Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 4

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îai-Iatlo JsoliCofb. IDEIATH OP D. W. GÂRRUTHIR'S. IIOUOaw h from imiuIW -tenans ~O1*t 0o theO Richard- and, relatives, oM whomeri , a-am son fam I, lot , b.. Pickeriu & De ath 1 A 11.-long 'an il wd ly-k ow n , ros i ax u * e ±~D was d~~~~~ dent of Pickering Township passed. Ohurch ; ~ t 1 f e i A m R d lo r 1fCUYaway on Saturday last, septoi4ber spray !rom 1Mr.and. Mrs.-? E-E;Starr, S SCOSa bad prevlously livd criii hefourtli19, in the. persoe»,of -Davd-WesleyfiTeMabs"Whitby., ,: u-~ve, ~uh Icneuc hty~H a el- Carruthrir uat the age o'! 58. years, Mr.' Carruthers* will béc'very gp4ti- suffi it il In&dma k o w n a n d very xuch lik ed b y h i s uih ~ . i l 3 d . i u u d e y n s e » t e e m n n t n i uf auci andernise o!' ' -ho Carruthers, was a4 ouïîcblife 1in which he took slr'im-' 'l ni'ý(@lon tli shôç tohishos of riedsas é potan plceand eepst y m best 'known "elcippers On the Great na eigl ors antoewt hm'1 hc t i oto rrida otn lae n epssrpatby. Lakuellst how- te utqa ele was wei acquinted at 11en ili Icos than two- weeks. Iis extendedti tethe sorowin iamiy.froreliefle Mr, Colley, it. appars, ,haXd beén Previcous to 'bs flness hé hati been POr w n fm l. fOR tomU W1L!, Tr l.,M y8h 93 tro ble ti w ith a -w eak heu rt for years. i u the b oi-t U h alth , an d w s look- M R S . JO H N 1AU 1ODE S. *13 151 11 8 a oI,, chancea cf living3 On the day of bis death, towards !ing'i» splendid condition,1 but on an enjcying life when lie caùnot est. ening,. h. làd been butchering a Mc>daY, Septe, ber-7--h' o s-a--Arefdnto Whitby for. ter hall That waa ýwhat wua wrng with nme. pig Ate sppr olielghteda ian- en with a stroke eo! paralysis. He a century passed away on Thurs day "0,f aPptite, and indigestion was8 ten n Afentu ie dresst h. pig, regained conscilousnéss ut intervals, of lait week at 1the, ge, of 81 years hsdbrouleonbycth tonIav .ad whîle about tbis work ho ýcol- ùwa unable'to speak, and on t 'and 6monthsi h peso f i sM. 'yar- II les hgeat dWeal f fe JaPsed andticieti almont instantly. -F10111 just twelv'e day-s later, passed1 John Saunders. Mns. Saunders badl andi suOened on'tal~Frteli Mr. Colley was ln bis 50th year, away. been anInvaliti for. the pasti twelve couple cfyeurà,,.I have'taken"Fut and louves a widew sud alarge f an- -,David Weslel Carruthers was bom 1 years, andi for several yoars past was >R-tivis" 'ai have betî; plea;set with ily ôf chlldren, :several of whom ha«e lu June,,1858, on the- !arm on whlch' prActiicallY 1heipless,- being waited the resultà that I haWercmedt hornes of their own. Jhe died. Hie father bad taken l up on with the most devoted -cars by thacquinanyes.-! arni rienatnrit The funeraI. was hlti on Mondayl a short tiffie before, andi ho continu- b er dauglter. aeqitnes .-Iave aempeiire tg ru it. B m fnngo thts, week te the R. iC. ed. tb operate .il throughout hbies if Susaxina i3ickharn was hem jin St.' following the diet mIles andi taking Church, Whitby, where a..service was Hoetnetid cm nactive flaingo '~John, Newfoundland, and.was mu~ 1ri.