Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 7

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r;Z -~ni wenI e rwlt.h .aZpri O wuld eil mne," b. amkpered. mbetr' xer . lie lneIiý e 4e* h.,s ber second son ,vos te tathel'c i eo1sprbios1 ia 144-iib- enumr Grand Duke Niebola..i eere aiAi oîm. le ornt.and fuleie. site ,regard for .lJ(inà~' se' ~i7 The Czar Nicholas 1. vas -s- siuce 1910. Tue situation in soir t hlad bé-ets grvise w.rmentfeu ohiiet - !ni"nid' O Prusala, on accoun.- cuBis elml i ei evIl at rece te. Onoite nt thougir h- -, bisvif, titat Vte1'raaian oveu-&eMOUS, -ad great ur'ors bave been «,uid îlotiloavp hier . .1m -ouit îhave i zvr b â 'r.A&n(,-vpr itrirrie m'r. e te vo wiii, ber. It wai lu- metco.led' -uni about. rmébrddOiTIblhitentt ma ~'le, intoierablo. unnpermissible! Wity mentS»usiepe o teIUkvsioit se lu nILbele searatoit freu tire - p ortant mail.té'ra !fFIglpAity fl.L><) 'ky ha flitttitaIh. n:i nsule bail ver lovd! -Fer site Grand Duke Nâicia.s1 viro wilI rv 1N -he~ rrian i1 .hî.sufefeor Ar~thu ýiti cane fori.îrmp Vo~ the German ai-m-y Ù1 ha- seorly.lo-hie ie$'uoke coii suddeîrhy,~ t-l, a hkevasinfueuedbv usThre railways -are 1no IQuger tire bore. me la ezrauutlen. W, bave net s vifs vieaiho tarae' asarnddie- hi&f 5C)uroe-*of <enset irea, and the &Iniiétaute lunommon, unit1 i nîr a'- O'=honi& asa mfde-1 he di 5An %ui ltO irototbote i' agled mW mer ogJan~u oOSStyforea stricter control o! totbey t41 tailitin johmai." te; l e!lteesry attsraforll19-out itie s the Mttingof fres b 8vus 1 te bue-y "' @io asko hot l... rçu inr , ai] 4 u tir ipi-Y - irat Antirnand I1 hiit tua d! Me.ntergofIl #lY pid dK AI>9 -I111p-54 #n4 01toget Irêr? n't ry taulu! f thlj feo in1 E ý mi orthmt Ii Like ber yeuuger i»,strte Quee henibs o îbci eg a 90er 544, rIo>îOýPi-j ulAnd ow of Itay, and te eider sieter,-hp' the.estWimnegit Oft&a neta- 'At M boi w or.a nd ov Viretirs o - ~ re esut cmo r e e'antulite! v-ouîld ,eQuen O! Servia t60-ay fquate pâil eYsîem la s enti&l tg, 011 "ff4 ' fludr1 ehe vers aI4,e, da veM Mi-thias vet«qt young growth,. ad rvOeîtU e ledooy ~mtr,~, ~ t vhe îooft tueGrand Maradci!f Rnes intec?~ ,a4 aw is~i~I- Dste, Niiu15Il PrLnSu aAnstasTire ext«eSion o! 1he.i no4'Ibo net intQ44t la beautilfuland intdll«St a ia in l e appitint 0cf ire rausers 'u, in Rnsii& hi lie Czars modttb',&I oisu r'd iii V ter uply othe lFrenck Army. C mae oze ,4iliOy Ir t e 101 ? Ol» ,~> ter-ifrivetr'Ueka, carrying tanko oif pure dSnking vater, vk a-0£eleanym i ,&4* yren, E. Watermaa C poor lS*dMt y thIi. su rlott f@riiiuted a plan, whib, Ir1 trme -t*i seYt hemasféri t ortedî. iuahint. dh - . 4wÊer, whetbèr Mr. e wg4td -Oh, e o on ." v err ..Cd e odcl, dider l litIow: with n unts"auafl m ili Y@u %Un1'1 OEIAPER Vilwhlcli yould be lezl* éçîgîýî TuERUSIA COiM~iDR. u.py &r~ag aad he ,w we'ederkâand tatI kn~ ou Irndoïlf Car Fr aieveral yoD foa mdtt il ae' a ok atvlt- Un OU' TRE USSU CON ANDF happ mairiag emdthe *o WirOtbuýtW fé'ZelÙrbé. >I la ibihO8fld whothex' to tell Arthur Belturbet, st,ýomee fIem,,thw'a deak, divrde ii 196.Prtoee Ans-~oiO7 haiaopeei tc, OU. WUjO1c5'uthat abheoniy I .hlm-ma b'othor - - ba"toak,àlt th- ai~t th olwigyaru Yatm.in V" in noyrb av i oe utee- ich .hv