Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 6

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is thb e cors &name f or ljaciçof blocd. l"ereMay Vb.&a tual 18s in the quan'Uty- of the bloodý or ome or - moýre or' i,é onstituents ýnay bé< teckirng. It% truléat - ymptom la pal- -l ý,Anaemia le pairticýule-n.y oc-n mon i-n youn-g girls. It Ïlanot, how- iver,,conMfinedclte themn-alone, fçr it --s this same' lack -of blood tlat pré- vents fui! recovery aftuer-la gripe fvrmalaria and -operations. It la. ajso prefenit ni cM age and -iii pewans who hae ben underlun- uuln2zt.ai or phyaical ortrain. If you~ are glîff.rixug!rm this trouble rDr. WiliiamWa Pik Pilla for F0 IPtopk ,Thtey nuke pýUm ,new b1bood vith ever~y dose, and 4his e w blocd mean S'health mmd etrenugth. Thousa-nds have proved the. truti o!> -blese statemente,,, mongý thesaiMr$. *Miaule Barýteaux:, -Axnepolfis,&.S., whc smye., "Foî.low-ine-,he birbh cf Mny third child I wa ompleVe -w re ck, I fait and ,Iooked an' if 1I did u-t have a drop of blood la my bd.My heart would pa4pitate no yilitJy th-at I could mot walk up. sta.irs wit'hout -being comnpleely ex- -hausted.. Night aftern-ighut I wou2ld h-ave te oit up in bed Výo get my bra-,I had, ne appetite bn'd su!- f 1eý r i fnm sve-re headacýheis. I w*is teking dotor'a. medicine e-Ilthe tinie, anid nauturally felt ve-ry mue-h di-scouragcd., Whule in tuas deplor- u4le condition My husfba-nd brought me hhone a coilple o! boxes o! Dr. WileT.-'Pink Pi1ll, and before they were! gone I c.ouid feel soen improvenient. I gladly contin.ued theîrirtpirutil I hed takcen, I think, -ten b-oxes,- whc-n I we-s comple-tcly ct1rcd. and I neyer m'ais so well i My life a% I have bee-nsînve." Dr. Willieams' Pink Pilla are sol-t by allhdeale-rs in miedicine or wiil be sent 'y mnil a-t 50 cents a box or six boxe for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. l'ietîorege Long Lite. A -curiouhý eocie-ty has reenetly be-n inaugura-ted by Co tn t Okunue-, te Japan-ese ex-Piè nr i-or. It le celied "Hyaki-nun--Kai,'i or t-he So- diet-y of Centenani-aný. Count Oktîna, who elieves thiat under ppr --conditions -Nve ughit t-o ho lh~uilvo for 125 years, is its fins-t pre,ýý-Mdt-n-tIn ree-hit-y pensons o! 80 yea is tu-tioîer a-ne- eligibie for mtembersuhip. Almo8t 500 membens met et its firet assemhly e-t tic eount's 1hus2. The eldest, pet-son wa-.a- womran of 113, who tre-veile-t a long diatance speccially t-o 'Ilkio -te me-et hon fellou centenarlane. Breitd.Maldîîg Aîîts.- 8-ore emark-a-hIet-ries are t>1(1 o! e- specie.s ofe-nt conumon - luDe-l- nmatia-. Accoî-diffg t-o Dr. Neger, o! tilic t)remdeen Fonestry Schooal, t-ils tint net -only cîtte le-a-es and gath- bris- teede, but aetually ma-koe bread -or, bis-cuit. It se-oms tira-t- theo seM.e %-re finat isprouted, . varnie i mu-o t-h-e s t-ti anti dri-ad, t-heu t aken back Vo tlice undergrouind chu-mbers, -wlîe-e -- theyare ohewed li-tu e dougi. This dough is tiien fin-aJlY me-de into t-iny cakes, wiiich -are bekèd lu t-he sun, tien carefiily plnced in s9tor- age fur futuretie- Sl SI ,E11II'1s 'lil 1IC('h Bult It 1il camne Out Riglit. -H.Ow sa îee played s trick t-haut brbuîght rosy hýeitltih i' -n int-erest-- ing t-ie: ufwas-a eoffe-c fiend-atremn- bliîîg, nenvous, physical wreck, yet cliîîging te t-hoýpoiFin that- st-oIe a-n my strengtbh. I îîîo-cked ut lkrrtuîmandwuuit- ha-vo n.n-ne of i--'(Tes, ai-o, is- injuiu-itîs, because it- cubnen caffeine, the Fýaîac pol- bonotîs drug found ini coffee.) O-,ne du-y niy sistersubstituted ae cup o! pipin-g bot Pos9tuin fer îay - --aorning cup oele-offee but- dit net- ichueess O0f 4it, and vîe-uîarke-d that .hie 'ecuffetu' t-aiied ine, but 'ny sis- 'ex- did n-t t-e-Il nue -1wisa~-d-rinki-ng Pvt-uiîî for feu-n I mighit- net take- "S-ho 41)t t-he