manafactured InEurope. We are maklng noa change in Sic., except In linos dlroctiy deoeed'by the var. W. mie iooklng after and cou- [ering the nerest of Our &trous. It vilI pay you ta Corne bore. r yeur ut'- goodl arm the ducast quallty' J. L. -WILLIS < rsgglet and Optielan ,MEDICAL HALL 1 Drsuk St. Whistby. Prof.ssiermalCar& LEIGÂL tINO. E. FAREWELL9 11.0. Daraluterp , County Crown Attorney and County Solictor. os« Se outh wing Court I-lue, Whitby. A. F. GCHRUIA§,N afdtatr. hilciter. Note"y Pubili. Etc. O&fce, Broeck St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money ta Loin. MMES RUTLE0614 Barlster, Etc. ,Money ta Loan-on eaty term. Office Immediately South Royal Hotel, Whitby, Cm:. 64, V0046 SMITrH, LL.B3. Issuer of MARRI AGE.LICENSES Court ifause, Whitby, ôr reuidencc. 0. A. J. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Courcyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, . Ontario <Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Reidencc-52 Drew St. Pbanes-OftBce, 321; Regidence. 326." laitierOlt mur riage LI.te Corner drus store. whttby JAS@, EISHOP OukwBUoemedAuooar. Sua- oSe., . . Plbaka Vo:tenuM BE aW pply to m»li o«G.Robbi LICBNSED AUCTIONRER -AND VALUATOR. Aul mu"hor! m promp11y .twad- od. t. Azrupmmtis for 6"m~UC WlIITBY, ONT. LIKE SHORE. PROPERTY * WANTED Small farm or part of a farnr on - ,.ake, with or withoui buildings. Write JOHN FISHER'& eo 409 Lumsden Buildinî TORONTO alie- H8319&1Sle Goorl lvry la and Drpay Business Bus toalal trginu. -AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. We have- taen over th.' Doà kuian, Express bu8mnés, beginunig Octobor lot. AUl ordéré carefully attendled -ta. -4 - 4 - I Bell phone-89, 14 sud 74, 4 Rist If. I. 191181 lit. ASSA)JL Àntonio, B wau stabbed caaght by Lc fSaturday eveuing, October, 8, dJod fln Ros$sua-ivas lu comp&ay wit$ he--------'WU&way w1j 1 U8 MMI< grnduCU4on ln t e district,,.-and, not ve n Ouh waH oopial on o dWenuday ,e veu- prso ue. W heg 1t vao o rdem e ba ud.,<, , 1f -o1-eu.ac6n l a', It f a t.f Ing la-st, October 7. * Thenamnoepened, along te help Lo#tý o, am. na 6i, Ëâ ýthuiemblatitg t1 nc a t dma of ~w e r e r e f e e l a n l a t I s ,su a d M e r - p o d i o u-d is~-. ~ r ~ ~ I ~ ~ " '~~0 < ~ f t ar , i d v, t h ea . r o .r y , h e m o e a b t o w s a i o a ~ r e n j r d i f o r e to y a . o u l d d e v l o p m u a i f u r - - 4 0 'l» f a r t r a m u t -lth e t hedi n $ o r e y o - Pe.tacto were obta.1ned atter thertrhower, Cbe iooCçItty wmsr thtb01 imîârfit <01 the ; aco it mudng id valu en a- fBR Te roe Bnourni occurred. rivod and arroetell the.two mm, Uor- Plu. m e uldo U te -or leujoy taable property, and thus the_ mimici-ý thedoîthf o i te deatit iae»d abto andivilo,.., pal resaurma.. a11à hl* forôu!~ ilM I t Sn ast Thuréday, m g s ev y. y'-h tilmi Lotto's evidonce -h"a lliy thoe ownlng o r- on or an. puirposes arce nlargeo nt of, the ta- lisa on eue veago system drop. bSon tranula4ed tb theprionor I uooî & b 1 )JYfCufiCfh*Ùd Weaith aid *prhttv of thé ped his pick and orovl, and tomaisi- was il p.m., ana the Court adjouru- trips tao, la -fotor, Hnyden.- Wholo dtict,-the, burden of rmuni. GRO ed idle forthue 'leu ô! lts week,, i eodto Tuesd&y eveing. short i>rk. -pa txe>l rdued honor oai iheir doîd fred. - hn.orwucie nTuesdsy. inh poet. alwy ubuili CaA-E Au inquost wai -'held- at Oshawa, ai eIveB-nl ,a Young main poae n ywiipobb run down Brook St. ,COT0'P E. whlch a good deal of cvi douce vas behali- of the prisoner, ropréela;tg tiÎe Harbor and, Heydonshoro park Thfle Comiilsulon - states taI thoe'fl taken. T. C.