Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 7

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Or, I Mfter ute .r.isected. ft wae botte baeýUwsa*ider. eyo tln for hçr alone, for ele.w8Uc1OTvèrýnouÈ "0 $tà" her .oaletry badno obCham b*itLrt. sB u ftreoled howeye loIt the 11111.e outry m<o have thetr wn way, > twse lber oug 1 hs t etra' bould lunch Lt s.addrae there for thega art wilonDlofe saidoheddnotIý Uwe houtd manage to bide t Jnw 4ooos f rom old Mrtia 1$40ne li Vsrwardine preb ýe o l ta ba4lb ad'bouglit money, a"d $bt tbmy dld flot wSflt t 014 oeyant, to kaew. becauae ahe w4 certaiet*g1 t.bca fsther--& porion uoi iiiae. fra t]ky aeknowledged t PhIDDS bËd a £betutiful whlte drema lb. ocasion, and t at with sweer white plumes.,Whoanon tb. anapil the wor: lt, se.)o. 4ial to- b h atrem -of 034 House, toit, nioreover, quite pqsal to the.1t But *ho was flot prepared for the suri Dulc,1s had lu clore for liar. flie fi WAabêd.out cocton rts. wu <& pretty I but flie ina etrailinur robe of as moft, pale Ue iaterial, yitli bati skoés to match. was a dasUiul y beauà creature, sud Prlmrode, 4ln asgliadeo0f g. that matched bier eyen, ruade a plot thatJItwïo d{Bult to forgét, "By James!" erclatmed, Herlott, wl thbm gils came out anltie lava. " tliree will be bard to beatl" H.Is rank eyei reuted- with iuarked miratlo"an Dulcie. "Yeg, ve are -rather nice, aven't lui said that 7oUfl# lady pleauaatly. "I lth Pri loks lovelyl" Prlmrose colored aà uhe feit eilht e focumgrd on lier, but so bore thoir o tlay brlavcly, anid turned to Hrnat, wb eregatd ah. teit was on. of-oentire Liben "Ptne featlure make Bioe bird.!" aloulokily 1rIppingr' lie repIl -and 'added vauely:"Lko aà prncine kaow." Prlirosesm sweeping .l14in1m coulai &ve ber an air of gontie*dlgully. stand nobaq alfogeterideoirable ci lune sdersnrmqarwardilxe If se cp tioxert heraelf e é,waulireflu terr-w.re .gtoiag a i snta ?um tb. other guette had gone, and ho wc .acure a tete-a-tete &fterwardo. The visitars began to arrive, and gardenparty pnoceeded veny much1 iilar gathernaga. Delturbet wae au celent hast, and won golden pInions fi every one. flie 'enjoyed esé I oughly, for iiearly every Young man r tated towards lier scouer or later, a she was surrourided by a litt1. court yauths, wvili] a gentleman ln cdon dreem ancliored himself next ta Pnimna and refused ta be dislodged. Ho clung * ber society wlth dotgged determinati waa tha last of the. gueeta ta beavé, a éyen thon sait good-byo wth- evident luctance. "Who vas your admirer, Prim?" as] Duicie ufter dinner, ae they at on.t terrace. "I liaven't the aliglitest idea," sald Pri rose, mmiling. "I1 know," volunteered Eel4nrbet qui 1r. "I look he trouble ta find out. He thé' Revorend James Èoombe. the foui mon af that very old lady ln the black s drooo, Mer ther mono are wild, butt a Revenend Jamet Io the apple cf lier ej Tt le ai that sh. -will leave hlm the hu -eftlier fortune, which ila reported ta rallier consqidorable. RIe le a curate son vliere in London, and J», taklng a rE noW',l "1Yow on earth dld you find ail th outP-ý'- inquired Duicie. "I happenedte.o ho talking ta lits r ther, and @lie aeked me who was t fnK lady in gray," replled Belturi rm perturobly. "$o I inquired âbaut t Young gentleman' in clericals." " OWhat dld lhe talk ta you about, Priam aiked Dulce. l'Yau eurely dont think 1 am gain g tell you r' retorted Primroee, laughi 11 dont nk for dtail. cf your admire remarkg. so you muet leave me inue Rbout my soltary one! Wcnmuet be1 t Lib pré)- Burns, Eti. pl) ~tlu-- __-------____ _-____ ___ ___ ___ li Ji. 4U. g1ru 'e.. WAMJJ4i- 1 ~~in - tins! SDulie siglied, and taIup ironabe ma.h4iib DO O lsar. &ho retàxedvwith:pi'umuee iich~angmeu, buier utlnho, 4 Jetpr~ drea f or the 4oopised muollu frook, littd-' ît pic isjaîîy. .u fo-. 