Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 7

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wo and a~ Wodiere bhv foot. army in Antwerp, but a retret bha BOER8 RÂ.ILY UNDER BOTHTA. Dutàl Commandos FloekIng to the' Caliot«South Affiean- Premier. A despabhhronCape LTown sae: Aza resiuli of 061, Martz's rébe- in thIe norVb-svest of the~ Cape PIrovilfcee&, Gen. Louis - Botha', the PremÀer oftthe'Unien of South 4fri- <wi and commandezrcithe t.roops of th.e Union, is raicng the field eariier than lie originelly intended Vo do' Genera4 Bo">h i. placing hinmeifit th Vh« ed of several strong Dut&h oom=3andôs, organized on the oid' burgher line, which are affisited with regiments traîned by the Union defence force. Col. Bitz,thçe offi- ceoe appointed by General Botha to' take, ovér'the comimandi of the -reb el Lien.t.-Coa. Maritz, reports-tihaton ~-'of hie patroIsîbas engage'd & part of Maritz's force et fl41edraà1 and t&ken 80. pr.'soners. Commnapdants, field cornè'ts aind burghers who nervéd under Generail Botha. in the Soutb Af rican War are raIIymng o hime aUJ, irreËp-ective of the*ir lt- 6,al feeling,ý to figlt aliongaide the=l Britishx in dcfence of the -Empire *ngainst which twolve years ago tey were in arme. This fact, has b aamnrked effect on waverers. GERN.&N SPY BOAT SEIZED. sions Aboard- and Wirelceso. A despatoeh from Nanaimio B. C., Say$ *: The ninety-Von ýg&soline launeh Effptess Ninth was captured - by CanacEan authoities at Cornox iSpiit, in Union Bay. The orew, two ýnand *a woman, al giving the nai fKohfe, were aken into eusfody.- The launeh had about lime nonths' provisions aând .up-, plies aboard, carried three auxili- ary engines, and was equipped with wireiess apparatus. 1V 15 aupposed that the crew were . intercepting meesages f rom the wireless station aCape _Lazo. Two other mon, also, namned Kolife, were arrested at Campbe,1 River. They are - clarged with being Gerruan spies. Both Parties were sont to Nanaidmo to wait further instructions. * The iaunçh ieft Victoria a few daya ago wthout clearance papers. NIONTREAL PRIVÂTE KILLED. -Alexander Care Lest His Lite on IIis.25th BLIehday 'in Fra-nece. A des.pateh f rom Montre.ai anys : Mr. William Carle, of 198 Bernard Avenue, Montreal, received word f romr the British Government that his- son, Priva-te Wm. Alexander Carie, of the first battalion Scots Guards, had been kiUled ini actioff in France. An additional touch of tragedy was given by the faot that Priviite Carie had been killed on September 14, lis twenty-fifth -bïrthday. The officiai notice of bis son' s.death was received, by Mr. Carle with the f<>Ilowizig mourning card f rom Lord Kitchener :-"The *Ring commande me to assure you of -the true. sympathy of hie Majesty and the Queen ift your sorrow. IÇitehene;r.' - FOR MONTREAL UNEMPLOYED. * Vote Of. $.50,000 Receomnended by the City-Ceuneil. A despatch f rom Montrea~l aays: -For the relief of the familles -of tue ur~mplyedthis- Winter the City .TOýouncLl adopted a reeohvtiion on Wedneed&y, afternoon reooniend- e Che a.u of 