Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Oct 1914, p. 4

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the BrItlsk arniy. Thit 18 1'atflo- L81m t Ill '.A ra*opsak toid tism with a cpital P . us tbatha -haà ' yoý1ap' à~tùztt The Collingvood newPapers- coin- sorno or it lavio-gUî é1c plain that t~pItlof iund InslJWOXI&SR uote that town was not on"-uaiter -of tde way if I had bSen tél4 tîila tofore," &Miount raIsed 'IaJarrie, name IL- theala u111,al$1 b ;soo.able fo >share in"uts beuefts-'regard- 1eso! whether they sûppbrted, or The rlU a P ekdt ref u ~ oppo d the by- aw . V, act tijat Orillia Ibu seù utrom Ti rîi akipbiii O time to time experts in the art of port froui, the peu of R.A. Hutchisoil gambling. Not a vcry creditable fwaéetre"h ii ua ting of wblch to boast.1 sehool fair, proper,, in Otarlo' Ooun-- - s * * * fti." Séhool airs hýave been held In Olic or OrilJia's proinieft winter 'o'ntarlo Ç('unty for thro0 years, -'.of activitics of a lterary Orhater J whieh fact the Inspeotor -must bé a- its' iive Canadian Club. -It 48SO wars. Eow hecan sPeak cf the <air years since Witb's C;aiadian Club held on the Rama Rsreronl <ied a iuînely death. Migbt ilo'. not as the irst beld In the County we wel l e revived ?cannot-understanfi. ne, ises the 0 4* word "proper"! as- if iMplylng that The Markham EConotist takes the any other fair held was "tiproper" gesteO l the- hydro-eiectriC rallway, due rom ibhe Inspect or. wbicb bas just received the approval *. * * o! the eleciors. If the E conomnist - At last thcecest is out o! tbe 'bag- was the finît ta suggest 1t, we ex- the secret lna made knowm of the why tend couagrateiîatîons. -o! tbe great European War.- The To- ronto newspapeca -have confused. The * . *News dlaims that Ib le au evenlng Our sister town o! ,dshawa is being paiper war ; whlle the Globe jiast -as congratula ted by the pres pon tbc Strenuously main-t nias tuit it ilaa raiingof eary týnt .Aousndmorning paper wan. Be lb moraning ralln o- ieaiy ~t~nt ~.thu~aidor evenmng, - lai a newalpaper war, dollars for tbe patrietie f wid. Coi1- go bbcy saY. Wbo would bave thought trast tbis generous response wiih that the morning and evening u'Wws.- thai la Collingwood, where the local papers wouid have brought on 'âuch paessynot at ua dollars an appalling war ! Why have bbtey have een rised.doue it ? Mf they ever repent ibis1 have een aisc. aience we shahl have ta consider bbc * * e -advisability of stopping aur subscrlp- À box o! ripe raspherrica ivas' tion. ni h nt h dfo fthe. Pick-t * s s* s1 ering Ne-ws last week. The editar o! the , Gaiette iand ('bronîcle la partie- uIarly lnterested lu fresb raspberries at tbis time o! year, andf' will be pleased ta neceive any similar contri- butions. We congratu4te our conbemporary, tbe Oshawa Reformer, upon the * splendid new home Into-which It bas recently moved, and wblcb we saw for' the lIrai tue a few days ago. The. Reformer la an excellent news- paper, and we are glad to sec ibis tangible evidence o! its f'nancial suc- Barrie Advance Froni the Owen Sound ncwspapers lb la quibe evtdenb ihat thse merchants of that 'place li've not got "cold <et" in thé muat- ber of business prospects and-idver- tisîug. Ail the papers wcre filled with fulil page, hait-page and other adver- tisements, on the occasion of thse faîl show, proviag that Owen Soimd <nerchants arc no-b '*Iôly wide awake, but have the rlght idea as to the wisdom of not curtaillng their adver- tisemenis la what muat be duller times in Owen Sound as IanotIser places. The merchant wbo drops ad- vertlsing In duli tumes invites cnit- lcism, and be-need not wonder at people remarking that "Mr.. So-and- So muai be bard bit, be cause ho has etopped adveriisiug."1 Yo'u Gît Bilious Becas.Youw Liver i.lewavy 'r« 00 a Uou a»k bm norlyerfuses o do Its MM bes fs.