Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 6

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A man himsesf./ t'i fo Men to-day belie;e tbings too s - hIard for the belief of earlier ages. in Tthey ibelieve fiat Warewill Cesaie ýs ESone day <rom ibut of thbe wQt1d. They believe tha.t a way c»,. b. lound whereby inin:can liv. at Veae witih his <show 'man.- Tey a boiee that no -form ouf socia< l aweblorauion J&isimposýble, -Thty bi believetulat dissase m,&y1,iage1y be g etamnped ont c the civilized. worid. They ,beiev t ,atph eoplez of!Ç the whde earth 'W'ill ultimateiy ý lsarn thbe great lesson o self gov- th Tere is nothing te hard and toc eý high forths world to-day t e lieve. Men believs inemiracles or < t3edf-sacrifice 'and self-abnaeation. They believe in love, chaîtity and sf hoo.They believe in fair ideals ai o f truth and< unrealized noblities si of conduct. -They do net delude *themseluves with tuhe idea of in-ume- jE diate perfection. They d'o not think that in the cqosing of an eye &Hil11 tâtésee beliefs can flower into action4. But the worldlias'f elt the posibili- al l4es of this lie as neyer béfore,, and ci *it has faith in what, it feels. di *Cali this-an age cof doulbt, cyni- pt ci-sm and ineredulity? Say science tr lias 'altered ail with its cold, peer- 0 îng eyes" 1 Affir-m tint ailis Plain, a materi-aul, mat-te r-of-fact-tiut the il great 1aiMh arc dead and man no yï mnore beievew?" Never <id he libe- a lieve w) much! Neyer be-fore was there a more implicit trust in the tb * 1tmaetriumph- of high ideals, in tl ülle possi'bilit.y of ail things great -and good. Wars and ru-morg of B wars cannot extinguish this faith. d It ises above the smoke and wreck1 - ~ of battule. For a moment only itw listens to the voice of disillusion- f mient and tihen goes on its shiningp way--still "clutcbing the unalter- c able hope, stil ibfllowing the in- j violatile hhde Over in Europe thousands of men are daiiy demonstratin-g that there0 isa greater learithan the fear. of death. They performi deeds on the-i battlefield that are aoolaimed- "heroic," because they dare deatkl or* injury. It lu courage; no doulbtf *about that. ,Aise front , Europec corne reports of the fighting., They ste "colore.d' -that is, fal&ifÎedý - xnost of them, to suit thie pu1rposes cuf the sie issuing tiem. That is - the reverse of courage. Yet mn are -a1most slway-s guilty cf-1it; un -E der eimilar crcuxstances. It ise rare for anyone to admitabeating.9 We lie flr«t. We have an ingrained-t euwardice w1skoh prsvents us f rom 0 aeknowledging superiority . i an-c other. It is'thé saine with other thingsd be8ide fighting, We re-fi4se tu admit another s superior menit 'in busi-. *ness, in ipport, in pihysicai attraCt- ployes.- Accordtingly he statýoned hinaebf nt tihe door as they came back f rom -diniws' and'.montioned ail those whom he b elieved to he arJried, and in almoet ever.y case he was 7qHo«w do you do t?" awked Vuie manager in amazement. r "Oh, it',g.quite simpie," said the tsiaveller', "quit. einp4e. The mar- lied men ail wipe their feet un th,- mat; the single,>meii donyt." Wrong Ideas. A husazd, a few 'ueeks aite-r the Iio1i5y moof, Caea» hom and <aid in de.solpate aooetà 11My loveTi'zlheartfbroken. MY sal&ry ts becs' out dc-wli 15 per r cent."' ,,"Oh, ths't's nobhing," oried ths yoîiiùg bride -cheïri1y Oee n Co,. are, advs'rtisifl« perfeoýt~l lvel?' things C'ut down 25 vier cênt."' An eýgotIst îs =~nn wJlsO e-peOts to mrAv bifOr Ixbiulf r Mra. ClrisketY-Cluek to m"bê diV cr er fte yard;,and tiùce z. -th d wanes ly as f ar as'tue aVIser' woôuld shoiw Ier, ths ten Iit- âe Oiu*etyCUCki-- staydwstih j&rs. ciluckety-ClI.dckwas as b1ack e;se w; crwJbtit alithe hittie Chuéký- etyOiucks were wbite, efflPt .ose.