Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 5

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optIcaî a enscsa 00 0 GLASSES ARE IMEP IN TH11EED. Good Ieàses are made upon honor by firs-clasa workrnen, ex- perts in chef r 'une.* Good lenses tefract the light properly and give the desired resj1t; thereforo arc cbcap In the end Bad eyes need Wo guaranitoouf IeUaiesto e tio biut. RNe BA$SMETT- JEWELE MOOPT 0 * OPPOSITE N13W POST OPP E wtB THIE$MADE O0F NIOJI make on. ,thihnîK of reading and 'Wth<At.e thoughts of reading corne the 'tfiOughts of 'comfort. The fiait sign otfailing vision is when evenlng reading tires the eyes. THE E E MUSCLES CJET TIRED- There, are seven -muscles In ch oye, sOo of them worklng ail the tirmeand &training ail the time il' you have flot the proper glaises. Thc objoct of Our Opsical Depart- ment le to supé,Iy te. proper Glasss. And prices are ;always wltbin reach. Ev.ParirOptiant W111 b. Norman Bassoff Jewoler dnd Opticlan 5120CX &Ir., - WHJTSY WCT. U. t Aming ofthe Wae eet Clet7 'wlllbe held Pr1day, Septembe 4th,, at 3.30 O'cIock,, Iii,-tW Libua, Boardýroôni.. All won or cfWhtb 4*o urgently. requested to attend 1fra. J.E. WlIII.*, Preuident s Mr JOB.. King, Secretary. HYDRO VOTE OCT. 19. Ai a ineeting of the executive com mi tteO 0f tule -Toronto,- Portf Perr) RaHllwaY it w$4 deciàed te cehange th< date for. the. mulipalitiea to vote fronm Septembe, 2lst to Monadayi October lOtit. A aubîcriber lbas suggested thal durlng the w*ar It would lie a nice thlng If tire National Anthem ,were Sung at euoh service ln' alethée churches ln *own. He thinks this would heip to fan the gine of loy- alty and patrlo'tlsm ln the hearts of >Our people. 130Y SCOUTS AT OSHýiA: PAII. int. W. P. l n e w' o - la - e ibal snsresed n te By Sout, mové- ment, bas arranged for a big gather- IDg of thé Boy Scouts at Oshmwa Pair, and this wil ho one of the fea- tures, although it bas boom arrînged 100o late to put 1* on the i1,11.. Those Intcrested ln the movement Wlll *Ind thiq a great attract(on. Purthir announcenient wIll appear yur urnaces stoves, '-i er u. W. Ho for Labor Day Excursions 1 Tickets good gping ad returning on Mbnday, Septonîber 7tb, asingle flare. But at a fare and one-third, tickets good going Saturday,. September 5, ôtb.and Mt. Alil tickets good tilI Sth te retura. .Buy those ticket. and your Torônto Exhibition tickets atc Stephenson'a office at your leisure,1 and avoid crowding at stations. Ho redeoins bis tickets when preventedl gping. Offce bouts, 7 î.ni. to 9 p. M.c -4- ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE. i The Colîege lntends to muke a spe- i ciaI fcaturc of thé Commercial Do- P partment this cozning year. Miss El- F coat, who holds a f1rstaýcIass protes..- stonal certiflcate ad a High School Commercial Spoclaîîsts' certificate, and bas bad two yesro' successlifu experience ln toacblng commnercial lubjects, bas been engaged te take et M carge of this department. Students Pl from .tbe town ahould make iearly ap- re plîcatioa for rates, etc. TJ -4- ai Ilorticul tural Plower- Show, Sept. d 18, ln the Council Chamber. Al j tower growora are reqnested te pre. W~ parela flowe'r exhibit. TO)RONTO EXIBITION TRAIN. The regniar meeting of.the W. C. aadionttirelrpcs- -r.u.,will ho held on Wednesday af- ger trains, the Canudian Pacifie Rail-. iberdno~, September th, at hall-paît 'way, durlng the' C'nadlan National -tbxee at the.,home cf Mns. A.T. Har-j Exhibition, la running a special train arisoa. Delegates will he.appoiated