&« cfdiuhg . «bae .-AUbflT -U M&Tne smcà beomfmlarn. MMMd lnfat.- turne1 k-VOmha, Mdv9h .desh...'«Cb-..lh. bMs TifsE SAINDR 0F CANDA. TORONTO Of Ca8j5 or elsewhe owsl find the sevic5sof i"ibank ci invaluable assistane mn collecte ingclrafts, etc. WHITBY BRANCH boe*qsmi. e DewuavIltsBrookln (C. A. MeCIeuIn, TAa as.rn,, 4wai UeooOshw J.P 1-.5M94 e>,Pikesring n '?~, Il. ~iiTS SAS USJAL THUS is thie titne Of tdue year you are looking for a change of diet, Mornetling to. tone your systein Up. Try FIsh!1 It la the cheapat and haalthiest fOoýd you cann et. ge9oteh éuped Finnan Haddie, 12ic Rb- Scotch Cured Fillets of Haddlê, 15e lb. Scotch Cured Ciscoes, (nicefat one) 15C lb. Yarmouth Bloaters, 40e dozen. Codli li n 1Ilb. blocks, ilbe lbo New,,DlMby Hetrlnds, 25c box. Extra< nj'ce Oalifornia £1ruit-Oranges, sweet a nd juicy, 80, 40, 50e oz. Grpe Fruit, 3 for 250; Large Lemids 0 o. SweetPotaoos,6 lbo. for 25c. corne irn and try our goods. JnoEp VWATIERHOUSE WH ITBY recruits for tbis second contingent. PhysICal'qualiltiations are as fol". I<aw: helght,, 5 geet 3 lnche's> 'and over-l; chost' not 1889 tinan >7I& laché.. The i Janilt wlIl belS to A..new requiremnt la being inte duced »lun that 'men IYnder 21. Yearli Pf agbo, or ouly sons whose parents are dependent on theni, must obtain-lu writilng the consent fit their -parents.' Marrled nmen niso muti obtain ln writing the consent of their wlves. Lie itt. G. W., P.. Every la recc4ving applications 'in Whithy. Persona] Mention. Mrs. F. G. Erskine bas been 111 for the past week. IM.R. B. Stewart, wvlth his sis- ters, spent the week-end la town. Mrs. Johrao, ,Of Ottawa, 4s the gucat e! ber daugbter, 1AUs. A. C. Wrlght. Mr, A. C. Macpherson and daugh- ter, Dorothy, vîsited relat/ives in Itw last week.> Ms. (Dr.) Itoss, Of Winnipeg, Man. isvsigt with her father, Mr. Wm. Calverley. Mr. and Mrs. James Smlth inoveit f rom Port Wybitby on Tuesday to their new home uptowxi. Mns. JaMOS Palmer has been spend-, ing the last week in Toronto with ber sister, Mrs. Grey. Mrn. Norton and clïIidrenç-.of Prince Albcrt, Sask., have been bere for sev- eral weeks visiting lier mother, Mdrs. Hoâdeu. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Luke and daughter, MÛ& Verda, witb Mr. Wm. Ayres, mot.ored to Lindsay on Sun- day and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindow andt daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lunan., of 'Toronto, were the guests, ýo! Mr. A. H. Ellis laet week. Miss Newman, teacher in the Jr.1 room at the Model Sehool, was ill for a few days this week. Miss H. Thompson took ber work at the Ischool on Monday. Mr. James Robb was home on Sat- turday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ttobb. He bas been teach- Éng ln the West duting the summer mionths, and was on hie way to ne- sumne his studies as a third year istudent at QUeen's University, King- ston, Divine service was conductoci bore last Sabbabb evcning by Rev. Mr. Tink. He -announced quartorly ser- vice to o b hld -ai Brougham nexi Lord's Day at 10.30 a.m. Divine service wiII be held, bore next Sabliath cveniag ai 7 o'clook. Bec! ring nmtings for the coming year, bave beon re-organszeuj, and are as usual fulil to