ts iigýb The Czar ---b the heau- llowng yea t se i be - Ims,'mont. but <'t orgent hénoIhalo, the trm& intn c rtateistfOè <awrin' ouuin"rl noinulY . u-beause he was i6 pSe to, u.' .TJon Oarwazdine was -, untibtudti ýdY'- -Norton. Preme commnander of the Ruasta.n redî orgà*na*ically mre¶to e Se aughtberjI hie rtu *ndkiaed iDngý- Xrtha's gM4oauevrs fpo' >ýtbîabot a veçomious glanco ut 1rm ' ci <fthc6Rueiacr navy, handa<>me, rich y .ug .i of ber"., h1U sedýou 11-et,". gibie; 'a barderzbob, and PrimÙcdWs pals twlà girl.thrust a lbaid. Into àa capwl yiug 0 H oyerised7U iaI"ho and, nuthotic- f aco. bher 4eepty, .hadoWed ockoL. drow out a. hovy bunch cf kt aný d I't'aài&anruwod that when wa.r 1 .~hesô~cm u atèr uaïdevith a, uneer, I "ay eyes, 0114-Arthur, BoIuel il nifun hmo h riting-table. wo* declared lhe vasa mbitious to th& j hojlad j al'eya een inu love Thon b. tu.reed andi loft ber atone enetderosveevfh ivbr Theretthey, àrel' the 4sa , rl. -thre dnsko et irwioodes It vos net very Often. for ýho6,.soldomcalUod Mr. lNortbn ,plcked them up and hand place himoelf at the head of the wiîta Prinoffl .AnDa.taia,, and Wat Dueeran quiokiy baine. Site iocked uit Bine, Poste, andi Dulcie.biati reduceti ber tbom te Primroso.lehoyc troal tefed.Bth bsb6lonly weiting for lher to beoemiefel~e clm hebeloî. But itvas -notet yte o tpieon, thoisvas-rieJot.in uthe in.' vriting-tabiçP" ho-aokoti. pesae odlgaetespeef rom, her firet husaund. shako off the recoleéotion oet 'aklum;va.id',rm , iut ln realtybecauso uieTo und iqita--aud anY et paes tc petrauadd ofth e ate tihis :uren, ___the ,memory of themn utl noved ber and t~0 jgf erybetuei leu hrvoeo gcwnînariest thnGrand Duke Nioholas NichoJ1ae- brought the color te bier cieeko. Pool' site voaeno utvith lm. Boitued i e v no rce of h u w Nro o th~~ PARIS IN 1870 SIEGE. ~~~~~~Jim, sire thbugbt, boy tfond lieo vo f ber! etvt.btpttl ~rse i e etaec- i vic. :The Our xul etbr nQuite diîferent from Artitur Il itu t gretut seeinther'- 50 littie. ",There ýdees net ueens te bho aue vltch. he Czarvouid nt b. a cIuN 1he8ol0G,. p.Arturforpo f" verythnog seemu 'dii! orenî now fathr document." ho suld. turuing te ar isiration lb bis ellders, lackigdoldah do i u.Arhr orpnn-la iii. .Dulce id te bim vuguely. eone *"ILýi mut bo scmovhere."'abiro aide fie iit.r s p arno u d tre e ple Fd on >lonkeyg ad Eje., lui IIID? No. <>me .wre i mgbt do't'day. "I don't eem to kuow vta-t te do doggedly; "I reupember the mostor-1 pr s . yesntl to au actuai hns sJas eoue. hoemthn er hn l. bouse Besturbot remurbeti thut ilineso vus "Shah vo be elp yen tetlock througbh odr tme.Buins . . drudge of a poor man. Blt L vus ùlletln. Re oitt$Iat ho wao un-' açers?" aokeo IDulcle uveetly. "P may of rand P'ricOfi usanto e Aveuon thre reeeio~~n of Xanettth - 10~~uins ""syiutroi. t i egaeen vtt artaeau fluA l." Th tadDueNihlaonteL'-u hle h war is in p's loverit .vas Ottertng to thtnk ohe ke vuso unnutural 1that. ho vas un' Thersup'on to Un bogaute serch' "h'GrndDue icelsInhpireoncb feelings.abe oattempt w o soie or vomforL ber -dravweru pf h e4 artha viitt tever lother hand, ru a solider inl 1001M, but vo in Canada vl'PridbâblY hableuagoti te meot hlm ugai nd-411as i lover -ohoutd have dous e. 0 