Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Oct 1914, p. 2

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- hacleton, aùnd bound on a milsion Cr Pol ar exý,1oratioI. lier o- mander a.nd nxany -ofber cre'w were, lialIe to service, with their couD:, tri's war flee4ts, a.nd at- once offer- ed to perform thatV duty. - J P/88> held, however, tha.V-Ithe tae9k for w~hieh they liad so carefully Pte- pa.red wasjtas "national" as that of war, and tûiey wore- likdan * oproceedijnto ;he 1rozený&. So here is one grouppof 'merih 'wil cnow but -the býeginnjng o!f the great1estwisr Uat lias ever afflicted hurnansty until a.fter it, is alil over. *Rumons afid-taies o! Ithat wa.r will boe Apread into the déépeat recesses, of Asia, and -the remotet jungles of A frica ad& outh -Asnerica. But they wIffl not reach into the lonely seas -wlere these inen have gone. -While ial! tihe world is at war, they i1 be pursuing only knowedge a.nd contendiflg on'iy with the ele- Are they to be envied, or are tlhey to be' piied 1 That le as one looloe at it.. The mosti relentless !oe oif Fngland, however, can wish them on, suecess in their peaceful en- deaàvurs and a. sare return to their homes. Suoli victories as they achieve may lie dearly bouglit wit3h toi1 and even death, but on otIher nations. they ei inflict no ýwound- Sa hére's good fortune to -the good s¶ip Enduhrance! She îs (the Ship o! Pcace tbat has gone where war's alarin are unheard. Thbe Geinian poot Reine jestingiy describeri hs position n--ich f-vee- dom occupiesa luth-e housebolds o! Europe -t-us -,The Englilimaim loxes freedoni lise a 1air!ully wedded vifs; Vhs Fîenchman like a mie- tii-ce; tlhe deri-an liSe s grand-- motlier. Di-ferences . wi th one'S lairful wils ma-y ocm' , sand aIe ma-y ho civai-ced. T-ho chrms, o! a mis- tres ma-y wsue, and hs may bo -cast a-ide. Buit one nover ca-ste, sids a gi-andumolher. It vas netiW conastitutiomal Engla-nd or i-n rpîub- lioan France but, in ionarh*a-l GTer-any, according rota hepooL, tIa-t freedomn vw-emosS-stron~l n trenched. Thbe German u dd rave about "granrimothler," but a noak ho vouiri alirys spa-ms ler.- On hs wWb tls Is u-moi-oua an- alysis ofà Vhs poct u ce more than, ha-If a century a-go hbol&ci gond ta- day-with this difference. The posi- t ies o!freéedozninlu nglisnd . lA-vfully wedded vifé" bas groin otronger and, more intrenc'bed witb yeara,wville thei gra-ndmacttieriy po- sition o! freed&n inlu ermaniylbè- coming mors oramptiFd tItan ever. - Thee are those in Engianri ibo -believe the British Governnient Vo have gome into £hiii wa-r utA- Ger- -- -ma-ny vituhout justification. George Bernai-clShawi leamong tii-m. -The - '-&Scialiat members oi pai-lia-mem't, Keir Hardis spid Ramisa-y ME aa4, a-i-s amongtheni. Thest lia-vs spoken Vibir ml-nde T-y attacked V-hs governm print sud tbsir opfinions a-r censorei. T-bey vers mat mol -It.is but Vo stalLe s truisnm t that f reedom is leies-sbto4a- Englanri. 1WIEN WONEN FIGAF lIntances 'shere T-bey Bave Gi-cat Bu'avcî-y. '-strangeiy medie-l ras th, -1 wthicihshefaïctory wi Ulego recentiy re'pulsed hs, ini'adera by pouring boffin en tiiï-srheads. Inu yeara gons ly iy Iw as cou-no occurrence for vomu --ibeoiir ea-re o! tii-ofighting. lier lord wMt--to battis 1V - o his lady sud retaners t4 - thse castis. - Golrfe Cash.e in -hse Civi aeamat mia.P&amiimen'taiaî mo nument -erected - te eér' aVRuielip, in Middlese,1 Sesenid-bot.,sbr enr id skfr bq th Jbpe*ib0 knovn o! &If; of p wer ug ,Oug »llae.,A si itsratch =f&y 'ea ée( avery -bad 4akobo- poisoniiig if foreign matter geto lb- neyem lie neglecled. If Wpinters, Qâis o! grit, fragments cf metal or gla5s r eni'ain emnbedded àn thie flesh Uis leadà to inflanmation, anmd per- êhaps to bIood-pîoisoning.' Een the: scratcdhing -o! a -mosquito bite Mnay result f atally. Blight injuries ,of- everyday occurience 91>6uld tme Wo7 per]y.aÉttended to. They s'houd ho well wadhed with ïwarxn WÏter tO whieh a iew drops of earbolie 'lotion has heen added. '8ee lhat nog, gr remains, andbhéin bind upt, e 11mb oir fin#er ti1m place has lhealed sufficientl.y to -prevent «tVhse Ibtry -o!, foreigli nalder.iuch a&, dit, "etc.