- !hat oe -hid . *hree or four hittié >laekA spoti 6n lier Ïback. :&0 the garden e r. called*lier Blaek Spot. One day when, Mss. ôluckety-w Cluck and herfanily wsrp1 peoking ,bolit i-n thbe yard, Black-iSpýtoPied a ubig open Ïbaindoor ng faawaY., 'Tat lcok' interêeting,-andl m gettinq tired of'tlïiý i ttleorïner,"', thugeitBla*c-8po>t. 80o be Waik- ed te -ths docrway. "Be ýcars'! ni, deatr, don't, go far," But BIajk-4$pot wandered on. "Bs creuldsr Yôu muet atay under. uctfter'Ï esys, .Iortthsre: are strange thinge jn'Vhs -big ou sid-e world that * little Cluuckeuty- Ilucka don't understsnd." Mmi. efluckety.-Clucks vainiy' vugged at hsr tether. But Bjack---Fpot se-emed noV Vo. hsar. On tihe barn floor se lound deli- cious grains -f wheat, and Vhen she saw tome cats -scattered round a quesr-locvking- litule object. She Irew nearerý. Snap! wsnt somne-; thimg, and. <lie felt a quiok, sharp pain in hier,foot. She sitruugged sud tried to get away, but her f oot waS oaught fast! She was nearlyý wild, w.it!is ths pain anmd the friglit And lii tise time shue could hear, eu-t in ;hat dean, del.ightful corner of thp- Yard, hier, sister -Cluokety.,Clueks, and their nmotberf leucking and peeping away so eomtentedly., Oh, -f she -were, only witl tihean! And at that alle cried "We-et! weet!1"- at the top of hervoice. "Wel1, weil! If tirere - isn't Black, Spot caught. by,.tIe foot in that rat t-rap !",exclýained the gar- lener, as he came tbrough the doorw5&T to sée Mht ail the 'uss' was about. Rie hurried to f set Bla&4-Spot free. S-he could net staud.oo her poo7r ïo-oit, whicli was bruised and cat. -So ths gardemer bandaged ier leg as carefuliy as lie could, carried her intoia shady corn-i et thse ýaîd ,and placed ber on jtme soft green Mother Clucety-Chick' came over and cIuékedý and cl-ucked in the sadde-st wsiy, anmd the li'btle Cluckeity-Clucks ca-me over and peepsd in thebseaddest way. -Wulien anyone came into Vhs yard, Mother Cluckety-OCluck ruffle4 up lier feathers sund ju-mped about in front of lame BIae'k-Spot. "Keep, away! Hauds off ! 'm keepimg guard bers !" abs seemed, Vo say. Oms -day when IMother Cluckety- Oiuck w s lying in thse grass. near ber litule-lame daugliter,- Black- Spot began to peck at tise têther. She ipecukeci and pe<cked sud peck- ed, and then nibubied a few 'bits o! grass, anmd pecked again in exadbly the saftie.place. When Vise-garden- er came -zuto the yard, B1auc4icSPot s topped peckimg;--but he had only come to 1h11 Black4Sot'a ittie disli the water awhile, 'but sfhlen the gar- deme-r bad donc ise îbegan te"peck. away at tIse tether. - Snipl1 went a tliread, sud Mrn. 'Clinckety-Cluck was fres. [Se Blaok- Spot beugan to- "Peep, peep, peep 1"l iixuh anexciibed way-tlhat M6ther C1e e l-LOu4 togs thtsue By Vhe time BI-ack-Spot's fo iwas better, aud sh.6 couid walk a-bout, thse garden stuff Qiad been gaithered, anmd tihe- near-by fields ehad -been reaped,,so'Clncke.t,r.Clnck wasaqaiowed cbo wa-nder wiVh lier whole family wherever as wislied. Bu-t, stramgely enougli, shes eemed to have,-grown'fonder of the old corner in tise yard.