,Wulli5&Ip5 Pinka P1I a renme fzmmn the -,grave. I was takean ddmi With ne ?~z~prostration, am%4 -fèr môn4Ie as unaibie <o *atk; I' owly reoovered .uetil 1 mas abie to ,go about, but tfbore thie improve- zment endei., I iras geting weekér amd -Woa&erinthil i coulti ustget 4rom tIe bctito a <Ouç. TI« nois wôuId @t me, <r m g . & over, and oeten when I went> <o the table I would leave it hnngry abd "et unol. tuesat. goems I wa taken wtb smothering *P"U andi telt &uif 1wao going tcdie. At other <lues I oult lie se nervoua' tbat I couldt not bold anyt>hing lxi May hunida.jI waS dectering aIl the, tume, but without -bonefit, audifinai- Iiy I matie up My mmnd I wouldtry. Dr. WlIiaâin' PinkPle. Teyý * we re Vthe finl>etiic4ne< t a e mne any ielief- -andrm.az 1] ta take ehorit alkc. 1 contînuedý udn-g ù ePila,- graduaiiy galuing ne-w health- anti stemgtit,un)U -LI flnally fet &s welI as ever ýI didl lu n~ life. At the tikne Dr. Williaims' Pil"s cureti me I ira living f n Saek- vil-le, anti ni> iliaess anti cure 'was known to everyone in t1bt place, anti my frientis, like myself, blier. tihe PISa aveti my life." These Pilla are soiti by aIl medi- cine dealers or *will b ,seul> by-nmail at W0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wilims' Medi- ciao Ce-., Brockvilic,,Ont. TUIIE AMUSINO CROV. 01Od, Wrters Say They Got . Ther Blaehiless.la Punishnient for Sins. Cruws are invariably interesting and-ii#ally, unpo>pular birds. Thle ehsârp twinkle of! hèlreoye,, their plumage, black as niglit, their as- touading, intelligence,"* have give-n themn a prominent place in the myt4;s and legeud8 of every land.. The London Timues repoat.asanioe of the tonies that have grown up about t.hem: In al lImes ancl countrios man lias. regarcled crows with super- stitions awe, ad; birdé of om.zi, the familiaescofwitchea andi eviJlsprite antd tihe confidents of deitips whorn they nover $ailed t4{!.,uey. 0din took <hem forv bis.herealds- andcoun- cillôrs 1,r C.ould nCit trust <hein, 'Ptd tthey!bbed thie secrèts of Val- b aila. They were the -sca-tdal'moag- ors of Olympus, andti heir evil tongues- poor Coroais owed her tdeaLh, Indra. in wrath at their talebearing, hurlet i hem dowa tlirottgh ail tlie 'undred tiaogýe of bis heaven. They irouki have dis- elosed to bis enemies the hiding place of Mo:ammed in the rocks of Thadïr, but the dove buiit hep nest. and the spidèr ýqpun lier web <o bidte il>. No bird an lely heci ndbier up- portunities; and everye'ere it proved itseli nnworthy of ifs tru4t. It was satisfaeWcrily ee-tablieihea by the aid writers that thoý crows gel> their blackness in punishrnent * for their sin,9. t zeerns to have been a futile punishanent, l'or bhere is no living thing that Fihows in its * demeanor 1seiec of a repent- ant spirit. Insteati of being asha*m- ed of their -black*ness, croira, as gn Indien writcr ba said, "swagger 'in it, anti pretend that tbey chose tihat exact shade for' thenseveS." - What caler cro*'s- were before they wè,re sritten blacki l uncer- Let Them Speak For Themselves You needn't take any- bod y' Word for the super- foity Of Pont Toast le.-- Get a package from your Grocer, pour some of tho cr -,sweet flakes into a dfséh, add' cream or milk, and a sprinide Of sugar if * you wish. -The» be the jutige of Post Toasti*es The Superlor Cern Flakes -,-nfade from tue'hearts of lie fiet Indian Oorn, ski!