Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 8

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Mfr. George Wot preàched in thtM r. and, rs. Wmn. Huesou sud two biethodlst Oburcli ou Suuday moru- Mr, r.Amos7ueaai iug. Kra. Win. Woodward, f roen Oshawa, D. A. lnon and wlfe have bOOM motored out 10 IMr. and Mm s. JanMO vl1s1tlng, at -AMr. B.F. CaxnpbeWs$. Woodward's recently. - Geo. Brown, who has beeau W Ot-NOI . tawa on GoveriMient business, bas NOT ICE.lns mno -just réturned. To tePamroadBuim mo lie need a dentist hors. A good Grotlimn- aeoee he andm eady il ots f wk. o in. iglit and cariaga business sdjoining aid e wil hep~ yu. Mr ile's blacksmnkth îliop. Car- Our oid frloiad bMrLuka: Robion fi dealing In - rosi estate. puelg painting and general r:. pairs 'a 11i ail lsbrapos. .Ail or- Da,çtd Btqrus haiý had an invitation- dors, ýsmali ýori15Z, i i to >udgQ Shorthora cattie at- Sun- prompt attention.Estimates givmn tUrtagd>. .%.Trut4iag tobe favord wibb Bachbrs Saturday .lat theb.Broodlin of your palronage, 1I am. football tbai pla yed tihe Myr>le boys Tor truly, on, their own, grounds, the, score W. E C. COLBOURNE. bolng "-Oin favor of Brooklu. No- more willI Beaoýock, wlth bis went Airs. Nighawander, of Greo River, dollars ifPatfently watt" for- a- game , s fr<ting lber stuer, ]Ars. .Lawrence. wlth Brooklin,, As- usual ho bad con.-1MÈs. Bails,1of Toronto, aid Ui. miderable bot, air to shoot, but bits Derrick, o! Brantford, are vleltlnà Utmperature was soon iowerod. Tho Mis. Bourst: -3rooklln boys regard thé managor o! AMr.. Bartba aid faily,; who have the Myrtle leam as a bora kieker, beau sununerlng here, bave retuvne4 but the other members 91th11e team $0 Toronto. are- truc sports.- Mr. Chiarles Bowles, traveling sud- Thé rural sehool fait beld boe itor of the OadinMrur al yesterday will be 'rOPOited lausent wayy, whose l4esdquarteru are at week's, issue. Wuutpeg, 18 visitlng -bis mollier. TRE DOMINIONMBAE C. &. lOQUA?. GsmiQ.1w -Tb anROfem .FrMoe ?4« S NtelfasteM oafotaMil Md uun miasmsm* Uale *iny. ulssatmrrnt rases la paf d.putaa i oea n yon. are intcrested in sh-ould sec our samples.' IýF ,a Gasoline, Do you know that you save a expense, by bi.rning coal oh hin place engines ,axe-equipped to burn chea smaIll-ones. International Engines are sup, cheaper,' when you figure the valui struction.' Cali and investigate. ' demons-ýrate our engines agaînst al Brooklln [JR AvJ Bell and Ind. Phone abouta not- aorgc suboso <leu Xavorel, OspeclaliY those -whoue- cropp have been ruinies!ans! homes deslrèyod by, Ib0ecruel hais! of war, sud blinI un- oeaalug prayer b. offeres! for bue ai- fllclted and, distresed, lir. :Coiborue aud famiiy bave mov.- ed-It thelbhous adjolnlngi joug Aian MAre. Es!. Jeffrey, o! To.