Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 2

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rf OF THE TOW OF -~ A By-law to authorize a certain'agreement miade between the' Hydro- - lectrie Power. Conm~i]on of Ontar-io and the Municipal Corporation o! the Town of. Whtby, anid other Municipal Corporations, for the con- ~struction, equipment, and operation -of au Eiectric Railway under "The ?12-ydre4Electric Rilway Act,'1914." Whereas it li àxpedient that the Corporation of the Town of Whitby and ether Muniè1pýI Corporations ah ould enter*intoan, agreement undet ýf'The HIydro-Eiectric Rallway Act, 1914,"1 with 'rhe Hydro-Electrie Pow-1 or Commission of Ontario, ý'hereinafter callod the COmmission, for the çontruction, equipment and oppration of an" Electric R- :.ynan t hrough -the Muncpatity o!-the Town o! Whitby and certa Yin and- 2_cfpalitles, upon ,the teris -and conditions, and subject to the provisions' se forth and contained inu the agree ment set out in this- liy-law, and ao-' éôrdlng' tb the ,routeset, fortfi la S'hedule "A" to the' sai'd agreement And whereau the estimàated cdof o the work under the saad agreement la $4 e349,938 çý and *hereas the porti On 011 the cosl of the constructilon and1 e4lllpment ofithe line to b. borne ny thé Corporation- of the MunWcpality of the Towu of Whtby ls estlmated ait 1183,774,: as set out lanzchedu le "Dl' to the sald agreement, subWet té adju9lments and apportionnt b'eveeu the Corporations by the Commission frein. lime -i tinie', as pro- vided b>' the said Agreement ç À 1 nd wbereas the total annual amount estlmated tt<be requdred for the maintenance ef the rallway, -apart from operating expenlses, la S51,. 878; the operatlng revenue being es i lmated _at $776,400, and operatilonj sUd maintenance at $440,554); And whereas the total aninual a mount estimated to be requlred for the period of ten years'immbdlately foilowing the date of the Issue of th" Bondi' te be lssued under the sai Agreement, for interest on the sald Bonds Is,5217,847 ; and thereafie, for the next ensuing forty years, thej annual, amoun t estlmatéd to be requ ired for sinking f und charges for the _r<t4remnent 'o! the sald bonds là $48,469, and for ' Inter-est on the said bonds $217,847; -.1 .And whereas the portion ho be borne by the Municipality of the Town of Whltby, of the sald annual amounts, estiniated to ho required . for maintenance, slnking fund charges and intereut la estimaled-at $14,628 for the first ten years, as aforesaid, an d thereaf 1er at $.16,468 on the Sam@ basls au the portion.o! the cost o! construction and equipment, as afore. salît, 1sUbjeet. to adjustments and apportioninent between the Corpora. tin b> the Commission froni lime to lime, as provided by the said Agreement; And whereas the amount of the whole rateable préperty of the Cor- poration. accordlng to the laut Revibed Assessment Roîl lu $1,222,303, and the amount of the ýdebenture debt of tho Corporation is $178',478,m. 00, o! which neither principal not le teresaIis ln arrear. - Therefore, lb. Municipal Council of the Corporation o! the Town -Of Whitby, enacts as follows: 1. It sball b. lawful!or the Corporatio-n'o!'the Town of -Whtby, and the said C orporation lu', hereby autborized, to enter labo the folowlng 'Agreement wtth'the Hydro-Electric Power Commission o! Ontario and other Corporations, the uald Agréeniment being hereby incorporateti Into imd formlng a part