~ie~~codnt ietos helt, atenwhih iterùen wa maie ix nenhs go. In188 tr ni rniedti te the labo John P. Saunders anY Perion with Dyspspsia will get In'the Ctoi eeey a al sx otsao'I 80h a'ebeneft",.1 ('toi eiey Margaret Ialwson, of Richmond HilIl » 1856. ShortlY alter their marriage 1H. SWAN The funeral wa. very largely ut- who survives, with three children, they came te Whitby, where they ne.- d"Fmnt-a.tlves" are 0014 by aIl dealers tend, ' eopl comng * consid- r i-7leewlettd' ideti contînuously tili death called-' ut soc. a box 6 for 12.56, or triai iine able distances to show thel rspet M. Rusel .,al f Tto..sudthe-the hushand two vears ugo, 250.1 or sent poatPaid on receipt of price and friendship for deceaet and ishl Mr. - Carruthers- was a.- lilog and the wife last week. < by ?ruita-tivýes Iiited, Ottaw. Ia.mily. ~mernber- of Almondas Methodist churcliJ0 teruio eeborn-foursos The following frein a distance atm.adsud SSasi wel a' mémber cf the and one daughter, the latter remain- Aiberta andi Saskatchewan, each tendeti the f uneral ef Mr. -P.J. Col- Quarterly -anti Officiai Boanrd. In Pol- ing at home, andoing the cemtort TUESDAY until October 27th in- loey on Monday : John L. Colley, of 1c hé 'was a Conservativo. and -assurning th1e cane cf both par-.' svvi hcg, t alo Barie'; Miss Coffey, Oillia, D. j, The Whitby A.O.U.W., of which Mr. ents la the r last llnea. The , 'c luthv, suarehicgooti St.ulgto Colley, Toronto , bMs. Riordan,- To - Carruthers. a em e, aten de are arry, f Cincinnati' W s ,os.Dmethe an d a e g o! issue. gThr og Mrs T C.Capbeî nd is srvice on Monday, and JNwYr;.onat ilaO! Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars are rente' the-lnenal'Chicago. John anti Harry w. bore operate5i oach Tuosday, leaving tio.. __________ - ~------- for thre funenal, which was pivate rente 11.45 p.rn. and running thnough on Satunday, Intermnent being matie, tic Winnipeg without change. Reser-- ln Union Cernetery. . ~ IvaioIn5 ln Touriat uleopers rnay be *Mns. Saunders was a rnémber o!f bant tanma hreo p SthIle thodist Tabernacle, anti theo pictin te unominGr aTrue ntcke funeral service wus ln charge cf Rev. office.The o n Grand Trunk ickeail - M.E. Sxami1h.way is the shontest and quickest e.. ---route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, ~ 'a FIOWers on Exhibition. anti Edmonnton, wlth antooth reatibeti, - electric lighted sleeping cars, througli The show offieer r ndnthe .I the newest, rnest picturesque and -pices cf the Whitby Horticutural most rapldly developing secotion of Loweri Prices Fon r dar Society, helti in the. Council Cham-.iWestern canada. 01 - ord Carsber last Friday attemnoon. wa .,,- - Befone deciding on your trip k Effective AuguAt zut, 1914, te August tot, 19q, andi many nefpeots the boit yet helti Grand Trunk Agents for l partie- guuranteed against uny neduction duning that dînte. Thons wau quit. a large display ci ulans, Or write C.E. Hornlng, Dis- il cars fully eqnipped f.o.b,. Ford, Ont. - towers,- pupils cf the public icheel triet Psene gent. Union Sta- Bunabout $ 540 baving two long tables for: tleir en- tien, Toronto, Ont.