Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 1

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âfactred ini Europe. rnaklng no change ln :cpti l flac.directly y the war. looling after and, con- the interest of'our Ar WAtt pay you1 to corne bere for, your Our goods arc the finest quality. DawgIet endOP ticlan MILDICAL HALL arock et. w Whftby. LEGÂL dNO.-E. FAEWELLi K.LC. Dhrrister, County Crown Attorney and .County Solicitor. Ofile south wing Court RHouse,, Whitby. A- F- Cfltl RISTIN Ofcej Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loin. PANIES RUTLEDEo BarrIster,'Etc. Money to Loan on easy ternis. Oâce lIrnedlately uouth Royal Motel, Wbi:by, Ont. G.VOUNO SMITrHtLL.B. limser of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court Houa., Whitby, or residence. D.. J.JeSWANSON BarMoter, Solicitor, Notary Public, -Cdnveyancer,. etc ., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Offce- No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block S Residence-52 Drew St, Pbione&-Office, 3'21; Reidence, 326. A.il. ALLIX bssuer of arrlâge L4t enues Corner drug store. Wbitby *oWttneuueo requlred. JAS. BISHOP. Oshýawa, Lioensed Auctioneer.- Suo- oesaor to L. alibanlcs. For ternis sud, dites îpply to self or G. Rohb, Wbitby; WIR. HAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. AU fidi of sals promptly attftd- Bd " to. Arragements forsilos -ou Ternis reable. BQo- ad adopendent phonos. WtIITBY, ONT. Geoeal Livery Bus and Dray Business Bue ,to ail trains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE; also Hacks, Oarriages and Riga of &Il kinds DAY OR NIGHT. Bell phone"-8, 14 and 74. Stables and Office: huai~ ilol on I, ~ tf,. BUSINESS OPPORTONIIVI Oorner.store for sale on car line, Toronto; solid brick building with dwellng. - District well bufil up. Establiuhed grocery buuin èsq with omal stock ,Will oeil tb. gethor or,.separate. umnsdcn Buiding rOROJNTO Mr. F-v.ieding wllo la orie of the Ieading public men ln Canada, has witten the following strikMng and bIeautiful new version of, the 'National 'eotdb e.J .'een Anthem, and sonds, 1$ to the Daily Chroniole for .publication fp orted by R t. .~ ce (Londo Chronele.)Whtby Plresbytery %net ý- Whltby "God save our graclous King, Vast lande beyond the Beau on Septémber lOth. There "WOr.'Pro- 1 Long live our noble King,, RepSat the caneit plein, sent Mesrs, MoKeen, CàMeron, Haig, God sae thte King.,, Wliro 'prodly ln the breeze- Weet, Lowry, Yule', Drumm .and Mo- romi Thes al bleingi fo, Rs banner waves. Ilroy, minsters, and Meusrs. Mo» OnhmTly pae ýbeto' irw, - Mfuath ,o1 e, dt try, MLaughHiy,, Kefîli, Framer, Qn dhli Grathots 0fiait'uIcoe,,eron and- Collis, elders, Guard hlmfrom evsy tom, Fir dauglitersa nd truc sons, Te Wmnu Pebtra n God save the, King.TJoîn in our prayan- His wrld-wde poer iûss, -Prom ceztre to eartb,'mend, nucd htterUi~ oe' Aia many shrinepowerybbond, Missionary, Society woùld'hord -thoir May h. always 'possss I n varied tonguos commend firat'annual meeting, at Whitby on Wlsdo6m ns wide Hlm to Thy care., Soptember 2th. Mr. rumwas apm Judginent, with clear tnighti, pointed to represent' Presbytery at Vision to ueo -the light, - Inthe. hroad world's affars, ths meeting. Courage te do the riglit, - 'Whte'r btid.