~1 wund bf daly life-VhiWP tjhat tli, hprwi in id W rOtX 1e. ciopaan.~ Wh dh 6emed a m~atter -0 C l eM 'm " -i ry a o k cf ur n ,w d 1 erI -28. Hwe1 'T tê~iw w Ihe o1aie i h b5~ i 4BV "tb aTUl ih .0 In at b a go m u t n11w O DéI il g > e o e yo 4 4 oc k ýd ~ at e pi ived ly unde r i e h p ? M rl o ' v beyoXIê xesure valuae . e oud u I 7 pé he W0114.b1 So ie of -ayn' ù, Ban -d8, , sd $ ugh .t' F&~i~oo mthrhodan -1 row cf Q ikh;ýtbseM.&i o ~~D~<~IiÂy of the test OQ, ~h juîm ciuoffwnly1 an'o rd. l e rr w of t o. bqinoh.nged int ly othb oow-, how iereO d sul rift. Tbtihair ils ieft tsc M 4isiI ' lIi ong by a rhm o rta n ffl inuit ,29 B u4 P e tr aid u nte , I - l , 11iO& BO i 8.8 h igh i di m p or tnt lO Y i u t hc> u g l , ia L b . O fe n d eid , y e t aieveh;T O u sea.o h a m > w ill ne t - T h e b ..w e y sa r - ý l F rn4 r O tp o tIs tU D 1 n 6 rSa seeîn now that .eep a ti on ! AIlS Q oinan.11 t T 'fll. b -# *X O 0 w ell, s fowcol - If doirluyt ~to show exactly wa thyinenttfleota in ieoen.unfr=vbabfrwyuo ..IeFA alUl1 uv1 1 h Ât1I~It. rLni. n e pe ast 3 .ue 1 ~~~~~ &lI I odi ar.~ tznosmn ale ithrB. PetFront*u enatmle.hnerà f b eca l o i p n relars and uffs on. stret sitfi O 52 th ri*#d bUI tgfE ff ~, lve, r~i~~~u brav, ho aLss o fdsetiWbH lok hibordeig--of neit and lae un*ie, he co, n#sniês~ a r~ a 'h w fY ~ ~ tvès~ i takethen a mee icidntsof be the dioipes.othr slf, hie .v~al lde ~~uend for collar sd niff etsand. way ~thng wlie n 3. ven this.à n . t-hon sheà o.aadhim to -deny hie Master. - ~~ - Erina. o hipchih o bh-jm UewPeer Ad "ko han 1nal ieui.km 4' ane 1, ue noed di'11too fondly on. Thon d' ym io-~ e.Adéni mea Ith, yamali,' 113 Al 1,r m4ýd-ooire Su&' io, fined OnJned10 , 11,teB iih~ e.A a r t~ ' .. H~~e -jpôke quieitly bo hi.m. It W<>uld>'self, Le $à * 1 HedEAL TOiei.A Qut1.71,.Mryltte.. ~~8,) s 1uckenly tnere ccoi a reTWd ith se silki;eu-- ýj________- wth.brllat atie siksO an a1 eandrto hewlNapçlidepoenenw wie eVi h*~ ____________ orange an4bin. u aI-cher a.t Ligny, bt ianInsu--dMi.'iet WoaO ew they néee hem lin different liglit bc uul tatteet.à n .,FIUUJ A AA TrTru of r li i n, a t, andof vr'ierfhit e n lle Wfig18io .n b , artd sancf W to 1 o, Tiand ii il elaeqle l liovee andolnins oafJOS l egaemnt ý forma ci beauty thatmv n~ ~ AyAga aiypol ~ ,b et eupon the world it inay , &o m e t~.ln iu a:frequeMly the- dieuitîOn Of waiat Yuh fhar ftlecait~?n andwin tr 4il, . i rdto<ViOfor ae-terinoon wear -are modlî -of 'oeuvre;s-at .Waelo-«U it.Ol f em iabonaayd in I3~t y u w re ot o air no so DO 'M r a ins.oh r Te spa~ents in regarl ta clmùmocb lwitfi novltY lininga "in June 1), and 'o rp ld te tO u me. A h y ae t ie BuW en i not our fatr, wnor-go, 110 nMIetram. là , sie. eed Udforue ud1 an u e Ç»9 it pro of bay clorba. Ne y ar pecèeu ýt h ics o y wOul ae oneaioegeojO. coet die An b yeu n-tlmedibowawebieth$y re altiec, oby a novee. s w o o1 ,1 # 9 h a d c a u g l ie a -o An.a de s ie id r ro te ac e - itIltt ra,* e . nof I mub d ee ~~t épr ý*j~tà «è 4die s . Dur- Mid le Vico'rian linos, w t o g l nv c e u îx e t r ft ' r p d ' i~ E to e o a t o s s u i p r d e e o p etug tA n y u o i c dtow wi . dr- -W i o w , > h e t t e r m a n b y c f i h e e e i n , b t e o o i . p hhe- f aanc e of îu i ining nn'à . o t o ~ ta t st c o s i n tii. fro n t, a u' o p n ' u An dd d ale do £r m Siso s "l a C na '. s s ap d tier d rs 11tSna o n ho w x n o a . om vau .1 gls le u u ly go s wa Deathil ' it los - - , î:,eîwhen ei ieîrof saiete o-ià dp the uy h t ros toJ*Y'liî~ Drngth a ry hif to'r.Fobar.I ath 83 It a stiatd tatit a ostng --deeaatou tutti. ohe fr, thriadi0uoh esatha durng hO avsten cirun. terwlaio! inthb a"' ~e see OPasooj 85,te wtlxMs oneriO hni evey uliero!th eeuly 1D~d- ow"ti and brave 'c f caUfloli ud e, p1oiofrMajiyrug thhe dy. but mli nover c hae Ai.ir efflafotjb à ltqb sigéof Sb Uriinhie lecl whaiola th" trhe heaex ildanpfwiater wra a cbkVs r- - ~~a~ w ed ur 33u to nt~ Dt.yto e ~1 ads Noveilnber 1. I .d.ih_'of,', i c f n .1as. adbad ùt er, came.T ecodtà týW t Beneath w'of the s o i md. oketh- usey d gr at di as er ou Thl >n eou lillthevaue f so- eleriy o a luý- n th e us WbTh ndlforfeit the oM l ort ehm' . contact, th hi fsilw dii t'a a saurr nndin golcrae; abo*b 'tthe'mwititempeatcamewa ieavy, teady dwn. _________ them siva lu the upbulklng e 67 Werin~hissélfTheni~lta he pldecf teirnatie 1nd. ly aconplatthé corouhoat.SnchehCuewninfs ae'ofiuhome.The ctonrancatiatrbacehieth Oi. lor popeeli of iarragO o ! s oloesa rto f 'a ,eGilor o fdan â e tolo w - c b le r . npiid11eir t ar nol i tè.cld then «i dar av-ue tialveW" tthe P.s ia, âb*!. '% os.tebaeIy gre n rae dpteri& with aé t»n ndth e pning théeao b ide moutr'e h iuuwa tre 1haoh utr od until Oe 1,<d herovhWaen 'otheVris. I tixis opr a thd. Thee o uff s ar, tc>aow ait. esd ylces oneara lehaso ae kbleenfain asiigEurop lre - iht reccla & ee e- ottecapas uee weehy e e he ar oentiir OI o tfes sdte r c atm hssrfTuso h em.eofr 'lt o ýest-Th«ebe> fowrer noiddfrom ohas <l t 8"t ti .y roI1 up lilce a hall no mo eeap arentoe koac! on he Fw far "f - Te dariled one 'ânelp d oo make'Oam ui corne VO te "Undêr tue rcuniata-ae- eoiew.tt a chlie aoefa th 1 ýthé l udieenote te> eld. 8h. ibefty . jv parreom, oenytewh ey hof a due t- rnvly fteew fur ts r in for' l red'aoith1a 8oxstne av h more o ea ation h onfatheousand lcoed upn hi - b lneh Enl hs.twa a 1ihtasaacoo alsy icia , have a nti- do Id . "on -véYOu' s Thep under this was conceruinehe uabout iothf r7du Ties utéf hi mtv ln. lyamtl te r e u but.effch he lraae, ufs e, amug .The y O Ts e exlanatcildÙ areYcosudin Pyptiaei1ebInet TheoMPlrincompauad veeyimmidipte, andklies 'beenenchance sud take*.yoThis 'olira'rtio nxy d~ d ud w ud nV v enso o W aâi y i éttr'ac ted boa i, t u ol l1 Y txndadmi t ered earhysci suad Ynrree-e~potd iee de uea o h reeftc g à h lmWl miet neare lc~torta é lininga. Ou.,forcultue lu arol prt of he Fm n ipoFrh by' s mvlueof warmlveute, hgnIsefowte eta n et