Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 5

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PHONES., , 128 4-.P r, otatr Leave word at niy.sqtudioj'and 103 r 24--H. Pow l rei1n will eall antimake"a'ap'hot"ofo 'stol, -Road, trse' ig ta l9r 15-H. Viponti, Base Line.- TicWhlîy emc's War Belle! Association announe fiat w-eol for 0EVEPNCad1 RNU Inl tting Secks. anti colic belts will be EOIOadPITN suPplicti aIl w-ho will klntily donafe for amateurs jthé.ir work. Cali at Vins. J. Klng's atndt eprmty forý supplies. teedoprm ly Wiithy ladies,,- ln conslclenable nuni- bers, are prOparing V'o knît socks anti belfa for fié soltilers at tic front. W In e Su i Wemn 1all 'oser Canada arc deing W ilonY'E St dio thein siare fessartis insuring. fie cenifont o!flicetiefentiens e! Vie coun -_______________ Itry.- Big dance anti cucirè panty, untier T_ ergl 'etnofheBa Vie-auspice's fof s. John's Club,- Vo I caregulanmetingofrthednBoa J be helti in tic Tow-n Hall, Whifby'o!Edcaingo al eti Is on Wedns 1on Friday, Septeniben Sti. Pro'.ccigo aV ekwa e i lgressîve cuche frein8 , .te 10 p. for lack et a quorum. in. iiti 1 sf prizes for 'ladies ai gentlemen' follow-eti y a tance. It is untienstoosi fiat tic vofec Finst class musi. Admrission 25. flic electons o!flice rnicipalifuié --.0 tinougi w-iici tieI'Iytiro-Elecfri jTic Wenien's insfitufe w-inief nrailw-ay is te pass, vill lie tal«ý lan Vie Agricultural noonis on Fnl- upon flhc project on Montia', Oec day affernoon,' Septenilen l8th, at 3 lier 19. The lhoard o! Education G Jo'ciock. Dr. F.E. watts, o! Toronto, Wiifby tiesines tic Tow-n Councdiî I sil gea taIk on "First Aid te the subnîit tic sclieol by-Iaw to th Ijured." Ail Moînea welconic. Mrs. electors af flic saniefinie. Tic by G. A. oss, Prusîterit Miss F. laws wi be considerenu v flic CoÙt l3atenin, Secretary. 1cla termetn nNondanex the Iargest, in South MASS. MEETING. Ontario. k meeting o! automoieble owners andti tose intenestet inl gooti roads It i a peasre fr ~ is callcd for Friday evcaing in flic ,agnicultunal noonis at elgit o'clock t o demnonstrate for. you sharp. Esinybotiy corne anti tiscuss the quality and !6upenior- tic mementous question at ths op- portune finie. -ity of the Grafonola. * E. E. STARR. _ _IJNearly 200 different 'saniples e! Christmas candi have anniveti e tVhe ft Gazette anti CbnonicIje office. Cal ~asse t Ilaanti look Vhern over. Pnîces Vo souit eny punse. Nanies andi greet- Ing pnînteti on Inside sheet. JeWîl or and"'Graduatî piaa ST. ANDBEW'S GUILD SOCIAL. fOn Monday e"ing Vie young peo-1 Opposte Pet Oficepie o! St. Anticw's Chunci, under tic auspices o!flice Guilti, helti anu W htby - Ont. enjoyable social at thehome of jutige nusic, siflging, rcatiings, etc., was fol- jlow-cd iy gaines anti ncrcslmeats. W. C. T U. !o your entiers Vo W. H. Taylor W. C T. Ufertomafees, onions, cucunibens, etc. for pickliag-picked !resh tiaily. Gar-1 iens et -iruoction of C.P.R. anti-Port AV tic annual meeting o!fie W.C."Pcrny railway.-17. T.tj., fie, foll'wing officers wvereo 'clecteti for flic casuing ycar. IMES. WI-LIS LAID TO BEST. Pnsdn.-Mrs. C. Toti. JOn Fritay affernoon îast flic ne- Cor. sec.-.Mrs. B-oit. Tionipson. imains o!flihe late :r.Willjs wenes Bec. Sec.