Fucret anti kept- gi%'Ing-nue Postuin instend -off -off ee, r nrti-i Igrew -tronger, nmtre tiioles, ;ot a bhé-tbrI-e-n oc-,ion liny sîalcu ùieeks antia ea iuest-o îy eycs, t-heue] ihe -t-l-clmiet theheult- git'ing, nerve-stpengmthe-nin'g life- sa-ver sic hadi given ni-e lu t-e piae-e - 'FT-rnit-liet t-ino I becaine a- <lis- é r îp1-' o!fTPostîtm, and no, word-s con - de justice in*-tî-hiing t-hoe udt-hie eeneldrink did n 1t' will not t-ny - t- e'l! iÃŽ, fer on-iy afler having used e-t an ion-e hoeonvinceA. of its nié-r- Te-n da-ys' tr'ie-l uhowi Postuuu'a Scert-o i'cbîild uhat- tuea or e-offe-e ha-s destroyed. Nam-given by Canadian- Poetum Oc. -WndsrOn*. - Be-ad <'The pcadm tu Wealvl le," ilu-pkgrs. Poetumn conuea lu Vuuo forme: Regular poultum --_amuütb4 uwel boed. 5aenul25e 'Package,- Instant Poa3tum--se a soluble pour- don.ý A VeuéSPO-onfUl di-ssolvee; quiDk- ly in a eeup -of hotwab nd it- creant and uge-r, nu.ea a MdélOiUG bcveràge' iustaintlyo, 30e "and 500 tins Tire- .e't pon cup o! bo'bl kin&s-is a&bout- thle, Gante. pe m - -fliby. Onocers. Thee snuneemiet made thêt de I twachtxnenr,t of the Turoos, th» fowm- ous flwhding Algeriaa trcops of France, are- accompamyixig ,Vhs Frene-h'fori's nv;in-gAlsaée dWi closes the dîtt-rrijaitiion of France to, maate use vd the sp!ben.dd rîeg mefits of -natdve4nrop- f ro«n er colt- onice. Once b'efore a l 7o, i te, hour o! her need, France cailled upoin thel Tureo, anid the-y fought and &ied tlaronWlb tie biabtr winter of 1870-71, for the Triolor, Th~e regiments known &.feotion- ately Vo Fmmue ^at5Vhe Turoos ore the tËraLtuxrs -Algé.riens, .cusky Ai- gÉriun, Inftn.txrie1x, plendid fight- ei', IIdep1nd adalysn the Onk of condition f rom their ,;-ontleu<>u, border. flghting. Niue. reginaent. of Vie6.fierco Alg'eriau fighb.rs han Franiée '. heoe 'be-e-k, az>me-20,0006 iliig, men, who have p rove-d their valor. in every campalgu in whioh -t-y haye-be-en ong*ged sino. Vhcy wore orgaiized1ý n'eia.ry i. entury ago. Famious Figliters. The Fo-reign Legion de nwle up -of tw-o re-giniusnte o! tsix -battalions each, e-n effective foreof 9,800 men, ful'ly thirty pée ent. of whuom are AIsatians w-ho will no£ serve In the Germean army. Anotiher 20 per cent., it is estime-ted, &ire Gemme-ns, ni9st o! th.cm dcsusrrs f rom the Germa-n army's rigid rule,. The rest is ma-de up o! acive-nturers fr-arna&H ove-r thle world, nuany o! them in-en who have aiothing ý6* live for and Mwhlc want Vo die "with th2ir boots on." 'No questins., are asked o!f the prospective- recruièt in this <corps. If ho can pane the phtysical exami- naaLcn thuat la ail tia-t le ne-essary. The lî.story- of Vie Foreign Légion is one of tii-e miost glori-ous chapters in Frenoli ariy re-ooids. Orgaized lu 1831. Thoe-Foreigu Lesion urne argan- i7ed ou Februe-ry 4, 1831. Soins o! the mlauy canupaiigurs in which it- ire- woQ renown are thse yee-rs o! figlit- ingI egaist Ab-del-K-edi-r; the Car- l-jt -rvolutien in Spain, when thie Legion uras rant-ed t-o Que-on s- belle- of Spain by Louis Philippe; in the Criiea, iu t-le- Austrian camn- paigu ýo! Napol-on III., lu Mexico, -whcre t-hue ne-g-ent "upileld the ho- no-r o! France" i-n a canipaigu t-haut uras otiierurise disa8trous to the Fr,eh arme, eaid la-st but no-t leaiet, the Franco-Prussl'an urar o! 1870. lIi t-le le-et-namied- t-he, Legion we-s alnoMat uniil-i-ated at ithe b-t-t-le o! Artena-y, whien, witl t the Turcos, it, ooverred the retreat of do la. Mot-- ,terouge's Army o!4the Loire and savc'd it f rom destructiion. At Ton- kinu and i-n the liste-r Freucli colonial ca-npaigus 't-le Legion gaiaicd morue distinction. j Seamnîsîd Warriors. Tii-rue are, four regimeuts o! Zouaves in the Ninete-airti Army Corps, 13,500 mnen, a.nd five batte-- ion-s o! Af rics-n light infa-nt-ry, 4,600 strong. - The Chaseurs d'Afrique ar-s 5,000 s.trong, -six regimeinte of five squasutierse-auh. The- Spa-lis, Bedouin hors-e, uvhxo have ais-o met- tiie Gernuans once before, numnber 3,500 meu, iu foýur regimenmte. Al lei-i&.1t-h-e ebov--uentioued treops !orm a- fie-Id fonce of! 60,000 mou, exclusive o! eaneors aud ae- ille-nýy, seaýsoue-doaumpaign'ers, w-ho are elways "supoi-ing" for -a fight> and iu whom tiie epic-lt o!