ddte av « < ~p~ iet meneepedtteo!ol tth, evfr her . net been soma m1etheng o w.ti baeby 0&-y ni poe ohrw-e fti o an.Te i uf,-a os eo - f h es o ilig anc te nsulabu tsinn Ti aro We caoypat ued, "Ahre - esoue ar wtnoae luth adit nig-hta re colol à à d a are ibabyll - erb. a iwr9n11'gdoo!,bhere andd g il- . e en ! na tdion E urop'e arge - t M . h ig u u« W urt 'a g!o . s u fr- d owll e ' te m be tîng r ro ! t e i o t hi spit-a in stifnc e d, a d lu ae .ian i n ld.th e a msheui l d u Th o lc i g isaext 'e thet they rolliupoîcture, ballausedprectaediby w 'fvli n e n e t m hi à h e ! n eA nd g t tPefi nFre m u g tP e r'ths ý,e.ýyp ahlv ereri Wrh ob idffrn- otec.he e urco acheu pl pea r wentschdrn, ..b aeyon huan r roesh'wug pgIodny onusio tii. p n hinb t nfecie n amelt of »ng cha riot a roîs t forburte o udwtmh.aua ad)ld o red l mreà dera natbonteriud moreuse- t ocindaot.terdteEe eatwsa ihti colutot nterowclrsaeuiC mn hm l- Teep fl. Mroey upent for dua tion, for wropiCallt.peyes ia ,bhaveoand reportsd orgnoisas Iue oTheexi r-letten and voudnts ha e e v it en o! auswer, "No." aid, r Tub yer, nd oter, rewle, opaai tii. m n who hina atte e , i'of rget i -hy wi helttel o eur have staye ___ _mare u s h te do w tr f~1 el By the exend______f tolyhe icarth.rehihisthliase'beene practign show. lni'tiyourrcouutrys.Olu wifo ote antaycodtins orte ar ietW uyhngoToete u, eaiorepltom u sandcupnigt-ae ighse -tappyuho met ntnewsi uebMnl 1cluei opfbuhél'ing cf kthe as an !c o r inusary.b-t hn aanw.t wth he îg eaedebo'utyd rt'iu tat thy T E FAd.caly"Areeshe artea av ben aconto!yor oTdhse~ enlyo h ain manty tbaaen ee JsTer r nA modhethwih-faie pae ar ,hdn ciegleted Vo1ndphysican eriv ord's ba te 4w t c ptu eaod a .Toe eat bimngà 1er hsr ni h tmnte. MT o braoSde.sh P o ing BUTTE o R iOTICE gonug ýovr te do ha br à er a d e t r n m r se ih ,pr p e . c th yiý e en o n w , d th vi ,er l " bb t osu e cu h s fl ii g ritr -th bri fathe C uI g c n o o b u a s t a V l lo eh Vhs wMoelt o'te n tio n, ati l, therau nt se la lu d ub e n 'h hwl elh w h v t ' rsiutitSha ve îdcd h erd1 tuhng w loi bm otrl and i ry c nitul. sM o x thsent ars8. Butt oh. dntied, -outy ofg he e bidsnse, fon et e l Vom hen ltad.d p it e i act l uy in na y T e r aoinnaduodme' tiie svathewih lie a d th t h re l 01 innstandes'bu the direcngt causteyc uhrt u ar nutyAt icagda li * 'lukilling moothearatios x-wa csgh sd e ktwIdU 't dosu what~~~~Nzaen , tesucawh ar inw A m sud Godfae, b le andynu," h d eath Je tembeto ca t ah eia n 94 a é i« freo ~ e lelt. W e ,h w v n h outY ra rtiV mecet l csarv, sei-deene, t t' a dc tris t ea hsissue.dIa Thé pe ru, admi vr it So nitratinute. hisin nisaS lut anp. rvid T h T wE N daCî.ry aig o théoutwe a st te naurope, atesl - nt. he no in no urtn wtAt h oug ti bekn myha thelofeeaud bh t dc à yladae ous ute upt pclksuar. tie t isuvoul mrs ha~v. fl e6osnbliyt ruptî rt . Bur dnie thut diRe scshebidlau aontlto Uouladdashhiribat- actr t ma capablel ucf sthchaigrel t moraland