0are 'tla.Jrelai Ou.. more," ase"0B7t'bit t ime lliey ba"reached the g~ae Do said,- auîliey bi4 Pbilippai&,tod a 0,f Blue Posta, iv» lsJm and Duls'e e mat rlbon l i at ln mulixnd ue n tanis tii lyiiendt ileui.Gatugt rI hoe, b was tl!iicharmlug. vuequ ikl lesd. Ilie t a is urnimut The twa'-aliter&, wth Eslurbat aM&laron, an tuh. M«nwalke( alaviY baok& ro-Renaott. iket alowly liiih h ga r. ta 0 gouas.Nelther sait mmcii, -but kno dens of 014 Roue, sving P ii b bth amake,>thlbutblfully, ion ta neither herhind lu a distinettWbad temRern.- o pite 'f teid i ii. oom a vony simpble mat. mane, abe had nt ol nj he lb aadeu tnd, panty lu theuiat, ad'-aow ohé W""loft, > hé alons whuls I bomeo va naisa aunlenedt êkot- offwitli Belurbotand ber brother! '- OAPTER y. At Iliat mom"tnl uloie aleo Wl. feelng eO nseiude thie- tvalittia haglraoma-.that annoy Ele bad linted .uMieutlr,,withCOcmmunaed.e<j vhi eaOtllier 'andt siej Sf Hert for eue day, and vIabad la wslk foth t uluitive eea i iïantha,Ib thon7 home tbnough th.e'waad ta h bBellurbel. wiab the1. 8h. nealsd. Ibat as 7e1ale bad netmad ok ue fa r aI Din adte ine 1 feu 'very suuch hâadway wlth -hlm, although db tilracould rm-stb131Q6luite boali. hon h d. ssalays ready ta rapandteta er te lui$ c aubjeol a i b valk boreb"" lopsalles itutdo ber biddlng. Bul Belub W iiy ovlag ualer, What dît Yau" '0. had declded tiat Primuca. vas tea-hi hie and'aur hast lalk about?" ah."sabot, villit an campanion, and therefore fle fa unt a suoler - ýab. heroîf farcot 10 walk vitli Henlatî,' Who nmoelae tedl Ile ae >rise hastened bies flpeln orden ta gel ouI bef on ane are diely.a e ss ana oai esshat ai the allier couple. 1 "ut erbc uo talk t a Il ul girl, Ile bhad fallen bead .over car# ln lave I" orau seta t.Yeuwsndalte," e oma vlth Dflie.and latentedtIhal it ehould ave noet, a aav idsme, ac n and b. eomthing mare than a flltation. Hiaeaulrd. flou tswy ¶ui t laaly tî t Uful maniuer 'waa a 11111e tac astured or an lidebedsllanînauan.Btrot rray- au lie.lochlier arn, Id 1ev. YOu proimnuet Mn. Heo htt be bue "Coin. alon , flide!" le nhtois uBetrKIS@Md.g~.l~M N ISSAF ,uue te hie.aarir Do rau supposMr ot. B utnhé ir i eh. su sapet. gtdlsntk , thatiu d Mn. lAN i S F ben 111 dan't hry" bHnapderlott have met ln th. Woods, and bave' rau r Âdvu o abur. i oat oue for vallis tagtbeuriiearly. eieryultdver cxk£r . Andju bave slways lot me 'walk night Ibis veek?"ultd-oqn ae n"Ckfr ad. vith yau-llbe Ibis aunallier eveuinga. Wby1 a;I m erboii crtinbng andnt A dofouwant ta change uov?" sm mpou et> y ertain h 'doa lot I "' Fe?" fhIbav a aîb aet arm-ln-a ho ai eenuabomnablelm HerIwlatta ansd serve plain wth, the mayOli-( vÎn ihyute ti ut m natr- ýr eli ta amusee oneseif, vltb,:but as naise in a &oator pull -off the leaves tion vas made," sait finie. and fo7 anythjng es.-" Dalcde ehuugged ins for te Home L arneîe daani 175 Heriotti vea illent for a moment, b eu sî'ouîlers expresslvoîy. "Besittes, bhoL ' nd arragohe wndae ,1 ugthon ple agaili.hanta n ' tien s ue> you 04W that Bellurbet visbed affeeble ['u 0 Pirim, dont b. die- plate in the centre, then take Out "Therfore thene ln uo alternative foru u- gh u ewl ihmbta o r n zmoerelonted, and nlated au a. tamin i ittli8pieces, mix witli may-1 sociable I viilo t vear>' you vllb aay curately a@se.could lier canversation -oun.aadpt-h ioei h ledl, convereation."' with Delturbet. flie boobet thaughtful. Choice Salads. cêntreandtpetbave . ipoe min-e You R lcosed bis lips ueaolutelr, and~ refus. "lie la oiug tea asIcthe Horiatista ecnr ftelevs iemyn et ta ssy another vaut, luavel withli hm becalmise Io la laely at 011 and Vlnegar.