o! Ibis lày-aw, and the Mayor-'and Clerk of the Cor- poration are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Agree- -ment upon, behaif of this Corporationa and to abbach lhesieal o! lhe Cor. Poration theretcr. , ,I fï - OIU MÈWT HEREINBEFCRE REFERRED TO. This ladenture made île da.y o! Ou Lord, ene thousand gine bunitred and fourteen. Betweeu > - The Hydro.EIetrc Power ComalîIssion of Ontario thîe"Commlu o* f the l'irai Part, lu the rear or (lereatter calleS The niciJep9l Corporations of tle T ownslxlp o! Scarborough, the TowugllP Of àlMaýÊ, the Township o! Whiîchurch, the Tewnshp o! ýPickering, the Township of Uxbrldge, the Township of WhItby, the Teýwmnulp c« Beac, h,îe Town of Newmarket, tle Town o! Uîbrldge, the Towno! Whlthy, île Village of Markhum, 1h.-%Vllago o!f Stouif. ville anS île Village o! Port Penny, (hiereinaf 1er callol île "Corpena- lions") o!rîleéSecond Patt.- Wbereas PursUanto ho cHYdro.Electrc Railway Ac-t, 1914, the Cerm. mission wao requesteà ho ouquire Into, examine, Investigate anS report upea the CMsiof construction and opernîlon o! an electrle railway or ralways ho ho coustru" teaîrough certain districts 1 i cîle hecor- PoaIens ane ituated, tegether with 1he probable . -.e thut would result frein hie operalea ef sncb mnlway orrailwnys; -- And whorcas île Commission bas turnished the corporations wlth sach s report ulowhng (1) île total estimated coul, operating revenue and exponsa o! the raillway or ailwnys, and (2) the proportion o! the capital contltéo h borne by acI of the .corporations sas st -forth. la schedule "B" attlsehbrete; And 'wvbereas on reept o! île saiS report the corporations roquested tle Comumision ho construel, equip anS operale a systein ef olechrIe rail. ways (hereinatr caleS îlerailway) over îhe routes laiS Sown lu scbedule «"A" attacheS -hereho, upon tle terms and conditions snd la tle roanner horein ut forth; And wheresas -the Coýmmission lias agreed witl thea ,crpomUelns on ,bîeRalf o! Ibe corporations 10 denstrucl. eOîîIp unS opera"o île railway upon the tarins and conditions and ln the manner horein ut forth; but upop île express onidition tisat the Commission sIai! net in any way be hiabla by reason « any error or omission ia any esuhmates,~ plans or aPedif 'ilions- for u m =fasca or other obligation or lome whalsoevor bY virtuae fthlisa moam~ or artsing out of the performane, o! the torms thbeee; And whorea e le eton o! each o! tlecooate hvesotS té by-lass utherXIunthîe corporations to entertaIe l»thiii agrtenu wîîî tle CoMmJMMu obfr tise construction, eQUIPMenî ad ebes'tion o! -thée rallway as liàUdqqevalathie sali ucheduhes, subjWet t&@iefelowi.ng erA n CO5uite Qe AnS whares îl MMew ou u'bhave eacl IsS Segbutousfer thie &Mnounîs$met fore i. si dom"un attachieS hereto, anS have deotethie sal Soautrsovii teCommission.; Now tbrh*'e iS' màma e i etî:-. I. in oonsleutm se Mpremises and uf lie agreements or the Ce>- porations beeffaQat@4q, Mi mubJeCt ho the proviions c- the.a dAot the CommissiSon BEgesMlhfiecorporations respctiv.y- (6) 'ro conobtut 11 mi ODort, îhe allway throa ' e ltr.t lu which theo OÏmÏetbi &M situata on belialt o! the cerpoffleu; --(b) Igo censtrItOtt àa. ehîe ralway over the routeslaid 4o"in .ols.duIo "À"; -<e) Tq jsoun. Rodmus pmsvidela paragraph 3 cf tbis agreement. ho cover île cent Otcsý 'sUs"d e qulppIng tb. ral4way. (d5) To faris sas Mr de iossible ifrt-clas modern anS standard equip' mient for