piraituaal. MnuO eacs huiy tT l ai pk - T esou o ffte'hebatu, 1ahAiTheSgu o regt onsud w apd l e- -hrgd lesc d if anheenV fwhi t er Tinstasunc .mutpat" oesve, tdo ect ccauste c-m n aprohfaer sa .No icaY ined I woul ueermehatoftercunreneao!onsuhehowe e rvia p ried or hébrand'e d it e'rd' age Atctapeils Ji iitrY ' syta They are not' thus ent-, a n noe- u des wa oandig iaily wa se Wiv,o swbeet ain o s, moher, andel ay sclein, fer th s tke o! Vhs1pa- "D ai Butte r n eteat1 erthcue lro l ieevuuu a-frboe ruh o e fcein. e y bsarve edl VhsWl1 sidtries ta évake ote ide sseadinirt im on osd f t to e han c s -ua r ie h qart e u aiirn joie-Ye is fe wa o ar ,ne p rm n7 and o ral wstrengtJh te act uo'ate-nestand er EIterstuis is hs Al thu to sbdtein god-spe, os i n ondta et wyit hlm. os.o tterà y pthrwcring that Vsut-es cude sheculntafod to Pisfe' e, nm ip n i-nir'cno eacs hn serpe t'l isc! Petos oradia o Aud Vhs tram f spe e ay. Teres>9 ea Itgand ireaabl daage tormpit ak n ydesre VO use. Threh avVaymr.bo trmmlhf'wch1 uîtdento gad. i tu h.. êut féedt rte hwio Pan ero! s ,anP nol kusduart. are quid nt oa ikIytefol- lmentiing lu Vhs law or sneulati whad. t rehl was -goiug on Pet, Cnda'shres uee. oeamic as , o! crewever asvateprnev&o i tus us te V word Xag- fiin-.TeRNy hv ak h l sEa1IXN idht itimen' vitw idiaot the sevteeuhne, suad wofknos but hat epaýrter nh lu aredit di o Vhe-Ie' anforlolîshut atupn a n esa o!lpte , Adho~ tAd juat a ew weeks ,he eiapsped, ab0 hr ns ernaweurco wru"a r Buntter" btneuii1 1 Tue 1in Jù, S o o r I s T rr nt u et e at i d of p iehapa w as , ri n d h rinr, , . 1 1 h re s t ar n a d ir e ar b y a a e1trm1r a d s r o us . Th r h w i t .riýtwýI h, aned oishw gnrace of a a e thene l ae luite asno hoelyt o - ne- ec g ind ythe laworTe ul-tter.n, iirr, r h stahe itieces- ine e thnia at an-Ioonsa ri o.!atheodsceusfer wih rdacsute s"SpMUo'Esj JJJ. L o!Aus.qune tué prey wsene o PetO well, rosIded o rven h ueo tew Looedatf omeu pin o vew H hd n pprtuie u di O etha.Wî Ve entteVs at tfrceey.t e 10demepaao"i dd o -n o gra e________ G EnMAny peil aRd c! BNý.ni t.Ifevery pearnt would wsbue hs aey"ar"ai Cralr. ain andtueiuieauue'dabue tnt e ' o fan e-up Anath e didnt An u Jt, ank tihey 'have dn ela s im l reaton .ocurnc h airy uter,"At o 91 ud- h e G o B ok N it r Ju t ie No Co h may ho ned Vhs 'hat o! a. fne. And Vs ~ 4vall.o! c orniabeise ases otrad h o rlus a"Dirdgaea e"bt suelu utpTn gdo 51 cek eew-Tis wra as Ve i n nai esueai etate81or, Bter aes may ue ay ,flctr3ewe l N tin aceTh ed evo* Fridei c o . .iTheewsstl u a e o t-atheyr nQe nl , recd o m h imum. r fi raenm o!fpbutr rbrniTm u ecoomi cmpagu s nîn ung awybo s he saeod dte n ne h- iing he wrtemgo, ludig Vfaré-ds " TieyButter" oAbs.teei ;bouelnohp ofr- lreolAzds, ocboy tb a ete- "uthe wod jte is wiiVrut hswrs it th e ed, h iuins f v ,He- tod a su.aî,pinig e w-G RStTOF Y'O - qired tobe bmy anuded Dair.vbt"ntîc xv. 2 yVspaso !wr sitontht lasroulod ro tc eraThîs is ee o!thm. he