Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 5

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wlll be heosfor thse -tio days' meet - tImgs. A SUCCESSFUL SALE. Mr. J. J'. Fitzpatrick"beld an auo, MAou sale o! cattle on Saturday'last, ah whici 35 yearlings aid 85 'feeders were dlsposed of. The lot lwere sold la two houri by ' Sim. Maw. ' Th prices. obtained wers good, the.70 heaik-aggrcgatlng $3108; or.an'aver- -as. of over ,$44 eacii *-Send Y'Our oriders to, W. H. Taylor for tomatoes, onlons, cucumber, et.. for plckling-picked fresh dm11,'. Gar- dens et ,Juictlon of -C.P.R. and Port Ferry r4ilway'.-7. Call ln at the Gazette, and, Chron>- Icle office and ,look over our hundredi of saniples of Chistmas carde. -Al designs aid prices. Your naine print-. ed on the ineide eheet. These are1 the moet up-to-date and'beautiful carda ever put on the miarket. Noj trouble ho shomv simples. C. A. Goodfellow & Son. - GOD tWaVE THE KING. 84th Ontario Regiment. Recruits wanted te 1111 tii. places 0! those who volunteered for over- seau service. Applyi the evenlng ah the Armourios, or to Geo. W.P. Ever>', Lient. t 0. C. "RW' Co.'y' 841h Regt. A daint>' card with an appropriato' groeting and your. narne printed -f aide; is an excellent reniembrance ahi Christmas tinse. C. A. Goodfeilow I & Son have severai hundrcd samples' o! desigus, at ail prices. ('al ad' leave an order now fdr deliver>' any, tdme. Get il off your mind beforeý the Christmnas rush cornes. Some o!f the best. Unes may le eold out later on. . No troubie to show' sainp1es. I *Mr. JanIFs Smith, wbo lbas been 1 resident -of Port Whtby practically t ail hie lite, lihas-purchascd the Oran- ger cottage on'Coîborne St., and is having 1h thoroughly renovated and an up-to-date house made o! it. Mr. Smnihh and famil>' will take possess- ion o! their new home the let o! No-. vember. Mr. Arnott, o! the Hospi- tal for Insane farm. will moe nte, __________________________Mn. Srnihh's hoisse ah Port Witby. W. . T. Li. auy rothers' show made Ils an-1 ____________-- - ho Whltby on Fnida>' lash. 'The negulan Meeting O! the W.C.. A street parade ah noou mas theuns- 1vr.U.- mill boiiheld ahthe home o1 ual good advertisornent for the mis. W.-. Thornpion, Centre St., troupe. Thseinusic hall mas crowded ,çn Weduesday altennoon, Octobez hté se. tise muntrel show and vaude- tbreo.ville acte put ou. WhIle tise enter- Sth, ath lslf-past tre tainnient proNslided mas good, theý standard seeine ho have deterlorated,l TRIED TO KILL HIS MOTHERln hhie paeh 1cm years, since nomne Of A Young fllom in Tuscaramni C .thse brothers have eevered connection -was arrested tho other db,' for lt-mr i ieegaiain ing tq kIll hie' mother. The Young msai could nol furnuhl bond and li', ME'IIODIST TABERNACLE. jail pendiig trial lu-thse Commoni Rev. E. C. Hall, i'o! the. Ontario PIons Court. Ih le not ofton a iOn Conut>' Clildnon'a Sheller, occuplcd attempts ho kilI hie motion. This tise pulpit o! tise -Tabernacle ah botil -Young mai declares that ho loves -srie on Sunda>' lasI. 1le laid be- les mohhen ; that nder ne0 clrcum fore lhe people ln an ahle aid iter- -stances- mouhd lie injure hon ; that hae esing may the monrof tise Shelter. monhd nover have tnied te harrabeo;i At the mrnnig servieanu offerîng cf lhad lie netbeon under thei nfluence about $50 mas taken ho aId hinltie .0f lquor.