the nigil b u'ullarni anti A t dÉnaau nw1vaoeanÉlt tutie't Î Martiand daughtr, 0o! dsei ae on Tudsliy o got4 tdin r~ *j Bltl ten b i 4is, ~ vmled s.aùdMs. B~- t4rne everythug ooked bine, but ti. Th aétst>reage -o! fail bOt cotered and forgotn rig.ib g r a . vr i i lg h tM r . a s d g r & o T - d r k s l u a s a m t e l t n T e i r e b t e s t l th t e n a P o m p a io a g a lu , w it li a il t e c b a r M ronta, b*re?'he hall soured -s P0fîýla the aiqEOIL tii. w ath luae. a tknplace frtot-lOyas !i~CT,~5d '" out fille, <sud c q1ltY areýC...St4.meenbad the.mis- No Amerfcan, .juonthi!, at -auy price tien.~umë o e0W came. Evý t ii iew mertu.H 1 MsS ~J~IO iasrotusued frosem bC !pai anS olzeto bave hie..beef'ring.! r- 'offèe mtii. mime -amu t o beenmuplY-weat well, sud goo&JfP5lC5 we Yb e hau whbea SbocIr tained. Mr. Wm. uaw, eý,ux pniss tdeumed. Borne tubieculas trouble Ou and zne ecau offes botter quality- lng for a mhool teachef hoanbe ctilee,311I~ inmi. -Mr, X>iI o jilut destndLewu han lire cents a week P1"rlde8 i itrinsou wilt no doubt corne ta Brook- put nmre twenty-fire animale ila -theIbis lie8t o! Christ -5 gifts-ý$1.25 a' lins. s. -Mdland sud ber daugOrolin to reide. -ri& ngud Ibi islnthe drat one found Tear. If you muiscribe uow, ait 111e >rs. Jas. St6fens, lad the isIfo5- hr eo 'aaisiba ucba bbe dleaaed. We are tuformd4 had gninfg issueo! the year will.b. tue to betb wiuI. Toriff thie double boume lat u tthrklldiiaialse i- es r.,s'Tii . opa go r Hf duirlulS froiD Osaw. Tbè haoetu f1om rn, eswould'doubtiems never haYe Te- Caleudar.-Aà cepy o!rleCalendas0l came ~ fngtme etrebint ma- wcoie owrsiesed ~y4publicitYt lThis in about six a1ma et ta thoue who make a gift camhin ulg tii. ýoccupanta out makes no dlifferene ta Brooklin. ankmais that have met a smillari fte uimription. "ed for ïmple copleo ci ne, thrOu i g theay. . W . F le o ccupiedt lb. i nc i, n ig- u ii ' x e ..o 9 5 tudruningawa. ,Mss.! StrM e - ý pît o! lie Methodst Chuéhi at Pick'- 1snetern tre.adteFeato 95 uxotha er y,'o im u elder ly 4y erng on Suady. R r .. Sem- -THE YO U MS COMPANION. he or hO!eg ler ay emith, o! Wbtby, tbob 11eerVicel Row's 1'hîs?14Bekly t, SOI M was knocked ucoisciouil aud înî1-bere. w trone- uuasred Dollasaewr New submoripbioiim receired at Ibis ~<imo or orn bors.She15,bOT Ms. Patterson filuconipletiug bit 'cau O C tItlii ssi o e Vg office. ever, iMrvn Ig# sud ber maa' y ,cut*atzI e.eýý tosehrasound again new house by addlng a verandaiih,.CiES OoeO tiends hope e brMr. John Camebon suad Mr. L., V. ý-We lie undtrmgi15d have aOws F. j. Choies oon. Disney, o! Oshawa, Sundayed utb for the 19*se yeamran sd beluve him iperectiy A n m b r o t e l d às 0 t e v l-l h on orb le l la i buarn eaa m uaat loflaa n d a u . A nmbr o ti.ladeso!tii vl-J. E. and Mrs.,DlileT. isaali able tmont £57 obiIgati me " lage gave s u Pparty te Ms. Our hunIers In the uortb report b 'i& a.- and MrS. N . Butson on Friday alter am go. -Tiey'are expected home, Toledo. 0. noon lait ln honor o! Ms. Butsou'm et ek. cure 'la ies lulemully ul 8St bithdy.The ladies braught Mss. Cleaves sud famlly, of Llad- dirOwty Spa' the bl@@d and sucos auaes o thei selagor kittuig and gie yen wiio are on thiîr way ta Witi- .5t.SpTbOltlo.vsmeodb dalagi. talked ovr oldon tumes and olden by, wb«eýe h3'wi rde f O r tiie Také aS aVlyila foreoma içatOfl. tger- te bliad -nyspe -winter, spent a few days with TAti --wa praka !,wic ws rr antsd Mss. John Grills. MYRTLE. iiy the ladies. 