-Youth's c'om-. Brevlty Appreelated. Tise young lsiwyer iasbeau Véry Iengtby iha bis clesing peesci cf is fia-at réal caseansd nuticixug tise judge give ïevidences o! isi weani- nasa, haesaid :-le'YourHouerý, 1 ssail oQ<fu t-iný.oun-gsmw, 1 trust 1 arn mot trsp-iiug oc fan on. thtisVme sud'.pati ence o! tise court." fiYounu mai," nespondeci Vise judge -witi s;a y&wn, "yois'ulgeg ceased -o trespison nsy irus is patience. Yen ans iow encr9achs- ing on eterssty."- More> wemeu than menaxara ia!t- i I g* n --a d -étf1' ne - bWQ 4alsto me of; tise-Lkn's sway 1, *t~ûo~~uay e.eagle'spreyI And tieiMY JenoneoufMY pn" t7a~e ut ro ar~ "W'lz o i. ' dhiT.uitou tve0i stood hislult, Buit -neyer bïzm"kd diuhcred peaoe. Tie 'M' 1ee-Omettl! Riatie~syewis.aipa o! Viseé,Lion's îbreed, Th3foé~sr'~Calii mt tie Enspire'u need, "SMme.the Aiiro'm the- 8*utàhern Crose -tn m ny ons from thefrozên north, moï, of tbeè mighty hoërt Give me the men' from the sun-ba.ked'vekit, Bred' o. the rifle'&- croïck; Býnd ime a1ke both tiph and poor; * Nô feair thât men "dl~k Maik. on. eàtise witIf my son&-.t home, Warring on land or -on sat seé fani, To fiçht'for the Union Jack."- - Maelean',s Magazine, October, 1914. -I-, A. wwwww. C£are of Chidren ln Autuzun. Mothers perliaps do notb fully realize the neceessity for taking partiicular care of chidren during the early autumun. A littie extra eïre beetowed upon the child at thus zeason will save mÈny of the colds and troublefflne ailaent-that tax theeonstitution and maice chul- dren more lisible to-diseas'e during the. winter. Autumn colds are par- ticula.rly to îhe guarded âgainst, as theeo olten de'velop into chronic catarnih wbich is very hard to cure. TIe thin stockings and socks worn in summer should be eucceeded by ones that are- slightly warmer, while the same change should lie madle in the» underwear. This should aluways be of wéoo', except during the heat of the day. The colder eveninga ceinand extra. pre eabions in the putting- on of wàrmn- er costs and wraps. 1 do tiot mnean fMa oidld Eihourld be coddled, f ar fr-om it, 'but a motiher should tee to the children having a light7 coat or11 cape whih would Drevent them catching cold. Woollen combina- tions of -light -weight are excellent for children'-s wear, and save many a sgerious 1. ness. Ohiîdren take cold more eltily or lesu readil.y, but if well protected there s le', liability to oontrwet a severe coid. Colds in children are best treaited by keeping.djhem in a wa.rm, not stuffy atmosphere, anmd if possiblG,ý in ied. If a child is kept in preôt-' oaljy the saine-atmospuhere for three dyand a simple cough or cold mix1ture ad.ministered,. the oold wi11 generallÎ- disappear without leav- ing any serious effecta 'beind.