Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 5

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L] -'4 4* Dundu acto'. n isltld. bing. ofinc me 14>9 BY= sun. f onk. E1IA You can H- ar ail the English Armý, Marching S.,ngs on theL Columbia Grafonola. We stock -Grafonolas from' Our record sel, ction is the largest, in Ontario. Soutlh It is a pleasure for us to demonstrate for you the qua.lity and -b uperior- ity of the Grafonolia, Send -yenr eider for f ruit "baskets tô mcityré'u hardware. MILLINEIRY OPENINGS. The MIS'ses Scott amieunce tbciî abnuaÜl taili xilânery opcningo Frîcis, Sep ebr zith, 1914. Ail are cerdlally Invited. Sec our stock o! stoves aud ranges. - iVe have the bestt une, and our prices are the lowest. 'Geo. M. Ries. Evcry, thlng 'la hardware. Miss Veda Luke is openIug a'nmlil- Inery store ,iu the east side of lier tsthev's shop. lier advt. will sp- pear' later. Hiorticultural Floweî Show, Sept. 18, la the Council Chamber. Alil -Ilower gîoweîs are requested to pre- Pare a flower exhlMit. The Whitby Women's War. Relief Aisociation unnounce that wool for kuitting sockusud collc belts will be suppi&ed ail wbo will kindly donate their work. Cal! at Mns. J. Kiig's for supplies. "'It's a Long Way te Tipperaîy," the Euglish Army marcbing soug, eau be beard'at Bassett's on Vhs Grafon- ola. Don'V ferget the Pork and Beau supper te be held ln the Metbodist Tabernacle ou Friday, September 25th. Good prograni. Tea served frem 5.30 Vo 8.00 o'clock. Admission 25C. MILLINERY OPENINOS. Miss Veda Luke, wbo lu opeuing an. up-to-date milllnery parler ID, the est, aide of ber father's shop, wlbave ber openiug ou Saturday, September 1 2th and Mondsy, Septeinbet 4h te whlch the publie arc cordially ln- Mr. Wflliam l. lu charge of oui new repalrlng depattmenî. Electrie j** hlh"palrlug at low pile. M.W, mmm *uu ~ ~ ~ The social heldluVs ow l ou Friday sveuinrg last, under the1 Jewoer and Oraduato Optiolan auspices oe tVhe ladies o!the -.C Chrh was a declded succeus..There9 oppode ot ffil* was a goed cîowd. pissent, avd ail enjpyed hs progressive euchre. Later lu Vhs eveuing the hall was cit.red WhuhvOnt suad s few heurs spent ln dan%~ng. SNÂP :FOR PRINTERS. _____________________ Newupaper plant sud job prnitng equlpmeut, iuciudlng moueline type- V.C. Tr. U. ssttlug machins, L Cranbroek -City, ____________4_____ B.C., that wlll compare tavorsbly The Couuty W.C.T.U. Preuident bas1 wth mauy lu Vhs Wesý. Valued at .ibou buy trougout hs ount iJ4,500. Ths will ssii wltbin thlrty ,lben bsy hroghot, heCoutY day. ton $3,300. Business establlsh- -durng the pat week, making final ed 4J years. Plant mostly usw. Rea- visite Vo local unions, sud pncpailug souable terms Vo Vhe nlght party. ff3 ro,. W.C.T.U. Convention Vo be held'-bsns ieo it1 -at, Prince Albert, September 17Vh., yoi meanbsns tso rt Ail day session open Vo visttors. ýThe Signal, Watxous, Sask. Mis. F. Wand, et Tornto, a brigb'V The Women's Instituts ýwill meet lu and iu'terestlng speaker, wiii give au the AgrIcultural roomi ou Friday ~addess u Vh ev5lhIl.1- a tenoon, September 18Vh, ut 3 o'- Atthe sunual meeting eftVhe WhiV- tdock. A paper will be given ou jhy W.CT.U., heid at the home o!, "The Cane oetVhs Patient in Vhs Misa. Wmn. Marshall recenthy, the Home." Ail women weicçme. Mns. Supti. o! Departients gave thein ne- G. A. Ress, Psuident ; Miss F. ports o! the year's wonk, which wens- Bateman, Secîetary. very, brigit sud encouraglug. The parlor meetings werc successful se- PAPERS AT PUBLIC LTBRARY. <itally au well as financially, giilg The daily Globe sud Mail sud Em- aubstantial aid V o the mision Vopire are uow on fyle aV Vhe Public lumbermen, work foi h prevention i Lbrary. Several Euglish weekly pa- - cf Vhes White Slave traifllc, as wel as pers have been ordered snd will soon iLeipng-In Vhe home work lu Vhs, arrive. Theis hi a lange number o! Fhoweî Mission amoug Vhes sck sud, = aziess sud peiedicals ou Vhe ,shut lu ,ouss, sud Vhs %Press Commît- tables, sud eue may spsud aiany tee.