ýt-h."re- vanche" bu-rua as etrongy e-si-n tie other Frencli tro-opa,.-It- wes ouly se-e-r we-ieht. <fJiînb-ers thaut ve-r mn.de Att-uc-.an t-r'ops of Franco dre-urbe-ek in 180, and wheu tduey diti tIroir op)poîreuts i-oýr. only t.M gla-d tesee thein- go or t-o foli-ou ctos&ely t-hedr Eaôling, deflant re- tre-t. I-t- uil t-alee- lot o!ftgulti-ng te vil-ek the ardor o!itiose Frenolu- African tn oupso! to-day. 7.0,000 Binek Figiiters. 'Of zîative troops outside -of these lu t-ho Nin-eteentli Army C-orps France ha aany fine soldiers li t-lue tirailleurs isene-galeis, the big fighting me-n cf Sene-gal, who 4enea-- ted sueir e-sensation lu Paris a- year a-go, uhen ii-ey nuado ibieir firet appeara-uce -the-re. Then. are seven reginrents ,e and six soparate b-t-t-sl ions -o!t-hem; t-lre-e negiments of tirailleuÙrs malgache-s and on-e regi- nment o-f tirailleurs ýannamite s Iu aili t-ue-rue are 40,000 natàve troupe in the colonial- .rxnuv -o! France, ouit- slde o! Algeria., which le ineludeti l in't-he so-celied mnetropolitan arîny. A grand total o! 70,000o dusky-s-kin- ned Af ican warrlons eould be sum- moniI by -FIre-nco t-o he-reid if -ne*- ceiîsary, iîîclitding Tureors, 'Spa-li-s, Tîrailliuns and-ni-ie antil]-erly DNI it1A'.iO FOR lNýVENTOUtk iIessrs. Pigeon, Pigeoi & Datl8, Patent 'Solicitone;, Molt-noai, ne- poîÈt t-ha-t Ili Canadien PnatentS urere isauod for s week- en-ding Auguit 1-t-h, 1914. 71 -of which urere granted lt-o Aanencans, 2à Vo-Cana- dians, 10 t-o resideuts of! Great Imita-lu and Colonie.s and, 5 Vo resi- dent-asKg 'orëign countniis. 0! thre anadiaüis, 14 wre re, nsi- dents of Ontiarie, 4 o! Québec, 3 of Manitotba, 2 - o! 8a-ekaltc1uewa-n a-nd 2 of Nova Scolta. Iu tie Uniited States for t-ho qaïne week 869 Pat-entas we-re issueti, o! Wvffieh 12 -werc 'grauted- t-o Catna. Feur znen get- fan, enough up the' ladd0r o! fa-nuste main e emdizzy. PATne D 60iI te AIT Ii 2Es.. 113 See-a a ths Wat-arlco Sti us- "Hving been a great sufferer fronu Lodn 4Britis-i bluejeekecit ki up- AU-liafr -eod!fleeyas îug hie baby as fie1le-ave-s f-arklly thmtn a vxfor a mî ,o teep at îgit 119p n fer weecs a t a WIII Qio1~-yCure hC ICJAS P Ary Qu & n-ao Asslsted by occasional' use- Rellovées Fllneos After Meale. « of Cu.tlcuÙraOintment. "When 1 was working iýaround the Cuticu s5oap anad0intment are soiS tbrougloat fa--th lest wintÀr, I haduan at-tfckto!, n.T 32-mago far lat wnte, Ihadau ttak o inSki Bok. nt ostrS.Addm PttSDr« g flaammation," wrItes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, casu. corp., Dept. 2X. Boston. 0.A. of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a _________________ long tIme, but well enougli to work until âpriug. tiut something wentMflfM wrong ýwIthi my bowela for I luad t-o use M DR A UEHM N sait-s or ýphysic ahl the Urne. M y UUEII~ RMIEIM N st-omaeh kept sour, and always aft-r catingthcre was Pain and fuluess, and ahl the*synptomns ef Intestinal Indi-.l)1SlASE WILI, O LV gestion. Nothing helped me until I 1EV 0,j used Dr. Hamilton's Pille. Instead o!fIAI O'~ hurting, like et-ber pille, they acted very mldiy, aud seemed to lies! the> bowels. 