-A Phy'sicien. The Rest ('une. --i may be- perfeotuly tractabie and ressouabie 'When Vbey ana in a Êtate of iealth. Tisaibt h ue -eason that a good snatoniumn is tise beat solution o! Vths prolblem. Tise patient is at once'-removed frein his oversolicit- eus family, sud becomes simply one case among- otlher cases--altiiseugis ha ma.y 'be tactfully necogmized as a veny "iutureoting" one. Furthser- -more, a l! a of gentie but inflexible nuls sud habit is establishedi. Tise days glide by. samd tley sire made te glide sud 'mot to drag, wbieis is, perisap§, ths meat valuablasoret cf Vise systein. But nnfon'tunateî.v, mauy peopir wlio used tise reast cure <canmoV a! fenrd-Vo go Vo a sanatoriumn.Ir. those cases, we must atrîve te at- tain as fan as possible tise atinca-, phere sud me-thods cf tie sanato r- ium. Br-eai the day ssp into pari- cds, and letV -hemn be punctu-aliy ab- served. Try Vo geV Vise patient into a moud cf wiiîng dbedience to sae oms person, aven if you lhave te pen- suîade the doctor-te play tise ogre fer tisa-t purpoese. Let tiSe meals ha à, succession oif miidiy excifing pic- ica, Admit svsitor a day-no mors-as a concession aud s treat. And if you cau possibly -fimd tise m-ouey. 'hava a profassicuai mass- age tise',patient at regular internais. Rumemibar that an impatient, in- tractabieansid thoronghiy bored person lyiug iin bcd la mot takirrg a ,'neit cure. -Youvis's Companion. "God Wi th t's" oan Germais Belts. Eiubosed n-pou Vhs belta o! tise German soldiers la Vise legcnd, l"GoVV mit uns",,<"Qed With Us"). They. ans a virile sud believimg ns- ion-sucli peope make s terrible enemy. Tisene is ne' 'lace inu Vie German, mimd for cynidin, wûiich sometîmea lu eider mations mwakea' peo-pie wondar whether tisa strug- gît ibetwaeen national groupâ isgood in tihe eyes of Qed. Thse Germans are flghting like s baud cf brotbiers. Iu tins cf war Vihe relations ha- dais, o__Aw-e--- - L-t hsalaways seasier Vo recognize tuween classa and -tho eec-of a reet cure tissu it is ficer sud mani to p4 thVie cura huto opersiticu., close sud cordial Firati;'of ail theriÂ-la Vhe difficulty of radas," a word cç dacidiug just wliere simd ho-w to givc lips as isey fight. fi. - 1ieil it becomisu xecessary Vo Vhey are cold, in pérauade ie pstient Vo take it, ansd That la why. if Wf aveuv reet.CUre Patient i-s a protilem rai laws goveru th by Ïimssbf, simd usuaily a difficuit night la noV riei eue. IL- j quits possible to be lu tbein as we, foug urgent meec of tisa resit cure anmd aim NapolecnisTn. Bi tise saine iméo e 'hasons ohtinîwte, dalusions about vociferona, and 'Unnanaga-le thissuacter. ail tlie reat o! tisefsi-sly put to- - getiser. That is wby pisyescians ad- Sti vitse againit atenîptigVise rest -1 fay, cld c-hal curé iu tise home. IV i-s 'ery ikeiy iucrk. 1 want m Vo lail there lu tise cause o! thbe PS- bavon'Vtise& leasit tient, and Vo succaed ouiy in mak- - geV i." iug patients cf Vise othen pie-malens ý.We]]' 1Vin gL,.a o!tIse 'fmiiy; fer wor'-out 'peopýle tis&ugist e-ha-ps sM Iard Vo hisudiealsthougis-they vn ouci dgeViit1 I& /'~'.M in Vise rauka, are L-tisay arc "crni- cumtintually ou tulih ;. For tisair nation ,nsi-man, barbarie. -e belleve tîsat se- bis- weld, andthn1 st, we nist fi-gu lit a-nd conquered ut let sus have no tuluir usai cluar- ritegy. ap,- I'm lu sio-cki' ruoney badly aad bides wise-re I cafl a-d -Vo issar tisa-t. 1 yen hîad an ides f rom me.- dei;aioà oiJudàs as "on. e the twelve" is net tfo descnite or iingle- hin 0 <ut. Ik la >An I<5<m-tion of sur -Ia prise wheu'he 15 lfoun4 mOtéwith dia tereleven su Jesu,![but in a.- tûrlbslest erowd- moving upon jes andihe Wleven,'- A- grea&t multitude -with swcrdu - and stavee-+MMe lnd eflniteness o the. 