- &Sablemnen, in -particuar, lôIhould, e exceedingly careful asfo the cleansing, and. ,Prltecgioni o! srtesand 'Mnali wannds;!a à O: In g Vîo the nature -of.-tbeir woký, tier. la always a danger o! being infeoted with the germs'o! t etanus. Workmen -who.are ,liaJble tVo meet with alight accidents froni the hand- ling o! roug~h box",s, tones and Lïn- ber eouId always carry a small tin box contain'ing a pisce of stieking- plaseter, solme soift, dean rag, and a tiny bottle o! caelbolic acid. This is the very simplest fbem o! fir.&t aid, but àV would prebably meaàn tie saving -o!fruch pain, peirh&pa the lasa odf a Iimb and weeks of losti tuie. Comvlsiome. Some children are more likegy Vo sufer frai couvulsions dia-n others owing -o thei- nervous system be.ig niaie easiiy upetS. Conuvmlsains are frequemVtly caused liy teealieg, frighV, imdigesti'ble f ood, sud even au pxcess o! terrai-, auger aud* grie f lu thle mmother may occasion convul- sions in tiie infant saelie leursing. T-he convuiisionse ma-y le partial, and conest o! : tiritehinga o! thie -im'bs, or.-hs musces o! the face, or tibey ma-y be complets, uhen the muscles 'o! hs-face, eyes, sylilds and i ha ari- ua violent staVe Ca! contraction ailteunatng with relax,- aS-ion. -T-le hear isl usually iurowu bacS and tbethium'bs presesinluup- ou tihe paima o! thehsauci; Yrotia simietimes issuies f rom the mioutlh, auroasVh teetb ma-y cleneli upon hs tanue andi injure i, thia frobli m-y e tiged witb blod. A doc- 7er aliOuld be sent for immediately, ýas nidil attentian la required st ofbe oue th e fit. If teething i. suspeceter o ie thue cause o! the st- itaek simple lamcing of ths gunia vil1 usua-ily bo aufficieut Vo give relis!, sud thtie dhild vil? quiokly recover; but if "ti l due to incige.tible fond -the chlid mu-t lie given, an emetic. 0f *upse this esimnot be given id the chidisleunconeciaus. Mie viole ibody o! hs chiid slaould, le plunged into a very hot bathfi, witih cold uWter, or ice, -applied te the. heari-. A tsbieopaanful a! mus- ard added Vo the wMetr may, -as a. counter. irrit.ant, add -ta, théeMef- Cacy o! *0. baU>. Thedhild îourd- rommain lu the bathi for -veuty min-ý utes, sud thon be placed in bed. Thbe patient must be kepltvory quiet for sanie deys, ths food.b li1gt sud easifly digested, and thi- boveis be carefuliy megulater bytheis'ue o! miid aperients.-A Physician. FIRST VICTORY 0F TUiE WAR. How a Seotehmam Put An Aggrea. sirisGsi-ian Vo sleep. - a-cdon- T-ho falbowng officai reportofcf e mon tiie fi-at engage-ment o! the, ira-r i freely. flot suppiied bly Vhs ProiseBureau,r mut " b Eon&umia, mty» tbeGisagoi ln vew*ngTirmnes, vho 4mai the 'beatit o mo 0t aut-hority for his deVa.i! of! Vii, coni-1 iested. bat: "Iuncime cf iii coumpartimenVe to say of the evoning traiïn f roma Tnoe just la-y ln af-toi-te decla-rtiou o!flime va-r ho- Vireen Britain saud Gernaany vers an oid gentleman and blis -iife andi a- young fellIcirfi-rum T-icon, ilaile lu T. a crner st iwit noffieri- iumino chi). pi pi 'K ai ti lu cc pi ti le i p h p INTERN4ATIONAL TESSON, «TOBER 18. Le3sson 111. Ia theGardon of Geth- aeman-Mark 14. 82-e. Golden Text, XIatt. 26.41.- Verse 32. A place-An iuclôged ieOe cigrouzd. -1 Gethsmaus-Frofli'the IHebrev i-Vi shemeén,. - meaumng an-" ress." T-his iuclosed - pise Of' ound is rega-rded às having 'been n olive orchard. The ovuer niay ae possessed an oul press in vhicb, hs ohl f rom thme olives of neighber- agéawmera o! olive.orchards, for a onside'a.tion, vau pressod ont. 