use on thi-e ,te 'opete Ibis equiDmant se as te givo île bestsi z.ce and moonpssblhaving regardho thie district served, île tros If tlh P ad QUlipMent adoptaS, sud 94i, thar eqditablo con one, 55m ptu aldue-skIlland dilligence s» as te securethetRo ost .eeSW psrua as ceo he al-oýoil" (e éregulate -iât 6» o tua nd -ratles o! 1011 ob oeolleetei by the ,.aiwkmv for, &ail *1 dg UÇavlà perty: of thc raliway for auIpurposa Oi Profit; wonkrs -of tie rai !way anS the power h conubipatlon: li feasible.and may rand the. usons o! the powér lia.; àange o! -trafic Wth cher rlwy energy for operation o! île ralvar ad te munlilalcoortns 'commrssion* U tan» service furlshd by« (M To apzly.-the any other revenue operatlng expenses tration, and annuÙal (1) Tocset aside frein any revenue thereaflor remaiuiag an annual smnfer the renewal of- any works belougin A wh6le or la part te tle the Commission lu the Interests of the nadertaking, aay surplus thut may romýain sitar provldIag for the Items above mentioed. The division of sud sburpluqs betwoon the corporations te be fiiel by the Comiision on an. equitable basia, havlng regard Inu île.case of eacb corporation te"- the capital 'luvostsi, the -saervice rendcred, the éomparative benefits deriv.d, and ail other like conditions; (,n)Tc lako active stepW.for thoa'purpoeao! céotructlng, equipplng und geaî l the railway at the eariie9t posaible date aller the ezecuti-on o1 MOISIagreepOdnt by the corporaîioM ai l. ,hedepeit et îhe dobenhures es cald feoiun"r clane2 (b) hereof anLd- hocommnce eperation ef oach seton --s$,eo as possible sf teiits coin~ejo a. (o) To maie sncla extensions to the railway described lu achedul. ""Mmiy.&a5#er advantageous aud' proltable frem lime te turne. 2. ta consideration ef the premises 'and o! the agreament* heai nnest forth, eaaci ef the corporations fer -itltl, àans -net one for tle other, mares 8with tifs Commission-- (a) To bear Ihs sbire o! the cosI O! consitruceting, equlpping, oporating, maintalniug, repalrlug, reaewing. and lusurlng lbe rai'way and ils pro. Perty and works aa establiahed by the 'Commission, oubjecîte adjust. monts tnd appertionment between thie corporations by the .Commisulou frei m t t rne; (b) To issue Sebentures for tic amouats set forth la' achedulo B maturing lunfi fty yearu frorn 1he dateo! issue thereof, sud flayablo yearly at tlheBýuk,,ah Toroute, Ontario. Such debentures shahl be depeslted Wi1th the Commission p;revliust6 the issuing o! bié bondé montloned above, aud May b. bolS or disposeS o! froin lime hotre by th- Comitntaion. as provided for ln* clause 4 hereef, la sncb amounts, st sudc ratas ef discount or preiuin sud on sucl torms aud conditiôns as the Commission ln Ils sole discrétion shah deoin ho hointhue-Intgieets of .,th Wl ilway, the proceeds ef sncb dobentures beiag used solely for the Purposos herbin contained. The amount o! debentures e! eadh Co>. Pomatfom sold or disposeS o! frein imetho lIme shah b. audli proportion as May be. fied by tbeý Commiasion o! the total amouat 'o! debentures, duo regard beiag givea te the capital invested, lb. service'rendéred, thie comjarative revenue derIved, and ail chIer equitable conditions-' (0) Tc maRie no agreement or arrangement with, anS te grant ne bonus,- lîceuse or other Inducemeut,, t any' other rallway 'or transporta. tien company wltbout tle written consent o! tle Commission; (d) To keep, observe anS pertori the covenants. provises