- Rebinette,,o! Toronto, Wio luas pi, and give, us connoctien with railway wil redute lie cool oi pow-1 - been retainod by Morabitoanad Mi Obth 11the G.T.R. oad C.P.R. stations, or te municl-pai tien by from $5 te PRIILIMINARY HEAIIING friendn. Several of thes latter wera' T111. viii WLa very- great advantage $15. per horse pawer, according ta Tihe pieliminary hearlng af thse proeut at the hemring, as were aise ta aur citdr.ens, the liaving-in lares tse Position 01, lte munictpaiity, by Lcase agaiti,,t James Morabito, whe la Inonds ofthlie dead Bonourni. ta lite raliw*Ystations mioesbsing reason of the fact ltaI 1h. linos cou-__________ -citarged wf itlte murder af Antonio Pietro Siciliy was 1he chiot witness. neammmii aura cash yomr. veying power for the rmiiwmy eau misae - Bonjaurni,' was opened- an Friday Ho was lu company with Bonjourni, Il Whitlby turus 'down this by-law be 'used as truk -or. higitý tension, *evenlng last at the Court House, bc- and saw -the stabbing. He old prac- il may be yoats botore anoîher op linos, tram which branch or iew ton- fore MaMislrate »Harper.' Morabito, a tically lte sanie &tory as Latta, wltlu» parlunlty came& af aur getting a ien lnes san be run ta distribute Young Pnan about twonîy of, ane or two exceptà ons. *Ho saw Mar- raiiway te poweewafor sront. the werr tont.sixo0sven miles -on elu- mgo, uat la the prisoner's *dock, with abito plidngo lig and over against For titis reason alone, il tor no r aide af the main power. Une. Surit. 'dw-drooped -head, a handkerchiei Ba1journi, but did net sesl tse knle. lither, eleelors sholuld support 1h. bon ne f a complteradistri bisy-- heid - te tite side ai bis mentit, cover- Later, when ho and Dominiquerap byîm. ef o lte luoleut d lng a bruite bo reMeved witen lue wals turod -Morabilo, lte prison e capried disrict, ornbath pummeiied by. 'lte angry Iniendu -of out : "Lot me go. I slabbed that QUICK- TRIP TO TORONTO. rai iway,'and-eiectric powoer. Aisoi V rthe da ma s. teRIs ac hlmnd mn"The argument bas bose d gant ta, beilg.aContinuation eo itf F F. if wewoul let im g," aded S- tht Itmain power. lino ta Tarante, we thell AL - lse ark etlie bowsho tad~ Ho ffeod s al iseruooy o ite proposeil Hydro-Electnic. railway oitain lte benofil ofthtie enermousîy 0O if we ~~~~~~~~~would ethmgade Sithtl ieudbe O o-neuse te Whit increaming saetpo rluTono HaiI-a-dozjen other Itaijans were ciliv. I ____aa_____otanpotaio_____pwelTroto presntall f tem, itnsses bu Co. Farewell, Crown Attornoy,; btes as otatnoa trnspwortdatnwhlch neflt cm be vaiued by cern- an y alliers wers not alee'h tad vr i tltS' witis Mr. Robin- te go arowsd by Brooki-nla orn-rronkte as aogn allstuîe nI te' present. There Lu an undorcurront cof ette's junior, andte!rworthy ' " Colonell nt e.1'telnleT- -i I1* 111 feelng between tie «ita lan facton caused .niany a laugis at the o her's t hs ol etou0. e e o Te»3 $18.1 , t e, l .a n icipal ant , n wit rente via lie edcc0 te aunicipal pr, hPi aI lte Hospital for lte Insane and _exponse. Tihe Young man's chioti eb- mies ong, n le n co 7dtbe pe ue ae0450 er horseyd. -te sewerage workmen, and every diuwsthtteCon a n ie lngand h rphou epoe o éJyd 1, mean ssaecion waslitaI inthe ren was