-18. Touring Car 59 tries. To atit to thée enjcyment antid Towu Car - 59e 8l0 value o! the show, Mn. Deckruy, a OTROCUT .c .u Town -Carpromînent horticulturist cf Toron- OTAIOCOVNTO.C.T - <In he ominon ! Caadaonly ~te,. wus preseut, anti awurded the B uyes to hare in Prfitsding gose .discoursed in, A verysuccessful Ontario County Ailretil uYes c ne Fod urs-011,tnds anti qualitiesc foer t Prince Albert -on Thursday luet, Ai rtal ayracfne Frdcas front August ut, ehsîttiofîeh.f ngo eptnbe 7t 19149 to August 151, 1915, will ahane iu the profits cf îhh b -ted. < Mrs.hE.WEdînunti8Starn, Presideut, 'the ccntpany to the extent of $40 te $6o per car, c» n' cf hesbOlq f hm 1was intIE chair. Arrbu sdent, eac7 ar-thy uyPRVIDD:wesel ad dlierthere was a goodly number, Bat bwi te nai.Abiwtt aargen cadSi- ca rd carbsy, RIDED: wî eril nt dlioqutetly aneundte oombehindth the worktwas rnoedwt ag 30, 00 cw ord car du ing tha pe iet. -tables, w here they coulti see -an ti gain o !f re rbership throug out the ' Ask for pariculars. hert datg.M.Dcry i- Couuy. During the aftérnoon a -For No or omp j"ypared uchuseullnfrmaioi asshort "ScIreel ef Methoti" was cou- Ford M oto,' Company P te ture d u a 5 y of flotte1 sducted by the*,chair. W. Fuke Son IWITb Ot. Aens.ad as to, how t prepane thent for The Presideut's uddress was un, W. . Lke& Su, hibyOnt, gens.exhibition. Tihe preparation cf bou-1 able neview et wonk doue and ah eut- quets was explained a sente leiigbh, 1 4n of tIre needs of thre heur. andi mauy of tirose exhibied citi-' enerai Intsta was taken lu thé cîzeti. Bouquets shoulti net le gath- «depurbment of militia. ereti tightly, but shoulti be îeftb boe. 1-Thre musica- numbers Includeti chor- In showing classes «of lowers, it le us by bhe school children, anti scier _______________________________ net ossentfal te hbave rnany lu a by Mns. Barnforth anti Mns. (Dr.) 'W 'W'W ' 'W vase. Three- on four, ovonly matcheti Archer. These nurnhers were espe- as te smoe anti colon, are classeti a- cal noe hedo ag unbo sotd The -etiring- Président receiveti a WATER AN D LIGHT COMMIISSION~ERSI uizes..gnru oeo tenmntnbl Along - thIs lune Mn.' Dlockrayf lot,' but owiug te thre extra work this _________ lre adolerpeYear lu her' Domidnion Departrnenl or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p e k e ' a n t c ren nt i e i d e r o f t M i l i t i a , d e c l i n o t t h e h o n o r e tf m e - l e c - Do ouknw f nyhig ls tatba benetadly topi e akseei wt mc rftion le the County chair.- Mm. A.J. The i ernunka. dd :- f Stalter, et Oshawa, was electedi Pre- coniing dowu in price for îtie Iset few years, except Harper, roses ; Mn. Win. Hopper, s1dnt oW1and ,ono'DitctP- asters ; Mr. B. Baker, collectmonq . Msn. uîdoonol Dsticnte E l c t ie L i h tH. W- Wlllcox, collection,, Mn, M éh, wag thre evening speaker, antid E lectrlc L I~h t? riaîîett, asters, ,?I.E j. tro w as listenec r . E % . S a rc i _d ru t a t dI e epO n t n e r o-t Srn61-t-h,!-lige';Mis. wl, c vinl Covenio22nTo1 t, Ode- -flcwera; won by Zona Rowe. Tho SecnolarY wouidti 11k. te neCONTINUEZ> EMPLOYMENT IN iulnd the memnlena anti others that THE TEN' PENMAN MILLS. 