'And he saiLli tnta bis disciples, Ub ye- b ers, ihtel prs.y-T-he'dis- ipîsi voulcl mot iudersta-nd bis mssion. T-bey miÉht ho sors dia- remsed lu their faitli, te ses ths &aster in agouy.- Jeaue wouid ,ve them f rom this. Hence he sites them usai-rie huetraucete is garden aud goeç!further ifl. IV a not likely t-tte-ie!t Vhem as su mtpoat Vo give varuiug o! VIe sp-' roach o! Vhs: enerny or Vo piotoct, àm fi-rn assauit. Be vas $hinkcing )f them, 'o! their baitia, fot oi Vhs nemgy. Rad lie cansidered thie'ap- meuch of Vhs uufriamdly - bost lie rouId have kuovu that hie! dis-: ,ipie.s eould mot bave defendeâ hirn igainst theni. Retketb with hlm Peter ý and la-nes aund John-TIc sa-me timies ho t-oôk with hbu Vo ths Mount o! tramafigmration, BRe needed dloser compa-uioushiip. Tbey .vould, un- der-stand'hlm betlir Vhan the reat- Pe64a-ps he ould deipend on* thei n bissari-av. At lest-se it seemue that Jesua in bis humni.nesw thouglit. But lie did mot renii with ths three. Hie vInt furtie away'<about s stoue' ihroir) fran them (se Ma-tt. 28. 36-46; Luke 22- And began-Thii vas Vhs begin- ing o! Vhs sutiard slrùggle,, ai Îh. a-wf ni xperience o! thl ord ii téW gsarhèiLT-lié 'ipér -etruggle ht had already fought. Re had spok en o! it frequeritiy. He liad Wu structed bis disciples a-aVo, homv îe muet suifer. But irben Vhs actua outer confliet -began ho v-a gi-eat1j amazed, andi sors troubled. Evez time poise, Vhs fortitude, Vhs imag ination of Vhe Saviour, vbich gavi hm a foresiglit o! the tremeudous ness and irtensity o! Vhse ecouute- iould noV pi-spame Jesus se that lii wouid enter upon thei couSue v itb out ,surprise. IL came as a suddem aud a-nnaiiing> revelation. 34.' Abide ye bei-e, and vatcli The struggle vas awfui for hlm; i would haïve been ovénvbelmng fo the thres Vried andi Vrusted dis ciples.-Saolie asis Vbsm Vo reniai irbere they are vhiie ho goes fui ther into ths conflict. Hoeake, tiasi "ta irateli," noV for hlm, bu for themsilves. They neederi ta b on guard,- for enipta-tion, lu it cruels. -forni vas usai- Shem. rea-ritg a pa-per. Tiie th ee u i- 35. And feu ou Vhs grounri, andi - Shavn Pied plassenge-re entered imto con- pi-ayd-T-le usuai posture in pray- ver-sa-ian about th imer,ansd the or va-a Vo- stand. To ismeel vas mors îe spirit rron chia-p -emarisel t VI te G-or- submisasive. But Jesus fell on Vhs ieo!Ma-us mouîd ho ripod ont- Hardly Treufd, n big face; sud le fell mot Gierma-nha-d Vie proplwcý' croceibi ip nly osce,'but coutinually. T-ho g wate-r winuthe psssivs'nerspapem rea-rer' imperfecto fie ivert Vo, fa-l l uused witbeut a-ny dee1Laraticu cofira-.r or in hs Gi-eS. T-lia denotes repeat- 'obý, ther indications o! bellico's fever ed action. Jeasïmýas lu a proti-set- quitt ~ ~ a. dcnieutmafion li. ,~ ed sud deipera-Ve-conlfict. e-n S-o de cy swh'neOOP-ed down npan the uu-euipçt 1f t ie.possible -Thopain -a-t masi ieVing T-i-onuM". a-nd emote iah a ninoîtent ~s oeapoignant orý biot alp n Isdises scsmm pîsreing as Vo cause Jeaus to foi-geV o~ ~ ~~h gur ayîgVsiiff vith tîis enma-'kthimtfa.iighèr.vil val ta bacon- "Y0u,.Wý-Mna-t esay about mY -cou sidere Gladly, -eagerly, mouiri wh-li a peil iauyu-ic. io abouýt h" lie ba i-tasithe haut Pàsa, but rn~- "'d ' W a- i- t t-s cf a- i ig e ,w' i-a5 Vth s e at , L w s e p sa b e. -l*v whasa va-, tu-nmed, b ut 'ho raliLea, <col! Iho ay-ahat'thek u .rstce. i5iiOiY e hia frce, aud, mmaking a- bi'- T-le leur Lrd hs cup a-i -solemu Englend. li-t charge, welt-esithI' e.1ý1-i- - -sd auggêstive features o."S-lis herlr sncb a& poerful one on thie -agwot Getbsaae. struggie. th" ths, Teutoui'si4xmad- ,ht tàac;* 8. blaPitber-,,Goriour -Pa -80c4ped 4.dj-,rok liti. win~do w ~l .tiir., - To -a.tubs-Hebe bd l-5~ lor -iiqe- dy"«:[,hie arideri Vhsexplanatioàl' Leflu in rou* GIl5,-'naiant d"Fa-leir"- Xii an ntense aji-djro- , in foLii l at»ain tuberooem, ,-longe-cipetition -no terni is ta&<I'ifi Nidè&' it 1vs'On aigreintini-ate. lu- -lhe- li>r4 ton o 4«. 