un- maean or and - a hait,, il Io lansl being taken la avl necessri prilîgteeierîgb aîd. The proposed lý é wllaise ___________ Fleet Foot trouble. a»king a number of queutions ltat.u îltit l tata ,ioct. T eD ê .'O tn SOMOof hejalin wtneses aswere Immateriai. Col. Farewel had run lit ernta-Bthe earulo, the Cilu * Smaet is Illin wtiessuasfinished itis questionlng ln mn heur, eer mptdaIrn fe t it Io*Slsi V5.5 ho . weii as the prisoner, could net spemk andi Ilin lte Young advocate 01 bre.! "rnta ste-t ray euld b.te- rl ho English Weil, and au luterpreter, Mr. v-yroeed aspdtw hur i onayWib aroewr aice nA Ci oîue Venini, of Oshawa, was employed tlgan ltY It in c osa-qestiojg iou ssn Rtft aI i wmase n TurdayevingSae-o lxè ite epreceedingi. gj~anda afl rs-usonnsi maYathCiybudr.wtbparoewr gtrdenA ý17S ice, expdit o Wttb, ws ise nd endeavoring ta have tise ho advantmge af the proposd Hy- mtise ocon T say evtinebg iatlon F.N. Burns, o hty .wsteevidence re-Wrîtten la his awn tagtie. lra-Electrlc une- wil lteretore le tCeocr,'ioed ne teig apieo firsI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 011 tab al H ada o lngAthough lhe was squoiched i i isat- t twill land passongens and ~Mttûe pottLau n Bonjaurni, aller hbcitad itu n uabbed, lempt, he wasted nueslaettise lwa i reughtlnthin Ibm lvwitheut aylte Satos OtanEpoTe aors' nd U-mm"~ ¶ He~~~~~~ aieMwamniigna surs and a half.j ltransfenning and wtiseut tise extra tulc, Tise Music Hall wus crewded fonce, and was tld by Chirstapiter WVm. MeIntyre Iestifled tisaI ho had tfare ever the0 City'.rdà ilway. t iedas n ielreadec Lattoa tisaltwau lte man who been standing AI tise cerner oet - 1Tetm osmdfrte t h o ,adtelreadec k.hd oe h sabig H he a lpan rokStetswen oDoun Tielime o nsunsedb 1 -rtis rtip was in 'a moad te cheer' taelte ecte thesan doerise sabnd g. H tisnasawb SdBrttreo hn at1wud b _l e less titan aven lise anyliing ltaIua-vered af loyalty ta tis ma anse nd n u DudasSt.and saine others came along asking Toronto-Eastern, andlthe tare lu net lt i l and tunn along Green St., pursued: If ho had seen a mani nunning pat, le bc mono titan thacns e i e T iseprga n e iebs fat, La nnd ethqr. ite mXi ai hm' ece tm men rctwith express cari aI freight rates.heard horo-Ia 8xs"tmR.I. I K fau, ud~ldne gve nyIni tSrc ee ttuIlte d4rection ho. sad Tii.latter teature it ue igrafw l eerAlSans'Ct Rint E / I ne benoghdru. Mn. Burus was ne seen Marabito t.ake. importanclé. Wiitby wouid be ID ed as lte "curtalun iser," aopenlng Aea h enuitneta inishy lisim - Thse heur waa 11 .30 witen titis wit..1pockel hundredu of dollars ech year lise entertainmnulwltis a neaI speec. Aecteiness lltehd tatis 5V' nese rappeaned, and lte CeunItmade a -I n the uving in express rates 051 Thseattractioneoflte evening was doue, the eine rreehe rns- furthcn adjourument tae 'rhurgolay' Parcels naw carried by thse express Mn. George Neill, lte fameus Scet- ln erder ta give hlm an opponîunity, is tenon. Mn. Neill iully. If yd up of cosu-ueuîîtoning, if he desined. Àw, SURPLUS WOULD COME IN te isis reputation, and tise seleclionu or Marabito,isowlever, weuld say tiothiiig SOT ahr'Hho rendered weeapudd elie'OR F bu -"Ido'tknow; ddnt-doit"-lEer eIcorsoldsi. el v1 encore encis lime. Probably tise ,ang _ > s'ly p art01tegeod daim e n Eev lctrwul nrl mt onet appnecialed was- "Tise DemIs et Tits ariyt of tisd eaceedings ,ne- lteHydno-Electric Railway By-Lmw