'A number'*0! presots Venerable, Archdoaoou Warren wtll MsJak Bri siitn bs were 'receied. AlthôuSh Ms.. aud beotthe preacier ah St. Thoma5s'brthratth Birnie Houvse.ngbi Mss. Bution were completelY taken Church on Sunday evening next.. bohra h ineHu.. by surprise, they enjoyed the alter' Tic Woments Institut6 lecture neit 1. Mr. sud Mss. Elmes MeTaggart soor. and BanRister sud week wIl hobeeld as usual lu lie. motored from Toronto on SaturdaY Mr-ondorouhl.H.Wd',n adofrnsbre clîldrn. ud s. ad ss.H. aY- Temperance House patlor, onWd dcle o red ee motre dwu nesdyNvember:lSth, ah 3 o'cock. The C. P. R. Intend utig s nard 'an cidrenineoed dw The subject for demoutration - will ovrhead bridge ah the station cross- from Toronto, and spont Sumday here be "Vegetables, Fr esb, Starchy sud ing.. This lu a much needed improve- wiTosontO, was Dry."AIl ladies sud girls weicome. ment, as a nurnier o! accidents bave ,bIr. Albert Chinn, o occurret bore. lthe-vilage.on Sunday. 24s. Da'vtd Buas m'as ln tihe Prov- CLAREMONT. Ms. Oscar Downey bas Ieased Ms. ince of Quebec this week vlth a cas E. W."Evans' wood sale was ield Bright'5 south fan for anothes ses- o! aile.on Tuesday, and ln spite o! hie <all son. The Townslhip Council bad a speclal o! snow a good crowd vas lanas- There in some talk o! organiziag a meeting on Mlonday eveniiig fer the tendance. Tic sale went off -well, Patriotic Society bore. third reading o! the Il-ydro-Ficcettt with Win. Maw, o! Wlitby, au suc- --- Bt-Law. tloneer. Beautiful H-air-A Clean, Mr. George Brown bas returaed (rom a trip ta the West' . KINSALE. Cool Scalp. Be as warmn as you can be IMrs. A. C. Elliett and Mrss. Grelgg Ms. West had charge ofthte service, in a good Canadian Ulster spent a !ew days lan Toronto lait here on Sunday lait. Mss. Robert USE PARISIAN SAGE. IT this year. we.P4lkey preslded at tic organ. MAKES HAIE FLUFFY AND Cha rtan afrca Miss Edith Brown, o! Whitby, speat Ms. Teddy Bentley has, alter about BNAT1Chae tanafrc t Sunday with ber parents here. a înonth's holiday, returqed to C-0. It lu neediesa for you ta have liais and heaithier by far. - Ms. W.M. Lawrence In giving awaY Lawton' ta finish Up 'tie !all's that In anythlng short o! perfect. If Woolly, downy fabrics, ttee n $45.00 Gralonola. Startlng workc. 1is !9 alling out, losing colos, split- made to give a maxmimum o(f Monday, November 1O th evesy Ms. James Pengelysmii busy ting, or il the scalp buras and itches, Warmth with a modicum Of *25c. cash purchase la tic store will tiireshing. Ilis seaaon's work la now immediatcly get fromn A. H. Allia or be givena a coupon, which entitlcd lie ncarly completed. an rgcutra'0cn otefwe ght. liolder ta anc vote in Ibis content. Frank Harrison b.d an excellent Parisian Sage-use it !requentiy-the Not heayy Ulsters-these This wlli be contlnued titi Saturday, yield o! buckwheat, turniiig out> a first application removes dandruif, la- Semi-ready garments, but .Januasy 16, 1915. Read bis large bout fi!ty busheis ta thc acre. vigorates the