iaW haste. flie vîtholit much Ïélen cf& of the allest eriffls &0 bi Low erry sho vos tirut cIrcu mfl' hatPrnimnose vas 'far mors ln noedofti tty,,anti Plmrose -vltb curfuiton oneofth tlletm6n in the armY, tiever know such ezpe-e tO5 a csiCoS venot et ailover tO 1,tlli' bis heip titan Duie, and It vas for Prim- redis. Buttitey eld discover noti and.tho finest cavalry officer lof ltâe those suffered during the siege-cf "uffction-for sire titi ike hlm, inucit bot.rose taL bis -,heurt choti,,Duicie. hoe111<. a Witl. Empeemaking a.splendid Pais y he e n 18 î70-71. tor thon Arbhur. Bihe nderutood him anti knev l ntultiveiy, mereiy regurdoti hor "Suppoe vosend for Docter Crevo &Tppe ar is 'h, eracouiti aivuyu Itk freeiy le him. and rhe ltuther's iinleos. nov th i rsI uitock vue cueution hl" sugoeeted 1Mr. Norton. ance on a ;horae; and a commander With'the Pyunians £ast advanc- onjoeoi he merry lokes unti ibea. Peor aven, us un irkeome anti nuplousant bilai- Mrthu vont off burrietiiy te fetch bi o! long-experieuce vite va eue o! ing on the, capital &nd beforee Bis- JlM-yo.anti peen Duicie. teo e! Site1knos@.Wvitcitcouid tormiîruto i lu one01 and vten site bud gene Mn. Norton le oti te bave bis arme round bier, anti te vu e t uthlit Io girls vith a siiittiyp the chie! officens of tite-Rums-J&a amroir had frnally bottled u.p iffe haveb bl ses. IL vas very bord te be - ?osrpst iat viten lie vas ileti air. olgdte marry Arthur Betrbet! f aterlo sulho veulti have te manry lier "Il la rallier odti," ho said. "Ithut if Y4 nese war,. His executive ability city 'and refueed tei permit foocd tO D~i eut oinfiuenoeti by as soon us tiocorum permittod-, it voulti -fallier lntioti te uruko unotiten vasd apparent, vhen lhe acted as tr otknvthn Vr ethre tliir d elingst rciit e atbntnuli e pctet et hlm. Ho blunred lhe 414net sentifor me" hea e!themiltar ~om.asin' n's aacuryte athr poviion Iithrte beon a atrangon. il nigirt boeaelhifuef repeateffby for hie foliy in beiné I tiink it most peculianII ugreeti1) hangeof te mling ioperationt !fi o ~ un onndghentry. &>very veil. &.ite decidedto i t inigitayvtit b flei i orilet-mnrot blue oyeâ: und ce" e' nintniit ut al. do Y chare o th eloinglopratinsof romtÉe urrundng Cunty. 0uamun; but tta iucover tht lie vas lu r lil .If Phni>pa Couiti lave reund bis Prlmrcse?" ths -a, ndli hs ee aleto lngas terira eandopen ereeandti bsit e md te tilucourageo tirug5 ito we ulti have beanuable te "Ne," nawor'ed Pnimnese quielî vit- i'~voltiot nucatte, uy, rai. nraered mats ensfor sho vas engagoti-te'semonsgay vitit trutit: -1, cauttibave tbld y70 cause If cul' futher matie a Jiii cope successfully wt eouinvnitlhy riirsrvdmas n o ni s Wo ite 1nert cure lu the so. trnly yen vould nethave boîievod me. cuill te o be rs." 9,1t, and everything. edlble 'Waa Ieat.piwii a seions matter. Bofore long, A hurdrod lImees.lho visbed hrmaulf "Weil, lot us have teu, nd vlien Dec -, ber feeiings tevurds. Jim undervent a huck in bis Chamnbers. a briefleubar. (Ire oe os.perhapns lieocan mev so - - hurnîed te tire capital and steoredt change.