850,000, wb-c2 lbiÈ- pr- L~war, and during thc pust three W weeks tIare hais been a generai sadness in pnices. Retai .pribes are. reported Voe'have' been, on )tlie wboe, eteady ln Sêptember, after -the first upward mnovemàent follow- ing the war. In flour and sugar furtiser advances occurred -lasit month in most cif the. cties., Rents -were reportied dowmawards linsoein fitteenLoalities thr'ougliout tbe Do-. BUYS -50,000 TRETCHERS. Brltain Contracti te Receive 1,000 a Week for a Year. A. desptch from Rveadinig, Penn., sae: 4Aioal flrm on Wedne4daY &.eve oonsraet fromthe Britishs Governmenît for WO00 etretchers Vto be used in caorying wounded from the field. They are Vo'be fsrrnis1Wd new tr1al lea odded'by the preeit . circunsaneee/ nRIeS ,,lFAm PROMUIS Toronto. October 2e,-Flour-MalitO- ba iret patentea quoted at $6'.10,,Ia Jute baga ;,second patepto, 86.10; strong'bak- ers. 5 .90; QAtarlo wh~eat Ifour. 90 per cent, patente, quoted at $4,.60 tg $4.70, aeaboard. Wheat-MànItoba No. 1 Northern, old. at #1. 19, and new at ~. 17; No. 2. old, 11.16, and'ne 8 1; Oitarlo irQîî wheat quoted a1 $1,04 to 81.06. at out- aide ports. Oats-wOntarlo_ quoted at 46 to 470,- outàlde,.and 49c, on traek. Toronto. Western*Canada, No. 2, quoted at 67c and No. 8 at 64c. Barley-Market la duil, witli ialting grades quoted at 68 to,66e, outside. Rye-558 to 85c, outolde. Peas-$1.10 to $1.15. Corn-No. 2 American la. quoted at 813e. Toronto, and 773e, c.i.f., Bay porta. Buckwheat-65ec, outaide, aomina.l. Bran and shorts-Bran la quoted at $23.50 to $24 a ton. and shorts at $26 to $21 country produce. Butter-Cholce- dairy, 23 to 25c; In- ferlor, 20 to 21e; farmers' se arator. 24 to 25c; creameiy prînts, 28 to29e. Eggs--New-Iato; dozen, 30 to 33c; or- dinary stock, 25 to 27e. Honey-Market la flrmn at 12 to 12le per lb. for stralned., No. 1 honeycomb, $2.75 per doua' N o. 2, $2 to 82.Z5. Poultry--Chiclcens, dressed. 17 to 18c; dyeka, dressed, lb. 16-1o 17c; fowl, 14 to 15e; turkeyi, dreased.-19 to 22e. Chee'elarge, 16 to 17c; twins, 171e. Jean-Prime, bushel, $2,90 to $3, 4and-pieked, $3 te $8. 25. Ual.d Eay sud S$raw. Dealers are paying as lollows for car lot deilverles on tiraek ter:- Straw in quoted at $8,20 to $8.50 a ton, Ia car lots, on truck here. Hay-No. 1, new, quoted at $16 to 16. 60 on 'raek here, No. 2 at $14 to 14.50, and'No. 3 at $11 to $12. Proviuloqs. Bacon-Long elear, 141ý to 163e per lb. In case-lots. Haihes-Medium, 20 to 20ie; do., heavy, 16à to 17c; rolîs, 15 to 15ie, breakfast bacon,' 191 to 20c; bagks, 23 to 23bc; boneleus baekas, 243e. W'innipeg, Oct. 20.'-Ç&sh-No. 1 North- ern, $1.12, No, 2 Northern, $1.083; No. 3 Northern, $1.033; No. 4,1 962e; No. 5 03e; No. 6, 888e; feed, 848e. Wlnter wheat, No. 1 red, $1.114; No. 2 red, $1.081; No. 3 red, 81. P3i. Oats-No. 2 C.W., _44c; No'-3 C.W., 303e: extra No. i feed, 503e; No. 3 C.'W., 503e; No. 1 feed, 483e; No. 2 feed. 471e., Bariey - lNo. 3, 68c; No. 4. Bic; rejected, 583e; feed, 57e.Flax-No'. 1 N.W.C., $1.111; No. 2 C.W., $1.08U. Xontreai Markts. Mortreal, Oct. 20.