80SWIaad on té gl he ille ilpon -oàd bis Fathef, parer tn t lio ep. S rSc'1 and n tien tS-bensd va-eneàë en Vhs Ring ci-oas thsnaise!fEstmer - ms* ôft hie lips.- 0 otsAiCure iNeedesi. - All- things are Possible unta Vbsée i-great f-inalli Boy.(Vo charfiable lady) . sîscîJ ~t ugt~~ H2 ci ti-e ti Pisss, mtA-r says, shes' mucha reliverance. it-sFaeV Wû3 1)lSY- botter of!-time ooinpla1t V ol yen - Babeit mot vimat I iii, but C. alse. gives hemr quinine for,: but Bhsiie'a -.-wa hnu-I-i ug vr i lier 1 1fu iidf hs dàiseazs ivdt's cureri by possible ut VsFaie, t bisý gI,, -uTut-- port miné sud clieken î-bui-i *>iibé orli;"Jeu Vhs lie- ,---....mgwas inuosbéfrb eu derRai- tlethelitulings tata n y tua '1reebgnitioù b*i Z ha-neithor, frain tube us, but one bad thS-i vii isaiy 1bat li oeesnanomdaar despair. fé.] me big, a-s anacre. I37 indetl dieu isleeping -T-le eoxcitlimentand, exertion of tii-e '1st da-yswer -no* makinginrouds UP- ons Vs ren~to ie4sils I asgestiv- V ntelimat on 'Vhe, Mountut of Trani.fLiquraiion dise tii-e disciplesaloset! nî, said unto Peter, Simn- Simn was thes aid'name of Peter1 before h-li ad'been changed into Petros, the rock. Did Jesus real- ize that tia. rock in Peter iras about to crurnblesimd that bis id name Simon wouldbe more -indicative of bis real (Imimat h, his old) self?7 Silespest thaul couldeat thou not watch eue haur !-Simon, above &Il otiers, sleeping 1 The Simn, or ràther Vhs Peter, whoa a feir mo- meuls before -ha-cl aid .."If &ail uhal be,.offe nded un thee, I ' ili neyer b., offended" (Matit. 26, 33). 38. Watcb sud pray-The original, i., Watc ye andi pray." Timat ye enter' notu into tempta- tion-Even lu the throes o! bis owu misery Jesua canuot foi-geV bis dis- ciples, snd'warsia theni to ra-ticl idpi-a-y inesskntiy that they fa-ll uaL. iuta temptation. Timey lad al avorn bim allegiance. How weli he knew their weakuesa and how deir-- ousto save them !rom il! 39. And aiainhe went away, and prayed-Almost. witb tbe counsel an bis lips ta télibres disciples that they cease net Vo -pray, Jesua a-gain goes forth into prayer. W-bat iras needfui for -bis disciples was necessary for him. Their eyes irere very heavy - Their eyes were weighted clown; it was impossible, sa great was their 1 ea-rinss, Vo resist luniber. 41. 8ieep on noir-The battis vas 1fou g li &qc won. Thme disciples COUld noýi-,,4)eep. Jesus ha-cl'deep avm-pathy'Jet theni. He vanted, tAem toget their 'i-est. It is enoqugh-The vigor of the vic- tor je in hie step. mime firmnness of lone Who bas overcome il in bis Evoice, a.nd ths lîght o! the cauquer- 3 or iunbis counteusuce. 1 The haur in came; bebold-As a rgeneral iguddenty conseious tihat 2 the tume for action. han came mniglit le 'pk s3s poke. Now that thbe muer fight waa finished, lie be- *came couscious ci Outiward cOncli- E< ,Èiout. 'He, oticed now, doubtlema ùw VhWmoviflg l*t*ht. i e 1hl-dfâtina sud",realizodthat i-moenua -at baud when he was to lte betray- - d. Tbe Greek word'for betiray andi t betrayer, wlmicqa la uged ini the nar- II rative whenever Jesus speaka o! V hs betrayal, means "betrayed un- a o deaLl." Hoeirasta be delivereri -unto those wbo desii-ed to snd bis elife. On thia point Jesus iras neyer -deceivei. lHe knew that the physi- cal end bndc cme. e 42. Arise, lst us lie goiug - HIe I_ sair hs liglita widing daim the i hill andi entering ti- gar4en. He Irneirtua-t Vhse oppauy of arresterz -had corne. He -would -noV: wait te it bave themn seek hlmi.. Be'wouid go r Vo them. For already b-ad'hsy tais- su e hi. Ouiy the physicai capture n vas wanting. He also, daubtisa39 -- deii-ed Vo joi the other