- It vuas evonul dayo. boveoi, rlster. poor. 1v id true. but hippy and lu.' igit on the malter." said lie. -- --pulie'-'~~ aJ re befo are erealizod Lb. nemi m'eanilli of fotlonod. bounr- by hone? te ne vemun. IL vas noariy an heur befor -Mar .0iîn p 5Pc ubftingt ndpar. îe~ ' anti et liberty te o O"vere ho chose. H. returnot i vtithtie tictor. ::~; -~:.:~-~-- ' But tirere vas te utmest cenful- ih4titi not visît thein privute letton aibO g. i evsn ouîevtercmîiu h iie on Septen- boxad o...be fercn tnraytrl ea upi. Thoelti'hiiiinolfb t Hee i rec nitefduiea sien and cruel vaste. O etm'bx ndsetlirulrnesi der i t.ho vos a toc!! Ho confessoti il 1"1 îouid lîke 10 cpeuk te Dector Cri /solitude.,-vondering bo* on ourtit sie m ber 19 the railvays sa pe 'u-coulti gelttroug thtie cenini vinter - mui ies.ye ev rentoi e rsvilyunpmsio.sat IL neby ve cconoffle cof hie f olly. Norton. /1 inng, tite ffftyeone gîtes e! Paris hon euh' relaxation fromi the teditini an ti oyerb curîl e hlm fer a moment "Pleose do everythinx tal ougirt t ;-,. /. quietneset the bouse vos teo ho a mernu' taIlie might.lgive hile irisfeedom. doue lu te" crcumustances.," nezl n er eclosed, tiere ailvay Station$ ing alk vilir Artur Belurbet. hseeteenie'atiOi-vtt1 pimoe were valled up aud prooln.matioli O h enit-a to Hnet5d'perfumrctei. attentions tai. h o tek il iTe ho centinnuet.) cianution. lie cenquorot ber pnitieouf. fer gnunted ltaI bise etremely ceci voo~ were pested ontire -vills calliig on fiientli' te vlit it e btter-box. IL con. inîlt er mooi l, god itizens te nieet the coim- tutueti nothins. Sire expenienceti a gret many plans vero muturing in Dulcie's CANN iGFCORE U ~ a ~" c inkine aatheurt. and befoeobOe reatubet pretty.biela, but site fearod to break vîit irï îg trial vithirtiteir "'usual loti' Bine Pouls fit tirI te cir thn tirai Beiturbot. lest the precautoenelleh. ati tude" matteret vas unotirrmeet iotit Rr-baken te proTont, ber'ulf anti Priarcoe e o Cauaed Vegetables I!rem Frai i to coer3,w.e lsac ad le fI Oit91ue But if leho hisure tho' death should prove unsuoceuful. and Bcle'ium Crald finally sealed the gates of Paris, ly Betubet veulti bave mentioeotit. The Heielis bad loft Olti Houe. andi I in nC - Llreva e erep ac o muîn 'Ses Jrwlim 00bî antiPtut relurned le tirir 8at lu London, bot in ndustriai Cionditosi a thr a opretible lc oJîng ish ithhi.bad tonnons coing te the, faibure of tIbm al; his lime viii result in tet ne nceasofprieste She vas feverlabli' auxions by- Ibis limé, plans., Jtm vonket furicrusty in his ltlle -býread and-o J ras f rCS mad visited thé lelter'hoi very f rosi> dur'-vcokshep, baunted bi' ezeoedinuly un. pbcymeint of mauy, more Canadi b.o compluiued of. Wine vas plenty lng tire noxt fow dais, but vrtbout recuit. plessant necciioction. RHoad made love titan trsual in te eanning factci on i..rning miho put a shoot of notePpnr te 110 girl bts betfnienti vos engaget Ibut meat began te get scarce, auJ belvween ltre stones and vi'Ote on i1 the te; and ended hi g uarrellilng vitir 1er'- c ieDiiiu upeiu herses vere requisitioned for fcc.vns SooGp i-hr t-uig in lufact. lehAbo vtfîk ac4al esmuy ann mtorios, i - Ten f' t ' B ten If ireotioeen't go t0 oun 'pirlur-box, iretire vu round. .Hoeknew tht Duicie vas Thenthelamine set i.îu tter vcu't kncv I have evîtten te lior' iable, prty, .mercenar>' littie creaituro. but îug difficulty inu obîmrung suffic rose hy loups and -bounds until il laid -hlerself, 'ant iIf hlieoesgo., eiv since le.