- ronto ,fh.ave becs vlslhing a! Mr. Wu>, Air. lUrlaliJones liasengagcd s frft-elàs lUnsmlth. if you have gay, avetrougbung,, furnacework or roi Pair 'Work, sods!lu your waits. Brookln shouls! bo ables *0osupport a tlnsmh. What about your ols! aIove -don't iyou tli k 'il would psy you te insl a anew Fosse fursacosu-ad gave fusli? Ton eau seMthe ne, Pease furnace Installe at Air. Uritah IKtagotou',ion liai.Blighl'u tarin. Uir. ýJoues guaraîleu aafit-ls 3611 or uo psy. ýupport boni. rad@ and corne-iu snd got acqueintes! witb Uir. MurpbT. Tf-te la MOrO e Carrl u otIisa"etlor . lta c ut thIbm8allolisimoueaept,jtgaber. aid mrti sa l e wYeaore Wueppo»d tbuîlu- curable. For # grest maiy ye«a doetorgo pro. noascad tIlocaml dioemasud preienfbed loca remedig, &MIlby eomsaîtly rail ntgo Oure wlth local tracsîmat, proi«ouucl icurable, ica- t1801 bauproves ýcalarni tgoliea emoitttonsi Suags suad tberefoe r quirugea oittd3gl lrtnltsî. Hlla.Caasrb Cire, manufactared bloF . J. hie>£cé.. TOIot obiO', 1 A eonIf omtlttomilcracoilthemarkug. 111e tekea f teMsIf Y. Itubiar"lyom siablodandm.o e arasof lithe, $709. fev oSer One I.îidred dlTa for sircase l failite casae. Said for ciclare ai eelmoîflhe. Addre yF . CHUCNUY à CO. Toitd", obit. Tate 111 M aUyIVjneor euoilpaîlou. MYRTLE. ('100 laIe for lautt is.) Air. (fllroy, o! New York, va. r.. neviug ols! apquaiulsucos boro liaI vook. Mir. ans! Ars. Black, ef Oshawa, spent Sunday vIih theistlcr's par- Hoar. Madame TLe Mai aI Kinsal Harveet Home, Aionday, Sept. 28. Air. ans! Airs. Carr visites! Osaw friends recetly. Air. ans! Ars. ffeard, o! Oshawa, spent Suus!ay vIihfriendi bere, The extrentely cool veaher of laut veek madeone realize blinI vintor la faut approacinil. Miss; M. Ross spent. lait week iu Toronto. DON'T HIDE THEM WY-T A VEIL; REMOVE THEU WITH THE or Goal Oil Engine, you OTHINE PRESCRIPTION. Thts prescription for 1h. removal - etf treekies vas vrltten by a promin- large proportion of fuel ont phyeiciau, ans! tu usuaily 50 suc- oïf gascline ? Ail of oui emiful lu rcmovisg freekies ais! giv- p fuels, except the very Ing # clear, ibeauhitul comaplexion tiat It l sod bydrugist uner.guar- ante ho retuns! bbc money- If Il >erior to any make, and talla . te of goods used i n con - Don't bide your treckleo undor a veli;, gel an ounce of othlne ais! ro. We wilI be pleased to move them. Even tic irot few ip- other makes.' plicaîlons shoulds! eow a vondorful ___ Improvenient, some ot the ligliter freckies vanishlng entirely. N N a% Be sure ho ask the druggist fori the O ntarlo, double strengîli othine ; it Io Ibis liatIoinscrld ,os the money back gusrs. anhee. BE PATRIÃ"TIC AND BUY GOODS MADE3 IN CANADA -WE GAN GIVE VOU- QUALITY, QUANTITY, PRýOMPT DELIJZERY, CLOSE -PuRCES@ Goold, Shapley & Muir Co. Gasoline Engines, Grain-*Grind- crs, Pumnps, Etc. Chatham Fanning Milis, Farni Scales and Kitchenl-Cabinets. Corn and Sîraw Cutters, Potato Diggers, Stable Fixtures, Stauncliions. 1900 Gravity Washing Machines. arators. Beltbng, Poultry Sheil andl« Beef Standard Cream Sep- Scraps,, Harness and A few second hand wagons at l0W prices. single-plow, and one Verity heavy gang. - 0000 PLOWUNG One usedl A Afield can be well. plowed by an experiepedpowm an with the bigh grade walking plows wc Saeli. Put your son on the idcoQkshutt Ontario Footlift, Sulk" and he ean do equally good worl<. Other popular styles of plows westOck iàclude the -id hanproo Gang and the Famo'us Crowu Gang Un Tjt>n vue uaTRI AD INSPzeS? 