- profitable evenings lu their perusal. The Evazxglilstic Commîttes bas -. ,doue good work by conductlug neg- Nesily 200 differeut samples o! ulai song services at Vhs House 0 Christmas cards have arrlved at Vhs Refuge, nind aise taking charge et Gazette sud Chroiicle office. Cal -the Christmas. Tres for those who lu sud look theni over. Prces te live there. The concert given ton hs suit suy puise. Names sud gnecV. -purpose o! nasiing fundi tonr.-Vhs Vies ing printsd on Insîde iheet. Wanme Welle,>ttended that abundance0 o! good thingi could be pnovlded. Send your eiders te W. H. Taylor The work lu conuection wlVh Vhe toi tomatoes, onlons, cucumbers, etc. Francss Wllard Home toi girls, lu tonr'pickling-picked tnesh daiîy. Gar- Toarente, le aise' sncouraglug.'Th. dciii et Junction o! C.P.R. sud Port W.C.T.U. Travýelena' Aid laia mcm- Penny railway.-17. ber wiio meets lucoming trains- at0 -he union station, te, help gIrla sud ST, ANDREW'S CHURCH. Young women Who are sioes, aud The Rev. S. H. $arkissian, lste ef without definite woîk or place te go, Roslsud, ]§.C., wll occupy Vhs put- and much good bas, been donc lu this pit o! St. Audiew's Cburch at botb "ay. lien s&ary, lu pald by mneans services. next Sunday, Septemben 13. o! Surprise Soap wrappcis-for whlch6 4the makerîshslow-a omii sum, but GOD SAVE THE KING. by the hclp et msuy- mors thun su- 841h Ontario Itagimeut. ough bas beW trafsed fer eueslary, n5cruit» wated te fil! 1h.'places aud il la hoped that euough, msy be o! those Who rolunteexci for over- * raised -te bve snother iwomsau et the messservice. Appîy iu thsevsMing station. 'An> housekesper who uses9 at gs Armourles, or Vo Surprise sesp cau, If she w~ill, héIP Oco. W.P. Ever', Lieu. Iu tht. work, by wsndiug ber s O. C "BI, Ce.'y 841h RegI. wrappeis te, the Supexnendent of, thIis department, Mis. Rosi 'John- Hol>' Communion whil be- adminis. -sten. Such help wil be ver>' graVe- ercd. lu St. Johai' (Bay) Church on fully' rccelved. Sunday morn. September 13th,, Local oenrg Send your eider for fruit~ baskets Io McIntyrces hardware. PURSE POUND. Puise, containlug Oum or moucy, found., Appiy at Gazette office. .Wc canuupply repairs for al stoves and ranges, aiso steve pipes and ei- bows- always ln stock. Geo.M.ILioc, Send your order for- fruit -baskets) t6 Moltyrefs hardware.' s.ftsr the moruing sesrvice. Rev. R. W. Allen, o! A11 Sats'lwill il.ths cehebraul., ALL SAINTS' CHURCH-. Mr. Giover, studeut lu -charge o! SI. John's (Bay) Churc)--î,'ùvl occu py Vhs pulpît o! Ail Saints' Chuîch at Vhs Sunday morniug '-service". Mr. Allen wl Vake Vhs service aI St. John's Cburcb, sud wlll administer H-o!>' Communion. FIllE BRIGADE RAVE A CALL. On Tueuday morutng about eight o'elock fire wap discovered lu an up,. otalns room of Vhs home et Miss RiLckey, on Bynon St. The flne bell' 1soon- assembled Vhs brigade, sud a cr o e ctizeni. Whcu ths brigade- We bandie the- SINGER, Which is without doubt the, best on the- market. DEVE LOPINS and PRINTINO: - for amateurs attended to prexnptly. Wilson': Studio Xrnived ou tbe sceus the lire ws extlngu.ished, aud only umoke re- maiued. The fic scemu Vo have or- iginated in an unoccupied noom a- meugut a Pile of papens. A fsw pails o! wa.Ver queuced the blaze, as Vhs fic had net got into Vhs wood- work te any citent. IV was tentu- nate that the blazs was discovered when it was, as the bouse lu o! trame snd very dry, sud would bave bunned qulckly. Send your eider for fruit baskets 'te bIcntyre's hardware. TO LET.