and coadi- tioua aet forth la Ibis agneement Intended 'te ho kept anS observeS anS performed by île corporations, and te axecuta sncb further or othéer documenta and te pas sncb by-laws as muy be reqi'csted by the Cern- mission for th e purpose o!f fully effochuating the obJects and latent d! t.saareement: (6) To !uruish a free right o! way for the railwaY Eni for the power linos e! the Commission over anuy property o! îlhe 'orperations upea being se requested -by the Commission, sud te execute: sjud convoyance Meue derved fromoperation of the raitwayaàd, ,rlved frein the uadertaking te the payaient of îcludliag electrical power), the ceiC'f e adminis. arges for-lntereuîsud sinelking fund on the money 3. Il shall be lawful' anS hhe'Commisalou la hereby authonized ho croate or cause to be created an Issue e! bonds, sud ho seL or dispose o1 thie Bgme, on behaîf of the corporations. Sncb bouda le ble chargeS upon and eenrod by tha railway, aud all the assois, -riglts, -privileges, revenues, works, property and cfecîs belonlgîng thereto or held or usoS lu con- nectien wltb île ailway constructed, aequired, eperated and muintained by the Commission under Ibis agreement, and te ho fer the total arnounîs mentloned lu acbedule "F'" breoealtached; prevIdedi that the Commission may, upon obtaiuiug. îlo consent as hor-oju doflnad cf'heinaerity efthîe cerperatlens, Increase île maid bond Issue by any amulitntleaesar.y 10 Cover the capital ceaI o! axtending the railway, asdMay aise wllihout sudh coastul Increase lie sai bond Issue te cover the 'colt of! additional works or equipinent e! auy klnd for use on île railway ho an citant net exceoding ten per coul. (107c) o! île bonds ipoued freni lime ho' lime, lu order te meet andS pay sncb bonds andI nherest aq île saine becornes due and payable thle Commission ahaîl lu encli year aftor tie expIration e! tan. years froin the date of the Issue ofo!tîe bouds out o! tle revenu. o! tle railway a! ter ps&Yments e! operatlug' xpenues (lucluding electrica power) and the colt of administration set solde a suflclent hum ho pirevide a sinking tuaS for the purpose of rediaemlug the jMre at M&- turity. Debontures IssueS by the corporations ln complîsuce wlth clause (2b)> hereo!, shail, 10 tle extent cf île par value o! any bonds outstanding frorn lime to time, be held er disposeS e! by the Commission lu trust for the, boiSera o! such bonds as celaheral securlty for paTinent thereof, 1h being underatood and ugread thatlnl the evento! au> lucreaseo! the naid bondiIssue eacl corporation shall, upon île requeit e! tRie Com- mission, depouît with lie Cemmissien adihlonal debentures as doscribed Iu clause 2 (b) hereof, to- ho leld or Slsposed o! by the commission s cellateral sccurity for sncb Increase 6fo!e leid, bond Issue, and that sur Sebentures belS by the Commission lu eîeess o! the par value o! île outslunding bonda frein lime te lime may b ho hlS or disposeS o! by the C>ommission te secure paymeto n lii rogfom»opain ef îerailway.euo!aydlctaslgfoiRioprin 4. In thé event eft1he revenue Îerivomi fromein îeoration of tise undor- takiag beiag lasuffieat lit amy year ho meet the operating expeume (incluhing electrîcal pewer), théeoset ef admintstration anS the annual charges fer Interest anS sinking fund on,île boaM , sd for thie renowral o! an>'works' belongg1la Whouoor ln part <o île railway, sncb Saficit shah b.palS ho te CommIssion by te eerp«orat s-upo domnaof