~:Through nl the fleeting years, The following apectal comm ftee on -Watlr etd,,ýSînoe earîy tim-. systematic giving wa. applnted: Send o bis. Concil oardThougli 'gainst atrong, foes ,arrayed, Messrs. MeKeen,, Yul., Lowry, Dr. Sttend ni. Cun cbord : Our England, undlsmayed, Walker, Judge Mintyre, W.M. Law- Staesmn l - rueaccrdA gallant part has played ronce, M.S. Chapman, Dr. Berry and SGfertenea nn d tonlai very clime. G.W. Scott, with Mr. MeKeen and Giv he a ighidelDr. Walker joint conveners. This F111 thein with sauçred zeal O 0God ! before Thee now, 'com mittee wili meet at' Oshawa on Teiterve thc Empire'. weal, With humnble faith we bow,Sptbe rdmdrpaeaeot Kee thm romwreg.And grateful heart. to b. submitted ho the Presbytery Grant that untul the lait, at the ttme ot the Synod meeting Grant -us uweet peace, 0 Lord; As ln its glorlous past, -ln Toronto.. The ploughshnre, not 1he. word, This British Empire tait' The following rosoluiton r. Dr. IfWetain would wield. . Play weîîil is part: Abraham,- was adoptcd and ordered to , through man's luit for power, lie engrossed in the permanent Min. -Dark wnr celouds o'er us lower, Not -with a sellsh aim, Utes cf tho ?resebytory.' "Dr. John Be with us in that bour, Not bt desire acclaiza Abraham, wlio now téetires from -the À A strength and shlald. Throughout thé world: active work of the minislry, waS or- Nt Motherand aoe But that its ensgn bright 'aind in Nov., 186Ï, and ha. thus Loyl o ingmdhone, May cirer, in Thy aiglit, -been nearly forty-two.,years la the Loyl o in an TroeSpeak freedom, truth and right ministry. His pautorato in St. An. Thy blesslng craves. Wýhere'er unfurled. drew's Churcli, Whitby, began ln -1879, and has COUtinied tilf bis- pro- TOW C UN ILWILIG ive vears. Durig Ibis long Mlnîï- : TO N O NC L I LI Gtry ha hepbered the mmitted TO AIL) GOOD Rharge aitbfllîY and tender-1 1 - - lntellectually and la spiritual power.t EleCtors fb Vole On 'Hydro Eh trcRâiIway lcOgeaifbcm aâold ecrîc ~frOm which in the auccedngyr and New Scbool Qiaesioos. the-young 1,ele ae g eaieut A lage epuatin ofcitzeetofJesus il aïer ha4rs. e'sogrew a A a ge depulthe iown c cil tize . 1.Are yFou ln taver of building a ln th.eosnlmation atesen r u waited upon 1h. Tovi Councîl aInew two-roomcd Public School la woeofmuiy ht b thelit tbe meeting on Monday evenlng. :hytouth Ward at an. approximate vhet muiyht fee«h representeda mobim Ipresehec$6,as a benediction. c rerane e nn nfo oc06ul of $000, as roquested by the He bas long been tb. father eft1h. interest the'Ontario Geverument ln. Board of Educahlon, submitted to Presbytery,ai asarcgle the Improvemnent et the Kingston the Counil ? atart ndhe saeurchgurizd Mr.E.E. tar, s'chairman of n 2 Are yôu la fator cf building i courts, wc have -leoked ceg#tantly Mr. . E StrrAS ew four-roomed publie uchool on the. and confldentîy te hlm for guidance, bbc meeting held on Friday svening, Henry street site, aI anu approximate uaInd will teed bereft, b>'bs ine wns the trot spokesmu O f tho party. coul of $11,000, as rcqueted by - eya ee ons4 bil seSnce. H.