Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 6

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,Wulli5&Ip5 Pinka P1I a renme fzmmn the -,grave. I was takean ddmi With ne ?~z~prostration, am%4 -fèr môn4Ie as unaibie <o *atk; I' owly reoovered .uetil 1 mas abie to ,go about, but tfbore thie improve- zment endei., I iras geting weekér amd -Woa&erinthil i coulti ustget 4rom tIe bctito a <Ouç. TI« nois wôuId @t me, <r m g . & over, and oeten when I went> <o the table I would leave it hnngry abd "et unol. tuesat. goems I wa taken wtb smothering *P"U andi telt &uif 1wao going tcdie. At other <lues I oult lie se nervoua' tbat I couldt not bold anyt>hing lxi May hunida.jI waS dectering aIl the, tume, but without -bonefit, audifinai- Iiy I matie up My mmnd I wouldtry. Dr. WlIiaâin' PinkPle. Teyý * we re Vthe finl>etiic4ne< t a e mne any ielief- -andrm.az 1] ta take ehorit alkc. 1 contînuedý udn-g ù ePila,- graduaiiy galuing ne-w health- anti stemgtit,un)U -LI flnally fet &s welI as ever ýI didl lu n~ life. At the tikne Dr. Williaims' Pil"s cureti me I ira living f n Saek- vil-le, anti ni> iliaess anti cure 'was known to everyone in t1bt place, anti my frientis, like myself, blier. tihe PISa aveti my life." These Pilla are soiti by aIl medi- cine dealers or *will b ,seul> by-nmail at W0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wilims' Medi- ciao Ce-., Brockvilic,,Ont. TUIIE AMUSINO CROV. 01Od, Wrters Say They Got . Ther Blaehiless.la Punishnient for Sins. Cruws are invariably interesting and-ii#ally, unpo>pular birds. Thle ehsârp twinkle of! hèlreoye,, their plumage, black as niglit, their as- touading, intelligence,"* have give-n themn a prominent place in the myt4;s and legeud8 of every land.. The London Timues repoat.asanioe of the tonies that have grown up about t.hem: In al lImes ancl countrios man lias. regarcled crows with super- stitions awe, ad; birdé of om.zi, the familiaescofwitchea andi eviJlsprite antd tihe confidents of deitips whorn they nover $ailed t4{!.,uey. 0din took <hem forv bis.herealds- andcoun- cillôrs 1,r C.ould nCit trust <hein, 'Ptd tthey!bbed thie secrèts of Val- b aila. They were the -sca-tdal'moag- ors of Olympus, andti heir evil tongues- poor Coroais owed her tdeaLh, Indra. in wrath at their talebearing, hurlet i hem dowa tlirottgh ail tlie 'undred tiaogýe of bis heaven. They irouki have dis- elosed to bis enemies the hiding place of Mo:ammed in the rocks of Thadïr, but the dove buiit hep nest. and the spidèr ýqpun lier web <o bidte il>. No bird an lely heci ndbier up- portunities; and everye'ere it proved itseli nnworthy of ifs tru4t. It was satisfaeWcrily ee-tablieihea by the aid writers that thoý crows gel> their blackness in punishrnent * for their sin,9. t zeerns to have been a futile punishanent, l'or bhere is no living thing that Fihows in its * demeanor 1seiec of a repent- ant spirit. Insteati of being asha*m- ed of their -black*ness, croira, as gn Indien writcr ba said, "swagger 'in it, anti pretend that tbey chose tihat exact shade for' thenseveS." - What caler cro*'s- were before they wè,re sritten blacki l uncer- Let Them Speak For Themselves You needn't take any- bod y' Word for the super- foity Of Pont Toast le.-- Get a package from your Grocer, pour some of tho cr -,sweet flakes into a dfséh, add' cream or milk, and a sprinide Of sugar if * you wish. -The» be the jutige of Post Toasti*es The Superlor Cern Flakes -,-nfade from tue'hearts of lie fiet Indian Oorn, ski!