-OiôIssiue. work.' ibqbq Rev. M. E. %exsrnlth, Who lhaé Sbeen absent ah 'the GourraI Confer- K&ppefiags~ ence, will occupy bis pulpît as un]a LpcaI ~~~next: Sunda>'. o u htyr -BAPTIST ANNIVERSARy.î The. Rer.- m. N. Omond milI cou- tint Chuncli will be hbid ou Suudnj .duch tthe service i St.. Andrew's i aid Monda>', Ochoben 1$ And l9. Rev. éhusirchi nexh Snnday, Octobo; 111.' H. H. Bhugsain, a former pastor, 0 1- nom cf London, Ont., milI preap4 -G;irls mauted to trimapplea. AP-' t both sêrvlces on SundaY andd mll ply aht the Evaporahon. Thle Whltby lecture on Monday evening. The Frntnad IlearCogUbjeetof lhe lectureyfwllbe, "P<yo --e#Hiilhaud ofetOntario te the P.E.Joesha ben- uteHghlands of Scoland," aidds'tll be -ili for several weeks. Ho; many Iln. Bhnam ii ne00doute ient 'fIÉends hope - semn> have a speedyMr nga wilodubbehrt l>' welcomed ho lise homi mhere hi -recover,'. mas exîel>'populan ns studeni ligh Sehool Inspector J.E. Weth- pashon. «III mas in Whltby ou Wedueuday -- -and -Thureda,' o! lat meek. - SIR ADAM, BE-CK COMTNG. Mayor Willle bas ;ecelved mond 1fr, Wldrld Cnafortii'i nom hou» tit mm-Adi'Bock le expected h om Brook. Street soutih i nearlng VWhhby ho -addfeSs a. public meeting completion, and la a fine Igrge rosi- ic>rno evenlug next meek. 1h lm -donc..thought Ibat lhe evenlng ina> b s Tnesday. Sir AdamInol head o! tii 'Geod -mînter apples sihable fer Hydro-Elechic Pomer- Commission ,evaporating mîlI nom be haken aht mmcii has made sucil a coiepia.uou the. Wlitby Evaporator. Faîl apples succes o! supplylng elechrie pomol mil ,l not be accephed. Tise Vitby to Ontarto - tomna nid cities. Si] Fruit aid Vinegar Co. Adam understaidathe propoeed Hy -4. dro-Electne Ralmay, proposition a ,tuse many- 1fiends of Rer. A. . ne cther Individual understaide It Molnhyre., ,*111 hb. pleased ho lcnow1 and ieiaddree mIlI no doubt b. hn - tat . u s~e e .. roud gaînforming aid' lîlurninatîve. Ever alter beng eoulled to Ida ii.& ton aiochor who bas a vote on tise b>'-laip oms. ithohimsolI ho lean w hath ..voal mot~.canf about tIse projeet. The musi, hall sheuld belie Id ,ho isear SI: LOST. Adamn. L.oo tram'Club ýHoue, Fort Ferry, a browu mater -spanie, médiau du LOST. A HORSE ON C. P. R. fflmard if. retured or for 'a, 11n0or - Ou ThUrsday .nlgiit lust Mr. J. A mitien that -would le" te recer,' cKa mise o ccuplee the oîd Willco: of sams Ch., Jobion, 0haWt.-.15 fari, saut of thé townt, lest IL VAit - -~ - able lhos b,' ilsbelng stnuck-b,' Tihe WMitbyWaseief 1WA"soiat1C.. freight 'train. The hors *i1i 'nset lu thse Librar,' Beard reoin anderod along lb. slderoadut4l 1 on Thurida,'aftmroou at 4 o'clodlý icamie 'Ote hietrack. Ahé et ad ta te. rScelve flishd work. A- fresI' approaehed from hesutadh sUpph,' o!fiool wmli be readY. - ls.enginer mnlpled4, but tus animal J. . lila.Pissident ç M"s. Jolk inutead et jumingseut Or the WS3 Ktng, Secretaun'esi et long tii.track.. Th#i. e foU m aU" 'L W i hla ni effl . Mo ae m d r in tl X - CIi. p e (L or m a tere1 *& u o 3 a I s, 4 e. - fore tii. U" @tiLU da y t e o b ruw DEVELOPINS Mmd PRINluNO or.He wasrai4ed fore' wek. vçl oa faul nd tuii51the cA OUtO9 rf the,«%sýomta;teo onor bc- - hyllz rAï irs? wek g ac~iaction, uer a p~ltih wjlë their names, und addrqspsm wand t ull