~ ~ ~~O drwIi tetOf the Coun- Board cf Educatlen, uubmittect te in belng nsked aosr.,a l a! cil~~~ lthatiuefthGoterumont the Ceunil ? eator, and recogniîïd by bis College at- the. present lime, which was Oue 3. Are you la favor cf, renevating Lan having cenferrec! on hlm the de-. cf desireAoleprovide wotk fer an army and remodeling the. present Henry gree ef Docter of Divlnity. Hie Iook ot uaemiployed during lhe faîl and Street Scbool at an appreximale a large part ln the care cf aIl tho wiater. To tbig end thcy were un- cost of $5,000, ns requested by thei churches and gave effective assist- dertnking the construction cf n good; Board et Education, submtted te ance in the general work cof our be- rend between Toronto and Hamrilton, the Counil ? loved Zion. We pray for hlm, and and it was the thougbtoft hie depu-I Mr. .1. J. Feley was again befere bis wife, who ha. stq9d talthfully by tation befere Couil Ihat tie Gev- 1 the <ouncil nsking for lie sidewalk his aide through aIj bis work ad crament, being greatly interested iin Palace sîreet. He urged the angu- labor of love, titahirrtrmnt Hsitalyfowrg theIr bldn g ee thoy ment that the Toronto Eastern Rnik mray be long and happy, and that rà Hospt a oraie Icnsanedere, toth'ywaywee cenîîructing n "Y" ah God may establish the work et -their n migt nvoaby onsde ai bt's, tint point, and were likely te build'hands"1 main antery o! travel eastward frem' a station there. tt there were neo alfo i cnrghose Tornl. - Te epuaton am t walk on Palace street people frem Ashburn and Utica was laid on lie - Council with a request fer hheir cet. the west *of Palace street would bave table la favon of Re-. Wm. John- ci operation with Ibis commlittee of cil- te go around by Euclid street, sclaee Mlbok.I s na miznsadit is. noî t he Mr. -SIarr, te oppose the applica- estly làoped tint Mr. .Johinston will hia municîpalities. ~lon, said tint he bac! Positive as- accept ti0 a.Peiioa rag-l Mn.~JhnTiepunMr.F.. n- urnc tit saton weuld net be mnents were made for bis induction. 1< nLes, Mr. J. B. Mitchell, and Dr. built at Palace astreet. Tie Presbyterv wau favored by a gr Bascom supportedIhe request, citing Tic rCairman et tic Streets Cern- vnuit tram the Right Reverend Dr.I good reaions. why they considered mAIctte reported 4htl is cemmitt fernidge, Moderabor efthe Assemb-Ipr Ibi anepprtue hme o peced bc! ecied net te build lhe side- ly, and tie Ret. Dr. A. S. Grant, onc with tic werk. wnlk Ibis season. If, bewever, a sta- -_________________ Il was suggested tint tic Gotera- tifon were built at Palace street, a ment'. nid ailgil be 40 per cent., anid idewalk cf sorno sort would soon be V îî~ ~~. C -I nîso inat tbc city cf Toronto might put down. KINGSTOîN RO pesslbly 'asilut the project, ila lie Otier memî,ers Of Council nadvised s9me manner as their assistance vas valting tilîl il was seen whetier tic b'clng cxtended ho lie rond behween stiton would be built there, before A meeting ef a numbor et citizens Torontoanad Hamilton. golng On wthi the walk. interested la tie improvement etfttce Tic Ceuncil tory fiavernbly receit- The Flydre-Electric by-lnw, pub- Kingston Rend, was held on Fridny cd th4 ppiaio1khi.eegho lisid lewer a bi apr, ws-veig.as a i Lbc euecus On T'rent ac! Aliol, -streets. Afler some d Iscussion, thé application was reterred btoh Sev- ors Cexnilhttee, as vas aisehe ap- plIcation, for tie extension westvard frorn Euclid street on Dundas. Mn. Harper took1>ccaolon tO cal the Council's attention ho the va>' ln whici bbcheerecontracter was leatlag tie utreeba Ia man>' places. Piles cf cartli were lot t on tie rond- way obsbrucllng traMe, and conuli.. lutlng a real danger. Mr. 