ý A smal bouse furnished for wint- ter months. Aise rooms- with or without board. Apply at this office. 64 The. young ladies who avaiiedl thcm- selves et the klnd offer of the Maple Lealf Tes Room, sud served Vhe Red 'Cross Tes last wsek, wlsb te, thank Mesdames Wiutcr sud McLareu fer thei generous perceutage et 80 Per1 cent. ô! the sales. Aise thanka te thA3.Ress Ço, ferloau eof isg. sud decrations ;iMeusrs. Nicholsofl & Seldon for use o! stretcher,. sud the Goverumeut for Armory guns, sud the tnieudu who seut fioweiu , ths -generous support oftVhs publie enabled the youug ladies to prepare s case et bandages, which were for- warded by the Dominion W. C. T. U. Supt. o! Militia, with' s persoual gift froni ber ote s 4Vh Regizueut, Iu acknowledging the parcel. Capt. R. B. Smith writes, "We are ail very thankful fer yeur kindass. Oui Am- bulance Corps are in the raniku, sud were delighted te geV the bandages ton Vhe camp hospital. COLLEGE HE-OPENED. The Ontario Ladies' Coliege ne- opened on Tuesday, September 8tb. Monday was a busy day wîVh the bus hunes sud baggage dellvery, as was aise Tueeday. The pupils usual- ly arrive the day befere epeuiug, some the day et opeuing, àuid some s day or se laVer. The College will bave a tain attendance for the com- lng year. The war uow ragiug in Europe, in which- Canada lu vitally iuterested, may have the efet et keeping some studeuts away froni Celleges and Univensities, but it wiIV« probabiy net lnjurtouslv affect educa- ional institutions in hs country. The effeet, howe'ver, upon European, on even Englluh institutions o! learn- lug will be of a fatal- chanacter, se far, at easît, as forelga students are conceîned. The uncertainty of the future bas pnobably more te do with Vhe upset- ting of business relations on tVMs continent than has the renllty o! hard Vîmes-for bard times ans nons la prospect than In resilzation au yet. é4 ASSAULTED A GOOD SAMAR- ITAN. The yeung éhidren o! Mr. sud Mis. N. Kohen, o! Oshawa, fonmeîly o! Wbitbj', have been made wards o! the Children's Aid Socety, Vhs pareuVt noV beung able te give Vhem Vths cars requlred. Whcu -the decise o! Vhs Court came Into effect, Mis. Kohen came te Witby. Sbc was bers for some dsys, sud did net appear Vo b. Viking cane of hcrclf. On Thuisday hast Mis. Harry Neskal saw Mis. Koben, Vook pity on ber, and tokl ber Vo ber (Mis. Neske's) hume, sud gave ber food sud suitabie at- tention. Latex, Mn. Kohen, acconi- panlsd by Pari Stevens, o! '>shu.wa, calcd at the Neskal bomne. la Vbq tnterview wbich folowed between Neshal and Kohen, the former sys the latter sruck hlm, lu ths face wlth s piece ot lion. Mr. ICoken cvi. deutly ,iesentsd what the Neskais dld for bis wlfe-aV icast that i. as the Nesiahisec IVt. Soxustimes IV là; dan- MeousVo pis>' the Good Samanitan. it ia noV tee sari>' uow Vo Vhink e1 your Chrlatmai carda. C. A. Goodfellow & Son have some of the meut beautîful samples ever offsred. Vo ths public, sud are uow îeady Vo take orders. We have 200 difierent samPles Vo choose trom, with prîces rauging frem a dezen up. Thli 1 ucludes your name and a greethng prnted on Vhes Ide 0of the card. Leave your order now sud gnt !4.,oit you0 ind. Delîver>' wilh e ad wheusver 7011 please. The main thlug lu Vo get youi carde chosen eaily, se that Vhs particulan kiud 7011 waut wlhl net b.eout of stock. If yen leave It VIII laVer, the stock nia>' be 'sold out. Cail :anyway and look over the sample books et ths Gazette. (Bertha worfolk), Torontoo; Mro'. Hoit, Bradtord;, Mi. suîd Mis. Spaîki, -Frcncbmall'8 Bay; Mr. snd Mis.. W._ Stevens, Bowmauvlle ; Mr. sudSrMn. John Coolc«gs, Darling- ton t,*Mié.' W.