem to be any re- i laxIng of the ,efforts of the Brook- lin Patriotic League. A splendid work bas been done in Ashburn and Myrtile, and a large number are knttiug and sewing stili. Mr. A. Coakwell has instulleda new pool table in his Temperance Flouse, wbich Is quite an attraction for the men o! the village. The last three of thbe series of lectures being given by Miss Gray, ut the Temperance House, Brooklin, wiil be on the following subjects. 1. Baking 'Powder Mixtures; 2, Cakes and Little Cakes; 3, Puddings and desserts, An eftýrt is being made te finish the series before Xmas by holding two meetings a wee6k. On, will be beld us usual on eacb Wed-j nesday afternonn, and the time for the extra one will be announced ut the regular meeting. Mr. Noble Stevenson, Blrougham, was in the village last week looking fora a ouse, wîth a view to coming I to, Brooklin to reside.1 Mr. W. X.. Lawrence is offering ex- tra gond bargains this week. Readt bis advt. Mrs. F. Cassici!, o! Ashburn, bas1 been visiting bier parents, MNr. and Mrs. D. Macdonald. Mrs. Harrison, of Kinsale, %risited bier sister, Mrs, A.r. Mcflrien, tliis week. Reaci Mr. A.C. Elliott's big advt. On tbis page. See Disney's bLg Xmas diRplay o! furniture. Get' bis prices. tbev are CHINA-We have&one of the best assortue,îts of Chinia we ever htad oi, our 141helves. We fee1 ýsure we hanve soînetiîîg to suit every ivant ut ail prices. FOR THE CHRIST mAs TREE, wlj-i s ) d >i l îglrt,ýi h,3 you rq, iers, we have rniiuY siigges -' tions to offer. Thee ,-fretih candy of various kiîd!e chocolatei ire the daintiet of boxes- at ail price4, toys, etc, -COAT SWEATERS, FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS and GUEST TOWELS Core ne uanad ee the beautiful lire of Coat w tr, ail colorn and1prices; Fancy Handkerchiefs and( Guest Towe;iuîgi. We feel surc %We ciLU pIease you. -THE EARLIER YOU COME THE BETTER THE:SER VICE ]BROOU In La1wrence's Grafonola Contest the ballots deposited up to Tuesduy nighl,' December 8th, bave been counted. The standing o! the first six corne In the following order : Miss Mabel Chinn, Mr. L. *Webber, Miss Maggie Akey, Miss E. Marsball, Mr. D. Burns, Master Clifford May- nard.I Mr. Uriab .Joues' new bouse in thbe north end o! the village is being rusbed- along. It will be needed, as there are people here every day looking for houses. Mr. Fred -Me- Brien also bas bis new bouse 'well j mider way, andis rusbing the work witb ali possible speed. J Mr. Geo. W. Fletcher, of Toronto, and Mr. ('.-W. Disney, of Balsnm, were guests this week with J. E. and Mrs. Disney.r The McMaster Band,,Deccember 11, 12 and 13, in tbe Brooklln Baptist Chuircb. Mretlngs-Priday evening ut 8 o'clock ; Sutiurday ut 8 p.m., and Sundav at 2.30 p.M. and 7 p.m. Male quartette. Mr. Tyndall, tenor solo- jet. Tbev will interest vou. Tbev will make v<ou thînk. 1-lear tlhein. RAGLAN.4 MIr. and Mrs. Squelcli have ret.urn- ed alter spending six weeks with their son in Buffalo. Mrs. Kellington made a visit to tbe city last week.4 Mr. and Mrs. Johkn Wadge and family bave moved into Ragian. _-Mr. Wm. Reid, of the second coin- tingent, spent a few days last week with' friends lu Raglan. Preparations are being made for tbe New ;Year's entertainment. Some of tbe farmers were b; plougbing mest week. The League was well attentipud on Sunday evenlug. Bell Phone i1o r2. -Inch .Phonîe iÉ )8 - w w % mmw q '<'I >4- 4. 