-T-he expert tai- naise on the -ine bebween the two Du', lie, ueeentlng his assertionIt stBel.-01d Hanse," she murmured. "Wcn'î Phil- tur trbt pefrrd Pimos's oman 1 ne u areJOia.! Wllloo it, Pir s admixer nvrpubs the ail and imb which Vthe leaves canàe dipped.a hers, groy unreasonabir anguy, and made ram tiret. Penbapa, however, thnvi-!vegn-dotra.ninga ta-11rel>drnessing is puèerued by ane or tva utaliarba ta vhlch Helaîl made nat turu out exaetly as aur hast praposes." ieaan otrsaoig t-F n, -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h nerpyaosvIa i apno a h huti lbe toor betveen the twa gether, but adds thein separately to om fou this aaila<.. Fué*e'nh uw la what lio callet a "tautrum,' but vas uaams, and went te het. But shecoSuidthVe saaad. If a saaad ie perfectly artichokes are esten -by dipping the be uMeiientl>' phlogmatic teta labne notice. net sleep, 8h. cauld not forget MeulIot'. RW is siater getlIn rages aometlmes. but neoi'Ods. "11t-ta my intention to Ignoue yau mixed, and the matenials are in the eatiabie part iute ail acasoned with iien one vas a penny tb. vorso for bien', and untîl you have apalogiZed." They seeln- i- h odto oolwl ews at )td ito ld bhmeelf that -11 vas evltently a cetVo bc hammeret into ber braîn. Sil ih odto o i iibewse litt1e faillng ai Dulcel'saiso. Proseutly, oomié alo el h~a. couit by being kilt -on the plate. But fu FutSid.Tepnape i lb. liavever, ho loobed inta her aagry puetty quit.easiiy dispense 'wlth hlm. n ftelvrd nrdet o lîbe face, and brobe silence. "I said I veuit marry Athur etrbtsomne-orte of! seTviCe àli iMost Co n !tiefvrd nudet "I vanter if Yeuucalils oow exceediugly asud1'will" $ho tait honseif eavageiy. "Ail venieut 'o mix thne "French duess- t-lis saiad.- A puetty ealad- may -be t rmrude yenu have beou ta me?" hlambet. -the Jims, Phîlippao, sut Pnimroee in tho ing." Putthie, pepper and saIt ud imade with few slices o-f orange, a to io- I funly realizo fil!" repled flie hoU>'. vwont abli flot stop mer' avî. "y onîr fear was lest you sheuit net.'i. - The net moufllng vas duil ant shovery. peuhaps &,bit ai! mustard sud other fe-wbt !pniplril sns ant Ris gaod-tem oued- face liaudenet a lit- The firat pant braurlit a leIter iran' Mr. seaseuing in a disin, add vinegar oif lettuce heauts, or iu addition ta io cf îlbut lie epoke ver>' quietîr. Cars'ardlue informing bis tauglitarm Ihat Dau"lie, I wiî-î ual let you gay t40ho le as ntunlng the folloving day. Dul- and then atir the oil, three times as h eto iti rnhedv Sthîngu Vo me." cie mate a grimace. sho ueemet ciuita te mhat vansly ~ sd a litth ofo!the -blanched cun4ly& ose "'Wil not!", 8h. iaughetscarufuil>'. have recavered tram ber lit cmepo.f ucha ieai bikys ton, "Ha-w do You propose ta stop me? No one hurgs lhulipiintvu the dressing wili be thick andenieo aticaedGrae-I a'd et has puevetet me esayiug anythlng I ehshatilvet. obreamy. Garlie u-bbed on te the dive or chicory. Serve -with mayon- b rad r k." "I v'sli ho voult stay away a vook or as hne ihcemo ihe n- "Thon ht le eridentl ' quit. tI-me yen tva -langer," eh. msait. "Hivwever, ve bave dish fluaI heigbtens tine flavor andniethned ihcra orwt vouwee taben ln liant."1 ho sait coaliy, villi mate the meut ai aur oppatnnitiels vhulst je muci flavoued by the sophiotiicat- saur creain whîpped up aud seasan- Ir the sloob lin bise yea that -vouit have vaun- lie b. been a-way," and sho laughed. eo etflId t bldeliu anuehu se WO ca't goe ta the vots tea,"si d with sait, pepper, and me .i- cocu IL noe.bala t11esotngadn Inexpensivc Quiek Mayonnaise.