'Young sald he would go about wlth. lie contractar on Tueidi>', 500 lime cnditiens eomplaae4 o f, ad have thein remodied. The Streets Commllleeirecemsnond. od paymeab of Ibese accouaIs : John MacCarl, work ....$829 D. A. McLeod ....;........24.00 Jas. Sawdon ... ......... 41.60 major Harper.............8.05 L. V. Diii.'... . .....41.00 J. -Melttyre.... ............22.89's Levi Siopherd ............ 1.25 Hîarper-LaidIav moved-Tbaî ln ao- eordance iriitie request of the Board -of Educahlon, datod Auguit 4, 1914, an oxpreoiofetopinion of bis rahspîyers enllbled to, vote on mou- e>' by-laws be talion at the sîrne lme ran p-e 'u b>'-1h. sme feputy vots on lie 'Nfydro-Eleotk eRsIW&Y iy-Iaw.Tmat lie questions be. te.ke mufollove-, v Ldivry on 'uescay. Chas. Neill' Der as' - - proposed te impreve the wns lie complninanal The Ive bac! Lake Shore rond between Trn- met ah Gal on Jul>' 28tb la t, and ;ad Hamiltn. e o o t 1,ac! boss îeurneylng togetier for tvo A ciaininan and secrotar>' were days whe th offncetien appeintecl, Mn. Starr being tot-1 10das hav le oiecred oemplnined () ed hothe chair, and Mr. Annes te luOni te m in ofncc."drive thcqujîl." e9 oayci On li cn hg ?Jul>' 0, Chas. gM ntlemen presct mw etr he cl l ted 1 Neill, bru sed, d sheveMec! and f ng t- p n fo ,ex r s io f vi v .All 1 ened, of sie b hie store cf Wm. vere Of lie opinion tint - l ilmet a.Coa, oan. . -Covan 1le vas ripe for bbc Improveeî fhi' tal cnual, ad ii w he utheard te Kingston Road, and t nt l f-vin he- are8 i cl Pdssible 0h elu imbebtake some utepsinh aunon- besn amreet, If posi, the accusoc!denvon b accompligî Ibis. poron. lIsons' v steenulad Mn.Anne, irbo iad, bee n aTe- 1 viin aproclmaglieKlnst.n Rnd ronto thal da>', and had iad au in- plncec under arreut, and takenbefore terview viti W.Mr cLaleGd Jas. Jepson, j. p., Pknlg eac C anlso e ave leh e ii- ac! vas commltted for trial. leesîng Ifomione ie ime l- il lIn le meatime le comàn>gnl etng ifrmton' tem ib& bac! jeiniedthe volunleeru for active It imi- n-o aitnttom service ilath e va , an ad d b eon pr "so t ah o uld ' vait upon t T o i lI set ho ValcesarerCouncîl On Monda>' uiglil for lime pur_-F. Il va ceurfor hlm le ome Pois cf enllsftlng theïr co-operatIon te Wbltb>y for lie trial on Tuesday, la theprec.Ilvslsdcddz vaie rebn mdatl' h al esenti a delegation leo (shava on t] uThler Monda>' tic lntervlov prominontot. Tecomplaînant .changeci iaI lime fmens-om'vhavev bliu I accusecid- made avis xooal elb asistcea i -c o o ae fIn l , tie uGaI m d lale âsYnk sis Q h a auC o n d l m e *o p e . .1_of i T1ý a s e haspu n d. Th e r 0v Y rkmhea bac! walked incaiYork tb peur RPubaak, et aleha,-M-fe visa lie>' aldown o ros. n tbh ce s to& ht - i agmin woway>, il fa. aiegisti, Mac!d e ssrs. Wm, oa i m a u I sugg eS tons, aid Nid e ensd g v, e i eu as h l ean s etm a - a he 'W ith force. M a gsy bc a veIon.>'. 