sud lu lhe proportion adJugltby thée oemmlsémln' th îe event o! the fallureo! any corporaCtion ho payoite oha r o sel a deoit as édustèe by the Comadluion, l shall b. law!ul for the Commission la île manor pro,%ded In ciSuse 2 (b) toi dispose «t debeutures balS. by île Commlue as secuift' for 'an>' such Seil. ÂnY arrsa by any corporation sha bear luterest ah hthe legal rata. 9. Should any corporation fail o .perforin my oet. the oblgat4oaste the Cornrnlsoù under lais moent ,the Céinmmon irla -Addition te ail chIer rMiedis uni withut, motes, 'Ilsosnt1pue the service cf the rallway ho. lïuqi corporation la dbfault munWthe maltOJllgaon bbM fUlIlle4, aM ne iel cdiseontiatàeo et sarvie.@àh-"reliove- the oea. Poration lu ,dofauli froin hi peiUrUaopwq -thé o-vemate PrOrlSON ai 8. la aseué e Commaisn sa etil a tM Wrn n Ures _11. r.vea-Utul froniopertln îe rîwaY' or ay part thieeof ylrIslCI-out,nMt, ftu1 5t «ablxr birond fis c*mhrol, theeu'iiàan shali e bouad tho oSeie,e alwrorscil i t 0furlng suci tirn;.bal thie ceor;SiM,1S hall-net b# rtlieveg from "y lability or p*a tnds *01 agmemu . da *Don a-l afe u~interruptîai iÏâîoved goge Oo>îqW~ ~alitbout s'y deIsM ottzu ue lope@tiosi of Ri railway,, 54>O île corpora4îashail ha prompt sMd diligent $a &ofg vI peower W rmo* aaoveoome 857 sueR eau» or Oieso! Interruption. 7. Il Shah hbellaW!ul femi t oorporations heroby ufluos.- tii commission te 1Unit.é'othsidn ies o! 'hie- amWiw t .tatof -the railway- Brute=noporatea fIwiole or, l, »ft RTti.Comiissot, nMdt@ p r 6 v a î o u ~ b o l s g m S o u t h t o y m ia h a J l P 1 1 1 1 " t h e 01th e lP O S : , ar or "th'é c"i t à nylia5<,,ýuî lua Gon. S. If a rTti4ue auY other mual«pal corporation &applies to île Com mIassionfor Maextension <of thérrjIwa7J- Làois runlcipalllytii.Cou>. inlsl1onuhall aptff.y îleéaà, i nsd île coOPoiatiist, lu WlntIP& O! Ulme asd-placete o heu. aIl repe.zftis len îtmaY be ýmade e h o tb* tais u ondItions- dt < o , aýah n, Iît o hi rocommeudation of!thi- Commlwtsuleu , uR'eto0loa shah Re sutiois! Vthout.iUoimunation.lu tavç* r oMnhIeappUca t ] o l.es u or te be hoourrod tôr -or ,bt .ýressor eaur suci eizluulen, île Qormmnu' MaI OixtQâ&4the railway upSa tM& obt ind coalditions as may susses. Wo- snch app licatlon fer an extensilon of île rlIlWaY luho yMaMu eialltRiohecorporation e! whicle is ua >aPartY ho ibis agreemeât efl 7U ganted If il 1h' stirna-ted by hie Commision tRial the cosu O erfloë «! the nIIlWsy te thie certortons parties Juereho wl l e thiroby la, oeOse-o îe revenu. anda Bcomendaîloz2 b. Injurlously ag»ffectS iticuS dhooults'S ent of tbe mDioiIty- ftl oQ P U Uios îai'ues hreto,~ 18. Inu'the event of auj differance* between the. corporations the Cou mission may, upon applica ti*l9;f-a ,tlme and Place te hear ai 1 repr sentations that May b. made by -thé parte, ad te om is n sa ad us ub dffereces, andsucli adlusîments shah> b. fnal. The Cou mission shall have aIl the Powors that May b. nlOnferred uPion a cou MISuloner aPPolnted under tho Act Resvecung Flnquirc oc--î Petblic Mattera. -c- Cneri 14. This agreement shall continue axxd'extend for a penr i lty.year frein the date hercof, and ah the expiration thereof be auboJectrtorenewa: with th. consent of the corporations froin tume te lime for like peniod of fifty years, subjeet te adjustmet and re-apponiionment as herein prc vided fer the purposes'ef thîs agreement as though the ternms hereof ha, net expired. ,At the expiration ef thia agreement the Commission *11al jdetermiuie andi admuet the rights of the corporations, having regard t, the- amouints paid or assumedS by thein respectlvelîv under the ternis c tlils agreement, and sncb other considorations as May appeRr equitabl, ho the Commisson and, are approved by the Lieutenant-Goyernor fi Councîl. 