-Miss N. Harpen. laid Vo ncst lu Union ceîneteny Mn1.ý Treatiuren-'i%îrs. B. J. Mitchell. Gloven, studeaf -'in charge e! St'. -Vice-Presitidents-~ Mrs. J. J. Býell,.l Johin's Churcli, ef w-hicli teceaseýd" Inrs. C. A. Goetifcllow-, Mrs. A.. Rici-,w-as a aseniber, coaductedtihfe funeral artison, Mrs. J. E. Waterliouse. service af flic house, tielivcning j Supfs. o! Depârtmnts-j very apprepniate atitiess. Tic lafe Wonk Among Lumbernen-Mý,ss N. Mirs. Wllis ,-as veny mucli beloveti byt A. -Mitchell. 'ber neighbors anti a large circle of Bailneati Iork-Miss %.E. Elliott. acquainfances, anti a goodîs' con- t Parlr Mctins-Ms E.Harer.course paidti tiir respects te lier Press Work-Mrs. W. J. Luke. m eyi tednea lcfnnl Surprise Soap Wrappes-MýNrs. Boss 0 -Jolnsfn. '....fL j GOD SAVE THE KING. Recruits ivantedti o' MI fie places o! those w-ho volunteereti for ever- sens service. Apply in Vie evening af Vie Annieunies, or Vo Geo. W.P. Every, L18ùV. O. C. "B" Co.'y S4Vi RegV. POSITION WANTED. Position w-aafed as heusekeeper hy cempetent w-ornaa o! witicexpenhence. 'Apply cane Gazette effice. Tic potato cnop in nieny canes fief have 'been neported tiVoiv,_is iartily iveti raising. Tic potatces are few la number or almest tee imalVo gatien. Tic dry weatlien anti tic bligit. wes Vie ceuse. Those w-ho sprayed libenally with bordeaux mixtur, andti Vercby kept Vie po- fate tops alive, are !indlng a muci better crop. IV pays Vo spray. Ho fer London, Ottawva, anti oVier Fal Feins.. Aise coIonist speeil cheap ene-w-ay tickets te Celifennia, Colorado.- Idaho, Oregon, Utah; Washngton, Alberta and Britsh Col- umia,- September 24th to Octoben 8ti. For tickets anti partîculains write or sec Stephenson, (opposite Heivis Brou, anti Standard Bankn), Whltby. Alto buy Toronto, Bivendaue and- al local as w-eîîas forsiga <anywhere, everyw-iere) tickets at Sf cphenson's office et your leisune. Mr.- W. H. Wood-, o e! hw-a, w-ho beaves next weck for MeMster 1Uni- versity, Vo Vake e course lu prepera.. tien for Vie mninstry,' gavf a . vcry fine address Vo Vie Whltby' -B.YýP.U. on Monday evenlng on tic subîeccio! "Courage". Aften Vie meeting an heur w-es spent by Vhe 50 y9ung peo- ple present In ganies. Tiecocrnnonet anid tance helti et Vis home e! Mn.. W. H-. iJolinsfon on Frldey evcnhng lait, w-as a deci- cd succcss. .Tic cvenlng w-as thon- oughly enjoyeti by. al present. - e 'IuWiOa, ILuqt Jand D£ncacy.-ÂMi1ss -May Thornpson. Eva<igelistic, etc.-Mrs J. Kean. $Lcal t!éppeningsi 'Cigars, cigarettes, p<pes, -tobaccos, and imokers'1 requisites. at J. E. Willis', druggiset and opticiain. Mfr, and Mns. Richard Hoard bave taken up residenoe in the house late- ly occaiped by'3fMn. Webster, corner Byron and St. John -Streets,. Fiy paper, poison paper, sticky -fiy paper finish, Inscct powder, etc., -nt J.E, WIlHIs, drugghst and optic- Wb oau supply repaira for ail utovoS - and range@, alto utove pipez and el- 4ows alwayni lastock. Ueo. M.,8ice. 'The patronage of th Canadian National Exhibition from Whltby and vlclity waa generous, and the ap- »reciation hearty. 'Have your eyes care(ully tested îmd 'properly fltted with spectacles or eyeglasses by J. E. Willis, druggist and opttcian. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, September 26.