1 did not require large doses Fitte o! Naiona Depends on Sunt- te get results with Dr. Hamilt-ou's * Pille,- and teed so glad that I have found e tation 14 Lossesi Tauglit mIld yet certain remedy-. To-day I ame well-uo pain, no sour st-omach, a by IIistoi'>. good appetite, able ta digest enythin g. This Is a whoie lot of good for eue Untited Statues army surgeons medicine ta do, aud 1 can say Dr. e-gree tîat the present war wmll lie PHamilton's Pille are the beet pille, and sc-ttled in muci shorter order Vian my letter, I amn sure, proves It. mos-t persons bolieve possible,, and Refuse a substitute for Dr. Haml that it w'ill be the o eth-un-utuce-ver ton's Pille of Mandreke and Butternut, sold lu yeilow boxes, 25e. Ail dealers, waged.. Thire wil-i be no 1angthY' or The Catarniiozone C~o., Kingston, I'rtalîty lît f roui discase and no Ont. ar'my of enies wild. resuit. they .MILLIONS 1VEItI (OVNTEIL Vi'e ('ensus of Indin ]ni a Single Nlgbt. At a cceet of only $675,00, and by means of a staff numbering about .two million persons, a general cen- sus of India was taken, on the night of Mardi 10, 1911, the resulta ç.kwhich are emboodied in a large iýq.ume iseued by the Ind-a Office as a blue book. The difficulties o.! taking a census of a -population nuxnbering about three hundred million, over an area -of 1,803,657 square miles, were en- ormous, sftys the London News. They were especiaily great, owing as the repo)rt puts it, "to the long lines of railway, the big rivers on which boats travel sometiines fur, days without coming to the bank, thi foreste to which the woodcutîters resort, -often for weeks at a time, and the numerous sacred places, which on occasion attract many thousands oi pilgrims.'" People had to be enumerated wherever they weére caught. In the case of rail- ways, for instance, ail persons trav- elling by rail who took ticket-s after seven o 'eock on the night of the census were enumerated either an the platutorins or in the trains. The latter were ail t>pped at six o'clock on the followîing iorning, in order ta include any travelle'rs who up till then had escaped notice. In spite o! this, and owing to'the vast work done preliminary, the re- suite for the W iýlofc India were received complete on Marei 19, and were issued in print the next day. This rapidity, as the report men- tions with justifiable pride, "is not approached even in the smallest Eu- ropean states."' The summary tables show that the total population of India. (including the native st.ates) on tie night men- tioned was 315,156,396 (as against 294,361 ,056 ten years previously), of whom 217,586,89-2 were Hindué3, 66,647,299 were 'Moslems, 10,721,453 were Buddhist and 3,876,2,203 were Chrstians. The literates oniy num- bere.d 18,639,578 persons, and agri- culture claimed the labor of 224,- 695.909 persons, as against 35,323,- 041 persens engaged in industry. Minardsa Liniment Cures Dandruif. One Suinday as Pat was breaking sticks an Englishman camne up .tc' him and sakl:. "Why are you breaking -the Savbbatlr, Pat'?" "'Well. ret'r'ted Pat, wit'h a grin, "You niustbe veiry ignorant if you cannot distinguiah the Sabbatii from Sticks." arne vonvined.- Recccnt advs-ne-s lu surgery sud sanjtto-will be Vie cai se. The iiigh pourer, quick-flri-ug niiitary rifle a-nd t-h. davopmeut lu artil- ici-y will, -heuever, Vtend Vo mae fie morta-lity 11st grater t-han lai auy previoue rar. Thz>e w-ho d'-e ,wil-l dl-e quickiy. Dea.Lua u-i3u ha due t-o aeccuracy, long range a-nd rapid firing, anud not t-c dlaeam-e o! infeceted 'wou-nds. - Ga-ngreu-ead infection," dé- clares an amlny surgeuon wiiole re- cognized as an autxcrity, "Iwiil b. îîra-tica-lly unknown quanti-ties in, t-le wars -o! t-huefuture-." Unt-il tule ilso-Japnese We-r black pourder and a large eaibre buluet eumprisd tihe a-mmunit ofc the a-imies of t-he wo-rld. Thé. bul- lets urere o! îrns-heoit&ucd le-ad, gnoased teoe-re-orne friction lu the barrai - Tilcir uuuzzle t'clocity was les-s t-lin one-ha-if than o! the mis- siles lunernisnow enuployed. Up t-o