- ft>' onkei, seasoneti, roi- Oled At -ostdt. Toasties are net ordinar>' "cern flakes,".,so remeiber when yeti wanit Superior Corn Flakes "tt>aok your grocer for Pôst Toastics > Causifan P '-'La.. Nêarly aflthe true roira. as weii as many ô01 <heirn near ieis4i'es, wjil ,>içk up more or lois cf hu-man ape~h i~ c.tvitv: andi it li saonie- ti1ies iard'to <bieve tha.t liesly- usas with vwhicîh they inweet tir remanke, their .tmnees and« intbaa- I tien, are altogetuh accidentai»" )Uec ot the Cheapest. 01Olh RimPinchon,-W'as 'a boru trader,. andi a pe»by pinche>r be- Sides: H.-irý as 1Ilevej willing tW pa.y th priéce of, a4ything lis irant- eti, anti ail thê '$h-6keers'atthie village tiread oti <o e 1lienenter 'à O .day hlid'tia liiXe tiadinà g at tioze. pairs a! iboots, butcoulni ïpoting <at iras not toc expélsvo. Thoen ho gue.sêduhè would get a pair. otf 'rfbbe.rs. RHo rojectéd a pair.tal> c at à dallar, and enother <bat ecat>:s ixà y-flve cents. Finally ýýtic cilerk Ixo.ugit hlm a pair for ffl>y cents. 1Tley se'emeil te fiÊt, ie1 einongh, -but Ilira;i rais stili disâat- -"Hai't ye gtV nuy rubbees <iat are c'heapea'?'" e asiced. "Nar"deelaredt <ho lrritated clark, "ire haven't. That pair yau've got on la the.çlioapeat, poor- est, moat no-account ruIler ,there is natie 1"' Bo Hlirambougit <hem. ÇUARD THE GHILDREN PROM AUTUMN COLDS Tite-fait ls thre most severe aeasonu of tii. year for colds--one day is ,warm w-hile te nemt is .wet.and colti, andi unless the mother ls on, ber guard the. little cnea are seizeti with colds that ma-y haag on aIl wiuter. Býaly's Owu Tablets are motiters' lest fiend inl preveating or ba.,nishlng coids. They aet as a gentie laxative, keeping thbe bowels anti etoumh free '*andi sieet. An occa,à ioneil dose wii'prevent c"dt, or if- coltid ds corne on suddealy the prompt -useocf the - n-lU quickly cure i<. The Tabietis are solti by medicW edelerorby mail, ait 25 cents.e box from Thre Dr. Williams' Medileine Ca.., Broekville, Ont. CO STOF TilE IAR. will tCost(fore Than AiU War+ -of Fifty Years. Diseussing <ho cost & tie Etaro- peen wir, A. W. Ferrnin l Moodyi Magazine, declanes that t-be loss o! lie aand capital aiready> promises tW lie on se vast a ale t-bot nuo ne coatît prediet îvbel it iii be. Ac- cep ting-Vite flgurds 855,000,000 a day, which e Frencli economist bis evolveti as tlie roaey cost of the war, lie deciareshtat- <ha otatîcai is -fer "figures t-bal>'stagger the imag- ination," andti len arks Whlo is going <o yay for it ail? 'Unlesas by revolution anti repudietian lie bur- tien shouiti eventuailly 'le %Èited te Lie liolders o! Goverament- bonds, it is t-be common people mie miii have te pa>' the-se ,f igltitml billas. Mr. Ferrin tinka roputiietion not miroll impossible, eispeclaîl>' if a tiecisive dotent should ccame ta Gcr- many. Ail <ho poirers aet<heoeut-break oaf t-be 'wan etopteti energency mens- ures ta strengtlien t-hein resources. The coet mil evenual>' showi t-self in te tunded dtebta cf the nations aV mer,,anti mil l eie "emill£t6ne areun ttho neek o!f<lie winde wir for generaticus <o corne." The nan- ions e t mer alreativ lid colosse-I det-France, $6,2 83,000,o0o; Ger- rnany, $5,0O0,0,000; Russie, $4,- 5,50,000,000; Atastnie, 83,750,000,000; <lie'Uniteti Kiagdom, $3,500,000,- 000; Beiglin, 8750,000,000. WhTen tW these crushing burtiense las been atided <he mer'acost-, it will becomne a grave question wliat t-be chances are fer tie comanon people to pa>' Vlie interest an <hoeliet anti have soimthing le! t over for theauseivea toi, live ou. Whiie Lie nations whiich eventally -Win night necu- pPrîaLc- their sbattered finances frein i Li intiemnitieF t-bat w-uîî 'e imipos- eil tapon the vanquisheti, iL muet a'e;emlat.id<at <lie coaicuered amatit- l not lie ini a position Lo le'- t'lie vicia-s' debta andti hein o w n besides; so <bat repudiat-lon woalesean<o lie their anily alter- ilartie-nnless they nesort tW <ho steop ail mutrai nations hope for- al.