Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 4

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interested in -a Gaseoline or Coal Qil Ergine, yow e our saniples. know, that you, save a large proporîio of fuel b rning coal oil in place of gasciîie ? AUl of our, equipped toý-burn cheap fuels', except thi- very lInternational Engines are superior -to any make, 'and, chaewhen you figure the .value of goods'used in con- istruction. Çall and investigate. We w-111 be .pleased to demonstrate our engines against ail other makes. URIAHJeNES Bellonduld.nPones WATER ANDO IUNICOMIISSIONERS 1 Do you know of anytbîng else that has been steadily coming-down la prîce for the last few years, except The chief businées furnish electriaity -for. inhabitants of the mur thre price of metens, ani' it bas been foad possil consumer by elimi4 'atiný paid three yeare.- GET YOUI sud ho1pAs to reduce ti at "Lbe high cast utf11.- iof a Municipal Electrie Dept. lu to 4 light and power "eat cost" ta th.e~ iicipality. Owing to reductions ian d ta the general ïncrease in business, ,blé ta lawer the coet of ligIrI ta the- ig meter rente after they have be R~ iOUSE WIIRED h. rate stîli further, and strike a blow ,ing" by using electricity in tIre homo, GEO. W. -P. EVERY. supt. 4AVVVV~ ARE YOU 1BAKING? WE-HAVE JUST RECEJVED A SiiIPMENT - ROBIN -HOOD -FLOUR for baking btead. - makes a big white Joaf. us send y ou a trial order. BS! from 20e a- dozen up. ate ext ra good tliis year. *TRY OURS. Let They wni. Robinson .is offering for sale. -Se hie adverti "Farni foz Sale" on pg Geeaipro1Se aLe. G 1 'dEs0 l General purpose0aro. G o a ..'ruit-s.-tives" arethe only- pi11 work-. No' more use for it. Apply mangfactured, to nyway of thinking. to -Jas. Skinner, Brioljnl.. . Tley work completely.- no grPing wliatever, and 0one la tenty forau - Mt. Irving Rogers, ai Toranto Uni-., pna pranata o a.nywe Versity; has been visiting at Mjr, A, wasa martyr to Constipation. Wetried Kstcîen'. . - *ything 00 the calendar without Mr. and IMrs. H. Rose and d4ughi- & , peut large smme of ter, bave been visiting at New L.ow- ni .hlIndo Fut cl, at the'-haine oft Mr., Biair Ketcîh- cloSa -.c1 n ret. r. tos ,1e'i a 011 îlùÃ"nY~ e have sed them In the famiiy fi rotur ta Mxica. - t Abt two.yeàa-and we would flot use» Miss -.Alilceolver, wbo bas been -a74bling el" s. lon~g Ias w. ea get holidaylng in thre north, 1hm5 tu1Ud "PraconlslM Ld odstea Mr.cli, mroed-la heath, ., - et ail. - 1ha,. s'ecommended them te 3fr.GeaA. Jliatan B.A, las any other people# aMd Our wbole gane'- to Toronto to attend lectures faznilyuseatlaem'I. aýt Osgoode 11*1., .W. EAMMO»l. YiTiosewbohavebeen cured by "Fruit. I'sa long way to Tipperary." a-tives" areprod aà4 happy totell a Came in and hear the new, Britishi sick or ailing friend about these won-. War Sang on Columbia Reua'Reçords. derful tableta itrde frana fruit juices. Keith Lawrý"ce Brookiju. f 60. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial ize 2&_g Mr. ]Rabt Gilroy, wio lias , ben At alldealers Or sent on receipt of prke warklng ia Halifax for the summer. bYEruit-a.4lve8 4!es etaa lias returued home. a- The aunuai, Thanksglvlug tea under PIORT WfiITBY. the auspices of thre W.F.Mý.S. of the Presbyte.rlau 'Churcl wIlll le held !1rs, jas. McLeod 'recelved -word on Mo2îday evenlng, October 12th receatly train her dauglîter, Mrs. Ne- Furtiter particulars uext week. .- Lean, of Moose .Jaw, that lier only Mr. Ed. Olvez, of-Ottawa, viie son, wha te about seven years of uge, bis, nather, MrS. A. Kete, îast lihad been accidentully kWI~ by being week.- . - rua aver by an oil wagffiF Miss A. Olve î was on a business Mr. F. Glover, student -in charge of trip ta Toronto on Wedftesday. j St. John's f(ay) Church, left on Miss Irene V llanL, af Oshawa, . I Wednesday to-resume bis studies ut Ited Miss Rose aodward ou Sun-! Wycliffe U'liege, Torqnto., f IrIMr. ,J. Campbiell, and the Misses day. an Mrs. owlle -and famuly [Muck, of Toronto, speut Suuday bave returaed tro tIroir holday atwlth Mr. and Mrs. DE. Heard. Bobaygon.M5. Janmes Smithi spont Suturday Bobcagean - fand Sunday with relatives ia thre DO ROW BAL». J Miss Edith SmYth, af Oshawa, les spending a few days with Miss Mary tlPARISIAN SAGE. ~ Ashiby.- -lu. If yaur hain le getting thin, lasing its. ntural color, or lias that matt- cd, lifeles and seraggy appearance, thie reuson le evident-dandruif and failure ta keep the liair roats prop- erly nourished.- Parisian Sage'upplied duiiy for a week and thon - accasionally le al thut 1s nooded. It removea dundruil- with one application; almfout lm-! i nediately stops falling liair and itcli- ing head , invigorates the scalp and! mje Uuîi, strIngY nair soft, ubun. dant and radiant with lite. Equully gaod for men, women or children - everyane neede it. A large battle of this deliglittul huir tonie can lie lad train A. M. Allia or any drug counter -for -fifty cents. Yau will sunely like Parlsan- Siage. IThere le no othen "I.Just-as- gaod"-Try it now. MYRTLE. .Messrs. lBlack and Rose liad a very succestul sale an Saturday. Auc- tioneer Maw wielded:tite lammer in hie usuial persuasive manner. Silo filling le the chiet industry amaug the farmers of this commu- Snlty. Mr. Hlenry Derby hras returnod ul- Ster an extended visit witli Toronto Srelatîi#es. Hanvest Home Festival on Wednes- e ay, October 7. Chieken pie supper Sand slendid prograni. Some of our popular young ladies were qulte disappolnted that thre judges for thre "Beot looklag young lady" at the Oshiawa Fair could nat corne to sorne denlnite deciuion. Tliut's a bachelor's wlilm every time the fairer sex has ta b. takea Into conalderution. MYRTLE STATIO N. Mn. and Mrs. Norman. Hugheon and s on, of Toronto, $peut thre wekeend st Mr. John Hughsonlo' '-J Miss E. Cook returned home to Guelphi on Frlday lest atter apendlng a month wltIr our U. agent and tanillY. à1t. R. Knowleo bas been holiday- Iag Wlth bis parents et Stead, ()nt. Mr. Jack Hodges bas bhe î ore- Ilevlng hlm thre lust Week. The Oddfelîows ai Myrtîs and Ash. hurnare strrng things up agala et Brocil. The paît montl u ie Brooklln LOdge hu been humnidng.. Mr. and is. %y Spencer .motored tram-Pantypaoî on-Saturday-7even-i lng àsud.apenit Sunday et J.E. Bea-. The repart ai thre, teatbal 1 ganie be- -tweem Brookîîn and Mnte, 'puhlhed