- 3uice ta Vaste. The sheil a!fVthe pte "You are ver>' funar !" ah. rotortet. andtheb fast-fal ng naIn. aDelsemtmsue osreS "uthnofcus."Nover mind," -anwevu lide. 'Lot us One-fourtin teaspoon a! naît eue- ati n entne adt ev "But- hon.aicr e ohave alvays do oine dreeo-makîug." hl esono msadd.sedfruit saatciin, as al-sodesserts. r ked u- you as the josten-Ibat ise tho Thhy-Ilcuplet hhemfeives dith thei a le ol ofet a tl hYocpe hmsl«ýwt hL l rîli "Yu-i hguypadnfr «ht"h neetles until Mr. Carwardînes n eturn. ilIn one tespoon of cold water, a- 511k sait st-iy] a gtopardlon for hiug begrootet thon' ouriy. the cheelcu, but the girl anl>' ]auglied again, how yan are."-nt one >' tpihcfpeppe-ofesinly r, n d Uefl ing eu espa a iegr neeg Fuench lard uubbed ou grals !ilk .YOu must indeed ho a foot if you thlnk *'We5Te Quite weli. thank you." anoeen. olk, eue-hlai!cup acd refiuet coctten- b. shah dthbat," va. hr eucat>'repir. - et flie an'iabiy. -"Mev are you?" '- bains will cause Vine stailu -ta beave i ne- "You ill bog my pardon belon. I epeak e fatheujuuanted. - -sccd oùi or peanut ol, and finahly w'ien washed in Vine usinai way. d, *Sure] Yeu on't iaginethathewantked.th"I teant." one ou tva tablespeons o! bimn I f uyou wish te place a dis- direct- oi tut YOU te speak tanme?" but 10cbnushed past themin mb the stut>', juice. The more ta'rt thie dressing l n ieieptarbnrrn n IXdont Poosos much imagination, btvhe MpesetyIartha teck a in yîsthe better erne people like i n Jt ly ntahee pu'it f rm eppingu- Me. may15 as veil tell rau that tI l i> myIen- ,'uueat iith ia subatantial moal. 8h. e- taddii okepî rméip . i th. lion te Ignore you, au fan as le consistent maîned teat.ld>' for nome timo, and mare lemon juice is ne-eded bv; far Wrap cheese in a ciotn roistened ri ,ot ivlth convontienal neee, untilrau huve ivhen ueemerged berulook -vals tnun'- tInwit-h fine flavored olive cil. wti iea lyuîel ep i gs POlogined for rour bebavior," pliant. 8he vas a tan, havmatu- ie ha itp i tlhau fgreeifreoi -oll i lie lie made son'. gibing uomark, but niglit as a guandeaun. Hon grsy bain' va The lemen juieag htp h Ji" ivalked aloag ln silence. bis beaut fuitlgl ylteê aeabio ttebc !crsiga well as jes it a better mLunhst flrg nsml o! wratb. Hec longedteV shako the gin,. ber hast; she voue a blacki stuif tresu andtuc eso areaclSalP to andtot tel] ber -whaî, ho thougint of ber -bite apron. but no cap. Sh. batl a oparo tas-te.- do-il-les are oeeco thée-best ways outi eg bullîlon ef temnper, but vae vise enotîgli face, witli largo featuresaund an ugîr UeaJe opplV -n ml ftletianî !tétbbcoh Int' te refrain and walk oilently ut her site. mouth, and looked suspicloualy- aI evon Ue>'ep-u pae-n ral ftetrnyo tetbett. f aee Duiie o Sen becamine sent, toc. and by th e eand evorything. on th e ath f 1mu.ietai wht-sk. The rotary-bea.teu s ýVhen jedine is spilled on sheets i go Vimeeya>'bd reachet Blue Pot hbdcarwardmne, ohe bad talion the manage- net a go as thne wlîisk for quick o bti',srpysa h ril begrua te regret bhruoutburst. sebdmont et the bhunse imb lier ban .oand i.la- goeJ ipl oa tearileý Primmno sud Belturbet vere net yeî ItenetVokep $hho Sh Zv a good wvrk, because it akes beb-h hands 24 heurs in cold water. le besi ,frtiolteli puoeyj W el !