0132 sajmpLD ~. F. DISNI3Y BASE LINE WEST. Air. Wing Brown'liasrelites! Mr, R. G. Okes tarin. Miss Violet Nicliols, of Poit Hope, i3pent a tew day-n withMraird Mms. PethIck. Mr. Hugli- Draper. bas restes! Mr. Wm., Westlake'î faim, woîkes! by Mir. Jabez Scoîlttuai year. Tvo pisoners at thec, Asylumn faiiu mnade a dasb toi liberty on Mosday. They tries! ho cross the creek and! ose 'was nearly drovncd.'Tbe Prison guards wcre on lhiu track and res- cued -Uem. Two years la the pen- alty for runiIng away. Air. Lloyd Gîeenway visites! bis' uncle, Air. Yourex, laut wesk., Muci sympatiy is feit' for Airs. Cofe sud fam.ily lu theu bereavo- ment. Mr.> Coffey vas bigbly r&- spectes! ln -tie community. The cors crop at thc Asyluin bu becs cul,,ans! CapI. Rldgley lu Olltug C up thc silo. Kinsale IHarvest Home, Aionday, Seplember 2thi. The.Misses MeVîhts bave rtre to thc clty ather hvo veeks' bol!- N MANCHESTER. The. sale oft1h. ols! ChrisieHome- aIens! hook placehers onSsîurday, id= 'Wm. -xav, o! WhMly, ivieles 'Mehaimmor. Thestramehouas ax&s! hait acre lot, ou whieb vas a sman! 5tubl asdsa-sil crord, 'uv"s.sls! for 8280,,Air. J. Tonnysonbeing the MYRTLÉt. Aima.J. iCar imtcbel l g hW e sun fiToronto. - : Mr.. 'F. Brigpeh eI ioh thiae days cu*tIng mora-viltu bmU sud uP-bo-date macehine.lMe cetin!- ly- malip a fins lob.. t phonms Mir. and Air. Pros! Kyle, of Toron-' ho, spent a few day. vIi trienis bors. Air. Audrcw Murluon bas -put a o&~ mi.ent tonudallon under bis stable. Ifear Madame Le Mai ah Kissale Harvest Hime, Aiouday, .Sept. 28. Quite a;' large nuimber --trom liem wero oXhbltors' ah Oshawa Pair and were very suceasluL -Piper,:Sutherland look part ln es- tortailig aI ýOebâaaFair, and waa sappreciated' Reports. are that Solh & Ricli- Iru IKester are vlitiig ert Grose's. une Le M ar aI Kinsale ne, MondaY, sept. 28. s ivel att«ledd on Sun- e Luka han been vlisng PUu'Isbe lanDxt issue, itbe Det.of Agrculturie brandi being too busy Ibis week bo complets a liaI of Win- Glotrjus lHair. Girls and women of ail ages wast tob be beautiful'ais! attractive, but unsightly, -tua aandlilfeles baf de-. stroys hall the. beauhy of a, pretty face. Il. your hmu is loalng It saturai color, ls talling out, duli, streaky, fuil of dandruif , too dry, or fi tlie scalp itciies and burns do not. be a- larmed, use Parlilas'Sage. Rub il 'vell tt b 1hscalp. Il willl go rlgbb 10 thechbar rooto, nourih them, ans! stimulatesthe hair tb grow longais! beaulitui. Il removes dandruif with one application, stops ltcbing scalp, fallisg bair,,ans! mdae tic le et flue. qm&un uwere VuLy *ummui W1wrsn 'us.wua 18neeuer so make utsort, thoir boises at Ottawa Pait. lfui!y, thhck, ans! glorlonsly radiait, Il Io sois! lu 50c. bottles by A. H. Aluin, ans!ea