waa om pepew dhvus believ- I Mvry an . Ve lu d-poud'boes mut ai tG bliani seui itreaVh-ormlvrbdylBa oriyt-nw Titi Ioylt aadesîc, A epthf oltaa as hne Dà "iny ustAter."fpide1o4kîng- butby Vh cling-a ethe 'steasuagdabustihra ine a0nwrd -posi t v O e dao! d Ith "i te haedn ré l u impew o!rhéc auy the occ urnei esTh u rde is pnincipeY'but, hrsaem n eecso vn eiaits ad llj ~-L ie !a rutecuuid'aer,ays wiio"them"referrd te ud whdAndhéht ourde'site is V neye ae ÃŽopo F gOspl u d naw Vnich -hiul!bydeil s ueoshec lsisda t 4. utltin ! elnum nVh hnatbuteinkn nd o!toer u uie euhmeul priFon Iajiontin-nsI ust us canabyévidinking itu heae u gien refugees by Vii. Genmaus, toe boument trader. The wiiol4i h- hapu, as that waimhnlmum.awn fein tt.eJohn ou tho otiier fiion ecbly b'usy. ad tiere a inic a b afrnthea s osible By ke - Wanuing he lettn wa recivgoby AhG. he !ollow iîn ! e ggsti wt thé'd l w rty c em r rs.tu1u- îra iu co bn e tia fn tii temorro w hill n e b. 155 iug co ssr y. Alil'î tue jif A lump o un h.a uchn, o 9 Criitn Sret ssiabefrVeprn igc 'ar wnVanta hc W n elP t Bbs u avey ra w - d a y . b i c k . - u s c i t y f n m i s A N t eD l i - F I N einb u t r W o fr' a ir u t e . u t e i n >p oug e ui n a r p s . u e a f w d o Q . T s a e day VsUpass5 iako thina woso semy.AV lost s he hougt. Bu For -sl, yo eau est iVh ssîî- thre a!ulavny. If th BIbe aeeor tuho ehlisno!God nd o hadetwlee bi eu otn eueo! -Galie. iiad been captured sud As a deaugbtcr will stick tVo her ýlivig ac al hirligea Es- aAIRa TR enmn iri arVvsl r à h was on trial if i. were noV o! tube mothen, - Mde f rbm Sopa etcge -ý th orrenit o! athuse. lu tef it Company otçprpe.0u ise robehadl hnered. The wrier ci the letten - By uScnypus btieaeè uhchE oti io.irn"" o i c eiiu ies~~te u; o us ht 71. But, fe began to curue sud te Jut so wilioun f air Dominin ahtcly rn a in that honMs peaJemakers," the bs i a Vesu1t ro Vitswosn, I knowhôlt this mM8;e! whloln Stiec te the Moithênlaud. changezaxae, doing exceediniglg the econ micbattleple aallyutheulOld'Testa-ghVo'humSEVhsNKthen DausoL' t0 cnm e btue l u rslfl ye speak-The abyswau a'wniug; ciliren V 'mn e r aue s the c N A L .m Ni rcr nnlu lt hi iu its own way as is o fferts o i ke a ensadn pnIs Mtr eoufethe Vhile hn to ruan totheswlttero. efItxto! ONTAea.ry In- WI ih511 abrlsiÂe epa frtensi Allies iu the~ west, and Vie bat Ãbat- edge. His vehenient activity asdtehis e4mn it, crr Vistnhie Ruflian froutemi. Adb ohs iablnesdh iiSoinsidea o! thie Britihh Emnpire'!'ý "' uTy e V, 1914,ýo"Tad h euaiyI-Titterae aycaacr5l!uyus osdpesi wiutgr keeps comini relsutlOush3' on headlong. H. did noV, convince bis military reoolreeu may hiow hodetyAt 11,1adte rgl-Ta h witli Vhs inovitaiblo suffsning that accusera that he had net been ongre roitefiôin ueTe OAmcouOt out-Vidns Bulletiendo'r4, ar pbd i- hes bc h goyl wa'ad"e ht'aet h ils cold and'its short dark desiof,;riesus-s followens. is deri9,ls, accsptiiig Vhs Premier'u ustatement Acople,,ô'Figlishmen