--Corn, Amerlean, No. 2, yellow, 81 ta 82e. Oats, Canadian Western, Ne. 2, 573e; No. 3, 63e; extra. No.-4 feed, 565e; N . 2 local white, Sic;ý No. 3 local white, 49~c; No. 4 local white, 48e, Barley, Man. feed, 63e; malting, 76 to 78e.. Flour, Man. Sprlng wheat patents, ir'sts,$6.70; seconds, 86.20; etrong bakers', $6; Winter patents, choice,,$6,25; straight rollers, $5.75 to $6; $as 2.85 to $2.96. Rolied oats, barrl $6.60; baga, 90 Ibo., $3,20. Bran, fs25. Shorts, $27. Middlings, 830. Mouillîle, $30 to $34, Hlay. No. 2, -per ton. carlots, $17.50 to $18.50. Cheese, tlniest westerns. 151 ta 153e; fineat east- erna, 161e. Butter, eholceat creaniery. 276 to 28c; seconds. 26J to 262c. Eggs, freshi. 32c; selected. 28c; No. 1 stock, 26e; No. 2 stock, 22 to 23e. Potatoe", per bag, car lots, 60 to 65e. Unitd SisteaXMarkets. Minneapolis, Oct. 20.-Wheat-No. 1 ard, 81; No. 1 Northern, 81,098 toa$1.118 o oten 101t $1.091; December, $1.101. Corn-No. '.N.2Nrhen 108 3 4yellow44 67 to 68c. Oats-No. 3, white, 438 6o 4e Flour and bran unehanged. Duluth, October 20.-Wheat-No. 1 Northern, $1.124; No.- 2 Northern, $1.081;' December, $1.11è. Linseed, $1.339; December. $1.341. Live tock Markets. Toronto, October 20.-Butcher cattîs --Choice welghty steers. 88.25; choies handy butchers', $8 to 88.25; good but- chers', $7.25 to $ 8.15; medium, 87.25 to $7-.7, common, from $6,50 to $7.25. Heifera--Good to ehoice heifers,.75 to $8.25; medium, $7,25 to 87.70, com- mon, $6.7e to $7,25. Buteher eows--Choiee, $6. 75 to 87.25; food. $6.25 to 86.75; medium, frôm V 55to6.26; cutters, $4,50 to 85; common, $56 to $6; cannera, from'83 ,50 to, 84.66. Butcher buils-Cholce, 7 to $7î.5b; good, $6.50 to $7; medium. 86 to $6.50ý common, $5 to $6. by court-martial of piilaging and house-breaki.ng were given severe sentences. Two, named Sehnick and Bruggnan, were ordered'shot. The biird, named Pabrezeeb, was coademned Vo lafe imprisoament, and a fourbis, oftise name of We- ber, wais givea ton years in priioa. Louis Dutheisln, a Frenchs so1ldler, 25 years of age, beboagiag Vo 'Vise territorkia nry, ivas seisbenced to five Teamee'labor pn public works ,for lsavsg refused Vo obey tise comn- mand of his lieutenantVo waeih bis feet ina a tream when ail tise otisers cf lbis coapany did so after a mardi on an August day.. Fonid Mother (at tise breakfa:st table)-"'You ought always Vo use your aapkin, Georgie." Gergie- "I am usiag lb, usamima. I've geV Vhe dog bled to tise ièg of the table wit iI.' Belgz1ia sBeig. maehed tVo Here 4-à one of the mcast Vragic pi lianïs-ma-ny c f ttdiex too 'cd for th, icold blccd beeau&D they i'iad eni words, t-hey wree tobeniurderedý1 faet tiia. the Gerxelis aPjloweaclni Unitbed Sbatcs showa 4that this elsu Most apovdGermais mîthods of ou rs, e d h renCih volunter h prisoners. To the Gçrma.n Vhs ui VARWUQS' TYPES 0OF GUIS THE NATIONS AT WAR USE QUITE A NU3IBEU. -British and German Forces Have - Howitzers;, Frenchli Ais. ether IVeapon. Shsrapnel, e caul1ec alter their i- ventor, Vise British General Shrap- nel, are'thin cases ofitVoughm eteel coataining