atdd eropl. pany wth- one wilson, twav-exception -can a .n3f.1p1,description, of al daims ýand tli na- captured, irAg givena segeat'vi cans t i*eieiOt, fris t ure of tiie curItiw, If any, iield s___ entenzce ot thrse mosthi iAnd an lu- 'es4 meet "ar«oItXe a-d'tlioreutbly b, thsmi.and derfAlie sentence nelit e qx- qulpped coloreil shows èver j ,tOn Fuîtheî taire notie tit a! ter tihé W is n:esu i ed t y uee o thi : acthÏ road. Me'b h ie'claiesan Stiid:y of co! 94 h ad seringat th ýFar.'I-Iscoman, 9 muicl prfrmacetha bs mrethe,-estate éf ýtii. dsuaed amoig IoWlon, lu the. man mho escaped up-to-the-miiute novelties id,.origr' heparties .entitled- thereto, iiavln~ ___________________front the gaol -here liet week. HeIe lIideas -than'an>' simîlar 'organiza- regard ol ou>' te eaims of!,mhloh ba nt~,e apehideds fair. tion. If lo characteristir, through ho bail thon have notice, and. he 'gine str-uck the horse, threW -1h a- Eleon B ales aid. oie Leroux, als oeut, being a mixture o!f fun, melody1 sald Executor shlInet be Ilable-fo head, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m lat, f h albtmi itm of!-thé "gel. amay"' epidenulo aid dancing,- consiig of ail theheo sald augets or an,'part tiiereo'f the, two hind limbs acros thezn. ah.'.tIe Asylum Fanm, mere nsot clever feature pecuiar te the negro lu Dix- to an>' porion o!' miiose dlaim ho These more severed.. - The train ýcrem essough to makie a succese o! the à>h le laid, preseîted b>' ne groes o! the'1 shaîl net thon have. receivcd notice.,6 did 'mot stop long ezsough ho put tii tempt, an& mere before the Magie- cultured and educated chies, t fren f anial uIo! nlery ad wci~ jtrIe n cmdy. They W'mre re- vulganit>', mîtheut an>' oljectlonali ANTON BANDJEL, McK ay arrived, on thse scene in thse maîded for a, meek. i features, ah the saniefitie sparkling Executor, b,' 1morîiug, Il mas still alive. The horse -On Tuesday, John Ceeul Edward mith mît And good humer. I 1. E. PAREWELL,d masvaie4 t Ion $10 h $20. Ruttle, of Canlîgtoï, arrîved In!TThe organîzation l acompanî.d his Solicitor. r hoWni-as n guesl of thse Count,' gaol. 1b>' a solo concert band nd a superb 1 Dnted the 22nd day of Septomber, TREAD SOFTLY. H1e mue sent domi here b,' Magie-ý orchestra. The band miii icad th.' 1914. *-4 IVtraIes Junlcln and Fosher, mWho had Koontomu panade, taking place ah'_______ __ ____ Owing hoetise rapidit>' of our neoe heard a charge o! forger>' made a-; noon. Thse prîces of admission have' -__-___ and up-ho-date siso machiner>' and gaînst hlm. Ruttie was hereonabnpacdh35.id5c esf Tr quantihies, mwe wiIl, on aid aller !fraud. He intende ho plead guiîty store. e 4 All' Oclober lot, put on meni5 or me- jhitise present case. of_____________________________*Sto mes' s -final.qualiih rubber heels, reg- I wllpyOD teîlt.. ular 50c. for only' 35c., or hhree pairs, seltgu detç I ilpyyn ocl.t*c te one !arniy .ior ou>' 1$1.00. Repair- PeTsonall Mention. MiscIa~u Adet orks ni lasPect fer osl. Ing mhilo you mail. R. H. QuinhonDntb ild ya«a èd Whitby's oni>' repair ehop, Brock. Mrs. * J. J. Fothengilli l visitiiig' FOR SALE. Bot employ thum, eo5seqUStly vu a Street Souhh.-14. frien-4s in Guelphi, Berlin aid London. Aot300PrtCrdtpe sd ddo allom the agentseoemmlsslo. 