tia.t. time bayoneb and sa-- bic charges, proliflc of hideou8 andi dauguerous wounds, urere- commuent Suciý charges are now conside-reti niediaeve-i. Tic- bulleVs now usced are e! less die-meter ti-an Vhe or-dl-- nary le-ad pencil and are je-ket-ed ur-itulust-cel: or nickel. Tiey have a- tre meudous ve--ocity a-nd low Vra-jec- tory. 1 e - Wounds NOW ('le-an (ut. Beonti 350 yards t-be-,roîutis i-n- flileted -by su.h hula-ta are. dean eut, fnequently pessing t-hroue bon-e tis- sue wit-hou-t spliute-ring. The art-ar- ies a-ne se-idomn injured ly sue-h wounde, e-s t-hua bullet gcii-ng through thre fies-b, pusires t-h-obiood vo.-isels to ou-e st-de. The etivauce i-n surgery, more- ove-r, has be-on s-mieit-haut uounds which w'ere formeir-ly fatal, or at lee-st necessitaited ampttuon,, ae nor luceled --wit-out,su-h au opera- tion. Forme-ny-a- bulle-t wound t-hrough a j-int, sueli as Vthe kuce or elbou, n-ece-ssitated t-h-o ampubation o! thsei-mb. Nouw sue-h a- wound la opencd a-nd (-nuesssI aaid lie-aie wibhr- out ampuitaion. Evpry e-ny division les sîppl-ied ulti four fie-Id hospitai-s, oach cpe- ble-of ca-ring for 108 patients. There a-r-e aise tua evacuaVion hospit-sîs, uit-h a e-epaci-ty o f -7100 e-aclu, for esci division. These ma-y ho fr-arn t-wen.ty-flveirt-o flfty miles i-n t-he nean o! t-le arry, and -it le froni t-hmm t-ha-t t-ha more s-e-nously wou-nid-ed ana slîipped b-eck t-oVile hospit-els at B-isi-des .t-lue h-ospitl- corps, whi-i ha-e bearrns on t-le field o! b-tt-I-eready te rush tuhe wuinded biaçk t-o Vh3 field brospita-le, e-e-ch offi~o--n l the Eunopae-u and Amont- cau anries le instruted i-n firet aid treet-ment, -s-o t-bat there nced lie n de-la-y ini -08ring for th-s wu«nde-d and ne excusa for aliowiing infect--lau t-o set- in, even lunVthe heat o! batt-le. Disease Maîin Fatctor. TIre prev-unt-le n urt-ire-danti lu- proveul sa-uit-a-y anrangemxents W-hie-h ha-ve- develope-ti th-in Vhse et gen- eM~tion u il e -annues e!fixhe world a--e genjer&ily regau'ded as ove-n more important tIra-ntViletreatment o! tire- u.-ded. lu t-le-Civil Wa-r eigirt soldions- die-tio! dise-se Vo every - one urlie succu-nbed t-o urouaids. Expàes brave- figuredrt-h-a-t jup tie prééent Europea-n uar net more Vieai tiree will diecf disease t-o one kilaed.in -bat-tle. Negecet o!, prope? esanit,&-rY Pre- caution iealanowrnegardeti by every worid power e-s suicidai. Hi-st-ory iheura tiret the fat-eo! nations andI have be-an ascertaiaied a-nd ar eee-- tive-ly f;ougb. The typhoid garni is ettkedbyv-oiat&on ei'tile dy-exiery pra4aby sterilizing WANTS WOMENi TOTF10 T.- La4ly Cook WoUld Enilit.150,000 'Inj Esagland. Lady Cook (Te-nnesaae Olaflin) bais lIaunched a. stUrring oamTpign t-o palfe arn&a4esof1 P.glishwomepn, txuuined for war like regul&r sold- ir, ruea4dy Vo f ight or die for their oou'nbry. 8h. ha pomited'out thait wome-u would be- the rs oimldue- fende-rs w-lig the nuein are ail sent "I'm- ging te rouve womien of Euuleauad Vo defenti - th&mjr home-s, eh.e e-oye, "and resiut.. ivade-r.--'bo' flght Ior hoiie, buozor and. ebilduren. My- plan la Vo àhave agimsnteo! o womenz.wee-nng k"i uniforms just lilve men, with the- possible àddition c-f kne-e ength ekait. I1ccxpeet 150 000 women Vo be arnied, duril-ed anài organized into armies lu Vhruee inenthe. I h-ave matie a ste-rt by Qal4urg set Buckingham Puala-se, and got iu, tee, andti ate letter for Quee-n Mary. I told hùe about Que-on Boadiea whio called on beth mnen amnd womeun Vo folksw ils-r lato batVie-. 