- Auction imie of horses, buggies, implements, etc., the property pf Black & Ross, Myrtle Stattin. Sale at I o'clock. Mmo. Maw, auctIoneer.ý RtePaIrs have been made te the pli- lars flanking the. approach to St. Andrew's church. The old pillais were pulled down and two handsome4 new c nes. buit, Mr. J. T . Hornsby .doing the work. Do't forget Vie Pork anti Beer euppen te be hcld In tic Metiodilsi .Tabernacle on Fnitiey, Septemben i. Gooti pregrani. Tea serveti re .80 Vo 8:0O o'cuock. Admission tu.0 Mn, Samuel Vanstone, w-ho lias been iti Metiow-bnook. Fam- for neenly tince years, bas nove t o i tw-,a, d'is OccuPying Vié nerVi 'liuse bu ils terrace on Centre St. Tie Boyer-Vincent Stock Oompan, whici present "A Jealous W17(10" a Ve Music Hall, playedti ts tow last vear as Perry's Peerless Play ers, anti will be reniembereti by th finsf-class shosys Viey put on tien This attraction is a aew comedy, anc tic C'onipany carry alI new- sceneri anti cfiecfs for ecd act. Refine( specialties hetw-ccn acts. l'nices 25c. 35c. anti 50c. A PECULIAR ACCIDENT. Miss Mabel Mann, e! Buffalo, w-il lias beca visiting ha town, happeaci with a peculiar anti pain!ul accitica one day last w-eek. While nunaiaj sic fcil, lier leftanas bccoming beai under le. Tic aras was bent intc -te shape of a letten S, but was nei broken. Tic bone was what is teci nically know-n as a tgreen" bone. Tic straighfening of tic an ww 'donc wiflouf adniinistering an an- aesthctic, the little girl bing ft pain wifh great courage. Carrving lier anas la a sling, shc lef for ici home on ";aturdav. WORKED ALL'DAY SUNDAY. A gang o! ts-o dozen Italians wonk- eti ail day Sunday engageti in pufý ting nlow-nflic trunk sew-cn under the railw-av fracks. Manv cifizens w-ere surpnisedti t sec fieenmen at wor, but flicw-ork w-as appareatîs' un- avoidalile, hecause as tiere were ne trains running if- gave ticenien an opperfunity te use thii derrick over thc track in iowering flic leavy-sec- tiens of sew-er pipe. Quife a le-t people visitedtheli spot anti wafclied tic mca at w-ork, anti w-earnuseti hy their ceaseless chatten. But talli ,s tiev -do, tic men frm Sunny ItaIv geVtinhougli a goti deal o! "A .EALOITS WTF." WORTI SEEING. The attraction presented y th Boyer-Vincent Stock Company to niglit is certainly worth 'whle sée ing, as it is a new Royalty produr tion, and filed with good, dean bright comedy. Specal scenery an electrical effects for this play wic is presented complete fn every -de. tail. The vaudeville specialties are' of the very best and alone wertb (the admission. Don't miss seeing this attraction' te-nigbt at the music hall. A Jealous WiTe, a beautiful four aet comiedy draina for the firsti time at popular priees. Seats nowl on sale at Alun'. drug store. Primn 25c., 85c. and 50c. WHAT'IS THE NATTER WITH WHIT IBY' It's Ail Right Worklng NIght and Day Spoolal Priais and Prompt IOOD SALMON 100 IMPORTiD BELGItE PUAS 11 NEW, PACK PUAS 100 DUICH CLEANSER 3, FOR 25a SURPRISE SOAP O FOR 2me CONFORT UOAP 8 FOR 26a CORN FLAKES 3 FOR 26o JAPAN TU 8000 1 LB. 2no LIPTON'S TU 86000 1 LB. 8ne EXTRACT VANILLA à LEMOI a FOR 260 PURE JELLIES, DELICIOIjS, ýAP..* PETISWNG AND WOLOUE a FOR 2àc Spend your Dollars at home, and you wiII muet themaguin. Your business fniend, WMa. MEEKER - Phone 94, - WHITBY. O n 8 w 4 Y , S e . 