- Bunt, Oshawa ; Mr. sudgrMn. Wm. ArkseY, Mr. aud Mis. Wm. Sonley, Mr. ,"and Mis. Coâkwell, aik Mrs. W. .Jone's, of Brooklinu; Mr. and Mis. Wiug Brown, son . nd daughter, Pickering; Mis. -P. Swal- low, Bowmanvii1e I1 MIss Jennie Phipps, Toronto. Persona] Mention. Mns. Iaac ' Paquette, jr., bas gone ou a trip to Montîcal. Miss. Vickers, 'of Smith's Falls,, h visitiug tieuds in town. The Misses Gilpin, ot 1'orcmto, vis- ited witb Sherift and Mî<i. Paston. Mr. E. R. Heard has moved luto the bouse occupied by the laVe Mns. Websteri Miss Newman, teacher o! the Vr"del Eehool, spent the week-end îtb ber sister lu Tornto. Miss,' Lillian Thozupson bas ruturu- cd Vo Toronto after visiting ber paients tor the past week. Mise Beatrice Meeker was a visit- or over Sunday and Labor Day witb relatives in Lindsay sud Stuigeon Lake. Mis. Frauli Mathison îetuîned lqst wcek froni Gaît, whither sbc had been csllcd by ths suddeu dcath ot a aiter. Mr. sud Mis. Levi Stephenson sud Miss CoU ey, of Toronto, -sp ënt the holiday with Mr. P.J. Coffsy, Basej Line wcst. Mi. W. J. Hickey, of Detroit, for- mcîly, of Whltby, I.ou a visit to bis oiter, Miss Hlckey snd ether4 relatives ln to-wn. Mi. sud Mis. G.M. Goodfeliow are spendlng a_ couple of, weeks lu camp at Algoi.quiu Park- wlth a party cf Toronto frieuds.I -rhe aupiversary et the Whitby Bap- tist Chuîch will be ceiebiated this yeai ou Suqday su-d Monday, O)cto- ber 18 and .19. Rev. H. H. Bizigham, o! London, will be the preacher aud lecturer ot the occasion. BIRTHS. POWELL-In PicerfnÊ", on Satur- day,.August 29, te Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Powell, a daughter, Ethel Audrey. MARRIAGES. IRELAND-ALEXANDER-In Toron- to, on September 2, 1914, by the Rev. W.T. Graham, D.D., of lst Avenue Baptist Church, May Jane, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander, of Whitby, to Wm. James Ireland, o! Toronto. DEATHS. WILLIS.-At Wbtby, on Wednesday, September 9, 1914, Emlyn Souch, relict of the late Robt. Wllis, lu her 8th year. F'uneral Frlday from her late resldene:. Service at the house at 2.30 o'clock. CRAWFORDS Deilolous English Biscuits For Sale and te Serve. Mormaid Togles, V High Grade Chocolatés, Homo lads Cakes, AFTERNOON TEA, 0O00 MUSIC at W Maple Leaf I TEA ROOMJ lM .-1 WAR WAR PRICES Sood Groom Tom -250 lb. High oins Blmk Tum VA lb. Finost lardon Tom 50o lb. wily? Make your -owu soup when yen eau buy as goed a eau- ned soup as oursP Chickent Ox-Tal, Cel.ny, Tomate, Bouillon sud Pea. aix WhIto Vimogar 40. ai.ll Fruit Vinogar SOs G0ai. Yrour- buosiness frieud, WM. ,M'EEKER, Phone 94, - We1IT13Y -s .W E ARE REPRESENTATIVES ~for Wbitby and surroundiîng district of the Appeford 'Counier «Check'Book Co. HAMILTON, ONT. an~d will be glad to, subm.ik sanples, and quoteprices upoîl &tny quaintitY- or., style of courvter check book. Mercbeants, if your -fsupply is gettirng low, -pboîe us dwe w ill.