'woridu greaut'. mltitude" leaves tise imagination free to coin- pute Vhs size of the crowd. Tlist ut was net <mail in numzbe s h ean; e "et a ad swords%" aise is anl in- ýdefinite term.i.tI would :suggest that the ierowd wassnot, coinposed cf regular'soldheny "and waa ihetero-M -gêneouély armed. Thatl-hey clame from tisechiel prisia'nud eiders -of tise,-eople, eweuld huidicate ýthu, thVieI -temple ýpôoiiy isad'been idrawn into.ýt sevé.Thiawould mot,,-be s, largeV "body i- udWiber and wouid natulr- ally. 4raw a rabbIs 'witb- it as it pro - cçeedsdeut- luto Vthe niglit sway fremin, tise cht.y. Curiesit.y is -aiwasatiseb concoitant of crime.0 48. e that betrayed him-Judas else'where is 3o dssignated (Matt. 10. 4 and otiser passages). Thse stig- ma etuck to Sim. Gave tiscm aâ'ign --Some aigu would be nsceasary in Vhs dark, sud especialJly because Vhs off icers o! the cisief pniests and scribes could not be expected te know Jesus. Whomsoever I <hall kissu--Lan- guagef ails ons to deacnibe thes per- fldy of Judas's act. But Vo con-f ceive as its means cf fulfillment1 tIse loving approacis of a kiss stupi-f fies oe.i 49. And straighstway ha came - He would bave tise act over witis immedivteiy.- if he hesitatsd, Vhs iéul¶uence cf Jeans weuld contre1 hum. . Uu4er hi-a control lie couldt mot betra.y iim. Hail, Rabbi-At ths ist -Judas canne-t approacih Jesus- informally as bis wont was. He comes withIsa formai greethng and designates im in a professiomal w&y. Tise kias o! affection'under tisis approacis wâs very thinly disguised.% 1 50. Jeass'said unte hhm, Friend- Jeans matches fcrmality with for- mality sud catis Judas "Friemd." Do tisat for which thon art coins -The meaning is, "Von 'have doms that whiois your-planmed Vo do. I nnderatand tise meaning o! tise kitsi."- The Master éaw qnickly tise parade sud pretense -of affec- tion 3. Then Judas-That is, after Jeans was ted away te. Pilate. As accu as Judas saw tisis ha fslt tise doom cf Jeans was complets. L Who betrayed him-Agai tise. stigmia. Repsmted bimsif, sud brougit- back tise hirty piecea cf ilver - He repemted te Vhs fuilest extent: he 'brouglit back tis e<Iver. But thse silver no longer had auglit Vo de with tise betrayal. Wisat was dons couid tict be undome. Tise ne- pentance w"t geu.uine, aveu apart frein ths restoration cf tise money. 4. Betrayed-This word can al- -ways, be rndered by "delive-red np." The betrayal Yneltlded tise What la that Vo us I uce thon to it-The pniesta could net wash swsy tise guilt cf Judas. e-ad vhey been a-bic to, tisey wonld luot have- beau conceruaci iiti doiugjo. Let Judas stand tise full brunt o! lis àct. That was thain Vhought. And thcy donis Viesa gloatad over bis dis- ceinfit rea su mucis as tissy <id over Vhici good fortune when ha camne te .tbem Vo aay ha wouid deliver Jeans lu tiscir hands. 5. Caut clown Vise pieces of silver -Ée conld mot hold tisem. They were sasng bis flash. Iuto t-ha samctuary-TSe un<laan monay w as even Vo dafile Vtse tem- pie, fos it was tisrown unto tise*very h4ciy -of holias. Auddepartad; sud lue went sway sud hauged ismaf-He is atil pursnýed by tise fssries. As an cvii <plilt wisich rau hitisen nd tiithar in tise aarti s eekiug veut sud finci- ing moue, so Judas was hurnied by AwonagdeslAusri oe'Fnr - - c tls geatfeaturr c Vise preseima- , iva ba- ý b- tiruarnu-ored a obt,-a-lrcneverf x In ,wcrk lias been ecxec,1iad w-lth tIi-cm by bÊhe vansous simmi-zus iusthe field. The piscutograpis shows one o! thcua