20 , fe v.' . S . . w i l e t -~Th e p ro g ra m 'w ill tu R ich a rd C o llin s' ,farm , lo t 1, B ,1;1, ~' Garden,-'of Cape'Breton, ýw m I - be furnneed by A11ss Myrtle De tsCon., 1-ic ering, where e remained a th 0ie t of St.. A d ' U clas . fiefres lm ents ~ ll b e v d for about 18 years. A bout 19 ' e r oning nd eîg: O, Scnda, Setexbe rvte.ago lhe noved to Pickering, where lie bohCELE gadeenn. n Oo Sundayv$coo iili hold a ralîy ati carried on a garciening, business. T wc ~RArEDTHEl~ 2SH I o'~ok.npae~o h usual J or tliree ..years ago lihe retired from -ÇELBRATD THIR 25TH church service. Iiiý, tie evenlng the a.ctive work and purchased.a dwelling f 'ANIERSAR y. Senhr and Junior 1Young People's On lKing. St. ýa îst, wýhere e residedt Mr. -and Mr§, Elmer Lick recei vd iJions will1 have charge of the -ser- untJl lat sp,,g, since which tixe a nunber of their fiends fr .on 3 tg vice,- e as lived wlith hlis dlaughter. When b 5 on Thursday, the I th, o! this On Novemiber Sth, Rev. ÀIlex. and living at 3owmanvf le lie raried _ nonth, at their resdence, Kngtoii Mr5. -Torrie , evaigelists, wlil begin' IEE ia Wrat h*srie Road, it being' the 25th annversary a two ýweeks erles of_ evageIjstic1 hm. Ile had three of a family, Mrs, y eetlsin -the churcli Further an- Mrobe !Pickerin o!Wj of their wedding. During the, even- MeWrn,,cnie o m o ing a large conpany 'gathered toefouncent laer. Whitby, Township, anI a daugiter6 who died at the age o! three, lije is il offer Mr. and Mrs. Lick sincere good * -b~----srle y a brother,' Warren, of w i s h e s f o r t h e f u t u r e . A f t e r t e a w a sP e s a l M n o nB w m n 1 e T i f u r a o n o n a in wbich. Rcv. D. Crosser, o! New-l =1 market,- who oficiated at the mar- Xiss Gould, o! Buffalo, is visiting ly ttended, and was con ducted bv - niage of Mr. and Mrs. Lick, Re. G. ber grandmother, Mrs. Coffey. Rey,. J. Bedford, of tlic Metodî st- ai A. MeLean, of Whtby, and Mr. Fel- Mrs. ates, o! Toronto, le visiting hurch, Of Which hfr xas a teruer. Sd ton, of Oshawa, took part. Calver- her sister, Mrs. John Hislop. -gews, Pi kering. *1 ay ley's orchestra furnished musie both Mlrs. H. W. Willcox, will inceve- Id afternoon and evenîng. tIe third Tuesday of each nionth. 'T Mr. Adam Gordon, of Cleveland, D E TS. P A T T IO T IC F U N D G E T S A w a s c a .llin g o n o ld f ien is h ere la s t P 3 N o ç ~ ~ l t 2 , co . 7 h t of IOO-ST. w ek. - li, on M onday, 5Sptember. 14, 1 14, 1 e Mr. IV. A. Holliday, o! Uxbridge, Aylmner P._IRobinson, onîs son o! A orepndn wies !rorn the was in towvn for a few days last J Wm. Robinson, in lis ~32nd year. -iC H-ospital for tlic Insane.-I week. UfARhIIS,ýAt Oshawa, on .Monday, 'n "In telling you what ha% heen done Mrs. Marr and -'Miss Mabel Marr, .September 14, 1914, Mar Little-, ý0 hene fer the patriotic funti, It is not o! Buffalo, have heen visiting 'Mn. j,,,,n,'heloved i wfe o! the lt Of la a spirit o! briggadecio, but sun' at tol g so ou edr h pit and Mrs. . Dent. wm. Harris, in lier 7,9tli ear. Fu- [Ole o so on edr h s i Miss Bertha Wilson su.