disciples ýd s0 that Vhey wouiri noV be undui3 it fr-igimtened. )e He t-hat betrayeth me ig at han< s -Tbe moat pointeri condemnation Jeaus ever utereri, Yet wituhal i bus a-bis regret for the one couceri-nmlig wbhom thsvoi-ds were mttereri. tussIa WA'NTS A FREE PORT. Sbips 1 have t4) Pas.tF4rtigledi $traits Vo Get taO en.li -Noir ia-t vo ai-e al tbinkin-g o(À iat'cw iiewumieb4,Eu-repsp, wblim lai ro -uerIii a permanent ulniverl peace, i -i-l itergeting ta recailthe word-s -of, Spencer..Walpol-e on Vhs detn-fRu£s:sa. .Wringn18, Walpole 1ocn-ide'red'that_ the p,505 o!)f Euroe,,WDuld contiuetlmi thratned- e ong -as Russia, wiVh a .populioçic of 89,990,OO-t la now 11rehcii0,000,00-hSd na mari- mnrro w sVrait, thVhsWbité- Ses. is net gâiway15- open,lan-d every .ipfia ' 64ba" ,6tuea ~igmryyoVhe'gT nsonlWgng~etoWalpole, bavetel- fet îWtll, e-chpw44nçtjie, ex- 1 custiteimeas Vo wichRI 115i s con- démiied -'1 As saretly es the river :se~Vseçh, odoeq eyery .re4 . peoplegraitïate tawardé its fiatural , uëtlet-tb5 ea ý. - 1V makily be possible 1 o direct 'ites ma-reli, just, as it ime prîýctcîbl-to turmithe course o! a 1rive r., -It ould ho as easy Vo ý -sto p ,the riverae -01 arrestVhe natio>n." Brides with sour dispositions are Iapt ta se~il -hdneywnoofls. Fashiùn1iniit<s - Fada aad Faneles. D-yed laoes are Vo be use-d. Beaded és-l-l pins for -the Qiair are neir. All the nov suits» have longer cate. Oue pieee froolLs. are mostly o! serge. Theis bourglass figure ha Vo tb. Vhs fasmion. The a-il bluâk hat o! velvet le stilil Popular. Dansershades are noticed lu ths fall Mnillinery. Brown veivet -la as*sxart as bliack for etreet capes. The smnail haut la voru with ths basque cosLunie. Çoat ishapes range f rom the -short. Vo the redingote.. The mev tunies are miot nmore jubai tby.ee yardas-wide. 'lhe orientai note in rss bas ai- mnost disappea-ed. Occasiouaily w. see a -bat witli theimushrooni brui: -' The suS jacket sand short, lboss coat are in gocd faoshion. Fi-ocks c! net arramged in piaits o-r ruffies are-favorite«. Thbe old lasthioned chenille oui- broidery lhas coins back. Both lihgt sd dark tcned -fiteli fui-a vii liefaïhiomable. .Tbe Japaneimit necks andi the stand. &wa&y coliara are atili gond. Thle fs-ather trinuxed bat is-., hs fashionable bat'this season.1 A mew ides is -Vhs combination of Qavis satin andi plaid serge-. s *RuIINE IN SONG AND STORY. River Flow@ Through a Lani of Fertile Vineyards. gerved to inspire the.spirit of!a triotiaini nong lbie, Genman 0id ren, irbe Ioved Vo eSUmi-hini-"Faul nai wVhsnex±ainBhay et wo ,y Via. Gsi-fian soldierýs alike in tii bour of de-felan sd victori-nlutii Franco-Gernan War; being suni befoest-be vails o! Pari& in tha great campai n-hic-b ended- imi vic tory for- the Prussian foi-cc-s. Ani noix that tuheir country le faced vit a. gi-euter peril thian amy aie lia hituiert. oxperieuceri, thbs,- ords - bali great ir song briuging bac, miemoi-ie-s o! 1870, vii li e supg 4b, millions Of! Lime Kalffi-'s fr~ aud a-nd i;ea. Truiy Vhs Rhile4 fit subject u r a io-iSong. - ' banira ers Stbe scense!ofmny o!ti i-cçe baS-Vies for sup-emacy mue- took place betieen' tubs t-euVoI hiest-s sud Vhe Romansl, wma ,strongest bulvwark -it vas%; it, vi there Vha-t Gaul suid Teuton Strugg] ed for supremavy lu the generatior thaV fol]lowed. Floving th-rougli a, land c-lat-be wit-h vineysi-ds, tilit yisid a, vin wirh i l famed tbeirorid.avoir fk iLs exquisite bouquet and dry, p quanut favor, -Fafier Rhiie" brei t-hec a spirit o! sang and l.egendc an rouia-nce. Ruined casties cravu th rugged anmd fantaesiuc crags Vîat, ho lu its cha-anel; its waters, o! a deel transparent gi-son hue, flair> OVE V-le trsasure, of thme' Nbelungs, surg rou.nd.