-na pneti- te le lu love vitit bier,' local h .scrdfron thir l vas $5 a poun. Eggs 'ereto n <iO~ Oe Gap." hoz'gatioi anfattings anti peccaditices hepscue aI 2 cets piee, nd ur 'eoi mnuts ~ vitn - ee1~ vntrtqpent eyo. Site miclbt be labor market of the United Sta at 25 ce"IsthpugîeIand'ouiti nover gsi bore."teshe 11flti nduntNUihtÛ'an, a bost Of olter I j estimatied thia several ài becamne unobtainable aI any pniçe. gîid breatlelssii. "Murtit a ls vmtched ci« but sho veandhobevi h. d-îe ndlye f aaincn The ba!bies ied like flian ardino.melnti hoestovetielionouanti-herd.eniployeeo ho .Canadian cma v Th babes ded lre fues.Il v sh me iedtlirlvebu oansvon- 'rr t u!S lecu hmefu9 îIn factories duAipg previeus sesE - ~reckoned authIle end of te siege lusm~ilemot lier gaze. Jîm noguntd iet cf g olttOi'il a luage turavotyre n otpt.lfanent rsdn tai ne lestha.n 3,000 of tire littie eir.'itit bard oies. ' 'Olion vords-cm ake to engin Gî'îî liik ~î1aiur, omuuuilO' ire m pissd a'a to lck f."Whut do yen vant telme efor? '* . nen emtîn htvuld 7teni1,sthis ceuutry. In vicv-of tire un (;rmi Dtk 'ieolsCoiuaùle o sadpusidzwy orlak f-aokotibrusatuely.dgr t"tu."Ilplyment in stme industries at, ontt tWie.olîif01a sxotkf surri rgan erfrst"sietur lmeth cnnu cf iteRusianÂrîy. nutriment- iette sanie numnber 1 iepIem ejecttfaev-n WmieDulie van trying t0 mako p 'fceisvl as Vite soldions killed in thre varicus er rniin*sn," site sait îun ai li' eLruiin te renoefll reif e le -ietsousiCada os skimise,. yuneuvhis, stite cf, bint ensagedtietoa i-ieiepVe eun siiristo .b'Prussian bullets. *'W lé eas cuiciwas yen eau." vas lte girt-le 414 net love. Prlmrome .vniviug , tenet al h epte eu Nt- is the stnong min of the Im- Tire attention ofthVie iruthers cool reotnt.bocauee I have euhy a 1ev uuterstund viry everythmng lad goile seasori. Thus min>' Cgna'diaus perial f amily and itas at varions vas-accu Jnawu tote reJardine de 'min~>~unenete t Iiye.'m 1ue ring itber b~ltte wce nceald rtmh wui tumes been spoken of as te proba- Plaules auJ its cages of! straiigescaiti flcie. crlmseungyul zniortiOica' hetitlumviug achievetthe objoci mrrment viii have the von-k in theo notif oung te forget agu an'litaI.vhicielitu a l ceeod dunin« the laitinpecu "I ammotur ao-fre aanthtt ns. ziJohnCarwardine ie. nîng fictenies tht i rv sy ble negenti usasol edails. Presenti>' exolic ineats tien -.ue..-Tire Qzar's life la iu const.auit began to appear lu tire iarkret. yen aro engag04 to Athur Belturbet," .Tbe day that foloed * as te Priiiii'se vas given te parties vhio venej lbe 't viii ho botter bu future fon us te bot camneti anti mv* tva vitte-fýaetgirls dent in Canada louI>' Jning dage !cm jr bma f it eh- hsteocndafr aeak $.0a o n tevs yeysigni un! rép ty. "AtiYsu mae inanwti fuey a vkiiUg l tare. eitur- eao. h plyo liste, -auJd as bis only 5son, tire lope ta I8.0apudanu 0 o 11ecfcctai.Ynmde IIee vmi ulus oPrim" Grand uire lexis is 6111 e 1111. !oun il nt se ood a ste'ed n of te e eonce, but I don't propose te rose ber -ttbr'* deuil vas pitiful lu iis n esn h oiyc Gran Due Aexi, i stll e, lttl fond t, ot &goo asstewedre give Fen thre