çtained al neral rlhu.rsday at 2 &o'ýrck, te oe f leyalty andi generosity that pre-,,fracture o! lier riglit wrist by a hall Giroveside(mtr.L y- vails amongt the ,cisciplinany staff; on Frday Iast. ýn andi seme of te ethen employees o! M.an Mrs. Thurcîl and daugli, t -the construction brandi o! the lies- t r, of sa i i e w t r .J p if i f r h e n s n e t V r, o! s h w a, v is te i w t h M rs ~ O n ta r io L iq u o r L ic e n s e A c t liai formaheInspire aWhitbY, hop-, Jeffrey, Vils week. ing I a npr others te follow Mns. Geo. Newton, of North Bay, nthe semâe une. vste ttehm !Iîs J~sLICENSE DIST RICT 0F SOUTH- n "W. aIl caonot go to the Iront anti McClellan last week. .OTRO shoulden oun, rifle, yet w-e ail can and Mn. andi Mns. Eti. Nicholson andi Notice is liencby given that tic ex- e ouglit te help to bean flic bundien, child,_ o! Coldwaten, are visiting with ecuton o!fie estate o! the late Mrs. nl nd cheer fie hearts o! tiese wlio the fonmue's parents here. M.A. Bandel, Whitby,-lias matie ap- ýd have leît, loved ones behinti, know- Mn. Clarence Boss, Bowmanvillc, plication fon pernmssioa to transfer ' ing they wIll be caneti for. spent flic week cati witl i is parents, tic tavcrni license Ion the premises 4- ýd "Pnonpted by a !ew wortis Inon Mr. anti Mrs. Tlios. Boss. . known as the Whitby Bouse, .WhiVby, o!i Wandcn Gilîrour, we"stantedtheti paf- Mrs. Fowlie anti baby, o! Emmra, te, A. Bande], and that fie saiti ap-1 ae riotie funti, and in a vers short space hlave been visiting witb lier' parents, plicatibn wilî be consiieneti at a o! tinie some twenty-four mnen sub- Mn. and Mns. John Peel. meeting o! the Board io! License GoL senîbedtheli suni o! $290, which was Mns. A. H. Robinson anti chultinen, ,Commssîoners to b. leld la the Scollecteti and sent tolieadquarters- o! Oshawa, spent a day wlth Mns. Council Chamber, Whtiy, on Thuns- d "In addition to thc above, ýve arc C.A. Goed!ellow, last wcek. day, October lst,' 1914, 'at tea &l- ýt wiVh tic heip o! othen !ellow work- Mrs. Walter O'Conaor and' daugh- dlock a.m. AIl pensons laterestetiroi 9 men, paying $5 a wcck te Vie wicfe er, o! Toronto, are visiting with w-ll govern Veniselves accortilngly. So! one o! oun men who is a reserve- Mn. and Mns. John O'Connor. LEWIS R. LUKE, i sf, and lias gone toeflic Olti Landti to 31r,. and Mrs. Tanner, anti niece, Uicense Inspector, <join the corps. Lucie Scoft, of* Toronto, have beesi South Ontario., "Tie office starf las retarfed a !und Visiting Mr-. anti Mns. McCachen. Datet at Oshaw-a, Sept.', 15, 1914. * a n t, m o v e d y th e s a n e s p ir i f of M . J o h n D l s o n a na d d a u g ife , o ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s patriotism- as the otiens, suiscnibeti Colliingw-ood, spent a fcw dàyesith 1 - te aagnncet urno! 1,00. ,Mrn and Mns. Win. H-opper, nccently. Mîscelianeous Adverts eItalians also cofitnibufed of thiriMr. and Mns. E. N. Granger and 9dails wage to support tic fund, mak- 1c deo! Scarboro Jet., vigte ri ng a grand 'total susceription o! ,with Mn, and Mrs., -Jamres Srnith, WANTED).Fo $1,400. Pnetf v gooti, is it net?", Port Whitbv.Gooei genenal servant waîiedi Ap- MnIs. IV. Gilmour, o! Strafford, w-as 1 pIs Vo M-ýrs. Cunnýiaglam, Wh*itby.