scalp, sud beautifles tailored and interl ,ined at advt. on Ibis page o!,the papes, and MsI. Clarenrce Richardsonl has se- thie hais until It la glorlausly rad- tebdl at eurn get started at once la this big con- turned 1from is duck siooting. He iant. tebdl at eurn test. brought home a fine lot. Pasisian Sage supplies hais neetis Snug warmnth. Ms. Wm. Low, o! Toronto, spent Hasbron Bros. have purchased a -t per!ectly harmless. It contains Comnfortable to slip On- the- week-end at the home o! Ms. gasoline engîne. They wlI do muci -thc exact elements sequired ta maiegodtwar Satin t$1 Wm fr~i.o! their grinding, etc., at home. A the hais sort, wavy, glossy, and ta anod foo wthe aluesin to Ms. Kenneti Beamluhbams a con- ise act, boys. maie 1ht grow tiick and beautiful. tract for building -as large barn in Passengërs are getting on en route- You wil murely lîke Panîsian Sage. $20, $25 and $30. Fonelo Faihs. hne ie!t on Tuesdai for Toronto at stop 27, on MoBrien'a Il la anc o! tic best and most de- No tailor can dé haif 50 well. rorn ihasafo ie leod ot !QJ tvno'.light!ul hais tenica known. morin wi 1h astff 1 !Ue sderad sothof .,J. t____u . cleanlng, dfelng, pressing sud ne- EAST HITB COUCIL. pairlng ah moderate prices. Couacil met tuis day. Ail the ~~flEUEI aig mexubers present. Reeve Gifford in~ M o'oê M rh hoe chair. Minutes o a st meeting M uie M rh mu euwua.oe.a.w.o were sead and adoptcd. Communico.- 1 dom' South Royal Ho0t8l, Whltby. Ont. . .. pCEIEN te, MATTm VIE tions were rend rom Dr. A.A. Fare -______________ CouiFadu 5,eUN ~ ~ *5,5uowell, G.D. Couant, Rd-. Hami, .A A Saving Departilelit -Buit, Col. J.E. Farewell, K.C., and I S A C b.coducd a evry ranh c theBan whre epoitsof IJPMr. Glover, gave notice tint ah hhe Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, mai4 upwarda are recccved and liaterest sterr t es i" ~ ~ncxh meeting he would glvc notice Accident and Automobiles. &u sle andl convenient dcposltory for your maaq. <0forleave to Introduco a by-law ta Agent for tihelieut Canadian, Englîi 13~eY RANOH: A. A. ATKINSON, ManageOr appoint Deputy Retitsning Officers, n d American cuQmpanies. -W MWA A. H. BLACi(, à $ oiCorsadPlia atBf JAMEd, MeCLELLAN holding the Municipal Elections forBo33 WbibO. Phn _______________________________________________________ tie yoar 1915. ________________ Cl i. --r lM. PURVES, 'f fruit and ornemental stoalkunade? cultivat ~j r p op uuue«MTrwand lp Clerk .deUesof rsh, bhg tr a ur agm e zi sale yrf fL va&dthe -voume of bL15nff...e RAI WRGRESS ON T"E yrte aho Nurry Co., Toronto, Ont- SEWERS. >n a»sW etlVi ursquest sitber '. See.our models at $4o.o n îoOo hyaeb ttes enow reiiuinm te be laid 0111Y 5P~ih~î<IU57 tc titan ariy other. Our stock of records is Cottilete, amlofg about a mile and a bai! of!seweTS, which are-a qà uantity of - Columbia Records at haif prîce. beloroe econtract vilIlibe complet- see Our speceal- Graphophofle Needies, one needie f or al cd for lhe lown. Thie ongineor .hm tories. téie is 35 cen~ts for 300 in tii bx. - a iai l m opd iid eou- stckoÇSut ases, Club Bags, Mitts and Cbristmnas. He fumiher addeê tiat G vonit fthle mail quickly carried out Gvq.contraIt he bas beon eewiIbà . WINTER, TOURS, -Qne onl De. Lavai 450 Pourid capacity -Creani Separ- uienSODY onnaine id Brnme Day qu..