15. Thus.agreement shall.net coma laIe affect until It han been sanellonei by lhe Lièntenant-Governor In Couicil. In witness wheue. f the Com~misuion and the Corporations bave ré spectlvely affixed their Corperate seuls sud the banda of their propei ECHÎ UULE a'A." Toronto-T2Ynionviuîe Section. Prom the eaaternl limita, of the City e! Toronto, Victoria Park Avenue lino will purallel tbe Canadian Northera Railway on the uouth aide te Pharmacy Avenue, blience take a direct route te the south-east corner oJ tot 29, Con. C,, Township of Scarborougli. Crossiag the Kennedy R.oad, Une will rua nortborly about the centre of Lot 28, as far as Con. 1, Towný ship of Searboro, from which point approxlmately -parallel te the Grand Trunk Railway te Un-lonville. - Unfoguell-Bro7din Secion. The lin. wili cross the Grand TrunkRallway on road allewance betvreen Lots 10 and 11, Con. V., Township o! Markham, and rua on 1h15 to Con. VI, aI which point linoe'wll crosa ho Lot Il and parallel the road -b the neigh- borhood o! Markbam Village, where 1h will tura nortberly and cross Con. VIII rend soulli ef Grand Truni Railway; contlnuiug ensterly line wil rmn târougl Locust HIlI along or parallel witb rond allowance between lots 10 and 11. Frein the M4arkham-Plckering Township lina, lina will cross to thie centre of Con VI, Township of Pickering, and continue approxi- mately tbrongb tbe centreofe the Concession to Brookla, excepting near Greenwood, where tle line will be diverted. V7nionville-NXewmarket Section. 'Ph. lno will rua northerly froua Unionville approximmtely up the omtre o! Concession V, Township of Markham, and of Concession V, Towuship of Whltchnrch, te or near Lot 5, thence to centre o! Concession IV, Township o! Whitchurcb, ho or near Lot 27, and theace north-westenly to Newmarket Stouffville Junction-Claremnong Section. At a point ou Uaionvile-Newmarket section ah Markham-Whitchurch Township Une designated Stouffville Juaction, Une will rua easterly a iftort distance south o! the Township lina, through Stouffville te the Msrkham..Pickernug Township lino and thonce tbrough' the milddle of concession IX, Townahip o! Pickering, 10 Claremoat Vattdorf-Jobrufge Section. From Vandor! on the Unionville-Newmarkeh section, ulne will run near road allowance betweon Lots 16 and 16, Townagpof Whitchurch. to the uorth s! de of Musuelma.n's Lake; theace north.eaberly ho a point about % Mile south o! Silosin and thence due east te Uxbridge, paralleling lb. road allewance % mlle te the soulli. 'Whitby îSection. LUne wIl leave Port Perry ln bhe nelgbborhood ef th. Pair Grounds and rua direct te Manchester P.O., theace soulli 10 meel the Grand Trunk Bailway near Higbpolnt. .LUne will continue soutbcrly a short diatance west of fha Grand Trunk Railway, ffasulng about :V2mlle omit of Ashburn sud thence through Lot 24 la the Township o! Whltby ho Brooklil. Fromn Breokln he lino will ru~n parallel to the road allowance: between Lâota 28 and 29, Township o! Whitby, as far south as 1h. Canadien Pacifie Eallway, lathIe Town of Whitby. The lune will thon be diverted te Henry Street and Ibeace to the lako front. tthe agreemnent» and previei e by ail meaus In Ils power-a e meust favorable conditions f theCern. Tonama o!fMucal h......... Cowshp oratin, Township o! Shcarna.............. Township o! Markhau,,l ,........ Townsbip of WUxbroi........ Township o! Plbna ,, ............. Townsbip o!fibiie......... Villagep of MWrhlty ............... village O o! Maiai................ Village o! PotufviU.............. Vilagee! or Pery .................. Town o of W inan9000..D.............. Total amenaIof bemis<o b. issueS, mentloned lu Clause ................. 69 8O Made, pasoed and otedti day of loi . .. Reeve (M ay r)l N1TIC0..lerk.' f TAKE NOTICE tlat IRe foregoînDg l Is ru. cep>'o poo0Sb - ~ ~ ~ ~ n 01e ieCoprM'o tise Town e1 WRtby lo e ho ubmiIted tthe l étes of tîîî electors on tle 151hday 0f Octobrie,Aj.D1914 bêtween im he s o!i aine o'0lock In thé: forenonn sd fâve oolclatishefem o u ri folowing Plsces : FPor lPolling Sub-division No. l-.at P .Jus bp Por Polling Sub-divsioun o. 2-at Heard'uiver>' ofic, Brok-St, For Pollnzg Sub-dvlieuon No. 8-at CoUneil Chanier. Por PollIug Sub-ivisiouNe.4- at OMMice1l door wst o!f' out OM&o For Polling Sub-divlion N. 9. 1is easn' ou. Bok1 I And' thal tie avnleul a !iOo Pebrsn.De94,aioe BooioS. 'lu tiseaflernoon aI the' Tê*i Clork'sofie a- the saiS Manlcipalfty bas beu flicS for île appo<iftment, o! POrsons t6 attend. utt fepollingplas anS t tise final suflinug up eof he Vots b>' tb. Cierk. -a AnS lIat If lis. assent o! thie celtrs lOblali etis-te saiS pro- poseS By-Law- Il*1wlll àkho itao aeconsldatlon b>'- te Mumicipal Cua cil f the saiS Corporation et a mee ting Ilsereof la b. Isold ater the e- piraion -o n ee m enti fro ei ie date of the 1finI 0iat en , f t notice, and tiRaI- SUCis finI Pfllllatî o n w a~s made un the2il a I of September,! AD. 1914;maeo îe24hdyo TAKE -NOTICE PURTHREn tisais" tenant wuso'esiros teo voe - ufon malS proposed Bl-lew muet deliver Ioe, lCerk . fot hlaler tisa lise tenus Sa>'. bforý, ise day appolnted for Ïa kig -île vote,- a Scclaratlon - under, The!o Canada Evidence Ac, thé-t b. ela a tenant whose base iton de for tise litme for wMlhe île SbI or'IliabIli't>' la teb. crouleS, or lu wbici tRie money'to be raiaed b>' the proposeS Dy-law Io payable, or for at lent twnty-one yoars, and IRal- he hbbthîe lems covenanted to psy a1l mu- ricip al t ux es la re sp e t of tise p * «P e ty o f! h c e i t n n t e tisan local Imîrovemonî rates. .-wli ol sîoio .,- JOSEPH ivM'r, Total ameunaio! Seben- lunes le ho IssueS by tbe respective taunicipal- $565.714 00 803,939 O0 488.152 00 578,115 00 227,901 00 554,619 00 235,722 o. -48,792 00 75,281 00 113,308 00- (a> .Threshed -G!tain f romn Plot- ,leu lit. Gordon White, S. S, 7, Wbitby. il 2 nd, A. Sldesworth,No.4, E. Whitby ne 3rd., Roy Diagman, No. 2, Wbtby. u- (b) Sheaf o! Oat- . Islt. .J.W. Dyer, tS.S. 6, Fi. lvhitby. 2nd.-*C. VanNest,' No. 4, Whibtby.- 4tb'. GRaysHrl, No. 3, Whitby. 3rd4t. RoaysHll, No 3,--Whitby. 11. 51h. W. Cochrane, Na. 7, E. Wiliy bâtc) éar of -Plot __ Ld lut.- G. White, SAS . 7, Whibby. M nd. dA.,Sides worth, *;o.4,E, Whitby to 3î&. R. Dinginan,- NO. 2, Whitby. Cle l.5ALY O(b) Sheai o!fI3arley- lst.-ý R. Hall, S.-;S. No. S3, Whitby. CLASS 111. CORN.- a(a) Beub--6 Earu- laI.Bradley, S$ ,E-.1WhftbT& 2nd. E. Stubtaford, No. 7, _Wbitby. es 3rd. W.C. Uver,. No. 8, E. Whlthy. ?r 4th. B. Dyer, No. 6, E. whitby. ô1h'. R. I-ohhs; No. 6, E. Whi!by. Obli. N. Neal, No. 2, Pickering. (b> BPst 3 Stalks Wilh- E ars- luit. R. -Stapeton, SS. 0,- Whitby. 