~ ilfa eManage il for anc thing. Put Two bru.shien d uembs -should be i dawdied unati Duiciea tnd li er utthé village kept BIne poste upoîlesoiy .t bnBplteal nudons x 4e eydetssig.Jls .a cf sigilt. Puinnose walked quleil>' at ber 1cen. ediïilikod Pnimmose adDuie io tepae&ligeinse-o vr rsig!lls htae companionu m@ita. Hon pulses bat quick- bacaulse îney voue Young sud bhappyu. ncetheolademnjiad enet a littl as obe sav bu' deliberately Cia, because ai ber man>' impertinençus, ep h i u emnjîc u reeh anc may be used eveuy day, c manoeuvre ta walk vitin ber, but she bad wa p atîbcuIaniy abiectionabie. stà r altogethen vigoruuly with the To ruake a fntlIed tues wihite boil cl csugbt uîghit o! Dulciýe',o face fou one m<>- This vman vas triumpbanî to-day, be. whiisk. Then holdingVine 'hall cîîp i ntogloso ae iwil mont, sud baev that lheu aliter wvlau-ai*cause #hoha batfouat out that thfintergosiln oglnsfwaeinw h , nayet. Primnose reheliet. Wy hui at been ut Vihe garden-party at Oit a ciii lin the ieft hiand drap it in 1 h Iaf-cuplul1c raio atri Dulcie bave oerthig er ova vyd.Roune, ai courwe vithou0saofbeir fofathors d g eurl> ve glitn tartge baraiterknovlédge or consent, -at t b athiet rop by drop for a littie 'whiskiun dis&t.>ved. a a quarter of heur af her hont's éocetey? ihome fmcm it 'with Ive gentlemen. Sh cgbstanbly, sud thon let at run a To T-einove paint from olat-hiug, Beltunhet mate s uemarb au theo beauty couiteret it her duty ta tell Mn. Car- fine streain ight inl the middle of satürate the 6pots wiîh ammonia of the nîglit, ta which sic relie<l natur. vitudine wibat a bapReaed. ally. but not ut mucht length, and conver- "Sent thon' te me,' eo sait, thopa-tinof thé wiisk, wvhich shonît aud turpentine, -nixed, aud theu ébaticn eoemedtote angulsh betveen thon' They came-Dulcle cheerful, -Pnimrme move straight back and forth aclross wash oîît lu soapsuds.r antîl lie made a ueéluîe attac'k. telling apprehetisive. The oit gentleman toaItr hin'seif ho wouit net lotthIis girl puzzle thon' wbat ho batl heurt. and asked thon' thé plate. This aperation can hé The best egg beater is a glass iar C bin' an>' longer.,7îPw tino>' <muedtot deceivo hlm. burling cempleted'in four or five minutes. adafrn'vr ii.Ntol "ThankosIto Youuand reun sister, 1 have iabiiieiat thoin tlii Primnose gi'ew pale. adafr,*r hp o uyp heen abnle tc give =y guesis, theo HerIotý, nut Dulcie listonot le him. anspanentîy un- Beet Salad.-There is no prettier eggs and cream, but mashed pata- at mOia lienat a hoie emrked. "The>' voil moved.a hae ' en>' Juiltlime f ou tnt' Itl h net atli olurprIsing tbat 1I o@eand more generally acceptable sal- tees, can lebeaeun il. of been kind cnougb te came te thelu nescue.", my lemper sometmmeo,' oie thaugint.'con- ad than slices o! t-ho ittle new beets (2-rnAtarch je tl'é -best for starch- se "I thinit," tiîci Pnîinee, "the kintneaq iaideriuag the a-wfui nages fathen file inta.'" onIetbucje leaves, with cii and vine- ing cîîffs and cllars-wheat starchin i is Vie allier wa !abut. You and run "Bût roualyi>'I luoniy naturai that vo fran -ha-ben 1*-,intta us.ri ln' llluitMqaofriontA, faîthen"." me at gar or 1annch 1dresai"gcr Ifthé1 ifotr délica. _Qatesssnie taunorc 41il 'm. ut~- ' lli '11NI u u" it t ie teaspton of water. ïnu viich t Wliv x-loft uhti<r neud cîyvli !pi.alwnys good vitin cld fts;h, but it istc 1iz>g-elt-d. b1ute miiîai'J is dissolved, and tie wige ta serve tbc sauice lu s separ. 