a aarge number csf bul- le", intise Bniis" artilkary, 263 and in the Frencis and Geninan 300, with a alia bursting ciharge aithtie base cf Vise projectile. The buratang chsarge breaks Vhe, VhIj eteel case, -wben tise bullete sweep forward with Vhe velocîitm u- parbed â.1»tVe projectile by the gun. Sisrapael are regarded as good "inan-ialers," b ut th"se are quibe iaeftective agaînet 'buildings, where sisells are deadiy. For -tise nttaek oit field guas an-d buildings and fer action against' troopa la 'trenches most araties einploy isowitzers, whicm are short, squat guns tInt .ts theàir projectilles hig inlatise air, higis angle fire. la the BritisIs Army -evcry division las fifty-four fie-Id gunsaci sigisteen isowlzers. Tise -o'witrers, are csf 4.5 lacis calibre, firing a Îsle]4.5 inch lu diaiaet.nr ansd weigising 35 pounds. The.y have a range cf 7,200 yards, wisle is 1,000 yards greater tisan tise range of VI Brittivhis eld- guis. Tise cefect oi thtie -owâtzer 18 tint îts s-le-l la very Ieavy, and. coase- quiently unucifewen rounds eau ho carnieci than with the field gua. Tisane us no security VIat àas siae howitze.r shel wlIl do V'wioe VIe dainage csf an ordinany fieldi gun sheRi, thoughis t weighis tm-ice ýas axucis, Tise Frnch do not employ a bcswitzer in' their field artillery; VIe Germans a we a ieavy p&ttera -ot 6 lacciaIb-*e, firing a sheil eto about uinetty pounds, and la lighlmer patternu c 4 .2 lacis calibre. Eais army corps Iaelgieen of Vise ligîter andl sixteen-ofithtie iea;vmar howitzer, lun addition te ' 126 field guis. Heaivy artillery is-taken labo Vths fieldi by most arniies except tise Frenchs. Tise British division- Sas witm lb four admirable ixty ýpounder guns wisich lave a range of 9,500 yards aad are very effective agaluat bu ildings àdcimaeonry fon- tàiattions. Siege a-rtilleny csf a st-iMl'heavie.r type is aise someblmes ensplbyed, tisougis siego weapons are se iseavy and, ponde-rois tisait Visey becoinie Dangerous te an Army -wiieisihl noV certain cdf being able always Vo odvaaoe. Moreove,Vise suppl ocf amamuni- tion fe r tihem la a grave problenm, andi VIe effecut cf their fireagginat -armies l is e field, Visougis ber*fy1- ing at f rast Vo untraiaed troopa, is comparativeily sligit. Th4 dhie-f seavy siege guns, whiih are al howitzers, are as follows: Tons Bn-bi.'s 9.4 lach, 5y, ton-s, car- rnage iad eqiupment ......... W Grerman 11.2 lacis, 6 tons, car-, diage and equipnt . ........ 28 French 10.71-lacis, 5% tons, c.ai'- dorige and equipanenot........2 Rusaia 12 lachs, 6 tons, ceau'- riage anad equipmc'av _....... 28 Tise troubles -of a commander d-oomed to drag a-bout witis hi-m weaPon6 weighing týhirty-fou.r Vous i-n wet wcsther on bnci roads, n&ay bha lmagiaeéd. The Briti!ai 'amy wil onlIy hope tisait Oea. von Kluk lias remeaubered Vo bake wltii-hlm Borne of tise Germamin inlchsIwtea which did se mucis daêuuage a-bNe.