- ft>' onkei, seasoneti, roi- Oled At -ostdt. Toasties are net ordinar>' "cern flakes,".,so remeiber when yeti wanit Superior Corn Flakes "tt>aok your grocer for Pôst Toastics > Causifan P '-'La.. Nêarly aflthe true roira. as weii as many ô01 <heirn near ieis4i'es, wjil ,>içk up more or lois cf hu-man ape~h i~ c.tvitv: andi it li saonie- ti1ies iard'to <bieve tha.t liesly- usas with vwhicîh they inweet tir remanke, their .tmnees and« intbaa- I tien, are altogetuh accidentai»" )Uec ot the Cheapest. 01Olh RimPinchon,-W'as 'a boru trader,. andi a pe»by pinche>r be- Sides: H.-irý as 1Ilevej willing tW pa.y th priéce of, a4ything lis irant- eti, anti ail thê '$h-6keers'atthie village tiread oti <o e 1lienenter 'àO .day hlid'tia liiXe tiadinàg at tioze. pairs a! iboots, butcoulni ïpoting <at iras not toc expélsvo. Thoen ho gue.sêduhè would get a pair. otf 'rfbbe.rs. RHo rojectéd a pair.tal> c at à dallar, and enother <bat ecat>:s ixày-flve cents. Finally ýýtic cilerk Ixo.ugit hlm a pair for ffl>y cents. 1Tley se'emeil te fiÊt, ie1 einongh, -but Ilira;i rais stili disâat- -"Hai't ye gtV nuy rubbees <iat are c'heapea'?'" e asiced. "Nar"deelaredt <ho lrritated clark, "ire haven't. That pair yau've got on la the.çlioapeat, poor- est, moat no-account ruIler ,there is natie 1"' Bo Hlirambougit <hem. ÇUARD THE GHILDREN PROM AUTUMN COLDS Tite-fait ls thre most severe aeasonu of tii. year for colds--one day is ,warm w-hile te nemt is .wet.and colti, andi unless the mother ls on, ber guard the. little cnea are seizeti with colds that ma-y haag on aIl wiuter. Býaly's Owu Tablets are motiters' lest fiend inl preveating or ba.,nishlng coids. They aet as a gentie laxative, keeping thbe bowels anti etoumh free '*andi sieet. An occa,àioneil dose wii'prevent c"dt, or if- coltid ds corne on suddealy the prompt -useocf the - n-lU quickly cure i<. The Tabietis are solti by medicW edelerorby mail, ait 25 cents.e box from Thre Dr. Williams' Medileine Ca.., Broekville, Ont. CO STOF TilE IAR. will tCost(fore Than AiU War+ -of Fifty Years. Diseussing <ho cost & tie Etaro- peen wir, A. W. Ferrnin l Moodyi Magazine, declanes that t-be loss o! lie aand capital aiready> promises tW lie on se vast a ale t-bot nuo ne coatît prediet îvbel it iii be. Ac- cep ting-Vite flgurds 855,000,000 a day, which e Frencli economist bis evolveti as tlie roaey cost of the war, lie deciareshtat- <ha otatîcai is -fer "figures t-bal>'stagger the imag- ination," andti len arks Whlo is going <o yay for it ail? 'Unlesas by revolution anti repudietian lie bur- tien shouiti eventuailly 'le %Èited te Lie liolders o! Goverament- bonds, it is t-be common people mie miii have te pa>' the-se ,f igltitml billas. Mr. Ferrin tinka roputiietion not miroll impossible, eispeclaîl>' if a tiecisive dotent should ccame ta Gcr- many. Ail <ho poirers aet<heoeut-break oaf t-be 'wan etopteti energency mens- ures ta strengtlien t-hein resources. The coet mil evenual>' showi t-self in te tunded dtebta cf the nations aV mer,,anti mil l eie "emill£t6ne areun ttho neek o!f<lie winde wir for generaticus <o corne." The nan- ions e t mer alreativ lid colosse-I det-France, $6,2 83,000,o0o; Ger- rnany, $5,0O0,0,000; Russie, $4,- 5,50,000,000; Atastnie, 83,750,000,000; <lie'Uniteti Kiagdom, $3,500,000,- 000; Beiglin, 8750,000,000. WhTen tW these crushing burtiense las been atided <he mer'acost-, it will becomne a grave question wliat t-be chances are fer tie comanon people to pa>' Vlie interest an <hoeliet anti have soimthing le! t over for theauseivea toi, live ou. Whiie Lie nations whiich eventally -Win night necu- pPrîaLc- their sbattered finances frein i Li intiemnitieF t-bat w-uîî 'e imipos- eil tapon the vanquisheti, iL muet a'e;emlat.id<at <lie coaicuered amatit- l not lie ini a position Lo le'- t'lie vicia-s' debta andti hein o w n besides; so <bat repudiat-lon woalesean<o lie their anily alter- ilartie-nnless they nesort tW <ho steop ail mutrai nations hope for- al.