-iu î'îctk o!fS-le cii-en Loi-aie sud ai-e ovei-iooked. by tube con Ina-nding eau !Gnunl-t Vrophy o! Germa-n Victory o! 1879 Excdpt rluring -the' oigb-tee-ntb an- t-li gi-ster part o! thi ineteent centurie&., lb -fias aî-rays beel purely Genman river, IV lisecan part. o!-thedividiug "j ebetvwec Firanco and Gorrnany in, 1697,, wihe AIle-orraine - was appropria-te by, France; i-1870 it.vas*wop liac by ,its,,hlJi-eu - at ths puint, o! tI eairrc. 1Vit ee, t V-h.Ge-mmal!) i- a- v-lia- ieT,hVanie s -oV-.Eng!ii1 people. It l is sus o! iivsiýiho Voo, for..iL -earrhes nmore than 2,000 ahicl -e&iyb of nt1 rr psm'ibuy. Lord Lasua!dorne ha-s$a-ne a-miah n-?aknee5i le neyer gacu anywheý vi-tiout bis fýiCibreiJa. ,Let Vhed bé As sunn ya»epssubihe drags f-athbe;lia-ilis favoriteSami Aiea, unlike miost politiciane, ho aý mW&Vayewears gloves in thme, trel Thle lieuse o!f Lords, as-a VVter. ,f at, is very patial Vo hs umbre-b aud in-hs racksa wiih areP4 at Vhseelntraueo te sgUldecl--olià ber oes eee,-Very, fei aicks. mfiney ini thuz event,ýof a Jpss. Sinu- had- ito any nsw on.. Auns itrMw-~ larly, it is ne good bd'nging a ulbe] took a bottle ini oeihànd, ,8D441' action again:-b hini unleso, the dan- took Ethel on, 4er kieee{ said .? àge -Claimcd exceed £ 9 19. 1iiy4d. " E[ll i-1 You 9a stor.y ' If an officer-,crupiers Go vernient Eichtel st.opped- êrying4oraw mo- qüarters be «does noV ýýhave tu pay mento. If alla did net 1dki1Me -stury,' ayoclrates in, respect- o! hie t1he knew ,Lh&t she could easily be house,. tiisà becaume àsuch-a uild- gin te cry ag ain ;_ and Àunt: »race ing àa held Ibo be occupied -by the did tell good "maike-'believers," Crown, and the Crow n [le alwa'ys "Now,e Aunt Grace, teil me- about exeMpt f rom local rae$ a., eàtory," maid thelittfsgWr.. An officer ÏG aie prmittad Vto ëm- Aunt GrTace began : y"On the Pîoy a sokiier sEervant without, hai- shef-in Vhe eupboar-" ing Vo psy a license £or hlm. Nor i "Notsil 'Once puonce punc,'"X an officer reqiiired Vo serve on a iaid Ethel. jury, -or o fuifil any Mun icip4 ýap- Aun;bt Grace -understood ter"pecu- pv.itmet. lar word-s, so ebe b2gan agein-. Every Eocier, provided hleb. on "O,'nce u.pn a time Gond Boettle liv- the . roll o! electors,- bas. the saine -ed on - ime shel! -in the. cuphoard. rigt a acivlia V reordbi voteAnd as loag asýnoý on. e44 in aPariamnnaY election ; and ~ ]eeEble~ e~m~ Ce- ho hinisel! is el6oted to 'rpreoènta and' began -te cry- agaiYi. - unt constituency, ie là entitled-Voý take Grav 1e 1pai1nd 'e-èatte;ntion, but- nt bis îSeat in t;eHas o ommmn o As long as no one cried, Goed without asking anybody's plermie- ]Botlte was content Vo lîve tihere sEzon. Should, howevsr, a. non-coIn- witih tihe a>tuers; thlere we're bltls niisaioned officer or privates sldier o! bitter ïneddy,' aend 'sôur 'nmed- wi<o bas become an M.P. -be> pro- dv,' a«xd sweet 'meddy,' but whsn ui-oted to a commiesion, he hýas < Good Bott.le heard, Goldiioche. vacats hi e st. A soldier wbo bas iyse9 lds-,'Corne, Kn a commission st Vhe, tue of lis Hands,-and take me'.- - Corne, kin&, election is not required te> vacate Rands, and taIre me.'" 'I -n hie eat. whie -u pu When a soldier -le travelling on -. "Yeo Vwudhv en duty un a district where military Gond B-ottàe had'v been -i f V quartersJare not avaiable le is en,- o BttÎhd*benhr o ttetodandacmoains help. Kiud Handis-would reaéh-intO a-nye htel orlicnd hcmodtion t tue cuphoard, and càteh up Good allhed "orllien"sedhu V h"s 'sBottie, sand Two Feet wolild 1,itter muni amounts -Vo be cliarged, are te patte r oVeng te rtr, an fixed by iaw as !allows: For each.ptLrpte on h .tiaV wiohere Go'idiiovks -was "Oryig, and night'slodgingend attendance, 6d.;timen Gond Bçttle would sy' Ifflir- for breakfast, 4d.; f£or supper, i-,suyta§ nybt f Hry 2y2d.; ai for dinner, îî¼d. Ifaarintaike my hat off. hurryea soidier le acompanied by bis hrse À1 teco-'nt ndt MnKù be, can demand 10 ls, o!f as 12 Ha d s would bathe ,tlýe ore place."Y ib.o!hy 8 1b.o! straw, and 'ta- -Here Aumçt Grtcé bathed lthe ble roonifor 15. o.