- mur. Hqmes. osent- the ýon ad &e , oiwe .Iu <tccountrysin*4eg281d t beff an-. rdely re, .ei%, ea&pb Borne? kil Wi nêbt, 'frèexa 'nerai,, while ;har ,agsoewune' ad' d melkê~V ~t1eir .rean witils OWn Cavaifr, -. ýdeathl by -the',,,orses -as Vhey sVtug- '&e nai'audonV làiaeld "Vieroawei-n'ac>y )ictuzýff:i-eWved£rffin, àe W&T, one. ,dItcoevewe , ise oetr'of tegintoeai"roandThet uhe xpectedet airairttatiwk ess- leVresieoiv'd f6ln<tie wr zne Itaihwe 'goupcf elgan,ç i wtasbo«nbli. -Tise ,effi6ot on Vise' luVely demoraized tise Genmanie, îe Balgiain arxnT-being mareiied out by Vise Gezmiàis tô 0be, phot £lcwnn. gaged ln guenil1a e. 'arenoagai-net the -Kaissr's epldqr-ln otheaeyws dvattn. Tc n ioseesýrgIscpue Firencbi eh*euSoeed' VIe, deaddythe aext dey ivere lu a pitiable. for Vhe sin of defending Viein owii homes agaie .t h p}vad'era. The M.sie pn ied~emasc tiec sro. ' A-mericaxsphotognai$ierVota gke Vi a epiobune for ,yb 3aton l insae____________ ghter cf civilisans, i.sntead'.oif imprisoning tisera; us sfaofld îhtie warfire. Durlug ths Fr&noo-Prusl;ianwan ti'xsua" sof Franc.-Tir POISON2ED .BYr 'FATIGUE. T-TC.flXlA L' wer <a eto mcu-ne unsifmsw éire cauled, iere eisot' whàn iken- Ijji fos'mis Vse tlng.French Physielan Telle' Why se -TTo1 ___-~~ -- - - Manyý German Wounded Die. T W l'LliI Maxim; Vhe Frendi Vise Hotchskis EADACHE NEDICINES. »csrdeaux, Oct.' 14-The powerls Of or Psteaux; Vhe GirmniathVie Max- -. eaiseànce cf fatigu« of Vthe Frene .à in; tise Astrbian tise Soiwarzlose. Proper Time te Take Thom Is Ne-.sioldiers 19 s1x par cent. greater ForI?è Germans, to Retrea' ri In all cases machine guis are oit- ver, Says'Dr. Frank Cranse. io b.Votts emi odes ' ts et'ake tahdt teîfnrte ropon- deciares Dr, Pii4p Tisse, an, emial-th eBa o tac i hed Voibish-Fanrtiec ad ai i ate eaneor, rathOsi, ent physiclan, whimflii5ý'éhs6Tvf the Lys. tion~~~~~~~~~ l eBrbaFecsadaprohibition, talk;;. ,bi lb la s ot- blons cf 151, French aind 256 Gefinars - Geninan armies beiag two gine a Vobout abcool. It lP about £CMue- wcunded in tise Pau RHospital. - Ile5 A des4p9,tchi from Paris<> says l a babtalion on 1,000 im-n. Tise Bdi- tinig worse. observations were made with rpa- Gen. Joff re's reports indicate aucis bish army hsas always t, aken Vthend lb de about 'ieadaàIi -ned4ines. ehouis, ocillomete-r, wiesaIi~evn by the allies ail along the ln Vise use and emplkymnt -bof mn- lIf you have not tâieïVoarend tise ise effee1c f tigeon, the blood line la Francs ais mtrh, morethain chie gns. ,~,whoîe of 'hils article, 'i'aid, a.nd circulation. Acoording 'to Dr. TL, sceunterbalance the extension o!f tise isecd, aMtleas thbie nexb ine.- aie, Vthe - me eforsahih'reGermuas forceslan. Beliuin. TRIED TO K1LLPOIN CAftE. ON'TTARE THEM i iemndýd of tiseGenaas greatly The ne'ws i oiieaddfnt Todof -, Never Vake a.n adveirtised, paittet redue-'tse-ir recupenabive po>wer. 'that tihe om!ets are stendily hlammer- Spy odO Frencli- Preside-at's medîcîne iseadacise cure, non amy of Their blacod, he says, ia pcisouned îag bock .ihe German rightlwinW in Visit te Battie, Front. the tablets, p1lîls, or powders sold by fatigue W s8uc1h an extent bisat NOrtiheru F c, 'oc lgtseRi A. despaitei frein London says: at tisedrug store acs headacise'reine- *when .they die their- bodies imamed- ser's, armiiks t abandon' fortifie'd Tise Paris corna adenit of thse Ex- de lnotwtobexCep. aeydsps.