-,olutuon ef their erimtenîs. Lest - Germ-an>' spen ton lier a-rmy anavy $5,0000aaum wihc -woiiit pa>' 31% per-cent interoat on hvmeber preseal> telt. "Wilheim Box" Yes, by gum Wilielai irecke - A Mean Offer. Firot Maiti-".TUe nieli youxi tol-_ î1er tiat's courtiîa' misa Etthel ia afully sting'." Second Ditto - s "Wa ü akes yen t-huk seot" Firat J AVlbYr I rheard hîm sa>' <o ier-A 1penny Ian yeur'bouhpgbts, anti le Sa inillionaire, miii" y4),l ce»Sfu1 as Dr. Hamiltons pilla. For ail wemanly irregulerltlei their merit Iswell known~. Becanse of tueur tld, idôtbIug, and liealing effeeit. Dr. Hamiltongs pilla are 6afe, and are recommended for gIrls and iromen of ail ages. 25 centspèr boi et-il deasrs.. -!Reuse any subati- tute for Dr. Hamllton's Pilla of Man- dreke- and-Butternit ----j..- C CANADA AND RUSSIA. Posaibiity et 5Ioath1 t, temashlp Service Betwen Thens. The preet waïr1ts ougIt -Rus- sàian apd. British~ Empire imttemes siderable onterprise <h. RuWUia Goverement lias erranged <o sent thie Nijni' Novgorod, a Volunteer Fie tamer , aneouver t6o)ose what, bu'siness can Wepioked up. Ri. irili blave Vencouver on No- vember 25t1 rwth oyeral thousanti tons of f reiglit, delivee tt her by the Canadien, Paeie Haii'wey. In- deed, 50 promsing la <lie business tba> asecond vesseL, Vhes Kiev, la scheduledt o arrive at Vaneouver e.ariy next month, leaving ain for Russia"on ,Chiristmxas Day.Tis la evidently leading up tao a posai- ble mnonthiy service between n ada andi Rusais, end though the. Caxiadian pacifie Railw y la et pre- sent only issuing throu~ bilîs-of- leding for f reight, there is no rea- 'son why a passenger business ahouiti n4et groir up.àaise. As e attea- of fact the Canadian Paci- fie teilwey, whicli handledi the Novgorod at bbc Japaisese ports on lier Eest.bounid voyage, booketi sev- oral pa-£enigers.,, or Vancouver. The- displace-ment o! this vesse.i je 5,285 tons. There are xuany commotiities whic-h can proflLebly be exchang'et betwecn <lie two tonuntries; fer iii- stance, grains, naeinery, mine- ale, hide*, furs, tee. coctton, tobac- ce, condensûd ilik, automobiles, ap)ples. -etc. The Rusasin Volunteer Fleet is en extensive anti rel- manageti organization co>nsting of fourteen vessels, toteling about 75,00,0 tx>ns. lthlas an excellent service frein Vladiv6stock Wo Teur- uga andi ShixonisekIi-two Jepancese p<.rts. The steamers lu its service wrere bniit moetly in GlaEgoir or Ncwcaeýt,le, thie Novgorod coming f rein the ýyards -u! Armstrong, Mit- chell & Co.. cf Newcastle, -andtih-e Ki1ev f rin <batse cf J. & S. Thomp son, cof Glasgow. TUE GLeRMAN FOD SUPPLI' Oiie-Third'of Ail the* Foý41stiiTs tRe- quired Inupo.d. The question-is how long Ger- snany can continue the stritggle bie- dore St9ratiun pin cles hier. Dr. Car]li o * an éminent anbority, estimated t1lat in 1912Oermany im- ported 10,0w0,000 tons of food grain in te foim ccatîtie, meat, tailow, herring. butter and élicese valueti et $L-25,000O000( AcSording ta tbis computation this iras one-third of ail the foodstuffis requiretl. The în- portations are now eut. off. and Gercnany must rely upon her hoen prodclaction, whicb is manifes.iy ia- suif icient. - Anstro-Hungary bas been the granary froin which Ger- many has drawn a large portion :), ber suppliés, but tiis yeasr Austria lias noV enough fo(t a lier own peope.' 