2nd. M. Bradlcv, No. 7, W.ý_Xhitby- 3rd. G. white, 'No. 7, Whitby'ý 11h. J. Long, No. 1, WMtby. 91 4th. J1. Dver, No., 6, E. Whitby. ô 6th. Win. Dyer, Nq. 6 E. Whitby. f(c) Çare o! Plot- lu. J. Dyer, :S. S. 6', E. WhilbY. d. 2nd. 0. White, No. 7, Whlbby», 3rd. M. Bradley, No. 61 Whilby." 41k. F. Bailard, «No. G,' WhÉtbý. 5tb. Jos. Loný, No. 1,ý Whitby.. MI. W. Dyer,,No. 6, E. ,Whibby. CLASS IV. MANGELS, CAR-ROTS: (a) Best 6 Mangels-.0 .- .W lut. A. Stephen,- No. 3;Whibby. 2nd. -Jas. Dver, No. 6,. Whitby. 3rd. los. LOng, No. Whly - 4th. A. Wray, Noô. 4, Whitby. (b) Best 6 Carrots,- lst. P. -Stutta!ord, No.. 7; Whitby., 2nd. Bert Luke, No. 4 :.,Ei whitby.' 3rd. R. Nesitt, NO. 5, E. »Whttby. 4th. -John Fanmer, No0. 3, Whitby. <c) Best Plot Mangels- lsl,-.Jas. fler, No. 6, E. Wbitby. 2nd. A. Stephen, -No. 3,- Wbitby. -3rd. H. Ballard, No. 6, Whiby- 4th. -los. Long, No. 1,-Whitby. Md Best Plot Carrots- ist. S. Dennis, No.4, E. Whitby. 2nd. C. Trigg, N.,o. 5, Whithy. 3rd. R. Wells, Union 2, Pickering. 4th. R. Murison, No. 6, -E. Whitby. CLASS V. POTATOES. - Schools Nos. 2 and 3, Whitby, 'and 45e 6 and 7, E. Whitby. (à) Best Peck I otatoes- lst- .lteeson, No. 5, E. Whitby. 2nd. . Dingmnan, No. 2, Whitby. 3rd. B. Reeson, No.-7, E. Whiitby. 4th. S. .1Murison, No. 6, E. Whitby. 5th. E. BeçÈley, No. 4, Whitby. (b) Best 12 Potatoes- lut E Pnco, No._2, Whitby. 2nd. m. i Reeson, yo. 5, E. Wbltby. 3rd. B3. erwillegar, No.5,E. Whibby 4th. B. Reeson, No. 7, E. Whitby. 5th. D. Mýcxen1zie, No. 7, E.- 'Whlhby (c) Care of plot- - lu...Murison, SS 6, E. Wh!tby. 2nd. ii. Stephien, No 3, Whithy. Srd. Ri. «HObhs, .No.' 6, F'. Whlbbyt 4th. R.-Muiso,0No. , E. Whilby' t.R.* Wray, No0.4, E. Whitby. CLASS V. POTATOES. Sehoolu, N'-os. 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Whit- bY, and Union 2, Pickering. (a) Beut Peck Potatoes- lut. A. Stdrk. .S 1. Whitby. 2nd, F. Ballardl,No 7, Whltby. 3rd. E; Mavnard, 'No. 6, Whitby. 4th. No. 141, N\o. 6, E. Whitby. S5th. G. Trigg, >,o. 51 Whitby. (b]- Beat 12 Potatcus- lut. A. Stork, 5.5. NO. 1, Whitbyq 2nd. 'P. Ballard, NO. 6, Xhitby. Srd. N. Boynton, -NO. 6, E. -Wiitbye 4th. E. Mayuard. No ;Whibbh. lot-, J. Reesonl,j No.-7, E.Whibyd I2nd. W. Shcrtridge,ýO. 6, E.,Whlhbyq 8 rd. H. Coulard, o.1,Whitby. I4th. E. Trlpp, NO. 5, Wbftby. M.Js.Long#,N-o.1,Whitb. B. .Stuttaford,N7, 1whitb74 (d) BeSt Pair DrosfedChces.. lot - NO. -215, NO. 4, hty (6) Bout Dozen Eggs - lot. David DoLong, No. _3, Whiby. 2nd. B. Reeson, No. 7,' Whitby. Srd;* Gordon Whlte, No. 1, Whltb, 4th. R. IlStapleton, No. el,-Whitby. -C3LASS VUj. FLOWEES. (a) Beat 25 13leoms Asters-' lot. R. Nesbjtt, No. 5, B. Whitby. 2nd. B. -Ballard, No. 6, Whltby. - 8r., L,. Paiooe, No. 2, Whltby. ,- 5Mb. R. Stapleton,- No.ô-Wbt' (b) Bt ot lum ema+-. J - I e missiom obJect s,, of the -bato, Nj 31b. NJ ver y i -aiollesr tureto, t - g cifrin sonleaS the P0U tuàatal * tatfrn t tand ou b tng of- try ant tario A The- 1 th Leta d> ýf83est Pl 2ud. Elsie grd .Il, à ~thD. -, rd. 1). I (a)> lest 1-1 3rdi. Si. 41h. M I .511m . MC <a) Best- P- 3rul.M. 5 th. XX t acci. IVLC 5th. (Ka Zad. Ver 'kd. W,. 4tb. . 5th. Ka- (> C'olleet 2S. V.r 3f4. DM. 4 thPlPli is;. W. $rd. (C. lt. L. Sth.;-G. 41th. KD. 5th. W. (d) oLve~ -40. eN- 5rd. M.] lb>esaIn mame of utmielva ý, CorporatigiL

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