ovportunity oet oing go a îonelineiW. antiohsitorrovot ronetly for leading canning conipanies hie boy andJ credited vlitiraving an bit. Mule meat vas fcud elictous, second Ibm.." hanmt fuidie vept bu sympatby anti ho' te employ local hetp as tar as Yeuireexceedingli' rude !" cnied Dfin- cahl e ou cmeesîli'. inual isaenhc wl a- ucli boîter tiran te hastbeef- e otly. v )fritcaendo, anti Boiturbot cible. p e- lame «-andmd nay steak. lepirau's trunir vas a de- ".needti tiscuoos ymi'uannsa." n e' as aluretSolir euh' visiter. ManIntercniin hlvi hlm -~lied Jim. vshtit uo eso iederseif cfîlehe ys efthîe boe, penhaps ccit hlm-off iteforelire is licacy aI $8 a jeund. These vite 'am bers." f passetesqes hm oicraeth ub fC If tooket mt ber unureO. DuIclo anti prîmnose tl e l erqe b emceaetr ubro grewnu, te Grand Duire .Nicirolas oulJ afford il regaled titenselves ertldwthbrde;p nmnI-te ibe baudet over toi ber. moe"sltdians eilydi h ann mi>' seme day be'come regent and wlth yak, osînicli, iangarcc audJ ea ofthîe tenter verte anti glances site -flu re t" m dn l Pr ymbscuI> sVt e-ven Czar. Tie Nihilists do net bear nieat, at prices in proportion xaepected. anti. indeeti.hoped fon. shelieta je nov quite au doTver as ahe botievesîimn !iprae and 1enutetdoui>' ibis fniild demea-ucur! iets' hee a leto moteo andv likc thid lAea.. He von-M undoubî- le Iteir scarcity. Morse flen titan " ,ru e oevruoni, h athrs1ef ,,y 1 idsucobatbinga edly ho a Brin nier auJ weuld net irey didn't like tire stnange lu au inneti toue. vhicir. hovever. mp. Onii/oncîku bfr be r alsfrmFac d B bertl ave ne effect on tle manou v re t bt)eeo iul'u lie, wbv ite hue imnportsetofcanned vegeta F.hovtitem ianomere>'. The>' have meals atthie pnice paid. peoot eekîni er. ."Very unubi lu-n- lited slaiv tly ai'ol fnmte.ecu1ro b I muloklrseiL asneni ant h ofu ~nte ehao parîicuîmnîydst-e tried te forestalsucir a contingency Christumas, vimen il came, asa ,deed. .1ilmlursev a vit ot my kuv Ivasbhous I t&e.n dîîulrl fonug lie is ye Car e by alVemnpte. aI bloviug up tire aad holiday. Nothing vas plnt- o e Ari lu I suozpSe it vus .MrNorton. tire luvor. vili be liene Mardi 31, 1914, amounted te $: Grand Duke Niooa.s. Titey have fulinu thre marirets -but champge wron" of ee vîy e tnootihotrs.iti or u o vs ita si . lo m 1stpo" tried iV more than; once, auJ a do- auJ Eug-Iish mustard, a mixture kn'tsenov" pailed euily id oun.vavir "flu' veni. Pthe,"reit fiici 151. aind lmt$1246,000. e cuy- zen e! moree!ftem have paid lte vhichite Parizi.an taste did noe Srslootulingiy "I tare ai irs vn't bh o 'OVioem peat pnthe scaffold. 'Dli, i ele trl.*la e appi'ove. - w-vettul bIne eie. meuv ' u e býalater aoh. I cun't beilove tiratime-nI of'- ipoets iii luc- The ira ir gini le argus yul yenu-but I vaut you fa e meaut il vlen ho I to i Ibat ihotire demand ton tire produets peuait3r-up--s---e-tteas euh lefIusavfet>' linWiMa -ya(anadian 'Canning faetories. iuc--sed-e-e--- bu.e bn fc4atite make - 'Ha dit." eased te io in Blturet's bsouc. mo 4ors ~ vo1.'-a it luoi. 