1 t :1<1 xiuutuof thax. ; b'-plc'tel. tbuP Ina!! a c-uap o! t-hé bestolive 4À]-j1nte huvl, as Ihere -aueé some who nol b4-iciii-tSyiin rit;, glla lestpiono' Sllil.Vhisk tbc mixture oe IOitl etwvecn - cousider Lhemi t-cerich. hie go ul te 'c'y tgmh-e,', i>efort- t'for: 'hurt-h. additions o!.,f u- an tihe end adda'l'TuieaturrtrdI t kha-s becoine t-he ashion la serve - eý. j fne u-i 'fi Slciak% <Hîungar'y)are a VPcrv a few dnimps o-f bhoiiug watér, Per- ilehicken, bec! aud han ahiccd, ow- lgi,-)Y rtît uxu ;i ur t-t - 'i înn -earfL 1 j aidnzrmjnïýhape ta.secomnd timo. Tino extraj ing te the popular dislike for thé act lel'c-ooîy.--hi ni- .,clg~ii utthere art' probalibl iaek slieep îWhiskir19 makes l igbe'coe fcrig tbn al.Bti h i l u ! u î u b ' l I ' - r u u e l i ' V t i n c q - u v a n - n n x i ' u a ' ; t h t - r r at r n i m r , a n d t i n f r o t 1 a n d t i i c k e r . a n d t h V i e a d d i t i o n o !f V i -c i m e t i ls l i c e t u t ht i n t a b l e , i t v i l - - 'i lutî< u ii uH o j ;,ri it- î4 e f r f tl c ( a tli',ic ('Iiirc h t b ili ug - wa te r a lso w ite us it . 1711Y j a ste nu c h b e tte r la n d w ill re ta n a n ue " e îu' aid , l'u u: y e n . e m in i s c nt cf th < a n li i le le m on j îic é il h a n e e d ed . î<it o f it i' hla yo . Iplld huuék nb'v wonildui' dîlîgbi ti e n a o If tay imconteadiino gJ io vinin yen.- ne'PlLu'Primmocop. IpIli i!IITInt a- etedj in arn ,-:u-' u>' on ai m ailthémixture looks granaîlar doi -g- ynt-.-t[>land in those." days. fsava Wide i net imagine thal it has cirdiat, but 1111k'11'nts to KnoiY-.a -nul lii-u'et. piqued at hica failut-e u- 's'rld 1Fa4,te-,ed i n Ibis iîlan iu kéep whiaking ou add a fév draps i-f),c' b er iailargo mon crapinauJ t cfI-,eiig wter to cohere it. Te Motlier (cookiug)-Pnew I ats ilif (-entre us a, lxrge iiintcl'p. atdliaOf '- Vle t-aabre et - -on diaeo't-r- i:gruaxly LircereFt at tIeac tu'o u cmller oun"it0fopposbtegg - t ht-il'xdn rnîurn:ud ha, yu:rth pfiI~ close keep ifo beiug l50 t[hick Vhat il, Willie-Why don't you make -il i -ch endox. it- iu-et unI ho <mîuîte t-gébher. The!c1a.é fttarOun<i ll teeni te ppsamore oïli a- ew o ? -.Weil, 1 bat sarceiy tva hundret- vurth wist aud ankles 4if offeudors, di'ops o! cuit vater anoaddgod - te lire on in Londonî, and nov I_ bave and whén a man or wemnan ha f ram tino teo ti-ie. Th4s viii keep - ohrIu'îmk a emomthia>' like tventy thensant." od ' Pouinaps tuai woutt walre hon up! setstelen wsme-t-ing theyv ere loeked 1vel sud oeetabiespoonful O! il goled, m y , ou.te ro -Oh. I ceuni soean malte i> iyif I liket! peîled'te hold jintineir inands what- make-s au excelleut dnessinig do1er tel1 y e f ya andisu>' ba ue Cu]>' 1an ratiner a quiet sont cf eiap, and ever thiey bat abaolen. Eveuy Bbo- fruit salads. Cotten-seet oil dress-hetnak'mgo; uifhct, forn n au~ia ao eatauo ye* ak attends mas «n Sundaya !rom nags afbeu leavea apectîlisu aftée!- h ant e ', "inueh a ici of moea> must ho a great ne- vhich i may be gatl-eret thaI this feet iunVine mauth which olive oil3 y hn eh "- 19. Nliou;w. viat ld oîyu censîder Public exposturé vas ne sal or- tees net. -- "Pin afrai 0u nytîn er nhe iut tingr toluido vit it' tdea. The post heaus s terse in- Arîleheke Saltd.-Tlie globe arti- - giviug you a lot cfi fisin I his ek 'It le ne use asling me.- ilié sait detrnltino i,îi ioe li oldsdié~e otetnn"si-tegna. a ý'LI bI avé agu'1etyoîn." lhepeuclustot. crirtion, -h rnlto fw hcoe li oie n evd dod'a ad h e liait, a "Theuî aunce yeu n3mai.' she repiiei, -I is, "I do not usk you to cofrne, but "- a - salut, is préferred by many tbey st dowp te t.inner. "The facI tblak s'e uegint ta ee tiat al lie paeple f os mý on reur ost.ate are pueperl>'- caret for. 'aucieIreceive yau."1 peoipleV.