0 - Mé E. N. Graîger aid ch4ldren, boutk3.000 P oryt (.T.redit prt, 10 purmcet., whlc o yen liicertif-f DEATI0F MRS. HAYMAN. ofI e! ospent the wek-edwih h brk. Apy o.. .Nepr, c> ave b,'purcbaahag trom us. On Tueeday tise deatil occurred of her1 parents. 1 Y A Cail Soliclted. Mar AuHamau ahth ag o!77 M.<and Mrs. A.E.,Mahhhemson, o! FOR SALE. Tononhohave beeavsit gthith j' of 77 yeîre. Mrs. Hayrnan bac nestded in JTaodonto ae. Lyudc. n whJ. A cuttiipg box, Ma.xmell zake, lu tow fo th pat tn yarswitherJ. nd rs.Lyne.good nepaîr. Appi>' ho Frank Rob- W unche, Mr. Jas. Read, for mhoin e. Lind, mere hegesheppad! ofMne. J. - li, nt hown a fo lie pe heu enler M aindy, ns. Gteoge e ppaof rd,0 in BooJ.,On.office sud Werke act~~~ed~ ashJe.pr Tefnrl< Folburgiîl last meek, - HOUSE TO LET. opposite Standard Bank, Wbitby, Ou' takes place Ibis aftennoon f rom the, Mr. Harold Stevenson, et Harnil- Laebrcbos sloWiby residece,ing îreetRaid.wAllen. b ton, spent Suiday wlth hie sister, (Kingston Road), -lunisied or un-,Yon cannot cdo better than atteind the herset mî bemadein U I n - rne-' .Bande, Whitby House. !unnished. Phone, rural mail, good 1-BIiHAEIA OLG cornched bmdev.iR.UW.oAlle - 1Mr1 A Bandel INOULIO tory.- Mn. aid Mm. E R. R.Blow are on a stable. Apply at once te R;G Car-' ogeandt Mcuil Ste , 1Taro,,tO, for a Rosi- trip ho Chicago, atteiding thie Tick- ruhbers, Whihby. nsor shofthani Course. FalTerniseiiow BAPISTC'HURH. et Agente' Association Convention. jeye.n We ask ou to write for particulari. Suîday, Oct. 12. M. aid Mrs, Wm, Homden, o! To- New iaeHOUSEFO l E. .w.WaciopePrnpa.9 Services a usual. frente, 'aid Mrs. EllietI aid baby. rm oe jsoe',sa ________________ Son ervice isulococ.S 1jc frei tise West, have been vistn rooma, 5-pieds bath. furnace, eiecetéC -"Looking ho Things o! Othens." Ione u om. .-ietug l.ApI'JH.A EWh- u as Eveniuug service, 7 o'clock. Subject Messrs. W. .1. Luire, W.-J.H. Rich-I>'lam es k W alker -"Whah le Salvation." ardeon, Wm. Ayres, Wm. Ellis aid' FEEDING STEERS A'ND COTS- Good siuging, bright services. C. Seidou have gone te Gananoqus WOLDS FOR SALE. Pump Mqanuacturers À cordial invitation le exteîded ho ho enjoy a week's fishing. 21 feedlng steers, 850 ho 850 lbsj., ail mile ma>' wish te *worsilip with i Mr. W. Aitchison, et Toronto,, aise reg1stered--Cohswold omes, nains Xcsost . W. Evansl us. Route Agent o! thes Dominion Ei-' and îambs. Apply to N.J. Chapinan, S'sop DuiudaiS treet, ýWIitby. prossCe., mas in homu on business R.R. No. 1eih1pihby, farn ah lot 9, he or eto htyHue Tise Oscaro Stock Company', an or- on Wednesdav. cn 3 fic~ing, or ho M. S. Cisap- Tlo or oto htyHue gauizahion compeeed of six or eght maAbonemod ms lf Plcker4xig. We are propared ho instaîl wood or iron youig people, opened athbree-nighl bore a year mgo Ion Winifl r WATE TO pump ond sho art notcaieatndti engagement in the Music Hall on tuned home last week for a short Aenfor e ntaiong.mil jMonda,'. Tise lime given for adver-, visit pýls hbis parents, Bir, aid Mns 10 or 15'acres eo! garden laid, mithsliAgenfo ise nai idmias hlshng 1h mas senrt, and as othen ah-, T. Deàmond. on mithout buildings. Seud fulil pan- Phonos-Bell 50, Ind. 26. tractions mure booked for tis earitîculars, iciiidiitg first paymeut ne -________________ future, ouI>' a sinali cromd tirea r M. T. Deimônd arrlved home ôni qufned, ho H. Toinlinson, 1259 