'tl ia' is otrRp for c' oe nesulting juice, add sugan, b tire beiling . poin t auJ, poui sterilized jars or ho13tties. use betties, aterilize tire cor aflçr bir'y are l inte oti vibir soaling vwax. . Use elth as- mucir or a quarter' sa te dt j be be =4 Rucb la., - th anti hbm. look- pua' 'ou.rI 'Uih Oul- "e. @Omo alie irevo M r. aada laut lîniî sea- fid- cient irgei eous, nii 'sou! nm Ib, ti Iplol caù yein rea: li Vth boai Ven< fg in eux rege 111H ,able nidj idinI $164, irtail %reat )r hi aSI Wncf J o( irhai Darnied -on -Motons. hik chfol 1evina tme, vais o!Mme Gel Yabf raitba n.e Baggiand Jmggs met'- aid Bi auJ Jagga- el yaruing, '"t < kea ni-a'ut, Jan boy. " b -Baggs, "vito vis 50 tiekili-et kso;los -O!fiis f8et-Ithat vheutver, teei'a baIir #e lad t-ewalk'al afterwardsg cl-a big pee-f - ting-papoi.it was VIae n'ivmèl tiÎn i t s-fia" "Tbatiasao0 - mv'.Jour <el1aûwt" retOrtéed o..3 "rI used le 'board ab~ a place 'ý tir a iadl&d.!.. wasao cer-& vheneve e 's wmudbdiew hi go eut -aud gneisie hecorneri bits lieouse, 50 tirat -the Y, vouldn't creur 'Ment, ~uv Ttere's no ressoù'whyllà* fÊhiteldn't striure t'vleq in i Frenet ai->' -pace-if it ém and h§ .sstJIC aimi ofiti maICCr9. UserS -O mn a'ldeals have the worlW's beet If to-morrow-can improve the s1 deuail, they'11 baye it. 'atefi t- - r k 'i -e> 7'ou auvo ý enni-AA 1 4 ~~ ~! fi ~h1 pugikrdadgrapbtasn e b VasteTe s uM esauoma re- eoug ue'5 aLeda> rmu il itenon. Il yot-e f l ior etig.Bt aeI bro ut esre - ear r. tape 7s n a ITate Vite grape cores uextte tiethe am Ihee une ev aileuts vricit he nir etonadoralieliito ia lesus -eee fnasA ortr aade!t ra juice wuii a pittle cc*dy nessand'iom are,-etoug' exuse akeaor vil ete as frtreating . u et. no c tif yenélike!nesh ges s el tte a- trpwthu-suezn anlea any her kmiý-ngod nddyooren kep a lih Sonr 3l'is'-t' asv hiere reunchiles oi orthe>'sour MithéGIng. e rel. - MiE draa by foliowu ttisad'vwice -haî acufu eesu xil 'fl-d Cap otie ose o lie g'ra'i o rq c u-!îo ie llbu t lmes ax ail ai <romtheoen en o!bVte tseen o! dîn euaease-fouth seI. o lie fashoot cf etisu a easonur!siadee--t pern &Dsy outh ite bouciranrg spoonful ouXl ing thire'u ce- rnesanghs ormagoS .~~our aiing porer, disMWl'- up-bout ltesm aJ tiugra item Vaàl'f hebescmlsscfcol.- biu ao cooli, ax plac tiantedoftire' muauJ mspoào ac,os, auJ I -lli ro hae aoepeciaend o thenul>' mlii-f inn'vo cpnIa e! fur' stpîem.N tauJsire- ofteisse p Vite ap ai! iaaup f sed oed-aisn.- gpes fro ly fortsthe auncbia- spBireusle ady g oefr - isl- cinetorarersitand h 'veoi rtaar ntos o au eur.llso ol diabttanh'ibsem atido!keing S.rntrMilkth drainrden.ts wieup- Ghr rraiel.C4i-îpe piela acli o ai, n taurad-l~ bkii cie> 1111e appneiaie it s i-uîl> ptver4 lkandJ eue espoanuc- efqyua e a' cIe rit p ieo ua-Iyýr; ad - Io cup!uls of f lsen mar issgrapevieàdd sir-ti eýtouhe -a lr eaits iur fse aderaisuns. fines ieo t rme seaSvec- bubbin ga-stir'lu uvelIfox teiI- con mr tirh a useek filratwe- egg,- fan haio r>'bta diitnt,0rua vthimthoa ofmering S our lIk Paugarkies.-TwO u-, deae. - thsJao! a c lu- on ler auJ cue'n, Grap e et.-Put ra pe puip, f at, eue -a uscf tugaofcrin- i eJ titongir e iied. c srea% , fler, euatdson taoonul sofa elvsetrougiytheofrtpiJse, ao uJ ait adtoa up fuis.lc isor, r nai pesgrtapesBoiIoeue a pfuî eut ou a flure bad iepiu Vire - e gaied oreesr vilt limAcf mîteiai.