lest wec, was v enyn&ilng one, As-a matle t aototre f 0, f he vlsiting tboom were Drookln ,boys. The rest were from plckening, So- lina and Bown'tanvllle, evidaztly. pald ta bolp Bronoklali eat, Myrtwe.The Vlbhi the Vork of lb. refe, wbo 8*elned to lie playlng for Brooklin. Brooklila,,OulY goal wes made by a PlckenIng Pîeyr. Our beys stiU dlaim tRatiaL f airn hontem an- bout gaMu, wi th an offiew at snI'w io IJlsse 1thel Uoldring returaed to the City, last week. On _Thureday a! Iast week as Miss Ada «Jackson wus walklng along the street a vicicus c0w beîonging ta Mr. Starr rushed at lier, and citching lie on l'te hora tossed lier severai teet. Mise -Jackson, wlia happeaed to look aut of the window juet as -the animal rushed ut lier sîster, quickiy rau to her assistance. Fortunately no boues were broken, but Mise Ada wus bad- iy bruised and shaken up. On Monday evenlng the choir and- Sunday Sclioal Tacliers' aio St. 'John's Churcit, eurprised Mr. and Mns. D.E. Heard, lu their cosy little home an Byron Street, where a very pleasunt evening was spent iu games etc., lYinty refreshnxents wore eerv- cd during the evening. $100 REWARD, $100 The readers ofth111hpilper wil l'e pleatied ta. letrn 'lat there ix ait eaut one dreaded diseuse thar ..ctcnce hai bccn able Lu curc n lu at l stages, atjdthatiseCatarrh. H -t.tCatarrlCure l. the on ly positive cure now kiowu ta ilhe niedicat fraterîtlty. Catarrh betttg a canititu. tional diseusc, requirca a coustitutiotaî treat. ment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken interuatty, actiug directty upou the htoo<i sud mucoux sur- faces of the syaîent, thereby destroyiug Lthe foundadnof t LIedttseaae. sud givingthe paet strength by buildug up the coustitution sud assisting nature lu doing it. work. Thc pro- prietoro have samuch falth lu ils curative powera that Lhey offer ane Hundred oollar, for any case 1imatitI fait, tu cure. Bcud for lizt of teimt. lmonsals.3 Addrea. r P. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. Sold by ailt irug ita. 75C Take Hatl'» 'amltv Pilla for constipation. HOMESEEKET-S EXCURSIONS The Grand .Trunk Railway Systexu issued round Irip Hgmcseekers' tic>- ets ut very týow tares tram etatians In Canada to pointe ln Mauxitoba, Alberta and Saskatciewau, each TUESDAY untIl October 27th in- clusive, via -*Chicago,- St. Paul o:ý Duluthr, and are good returnlag two montlis tram date of issue. Tbrough Puilmia Touitut Sleeping cari are operated each Tuesday, leevlng To- Eonto 11.45 p.m. and. runnIng tbrougli to Winnipeg vithout change. limer- vatlons la Touiolt steepern msy 11 obtalned eta nominaL charge on ap- plication to ny Grand Timk tIcket 01290. TRie Grand TrUIIk Pcf a ,way le: tue,-Muorteut and quiceot route -between WlnnipegSaklatocla, Med Edmnontoi, wlth Omootb roadbed, electrie ligRilmI sleePIng car$, IbrOugh the, neutmou pictureeque and moit rapdly 4dOreopl;g section 0t WestrncanaIIýda.' Before dîî9dtng on ysur trip asic Grankd Trunk -AOgentofor lepartio- milars, or wrlté C.E. Hornlng, Dis- UMet Psassegoer Agent,- Union Sta- tIon, Toronto,'-Ont.