a drng counters. Look -KINSALE. for the trade mark-"Ths girl wl-lb Tlioannal Harveot Home. wlll take the Auburn Raur." Accepbfno other. place 'on -Sephember 27 and 28. On Sabbabb, services wtll b. couducles! etm erW dig at 3.80 sud I7e'clock by Bey. H. P. Spe brW dig Powile, B.A. The musi c wlll be pro- vides! by Brookla Aiethodist choir. PEASBY-MORGAN. Speclal collections aI eacb service. Tehm of.M.ad r.D. . tOn folo>ving Aiosday a chieken pie Tehm !M. u is .M lippe, 'lU be serves! trom six ho Morgan, (Sprlng Creck Faim, Claie. tigh o'cioèk, foIlowcd by an cicel- mont), was the scene o! a pretîy lent progranq, Madame Le Mai wlli bouse wedding on Wedness!ay alter- doligit aIl wltb ber singlng; Misses noon, Seplember lt, at 8.80 o'clock iGrant, oouolansd , Aurella when lhe marriage took place be- Meath, plaulst, froin O.L.C., wl l wees Piossie Gladys Morgan ais! also ho present. Revu. Povîle, o! William Leslie Peasby, son of AMr. Brookilu; J. Bedford, o! PlCkering;« and! Ars. Geo. Feasby, of Uxbridgre. ans! Rosi, of Claremoit, *111l be pro. Ont. The ceremouy wau performes! soit. Come ans! cnjoy lbe treat '0t by Boy. lH. Wood, o! Claremont. The1 the. soason. drawlug îoom was pîettily decorat- id.Maiyne lis worklng the Trlpp os!, ans! the bride, wlio was given a- farm, ands wilI move back to Kînsale way by ber tbler, stoos! uns!., an noit spring. arch cf asters ans! myrtie. She wore Air. Geo. Neai bau bases! a tarin &a gowu o! white messalino do chine near Mb. Zion, 'sud là buully.,ongsged silk wllb îhadow lacs oveidresi. tbereon. woarlng a tshbb customnîy bridai MissFraucia Davis, wbo hubea u oOivii d carrying a obea! ot white spoudlng the summer wh hber aut, flowers. Mins Jeste Feasby, siater Mis, C. J. Stevenson, bau îoturned oet1he groom playes! the weds!iug with ber fathor bo hie home lu Rocli maieb, wearlng bbc groom's gifI, a ester. blîtbday ring. During tic slgning o! Air. Clem Lawtbu bon e laid off the. rogiuter, Miss Laurs Evans sang dnty, ,hàving-been untorhunat. enougli "Because1." Tiie groom's gff ho lher o inani l i ot. Botly as a peari br ocli. The groom's Rob. Bntlp las leased A faim glifI 1 bbc bride was a gols! watcb noîthof Greoiijood, aud ull movo and fob. Ibereoti nez! Sqat. the hwedding breakfast tb. (Above too 1laboro lai* issue.) couple lft for points in Western On- Miss, McAvoY -is not lmproviug as, tarie, bbe bride- traveling ln a bine rapidly asuhbu frienda would like. f suit wltb blaeck ans! white bat. Her nurse laistil111 vti ber. 1 -f ~lemauy frleuds o! Miss Gladys WIVES AND THE U.S.A. NAVAL Mëwbray-are pieàses! te know sic Io ORDER. rccoveing Iromn' ler iscoutaccident. Rsv. Tluk and famlly bave reluis. 1The wlfe of s naval officoer ut Les- cd home, aflor dpotidlng two wveirse gue bsîsus!, Phiadelphia, declares Slmncee Point, Pickering. i aItich new order ln thc Americas Mir. C. J. St*encsos purcliases! & Navy, beginnlng Ibis month, exclus!- lne maie ans!d it frein Mr. N. -W. lng liquor froin the sips, viii mean. Colwli, roolulu.au annual savi ng o!bnudred« et dol- Silo filIing' i. 