-12 For r.R. A. Ilutchison w-ho has licen jln Vown last w-eek attendig flic wed- 1 a resident of ixbrdgc for the last ding of er rte, M.Dnl FOR SALE. *fisc vears, lias moveci with lis fain- J (aneren. brothr, Mn. Donaldheater. Appîs to J. * ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 James teWihv r lnthioon St. rorh. ilvto hity. fr.lluchioncarnei Mrs. T. .J. llollidav, wlo lias becot icre Ironi Port flowan as Principal %vifli lien daugiter' at flic Farns GO 'NE RCS ef tlicfHigli School, whicli pesition Sho,!qthCrln since last 'for sale. Apply WitvBrick Yard f lie iel for about a vear anti a hall, F - , ,. < /1urnedu last week te, lien wlen lie receivedt heti appointrent of ore in W lîtby.* 2 School Inspecter for the riding of Mr. Etisaîl Barris, of Winnipeg, WVANTE D. Norti Ontario, This position lie ably lias been viiig in tow-an flicthe A marnieti couple or widow -teO take filleti until flic Inspectorsîip o! Soufli past %veek. 3Ms. Harris, w-ho lias 'charge o!flieuse. Cornortable roonis Ontanlo. becarne vacant fast vean, ant ibeen liere fon sorn menflis, nefurneti witli bath. Applv, at once fé Boit hie w-as fransîernedt il] IItha fice. !horne witi hi on -Saturday. 472, Whitbv,- Ont. Whule we are al] veni- rnuch pleasedl ?Mr. W. B3. Watson w-as in toîtn WANTED. - te lîcar eft Mn. llufchison's sulcc.cs, oser Sundav and Montiay, anti ne- as Principal o!flice Iligh Sciool anti turneti to Toronfo Tuestiay W'atsne! Beugde. Apply VoDiaeyr. ..p.Lav ' Town o! U'xinidge regrets the (te- left, fonrfliceIWest, where they' will eny.-tf. partirre of!-MI. anti Mns. Ilutchison, visit for sorne.' fini.FO SAE for thev are citizens helti in flic higi-1 Miss May Foy andi Miss Ballanfyne, On ery ew pumtc ieL Uestnitige re ya. knew hm-o Toronto, are holidaving for flîne Oenal e nuitc Vr Uxbidg Tmes wecks at I-evden shore. Park. Tlese show buggy. New tires anti acwly Young ladies are nurses on tic cify painteti. Hall price for cash. Applyl Geoà.,M. lice lia& been awandcd tic staff, ant i wll ne otiuf enjoy their at Gazette efice.-f!. centract Ior the hot watcn licating mucli needeti rest. anti plumbing in tic new Standard Mns. 'G. Havelock Babbît, vue BHOUSE FOR SALE. Bank here. -sp&AA-tesmenwt r.A... Nwfam oal soes i -y-uafT z.O p.m. of September, 1914, at Ven o'clock a. Mr. J. Leke Wilson, Superinfent- 0000 music lit m., te ear andi detenmine complaints ent f Hoticulturai Soceties fr of1: erÏros anti omissions la Ve Vt- OntalO, willI be t' tic Show, and M 4e s' List of Ve Munlipalitv o! Vhe Mnr. Dockray, o! Toronto, wio ias M pie e fT, ,hpfWibfo19.- made suci a 5cess o!f Hortclnrs1Dte he o! WiVy for 1914. e l a T o ro n to . L e t un d o o tr b e s f o 1 5th d a y o S e pt1m be. Mae god by showng our flowers D.E R O HOLLIDAY," and vsitng Ve show du, ring tic af- Llek of t o!'M WiV y ernoon. -_ _1 _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ allV of Ve T ow nsip o h t J-Tic town dock Io alway.s slow- or limfiL±kUIn IU4jj fat. The streets cannot e watercdti-t.COLONJSTI' FRE tOut maklng a miud-puddle o! th (ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS) cross nga.Freni al Stations ia Ontarie te Some of Vie herchants don't pull cernponsi tic w es luin front e! their business - t i o ns l Plcesu ALBERTA BRITISH COLOMI ITic Hrse Solv sIga la nt aken ARIZONA 'CALIFOINIA 'doive froni over. Vie office. COLORADO IDAHO ' Ticcoiva anti hens are elloiveto MNIA MD manke a Pasture o!fVihenimtddle o!f t MNANéEV o - * OREGON TEXAS ni any bîcyllats arc aîfowedtio UTAH WA8,9NNTON, Et, ride on fie sitie veik.I I S ene re stidents ar1 o v t o O n Sale Sep t. 24_t e O ct. 8 inclusive are allowe m t paril t1lars £rom agentso wU e dg mi p la fs i r ont o et u r bouses.