Neson," wisich Ilîr. Neill roservedj on W H mùade" Pnogress slow. Ttc annual meeting ot the S. Q. Tif lho was certain tisaI his taxes biis last aPpeanance an lte piaîîenrn. T1W e- lXI ituesa was .Joe Menana. Assocaion was held in tise Iigit would nover be lncreased because ai It gave uûim pie epporttinity le dils- * Ibmu h. e Heui thé-oua.he tBn ut wa*S a- llrdevOtoauxrcssber8an9 . ~Hw can ho ho assuredoet tiat play lte great range oif hie voice, "H o untsec tiestBing u wast Scitrol io Oceercisand by mcl? -as well asi-tu sweetness ai tone, and cn ln.- I and Pietro Sicily, ho laid, 'G. A. MoLean, and rending lte mi> Te Hydno-Eiectnic Poer çCem- (,the large audience was delighted. weuî noit niorning -te lte place utes, te Preldent, Mr. C. AsIng, mission has for ueveral years been Mr. Neill appearej on lise pnegram wluene Morabilo wau arresled. In gave a reminiscent address on the estmating upen the casl and eper- Oive limes. Stise yard ai Mr.- Isà ae Paquetire, sr., scisools and themir conditions fifty ation of power linues throughou< n.-RbnNcosn eykisl *they found a kalte, arbgmr, a pipe, years ago. -aveWebtenn Ontario, Upon tei staffi Mr.nt in Nicho-sn very eu itûl pino' and a comb. T &e pradueed in Miss Ja avy delegate te the are ongineers et suporian abilily. PTe solos. -tw ey eutfi in court. The Prfone, ws thn asked Rural Scool 'onventions in Guelphs Commission as made an undubed- sald "ne" tlecacis except the pipe, tise week's proceedixigs thene, ,and of- is claimed Lor tise Commission tisaI Young ladies, areused a worid cd wlgci t liemitted beionged ta im. fered a list of ruggesîions le im- te aÇtual cost of construction lias entitusïasm. Eaci th ie youag lad- Lm lu -a moment, how'ever, ho changed preve Rural Scisool conditions. always been Souss titan Liteir estî- ses was altined In. white, and car- bis mmiid, and denled.ltatItI wau lis Miss Launa Clarke laugitl a lescon mnates, and lte nevenues frein opera. enied a flag, Englanrd, France, liel- Our firât property. - lu read-ing te a third claus wisicli tien more titan Ilsein estimnates. gium and etiter couistnies bcing ne- an odew Citnist<opler Latta tld lte, sory aofnroused considerahie tavorabie Con- Titey have applied lte same rentala parte. in sead r.- w lte actual stabbing.,, FI-e was presenî ment. ive principlos l tem irestimates oai opated"BniAniA." AtndMn Ar- ni te lime il eccurred, and will be Miss Nina Ewingr, Deparlmental cosl and incarne inneetleo wit tur Lyndé teokts ate Tx~I ane et'*lte chiot Witlnesses sleuld- *a Represenlalive, gave lion address on tise pnoposed nailway., This should m Akis "-bthesigip a lastSofij "Tom.a~ murder trial result, wi.iitseoms Heuseisold Science. -Little attention bce a iairiy- reliable crilenion as le Akn,-bt igngsls n H aits certain.tte choruses et wietc hey wero ~ certain.Is as yet pald titis subjeel in s-citals tise resuits efthlie railway if con-- '5 ' He was on lte way home frein outside tlelneclectel e lutd joined hi- the young ladies. Dr. a- ifp.