'T s P tIo then u m or M a. p mm-ii erand eaÉie i mm Nomilb>'COMM s.!. ou dmnédp t ie l tte r fre ti b ac!!. Ne 'vU s k ik*ii o D e w cmm, ..a A., LL.B., presidlng. rne' l xbnidgp, appeared f ie thécOmmnl tis. IAf 1er lite usual. detotiozïal ee- -00uûtY Cniinal' Court on a chargeJ eus,, theb chaimman M ade reterence of assaulting'ene, Chas. Hennaburgy SEWER AGAIN CROSSES RAIIA to, the great var nov, in 'pregroas.'FHennaburg w'as ,accused -cf nssaxulting WAY. jTic Natonal Anthcm wutien sung, . Yerke alao, bue Ivo minen atîng gel' The' truak aewer bas o'nce gn an a secfprayçr 'was ield lNao qmnie b nund e i ; e -croased *tue ,Grand Trunk ,rallway behaif et 'our--Empiro, and 'the'speedy tItiezce cf drink. Henburg sait!Irnoks, the, second crosulng, being on close of the var.. ' - Yufke wanted hlm te steal' seoGilbert Street.- [n order to effect s Thene vas n tnlnly'gecd represen-' Ichlckoiis, and wien ho refuièd, Yonke Ibis crosslng viwtho ,ut, delny to, rail- Ilition of lie district present, csp.-' nsmaulted hlm. y6e~ke'uslsory' v'as. va>' trains, wcrk ýpro0eede! alI day clnlly &f miniatens, nnd a great a-I tint 'Hennaburg wanted hlm to, ap- Sundny. ! The -construction' >cf Ibis Mount cf business was hransacled la proprinle the chlckenn, and that ho lever throughIbis low-IyLng ground' n tery. short lime. Penh.apa wîat retuscd. Iol atended wil t dlfflcutty. A strata moît concerna the dîstniol and lhe] Yorkel'à previcus 'record vas, adly ofetbluëeolay, la slruck near the bot. public. are tic foîii>wlng Items: jaganst hlm, as be bac! i in l gaol tom of t ho tronch, vlgch li ver (a) Temperance -and Merai Rotorm here elghtt lmes, and ho bau sented ienvy and bard> le handie." Th<e -work. work. lb vas reccmmnenc!ed tint a nis., z ncnths ln lie Central Prison mien have been mcl botiored vithi- 'special, service be held on orery 1 under sentence cf he jtjdeM_*trl h rnh n h charge ll i te Int enets of Tem per-' C rimmon. a J.g 1 c--h r n bc tr n h n d l .pumps- Ho crnes cf a bac faml>', c! ad mucli te do te keep bbe vater ance and, Moral Reformand sic! tint o cMeofabdaml, oes pumped cul se that werk could pro- use fer tbbccfiening lhe enveloes de- Yorke. An claer brother von. crim-ced. signed for tint purpose. ,(b) Epvorh Lengue Wonk. Il Vas resolted tint'- tie District meeting 1 I~I recommend te oeaci pastor thu.t lie T E N Sîlter Jubllee et Epwcrti Longue.- work be haken up' la ah our churcies TO REMEMBER W witi speclal *services, emphaslzing Christian work fer yeung people, and we sugges te cDistrict- Epvorlh Longue Exculive tint lie annual convention. be ield about tie same 1 I Ia time ln a Jubilce Convention. E ' a v ~ - u v ~ , (c) Suaday Scicel Work. 1h vasI E s 1U r e s e l v c d t i n t v e i o l d S u n d a > ' S c i c o l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Institutes enrly la December aI thi, Iollowîng centres : Pont Penny, Brook- WHEN PURCHASING lia and Greenveod. (d) Mlsaionary Work. Il vas ne- 'yf soîted tha i ss ar nnivermairjes ' 3W OTS AND ,SHOES hobl h eodadthirdý Sun-SI -D D mlnys et', Noebeir; thal a general FetFo s'change be. arranged for the tirstb e-Fo -L MP Men's Worc Sundi' te lb. ioaary vork - thal D I T lBootsc BubsetiPtions be taion tie second Outing ETC.@ ot Sunda>', viti local arrangements for Shoes.