- bruised- piàce witimout a. Wbrdf roqii Shouiri soidiere be proves-ding O' Ethel, to Whom Good Botite wî, furlougli Vhe railwa-y companies for the time bpingara ra, make them the concession o! ieuig altihougla sheknewasa well àas yon or return tickets at sigle fare, or a 1 that it iras -nyone'o! Nunît littie ove-r. This pi-ivilege 15 8160 Gi-ace's "maibeÏievers." granted to their wives andi ciren. Aunt Graoee --'-t on: Té Iu Vhe-ease o! officers Vhs practieeGoori Battis woul*I s ay to the buM ýP, i& Vo show theinte travel fi-t-class 'Now doif vii rry. l'ilniake ytiu at reduceri rates. The. ba-ggage o! smaflt. sad mIen you'Xl knw soidiere -le exempt from dock dueq enougli flot te hurt any or.'Ad andi tolas, andi soldiers thsmsfelve-s then aLlie would ci- y mt oe.Kin are noV required te pay any tl.ig Hauds, 'Please put my bat on ày wherq passing over- bridgea,; et., tase-nie home, because Go1diI<Àks pi-ovided tbey be trav elling On bas atopperi crying, and I 4m- o duiby. neederi.' Il I- a soldier la quartei-ed on a "KInr Randis. woud put. Gond garrison wlîere stamps are nt ob-ý BotIe's bat on, ad would taise taiÙable, he may senri biscarre- her up, aund Two Feet would gopit-' pondence unst.amped, anri thim epatter up ti- tair, and pitter amouant elai-ged on delivei-y wiil be patter tb-rough t-ho longentry to d., instead of doulthe de-ftciency, the '-Cupboard, andi time Kind d as is the Post Office rule in ail other liands would- put Gond Bottle c a s e s . ' *a y a.An u.c.. or p ri vate ïoldier en- 'Iidnt Gôrdioek1c-s Cry any joye ane prii-ilege tbiat le wit.hhei more " asked Ethel. frein officers. This ii the right of "0f course noVt ," rdemanding a court-martial w-he Thme I-ittle gir1 .touebed- lier fore- scntenced Vu any puniehment in- beadt- sof-ly,, and said, 'Then lI * ~ ~ ~ ~ ýn v1igk i6.-Anofcer, an mon't. -But, AmUit Grace, it -wasn'V r t'hother.bad truehi omî- m, iwas iti 'Wasntmit a nmake- Salwayg be removed fromi the my Atnt Grace hiigged bei-Close. ge without any specific reason being Yea, and 1 tlink foui- bump was a Lt assigned. niake-.believe. beause now yoit are ail riSht."-Youvh'e Gompanion. C-f -k )y >n h ns le 10, i- 's er g. ci, 11- A- ne îe. id. lb e' on med m-ain! Anduriie you niai-l " Beggar-' "B-I-sas your heart, kind lady; do y-au thin-k 1'd lis reilying on Vtai strangers :for support if I liaâ a vifs!1" "Hcw old are you, Bby0 "And wlien weireYcou six V, tM lsLbi rthday." FOLLOWI-fNU 'OlS E~I If We'Want Mis Light an-d Truth We Plust Not Be Afraid to Receive Them Whe'n le.Serids Them Out, "Oh ssii-c ouItiihy lighv aud thy truthl1eV Shem leaci me.-Psalms, TIers ai-s fsw, o! us who rouiri mot lie i-e.ady ojo in in ail siucerity in VIls gi-sa-t prayer of the Pasimist. Feir o! us, p-rh.aups. whave not aii-emdy jolrd li t,1-more V-lau anc-e in aur lives! We ail o! us foof Vthêý neeri tif niie lilt upon Oui- way-- o! nov revelations f trutia Vosa-ves mis fi-romS-he beettimug pic! a-ils ot al:î cient onîrror. -Hleucethbe univerisal rèspouso avakeneri by Newia-nl 1,ien ho chanteri lis li-moi-ta-i "Le'ad, kindly Lig'bt, a-nid -luesu- c iln-g gioo0m, Lead T-houn me'on. Tie àigît is dark and 1a-m fa-r from-' LeadThou me on. Keep T-hou My !eet; I do noS- as Vo ses T-bsdistantsceue-ý.eo stop enougli Thies Dàyftr ot New Ligit.