11e-r eptied chariot mowed dewu tie euueny like graiss. "Tiare were the Amazone, too. Woin have becu brave in the pa-at -we are'n't aIl1 dolue. "Thera'a plienty o! work knititing socke a,-d d-oing Ried Cro>ss work, but 1 want eve-ry wouua.u who ha. heal-th ead etremgtli Vo use her arme, se that wheu the nenfalk are away they can diafend their homkes anud lonor. I believeý English lwe- mnu would ma-ko good figite-rs. Y-au reniember tube-t Kipling smys 'about the fe-male cf t.he spe.oies being more dangerous than the malé. "I'an going te -se-e Queen Amelle o! Portugal to-môrî-ow. She'd make a splendid' gene-rai. The Ducluas o! Marlborough, toc>, would bc a. splendid flghter. I a-m a!e-o goi-ng to »asa Lady Jersey, Fi-ince-e Louise, suud lotis o! otmhers. Eng- land muet be duefeuuded. I'm will- ing Vio die on the -hatlfiéld myseif, .ad arn ready alý6 Vo give thou- 5821(10 o! pounds tote lecause. "Yen, Mra. Pankhurst would bo a good 'general, foc, but Vils la lu no ae-use a militant suffrage affair. 'y.v be-eu goiug e-round for four or live yea.ra rying te, vouise Eng- land to ýthe danger of invasion. I often stxood in fro>nt o!f tie Bank o! Euglecud and told t-he pecople that t-hi8 war w-zu oornmng." 50,000 Mern Wantcd Beforo next snanth tht. numl'er -are wantsd to @tep up and have their corn removed -with Putnamn's Corn Extractor- it'e patnless-.safo-sure. Use only "Put- na='@,"is the l'est, 25c, at all dealere. No IIu,ýrry. At the point iof his g.sn, Slippery Jim ireliieved the passerby of hie watdh. "My time je yours," was t-he vie- timn'e only comnxment. ---i. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THIE PACIFIO COAST. Via Chicago and North Weatern Ry. Special low rate round trip tickets on sale from aal points ein Canada to Loo Angeles, San Franoisco." Portland, Seattle. Vancou. ver, Victoria. Edmonton,. Calgary, Banif. Yellowstone Park etc, durinj; Auguet and Septeniber. ire1n train service. For ratee. Illuetrated folderz., Urne table, and full particular:i, ,addreoâ, B. Rl. Ben. nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St., To- ronto, Ont. "A couple," àa.id Un. Simpkinýs, 'égot mar.ried a few days ago after a coutrtshýp whiclh hatd lasted 6ifty years." "I gurynuse," rep!ied Mr. Simpkins, "the poor Oki anan lhad beoome too feeble to hold out aay l-onger." St. Isidore, P.Q.. Aug. 18, 1904. Minard'e Liniment Co., Limited.' Gent4cmen.-2 have frequcntly usod MINÂRD's LINIMENT and aisa prescribe itfr My patiente . aLaYS W ith the nMost gratifying reeulta, and I coneider itth best a.-1--round Linjient extant. Vourq truiy, Da. JOS, AUG. SIROIS. Looking Baekivnid. "What ýare you tfltnking of, Bea- trice?"' inqitired Mr. Flainer 0! hie wife anc mornin-g whiie they wcre at breakfast. "I amn drear--n- ing of ixiv youlth," repliîed thec wO- man. "Wcell," replied the brute, Il thought you 'had a far-away iook in your eyes. Conastaration le an enemy w-ithin thç camp. It wiiI ân dermidn',the' stroDgest conistitutioni ind ririn the moat-vigorous health. It. leads to indigestion, biliousness,, Impure biood, bàd comfplexion, sick beadaches, and ie one of the' nost frequent causes of appendicitis. To nelectîi j slow suicide. Dr. Morse's Ingdian Root Pilles positively cure Constipation. They jare entirely vegetabie ie composition and do flot sicken weaken or gripg. Preacrve you helthbytaking Indisa ROOt Pille The world'8 total population V - 1912 waaS eat4msted a M 623Cho0 E c Pepel. ,Te wa-rng p(>W6-rfAd a »füer ýcolonie-s contam 898,440,000 The. couut-ries now dlrectly u- - volved. Ïiu-the -wa-r 'hotid thes ,erouis r a pOpuati'Ons:,ý<Il M llr6bish Empire, 13,523,712 squiaire Tdouto. mùile4s; 425,00,000.,Pkop,. , 1 - r Rusau i Epi-re-, 8,047,057 square rie W ifllo~ 1B,80,0pe-ople. Coîbornae 9 France and -lier colonies, 4,372,000 X. ýw. v&- squre mileâ;' 830830,000.1 Gen'nan Empire, 1,243,&;à square Z eliles; 0,0,00.G wDV Beliguou and, the CngoFr. YoTrk St-s-te, 911,000 squere Ccig;,8oW._1,00.nes 000. Toronto. Austila-Hu-ngary, 261,099 squa-re- miles; 51,340,000 People, ___ 8e-,-vl,, 23,661 squm-,,miles5; 4,- W 