-,olutuon ef their erimtenîs. Lest - Germ-an>' spen ton lier a-rmy anavy $5,0000aaum wihc -woiiit pa>' 31% per-cent interoat on hvmeber preseal> telt. "Wilheim Box" Yes, by gum Wilielai irecke - A Mean Offer. Firot Maiti-".TUe nieli youxi tol-_ î1er tiat's courtiîa' misa Etthel ia afully sting'." Second Ditto - s "Wa ü akes yen t-huk seot" Firat J AVlbYr I rheard hîm sa>' <o ier-A 1penny Ian yeur'bouhpgbts, anti le Sa inillionaire, miii" y4),l ce»Sfu1 as Dr. Hamiltons pilla. For ail wemanly irregulerltlei their merit Iswell known~. Becanse of tueur tld, idôtbIug, and liealing effeeit. Dr. Hamiltongs pilla are 6afe, and are recommended for gIrls and iromen of ail ages. 25 centspèr boi et-il deasrs.. -!Reuse any subati- tute for Dr. Hamllton's Pilla of Man- dreke- and-Butternit ----j..- C CANADA AND RUSSIA. Posaibiity et 5Ioath1 t, temashlp Service Betwen Thens. The preet waïr1ts ougIt -Rus- sà ian apd. British~ Empire imttemes siderable onterprise <h. RuWUia Goverement lias erranged <o sent thie Nijni' Novgorod, a Volunteer Fie tamer , aneouver t6o)ose what, bu'siness can Wepioked up. Ri. irili blave Vencouver on No- vember 25t1 rwth oyeral thousanti tons of f reiglit, delivee tt her by the Canadien, Paeie Haii'wey. In- deed, 50 promsing la <lie business tba> asecond vesseL, Vhes Kiev, la scheduledt o arrive at Vaneouver e.ariy next month, leaving ain for Russia"on ,Chiristmxas Day.Tis la evidently leading up tao a posai- ble mnonthiy service between n ada andi Rusais, end though the. Caxiadian pacifie Railw y la et pre- sent only issuing throu~ bilîs-of- leding for f reight, there is no rea- 'son why a passenger business ahouiti n4et groir up.à aise. As e attea- of fact the Canadian Paci- fie teilwey, whicli handledi the Novgorod at bbc Japaisese ports on lier Eest.bounid voyage, booketi sev- oral pa-£enigers.,, or Vancouver. The- displace-ment o! this vesse.i je 5,285 tons. There are xuany commotiities whic-h can proflLebly be exchang'et betwecn <lie two tonuntries; fer iii- stance, grains, naeinery, mine- ale, hide*, furs, tee. coctton, tobac- ce, condensûd ilik, automobiles, ap)ples. -etc. The Rusasin Volunteer Fleet is en extensive anti rel- manageti organization co>nsting of fourteen vessels, toteling about 75,00,0 tx>ns. lthlas an excellent service frein Vladiv6stock Wo Teur- uga andi ShixonisekIi-two Jepancese p<.rts. The steamers lu its service wrere bniit moetly in GlaEgoir or Ncwcaeýt,le, thie Novgorod coming f rein the ýyards -u! Armstrong, Mit- chell & Co.. cf Newcastle, -andtih-e Ki1ev f rin <batse cf J. & S. Thomp son, cof Glasgow. TUE GLeRMAN FOD SUPPLI' Oiie-Third'of Ail the* Foý41stiiTs tRe- quired Inupo.d. The question-is how long Ger- snany can continue the stritggle bie- dore St9ratiun pin cles hier. Dr. Car]li o * an éminent anbority, estimated t1lat in 1912Oermany im- ported 10,0w0,000 tons of food grain in te foim ccatîtie, meat, tailow, herring. butter and élicese valueti et $L-25,000O000( AcSording ta tbis computation this iras one-third of ail the foodstuffis requiretl. The în- portations are now eut. off. and Gercnany must rely upon her hoen prodclaction, whicb is manifes.iy ia- suif icient. - Anstro-Hungary bas been the granary froin which Ger- many has drawn a large portion :), ber suppliés, but tiis yeasr Austria lias noV enough fo(t a lier own peope.' 