- psllù ats cetar the nulhifying al ssal aai-tts changeTelega C omnpany in a d on :hey ot i thako wi 6---edn-Tou!l.Belfbrt bannier and deaspatdis cdated Wedne'sdU ays: as cool-ban produots, thovt je,a&c- WARSIIIPS DESTIROYED. hy advances frnm Verdun- are "Now thet the lieadquae.rs of the tngt4 geafors f rirends staff bas*ibea. -cisangeýd it bani.id, piseaacetàn, or antipyra.- * threatnn u ra oteao lia bcom pisibl V anouce These drugs do cure iseadacies; Austrians fattleship anîd Six çDes- Metz, in Loýraine. - has Prco e pidibet ,'annsit- be t ey do. lb by reduciu-g tise * toesDcteeTise Frýenein'iAlsace have beaten, tiiat when P.eidn Ponajý isitlheam't actieon. No -one should take Visr Dsrye.te Germas la severe 'engage- ted Gen. Joffrne la*t week at Rom- mddlPAdepbhfo odi as ethv eaenAtic n dll- roppe na bsmis i ieito d- vtunder the 4irecttion csf a y, Fi'e la inte Governinent arsenal at Muellausen 'and are driving tîhé droppd a omb iito ihe týw-ndia-Trieste, the principal 1, seaport of -eaemy teoward ise Rhiane.' All i- îng neo<laiage. The news cf tise Ha<,el > Austmnsa-Hungry on stie 'Adriatic formaio>n froin Lorraine- and Ail- carehad eencommnicted to I Bfpa racheigu csfa diitse i.t le 1 "' *sa. ins V.tsesacee1 f'0s approa-eiig visit cf President Foin- yptmo sg'fad»Em t ýSea Ib4 tlIr sadopint tatl'- ucen ceem b a spy.Omn cf tei -tate tise diseased condition tit ugt IfBt r Si OO flU pilots wa-s sent ont witis a beato te b ighted; unless you. do tisat'm whi-ehi he was ordered tVorabob it, is fooîîis Vodestroy VIthe sgn. bise quarters occupied by tdeoP oh Hadacetlhesuolycaued b dentand ea. offr. Prsi-too cs <h baeod pressure ia tis h -M re dnan e.Jfr.AFrencis iead. Ta-' -- e ro cs'e. aviat-or nanmed Framaz immnediately o o rTit a côxue rfrei offoe.e' Utake time to glnceover -our îatest se*ection. c'f pureuced a-ad brought dowa tise eigor walc ýelo or f rom eeny ugiaiod avnagbya raider. Framnz- was î'ewarded b feagowrgdetrfeiey-umn Styles. You willgaiamnfod datgey n M.Pciiware, mwho pinned the cross the body. ari rsm tsrdsubneo eaýrly 01pcP of the Lcgin c Tlfhibr on' thse uvin- Ca-a tisso Isbo torsti tune.' pressur bu sthe o ts, j l' 'here is a last and leather suited to your)individuai needs?" prssre bt____d. o ygnsp' piag the heart. Doa'b fool ,w2eIl~ and select a pair of good wearing school boots. for bhe you isavê heacaches tr~ your boy or girl. 1. Stvopeedtice Tise greate ubbers of every variety. A Pleasure to show goods. il t~~'//~~ knosn cause of bp~bdl o tien L.s tee much fdjA 1htVI e fhos 15 -tarob <i /'4'j~'~k/// % i n vîis geod for us al1. And U 11 wsuP oe11 hty naypain-s 1Vit ybe said," .