extrla'rdi nau- mubile entreaces. out Europe. Ansd tlserefore neyer Up froin a illion hean£ste e ,efere lias tse a$ony ouf xi4'e seuls gees te -Qd'tise pryer o f gnawt on beesi eo,,int,-nÏe a'd their prayers i asitlitIse bleasedness cf pesice-'tlat ion~~ ~ deiinnes -uieêiac people îay d'wel l nsur.hiwelliuns uluce-re. '-Not merely -here, but "d vew isefiougikouttiey arIli-1- InasQuiet Ilesting -PIaa. set me.rely to-day, ibu't on every, day Tisat deserts zny blocos like tflsa that witneeas àtise suprême' hiorrr "roeesud aii w"s places - of: Vie- of. nation lIifting up sword agauhi na- ee;rthbe ga;tistroutes.oi trade tion-fiot mely by, us, whoe ns fan sd nia'.rtao 4bness Msay be rexnoved, rous fiTe- sud sword, -bu- t1treged, and preusperity &wesll by toober: men 'amd stricken women wiiilBin tise, bondera ouf every land; in àall lansnwravaged uby des- tihat science may - be buusy in ber ia-- truction- -sGo e-scùgisVwitli one borat;onies,- philésopby vocal -in ber voie -sud on -hIeart, "to voucbsaje halls oi -earu-ing, and reuligion tri- Eiia.ehildren pae. -umpiant, in thSe temples oufd's Up iFrom s Thousand Altars - Praise ; that tise bearts, o! men maY bisere goste God tise prayér toha -possessed -o! love, sud iu quiet- banuisis froin-tisaN earibh -"thes.gni*ev-, neass and confidence leama thé noble' ousnue.s of wan," tisat men may noV Iaws sud fco'ow in Vhs genUetl waya be eaugfhterdlk addb S7tsouf brothenýhoed; t"ut God's lking- wihnVsshamîb'es; Visat women Clon arta ose u i iue<n rnsy net ube stipped e<>lovedi~ê on iti s it is in Heéaven. aud Ieft airons- sud <esclaVe; that -Foudly di)-we hope ý*t,-V'w&r, Vise homes may -net be destr-oyeci or de-: work cf âail vil-iainy sud thé sm Of. spouled, -sud tise sged à;ncitise'ail iii, may s'peedily pa-s aî'ay. Fer- Young, Vie sick sud Vhs enf eebleci,' vently do we pray that peace, wlitlh scatitered hlpleffl hefore the wiud;s haniuetis ne Mai ud -bringetVbim- co(f violence; thaut cul-tivated fields mesnrable g-ooci te ail, rnay aspeed-. Mnay net le laid w&ste aud inhabit- iiy appear. Higihiydo.,we resol-ve cd places iblaated like a dasert ;- t1bat Vo do ailfwliich, msy aeiieve"' tba* famine may met staik tube ertb, concord smcmg men audJnnations pestiIene ualkin ludaukuessansd withou-t wbhiclthene ea leeitbr poverty beset tiseisaunts of men, as happinesa nor truc friendship, nor- in forgotten days; that Vise -machin- amy wiffîesome fruit e! -teil or ery aud monuments, arts aud theuglit. "-Rai' John Haynes scient-es, comferts aud. beauties of. 4oD]ànes. found isanging on a trac. IV ha sup-I possd tisat -ha stnangled iseif,i Vise sgpe having ;broen., But -sec Acta 1. 18. 6. And tVie chie! priests Voek t-le1 pieces c! culver, sud said, IV is not lawfnl Vo put tisemin uto Vhe treas- - ny, aines it is tise pnice e!f'biood- Tisa 'word for "traury" is cor- bana suad uiemastise Isacred treasury." Tise exclusion ,of "hblcod monay" frein this trcasuny was su application of tise law againat hariotry (se Den-t. 23. 18). Now truc is itisha-t Jesus wua counted witis hanlotsansud <mera. 7., Bought - - . tise petter'a field Vo'bur.y straugars in-Strange tisat this moncy siseuld :be se associated with d<atissud buniai .Strangens doubtiess meant Vhs Jews fmcm otiser lands dying in Jerusalein at passever -ine. 9, 10. Tien waa !ulislcd tisat wisich ws sapoken through Jere- ýmiai tisa prophset-Tisa words o! tise ext whicli <eîiow are noV froln Jeremiais, but froin Zecliai (chapter 11, verses 12, 13). The er- rer is due te Vhs <sot, doubtleais, tatsimilan textus froin Jenemiaih (1.2, 3 sud 32. 