Davees- out ho the riast performnce. Therii.dFnda'L-tate aening1wport Rond, Toroûito. di le le Ir li nesul mas tisat lIse compai>' decamp.' hi Detrot - also a vieil mithber son ed frein homi on Tuesday, mitbut1 James Dcsmcud, and C1her relatives payig nîl their bille. -ln Toledo, Obto. DEATH 0F HUGH YARNOLD. Tiie deahh occnrred ln-Torontcouo iVednesday, September 301h, cf Hugli L. Yarnold, son o! Mrs. G.E. Gib> bard, and beloved iiusband o! Editi Scott. Mr. Yarnold mas ah oie lime a resîdet of WIitly, eud mas -mwelI kesomu Iere. I-I.had- beentjla ill isealth for neaI>' tmo years, preo- viens ho bis dealil. Tise InnovaIhock place on Fnida>', Octoben 2ud, lrom tise Junchhout statilon ou arrîval o! thre. o'clock train frein Torento. I- hernmt lu Union Cemetey. - The -Womeo n'eshitute milI i=6t lu thie Agrîcultural roome on 'Fnida>' afhonuicon, October le, ah 8 o'cblock. Demonitrathous mîli be gveu iu "Pickles, Caniod Corn and, Tomate sauces. Al momen and jlirismel- tome.. Mn.. G. A. Rose, Preeldont; MIss F. Batemn, Secean>'. WAR NERE i8 WAR AGMINST HIOH PRICES Goode sold herejust as low ais in any city store. Wonderful values in Taos 25,Si. 40Osud SOo Rioh Red Salmon lia. Ch10108 Pink Salmn, 2 for 25ô Fresh Grec. Peau, 8 for,25e Surprise Soapi 5S for25o- BEOT Of BUTTER AND FRE8H EOS QUAKER GATS TILLSON'8 GATS Your buainesifiend, SPECEAL j WJ3EK END SALE, 0IF CH-OCOLATES Rogular Prios 500 FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY 800 pop lb. Freshl Roils and Cakes at the TEA ROOMJ Sale RçgIs ter, TuesdaY, OctOber 18.-Aubtlon sale of tarin stock, Implements and houas? hold furnituretithe property of Win. Hoar, lot 22, vos; cou. 8e Wieby, k nilq West of myrtle. Sale at oie o'clock. *Wm .3mw', auctionee, Wednesday, October 14. At ictionl sale -P -axzi- çt9çk anzd tinpemst, the. property of (geo. W. Joues, lot, 14, con. 2, Pickering, near Pickering, village. Sale at 1 o'clock. Williami Maw, auctioneer. Thursda>', October 1.- Extenstive auction sale of farm stock, Impie- mùento, iiay, grain, and roots, the. propeet>' of George Jantel, lot S, con. 8, Plckerlng Township, j mile West of Belsam. Sale abh-one - 9 edock sharp. Wm. >Maw, auctioneer. Saturday, October 10.-AULctiou IOee of household furniture, the property, of A.E. Beckett, Brock Street fiorth, Whitby. Sale lat oue o'clock. 'Wm- Maw, auctioneer.1 BROOKSIDE TRBCK FAIM Vour Wintor Supply of Vegeta blos Should be laidi' at once, as the cold weather is rapidly approaching. These are Our Prices Potatoos 00 bushol Onlons 4 1,000 bushol1 Cabbage a50e dozen Boots and Garrots 40c'buushel- ===DELIVERV RIONT TO VOIJR DOOR.--... after October i ýth. NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO STOCK UP. WM. UEEKER 'W. A. BROIJGHTON &8 Fiions 94,9 iu~ WHItBV PHONE 167 ôuu wnluuu t>uaul Che stnut and Stove per ton$75 Egg per ton 7.,29 k'oa Ueal per ton 6.25O At Harbor CeaI sheds 50 cents- per toi les. Cer" he'name hàighiest quality. Es R. BLOW@ Bell Tel. 9. 