1t, looks doubtful if sup- plies c-an be received frein abroati in any appreciable quantities. Even if the ,foreign grain conîti be breugit ta Norwey and Sweden foir lie use cf GermanS', it would lie al- nicat impassible ta hani sufficlent queutities over the 'single-tracit reilroadai crossing rugged niaunt- aÎTas. ince virtnally al the maie population in Germany bas been in the fild ;ince bef-ore -the harvest turne. there mueit be a great short- a-ge in th- Ge'm'any ros lnticate Mechanism. "I tion't lcnow how Wo take this chicken &part." tieelared the bride. "Well, ive teokicti an automobile isucoessfnlly," saiti the yaung hua- bad. "We ought t<e be able to, handie a smaal job like tbis. W'1ere's Lie book of instructions 7" minard& Llnlntnscures ColOs, &o. NoDividing Up. Dr. Pillem-Are von goingLto celi Dri.* Bous--, think not- I <ln't believe t-he Patient haanly nkr noney*.thet I néeti myseif. 1 -"Tii. n&,rthe t . anunn s iieard in flac7 nt>lh>eiè# lt hand1Jy rossble .it- &#ne exaa4y-,'vae re thei aheli Mo :~x itin e Myrgi mient mot ogirà roàd aother rîogj- 'The ae-~ln<>bazut iin' At l :the "s lu r, cteis- 'pn. haiti. diggiug trenohesîn order. to flitand'tlj t te af isflght- ing t6 dig trenc.eS." God-iye, Old4 Backiche lervâliaê WiI11IFix YToi etiffne" lu Rubbcd Rlaht Out; Evers' Sion ocf Pain Disappears. Gewhiz-think of 1<1 No more otoraach 46osing uocessery te cureyour)ame bac'l.. 1 Ever>' trace -etlainuse, eveny" bit of stiffuese, every aigu e! meakuesa lu tiie back's muscles cen b. rubbed ara>' for ail time to conte'b>' good aild Nao otiter liniment cen do the work se -qickly, enu penetrate se deepl>', ca eng -u etiue and- comfont ta te back-mýeary- sufferer as Nerviline ln.- variabi>' does. Baekache lsn't te eni> malady Nervilune le quick ta cure. Fer' mm- bago or siciatica yau would go at o flud relief se apeedy as NorvIline gir... For chroulo rheumetism there are pelu-destroying propertios lu Ner- rUline titat give- it flrat renk. The way It limbers up a stlff joint and talkos sorenese out ef etreined or ritourneLl muscles lea Impi>' a ironder. If yen have an ache or a pain au>'. where, If you have a sore back, a stiff neek, eaeiff joint, a straiued muscleo- If you have lumbago, congeaterd cheat or sore titroat, mast <r> Nerviline. Rub <t on pleutitully-It von't blister, It can't do enytig but cure yen quick- Iy. The large 50c. famil>' aize bottie la the moat ecanoanical, et course, but you eai, troa an>'deaier,'alea geL the 25e, smuali sizeocf Nerviliie, <hoelçiag et ail paln-relieving remedies. TUE DUKE AND THE COOK. Amuasing Incident Jîîst Before a tiuner Party. The reigning Duke o! Saxe-Mein- ingen,-wmie accedt but receuatly to the tirone, la ticelinlsaptioo!Pria- cessCharlotte, sister of Eniperor William. Beth are extrewel>' popular in <bir littie dnc:hy, tlic historie importance of ibichials quite ont cf proportion Wo its area- ef a hundreti miles b>' tan. The tinciessis, bleaseti ith wit, andth le tinke, emong other gocti qualities, iitih umor: wbicli lie ccrteinly ex- emnpiies -in thbe relih iti wiici he is fond ai relating thie nost un- royal experience af ils career. At Ems, ihere lie lad accepteti au invitation tW dine wa4ulia ?local. dignitary, lho once chancedti reaci t-be cornier noar ivhicli is bost's mansion stooti, somew-het aheati of tinte. Disxnissiug his car- niage, hoe pawed up ard tiom <lie block la <ho dusk, envelopet inu is militar>' cîcai, t-t lie otier guesta inighit have <ime o Warriv'e, since etiquette tiemiatict tin-al] shoulti be present wiien lie shoult appear. Iu the