ovefliowing. Thos. Lewis and wife spent Sunday wiih-relatives and frionds bore. Thos. stili bolde bis lucrative position on the Maasey estato, Toronato, -Since bbc agitation 'Isere lasb week regardlag tIse ssdiag on bbc C.N.O., the train bas been stopping and bak- Ing on passengers ai &top 27, on Mr. MeBrien's sidenoad. This, la, we sup- pose, a forerunner of a sldiug, and perirapa a station. If we caa't get lb on thse main road at Kinmalo, lot us Mr, Ghe eo.T oippba.omthetod bbc to the east o!. us. mort ai tbe plowing on tbe Rogers fanm. WM. May'ne reports progress on M9s uelwly occuplcd farsu. H. McBrlcn lhas mont of hbislarge apple crop barrelled. Ho reports a big yiold. Mr. lieutiey bas severeit bis connec- tion with R. J. Flemning, of King- ,itou Road, andt wili romain ai home for thse winiten manths. The Moore famnily have maveit to Brougbam. Frank Hlarrison sîîstained a serions accident, lately, but Ia able to at- tend ta business again. DEATHS. MURRtAY-on Sunday, Ocioben 25, 1914, at bbc residence af bis daugh- ter, hirs. lM. G. Thomson, Mîchaei Murray, aged 74 years, formerîy of Whlbby, wi0f-. OMcCrohan. 'PridaY, October BO.-Aucion sae of fan stock snd Implementu, ià ProPerlîy Of WF. Bays, lob s4, coný. 41 WbitbbySale at 1 o'ciock. James Blmbap, -aucionoei. CrdtAuction Sale. o! tari stock, lmplements,. COiR, roots, Isay, furilmne, etc. Thé undor signed bas iocclvedinatruoblonz rom NU.- ". ROBINSON lot 25, con. 7, Whtby, to sell by publie auctbon on TUJESDAY,' NOvEmBER ard, the followilng valuabie property:0 MORSES, -1 brown mare,-$ yearsf id, G.P., fuppôneâ 10 i, lu foui;-,I drtvlng ma-e, 6 years 0ld14 ibiowni hors., rfufng 4 pars, .P.; I bay Haîgbught the 'R.Blar Bankrupt Stock BonsShosRubhprsTrunksand K xe OT, 9 g.e .t, o 1KhaePben. OnT,, Juelth. -t1918e as à famtIy rcniedy for inany Yeats. They are the. best unedicine I have evrtried , 'Fruit-a-titres" do sme the Mnost good-they never gripe and their actioi la pleaotant. "I have used them for Indigestion au4-Cànstipatlon with.thebeutremults, ad-iieartily, recommend thens to ànyoge ufllarly afficted. Tesetroubl«shaveleftmeeomplcte. ly andlglve'Prut-o-tives" full credit for ail tht.. ÀÂ aber pill a mom cannot takre."1 GEORGE MCKÂY., Trhe enormus demand for "Fruit-a- titres" lasteadily lacreasing, due to the fact that thiu wouderful fruit medicine gives prompt relief in .11 cases of Indigestion, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Rheumnatii, Chronic, leadaches, aud Neuralgia, and al Kiduey and Bladder Troubles. SbOc a box, ô for $2.50, trial sime 25c. Sold by all dealers or senit on reeelpt o! priceby Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. colt, 1 fIlly colt, i brown ftHly, rising 2 years, t :CATTLE.-1 roan cow, fresh :i red cow, due March 15 ; 1 roan cow,i red cow, cal! bN side ; 1 white beif- er, due October 20; 3 steers, 2 years old ; 1 heifer, Z2j-cars olI ; 3 yéiuing steers. 2 yearling biliers, 2 spring cal ves. IMPLEMEN 18.-i binder, 7 foot, Deering , 1niower, Deering' 1. roller, i wagon, complote ; i set trucks, 1 iight deinocrat,. 1 buggy, 1 set sleighe, 1 cuter, 1 scetd dril, i cutting box, 1. hay rack, 1 fanning nÀ1il, 1 disc bar- row, 1 cultîvator, 2 single plows, 1 3-horse plow, i 2-horse plow, 1 set iron harrows, 1 set light barrows, 1 scuiller, i horse rake, 1 separator, MIelotte ,i stone boat, 4 ladîlers, 1 bag truck, -2 water troughis, pig craie, 1 large kettie. HARNESSý-2 sets heavy -harness, 1 set single harness. FODI)ER.