000,000JpeOpis Geim2àny lias securedtisa-footihold U odk in Afio. hee-dt.contr»oe .sibou4 it"ng. hc! 1,000,000 squarerailes in Vthe souVIý r- K sak Il 6rm p-art o!f-îîhe continent, OGermnfe-nd hr East Af rica àsud 0e-nann West Af- 'olV? ri- Be-twee-n Vle-se ttwo province-e, 'Whih are n-bout e-quai in siz-0, 8e- the gh'at So-uth Af-ican Brti he pre. With Germany euumirly elimi- Bicm.th -natbed, Africu would be fa.r on -the Ç Al¶<?t- wa.y towa-rd hcing aii*Engliah eand outt. 1bi French continent. . ua:el',. ,t <101111 IIIId MllSCIe POlOS IT CURES RHEUMA'rlSM. Thousandg af pedpie, cliuck full af t-ho Joy* o! living-happy, glÊd, brIght people, that Nervîtune las cured af t-hein- pain*s, ail tell t-he sanie wondcr-- fui stary o! lt-s power ta drive out t-le aches snd tortures of ilieumatIeni and kiudred 111e. fiMy goodness, but Nerviline.telaa mltaclé-workcr,"' wrItes Mrà. Char-j lotte Chipman, mot-ler of a wall-I known famlly restding at Mount Pleasant. "Last mont-h 1 was. 80 erIp- pied up- witli sciatica and muscular rheumatim as t-o be almost unable ta do a bit of liousework. My Joints were s0 ettIf and t-be muscles so friglit- fully s-are t-ha-t I .even cried at times - wit-h the pain. For years we bave' used Nerviline lu aur femliy sud I, just get buey with t-hie wondertul, j gaad aid liniment. Lots o! rubblngý with Nerviline seon relievcd my mis-' ery sud I was Iu a reai short time about my work as usual." No mat-t-r where the ache ta, ne matt-r how. dlistressiug t-le patnu You eau rub It ara-y wit-Nerviline. Èer' fort-y years It lias been curIug lum- bago, setatica, baek-a-cie,, cole, ehest trouble and ail sorte a! wtnter Ilie. Kcep a large 50c. tamily sîze bott-le haudy sud you'Il le saved lots ef trou- bic sud have emelier doct-or bille. Sinaîl trial size 25C. at dealers every- whrle. Ife IVas the Viu-tur. "I wili noV live with you aneother day," she cried. "You'îil leave ieu, wi'l you V,' ho calmlasked. "neaj 1 wiil." - WIien 1" "N*w, tii iltcrtt." " would't if I werei you. " ."But I wuii'Land 1Tclf,u t-o stop nue." " Oh, I 6ha-n't tîny ta stop you," -ho qu,-ickly-rcplied. "IIIl siaiply report t-o Vhe p'Ol-ie t-ha-t iny un! e hie-s mysteniouaîly disppeared. ThsylJi uant yo-ur de-scri-ption, and I wiii -guve iV. Ycu sean size tati lu boots, you have a large anoutu, yaur nose le Roman, eyes. ratier squ-int, your voie-e like "Wretdhi, you wouidu't duare to cI t-hat," -alto screamed. "I -will." AlgNWANTEI. ~R ALA ,o c'Europe sud Wo tory Presenu Cri S&tnatio nvolved-, bi'r lyfourteon. 5 Grt&l oNd Mine .1 ~cents for comùplet 6jE.-TEjN PAIRS JOoWesponîdenc* joli eL1fii, .Ont. _____ t, TUMORS.,LMS a5' nd ext eruai, - ettred y arnome treatneià 00 &'te. >Dr. Bellman à id. tr.ýol!lngwood. ui. p ATENT~ 0OP INVENTIONS. PIGEON, PIGEON & DAI lia SI. JamesSt., - mon -Writea foriaIimt;tioaý ONTARIO VYETERJINARY COLLEGE Under ti.ontrlSf t héDépart. mot1fA lUtu.iS Onptario Ettablli>hed'1ut- AffilIated, wlth the. Unlvorolty of Toronto. -'3umday, labo f' ( ol 1914, lit, thé new. C ý eqe Buiing. 110. 'Unlvorolty Ave.. Toeonto. -CanAda: CALENDAR ON. APPLICATION._ E. ýA. A. GRANGE, V.B.,N.S. Principal. M~THiS CATAWGUE &mmunîtlon, Fisbînig, 4Ntý Tackle, Basebail, Golf,- STennis, Lacrossçl camping Ou1tfits, all Sumner and Winter Sports. We want Every Man ,~Who Hunts, Pishes, or plysan OutdoGl' free-Cataýlogue. Pn~ces- rigit', satisfaction guaranteed. , Immense stock , proùmptshipmýent YOU bave M oney lygetti3gý catalogue to-day.. T. W. Eoyd & S 27 rotre Dame 9t.weStUoabeB T aIi rana c esrEaY mrton on iuce ewo are rather ni -è that yourg -ladY pîcaA -iooks iovely 1" lînrose Colori2d -asq'ýý Pcmd on ber, l'ut 05111 -Edce f eXt s'as anes -ine -feethere ma-ke Û fa implY 'rippi wd 9addedvauetly:-,'Lik- lknow."