-18. tiog467 WHITrrY PhoneI149 -JOHN T. HORNSBV= M, ILOER and CONTRACTOR 1 Mans Made and EFtimates cwn fAil'Ki'xds of Brýick and C.,oncrete %% ork *Rr pairs lo Chmney Sta-cks and toîers a spmtc~y. Whltby, (BOX' 9'l y Ontario Bell Phonç.138. Co FOLLEgST OONTROTORAND BUILDJER PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION FURNISHED. - Reaidexice, - Thornton', Corners >Phone 41, Oshawa. fA. CURRY WILSON, B.A.Se. IARCHITECT THREADGOLD BROS, CARPINTIRS and BIIILDERS FIROT CLA5S WORK GUARANyIIRD. Charges moderate. Apply Dundas St. West or.P.O0. box 403 MGHO GRADE WATCH REPAIRhING. L. J. VASELESKV WATCIIMAKER and JEWELER Two Doors South of Royal liotel WhiITDy, ONTr, Ten Yeais Ezperleuce in General Work. EntlpnateuQlvreu. ue eTo au Grant. INSURANCE Fire, LMfe, Lîve Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the best Canadian, Engiish nd Americancopa's. JAMES McCLÇLLAN Box 39 W hitby, Ont. Phone 12. ROYAL THEATRE MION 61188 MOVINO PIOTIJES. Open every evening., We have installed a new Simple% machine, whlch is absolutely fiickerlest and easy on the eycs. Saturday night, ioo to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager NICHOLSON& $ELOONI Phone 3HITB 289 Eveîyn Ave., IAUTUMN SESSION le i now open in Central Business Coi- loge. Toronto, sud îine«ch ofut IL.ix IBranche. Free catalogue ex plaina noursea. Write for a, copy. W. H. Shaw, Prosideut. Head Offices, 393 Yonge St., Toronto. A POSITION- FOIR FALL AND WINTER. We haro a sound busiuess proposition for a rellable -energetic aaltexzau forithîs district to olI fruit trs, mll fruit, flow.rlug chrubu, ec. Pay weekîy, outfit free. exclusive errftory. OVER 000 AORES of fruit aud ornaumetal at.oek-uniler cultivatlon We »eil hrough oui alemnen. direct to the cou situr aud guarante. dellvery 6f frosb, lilh grade tiési. Our &auesa.are valuable b regaou cf Lb sriswSiaand th.e volume ofl ninens dons. Estibbisba05iy6ara,1 Write Plait Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. P,ý8.-liandwoue catalogue ou requeat elthter to appllcaît or thosô wlshint Nu riery stock. COLONIST ]P'ARES (One-WaY second Clas) From stationi ina Ohtario to certain points lii Albert, Brîtis'h Columbia Californiea-Montana Oregon Washington- Arizona Idaho, *e. -' sept. Si until oct. ariea front .P,E. Ticket Agents o l M. 10Np ,ltjgPasense., Bgnt BOW Rig aa op. t., E. R. BLOW, Agent, Whitb7 31 gresr 16m 79291 EAST WHITBY Taxes,.Caos 37 70 342 E. A. Oraîlion ng nie herton sts ore at Unpat P at -to Unpat Pat t rUPat Part W'ý9 of E- X part Pt. pat 131k A, Pickering -being N > Villa&e lot 69, Churcli st. Whitevale- Part Lot 'Con. A PL. N g4 -i 7 Treasurer's Office, - col Bldgs.,Sept. £5, 1914- lnt 14 2. TOWNSHIP OF BROCK. -Lot Con. Acres Taxes Costs 19 il. % .3e 283 2a 50 9 14 24- 31 38 1328 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING Lot Con. Acres Taxes - Costt L z TOWN.4 Con. Ac Tot al ;Pat i-l 37 12 09 34 66 5 33 t or Pat 34 66 Put Total Fat or Unpat VPat Pat UPat 20 94 Put 'Total Pteor tnpat 41 12, - pat McKAY, - Have You -any PlropePtY For -Sale P If au, cut out aud mail tit coupon for our listing tarin. Phans 19 lPstOP Canada lImpmemoqt and Land Ce., Llmltsd,Dp. t Gentlemen,- i have ... .............. or sale. KIndlysad your listing