Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 8

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Weare in the front Uinewith Oaur stock of FRESU OROCERSES Fair Puices. Highcst Quality. Quivk Delivery.r Best ofSrvlceë.. In, the contest interest grawu. Get yourt ballets in thebox just inside the store doar, Standing will, be published shorty. . goM>.-LAWRENCËE BroukUIn, Tik what' a difference, thIls wiII make Ini your- homnel TThe outstanding featuie of the Patrie(Q\Grafonola in its superb tone and wonderful sysem of tone control, due ta its patented tone control leaves. This fine instrument in equipped with the STons Arum and the New Ne@ 9 RepoducoGr It being the onfly Çibinet Grafonolasoid in -Canada for iess than $ 1oa. Remembor--,Columbia double dise, records are "imade lu 'Canaàa," and wili fit any'tmachine. A sample eii -ostration dise fou,,, oç. RK.LAWREG El >oklln, - Ontario Stives anid Ran ge s iOne used Crown Treasure Heater, nea4ly.newm One Oxford Laurel!-new, slightly u,,sed.' We seil Moffat aiid D. Moore Stove's and Ranges. -Get Our Prices. Rftobes and B.ianke3sl ,Ouri mnaking speciai. extra. stock of Blankets is complete, Inu Robes we are Newlands Saskatclhewan, Buffalo Robe oui In Goat and Bear Fur Rob es we have something G(raphopho-nes -See aur models at $40.o0 and,$îiiooo, they are better than any other. Our sock of records ia. comnpiete, among- wÃŽhich are a quantity of Columbia Records at haif price. Sec aur special Graphophone Needi' es, one needie for al toues. Price is 35 cents for 300 in a tin box. A. comptete stock of Suit Cases, Club Bags, Mitta and Glpves. One oialy De- Lavai 450 pudcpct Cream Separ. ator t $65.oo. Sethe i900 Washing- Machinue and the Blue Belle 'ai -Ou sore; lso or'guaranteee of Clothe rng, NOTiCE-Donï't forget that we have added a harness repair department, and thatwe solicit your patronage. W. F. DL5NEY ONTXRIE «1t111 -_ ! a --4610.0 B-C«'»0<, PU p w W uaVW_ hal! a mile euat of G.T.R. staser5ve iýd, sud wax cdùhêq4umzUy not, mbefore tuiwnagnorth. h .il 5014., 1usd tbis wi give' buttÏ uatia- TBR .LATEfRS. DeLONG. ,«on tisa tôjus Iihng on th1e Diedin" Uxbidge, on FztdY, No!. Lut ed of the village, and, would iiiSi, OU, Cuté Oampli, re- ise lus nvnmiiiite - opita ciof 11e laiJames DeLongI lan sers, aa, uhere are lowur bWsld- ber 7Uih yeaz.' s on 111e aouthside. Iimpmii5ve Ifmi M,elO woe Mr. A. C. Eftiloit and un n s »bold -#tthe laite borne la Uzlrnldge, en lu Toronto on gmoday purchae- and Ia 111e ,M010dist Oburch, 1B3rook- « their Xmuas uply o!goodi. lin,, on Nov. iii, î(ter wth ail egd thieu big bargain îadvt. litBIs at was Morna o! thls .gràiàd pId per. Mober was tmdry' oveed1 ji nI).*James Moore wllgive mn md- SBilent-City, Vhli, by iede cf a leu on "ClMiuhp" tW lie Met> -dev«lidbuabsdo ie- now resta lu 1.1 Church lȉgne on Tburgday peo. mniug.* NO"e ea entered ber home wlt-Lb Mr. sud Mia. Vickery sud taniily; out aB wairn wlelê ci*ôà agen k. $Iilm"#Uand Mr .T . Mords§ os1ia>ii. Siemesa «ddnet de- d amily, of Osawa, spent 5=_i stroy the cbarm f a kluA, Indulgent' Ly wftb Mr. and Irî. A.C. El- 411P050iff mnov oldose, i dmissitssoit- oibt.citude for -ber tiea& nanud loveul Ã"tes. MIiii Scott, of (Oaiaws, spet SUn-. ShO mIDedwith the faitli of 11e iy witii ber parentsboe. Mithodist Chnrch çarsIn laite antd Mr. Kenneti Beamlsb, who islo bru to ated ie services wIwn rking at Feuelon Falls, speut lb. bi.lth woold permit. WhiIee alla reek-end aithome. oiitLiied tb enioy tli e OOty of ber Mr. aud Mr§. Ffl ed MornIsof tim&t Md attend te ber church, rorosto, vislted aI Mr. Wm. Fow- ahobu a for several years realizul Bes laut week. that ber active Ille wus over snd 'The Red <Crons Cemmittei met re- wlth resigustion awalted he Divine Sntly and market! ail thes s and call hrou d0ah unto lle., paekçd a bale wblcb coutaiued two Mia. DeLoag wax born in Markbsam loea fiannel shirts, 88 pairs cf tow.ubIp, -but oppent the. grister part o ks t 1 dozen scarfi, a do e n pains of ber lte lu 1te T w ns hp of R ea cb, :) wistlets, _5'choiera boits and 9 iian Brookiu, viiere seah i sud: he Leping caps. Theee were oipped to buabant laboied conîiuuly on th1e Exhibition Camp, Toronto. faim tfornearly fifty years. Xitwa, Mn. sud Mrs. Franki Scott are vis- lent tat, ber busband dled eleven Ltn la Bowmanvilii. yeunrs agô, andl Mis. DeLoug mentid Miss Bestie Brown retunîed on to ibnldgi with ber daugblii, Mise Monday tîom Torouto, where ski bas Cera, lin yeais ago.