~#m "kîd goetx not out save by-fnaa 2Sto.p bta coffee, alcoiso liquoxsandar lanything Vatatm owa stimmulation if you give it - * chance. » j- feet warm. Tise bot wt.er b'~PI~ .. ~ a -nd tise ice paek are tise achers best fnlendhs., 4. Have your eyes exaned ow / $~ an itedigert oolisb Tis ni Ou~r first shiprnent has just arriyed. Crn Spair cf g1asîýes may do for yuw and order while we have a gooid assortmnent. aon cf bromo selbzer cannot 5.Iptise bowels open. - stîpation means poison.Po it Y *f - e4racise persista sgo Vo-a, sîcian. Col -W. F Gordoni, V.C., IV may be Visat otite-r ail you Cam 'Montreal mon aomed Honnis cal-led do VIe iseadaohe wiU net go away. at Vise H-îgi Conmmasoner's office Britîih Prohibition Againet E.xpert- 0f tise G ordon Highlanders, Vwice Tissu there will ha. greoit tenmptatioe and iaformed Hon. G. H. Fenley iiig 3ay Be Relnxcd, reported kîlled, but. report-ed by tisle to "try just once VhIs tablet tIaithtit is fatiser was a Frenedmman Amenîcan Amnlinsador te be a pi- cured me instanly," as yonz friend wlio fougist tise Pruesians la 1870 A despatel .from Ottawa says: soner cf wnr ia Berlin. Re won hlm teàk you. t do à! Sub5h euEntil ise eigi naed to, Can-Tir is a stronig possibilitýr isat Vise V .inuta you <k ausequy gritish regulation. prohibiting SotsAnC.Wisa-tever yeu de, d-on% expeni- ada,, anl wisen dying hie made his teepr»fwo-ilb 'lie mie-nt on yours-elf witis cois-tar pro- son promise tisaithie would figh orteepit ffwoorh e eae dues. Z France lanVise, nexit war wtl Ger- Vo somne exteat Wa enable Canadialp GEI.î.t'% il o<sS1#001000 m EN. ct. m-amy. Harris is poedn omilîs tao obtain naeeded . uËýlis.' 9-.. ".na Th4v% a+h4 - 41 - The 'Estimaîtes Have Be-en caret ully j WAR OFFICE CONTRA CTS. M1ade anîd Are Reliable. L A despatei f nom Bordeaux, France, aays: Despatches f rein Petrogradi say timat caneful cati- mates ia military d'irees Viiere put the number of Gerusans killed, wounded a-ad ctiserwise unfitteci for servie si-ncs the csutbrenk cf isos- Vilitiesat 700,000.- Officiai despateis- es received con Wedane-sday frein :Petrograd annoussos biat Vise siége cf Frzeýmyïtî is making na-pid pro- g-reýasand--tfhathe tisRisiaji arfýillery is rapidly' destroying bise, ca'rtis- wonks anci'tise forurewas, - While tIc forts continue. Vo feply 'vigbOnualY.- tise garnison -dofta not excred ton tisousad-n'- iefortificatioýns, whdicî tuyok tesn years Vto construct.1 cîeverly coinen the artifliiaad atural methodi f-defeace. MARITZ lIAS 500 MEN. 'General Botha, Sendtl Strong Force- Agninst thse Rebels, A despabch Irom London sayé- According Vo 1late official.-.reports .r'om 'gotlh AMrica, I -rebelious' cnùado under C.Vonéel ar nàumdbers àb t5w00 M-; ,n iïerudlng ào'nuùiber oit' Genmfans w 'whe ave ,J;incde, hlm. GeiéWeral' Botlia, tise -Sôntis Mriéan Prs<rùiÈc--'ha'sý-nt àa -~oong; foccezng ie . M jfa vu abt asar Upinton-àiarge ii,,.ber of Germaù cafison, rifles,, aimsitlsn andatones. lutIoc1gist yen a"id fil~s word wai' .aeý good as ;hsu bond?"l1 "1So lu<ici, bu-t'Iiitogôt Vo add th.at lia bond la Magnesia la Orade State Rcquüired From Quebee. A <lespatdis from London, ays: TisattheVisImpenal Goveranecnt la pincing importantb Wan Offiçe con- tracts for dried vegetpbles' witis Canadian finms waa Vise statemenf amade by W. L. -Griffith, 'sec'retary ta Vise