--do the -rest. We shah b6-é,pleas .ed to quote YOU. upoîn aty j5Qb of priintisng you nay require. - C A.GOOI>FELLOW t? SON w w w w W W W W Mtiscelaneous* Adverts FOR -SALE OR RENT. 100 acre faim, north hait o! lot 84, con. 4, Whitby. Neyer failiug strsam, good pasture land, young orchard, commodious faim. hos, bains, ahedsansd stables. Tenant te get possession to pîeugh VWis fall. Appi>' Vo Dr. .C. F. McGilivrsy, Whlby.-t. VANTED. Laundiess, Immedstl>' for House et Refuge. Apply. te Dr. J.F-. Lav- ery.-Vf. FOR SALE. one neaxi>' new pneumstlc ire show buggy. New tires snd ncwly palnted. Hait prie for cash. App>' -st Gazelle office.-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE. New frime hous, Ifstoeys, mit rooms, S-pies.t baîh. furnace, elecVtIb hight. Apply J. H. JAMES, Wbll- PARU FOR SALE IN WKMTBY TOWNSHIP. Seaty-sevefl actes, lot 28, son. 4, thise miles fiom WhitbY town; cou- venient Vo thies rgllway stations, well suitel for, mli faming, ar- lng, or makt gardenlug. 8mai fguita, good orchari (piuelpall>' mpy Vises), usser fsiling strim, Weil sud eitein, fia.. hous,bank. bars sud other lange buildings. Seril gar of standing tlmbsi. Aime Vwo lots lu Whttby Vowu. C. M. Smith, ex- FOR SALE. Kewspsper and job. prnng plat lu thse ->'Cit f Cranbtook, B.C. for malest a$1,000 bsiew ictual valua- tion. Moneilus Vypesetlng machine Includci. Plant ueariy uew. Prie $3,800. Good Vernms te nlgM VParty. This offex will net lai. WrIte or wlre,- The Signal Office, Wstrouas, Sauk. CLTEANING. PRESSING -AND bi. James Beunett, Barber, form- erly of Oshawa, aud recently of Bow- manvtlle, bas purchased the property o! Mr. N.J. l3yers, ef Cedar' Dale, and will reuide there ln future. Trai ime Table, G.T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. Qoing-West....4Szam 1 ig sait....2 . IV. .1.07.u.f 6:53 p.im Suaday litas taivofo«Toicalo 4.52 arn. and 7.40 p.rn. Prorn Toi- cMt-4zalaa sP topaiWlfby Jionam a .8.15«sMd 9.58 &r.., am9.80 p.n.0 tYP-TOWN STATION. 5.42 p.m. 173 - L.avoeWhltby to« 0u4a» «aile &. ai 4p.M. JOs. HoMdes, pro. Leavu for Erougharetaio10a&. Mr. EdwUds, piopietoe. MAILS CLOSE. For Wet- 6~ m For~st6o.. For Port Whtby- 6.3o a.In 6.30 p.l por OulzaWA...,30 P- For MNorth -4.3o o.m - - - ý ^-WHENav REPAIING.if wtlxeye-gl1as"se sed t 1 have opsed a $%op for Vhe clesa- relatives and frfieds te us ing, pressing 'and repaing ai la$dies' - ythey de viln and gentlesi' suit.,su-ad am Pro- preof. that our work lus s pared, Vo give prompt sud cars!ni aiý- - fdr' tection .te al eioders. J. Bq, GULLIVER, f5 TwoýdoÏ cfu oWm Heppex 5s 'FA .b3FIIb, 0 PTICIAX Glibert Street. - 19 o uge UVt TORONTO itted their Ili'as iclng satis- 'M~G Livory* Cartage, and Teaming !-have recently added - to- my we1l-, equippe -d Iivery stable a heavy teani and dray *for'ail kinds of cartage -and teaniing work,and will be pleased te receive orders, which will, have prompt and careful attention. PHONE 6S. CHRRIAGE 1TO MEET ALL TRAINS, Jlohn 61mb/et DUNDAS ST., WEST WH1-TBY C AD aud wituesm the magnlsc n s aplning Mobiliatiou of Ganadian Troops -at Val Cartier wbore t. eore !Wolfe uni Montcalm ]end a btglg envoliroument te "Premeut D&Y Hhatory ln the mrsklug.n iteum@rs bave Toronto dally ut 2 p.m. untilsept-emêer Sth. Lut tnp Sotembe lCtbfor the Tbonaaund islands, Moutrea,_ Quebo sad Saguenay. Toronto ts Mantrean sd raturu $ Tapant t Quehea and roturo 84 Taronts ta Saguena and rature 47 Above rates Include nmeul aund b.rth. Taronto - Hamilton - Maîtres Lins Steamer BelleilMe leaves Toronto on Mon. deysutil september i4tb. Tarants ta Umotreal aid rours mia Aboya vites Incbude Steamer Passes thronu gobngaund For patibcular. agent or PAdres -Hues»., ? 1 à

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