~ .- e qW . A u 4 - . - . . 1..:.î......c ethe jgo'Washiflg Machine and the' BlunerBleatsO U iiL re;ç aip9ir guiarantee fine of ClothesWrnes ac jotibla.lugcbat. CEEýDor't forget that we have added a harnes i efc ieton, eerssei 0 and up e- b) od pon which saun rair dèpritefltp and that we solicit your patronage. iwlthdepe# nd, bllle gien you iy, ~DISNEY ent'Phonms BEEcHAlVIS PUll J.wss* Sale ai Ami Modules b6mWUd4 laid eii~Wh~5.)S boues, 35 eeuie Linited trains Iudve Tôrolito0 dsilY, mnakiiig direct connection ai Detroit and Bufalo las thie Soutiien-States, aud at Chicago for Califorfli5, etc. , Those contcniplatifl a trip of any [nature sbould donuit Canadan Pacifie Ticket Agents wbo will be pleaiued ho quote rates, arrAlit e reervatioli5 and attend ho aIl detailà in connectiofl with yoiir trip, or -write .I .murphy, Dist5ei1i05eeAgen, E.9. BLOýW, Agent, Whitby Q RTING ]londay o ngNxwembtr' i6thr with evety 1ý5C çash pur- ý hase in our, storewe give a coupon whichentities the holde to one vote in this conîtest. This wifl ,bM cont#nued ti 1 Saturday,.,Janitary i6th', -19q15, .and at 10 o'clock that, night the perion l having the greatest number of. votes WilI receive this beautiful ne* $45ocmachille. Space on the ballot will- belefifor the namet, and the purchaser vote fer him'orherseif or a friend. pndolb The ballot box will be locked and placed in the store and oedony a cisinterested commnittee, Who will cOurit votes from tîme to tiine and report progress. Lose no tiie. in getting yourself or your friend started in the contest This beautiful G, afonola will be on exhibition in our show window. CASH -OR. PRODUCE wiI give you the VOt68.6 CET ONE OF -THESE "IEWELS-1' FOR YGUR HOME.' We will keep our store well filled with up-to-date goods of the best quality, and will sel1 at the clo- est prices. RÉEMBER- ' sponthrsgyoiv, SPEIN îvS20 Contoat Stau'ts Wo Mi LAWRENCE OototOoe Mooday, Nov. 186 ura-Jn1 1914 BROOKLIN 191 Messrs. Gea. M. Rice and Joh peel leit On SaturdaY last for Rai hunting.________ 131P.TUS. on.udy' I HVE PtJROIIASED A BANKRUPT STOCK 0F ANoAember 8, 1914, toMr. ad MrsNew ani Seco nd-hand Clotbig Frank Âllaway, twill Bons-.NLDN XEMPTHORNE -At USaskatoOfE YlR SIR Sas., n NvenberotIx, ta Mr. MENS AHNDBOYS, SUITS, SHIRTSItERHTSIEAYWR SITS a ,on Nor. ST. em ptir ia son. S E T R ,WO K P R S OOTS ANI) SHOES t RATS A u :)CAPS& - CAR.ALSO LADIES' WAISTS AHI) HOUSE DRISSES. DEMVONSTRATION CR A eOstaO ar, containig Wbich 1 wil Bel every evening at my residence. wool and egg exhibits 01 the Live BGBRGIScari be s er.1 hlehetokats Stock, Branch, Dominion Departmeat à ms ie wY of Agriculture, is being rua over the Goodems t ivnawy ânes of the C.P.R. This car wlll be at Whltby C.P.U. station o n Fridays Hariy Neskal, -OoDndas8St. East W hitby , November Stb, troim 5.30 ta 9.30 P. Th. oecinpresentiflg these ex- __________________________________ - hibits is ta intereat people generallYJ ia improved methods o! Producing and marketing eggs and wool. h The Woo1 Eihtbit has attracted the. attention of large crowds at the ex- hibitions whiere it bas beca dlsplay- ed and contains much use! uliInforma- tion regarding thie caXe, usez and manufacture