6-15) wene in thse writer's mind. Tise , force o! tise paraillislanet lunVIse close similar- itv of Vihe incidessconuected whth tise prophat on Visaeueiband samd Jeans on tise other, but lunVise veny iow value set upon a prepiset lu' either case. Propheticalinisight sud ac-tivits cannot ha estimated. TIsey run bayonci aIl power cf cal- -culation. Tise travssty in tisaha-. trayal o! Jeans becomes accentuat- asd when tise iow price set upen his Juead 15 cousidered. CAÏN. T-hene's many a mnu in flarng bell1 For a ai-uile twist e'tise knife; Thene' m-amy s roVu-ing prison corpie That keepsi lhioell for l! e; But Vhere'a moue will stand' By Vhs «nan who planed Wit'b a Pit-perverted ukili To mint tishenic ldw*l'b a German clii- At tise pu'ice cf a mi-il-icun-kili!1 IV ism't tise Uhlian battis tist, 1V isnt the Beigian jrage, It hsn't tise Engliis greued for land Tisa-tnmires t-ise reekiug sta-ge, But Visemou-a-t-ous'p'lan O!f igM- -a WiVh s worl<-e-ugul fin gw i-ll, Wlho calia Vo tise vu!tures out c0' tise nontis To feat- tu .na nsiliom-kiii. Tise Kaiser -lts in an simmoured, -train, - Fan baek f rom V-h-e ba.btlie-gnhp. Ifs ise Liepzig boy sd.Vise Paris boy Who erottci wbere tise builets nip. 1t'i tfhe AntVve-p iman Wh(, lec-ndiugli!s,<pan with a b!o-cd-chv-ked prayer, if he vi 1;11, Ash ha es iuy theso id-eoe!tiseLixcr- po( l!,lad In tlue Kaibrer'snuieni-l Tise Kaier's motsr-rest iser S-Se hides her face in tseaven. She p b--ts- aIse vene tIse Ye>rk- Or the wid--çuwecl wife lu Devon.' They îjaîouîu tse-ir dead WitIspround,-ield isja< Whisc -eilsaraie i-u-Gcd'-s wiii, Shie mciuru.s'fe.r Vhe t-ice-dammoed Mho plann'd the muinkd -Bett.y 1). Thorui-ey in October Canada Munt-hiy.- Once lu a ivisils 'a 'nu bas so inucis -usouey Visat-lie fecls lie can1 torid te li e st. aio 'îctias lu spte uf tefatV sa- ai Vaken tise place of taffeta te a large exbent, taffeta ribbon sashes -are .sbowu ou mauuy evcnhng fnocks. Fs-peciaily for -yotng, womeu la tIse Vaffeta sasis shown. Tiser. lu usuail- < ly a isuge bow at enae sida 'o! th~e'- front sud very wid-* nilibon haý used. Green Chiffon and Monkey Fur. Green golfine, cisiffon and mon- ke.v fnn arecombimed in Visis way. There is s foundation akint, of eoft' greeua silik golfine. Thercis a' lonig, gstisered tu nic cf. green chiffon that leavesa xposad about fi-fteen incises - of tiehe lssadticu akint. Tise tusmic is edged witis a. frings o! monkey fusr.' Tise long chiffon sieéves are edged wl-ih monkey sud Vthe lodice i-s *conspsed o! golfine suaid chiffon. Sealioped Velvet, One o! Vhs mew -modela shows s veivet skirt scauiopeci about tIse bottein, the scallops -bouud -wiVS satin. Thés-e is a long'beaded tu-le - tunic finighed at tise bottons withlia bead fningu. - On(,.Pl ee Frock Fasitened Ins Back. A black frock consista of a botse, wvaiale-ss bodice of' -satih ,thatý neaches Vo the thipe and fatena 'in tfise back Nwitli jet ùttonDa.,- thé nc la a 'band o! jet'enibroidery 'about the is-gis' round' nck sud 'a fmiiiod tuile- 'fares upwvarud. Tis>eren. ilong tulle sateeves, ,full be'lcw 'Vise e1bow, with a.,b.aud of velvet at tise wrists -aud a fr111 oë tulle over