> the vegetable eervet hot. is 'iy wife inas got hit *a,,f whaî Tien. are s lot o tuninle-dova cettagels ---w--i--.---~. itin s Hollandaise zaiice. Wa-ohf souud:nâ like a, realiy capital de-vice hpionging ta the Oit Heouse etate, and,- aud reinove outer Jeaves -ndsutu off fer renieving a fisihone stuck in thée Maryianruis -wheuthé tenant? have been Tiiere are 28 railway -tunn.els i orho hr !tn a.thoat,. and ve waut te, sec ifi i n jes ar Ionr ens a inbout h-ora tti f te -op.ffi anud dLlsapidst' wis Itnakse aei Englant a mile or more long. Throw into salted snd silitly acit- wonks-" CI -go. ri mlulrn d rnany diffntmw rasnce hb.s 1tné Ksi-, hv el:an the German actvitÀ"e -hav olmh - ithith h VinA '-G réat ;Britan." Eniglund-limasconterol over 'Ègypt aud -tin ocunptry aboutnt h. southern point cf AI.rlka extending ,nontinvard, but thsisà broken in its constiiuity ,by the, GnnimipaMs-ý ian. ou the eeîsten oast (Gexmaný E&&t Af ries). - Good Picklng, Présent probabiliies are'.tÈMt vinateven map majking, if any, la doüin uAf-nies, will, be dons. iu spité o! Geripany alnd at 4ermmsny's cex- ,penne, Tne Gernuan p iuons in. Afnica have a total ares -o! ne&a.1yý ,amillion square miles, or, ta bo exact, 931,420 tequane miles. Tino Afrnicain possessions are 4y2 im es as large as G'eumasny "Ifel, which . e about 209,000 square miles in ex- Lent., Tine African possessions have a -popultiono! 12,700,000, as sgeant .65,000,000 in Gernsny. Apant front ita African possesanon.S, Gemuny las ouly a 1ev small is- lande in tino Pacifi. - 1 - Untaubtc-tly -tino Frenchn are the botter colonizers sud tne moat bovet o! the tnree-great European na- tions in Af ries. If tine wvoua cornes to bine wort, it, is sadt, France coeuid raise a black army-o! 250,000 tua figint for ber, vinile tine Gérinanis waould have tb figint viit Eure)peau '>oîdiers anîy. Tine blackt living andor Frenin geverniont have been miate Frencn subjeets aud-theo .qual o! Fuenchmen, sud love tinoir 23, byllJ.1VPoUsessions ScattUercd, - Gnan p'owsSssàoe n bth r w,- n d heGrcanterioy n ,ju i derman sessie o etn ears th dTino erm-nt Vuenit i Afnili loteta inonule w-o vara ined-îide m-t for saittine c .4k, spiket inelmet. The Egyptisu fellah On tine east coust is Germa-n EaSii res<pects his. Bniiiinmstr but Africa, on tno vest Le German îe doesu't love ij. Soutn-woat Afnica, iie, farther, nortn la Caýmeroons. Togojend is a; Took Part of 3lorocco. Iittke strip eandvicbed in betweeii Colonizajion methods of Vine treeFrulDinse'atVeBiiui iations are wideiy différent, Inu-: GoId Coae. - - let it is"samJ "vhn bine Englin Togal-aud bas aunarea, of 23,880 mcupy a country Vine fimt ting Viney lséutls inl h pplto -ul i cust-om ieha t-be Ver -s 1,580,000, of vhom on-ly 363 are ,uald ta brrsa ntee, chaEuropeans. Gei-uau Souti-wesl nanla a ba-ra u Fecn Africa bas au ares e! .about*322,411 Eavy fot-o Germen territory in square miles a-ut a populati<>n af Af rica, bas been gainet atVthe ex-2000,-fwihbt1,0ar. pense a! friction. Que clash oi!the while people, and o- tnese 12,009 Germa andFroncn resulted ininne. are Oc nana. - GerannEsatA-frica aormer taking a goot portion ai the .aé an area o! -384,180O. sqîi-are 'ich Moroccan countruy lu thé uorth- milea viith a popula tion- o! 7.500,- wcat corner of Africa. If the war 000, 0f wlîicn about. 