-stliriloe. reiiig- Ctnt eth upul o! adersunlilil a tods 1.te shae auJ bae l ahot ovn.j rs Betpir,-e ieaubye mgsadeJ Sou-reasd r JiyCae.l*-Tw pour te ornp ou ith egemao, ib ôrlesonuar o! tter nA'otO --beaialtr time, untiicod. lu oup alcf lur cixqued vil-e grp ite ert.-bave rya cuulfuincf ern mou; add tai-f acuptul f vtipreiri!acifor grape up , tludtgeoven, auJ all dateapoofu helUbetened, auJ Itire ules o! a cf sofit, eue cuilfour-of sourfmur, md ae tho. F il iewVve mixtres te- Iv, evei-beaten cf -s. Tur l"i ifGrape aplai.-Ttis onecu 00il o uJ hnaifred abotrd- kovon four, of true aod sgrsou, a a hir ro îyiibiluto fr our et sea clor iatertl i lace '!su. imuîk lu msn>' o! lire ho o pes. r. Ia atse wmakes oa ver> JiuaydSou -_jhn ae.-,Tc .pour t ru n ind.Temie lesl(wi aMepo f;utrad' n bearipegraposlth imentg ieve l punti ofX o uiedy eau - ap- 9 tehe at -t. h uve rtwo acpujlpo corv ava;au> foodlI a u pee- 1ofuisc! mwi anA and,-,ptul e! su-gar aubl>h uIiiz e ' nfu-bf- :q wthhalfa eite f gnspe plp uJ econoi>', and dnbu> aI 'asùn i eo. AJJ a tbe oouixuei o pri esattpnn gsevirnte A gtpiocane! lreeî-szatruen'va d-urebn-ns a eiue ftired best iot, rpelstapioca luth as b oentaig e imsoyd-nfhv- s timeu d lu ed vîer. if cland ca andpein cahotoîlar. Sopra Io seved ce o te ceo ou celuna e. sittdfo. iu Grae Btte.-Fr gapebuterp* iin lufva er a aIriauese Itao asisea u lvve antponds-elqudt pog ie ril ýi o!p grapesauJ resga emirltia t houti>'. dy anafo te1fu is-o e ranad s f ugar. Mix i blycf e i-s li n overVIs- b ls l. ýnun cin a n tire namoth uno il-!eone iau e, hicipnresAf ýfauJ onantegpoeueloveandrang o usnuln--pr 'peiaftehpic lutanail citear=_se- ves Vit euVitim valsewng &vaJ, 'd deyor bagapAioathtire sgar -Aaiple a>' oeopr hervingoggu ifgae1uJse-,ve-aqii eenre is t£imese Vleninlie vatnies fhaer 5 in tesale-bgist e soon aller literavdbee aid andf brell. tr-Fr reb tho e-pbVeveserntiiu nap seam ondste erve o ye te lime vor in a-tcella cicel of gpoun !anpessun-tii tendruhaJthousel. - un ieusieni tituidasieve reme- h ea tter bpags-, peta,,i>e1d la fl-fgre lmauJed Masir ltei nnpofcore msinpperne b' hein~ c- caeir in a Jus ef heilits oBelltikte irilefoeg, uJ V nhen pelised cienculer ellv sun o titeo agesofvitr eeas'wax auJ tupte lu~ ~~~~~~~s tisvte.dan n hp ie ina rbh-g o. heg given 'with- spc andte tire grape pul aJ dd l f, dancultb fie theunsic! irauulsall svets'gn the ;brwn -boots auJ irees IWYe pecoun ahfaireiled vtheiutauJcern aile g, 'eva.h lueggxo o raminaanAdltew jules o! Vhsi t stoitres . - Wlie tr foran2e5stmines. ell nil vi uto varn valer e avesI snap, uand îiparint gosea a-brnail utt. Ti-eltai iii Grap Cosere. Coo fie te moe a tire . dauJ dm1>' p* colf rape Jnlcof -grapejuic ene viticit Whoen r u plstl i> iel i-étais s e mcto! tirs lvon c! ov-Shibblreatov.baa; ec,. k-id bte napead eau ho ia mthe Wiroe n mmmli aont pI £at j ne rapesidelrcoinerage 'ad ribe anfiod, adA tte elA futboliin , erl o vintdue i eil nBistbe'whiterf am vigrus'and t et atid vel fourllowvin ofecipe H nea ver>' -elieswfxanturviii e a -e ipte rae rin dchirlu fine.n"rbig-ei nwit 2eAd t te rae ul -nda oitle a zttonf vtecke1l Whemiond è ga lte sirm ar ton- lez rnboun eieta vnd cit ma pôundeach f sheléd "nut nd cmiaedar'off insh a uife

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