1t, looks doubtful if sup- plies c-an be received frein abroati in any appreciable quantities. Even if the ,foreign grain conîti be breugit ta Norwey and Sweden foir lie use cf GermanS', it would lie al- nicat impassible ta hani sufficlent queutities over the 'single-tracit reilroadai crossing rugged niaunt- aÃŽTas. ince virtnally al the maie population in Germany bas been in the fild ;ince bef-ore -the harvest turne. there mueit be a great short- a-ge in th- Ge'm'any ros lnticate Mechanism. "I tion't lcnow how Wo take this chicken &part." tieelared the bride. "Well, ive teokicti an automobile isucoessfnlly," saiti the yaung hua- bad. "We ought t<e be able to, handie a smaal job like tbis. W'1ere's Lie book of instructions 7" minard& Llnlntnscures ColOs, &o. NoDividing Up. Dr. Pillem-Are von goingLto celi Dri.* Bous--, think not- I <ln't believe t-he Patient haanly nkr noney*.thet I néeti myseif. 1 -"Tii. n&,rthe t . anunn s iieard in flac7 nt>lh>eiè# lt hand1Jy rossble .it- &#ne exaa4y-,'vae re thei aheli Mo :~x itin e Myrgi mient mot ogirà roà d aother rîogj- 'The ae-~ln<>bazut iin' At l :the "s lu r, cteis- 'pn. haiti. diggiug trenohesîn order. to flitand'tlj t te af isflght- ing t6 dig trenc.eS." God-iye, Old4 Backiche lervâliaê WiI11IFix YToi etiffne" lu Rubbcd Rlaht Out; Evers' Sion ocf Pain Disappears. Gewhiz-think of 1<1 No more otoraach 46osing uocessery te cureyour)ame bac'l.. 1 Ever>' trace -etlainuse, eveny" bit of stiffuese, every aigu e! meakuesa lu tiie back's muscles cen b. rubbed ara>' for ail time to conte'b>' good aild Nao otiter liniment cen do the work se -qickly, enu penetrate se deepl>', ca eng -u etiue and- comfont ta te back-mýeary- sufferer as Nerviline ln.- variabi>' does. Baekache lsn't te eni> malady Nervilune le quick ta cure. Fer' mm- bago or siciatica yau would go at o flud relief se apeedy as NorvIline gir... For chroulo rheumetism there are pelu-destroying propertios lu Ner- rUline titat give- it flrat renk. The way It limbers up a stlff joint and talkos sorenese out ef etreined or ritourneLl muscles lea Impi>' a ironder. If yen have an ache or a pain au>'. where, If you have a sore back, a stiff neek, eaeiff joint, a straiued muscleo- If you have lumbago, congeaterd cheat or sore titroat, mast <r> Nerviline. Rub <t on pleutitully-It von't blister, It can't do enytig but cure yen quick- Iy. The large 50c. famil>' aize bottie la the moat ecanoanical, et course, but you eai, troa an>'deaier,'alea geL the 25e, smuali sizeocf Nerviliie, <hoelçiag et ail paln-relieving remedies. TUE DUKE AND THE COOK. Amuasing Incident Jîîst Before a tiuner Party. The reigning Duke o! Saxe-Mein- ingen,-wmie accedt but receuatly to the tirone, la ticelinlsaptioo!Pria- cessCharlotte, sister of Eniperor William. Beth are extrewel>' popular in <bir littie dnc:hy, tlic historie importance of ibichials quite ont cf proportion Wo its area- ef a hundreti miles b>' tan. The tinciessis, bleaseti ith wit, andth le tinke, emong other gocti qualities, iitih umor: wbicli lie ccrteinly ex- emnpiies -in thbe relih iti wiici he is fond ai relating thie nost un- royal experience af ils career. At Ems, ihere lie lad accepteti au invitation tW dine wa4ulia ?local. dignitary, lho once chancedti reaci t-be cornier noar ivhicli is bost's mansion stooti, somew-het aheati of tinte. Disxnissiug his car- niage, hoe pawed up ard tiom <lie block la <ho dusk, envelopet inu is militar>' cîcai, t-t lie otier guesta inighit have <ime o Warriv'e, since etiquette tiemiatict tin-al] shoulti be present wiien lie shoult appear. Iu the dii tigit bis