~;r tpasl4t er Aut, Ot ,1OBSERVER. B. taphenow, Ageub, phono 3M, hitbj7 a FOR SALE.:z Newsaper and Job printing plant in tie dty of Ciranîirooi, B.C. -for sale ai $1,000 beîew actuel valua- tion. Monoline typeseVVlng& machine fncîuded. Plant' aaly new. -Pnice $3,800. Gooti tennis V o right party. This offer ivili noV rast. Write -or wIre, The $ignsi Ofie, Watrolus Sak. CLEANING, PRESS.KG AN» 1. bave opexsd a sup: for Vhé cloa: Ing, pressing ý and repaling -o! ladies' anti geîtemen'i suite,and amn pre. pareil Vo give, prompt aid. careful a$-, tmition Vý_o ail, onders. J. WGULLIVER, Tw- doors eaI ,ot Win.Hoppsn's, Dunlop Street.-1 t3 î is"esser profIt" -has-aîwaym been tic flrst objection o! a inerehanl wl - fa e a Sper lial look w-ici consitiering gcttiag -the _best .knowil line in Canada. A satlfîcti custonici is an asset Vo any store àndth Ve ifantird o! value ssiI] w-in is. lasV. ang trade. MAUTRICE -MURj'îî1Y has tfie 5cm!- reatiy special entier- patteis- ove: 300 sanfipues 0o!'fine lIiV!siýw-orsteds, eOrges, vicunas' anti Scotch tweeds, tit hnîepus....îi eclusive pet- ýerns. Anti le tielivers- suifs and. Pvercoat$, tail octi te mensure, wltt. In one weck, for $18 anti up. door south Royal NotoI, -Wh ltby, Ont. 'Train Time 'l able, G.T.R., WHIT*BY JtN ON. lng Wt._-4 .so.n. 1OohWmt.2...a.2p ....8..08 i"'M.6 I9pitu 1 .207 P..: .. 5PM .... 740 P. M.,J \..93p Sunday trains lear ',for Toronto ,52 a.m and 7.40 p.m. Freni To- ato-frains stop at7 Whltbï Juatica t 8.15 aid 9.55 &.m., aid 9.80 p.m. UIP-TOWN STATION. Ong N*orth..5:,3o a.rM' Golng South ... 75 r&. A..15 p.m. ' ..15 p. -40 .ii, . .;co pi C.P:'R. 1 Oing w-est-g.5o an. JGoing nast--gîa.mu 5.42 .i.7:ZSpJi STAGES.- Loaves Whltby 'fer, Oshawa at -1'O .Mi. -and 4 p.m. Jos. Hoîden, Pro-. MAIL4S or 5es5- 6.ýo . i 2.30p En. 6.30 D-m. 8 CLOSE. Fnr Port whitby... i6.30aP-n r Ea th- ee-loa. sndt. r we i v es e ga d s sen ds t h e ir a reatoves n red oua hey do daiiy, it is conviicing proof that our work is satîs- tfactory. E -LUKE, PR EFifACTI NC f5 onge st. IIRONTO) ivery, Gartage and -Teang. have recent1y added to rny well-' iipped livery stable a heavy-- teac 1dray for ail kinds of cartage and ning work, and will be pleased to eivc orders, which'wjll have prompt careful attention. PHONE 6c. IR 1*0E TO MIET ALL TRAINS. J1ohn o91mb/et NDAS ST., WEST WIB tid witne,a th# n'agniflcent and Inapirfng spectacle, lohilizalon of Can adian TrOOPa at Val Cartier wbee heglrie o Wlf ad Montcalm bor a eitýg eniomn to "Prent Pay History in the.Making." S Toronto tea eagurny <IaIly t2 p 4n nUl s uptem e th. LacS tSeLnie ITopafo te TonadTand e, iiu $19l qneboeate nd agu enalsan er Torenàt tilr ayt lo cal m sturu $25 aet ornteta eso drtua 8 D.ono a aguess a oue st QI 'AT B8ASSETT'8 You can I-J- an - ail the Eniglish ArmY. March ing 'S 'ngs' on the -Columbia Grafonola, We stock Grafonojas from $3,0to Our record sel, ction is N its Present beat --V- I WONDER WHY?

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