~ PnTmoeue'e sweepiiig- gae her i- air-of -gen be veryha, lie to!tIli stand ucli a1 ie -ire as Pri-mi .- Cra c, xri herselt. 115- wot ýU< liew ie(r tyUe co10lm tais were golaz to e"m Ijie other gueste lied 5 securea tete.5-tete -f te: Te visitons began te :garden-eartY -iiroceeded g ianilar gatiienings. Bel sellent licet, and s-aon g6 é veranc. Dutetle. :ni -oughly, for neai'iy ever ta-t-o-wands lier 600 *h sue wae eurrod-mded l' yoUtbe. -W4116 a ,gen frocs-'aucho!Sd huisel, and refused t-ol'e disl. iber -society with dosi -wai the la-et Of t-hoLn aven t-len said good-ti luctance,. ..Wlio s'as ynunad" - DUICie uftendinner,0 terrace- .11 havent tbe eliglit, roie -eiUl-ng. --I know." voluntee5 ly. -- tool thbe troul tlie Reýve1rend Jamies son of that reraI1l dree. -lier at-ler sonse Reverend Jeune i- tâ Tt ite said ibat alle-Wil o!flier fortune, -whic] rathler conteiderable. where ini London, anm now 0 f 'Iïfow on-eartli dia * ont?" iuquired Du-ci q lappened t-ol'e ther. and aShe -iuekeà -Vounpr laýdy in gray Impertur.tbY.. --0 -young gentleman ini Wliat did ho îalk talcoclDulete. **"Y!upü urly.diiit tellyou!"' retorteI -I doi't aékl for detm reiuarkcu. 5Vy311uit' al'out -mY eOlit;uijy 1'fly glsred et eacai othen fon 1 i3c t I-kc to , e ly Cces m4th c-u memeut in oo.-ene Thon iît w85aubr sc l easy [to see ire -as t-ho ulcteor telriuu uul Clint-e Nalze of Catals* I. Tiie e-suie-Isys-tem in China mis tîliC Spavi Cre. inotexte-lnsivce in theorseinct ucteri t-he possible exception cf HlI!,indti niandadta-. Wlie-reve-r t-héa-la-y of t-ho land ipor- ,Id t li-,; procd mit-s thei Chinýe-se have ni-ado a etic sorth in lîuu1dreds f tuuoul !cases. nul.Tixis hie ar enhilt to car ickerdike, Alta., Jan. 29, 1913. ry tii-oprodie-tiOf t-hein labon t-o- j 11have'bcen neing Klcidàli's -tîuvin dure mariket ataîi-îiýiinuni c-xpense.. 1for a gaod mnly yelirs w-ith goond recuite. - lu f act, Zarn nvrwtwtI. Mînard's Liniment for sale overywhbero. *î a bot-île-O tfon $5, nt drup.ggtsl-r mrite for cor-y ar aur booke "Treatise u the t-ors' £e& Mouey l ir an's-be-sut fienu; yt it is.always trv-ig t- getau-ay fronu lim. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOI* ry Mnnine Eyclieetuedy for Red, Wcak, %vnion> liyeti and Grannlated Eyettds; No Smrating- ju-c Eye Cornforu. tVrite for Boco 11th Eye u)y mail Tree. ineie eeyOChag Marriage -wiich mako-- tu'ooe le s life-long struggle t-odievo ,wliis t-ha-one. Mlnard's LinImeflt Relleves i-4uralgia. Wue a-li have need o! thue prayen' of t-ho British mariner: "Se-v-e us, O GocI. Thine ocea-n las E large, aud aur litIle bhost es-so siul." Dr. B. J. KENDAýL COMP>ANY Enosburg FuâI!., Vermont U.S.A. 79 "'Auntie, did'-"il ever get a pro- posal 1" "Onee, dear. A. gentile- mnan ask-ed -me -to inarry -him jver the telephone-- -bift ie'h. ad thé, wrong nuin-be--r." Mlîîard's, Liniment Cures Burnh, Eto. I was a boy 1 used to ri-n door- belli; and run away. Thé Girl (va1wning>--An.d now yoit ràng thein rtnd stay. O1PENINO OP-THR.OUOM - PASSENQER SERVICE BETWEEN Toronto ,.& Ottawa UFINSAINCENTRAL( <rand Trunk).8 STATIÃ" N EFFECTIVE 'AUO. 15O, 1914. AND THIE REAFTER--DAILY EXCEPT SUjN'DAY East- e»L at- vam bound stations * boud1ouR4, ..bon AN. ~ PU. P.M. PM 9.0 v TROT AtLv. BELLEVILLE. Ar. 5,1 9.2 L. T RO T r, 91 1.45 N PANEÊ': 4. Z0 COSHUA 4I~>4 MIM..ArIL.1 10.42 OHW A 7 62, 4.55 Ar.- 11.25 i PORT HOPE 6 is'j5LvKiN 08TO NAr .3 12.25 Ar. ,TREN4TON Lv> '5.68 Ar. TTWA Lv. 12.15 gotrîo.Llghtgd Coche and Cafe parler Cars on ThroUsgh ýTr4lns For ticiet.s, and auil nformation, s&p ply b noarsot O X. Agent or Genoral _Paeaoxxgsr D4gpt., Toroiito and Môntr.erl . TORONTti andi propb, St.La'w on spoiul St ýLavy - Uluted Smi rscrviiig 6i -, -frorn the - uie is eg lii.25 lies. 0. dera quI.;iv U.r %. s- ~ 1 %'V., Zdaigà&Wl 1«

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