dii tigit bis fea- <unes more unnecognizable; lie mas inerel>' atal, eidienly figure. As lie passe thetic ouse lu bis stroîl, a aide doar iras sndticnly t<browu open anti an enormousl>' fat m-omaýn ta t-ho cap a-ad a-prou of a cook, bounceti<>nt, flung ber arma round bis neck, bestoeet a louti, smack- ing kissupon is contenance, anti thrust inta lis hantis as aie retees- eti herseli-bh d-been stunneti luto entire pessivit-y-a large. groas>' percel, smelliag of bain anti cheese. l "There, =ay deer," she excalam- oi, n- sh.e tii se, "ire have got a rayal prince coming-to dinner to- nigt 1 I aimtiriven off my feet! I ca't, give you a-ny more. (Jome Wo-mona'ow nit." Si. bouneed i ua-gain as abrupt- ly assaie md bounceti out, andtihti duke, realizing lier 'mistaki' anti vesti>' eajoyiug 1<, - coutinned i lis stroll, alent for aomue cxplaaatio2i o! the incident. I< saon came. A soldier appèered on thb. oVier side, o! <ho mey-a melanchel>' anti self- effacing soldier, mie eyed thbein- doms of thee use o! fcasting wit.i auxiotas expect-ençy. Tire duake, crossed over, andi adtiressing hum as one soidier ta anot-her. asked if bis sireetheent livedtl iere. Recei'ving an affirmative nepi>', ho bandeti av-en tho percel of food, anti tolti ii le mas expectcd'oa <ho mur- nom. "She -ýgave me soanething else for smillhngly, "micli -I 'do not cxecItly knom hoir <o give yOn." - las! <lie unromantic lever mes riat intereeteti even tW iraquire .mt it w&s-s4Ithougi probbl>'ho kur. "'(eep il Keep Ï1<!'héliscalleti back,c-heaeriully, as lhe 'depanhe with tiis -lanr anti heeàe. "1 bave got aI I wa-ut fer to-day." ,Used exccIusive1y, and Cudkura Ointmenfit occasioniRy I I p- maite and maintain a Cleak in free: from pimples ", blakheasy redneàss, roughnes0d oher unightly - rpfi 91114 Saxuplea ire byl Mail COUUnsSo am MdOinet gmila rouomizu voTi. IINA1I p1fShaIs4téew 2-p. Military Strategy. In a, letter k>toithe A m~a.nd Na.vy 'Journal, * >retived army fflcer say's tihat ne intelligent sodieFr wi&U1 fire a dumdum Or an eéxpIoeiv bunet at the en mfor.V hey W~hýkàI. The objeet of the riflemn i. noi to kili Aný enemy, but <o 'wouncI hlm. "A de.d mean is eisuply one o4dier bol> fro-his arxny. Re i. iiot a~ burdon te anyone. wounded soldier muot be - aken care of. Four woufnded soldiers m'ust have an amn- bulance with two hor;seý and an able-bodiead soldier drivér.- Thirty weunded ec>diere muet I ve a sur- gnahospital etewar%ý, and. ten or a dozen sble-bodied o1ie rs tW aid the doctor and wait~ upon and nurse tlhe wounded menJ, The amn- bia.ncea blockek e rcadý and dein>y the troops, eêpecially the artillery and the su.pply wagons~ When a nman is hurt, everyone isianxlous <to get him aitonce to a dotor. lIthe troops on %he firin'g line are not well disciplined, and a "odier is wounded, there will be, three or four soldiers who are willing and amxious te, carry hirn to therear. For evcery soldier woumded, the fir- ing lino -lotes four soldiera, and a humdr-ed mien wounde'd eans that four hundred men are lost te the filin>g lne, for they neyer Tejoin their regiments until the baffle is over." Curions Sait Lake. One of -the wonders of Mexico la the salt-producing lake near Salinas station on the Tamipico division of the Mexican Central Itailway, sev- enty-two miles west of San- Luis iLotosi. It may well be termed a two-storey laIte, for atýtmes there is a lake of fresh water overlying the saIt laite. A water-tight roof of green mud separates the f resh from the i4ait water. INFORMATION FOR VNVENTOR$ Messms. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis. patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 133 Canadiau patents were ipsued for the week ending Novcen- ber 3rd, 1913, 83 of wlâih wre granted te Americans, '37 to Cana- dians, 7 te residpents of foreiga countrie., and 6 <o residents cf Gre.a> Britain and clonie. 0f the. Canadiens who reccived patents, 21 were reidents of On- tario. 9 of Quebec, 3 of Manitoba, 3 of British Qol'>umbia, and 1 of Saskatchewan. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphulmria. Just tite Tlhîng. "Oh, my Iiond-s, thero are somme spe-etse lca <at one nover forgeta 1" sait a lecturer, ait-or giving a gre- phie description o! e terrible acci- dent lie lied mtnesd. "I'd likc ta knom 'wheroe<lie>'sells 'em," ne- maketi an elti lady la tie audience, iwho is aimnys misa!aying fier giasses. A WARM WINTER. Jane weatlaen PrevailO la Calitfornia. the 1"eaiWinir i ace, reslaa camfort- aby ad %on'enlnt-iy by tue Chicato adNertia Wretera Ry, Fopr' Epiendid traîne .d&iL< tram the new asegen terminal Chiicgb-'I'bsOvenlead im ted. faiteet train te San Frnacaeoo: the LoioAgeesLirnited, :iareo deIu ta Land ot Suihuie. the ffimaais San Fren- e«o.Llantted and the OeitoraiaMl. Itlujat-rated foldeu socribing the troat calitarata Expoit One. sud aidéar lao rates and ftala pariculsru, viil e mail1 promnpt-lT on application taeB. R. Bennett, ceeral Agent. Chicaio & North Western Rty.. 46 Yonge St.. Tarante. Ont. Life is e grinti, but iL aiways bas uts turning peint. Minardsà Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Young Mn. faýpoamore (ina bas jmîst been acceptei)-"But m iel ii yeur fat-lio say, tienlingl Yen kuoir ho dpesn't like mne auy too moul." The Young Wrma~'But you ,can't epet me tW use <ho exact lenguege la m-blair,>ppa mil expressiiself irlien hehé&rA.sf4L." tiens ait,. m a, y n.gn y Ets tato ago acn ids in other drc to eave - er l&te * West Fianderu. Tii. Province ai Weat Flanders.i tii eoxtreme nortismest ,corner of Beli4un. Ile.-Province ha» an area o! ouI>' 1,24 square miles. -Al <tIi. flghtingis la the norbbset hall b! tua, s that tIen. mu&t le peoketi lu irlial>would bo a fe(ir tawa<b'.ips miti us onxething litre 2Y,000,00 saldio-re. The Province lied about 700,000 inhalbitauts mien <lie Wme beigan, or oven '600 tùo hie square miles. W-bon 2,000,M0 soldions are atide t W these t<ho cromtiing mue&t resenalie that cfi& sardine box. Tic anciont 'city cd Brvges le the capital of -West Elantiera. Olier ihnport- eut cities are Verv ieres, Ypî'e, Tournai anti Courtrai. How. TecIGY 1Ost fthe Bear The7 say a earecocrn in-erercd irith hie apeed. Always atpIy Patnaim's Corn Ex- tractor. For fifty yeaare it haia been curna corne and warte. "Putnam*.s" ar alh., lYse ne'otLler, 2&. et aIl dealcàns. "Do yoîî think this poein<dfmin 'mal îvill live 1" "I> ougli t . It's the gwot that die young." Minai-d'a Liniment Cures Distemper. Editimg by the Golden Rumle. A count-ry editar irrate: -flro 1 tien, tion't stop your paper just .be- :2 cause you do't eagree mithithte edit- s -or. The i-ast celiba-ge yen sent ns * dida't agree withi us oit-ber, but we à 3- did't drap yen frm m ur subserap- a ion 1e uTa con. Oranelaged Eyelids, SoreEyet iuflamed by expo- S sure ta SSoii ad Vii uicldy reieveilby eMuriso E ~ ~ Eyseay. NO!Snartng Ysjaist Bye Coaafort. Astl Vour Druggist9o Soc per Botîle. MurIne Eye-] SaivenTubes 25c. For Bookof theEyeFreeask Iet Druggiste orMurIacEycRudy Ce., Ckqs wl Ready-lVitted. Firet pedestrîîan (te iman who bas just buniped intao him) - Clunsy idiot! -Second pedestrian -- That's your na-me, is IL? Miue'-s Brown. Minai-d's