£ work conlarge Êtkethecapartybai Btiîaedn aes- on~aurayovniglucm- aue >l anet yeî needed. lier be- Tise Commission has tiguned Vital contdot panY 'witis tiree mon, Bonjourul, Si- lune on Friday on lte came subject there wili Se a large surplus of earn- r. Ge.. iuacdasm- rf t ii cily and Samsi. They stopped aI tise suggested how ta niake il o-f nacr- ingu avernçtasl T oan o! IfiscoUspnitPfarttirdot,'s lUa ho dd te re eroves itaving of lise O.E.A. alter witlch Taspecth Pt arhebnu. it. mar a- itlie enl'ig tEurd ebtlm rl Been hlm bisoe.) i Ilutchipongave a valuable t tor o iein l se l bond s e ebenluer of aidvlthe ert as la prohed uo, - butsoeaLMU Notffnglita Moabit ha a ractcalArirsmoia.for lte amounts gilen lu the agreO- aid neoamali -nseed etpr esv pockelfut af aigars, BOon asked Col-. Fmrewelî gave mn interestlng mont for tise-respoective municipal-ontlieE arlLagemdie are nov ras Oheap as the frpe tne. former,1 iee n, " dr nCriunl Law. fhies, arebéing lodgeuf iw it. h 0,- Teachers' Institute vito engineered dolicoui fi.,Parties lWnoassimd net 'leen lte tabbing. Teo s ta: for1915 are s- dro-Power Cammlsuion, la be beid lts far idlo ts epnfI Re .Wa' laftng ver100dhgat h .Presiden j> a. on WnuB.a guaranteso oil,' for .the bands ily of malng il n suSes In lu thus Mier ws eang har odnga ie Prs8u9.J .DlnBAd-never ta bo used,sunvo f'Btise underlmkfng hue,' vere abl,asosted af chitoce dry qailty ar mewe whn h herdan excamation, VlcO-Preu.-.MOS L-aura Clarke. Mey-" unmoeced eveût oi a -defclomi.Wifbtm eif oil aelee alrabr idlâ tunl itgrecou mmv's er.-Tro.-. A. !2t4dgso. n to l'fr a proporional tise ladies o! vieh <gae muait 01lut yeù'm priées rigii iandsirtcled ot nar au. Exculve...R.A. lulisianB.A. urf or mitmunel'paul,', a"d. iM'l teïr lime li seillngtickets. jossml's mlomacis. BonJoumif h"d hlm T.P.S.; J. LDl B. Ar; C.B.As- ta ue etnmd.aatt0 Ui sannodua ls e r-e h hletqai hand ove isi stoacis 'Jing, Jas. Campbsell, T. C. MeLpa, deflcft, vitiot c-nrat, fian,'ej - cod 1e ltedvnlg e steero8.vr» .almagaa Maablo rau at once, but Lotto G. Fleriteller,, W. L. lvfdge. Vhoa ou a raety________ .auwe moi fppyu Ofalgisl Mm after -,&sisort dbase, vien 0. E.- A. dlegate- Muss alamo ADSE i , f the mai utumbied aid fell. - Lotto, Biehn. LADSsse 0< #Mafsnleoplyng rolurned ta mseeshim friand BonIoutlI A Midllr-W. A. MiM <, .R.l shgTinshw Eid'a a ilvou WRSe oma, fewu A ,aud Mrabilo -again, mi. Titis lme lrude .,. tia la Ifo"a canif adobo da. lsinvidris onu 'lu e sr ytem. Mtm yW ho gagitdovi as far as- lue rouldonce Pr er'f t olf ei li avotoi au olisieralwa diae le. expe.on te lsta!a-ybmio or Isaac Paguelto, ma., boforo ho o! 'meéing. bmldtas pireal ere,1r, Iaxetfs teustalla, - W ion, you can. use, what % ou alance and ve will refund .26.00 LED OATS "*: 2Zc0 IJDFEED ........e*301,00 IWNEY&-O THE, NAME TO REMEMBER WHEN PURCHASI.NG, DOTS AND SHOLS5 SLIPPERS Men's Work PUMPS, ETC., Boots a Specialty._ Phone, 151, Whitby, Ont EsTAmw ~f( ELmTowrà ebe& m*c" mmd' ' anmofthà B ek im - i"e Iam velma IITBY BR-ANC-H- 1C. A. MlUmi, Um& g.r. shipment has just arrived. Cofne -now, rhile we have a good assortmenr. per Doz. double or sinigle50 wble r sigleZOG 14e ýNarcissus 5 nf sien ,Narcissus iO ru. LAWVLER WHITBY, ONT& .Bel, No. 47; Ilndtependent, No. 47 PRICI2S- advanced since Commencement -'ofthe terrible var la tlo, of food r1emain comparativeîy choap. ~NTRLJT ~NDWHITE -PISJI ,y-were yoars ago. W. have wekIy shipmenu of thon neediug them wviii b. supp1ied by leaving their arduru 13LUEBRRRIBS éeofrd by u at close-priceo. PLVMS sud CUERRIjg butvo have been supplying thorn tramn the vutÇ bue, PESH MORLTS 1-beef, lamb, veal, park ad toderloln ame turamb w profit huckleburrles aud :hlmblebsrres. PRINGLE-&O; RNITB3Y ONTJIRI0 - .- --AM 0 - %LIir '4 -'y 45~ -4 r - *.*B B~B . A