- -But, oi* m*a-y o!uteare-viling te -. foiloir Godesleading -en- Be' dosa 41eêuàd Out ,&elight and fttl for ilmicb ,vs ,pr.i-y Ii a-ny ans fa- ibm buman bfatoi-y iore conepicuous tii-an ths, persistent refusai- o! nien, especiilN tIiosé.fdentified n'itii thi- Chrl,-Vo-lia-il Vhs dawnof nom liglt,.and ,thbsdiscovery of nov truti'il Igor nia-ny'moun 'eicomed thp lightmmiieh&senlt ines ïvord,,thi-ough Vhs brains odper-- u;lus. Galileo àsud Gioi-dame Brunol Hem ina-ny'vers -villing Vo riecive tii-s bxtrutliwrichliGod sent Oeut bal! - a ceutury. ago tîrougla - Cie - Ap seni-abea oelt-he so-caiied iiier criS-le of the Bibl? ow nia-ny profeoseri Clristiaus are n-illiîg a-t t-hic -moment tVo accept- -vithouli quihible, proteet orý apoiogy that groeateat o! ail mariera revelations3 i-l Vhs divine- mimnd,.the dodtri-ne. o! emoliktion .,Andi ifths riliugnes o! mnu Vo'flloirup" dias, been itius douibt!.ul il, Vhs -intelletual resum, w-baL shall wvs sas Vo their attitudg la Vhs niaa-Ireal-n i ~Hem -_ did. the Florentines lais upon -Vile- Sa-vo-na-tola - Hemw did upper-clas-- ed Englishmen fsçI about:Vhs tirutui dielosed by Joïiu-WeSley - sd - bis'. feIloir Mettidîsts-1 Or, Vo taise ' presie,,>Exanîplsof ail; ioW d1iiiti'né worid - a.cept ' N "hilit 'o!f-knô*',edge-o! ths, gîory ao- God*vhieudiwas)i Vte facsof Jeýus, ,OhrisV"' t --Do-vwe offer hs prayer for liglit and truth quite aàs seriouê- t-. t-' i '4- 'E k Hovever lIais nmay be, one Viing la 8ure-Vhe pra-yer- in aur text muit be Va-issuaitagether or noV at al If v -mauV Gd1slilhli sud tmuti ire muet mot Ïie afraid -Vo receWe tfien sdien Be sensis thern out la Ris Výn mie andin Ris cm ma-y. rWiien damns 1ig.'.kindly Ligiat Lamid the, -enireling gloorni" we must fia-il ita blessed raysansd be brave elïougi tafllor its, leadipg Vill "tii-enigIat-- legonel"-t John Ilayneîs Houlnlea. land, in the .Nurt-h !N marine is und2r comin -Commander Max K, was tbis sanie sulimli samce conumnder wl-m' la-r da.-h -and 'manI cruiser liela <>ff lBm tenibor la. As on the sion, fthe E9 ha s -afel ber -bonie .port.-, The action tgokepmi aumd was wbt bae coast- guards-con fthe SBhicrrnenikýoog, in ti off t4e'province af FE weathIe r ias clear ea-ia- and t-le de-stroýp iy bce seén ci-uisng bd o! tbe Bia. ; S u4-de nàÎ sawi 'a- igh ccolunmn Over N T A d~ptcm rinMo- ,bat rectiepn o! the N a seirne, ea4t cf Quebe Moneton, N,.. is non anà iL was tae-ihe-e da n ighttht là e- t' ci the Jnterc,.'-onîal lRa erate !reight oer la - wm~.The line j ust G.T.Li. freig4ît departr been notifieýfer o! VIe I decisinVtO oerate Vhth COTTO'N TAE Lloyd G;-qrge Sa.'- Ot - Wili Be Bu- -A despêstch f rom- -David-Lloyd - Ge«rge, Vhs Exehequer, in à nesday to a d-eputatie> e rs, National ÇomuMi vas Rot at ail- sure t not ý. littIe- prernatu ing -è veiry consider -- ed. The'delmandson woul be ndi-mous,- ton' ter-ade Vt4distre -wouid lie eevère-. TIl, VtAde, lhe add. w ~tkly 1rokeýn ricn -Obs Rpt9S fori' --- A detspatbfi-ar P T-beBouse aze-ttLe îng-to favorube, ne yaý of - !nai subscrptimusn,- for an inteérnaJ a cent-. Ai amiSi n zett-p----timafes thacl eri-nnu41ii drag ,beca um-eite in t, r havae' ireiimvCi' fght'inkg nul., wce again in the si,rirîýi W -fury, lie as - -Lost Oifthei.Dtmimiatio of ('i-v-i Adcsptchm fi-m ,Pa fAn.ntýoîma, in Itai. atié, telegraplis, the pondnt of the .14 ilhiide-ares that- t orpcdo lx>ats anýd - tor.pedA)boa-t deutr40y lost off t'ieecc-t-ùf reguit ô! ',ornming'in -iner, The Anc-ua. thauta- nîajo' 1-L ! tie erewrs o!fh.e (ER.NSPY -Tnght - t a ai-lt -Trouset-s af Freme A dezp-atch from P Fig-,re Vellà o -ho LleC highl.y traîn-eriGsir The -animais are vo C&teri. the Figaroe been tagh, teta i-ar The dogs are said bighly uzeful in reclo - Bulle 'A dL--patc-h froi -Officiai despatahm Prencd- IVar Delý iedygive ,a'gi a-m aeriai-dullSI n- by i tuanil5 cf - --Freiuelb and U-- folie-r 5 a-t Jonci-I -A a! lonis.a e tA Gi-nî-'azr cn-e and alter cirelirj poi&n, ie"r -Isi lien Sei-ge the most exipert acoauapanxe.d by] . i-l-t, pranmig Voa eC, &e. By a-sSiU B~lhCycle Corps, wlth its tot, Gui', Iordlng -a Streani- En, Rrute te Jota- the Maià Camus. ý The, 1 1

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