tise hancis, There is a saab abenut le hi-ps, '*itiitwe -ends held a.ttie ibaok under -t'wo big je-t emnamentu. The skirt consisaof -a satin, founci- ation witisas1long tulle, Vunie bor- dereci witis three iben4is o!fblack veivet nibbon. - - Poekets. Peekats wili ap.parent3y -bavea place in autumu fisï'ion. A -,serge - trock, with ',a aient..kint sud-a log ovendresa th"san àiara t a~sromn tise shouildc-rs Vo 'below Vy hseiqcesa, àhéow-a tuwo braided poýckeus on 'tise bips. Tic fnock ie Isamdéd witls -muS uar'row iik bnaa.hd. - ere l amether'n mdel 'with -intarestiug pockets. Ilu isnaàde ,wlth-isa gray- veiv4t bodice'hniDl usahan blou-se af- fect, -pleated bÈlew 'tubs leese ,wa st. Over tise ptieatsar a-'ti-cised Viveo -pockets. - -There is Î.a <ient satin' ltsida long -ciffon tunic, eédi- ed -witis a -band oftise satin. TPser.e is ne Voioh *o! any tsr ee0tla gray on Visa - 'isoler-fu-ock SUres' Lae ýand ,Satin. A fnock, lu oue picce, fasteni iu tise'baek,- is ma&e witls a blak satin foundation Wiüh 'a thres icb baud c! satin. Tisere are'long ciii!- fou sisaveýs'sud the're lians -oveér- blousa c"f 'satin, eut se Visat i-V unge -ambdtli sud'wim-lJrless from «- tise - buit anci enda sbelow Vise-waîst lu à rotsnded outiase.911venrda -srescis <nom the uMVdrarm seuais o the isck e! the, waisut. Tlieefraighi et- coa fm-ail.'Tisane' hB'a a lig4utly s'ounded'nec.k lins,-ilftished i-itsa littie Foiling c'olla-r, as k1gli in back as lu front, o-fsilver laèe, Tise AeiapnagCok. "yleselis -seweli lorganizi said Myrs. de Graw, "Visat I go'lnto-nsy kitchen once s a e . "Tisat's tise; p1easùuut way pu~s it," ber s-ibîtid expli (As am"rter of-làot, slie'a-& .of ier coeok," (hall<mqnths ti bave been'defei -- at th~e priceef fate of the;ir c( ceoe4anl'expeci army in Antwer DutlihComnmai ('all of Sobuti A- Àdespatc-r Ai - srsutt cy lionn luths pr~ provinces, Ger Pre,7naen f tise c. -al ncc-irnar the Urit-un, is t2 th-an he enrgin -Generai Botuha the hcad of si burgher lhue, - irth ryegzime-uts defence 1force. -- T ceappointeýd 1 take ever the c Lieult.-COýi. Maý of cfis-patrols.h Maritz's forc~e taken:80 pnîau>i field-Co rn et s fieru-&1 under Sonith Afnican hà- cati1, irresp *-CÉ1 feeling, tc Brît-;4h.in <d a-gainst w1hicur tiywcre în-ý lua<Ia jnutrkrcd (HiII3AN SI says- .Tise' launcis Empre; 'by Canadian * Spit, in ijnîo' mnen and a *i name-oX0 custody. Thi mine mnont-hs> *plies aboard, a'y genglues,o -=tint the creç mnessages, f ro - at Cape -Laz4 -at - Campbell - cha.rged - wi-th Both parties - Vo wait furth, ---The launýci days ago itl 3101NTREAI. 'Alexande~r Cz -Ris 25tb --A. despatch Mr. -William Avenue,--Mon frcm tise Bri his -on,,Pri -Carie. -o! the -- in France. A tragedy wasF -- Priv ute Carl Septemf4cr birthçIa:. -Th eon 1 so dea thi Carle s-ithi-¶li card<> frmm n . the. -t'h rue sym- Ànnd the Quc Vote" oc $0. --- A despateli Tise -cost o! -.11 jumpMd ty -ueýL -the, outbre-ak 'La-bon Derpaxr sisewimg Vise gei at ifs sud ouf a-s «oin.pancd -s ôf-july. 3Mort( durng theifines wïr, sud duri iveeka thare1 -steadinesalu in are- reportcd t( tise firet upwar iug tise wan. funther sdva& meuth fu mOt werc reported fl!tef n Iocalitie iniume. . Brîtain Contrt A despatcis ssys_ A locW oreeiv-ed a cesy Govcrnsent fi lis use4 in' Ca th Visefeld. 'The iL Vhs rate 01 il --

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