Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Nov 1914, p. 4

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Stock out. chance in, a lifetirne ret Twe Pairs et Boets for The Price ofeOt" Befot i.E. Gonoral orchnt$,: i GROCERIES Sugar and Flour at standard prices, which is Best ile BetRolled Qats and Rolled Wheat, 7 lbs. for Quaker and Robin Hood Qats, per package Canned Corn and Peas, 3- tins for J-orseshoé Salmnon, i egular 25C for Ancher, Salmon, regular 25C-for Tiger Sâlmon, regular 20Cfor Stirlin gSa'mion, regular i5c for Cove S almon,-regular i5,e Tomatoes going at 10e straight. Fre8h Xmnas Fruits just in. as Iow as 25e 22e 20e 16C .14c 2 for 25c Best Cux rants, 3 Ibs. for Be-zt Raisins4 3 lbs. for Best-Peel, Mixed, pet lb. "Seed -d Package Raisins, regular i 5c lb. for Seeded Package Raisins, regular 13c IL for Seedless Package- Raisins, regular i5c for Hallowi Dîuts, 3 packages for Corn Flakes, 3 packages.for Ail Tobaccos, per pl g or package,6fo AUl 5c Soaps at6fo Fancy Soap-Glycerine, Crabapple, arbolic and White Rose, regular roc a cake, 4 for Oatmeal Soap at 6 bars for Salada Tea,ý per lb. Red Rose and Lipton's Tea, per lb. Ail Starches at 3 packages for Essences at - . 3 botules -for Best Coffee, per lb. Cream Tartar, per lb. HARDWARE -Mouse Traps (joker) Screwdrivers, regular 2ÇC foi 25c' 25C 1 3C 13C 25e 25c i Oc 25e 25c 25c 33e 30C r25c' r25c 35e 50C 2 for 5c 10e lo'kSon Hammers, regular 40C for Toasters, regular x5c for 0 Oarpet Tacks, blued, 3 packages Shoe T,,cks, 3 packages Horse Brushes, regular 25c for Scrub Brushes, regu lar 25C for Shoe Brushes, regular 30C for Stove Brushes, regular 25c for White wash Brushes, regular 4oc for ,A large dispia of Earthen Crocks, sizes fror.n gai. to 5 gal., at cost; also Earthen Dash for for Ch MEÂTS A fresh supply of meats always on hand. Smoked and Green Hlams, Roils, Bacon, Sausages, Cheese, Green Sides. DRUGS Ail Drugs greatly reduced. - TOYS A great display. of Toys. Largest we ever had in War Pennants and Buttons, Xmas Cards Bookiets, and ail kinds of presents at remai low prices. Perfumes, Doils, Picture Books, chanical Toys. A better !stoek *was neyers oiutside of towns DRY GOODS Ail Dry Goods reduced. 25e Every pair of Men's W omen's., Boys',-Girls' and.Children's boots, shoes, ail kinds,.of,,rubbers andoveshos;also lre stock of trunks, cu bags., .suit, cà aÉes and A uto-mobile skates. will be sol d at_ Away Below the Wholesale Prmices., See eut Wiadow s and, largaitt Tables and be Coevinceds Open- Evenlnge Terme- Cash. The stores lately occupied by R. B. H9ar will be to rent after December r5th.' I I othier - ir Beca.usC Waý )can bce r trne unde YIts Tin F.N.e BURýNs$, IRGCK STI, NGORTH WHIBYONT. 1~~~~~ 1oc] r 10Oc kinsen', a man Ogden was taking t& r 1O the~ Police Station on Sunday ldst. I5dChie o! Police Ogde's condition la 15ce Mr. Elrner-LAck was elected a di- 20c mOto1r of the .newly formed fruit ex- 15 5cchange for the better marketing of 5efruit, at a meeting la Toronto, last Thc ee frmno!teVnîctr.r A.hS. oeandof treatly naoedMra ursgenerous piece o! venison lait »week. Mr. L. R.' Luke, one o! a Party o! hunters, was the donor. The Oshawa Flower Mission cele- brated the 25th annIversary recent- Headl ly. It was organlzed ln7 1889 by Mrs. H.E. Morphy and Miss Ernily War- ren. The new Oshawa Market wiili open December lgt. Friday last, the l3th Inst., 'tbere passed away at Montreal a former citizen o! East Whltby, la the per- i son o! Mrs. Lewis Lulce, ln ber 79th 5and rkably iMe- shown Mitts and Gloves for Men, Women and Clildrien. Xmas 1 iandkerchiefs for everybody. A grand display of hand pa «inted japanese ware going at 5c, 10e, i15c each. A Snap -ioc Lamp *Wick, 5c Yd., cýaIue 2 yds. for 5c. Overalis, Sweater Coats, Smocks ankl Pants ail reduced .Rubbers and Boots at Cost Now .ibis is a .-groat Cash Sais, so tkoadvantags of i sariy ae' ovral. things wiII go qickly. Store opens.at 7'o'1lock a.m. aüd cdoses at 10 p.m Cornie and hear ~h oimbia Graphoiphone h Ptiia, atest ,war snsand, ail ~ ~ s kido eodWe are so e,.genfo Ceun aGahohne Éxafonolasand .Rècôrds; alo sole agents,14r The }busedf , TarilosToronto. Sampl es onilexhiýbitiovna Hberi 14iphet Prices ýPaîd for. But e r ah. d E ~.C ash. or Tr-rade. A few Sait' always M~OUNT ZION. S. S. No. 13, Pi ckerlng, will hold ther ' closlng concert on Tuesday evening, Decexnber 22nd. KINSALE. Report o! Kinsale Publie cSeoo. Sr. 1V.