-14 acres corn lu ehock, about 500 bus. snmangels, 2j acres tur- uips, about 8 tons timothy hay,about 6 tons clover bay. MISCELLANEOUS. - Quaniity of household furuiture, hoes, forks, chains, and other articles too numc-r- Oua to mention. A numnber o! fowl. As Mr. Robinson bas ecld bis farm everything wiII be sold witfiout re-c serve. Lunch provided. Sale' at 12.30 TERMS 0F SALE.-Poultrv, corn, rmots, hay and ail sums of $1O.OO and under, cash r over- that amount il monthe' credit will be given to part- ies furnish4ng approved joint notes. 5 per cent. off for cash.. WVM. MAW, auct.loneer. Buinesdo i.Canadwi phymyoTe. Frdien uinessWil e for i Sr haW'S Be.UeIe ws CHO a r nts'r $machine, wbicb an absoîuteîy lickerless -and tasy on the eyes. Saturday nigt, oc to al. OONTRÂCORS BAIN PERRIN, Manager JHEWELL JAMEs NGHLSN Carpeter, Builder sd Contractor. NIH LO 8 ELDO1 Plans drawn and estimates furnisbo.. cri)slT*IIÇBRS Repaira, Alterations sud jobbing. hn» WHITBY AT..0cON»THE, DOLLARt I wiIl hold a' 60, bays' Sale to clearthe. stock out, This will be one-chance in a lifetime when you can gèt Two 'Pairs of oits For The Price Of One00W Every pair of Men'$',' Women's, Boys', Girls' and Children's- boots, shoes, al] kinds of rubbers- and overshoes; also a l arge stock of trunk s,- club bags, suit cases. and, Automobile- skates will b6e sold at Away Beiow the Wholesa(e Piriceso. sa 'Our Windows and Bargain lTaLles and bc Coafiçed. Open Evenlnget The stores Fell be BROCK STa, NO Iy a nw regulaion no person lu alo or mshot or trap lnk, bci without having secured a licese frots the deparbuiont, whlcb costs $2.00 a year. The penalty for -bbc viola- tion of this law lu $10- te $30, and a poison convloted of vlolabing lhc law cannot ,oemue a licease wlthia two INSU RANCE Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the bcst Ca.nadian, English nd Arnerican companies. JAMES McCLELLAN Box 393 W hitby, Ont. Phone i ROYAL THEATRE HION GLASS MOVINO PICTUIIES. Open-every evening. falb nifu UI».éCioa mo...e . BOX 467 WIIITOY Phone lO = JOHN Ta HORNSBY= SUILDER and CONTRACTai Plans Madecand Estimites Given. Ahi Kinda of Brick and Concrete Wark. Repairs to Chimney Sticks and Boil«î 'R specîalty. Whltby, (Box 91) - Ontario Bell- PhanE i35 1 Aobr CNRAOTIOR AND BUILDER bhvdPANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION Residence, - Thornton's Corners Phone 41, Oshawa. A. CURRY WILSON, B.A.Se. ARCHITECT SAIPUTES ad BUILDE98S - IIRST CLASS WOlK GUARANTEED. t:hargesn;pderate. ApplyDunidas St. West or P.O. box 403/ *GH CRADE WATCH REPAIRING. L Je- VASELESKY WATCHMAKER end.JEWELER Two Doors South of Royal RotUI WHtitBiY. ONT. Ton Yiari Exporlonef ln oneral Wok. "sImates 01v... ý One Y.&ys Oamaxtee. 293 Evolyn Avé., APeSI TIeN FOR FALL AND WINTER. W. hbave £a onad butinons propositon for a r e lia b l oe n el ie l s x a , f r th s à i c e 41i f Uê res imli fruits, flowsring ilirube, @ec. OVER 600 AORES of fruit and ornemental stosk under .,niifeatl.,n. We ssiil througlî Our saliomieà direct to the COU- nUiner and gu&Iýantea duitvry oifresà. highgzra.d. tros. ouir agenciez are vainabl. i1 reason 0f Lb nevç u ieAndtth#T oluinus o! uuinoui ulent, Write Palb. Nurs.s-y Co-...ruto. Ont. P.~.