Liniment Co., Ltd. Geitilemen,-In July 1906 1 was throrwn frnm a road machine.'injurinig my hie and back !badly and irai obliged to us3e a crutcb for-14 montbe. In Sept. 1906 ?dr. Wnî. Outridge of Lachuto urged me to try MINARDS LNIMENT, which 1 did wlth tho moot satisfactory, râsulto; and to-day an ur iel as crer in m ylifu'. Youre einccreY, MÂ'iTEW x nAINES. mark. Wiat the Trouble Was. One day, as two hiidren werc vla-ying. their mother gav;e thein an orange between thcm. $She Faid We th-e ittie 'boy, "Now, lie sure yon give your sister the, .ion's share." On ret.nrning their mother iras sur- prised ta see -the littIe girl crying. F-Se esked uwhat the trouble was, and she 1heard that the boy had eat- en adi the orange. " 'l' said 'the boy, turning to-bis niother, f4you . know lions dont eat oran-ges." in[. Sh in( fi!l t"- lu ne bafos thie pATEN 0F INVENI lu St., James S19 Write M LoIfat Cierg &despa4kih fi ,Clergyman, .rstirougli as given, titis wn as it exisi 'II have Etaiy contillue to ia ruine ti aS. hâd an, e f-o urtit. -A] te citurehes aý 1 gone> FOU ;,Ve beon bur. sappea-rug ai vit-esi. -lest a um.,wzcov.S (SL4O), W m n ibis COLONIAL ART CO. Tenon",on. I.aohine ry For Salie Engine, shafting beiting, pulleys, c. from large faictory for sale. 7heiock engine. 18i by 42, Complete th cylinder ifraire, fly *el bear- qs,- etc., ail in goad condition. hafting from.n-une inch, <o thrs%- iches, pulleys- thirty inches'-i& fty ladies, belting 'six .inçaies < velve luches. -Will sdi el&tire or, pat OFFIER REFUSEJ0.- S.FakWilson & Sap 73 Adelaide Street, Weçt, 4jî ë Etonomny ia War Tiniie. Little Pick-PaIpa, didï't ýYr)I tMdi mnothler we mu!isteecinofluze. VPPa--4did, îwv~{n Little Pc- WIrwnatl&s f ithat rnelbvil get m e a 'i Consqiptipation- 1, an enemy -within the camp. twl undermine the strongcst coàstîtutiofl and rein the niost vigorauts health. It leeds ta indigestion,lîloscs Impure blood, bad complexion, sicit hoadachea, and is anc of the mnost- frequent causes of append-ieîm s. 'lb voglectit insloivsticide.Dr rs' Indian Root Pilla positively' cure Constipation. They are entircly vegeable in composition and do not siceken, wc'akcn or- gripe. i!reuservo your healîli by taking -Dresse -in Co mfort You need 'a gooti warm room d o siave ant dregs In. ,A per-. fection Smokeless 011 Heater wiil wiarm any- ordinary- reonin lua few minutes. The Peafeccion le port- able; ypaz cao takc ir me uitalag-raom, cellar or atic - an>' ro i eceOxtra hast la ncodcd - and It l# speclaîl> coienentntl ver>' col d n'eather The Perfection te econo- - caa, taa - it 5urna oui>' wban you need fa. No'coal, rio .klndllag; no dirt, ne ase.Gaod-Iooking; easy - ta clean and rewlck. PERP TlO 8HOJ~LZ J4ATERS Odorlse u makeleos. -For sales-bard.. mÉasd 'geueraistores erery herco Looks fa« <lsTriangle trademarký ROYALITEObIL 15 boss or àailuses THE MPERIAL OILC,tiie TloroteQeebea -Halffx Monireal st, Joh W-v i t- pet ibipsa aiIv v lih qusire oC eus Gènunan bal andth le liglit Cr Uniaen Geveru tal le of tie figlit te Geeben -was broatisides f roui tship's 2-inci guns liecause o!flier 9, The Tunkish eut that 4h éRu feated-, t-bat- mas seri'ousiy d tleRussian al'e Tnrkisli shipa, l - arbon.- - The stntenieui me-ntt 1-is Blac-k Ses.& 3j f rom the Bhr Goeben anti <lai bien foot innolèc &<arboa, a ndi ( tac !40 eabio miles)- lifi gunsf ranithe causoe aueil <ing ber an fine- 2tfry, the Ob - penedfine, 'h * ng au excebi "A ibof e e! olauti -ton, iho w ton mob a fat b haeh adiUt ein, tt AR;CIIVES 0F ONTAl TORONTO 1

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