'i I f t Il, 17ARI4 WARL Means -jar.d*-Times. T o our best to render ail the assistance we can we are T determined to keep prices down to the lowest nth Below we quote a few of our special offerings. All Our - goods are markedNîin accordance. Ail Soaps, - - - - 6 bars for 25c Puritan Soap, - - - ' 10 bars for 25c Corn Flakes, - - -3 for 25c Raisins, new, -- ..-3 f6r25c Currants, new,- - - 3 for 25c Ourrants,9blue Gem, - - - - 2j for 25c. Essences, - - - - ,.3 for 24c Peels, - - - - - per Ilâc Aylmer Peas Corn and Tommtes, - - 3 for 25c Salmon, Star Brand, - - 2 for., 25c Horse Shoe Salmon, - - tinu4 2 - 855 u 4646 A Few Speciah la Dry Goods C urtain Scrim, regular 40c yard for Curtain Scrim, regular 30c yard for Heavy Shaker, Regutar i5c yard for Black Drill, regular 25c yard -for Shaker Blankets, regular $1,85 for- Dress Goods, Tartan, regular 25C yard for- Towelings, regular i 2C yard for Our Xmnas Goods have nearly ail arrived. No trouble to show g"od. I -'20c 1 2c -22c -.22e lac04 O.ive us a Cali. From Many La;nds B ECAUSE thé Britieh Fleet bas solidly maiîitained the. supremacy of the seas we are in a POJtOito MIppl y you a8 usuai with ou. r custoinary high-quality.fresh food dainties from ail orer the world to grace the Christmas table1 Don't besitat, to shop eaà rly this year, for somne.of the usual auturna, shipmenté did not arrive. Lét us suggest a few of the leaders: The :- - i - a , ardCog, - I . & O ' i #B, WffM, O OURT, 44 Syuuinrgton Ave1 O!zargoê 1mod8rlA,.-. We want a farîii of!ai aerel con the 1fourt-h or et Whitby 'lnsbip.- feà oZbll write Couantry Real Estate anc 6 Adelaide St TORONl - 4 -telndrai, Bus and, Dray Bu to il t: We have tske Doukuion Eipre bMinning Ootob order. .arefullya Bell phonos-89, Stwibl« and. IRC'HIVES 0F ONTARIC TORONTO T.u W.BROOKES 1 Il. 0 JW liell 140 I, 1,11,1, % 'Il A. C.ELLJOTT. KLIN, ONI COLUMBUS. *Dccefrnhber 9 11 Catibedral. lo Dean, o!f.oîs 1 9 14 X I I -seful hà Cbristma HAIR B at ai price PIRFUME8 REIU] SPECTACLES A - FOUNITAI AUTO -SIROP, -BLADEI -Brock St. barori so -Offi na 1-' VALENCIA ]RAISINS and FIGS-The entering of Turkey into the war bas dis- ,rrange(I shipîueiits, but we secured our supplies prior to liostilities there. The raisinis are finîs and juicy, per lb. 10c, 3. for 25c-; Seeded Raisins, 2 îîis. for 25c, Seedîess Raisins, 2 11)s. for 25c. Our Figs are au exceediîsgly choice lot, per Ili. 7e sud 10c. CURRANTS FROM GREECE-Greece ijethbbc source of the world's supply, and althiougli shipiiients were held up for a timne, ours have urrived as before. Fi,îest quality, per l1.,?tOc, 3 for 25C. .MINCE MEAT-Tastily spiced aud made ini tho most sanitary way by i reliable. firm. Just. tbe thing for the, Christmas pie, per box 1 0Oc. PEELS-Lemon,- Citrôu and Orange, ail good enoughrto stand your closeet in4pection. You will want them for your 'Christmas cake, and we would urge you bc let us have. your order as soou as possible. 15c per IL.rixed. ALMONDS, W A L- NUTS and FILBERTS -For the Christmas baking every hiousewife wants soutîd, freeli aube. Stale îîubs are dear at any price, but you cen1 depend absolubely on bhe TUURSDAYg DE.ÇEUBBR le, 1914. m m FANS -Wl