-800-Metta Sullivan 588e, Everet Maclcey 583, Lena Sadier 455,, Edna Redman 322. Sr. IIH.-800-Verna Mackey 530, Lock McBrlea 518. Sr. îr.-700-Elva Redman 464, Allia Neal 871;, Norman Neal 8351, Qertrude Sullivan 295. Jr. 11-700-Laura Mackey -456, Elwood Stevenson 421, Raipli Wells 405, Clarenc e Redman 323. A. McKAY, Teacher. GLEN MAJO. Misea-Annie Williams bas returned tome from a two. weeks visit wlth Peterboro friends. Wm. Fiou and famlly wore at Ja,go Wi-ghton's, Baisai, on Sunday. Mr. Hioward Hockley and sint@r, Miss Mildred, of flith lino, ipsat Suuday wlth their uncle be.., DonWt- orge4 the box social to be beld hi the scboolboui@ bore.:on ffl- ,,day evenblg, December 4th.. A hlgh iiam progriLml lubelng prepared and- the youmg, people, o! Prospect are to give -their play enltled, "The Onl YugMansilu Town." Ou r entpr-y pr ca ommttee bas again bees auccesolful li;wcuting tboi. #@iloe o Wbfthy'U populare auctioteer, Wm. 1Mr. end MIo'. C. Il brated -the- 454h a".v uiCkfA asTum4hi BOWM NV awksr, rersar ! celo- UXBRIDGE. NOTIC. _ Mr.Cha. Gul4 o Uxride, as Notice is hereby given that a b% sold, his farm on the '(entre Road to, law was pasd yte u icla Mr. John Mure Council. of the Týown o! ýWhitby, on Mrs. R. P. -Har-an died at her the 2nd day o! Novemb.er,' 1914, pro- homeher on uesay ast attheviding for the Issue of debentures to, age f 67year and6 moths.. .the amount of $80,00.0, for the pur- aMro.6 Herert nd mont ho . pose of raisng money to pay, for the Mr. Herbergtu T hr op bum . who bas construction o! sewers, and sewerago beotenitn u rnto , handcided disposai plant ln -the Town of Whiil- rt t ae up resio n c e rhereS a d. as by, and that such by-l w w as regis- rentd a armou CurchSt*tored in the Registry Oflice in the. -ROLN County o! Ontario on the 21st day. BROOLIN.of November, 1914. The Wotnen's' Institute lecture next Any zmotion to quash or -set aside week wlll be on -Coreals and Cheese. the same or any part thereol must be The meeting wll h eld -in the Tom- made within one month after the Perance House aSpm on Wednes- first. publication of this notice, and day. cannot be made thereatter. -~ *~ Dated at Wbltby, the 26th day dif Wth Christmas only five weeks a-. NOvember, 1914. - Fà ---- - _"A ý - -nq'DT 1 jxyT ' - fa, or Chritma crds at e yGazoet aor Chrimc office GaYz'i e and rhedlaer ofieNOhat YOU il no havue lateor you-Wh! forget. Cone hnae stieeorou samplo! 8.ove w lnunedd e oigns pledofovr twot blankr lesgfor yornme.Pricewth suit any purse. For- Protecn digestive -6rgans,-bluns or inaetive bowels, you cap rely on the test known corrective >Ail~ NOTI CE.- Notice la bereby given that tihe partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween lanson & Bell, proprietors o! the Windsor 'Hotel in the Town o! Whitby, bas been lssolved by mut- ual consent. -Application has been made to the Poard of, License Con? missioners for the transfer o! the il- present proprietors. . cense to W. L. lanson, one o! the The e Boardi o! Licexise C'ois- e4oners wlJ therefore meet In the Couneil Chamber 1, Whltby, on Fri- day, December, 4, at 10 o'clocl< a. mi.,- to consider the above applic- tion. Ail parties lnterested will-gov- eru themselves sccordlngly. W. L. TANSON, ' A. E. ÉELL,- WhitbY, Novembor 24, 1914. -22 i J J ~ ( eh, . L<~V~' IIi~ LVII KING SI ARTISTIC FLIORIST, Ir. EAST pho*64?9 OSHAWAt ONT. CHJOICE CUT FLOWERS Daily, No. i quality only. Everything in season and strictiy fresh. DELIVERED IN W e handie tioth ) an order yo ITBY THE BAIE! DAY. usud ,ou àý onhaid.1 4 4 DEti ally. pend4 the Province1 wntten than t o! temperance ing the year- ago a leader c ý1The Prohibit' I cnnsee the. wave recedes.' being truc, eac -a marked adv. sor, the yhat. iig a bÎîglbwal ever be oi(i-. ' ment -agairl strrnger. the ln the Prto'1*ne4 lot liquor 11cewl 1q9k for fulrthe p¶hisifl- bey, of tÉor th o nerrvwek' The reurue Chery bc sa- -The ettie Isnactohils the town lowered ibit -, 204-Jas. -.Iton Uoadý ARCHMIVES 0F ONT' TORONTO MYfl wntsr las The merry. lIold. a lwij y-ou Uo mmenclng IW-o"nday, -Nov. 3Oth and Ending Sat urday,- Deçc. -l2th Telephone irtyour orders by Bell phone. for-,sale. Barrel and- sack- when" ý yearý- greatly. *J 9 the A A . 4r3 sa - 1 1

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