'le eider o!fbbc day. lare t10-the average oficer. Iltvas Tvo machines are lunbthe noigbbor. getng 80," she sys, "lihaI Ilicme- boos!., !ment anybody 1tcpped aboard a war- You. Should Worn' If f4 were diffleuit to find a "aesu eial1rmd for the aliments due to irregular or defectjve action of the stonuah, liver or bowels. These alment, are likely to attak anYone; lwklyt too, *0 Iead to worse sicknoesif not rehieved. are farnousthe. worid ove,, for tlOîr pm owe correct these troublescertainly ans! safely. They ciesuse the "eytez d urf the bloos!asud sch as a generl tonte ipon bo0d.y, rai mvo Indigestion "biliousnesa, constipation migbt, ndeed, Cansusero. lon#e sulferngans!expose you tb danger if Beecham'e-is Were Not- On Hand SovjýId fl laClin"ad"d .l.e 1.1 ÃŽ=11a, S cpr TRIEA&URER'Y SALE 0F LAND FOR? TA XES B Y virtue of a watrant underthe band of the Warden and the oeai of the Corporatm cthe Cut of Ontario, dated the zzth day ofSetme, 14, comiuarding nme Q fevyupo lande me toned l n the tollow ig fiatfraIereIlars of faxe thereon and coits as herein set forth;- I hereby give notice that unless st.ch arreArt, and conatis ooe afd, 1 shah, ln comphiance wltb the Assesment Act, proceed to self by- Pubig ~U tho îe sald'laids, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the taxes, stt be Court Houa., ln the Town of Wbltby, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1914 at the hour of two o'clock li the aftermoon >AIrt Part Pt. Lot 10 go Lot 19 .91 T ,&llgo lot Jo,, Bilk A, Minsm big N% 14 village lot 69, Church St. Pant Lot PtN% 4 TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Con. Acres Taxes Costi F 50 10 38 2 51 G 100 $13 43 $2 59 G 50 $993 $2 50 L zoo 13 86 2 6o TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Con. Acres Taxes Coste 12 -50 -8 87 2 50 12 100 9 59 250o TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Con. -Acres Taxes Coite 9-1 - % 283 2 50 14 24 31 38' 3:'8 7OWNSHIP 0F PICKCERING Com. Acres Taxes Coâts 1 9 31 53 3 29 5 1799 2,95 'owNSHIr 0r ZAST 1WHITBY CeM. AsiesTMsasCois 1I( 7< 37-70 3 42 ,S.pt. 15, 1954. Trotal 12 8 $16 o2 $12 33 16 46 Fat or Uipat Unpat pat Vnpît Total Pat or Urpat Il 37 PsFt 12-09 Fat Total Pst er Unpat 5 33 Pst 34 66 Pst Total Pst or Unpat1 34 82 Pal 094, Ps Total Pst or tbimat 41 12 puI MCKAY.I Chestnut a8d Stovo p'er ton $7. .Eggýo per ton At, Harbor Coal shd 5 ents 7.28 5ll per- ton loes . Ooal". 'The naine higbest quality. L. R. LOW, a !PIOIENOY ai u ilhhé tit AI i titsu ithé chiai Jeite 0< b. coarao oftuutruttou la the L IOTT "SCRANTON guarantees the' HoeTe.itby TORONTO, p OF Eqit 111 gaves! iti policy bolders $300, Toronto, Ont. _ iit ten yes-ri of biusis, by them vithot-profits policles, am Ysî, Out gridUtouatas iCOfl bar@I~ ail piemlume pid direct to, ha thit habit. Wby luit IbiS may"ntf <rom ether bualmasa cou@&@@s corne bore. b witb@ut comrnlsqoas. Prensii filÃœ Come nd t lionuaSm.mb. lected voie $389,obo, inuteas ol flatalogu. Itudente admftedi t ay 00. Fourteen other Canadha C or. T c s g ~ . .