- Spclî Puil BuPPIY',,'and liaI ve adopt lie seily eWery member cantas on over>' cir- A Cal! Solicited.Poe 5,W ib O t Tho tollovlng arrangemonts ver made for Mîssienar>' vork on Sun -________________________________ la>', Novexaben 8. Igbllby-Joîn Bedfordl. Port Perry-Rogr Allen. li Brccklin-M. E. Sexamili, B. A., , LL.B. Myrle and Colurnbus-R. Bamfenth B. A. Pickening-....W. Fowlie, B.A., B.D. Greenwoed-.Jes. R. Real. D~~~i .h ~ m Clarernont.W. Tink, B.A., B..S e Mf«6 rc an Prince Albert-Wr. H. Buckier. lu à â * m d Méri senda of au Greenbanaî..r Marvin, M.A., mB.emt; D., Ph. D. or .. ie- tL. u Scugeg-;John W. Totten. IF iuJIAIil o Seagrave-.E!war W. Roland. dpaiadi B u Il was decided ho have local ar- $orp -C n. vuo udl i angements for tic Educational and Vemperance and. Moralý Reformi work. TO N O G. W. MARVIN,T RO O 710;: ScrtayW 1-I T B Y B R A N 1-1 f C. A. McisUlaa, Manager. Bowma.viofthlFianc Bovo8okgu (C. A. McCîllaYa]#.~ Pee menon f ligit and lending OsoOhw J .(wam, Mana.r).Pnana ,p» tdamessage tint gare a vider viW LVat iKîng anc Hlead cfthe Churci. The next regular meeting of tic 'resbytery wilI be held ia Whllby M tie thîrd Tuesda>' cf Januan>'. 1MPROîVEMENT dhild the Unit 0f.Value. Tint man was tic unit cf talue fold Testament ,leacing and he ciild the- unit of value of tic ýw Testament,- wns tbe staternent [Rev. E. C. Hall in lie Bapti-st hurci, on Sunday evening. Mr. HallI ýSupI. cf lhe Chil1lren's Aid se-I ty for tiC(ounty, and was peak- ig on beinîf of bis work. The work lie Society is te lif t -ehldren, me arc below tic standard et de. =cy wic prevails la tuis countryj )te n igier standard-ako theai Dm heïr baneful surreundingsa nd ace ticm la homes wbere lie>' wili taugit nigit- priàciples anc! mc- 'es, and wiene Ihey vlll grcv up be good and useful Inembers cf- ecommuait>'. Illtga amistako le tagne Ihat cildren are oem vfbh. cedIary teidencies te evil. Il 1à eenvircamenî lu whlcb lbe ciild : place! liaI influences and meulds- lite. Iflite chlld grovs i'p In a rt>, Immoral homo, tintfis the sort home tint chlld vill ho likely tb k. fer Itself. But If lie chlld fiso customed to, a reflned, dlean, mer- E home, Ihat iis esent of home h&e likel>' te 'vint, of bis own wien ho 9oas. At leasl, -Iis was Mn. ý MISî vlev, c! Ne speaker salid that lb. Govora- il did net aid Itue support of bSocleties, but left tho fancingo this Socltieshemmses. ,- Il h mId, cou $8,000 to run tie Onta- Io Count> ' CMldneu'm Ald Society ,t Yse, and liere wua onry $1100 sigil. rt devolvedimpon, hlm, b àe lie m aneueded, as 'viiiau 'rd lookafterthes Cher vork of he. ' [tI ffoms- Mssionar>' 'orklis>' Id do, andi haleti for hein sup. wi ce] trc ple be tir he Itu lin Ao ma -ae ai ris riii th o tâ r te. 1' BuLIS Bissimn a U LtarISe.C - Our irsi hipen has jusi arived. or e n ow Hadas oderle aegorasne@ r Hyais, double or single, PatTulipul sig Parhte ul cipss Doube Wo ion Nîdiiss A.Te LAW R WHITAY9 ONT. hoe:Bell, No. 47; Indepneto.4 m o rno e a r t i c l e s h a v e , , a d a c R i n C E m e 1n e e n1se t r r b e w r i Per Doz. 50C 25C tre nov as chcap as they vere Yeatsm4go. We have weekld- mhlpmucnt offieu colicus lish. F arties aceigteavl!espidb>lalgfcrodr. I choie dry quilit>' Mrc fféed by us aI cloue picem.s LMadCEKIg lave beea <allures boeebut vo bave beea s ,plyl -gtienifroniti. uest, bel. siyeaes pnices -te ro.w 's, eo r-becf, Ianb, velponi aid feadeon-à )f tic cholot fe are nov wa f "j i 2 -4' J. :4 Jr li' - ý Minister of -FJnaiict ir ninion of Ca , nada. - UV uffluc a Ir. rook, - ý ýd His liol SULSSýIt

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