- Tbey bave te- been visiting for ths puit montb. sidid biné mervin ne. Mi. and Mrs. Fred Burdgi, oft Foui souf and two daughtirs sui- Brucefeld, vislted friînds in Colum- vive : Albeit, of Fraucia, Sab.; Wmn. bu and Brookli last week. Mr. o! Tlîdale, Sask.; Frank, o! North Burdge is a nepbew of Mr. Alez. Bay ç~ Herbert, oet Toaïontô - Miss ~etchen.Cora, .ai home, and Mns.-Porten- o! Work bas begun on tbe,,aew Stand- North Dalcota. ird Bank, and will hi iuabed *long jTii lfuairal service ait Brooklin was wiIb all possible speed. Thi large ilaigily (attiudut by many old fnieuds sale wliih e 1 brui1 1 lbr cithtihialy trom forBn ad nean. 'Tie =o moulus ago bas bien naisd service waa conducleli by Ttev. H.L. and wlll bu used hy the Banuk. Pailtildge, o! tfibtdge, Mnr. Liii. MoLean, et Toronto, spenî Sunday witi ils parents buie. PICKERING. UiT. N. W. Colwill bas veuted th1e George Smilth, et Dunbarton, bas -eS-operativi îtorîeusi aI thei mis- moved li1e village, and la ooeupy- Itou andl wlll haudle hay aud iliBw. lng bis ÃŽ'esidenci erently purchased Hie bas a canes4 anow on th1e WaY. tîem Mis. Hesry Gordon. FOR SALE. W. E. Rilcie asn eturuîd aller A pair o! llgbI bobsleighs, aIl oeý1-spuuling two weeks on his annual ýpte, witb poli and ihafti lWO buntling tour lu Nortbein Ontario. eat-. Apply te Wm. Blighit, Brook- Mi. Jot. Doyl, wbe bas bien con- lis. fised te. is bouse for serai weeks Thi PatrlotIC League ladies met on hog Iîns,.gadayImo- Frlday lutt-iu thi Masoulo Hall aud trub lnsI rdal mrv made s'mnber of quilts, as well as ig as dotng. other wonk. A numbir met A amy cimney bas bien enecteul on on Menday te finish up some worktheilire, hall. Mr. Wilson, o! Whltby, ani packed several boxes of clotbiag bas cempleted th1e paintling and-de- mol l l new, valued et $185. This ________________ was shippeti away for tie BelgIani on 7'uesday. bit' Martin, o! Seagnave, aud lMr. Mn oe Hueson, et Oshawa, visit.id îeCiMtY neyer seem te think ths witb Mr. and Mns. Jas. Bnead. shows itsell u A Union meeting of the W.F.M.S. bwea in hdsreadful In ot tie Pr.esbyteiianu bii of eBrook- hillusven dbeom e ug lin aud Columbus5 was beld on Fr1- thecî Nar e cannotlui day, Novembir 131h, la tie Preabyl-chNtrecnntr lenian chureli bie. Mns. MeLuni, a retursed uiissiouaiY from Cius,gavi a most jnterestl5g and instructive _ talk ou China, Its conditions sud work beisg doue. -DuAnIy ni!resi nremedy iu Chamberlaiu's Stoinachj -meuts wînî servid. stimulate the liver to helthy ctivit Mn. Wiil. Ormlslofl bas purchastlIently. cleanse.lb. stomachi 'nd hoi tie sevin acres o! land lu 111e norIh -iestive syitem.' Sure, safe ani endof he illgerom M.'Bond. We snigt and you fel bright end sunt md~i .fVe laeCbamberlain's loday-druggista 2E umdrsta d h e i ll Bla utChamberlain m Icne C ol building lots. Mis. A. LawrenOcewbo bas bein vlsltiug wltb ber son, Charles E. Lawrenlce, of IlsntîneY, Man., bas re- turned to bei home alter speudlug yearsLvi ,ntba in hefa 0! housekeeperibut lludiug Per Pet- IYoung mans, he asked if she couidBAR AI S l nol atleIist rimais ovinugl.Tz question aousedthe Youg '5 -suspicions, aud wl-Lb a M ore uea réci- 1 H v i -a e I O ing ookhi ixlaied ' "a19 I mtthý aePrbsdAo et?"Th other bad le acknew« edt lgPia lnîUhaseu lie Mens nguits, Men'. overalîs, Mci ~etu an butter be irnaad han pants, Boys' sut u