~ B il e f, p a n !.. r ec elv e il $ 18 ,4 w ,6 9 5 i co.Vog n . 0 g lt, fint te on aiMainy frwtt Oliarai Se. I FainIpal policles, and palinlaprofite t holers!jiO5ô,Their 001Dbl Imp~uhI Stnghcontrbtons "'ï 79,707At tb lmpogobl> srog Ma Nlmum their fiut ten yers. Whicb la The u? yLif, la the totalj ers Company. Ilfaintested w Fr aSai and fulil tfaismâtia appîy b fuitbei Pa ,riculan. VJ. DUF, ma. A. B. DONOVAN, Tb ms 1,kv fh@ ui s caBp. Qaa*vtatoris îe.o. LIrSf Te 1 ,ými.Ama1U5 Ilyrtie, Toronto, M r. ' w e ai am s Thé M utual Lte I S IU u L .U iL BT, ' ". ian"iL t If0#o, ut -ont and mail tht. coupon for ouT lla$lng forai., Phn 88 mtspGuia Ipvsvnt aMW Lawdt., lfid, 8"iet Gentlemen,- 1 have a&_ ........ "l seKaI' as jour listing orm, ADR8............................. Mrater Canada Improvom oit , Land Co.*, RIOHAROSON ARICHARDSON ANERS Bell piione 193. WHUTBY, ONTARUO lad phons 70. p i Farn e' is For -Sale 'Upwards of forty farins from 25 acres up, and ati rom $35 au acre, guarauteed ho show satisfs.ctory reue - from investment, located ia Whitby and Pickering Tows~nhips, Every coneivable reqniremelnt> of soil, buildings, oëchard and other improvements can be met iu thé varied list oered. J»e, eWINN, 5 iteaidence, Dundas St. West. Y P.0 V-IJTBY Bôx W4 4 --.4 - r k jr'- t Sillinga o ou;courts IYu cannot do bettr han atend tj BRITISH AMERIGAN OOLLEOE Yo ngasd MoOlt Ste Toror.otôt r Bal- COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. fuiort hathffd Courge. Fàll Tîus le now îs~.>fli.W.u alYopetowefor pl. Icua parilcit L~as "(-van( r, ufz affccted bv a" re prGns LAKE- SHORE WANI Srnall farm-or bulngks-.v JOHN FIS] 409 Lunis~d ýTORO] Bus and Dri Bus to ai AUTOMOBILI -Wc have lta * Dominion Exp .beginning Ott( orders carefullj BbII phonose Stabless i lm its. à- 3.WHITBY-MUus .L. Aiadonusl, Clark, Whtby- Jas. 18, 7.1.fi Nu. é, April 8, May 4,'Jane &,' July 8, Sepo. - si 0. 2, Nov.a' 1, Clark-Ja.149" Teb. i, Mai. si Api. do Key S, Ju4il Jly do sept. do 0f..8, Nov. 9, Des. S, Jan. S, 1919 9. DEOUGHAM-M. Giauso, Gras.- Wood, Clark-JaslotnuarS, ay 6, 1tuiy 1. S&0. 8, goy. Il, tns 8. PORT PERRY- U. W. Du.ham, Clark- Jas, lit a.IoMary#I- July S, solt. 0, No«. Io. Jas. là, 4. UXBRIDGU- la. JL ous, Uz- bridge, Clark- -Jas.if, MaU, là, May 18, July fil4,.Setpi. S, ov W Jan. 14, 1914. S.CANNINTO N- c tboa. Idels* mot, BeBWZtOs, cbebima. Mt Mab& , 1F" otJuly o soSet U, Nor. tg, Jan. lt uJ. OaIiIg -TORONTO J. E. SDrcgqista Brock st. Professio JINO. Et FAI Bàririster, County County Office touth wing A.E.C >OS&ce, Brock St., Mone -IAMES RUTLEM Money ta Lo Office lm'niediateî, Go YOUNG MARRIA Court House, Bairisteir, Solici .Conveyan Oahaway Office-No. 2 Kin - Residenc Pb*oues-Office, 3 - Iirriiag JAS. Osbaws, Lioed2 sasor tb L. Fat sud date& spply I Whltiby. WM. Al i#di ofial Ssi ai-te. p0 W*ITBI ý -1ý ý- at home. ff- 1 1

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