fea- <unes more unnecognizable; lie mas inerel>' atal, eidienly figure. As lie passe thetic ouse lu bis stroîl, a aide doar iras sndticnly t<browu open anti an enormousl>' fat m-omaýn ta t-ho cap a-ad a-prou of a cook, bounceti<>nt, flung ber arma round bis neck, bestoeet a louti, smack- ing kissupon is contenance, anti thrust inta lis hantis as aie retees- eti herseli-bh d-been stunneti luto entire pessivit-y-a large. groas>' percel, smelliag of bain anti cheese. l "There, =ay deer," she excalam- oi, n- sh.e tii se, "ire have got a rayal prince coming-to dinner to- nigt 1 I aimtiriven off my feet! I ca't, give you a-ny more. (Jome Wo-mona'ow nit." Si. bouneed i ua-gain as abrupt- ly assaie md bounceti out, andtihti duke, realizing lier 'mistaki' anti vesti>' eajoyiug 1<, - coutinned i lis stroll, alent for aomue cxplaaatio2i o! the incident. I< saon came. A soldier appèered on thb. oVier side, o! <ho mey-a melanchel>' anti self- effacing soldier, mie eyed thbein- doms of thee use o! fcasting wit.i auxiotas expect-ençy. Tire duake, crossed over, andi adtiressing hum as one soidier ta anot-her. asked if bis sireetheent livedtl iere. Recei'ving an affirmative nepi>', ho bandeti av-en tho percel of food, anti tolti ii le mas expectcd'oa <ho mur- nom. "She -ýgave me soanething else for smillhngly, "micli -I 'do not cxecItly knom hoir <o give yOn." - las! <lie unromantic lever mes riat intereeteti even tW iraquire .mt it w&s-s4Ithougi probbl>'ho kur. "'(eep il Keep Ã1<!'héliscalleti back,c-heaeriully, as lhe 'depanhe with tiis -lanr anti heeà e. "1 bave got aI I wa-ut fer to-day." ,Used exccIusive1y, and Cudkura Ointmenfit occasioniRy I I p- maite and maintain a Cleak in free: from pimples ", blakheasy redneà ss, roughnes0d oher unightly - rpfi 91114 Saxuplea ire byl Mail COUUnsSo am MdOinet gmila rouomizu voTi. IINA1I p1fShaIs4téew 2-p. Military Strategy. In a, letter k>toithe A m~a.nd Na.vy 'Journal, * >retived army fflcer say's tihat ne intelligent sodieFr wi&U1 fire a dumdum Or an eéxpIoeiv bunet at the en mfor.V hey W~hýkà I. The objeet of the riflemn i. noi to kili Aný enemy, but <o 'wouncI hlm. "A de.d mean is eisuply one o4dier bol> fro-his arxny. Re i. iiot a~ burdon te anyone. wounded soldier muot be - aken care of. Four woufnded soldiers m'ust have an amn- bulance with two hor;seý and an able-bodiead soldier drivér.- Thirty weunded ec>diere muet I ve a sur- gnahospital etewar%ý, and. ten or a dozen sble-bodied o1ie rs tW aid the doctor and wait~ upon and nurse tlhe wounded menJ, The amn- bia.ncea blockek e rcadý and dein>y the troops, eêpecially the artillery and the su.pply wagons~ When a nman is hurt, everyone isianxlous <to get him aitonce to a dotor. lIthe troops on %he firin'g line are not well disciplined, and a "odier is wounded, there will be, three or four soldiers who are willing and amxious te, carry hirn to therear. For evcery soldier woumded, the fir- ing lino -lotes four soldiera, and a humdr-ed mien wounde'd eans that four hundred men are lost te the filin>g lne, for they neyer Tejoin their regiments until the baffle is over." Curions Sait Lake. One of -the wonders of Mexico la the salt-producing lake near Salinas station on the Tamipico division of the Mexican Central Itailway, sev- enty-two miles west of San- Luis iLotosi. It may well be termed a two-storey laIte, for atýtmes there is a lake of fresh water overlying the saIt laite. A water-tight roof of green mud separates the f resh from the i4ait water. INFORMATION FOR VNVENTOR$ Messms. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis. patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 133 Canadiau patents were ipsued for the week ending Novcen- ber 3rd, 1913, 83 of wlâih wre granted te Americans, '37 to Cana- dians, 7 te residpents of foreiga countrie., and 6 <o residents cf Gre.a> Britain and clonie. 0f the. Canadiens who reccived patents, 21 were reidents of On- tario. 9 of Quebec, 3 of Manitoba, 3 of British Qol'>umbia, and 1 of Saskatchewan. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphulmria. Just tite Tlhîng. "Oh, my Iiond-s, thero are somme spe-etse lca <at one nover forgeta 1" sait a lecturer, ait-or giving a gre- phie description o! e terrible acci- dent lie lied mtnesd. "I'd likc ta knom 'wheroe<lie>'sells 'em," ne- maketi an elti lady la tie audience, iwho is aimnys misa!aying fier giasses. A WARM WINTER. Jane weatlaen PrevailO la Calitfornia. the 1"eaiWinir i ace, reslaa camfort- aby ad %on'enlnt-iy by tue Chicato adNertia Wretera Ry, Fopr' Epiendid traîne .d&iL< tram the new asegen terminal Chiicgb-'I'bsOvenlead im ted. faiteet train te San Frnacaeoo: the LoioAgeesLirnited, :iareo deIu ta Land ot Suihuie. the ffimaais San Fren- e«o.Llantted and the OeitoraiaMl. Itlujat-rated foldeu socribing the troat calitarata Expoit One. sud aidéar lao rates and ftala pariculsru, viil e mail1 promnpt-lT on application taeB. R. Bennett, ceeral Agent. Chicaio & North Western Rty.. 46 Yonge St.. Tarante. Ont. Life is e grinti, but iL aiways bas uts turning peint. Minardsà Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Young Mn. faýpoamore (ina bas jmîst been acceptei)-"But m iel ii yeur fat-lio say, tienlingl Yen kuoir ho dpesn't like mne auy too moul." The Young Wrma~'But you ,can't epet me tW use <ho exact lenguege la m-blair,>ppa mil expressiiself irlien hehé&rA.sf4L." tiens ait,. m a, y n.gn y Ets tato ago acn ids in other drc to eave - er l&te * West Fianderu. Tii. Province ai Weat Flanders.i tii eoxtreme nortismest ,corner of Beli4un. Ile.-Province ha» an area o! ouI>' 1,24 square miles. -Al <tIi. flghtingis la the norbbset hall b! tua, s that tIen. mu&t le peoketi lu irlial>would bo a fe(ir tawa<b'.ips miti us onxething litre 2Y,000,00 saldio-re. The Province lied about 700,000 inhalbitauts mien <lie Wme beigan, or oven '600 tùo hie square miles. W-bon 2,000,M0 soldions are atide t W these t<ho cromtiing mue&t resenalie that cfi& sardine box. Tic anciont 'city cd Brvges le the capital of -West Elantiera. Olier ihnport- eut cities are Verv ieres, Ypî'e, Tournai anti Courtrai. How. TecIGY 1Ost fthe Bear The7 say a earecocrn in-erercd irith hie apeed. Always atpIy Patnaim's Corn Ex- tractor. For fifty yeaare it haia been curna corne and warte. "Putnam*.s" ar alh., lYse ne'otLler, 2&. et aIl dealcà ns. "Do yoîî think this poein<dfmin 'mal îvill live 1" "I> ougli t . It's the gwot that die young." Minai-d'a Liniment Cures Distemper. Editimg by the Golden Rumle. A count-ry editar irrate: -flro 1 tien, tion't stop your paper just .be- :2 cause you do't eagree mithithte edit- s -or. The i-ast celiba-ge yen sent ns * dida't agree withi us oit-ber, but we à 3- did't drap yen frm m ur subserap- a ion 1e uTa con. Oranelaged Eyelids, SoreEyet iuflamed by expo- S sure ta SSoii ad Vii uicldy reieveilby eMuriso E ~ ~ Eyseay. NO!Snartng Ysjaist Bye Coaafort. Astl Vour Druggist9o Soc per Botîle. MurIne Eye-] SaivenTubes 25c. For Bookof theEyeFreeask Iet Druggiste orMurIacEycRudy Ce., Ckqs wl Ready-lVitted. Firet pedestrîîan (te iman who bas just buniped intao him) - Clunsy idiot! -Second pedestrian -- That's your na-me, is