formn. N E. .. ...................... ................. . .DRS .......... ............................. Oroator Canada Improvoeiént & Land Co. RIHRSON à RIOHAROSON0 MANGERS Bell-phone 193. -WHUTBlV, ONTARIO' Iad. phone70 Farms Fr Sale U-pwards of forty farzns trom 2 acres up, andiat from' $5au acre, guaranteed to show satisfact'ory resuits from invost ament, Iocated in Whitby and Pickering Townships. Every conceivable requirement of soil, buildings, orchard and nther improvements can be met-in the varied liât oftered. J. F.WJNN, - WIiITl3Y Bell phone 109. -. P. 0. Box 89.4, liesideuce, Dundee St.'West. - BIE PATRI-OTI C,"- AND BUY oooDs MADE IN- CANÂ îA -WE CAN GIVE 0 - QUziLITY, UATIY PROMPT ~DEÈLJJ7ERY, CL OSE PRICES. Goold, Shapley & Muir Co.GaoneEgneranGn- ers, .Pumpa, Etc.E Chatham Fanning Milis, Farm Sclsad Ktce C bi t. Corn and Straw Cutters, Pot igr, Stabl Fixture, i9oo tiravitY Washing Machines. Belting, Poultry Sheli and Beef Scraps, H. Repairing, A few se'cond hand ,wagons a t low prices. single pl ow, and one' Vertyhfcavy gang. Standard, Cream sep- larneass nd Onc used -N-Wu55uàyrLUWUIVU A fel cn b wllplowed by an experienceci Plowmani with the high gaadewalkingplowî we sdi. put yu o nth D Cockshgood Ontarjo Foodljft Sulky" and ie can do equally Cure ood ork.Other 'popular styles-of plows we stock include IU« t the "Kid Kaiigarolo Gang and tihe Fansous Crown Gang. vei IL . ej pen dable -able pri-t INTI fyou a watch, nDo Vo have kie to sel es -for so iL 1H.lr n aw Ieî wu DRANK 1HI. David Haunli -enue, died li yesterday afte ,ease -caused b_ ThiEris e et receatît onte thç publie, thre Weduesduy nigi -duys heat-y drti Huanninun c tliree or four n sachusetts- and admlttf-d intJoI ýdied. Excessive panulysis -aiofth t-bis which- ma t-rouble nnd lia -Arthur Chroxli Business as usi Division Courl ----day mornng, dlock ia thre Col properly tested Wlils, 'drugglet POSITIC Posi1tion Weni -competout wonl .Apply care Ga The Rev. E. M.D., wlH o=c IAndrew~s Churi --Sunday uext, C ALL BAI Thle Har-vet: * Cburcb will bl Sunday, Octlob F'. A. FORS vEssex, Sopte -sythe, B.S.A., bas been appoi cultural Repr County, -suce wio lias, joined Igun Agriciîltu Se Bnd your or for taniatues, for plcklfug-pi does t .Juuoctl Perry ralwayd Our toc pliee. TIre bi M Lower -Prices on Ford C ars Effective August îst, 1014, ta Auguat rit, igtS, and guaranteed against any reduction durmng-, that lime,' Ail cars fuiiy-eqnipped f.o.b. Ford, Ont. Runabout $- 540 Touring Car -6 90 Tôwn Car - 840 (10 Lb. IDOMInion cf Can*da wly) B-unyers toý Share in Profits Ail retail buyers of new Ford cars troim August îst, 1914, to AugustIszt, 19x5, will share ii the profits ot the company ta the extent of $4o ta $6o per car, on each car they buy, PROVIDED; we seli and deliver 30,000 new Ford cars during.thgt period. *Asic for particulars. Forvd 11otor Company 0F CANADA, LIMITÉD W. J Luke & Son, Wliitby, Ont., Agents.- i % 31- $3 3 ý9 34 8 . 4 ýTERIiOUSI3» FrHe-acac É«0!6'.the. ReSamoa n Moat raopk. etmoetfora 1% bede-. saede.d>tin..1.l 1 MONO roq. Ir- ATicr ýt or 1 Phone Jet. 5275 BULSS 1 1 1 y gin

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