969CRANTON Whilby Home Tel. 14. imprognabla Strongth, Maximum Bieot, I18oM arable Dividendi, Minimum N lt Coit. For rates and fun I nformation apply to F. J. DUFF, MR. A. i. DONOVAN, speciai .p Qus8en & VictoriaSt, 9MIle. T oronto, Mgr. The Mutual Lifo Insuance Ca. NEW. TELEP' HONE DIRýECGTORY ANew Issue of our Offic- laTelephone Df.irctr l now being ptepare'd and the cOPY- -iw"Il close witin. the nut kw days. Ordois for- New, Connotiont Changes of n, ane or addres should be teported to us' at mn asis na reaay-flfte UDUJIIor a Semi-ready suit he, aeldom -fle -wltli the frank -etatement that l'v have flot gotit,", but o1ten encounters a' play upon: the word. Wltlinthé past seven. yearu ha genuIneý seni-ready tailoring lias boom perfectéd andâbrought to- such ,a îuality standard th£ t Its flrat, spour sors would not know it. "We are not satlsfled,. and- we nover wIU bXI' said the Presidént 'of the Company. "Ellch season, we utdive for sônis thing htgher ' àd botter." - "The SemI-ready tail-orlng of te- la>' Is- well worthy of a trial by t4I Most skeptical mai 0f xneticulousde- sires in good celothes., And our,20 ;ult Is better tailored than rnost $29 and $30 suits made In the old reta*i va>'."?t, Cleanlng, *dyeing, pressing %nd te pairing at moderate- prIceg. Maurlice Murphy 1door south Royal Hotel, Whltby, Ont. .E ýýLUXE. OPTICIAN * A-NNOUNCES HIS REIO VAL to bhis New- and Handsomeiy Appoint d Optical Parlors in the Newl Dominion Bank build. ing, TOI YoNGE STREET. Co nerKing St., TorPontoY 181sufil Ili 1SINGLE'FARE Good going and returuing M4Nonday, October 12 . . 1 FAEAND ONE-TRIRD etnurn Jinit Octobe1, 1914 Between a]i1 stations in Canada east of Port Artbnri, and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falseand Suspenision Bridge,NI%.Y. Pull partienlars froni agents or write District Paâsvnger AÀgeut. Ot .Union Station, Toronto, Ot E. Stelahonson, Agent, phone U. Whitby fl EguIlg LII: f usuu cets 0F QÂN4PÀ+ savcd ispolicy.holders $îooo o 00iiiits list ten years of business 14r selling thetn without-profits policies, and having ail premiums-paid direct to head office without commisstons. Premiumis col- !ÇÇte4 tYP.re $389#000, instead of. .5489t- 00o. Fourteen other Canadian 'corn- pp~hiçu TççÇWç4 $19,499j6_95 .in. tblfr first ten' eu#mnly for with-prolit policies, and paid in p..- -- holders 591,550. Their combinc"i . cumulated. surplus over shareholdeWs contributions was $79,707 tithe end'of their firet ten years., Which looks best toyoù ? ' The Equity Life 15 the total abutala. ers Company'. Il. intereésted Write for turtiler particulars. Tie tmau who studios hie own interestswiîî patroutze The Equit IfP Assurses OMOupuu when h.e Vante LIfe illirane. L. W. DUDLEY, >H. S5JTIBRLAD Whb.ont. Pimiet Un*anisgev Toronto,. THOROUQHNESS i 'teKynote u' this Instituti on. Our gradthes se d ibecaus.they have re. cei.dcoretpraatn Toronto, Ont. enjo s a National lieputation for superfur Cataloue Ires. Enter any tiue. Cor. Yoage sud W. J. Eluloat, Charles Bts. - Princip", Livory, Cartage: andz Teaming., 1 have rece'ntly added tg My wîe equlpped livery stable a beav teame ind diay for- al Iinds ofcf aad4 teaming wor]4 and wil be pleased t recoivc order, *hlch wilU havreprop ad carefil atiOilI I GARRIASE - ~ ~WE HA-VE for mon'and boysa the proPer thing in this type.' A etrong' de- pendable match at a reason-, INTÙýeDREST YOU if you. are. lhinkirsg of a watchb, no matter what kind. We have neyer berore been àble to sel snch good match- ý-es for se littie uoney. Jewelef and graduateýptoiam Oppoite Peut Offce Whiiby, Ont@ -4 j' t r mý i

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