sat lc sBletn1.4,Iarysdte îe jsiyrsr Vowri eil b h-eodu thee seud b 80mmli nffniig av asnre Viex thutho iedhft ropu 'wicl i mli siiortly le aali- m rkd t-6ie e r :-"Obh te abtaiued ù; n applicatiouit'te sv g deslk ohum r . uw eeteel muâ.ontae . inocentabole. n Jesha sdnwwsnVadsil. a i: ie oj loplsaiio" u 1trmsin0rVot ejbIeaunsdo osik11edhb u tinn Sritra nsirto, part o! ~~~72. And Stnaightway th useond lifgular Army.... 1,200,000 stantly a mnan, wlio pnoved Va o a Brandi, Départmeut o! Agrcluepht nqrO%~<Jiisabaywodsudthksf bau, hos a e eaof Vme the cock cne.AdPtr Peserves ............. 214,000pli-ateplceunroean natio .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ..t. .... .... ......w.as...0,00 anrdjac ntrsetlsu ,ai......r.. as we0.,s000h an aniuji eaderis B blendlmee ar Vhsous5 nt ou'bV as antdVst VhsGennanoale onind' Vu e ord-M e w Ys SrTernitoniaboks n *'s naVili is soeid iond hue bns dnylg en 'tdri ofk crew India .................70,000it la niy duty Vo arreat yen. Yu - Sr hu.- ,honmlEtir sa rtlAdnVmnoth~t ol war sndtht hen uferlg udVh frSVj~ n o% noti che Canada.............................................. " lAe osaaurPul ha oelmJunscsl'dVs ric hardýsihip ane ne more tVlan Vhs danger that lié <id nVnti4VsA0taa.......2000 iio? "ut rcius lua h d ~wndr"'ned Vie 'heireas, sud bio.ýti5? &eas~i ier ri r h ibhtOV 20 W sd&iobtî" t"BÇ4t, gac--ou' "e, f Jimmy icno'wa 1 have nioney l'y 1ç. r d h >uôx nt w iy avorof.et.....-....e.. e1e lb a o prics t&ey have Vo Pa ,a h vd.warii ou. No ola ee New Zeland .........10,000' hs Englishman, "Vie 'e arer Vhs , asue pro4i&sedY a ky,$Iorithel Ye*î..,1 51 the Ohd sim ,w Te ta5u e - daminu ino dsud omn ne-lSouthe uredr.owa lnluhe danger o ary-(Wt lords in theruhl at e usd, blshavase eitAiicasudtuefuthe CaadfarTin xy h," rhd-bisuplc- "hnleko a"- diiai.B tV easuo h ae r loywt h El. waa BIblefoustifie., sud evencounael , thenions 0ltViu0ug IL tii. n îo ad oa !u l e.s ouf huanot 'anger f rndtue'eVal o! 18M,000. peron h o ua opel esu li d h i - Tl .k is sai e h lep u s tceti ie u n e o' cifi !ape' i hl."i neirlTM.tRie Bneditatiug troopa auxiona te serve, give -a te- man. "But ours is Vhs ouîy Em- sa !mclfctasVseht'hs aruU~.-Bt Ys o his" whn thital of ,ie40as ped. wlo fsa tuoles idit." thme Vo iil you;jaan:lessyenidlauld doev i.ewed latplan Vrut< A d ' 1 uppe Vhse nionsele's w heu h t omîg t theneloi, bila better Fear noV when m n spe k evil e! Oue o t e subhime t thin gu lu the iaîiv a n has i a d Vo pay dosr tain con iin'sti&v r egitO 3 5 3".B v o n U y - '--r- ~ - -- '~ -' - ' ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO ' -' - - îg ed Ire th ý- te ae Ie aIy 4pt etty gr. swer fair eau' t e cir- allier - f rein (Scot- Ant- us on. l -the Every nr sub- y . 18 .a l-ove -, My pocket- insels. he Bible- bjeç, we h d fÊesito :te yecn ,hný then Ih curde f a hre Ife aVte o!fti - Rigitflîf o! Peacs. Ow lu Ris !aCiera O! La not, ths pence. record et rio0 iniih its gieat npheey for Wig à 1mois-