-J1Adioneaetilogne on riqueit millier to applifcnt or thos. wlhng Nursery teek. WINTER, TOuRs TO THE LAND OF 81aIIfonia, Florida, Loullans, Etc. Limited traiuus4eave Toronto daily, =&king direct connection ai Detroit sud Buffalo for the Sontbern Statea, sud at Chicago for California, etc. . Those coatemphating a trip of any nature abould conanit Cazadian Pacifie Ticket A-gents wbo will be plese to quota rates, arrange reservatious sud- attend to aIl dotairo ln conotion witb your trip, or write Cor. ner isti dtoPaaat., op Aet E. RBILOW, ÂenWhiîby ýs lately occupied by R. B. Hoar to rent after December z 5îh-, deBLJRNS. IRTH - WHITBY, ONT. I WfTeR AND LIGHT COMMISSjIrqERS s Do you kaow of anything else that has been steadily coming down ina priée for the lasi few-years, except E1ectrIc Lilhtý? The chief business of a Municipal Elecbric Dept. i. to furaish electricity for, hght and power "lat cost"* to*ihe inhabitants of thc municiparsty.- Owing to reductions ira the price of meters, and to the gene' ral increase ina business, iit bas heen fouad possible to lower the cosi- of light te- the consumer by eliminating melon renie after they 'have'. bien paid three ycars. - GET YOUR IIOUS8B WIRE -, and h.lp us to neduce the raie still further, and et nike a blow at "the bigla coat of iin"byusing electnricity i the home. -GEO. W, P. ZVERY, Supt. TIEA&lh'EII'S SA LE 0F LA ND' FOR? TAXES virîtue ofa was rani under the auft he Warden and the *e'al of the Corporatlon N~of the Couinty of Ontario, dated the ilbh day of Sepiember, -1914, commsrjrug me f0 levy upon tfeIc lnds mcutloned lunflhc following 11sf for arreara of taxe& thereon sud costa as hierein set forth ; 1 hereby give notice that unions sicb a lrredsr,, eiid tsearc aoer pald, I shall, In compîlance wi h flic Assesameut Act, proceed t emciH b' Public Auction, ftic said hands, ai no uiuch tbereof as may b. necessary frtetxs til Court House, in the Town, ai Whltby, an foihtaeatu SATURDAV, DPECRMflRk - , z l th Q9914o LOiCF Çg,4r Taxes Colts 10 G 0 1038 Ir- .o G 00oo $13 43 $259 14 G 50 $ 983 $2 So 2 L lo 13 86 26 o TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Lot Cou. Acres Taxes ceste 10 12 50 p 8 87 2 0 12 12 100 99 50 ' T O W N S H IP 0 F B R O 2I C . Lot Con. Acres Taxes Coi 19 11 Yt - 2 83 250o 9 ]4 24 3538 33 TOWNSHIP OF PICKEPRI4G' Lot Con. - Acres Taxes cot, Part W >~Of EX part part Village lot zo, Blk A, Pickering st. whitevAle Part TOWNSMil Pt MLot Con.A jTreaurèr',Office, 4 o.Bdasept. 1e 94 Leres, Total e12 89 $16 02 $12 33 Total Pat or Unpat -l 3 . - at il99q- EAST Wl 37 70 4 Comte -Total- Pat or Ul7a '3 42 11 , -p.;' s' *7- -b 1.~ f t 't 4- -t Pat or Unpat uD Pat or Unpat total: - 5 33 Pst 34 66 Fat Total Pat or Unpat as- tem R Eî we ha endore guaran every EvLry pniced at, By SPe( we have ii i1irniited nut watches, tf. fo r 'By payin, we wihl wkeej CIîrisýtîîîas d Thiese wal hut -were ne muan wlio e Cali-aind us about it. ý' Wfultby At the, reguL C. T. U. ait bers-bad the pli a «ý.ery ilitLtiOS cenit Provincial Toronto -t-ho fin Miss B. -J. gate w-ho repoi ,ca ofor theie m ,sh- or heinb rompnlete lier aci ber nuetIin-g. 1 ! -as elicoui f rienils 'Ihrciughlo sponded t te Soap Wrappeýrs *beeri.provided. that vc-ry oi *wi 11 ai sobe Ibol girls ahane rea, --without tnlends.~ Iun rieof» the ît was lin animai supportofo!nanc Siolaanes wilhtb In ordr- t-o thera> ilS rni onceelut a da, ig fhae ri-t- MiSs ion-arvs na Ne-w stL1 hose lt1 00h, * Alf cjiùrs, ant For tbe beatL Ibducted ½ thc eiJ Of L4kefli, 0> Mr. R(w- î13 bUne £tafrci- *day hî ek Mr. A tioli. lias recei-ved thi Armv. - Spocial far Si ters', ladies' ve uriai shade, regt unday' sale prici BAR, $1 te! payt 'rompt Dohvyorys phone lk M 353 3 29 3482 i or almounting to Sale Register. 1 ho, ne Jet. 5275 1 9. ,2 9; 'HITBY 20,94- pat Terms Cash-ë 1

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