6,000 are Éuro- exteuds Vo Af nica andthtin Frenchn peknus. Camrneoous, '-haviug a couat ire vietonjouis they wauld undoubt- lie o! 200 miles, bean au ao. tdly démandt Viis portion -of Mor- 191,130 square miles, su a occo baci a-ut the Cameroons ýan- 3,0,00 population, o! wbi but other Gérman possession on thée 40aeEuoeus west ceast, would in ail probability 4. go to France in addition te Alsace and Lorraine,.rasp hlii, i:sta govérnn]ent aupouniced that a trace~ ma-ny square miles in ares in Vinej ineart a! tino Siuiiara -,hâd bées - r claimet and vas 'ready'fou ýgnasu- pâIàntiug. -Oun e 'basis 'o!' pait work, in 50 years oine half o!fVine' descrt will bé recizet, - Thea-ffairsait home havé kepti Germany busyo!ë laVe yea n sud inerW colonial enterpuises have, been k& fiat failure. In Afries tino Ger-ý man possessions have moue acîdiéns' thin traders, sud more bsnrackes titan acinools. Tino natives ina-v.beon' se reducet lu nuruber tâiat it. hais be-eu fount n-cessauy to inMot v-hi-te laboi '-agmoat part o! theo heavy vont iu rairoat building - On OaObstacle. Weue lb noV, for Germany theo "ail1 ,ed" railway, from tine Cape ta sjaro on tine ensut cast, vouid ho )osisible for the British. A glance Lt tne map vill show tnis broken bit Apossession.' Il will show the. pre- -n-V territouy held by tno Germiaus n t-vo sections ou thé veat, atja- 5et ta Vine BelgiaifiCougo lunVine ýentre o! the continent. Germany îight in Vins next fev years l'o ýois, if site survives t-bik var witn- )ut losing ber Africain possessions, urcinaso Portuguese Est Africa. The Kaiser may possibly, ere tbis, wau ia aven, lose bis focthold lu Af- ica sud at tbe saine Vine Vine îrendi and Vthe l3rlis Possessions vould be enlanget. Juiat vhat, this nca-ns uay ho gleauot f rom bine fact àat German capital expeuditures n. Af nica hatve reaclied a t4~al o! ;00,000,000. IVonderm Donc. Going int the desert oouutry of e Br'itish you Corne t-o Timbuetoo, ,hich 20 yeurs ago was. nothing but naine, alnd is now the junction of n Àtlautie-Mediterrauean railway, ai't of which bas been constructed id part ci! which is under conatruc- on. The French empire in Af rica, la ot ail desert. Twa years ago the "Uncit Sain" runs tome pecuhian". biisinesses, aud among th= i iithat -6f a neindeor faneý,r. Thora-l'h. Goverumeut borts e! reinde'er, which- corne chose le the 20o,000 uxark. To the inhiabitaut of Nortin- rn Alaska the raludeer is a t-owu- right neccssity. Reinteer tiams- inaul Vine mail ta ine scatteret goit-7 miiuing camps aind se-ttleuenbs -fan frein t-be févw miles a! railroadt iat Alasaka possasses. They eau carry a bigger lucd aud go furtiner and faster tinan the zualamutes, -or trail- degs, aut a much mare iinpcrtant factor, are veýy éasily, !ed, l iving maiuly ou A reie me)ss, Thle rein- deer ia ual a native o! Alska, a-s most people.bhink, tlît wa» fiu'st in - trotucet inîto Alaska b.y the Lmnp- landon; sud "IJncIe Samn," stweing hav aclaptedt lethie coiuutry t-lit-deer were, Btatc,d te) brt"ed tleu 1 hIeýv were < u~hgthe ' la.- ti ve pusitmcn 4)f variot liliutl'iei ad fmusical centres. Gcrmanv sý,c'd ,to have the imi't lotaries, mîîc'h to Lthe cvident displew!ure of one ex- citable Itahian, who wished flis own country b carry off there alm.,j I"Italy is tîîrnirîg out, the mbim ln- aiciarîs, and lîîmalway!; t-urned out& the nrs,"le continited. 'Xfl ' exclaimed a German pre5sent:"e you blame thcm 7?" E~mtGranuIlleSqa 10 Pound '50 Poukd ,and -MO iPound ,CIoth-as and ii 2 Pound and 5 Pound Sealed Cartons aIP at, terl nery in When YOU buy c~ Extra Granulated S- ugar in ariy of these originalý packages you are sure of getting the gentune Cýanàda's, finuest- sugar,' pure - nd dcean as whep if left -the Refinery. It's. worth wile to insistý the Oiiginal Packages.- C.ANADA SUGAR RLEFINING CO., LlIf!'ED. m'put 1

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