1 thOy have a sapply cf fiower pots fer 'Toitatua odtomeott nuwauriw We are Selling our Good PURE SPIE at -the -Same 'L w P.rices. Try- our Ooods for Succes. -jlo. 13. WATE'RIOUSE J WMITBY SALE REGISTER. Saturday, 'September 28- Auotion sale0 ofherses, buggies, impimeuts, et, the pToety o1 Blacik & esp MyrtueStation. sale 4t ofolock. Wn,. mas', auctieneor. IZlaSIOt oo uriya forte tut of rour Cinislmwscarde, C., A. GoofeUlow & Smhave Mme o!, the moast beautiful sampleg over offeet tO lie publie, and a«@ nV ri.dy -*0 tak, eors, We have 20odiSovnt. samnPlesto ohoosefrein, vili prions ragn frein a tiozen up. 'Tus InldsYour name andi a greetlflg pni.O,1n utmide cf Ibe Ca eaeYour entier now Bad'gel lw bel YeUr mnut. Dellyery yul matie whfeeit oi «Pies"..The main luiilg ls te gel Youn canEs cioson oarly, '00 that MIe Parliular kinti Tou.,,ant wIll Det be out cf <teck. ,If TOib leave it «Il later, the . stock may ho sold ont. calau.iYway'ant ýi &eokov the s-ample- books a<t lias GïÈctte HOMBE TO'1 The Qra b he war will 'uthnulate e Ivtty la th. t«. mille operati by Peummaz Limileti, npaclarers. of holmey, imtie r, ,blaukets, e.. Ina m- ng uq the si*listion, Mr. I. Boufer, gosiera! manager ofl.he ompaay; IlPrupecti for lt.he oerybiut ,am lookt brîghtThe ilad of tié 06=M 'sansd Austrian oqrnptiion Childimu wlth str.ag Cathrl. Chambera.a'Tabl.ta Msouleffectve la' regula. tint stomachr troubles aoù coà- uedpodon for the 1111âm e k on tables oig -to e hi us a Pdaat t tak;thy n e kl 2.a tbotle. Da an d duialai r ub>'mail EXCURSIONS 'N CÂNADA.' FAR, WO ye&rsý or W-o of stringent tines. baewabd out of tbe fabric L oiCnde business ,some tbitng's « tbat were iqlar fgtb air sheet of out tu-rsomeessin finance and a. tenden cy impudntbusiness expansion. day Canada's strengtl, is sbowing. .itself unmistakably. We bave recov0 . ered* our self-confidence' and. courage, Our business men whbo adverise owe il to ihemselves and tbe times to con.-W tinue their advectising. Advertisements. are' declarations of purpose, courage and -service. An absence o! adverlis. ing is an indication of faitheartedness, and of energy in & state of collapse or suspense. -Srnghshows itself -in 'action..= I in advert isinge THREADGOL 0 BROS., CARPENTERS andi BUILDERS FIROT CLAS$ WORKZ GUARANTËED-. greaiter e.ean for. the rtaplo bnes mae by Canadian manufacturos. Penman's Liritedtibave alraiy f ot the extra temand- which willi un- "The underwea trade in holding Apply Duntas St. West or P.O. box 403 eteatiily, comipareti wilh what ltbuba been for the paat oigh-tmntis. O! AUTUMN SESSIONI course,' the demant Iol stili below la now open in Central Business Coi.]_ what lb bas boon iu previous yoarR, loge, Toronto, anti in scoia tsgir- but. wedo nt aticpats any furher Branohes. Pré@ citalogue exp1liris falling cff.", ourse. Write for a cp>'. W . H. The contInue cperation cf thePeu-Bhaw, ?eaSt,ietnei off. a m u in l ml i wlllmean» the cic ulation ~ g iT r no c! a milionudollars a ear In wage to Caadisn employon. It wll amu much moe Ian that, beause thi. A. CURRY WILSON , BSOO finisheti produot o! à yoan'is oporation RHTC f 1hsmb is lu Worth 84,600,000, R H T T -andi muoh o!flthe Mfflnmnoe bet we 283 Etily'n Av@., that amount andth e pa>'roIl o! 81,- Phone Jet. 5275 MOONTO 000,000 Will; houpeùttila'Canada in t i s p u r c h a s o o f r a w m a l o r i a l -, i n t a o . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tory supplieo, la frégt. and ti gINS!RNC - Fin, Life, Lv tcPlate Glas, P~ Accident and Atihnobiles. pi POS TION .Agenfor t#best Caada,Englah FOIR FALL "iD WNE. aiAe cmals We bt@ àesads bluineui rp ~o traBOX 393 WibOt hn u ,iall e.gei slemnfo ii frie à Phone___________________ ovan 000 AORES of fruit anud ornamueuW t ueelugdmr ciratlton W . aeil through ocar" mai m ndire4 ta th s con umer and garaMte dlivery e fr.h, bggrade $rues-, OUTagInetea 0are aluable bterssan of thé seoe w giansd the volumse ofjplnuu don. Establaaisi y.ai. Write Polh u NrseryCe,. Toronto, ont. P.S.- andaam e ctalogue o'e n q est. cuer ta applicans or Itoswlmhing nrsery stock. Parcels calied fer in-d deliverd lu any part cf -the lcwn.' Expreês Sonuceticus, with aIl parts cf Ca-- ada sud Uniteti States. Charges Reaeonawe, and Dellvery W. L. O'CONNOR' whi.Iv Aumué e 'j r. muon GRADE WATCH REPAIRIno.d L Je VASEIâLESKV WATCHMAKER anti JEWELER Two Dooon South oa! EoyalHotel Wwtory, eOiT, Ton Yearu Exfflien Ge n curalwork. stimatogiron. on# Years amGarante. ROYALTHAR HION OUN MO V INS!ITURÉ8. opun ever'OVening. We have instaleti a new Sinipleix machine, whichisluabsolutel>' fliceleies anti easy on thi eyea.- Suîurday night, soc te ail. BAIN P ERRIN, Manager DEmNTA L W. ADANS, D titOeDîmdm Strnet , Ileuic No. 4, the Turrane Dlyro t., ty i n e 1 . J.tb HCWEI1 No.AM ii -Carpenter, Builder anti Contracior. Plans drawn and ti sinates furnialred. Repaira, Altomglona anti Jpbbing. 110m9it for Brantford roofîug JON.T.MIORNSBY= Plans!' Marbe and Estmmates lm All JUadsef lBrick and Concret. Work. RéÈatrs te 'ChlineY Stacks anti lle 1Whltby, -(Box 91) ontailo Be'Phono 13 8. C. FOLLIEST 'DOtIRAOTOCR AN4D BUILDEN PLANS "0F ALL DESCRIPTION SFURNIS14ED. Risience - Tornt<,s Corners Phono 41, Oshawa* (One-Way Second Cfas Frein stationg in Ontario to 'certain points in Alberta British Columnbia California Montan'a Oregon Washington - -Arizona Idaho,-etc. .-sept.unïufo.t Anothor has ~ Est *cf horribl thé inevitable nr 'Sarnuel McDowel -rocrn. of the Sol street lfr'04, o n 24th. He' huti a ~with a numben ed- for a couple 'c 'tneuting. A nurni in - a very -intente there tras scrapp tIre bar-e0or. M torty-six. years> with a younk Mi Ofve, narnetiloyiI exchangeti. ,Abeul lu said- th4ttbe and -McDoweoll'ln te fight one Ir front, o! thre hoteq Dowell wus- fouaf rment unconscieus,ý of tIre-hetel ImI= biilunce. .HRewus station anti the "'Hospital, whene làter.-Cauadiun CARD OF Miss Sauud6nu iauy findtofrý .1erduning hemr ru . PUBLIC. A .public meubla !tproposeiH, railway will bobho Whltby, eon Wednu tember OabS8 p. ".hl atidrecs the aid ranges, aise Iiows always inu 'Koep Octolior St Concert, wheu ( 'lurther partieulav Wonk bas bisa- taneously on e the imailen trun strout and-a seC- I t '-i Mr. O P-TI !Sep Have you ed by. an Mr, Park' room exa the Retina Jowele? and WhiIby, w. cAA POSITI Position -wai competent woi 'Apply cn The Paîniotl 4uspices -of ti cifit Eswortr v uo %or M TORONTO i ý ;l

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