IL? Miue'-s Brown. Minai-d's Liniment Co., Ltd. Geitilemen,-In July 1906 1 was throrwn frnm a road machine.'injurinig my hie and back !badly and irai obliged to us3e a crutcb for-14 montbe. In Sept. 1906 ?dr. Wnî. Outridge of Lachuto urged me to try MINARDS LNIMENT, which 1 did wlth tho moot satisfactory, râsulto; and to-day an ur iel as crer in m ylifu'. Youre einccreY, MÂ'iTEW x nAINES. mark. Wiat the Trouble Was. One day, as two hiidren werc vla-ying. their mother gav;e thein an orange between thcm. $She Faid We th-e ittie 'boy, "Now, lie sure yon give your sister the, .ion's share." On ret.nrning their mother iras sur- prised ta see -the littIe girl crying. F-Se esked uwhat the trouble was, and she 1heard that the boy had eat- en adi the orange. " 'l' said 'the boy, turning to-bis niother, f4you . know lions dont eat oran-ges." in[. Sh in( fi!l t"- lu ne bafos thie pATEN 0F INVENI lu St., James S19 Write M LoIfat Cierg &despa4kih fi ,Clergyman, .rstirougli as given, titis wn as it exisi 'II have Etaiy contillue to ia ruine ti aS. hâd an, e f-o urtit. -A] te citurehes aý 1 gone> FOU ;,Ve beon bur. sappea-rug ai vit-esi. -lest a um.,wzcov.S (SL4O), W m n ibis COLONIAL ART CO. Tenon",on. I.aohine ry For Salie Engine, shafting beiting, pulleys, c. from large faictory for sale. 7heiock engine. 18i by 42, Complete th cylinder ifraire, fly *el bear- qs,- etc., ail in goad condition. hafting from.n-une inch, <o thrs%- iches, pulleys- thirty inches'-i& fty ladies, belting 'six .inçaies < velve luches. -Will sdi el&tire or, pat OFFIER REFUSEJ0.- S.FakWilson & Sap 73 Adelaide Street, Weçt, 4jî ë Etonomny ia War Tiniie. Little Pick-PaIpa, didï't ýYr)I tMdi mnothler we mu!isteecinofluze. VPPa--4did, îwv~{n Little Pc- WIrwnatl&s f ithat rnelbvil get m e a 'i Consqiptipation- 1, an enemy -within the camp. twl undermine the strongcst coà stîtutiofl and rein the niost vigorauts health. It leeds ta indigestion,lîloscs Impure blood, bad complexion, sicit hoadachea, and is anc of the mnost- frequent causes of append-ieîm s. 'lb voglectit insloivsticide.Dr rs' Indian Root Pilla positively' cure Constipation. They are entircly vegeable in composition and do not siceken, wc'akcn or- gripe. i!reuservo your healîli by taking -Dresse -in Co mfort You need 'a gooti warm room d o siave ant dregs In. ,A per-. fection Smokeless 011 Heater wiil wiarm any- ordinary- reonin lua few minutes. The Peafeccion le port- able; ypaz cao takc ir me uitalag-raom, cellar or atic - an>' ro i eceOxtra hast la ncodcd - and It l# speclaîl> coienentntl ver>' col d n'eather The Perfection te econo- - caa, taa - it 5urna oui>' wban you need fa. No'coal, rio .klndllag; no dirt, ne ase.Gaod-Iooking; easy - ta clean and rewlck. PERP TlO 8HOJ~LZ J4ATERS Odorlse u makeleos. -For sales-bard.. mÉasd 'geueraistores erery herco Looks fa« <lsTriangle trademarký ROYALITEObIL 15 boss or à ailuses THE MPERIAL OILC,tiie TloroteQeebea -Halffx Monireal st, Joh W-v i t- pet ibipsa aiIv v lih qusire oC eus Gènunan bal andth le liglit Cr Uniaen Geveru tal le of tie figlit te Geeben -was broatisides f roui tship's 2-inci guns liecause o!flier 9, The Tunkish eut that 4h éRu feated-, t-bat- mas seri'ousiy d tleRussian al'e Tnrkisli shipa, l - arbon.- - The stntenieui me-ntt 1-is Blac-k Ses.& 3j f rom the Bhr Goeben anti <lai bien foot innolèc &<arboa, a ndi ( tac !40 eabio miles)- lifi gunsf ranithe causoe aueil <ing ber an fine- 2tfry, the Ob - penedfine, 'h * ng au excebi "A ibof e e! olauti -ton, iho w ton mob a fat b haeh adiUt ein, tt AR;CIIVES 0F ONTAl TORONTO 1