of wool. The Egg Exhib>t, particuiaxlY the. oandling demonstratiofl, -h of sPeclal interest ta consulflers and producers, sud ail are cordlally invtted to at- xtend. ~sScheduled Stops of Demonstrl.tiof Car. RD INCN A Oshawa, November 13, 9.30 a.m. te MD N AAA Wbitby, November 13, 5.85 P.m. t6 9.80 p.rn. Cobourg, Novembêr 14, 10.40 P e F odmou te 4 p.rne Port Hope, Nvenhli.Fo14 E*eutr4 Ntic T Ced - itors. lu lie Eshate o! JameSs. , elits a! tie Town. o! WhtbY, fiuthe Coin- ty 0! Outal'o, Retired Farmor, decesmiA. Notice le beroby giron, pursuant ta Section 58, Chap. 121, R .S.0.9 1914, liai, a11persans baviag lais a- gains1thie ,estate a! the mai41 JauOs Road, wio dled ai lie said Towu 0! Whitby ou lie 131h day o! Octabe!, 1914,- are requised la douives or send by posl, prepaid, la George Wood- cock, Whitliu, Ontario, the executo! a!-tlie said eshate, on or befare tho fissI ýday o! Decombor, 1914, the names sud addresscs,- and a f uil de- scriptioni of their clainis, and lie na- ture ' o!the securties, if any, ield y them, and Furtier haire notice liai a!ltesthe saitd lot day o! Deember, 1914, the sald oxecuhor will proceed ta dis-1 tribute tbe eslale o! tic said deceas- ed among the parties.entitled hers- bo, baving regard only ta lie dlaIms o! whieh be shaîl tien havo notice, sud lic salt! executar sialli no lie liait. for hie mnaid assoIs or any parth ticreof, toa ay person a! wiase dlaim 11e miail ualtien -bave receiret no- G m-O. WOODCOCKI Pxecutot,, by and coinfortable. Every detail in mnate- rial, make and finish carnies the highest -quality.. Ford efficiency and large produc- tiori making possible the tollowing price Fully'Equipped (f.o.b. Ford, Ont.) $850 Bupwrs bicf tfalrinecrni 2 shae irs te, ditfro AE rfcneivab reuir 00 em carfsubuildinAg, rcr . . LUWI NHTS ELR WeIna.Nuda t t'.V.IOlau Y É-% -n - O. - We are makiai price, £xccpt li affccied by tic wai We are looking sideringe tic mi patrons,- ~Itwill pay you, fîe, yur - je Es- w 1 i1 Driggist andC MEDICAL HA Brock St. 'LEGAL INO. E. FAREWEL BÉarristes_, County Crown County Soliciti Offi. sautb wing Court H~ A. E. CHRIS Bersister. Soikter. No"a" O~,Breck t., 1Opp S. - Money to Loý dAMES RIiTLEDGE S .Motey ta Loan on wi Offce immeaiately soutî - Whimoy-unn j~G. YOUNGS SMITI - - isuesof MARRIAGE LIC Court l14ou.e, Whit$~y, J.A . SWAN Basmister, Solicitor, No Conveyancer, et Oshawa, 0 Ofiee-No. 2,King St, E, Reidenceï-52 Dt 321; Re imrage Li A. K. ILLII lute o arriaget IseofCorner dri Tte Sreater Canada li Land. GO., Lin Rteal Estate l)talere. Es! Rent4 Collected, Fira*t L Propertieix..ul Foi? ternis appiy llead 9)'1 Bell phone l11J. WMe COURT, Pl î4 M YMniton Aire., TI -Wil b. pi.ased to gi ve ci kiinds of Plaiteriin, L Charges Moderatoý. w --INGS toN RU'R A Ten acrea, Kînrgaston Ro; taO shawa, 9roomcd d-wel L lot incas in iawn, barn, msu bai! bearing orchard. CI brance, Twenty-seven H >Caumtry Real Estate and Lumsd-en Bui 6 Adelaide .St.' > TORONTI 9e'oa Lii lu.- and OrayI Bas toalal tnâ AUTOMOBSILE FP We bave takrai DogfriiinExpress b.ginuiijOgýitaber -orders earefully ati Bell phones-S9, Sot Mbls N4 AR CHIVES 0F ONTARI( TORONTO WATCH 4.20 P. 1- West. Dundas st, RENVEMBER-4250 spent hore givés you-1 vote, $5.00 glus 20. W