ants, Men dsnbTi neeotiiet b1roki dowum dmrt1 iii . The 'Mathin ueeîgbiîaon mSunday shirts and working shirts ;s ith te y aai eaxtt sdsweater coate, Mon'.sud boy àviig jet bil Od beest fleice lined undenwear. Lots of! Breotîli, O t u bis egry taen", Ladies' homei dresses, Ladies' wai coaigsg 1t e ae wbat lie Pnaiffle uderwear, Childrpn's f un sets cfi cetmty hn nstore lot bÏ'm Hi ota of îowols, Ladies'«sud meusO undw n' ay batdelpî 4u..11e L f earse.1 b isidncm m T eemuet ail patbut bas mîa&i"e sd »il don "a'fio biso lNe ka , Vih Ilritil prospeCts f«r he futurO. ual Mros, Lawrene t&onougbly uulCYi 3Ibo. New Valengoia. Raisins for 250, 4 lbs. E xtra Large Fis for 25é 2Yucn' u lb. ees ThRaisis or fo'lic 2 lbs. Seedled Raisins for Mixed Peel, per l b. Qlriffin & kcçy brands 150 MÉ] IOW doz 4 Ca ti s, .ô1- g25e 3 Botties of Essence for We have several dozen -Men's A11 Wool Shirts at ranging from 75o to $1.00, to ekaâr at 590. Prices. JNO. E.1 Barilster, .Cour -Coul Offi, southwin Serristar. Soli* O&fce, Brock Si Moi JAMES fIITU ýifoney te 1 Ofce immeiaw Also several Girl's Winter Coats at- haif, prive. A.C.ELLJO TT BROOKLIN, ooratlng o! tii. latin or o! tii. hall. An A.Y.P.A. <Anglican Young Peo- OR 5SMUND S. SOLES. M.P.. PUE5IOENT. W. D, MNIIUEWU. ple's AosoCl5t1bfl), hbiben organ- ized In St. George's ehurch., William Albert, the infant son o! Mr. and Mrs. J.D. R.zmii, died on Saturday lait aIt ti. age o! 1 months and 8 days. ,si&. yet negieet oethis internai ,spotty, sud isaliow complexions-MB laches and bilieusneis. It's becailsi ,Vsh, sud vaste malter accumulatis removo witiout assistance. T best IBIS IDÂRD K EEPINQ s bunk accouat for "bouselaold expeabes" aad =aaia b~b > deque bu mas> h anasa.hbswutbebulce li&te a1 mutg pc dpro"ideo am,, "ymen= aM4 Alous m m gJàe a j to ein BRANCH 1,0Laz, Manager. bher New Stock, IncIud Ing n's Sunday pants, Men's wnrking aies woolen socks, Men's and Boys' , Men's and Boys'. beet sweaters Ys' best winter 'caps, Men's and boys' braces cheap, Ladies' stylish ekirts, lits, Ladies' underwear, Childrens' heap, Lots of boots and rubberi, smufllens, Men's and boyis' naincoats go by Chrlstnia uidu BStolEasts Whltby Cor eu el ONTARIO Inaurj Land < Ruai hlate Deale Benta Collected, -Propertiex Frtezmsapoly1 - sales Mu-0001 44 sywingts WiU bu pleased te kinda cof Plate C -gsModerato, $~FAIRtES ýW. want a farm acres on the-fouri ef Whîby Towns fan. to e sd, wnite -JOHN -F49 Couatry _Peal Estai Lumsd e 6 Adelaii TOR( Butsto 41UT010BIL Wî have Doqion Ri ;bgenniflg Ot Baliphon "4MADE IN CANADA)" -The Ford COu-poeet, A car ofstyle in aclassby itself. Beauty in design. Rich in appc intment." Roomny and comfortable._ Every detail in mate- rial, make and finishcarries the highest quality Ford efficiency and large produc- tion making possible thé îollowing price Fully Equipped (f.o.b. Fordl, Ont.) $8lO Boyerse of this practical Ford car wiII ah ire in profits, if we seilita retail 30,000 new Ford cars betweon Augnît 1914 and Augiat 1915. 'Pora t62ator (tompany, of Canada, Llmlted W. J. LUKE & SON, - WIIITBV, DEALERS -Fa r -m s-- --F o r-- -- S a-- le-- - -- Upadsoortyfas Fr25acre , d -tf inveelmeut, located inu Whitby antd Pickerng Townshil Every couceivable - nequiremeut of aoii buildings, orohuà and other improvements eau bu met iu the varied liit offeré Bell phono 109. I.J ARCHMIVES -0 F ONTARKIO I TenNTO Brc C. A. EOGE3MTGI na mmumu You Can Start, B Savhfge Accouait wittb$1.00. Iiila Dot ueoeasaryfor you lovait uniS jFm baissà large aura o! money. An account cas bu openeul W,2tb $.Oaa motoeon viaiInteresi acompounded lwiloa s ar. WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. AKl4OMang" OSHAWA " A. H. BLAOK, WRITBY, m 25e , q 3 Cans Corn, Tomatocs and Peae 25o . MARRIi Court Houàe, Ind, Phot'ic iôè Bell Phone i o, r2. .& 1 m fifý m . ý -, ol"IMIO ONTARle

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