Ca-nadlian ighisCommission- er, . Dir. Pelletier, Agenbi-G'eneral 'fr9eecontinue-s Vo receive en- qutiries indicat-ing grcswihg luteresV in tracte oppcnrtunmtlos5 in 9uebec Province.Tiselatest eaquiry la from-&a frm requýifring magnesîn, wihicis Sas iiherto been obtai.neci frîom Asie. Minor. This la requireci la, tise crude ytate.. T he boolt trade liens is o. aàCtive for VIhe home mon- ufactunene to 6i z a -Ildemanda, isence ts m-cisns r ooking' abreaci for biseir aupýply. ROSS RIFLE FACTOIIY.BUSY. Working at HigIr Presourew.te Meet the Demanda fer Gun'. A -despittois itom Ottaiw&say'e: IV les undeotocc tise, faities'of VIe Rosi 'Rifle afor fr2 urning out arimfor- Vise Vnr<ope ,bave beois greaVy eqlag-d 4y thé. addtion of newimaclinery ,a a result'of his activltwlilelii reied.fr atise peseb onpnbale 111 à" libefuit -he enagd sacup~oobe r-ntie x,~uwin the r rencn army. SIIEEP LOSSES HfEAVY. Recent Snowigtorms in Alberta Did Much Damage. A desp&tcî from Lebhbridge, Al- berta, Baya: Communicatio6n ne- st.ored with oublying districts afber the recent snowstorm tells of loss cf sheep. Bands of 2,000 esa of Stirling and at China are reported, lost. Bmailseep men inanaged to bring their flooks thrgugh. Cattle losses were notlie'vy'. i. ý a)bsolu±te, and ite operation th'ïreat- e'ned, te affect Berioualy bise Cana- <han nuls, -whisiîhave, been largely. dependent upon wool fronu Great Bnitain. Negôtiations -have besa in progres between Ottawa and ILo.a don rwitis a vie-w bç sncb an arrange- ment as wouid piermit.tise release of a suppiy -cf wool aufficient t9' su- aible Can.ndian mills te contin'ue 'la operablôn, especiai-iy laviag regard tO thSe plaeing oit onders with tlhese mille itorarticles o vole-.ol.i for Vhs equipsuent cf trops hi VIé fielci. It islonderstooci bisat sucis an arrangement is 'belagmîade. CRUSHI3D BEFORE, WAIRSAWý' Victory of Russians Alonig Vfstula Is Descri bed> as Overwhellming A eatisf rom London says: East Prussia éevera ek g t The Gen , were defeéited in&aonduot thse invasion of Poland. greatbattie near Warsaw and. were The follo'wIIng spe1,aldpeaiateh drivais back tweýnqy nles befor wsi eegrapLd romPetrogriad: they- oould b ,lle po e w "A couni r inived f rIm, te, linoc e~c.Ts nueas ook fro>nt ï VI'evè ing thVe newu g~uands of pnisê-nersi ad many oçé a. grestRus Dvo>yover the 4 field îad, "hihne,.guns abàndoned Germans l in e Wh e w district. Ilby tse enemy. Deeatb seüt by, The Germais force wihieh adviknoed tise Petrcgrad corr cndne f 4Vo ataek-Warsaw lie been eut is thelRome Messagero to the London two and isafs been'dsiven bock on Times asserV 'bhit«'tise vieboy of Iethe lUne cW "Lods, Pletièow and' ~ sin~ewesoverwhelmlg. -Thse RiëléJc.-Thse Rumiellweee deci-~ 1 *a .0eiýe emnnJddby 'thesasvely 'viter'ous afoor Vive day.' rnDu-ko Niolsolae.and thse Ger- flhm.I e epoobdtbj h mnn wère led by GWn. mm lin- Ito-ok -'0l,900 prisoeers and maay. denburg, w o vlsoaiu'mmoned fr.pang$une. ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOý 1

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