duily except Sunday, until Sept. 12, 1to the Cony Convention at Prinae leavlng lhitby ut 9.25 a.m., Aud- '-Abet, Thnrsday, September 17. loy at 9.35 a. mn., Cherry- wood ut 9.50 a.mn., arniçîng ut To- DRUNK AGAIN. ronto 10.40 arn. Returning Ieavcs On his kuee before Constable-Guy.. Toronto 9 p.m., arrIving at (Cherry- ~vn Isiel*Borret, onfssel a dD.57 p.m.P, Audley 10.10 p np -oasae - in the "murer iel"ation by 10.20 p.ni. For al Informa- pat fled thIn tghe Coteders Neiga"on tiok, aioregular and Exhibition M1tatch lldtiogg e d eorg eies or tiket, apply to E.R. Blow, agent, Mabe hootinbg. 1didn't inen tordooffice opposite post >office, Whltby. 'th'shotig. I ddn' men t doBell pione 9, Home Telephone 14. -It.. 1. was drunk," ho pleaded yes-110 terday oa tie verge of tours. Guyon PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING "wis *touched, and declared that iej .Brduy Mr t, hy did not cherishhard pers6nal feelings . R. br lasdur Ma ry St, W fery 4 gaînst aay of tie four - mea Indictedwilhpeud orcv resfr tfor siÏ,ootlng hlm and 'killIag Con- ail kînda of painting, paper-hmnging, -stble-Bordo luthesaie olly graing nnd signwritlng. Sec our. .Bourrett laIo ejected, - and having upebk.PO.ox78-f - expreused 'willingness to tell Mayor Martin alil h knesv of the sixooting, A BATTLESIIIP IN WIIITBY. -*te will probably ho an important War Èiue been made somewhat mca! -witness ut the -trial la Septeniber, itic past week by the exhibition,&f a ~when Joseph Beauchamp and Victor dreadnaugit and a sinail army « of Poncault *111 stand beside hlm la the Ywldiers, with artàliery. No lives ,dock.-Montreul Duily Mail, Aug. 5. have been lost andI no -darnage done to property, for tic exhibition has* been a peaceful one, and gi-ven in the Intemests of largêr business. Mr. J. f K~peigs Mclntvre and hiseVe~rgetlc cons arei Local apperdreeponsible for a very good Imitation1 of a buttleship la one cf their store1 windows. The sblp le madIe npand1 amcd froin supplies and materil1 The- Wbtby Presbytery wilineet taken froi tic' store. Ina anothor, diers aext Tbursday, September 10. wlndow there la a mmp of the warc zonee wlth toy lnfantry, cavairy and Dlvlaion court will be lxld this artîllemy d1apiayed upon it. Thea ,<Thursdiy) morning at ton o'ciock. dressing of these two windows lab Whsi,- laut court was held the irat unique, and Ia wonderfuily good md-0 ,Week Ia Jïily vertlalag. l Ur. Williams lu lu charge of our u10w repirlng dopartmçmt. Electria dnîihrepmfrînig at low prf-,. M.W. Collins'. çSMeudowbrook: Stock Firme shIpped, a anumber '0f tioroufghbred horces ou - fonday to be siown at the Canîdian * ational Exhibition at Toronto. Nearly 200,- different sampleca of Christinas carda have arrived ut.the Gazette and Cironicýe office. Cal In andI look thoin ver. -Prîceto suit any purse. Names antI greet- *ng prI-uteal on uide shoot. Mr. antI Mrs. Elmer Litk 'w-111 h nt bomne to their - fiende on Thur&.- day, September lOti, froin 3 to 5 p.M., it bleing the occasion of the 25ti unnii'esary o! their weddlag. GOD SAVE THÉ KING. 84ti Ontario Regînient. - -iecuits wanted to 1111 tic places cf those who volunteered for over- sous service. Apply la tice evening at tie Armouries, or to Gco. W.P. Evor'y, Lieut. - .C. "B"' Co.'y84th Regt./1 wý Ei th 51 Be TI by or ir of ter w of on Go we WATER AND LIGHT COMMIS. SIONERS MEET. A meeting o! tic W. & L. Commis- sion wus heid last week, whien It was tIecided to proceed with lie printýng o! tie new Wtorworks By- Law. Tic hy-luw hbas uccordIngîy been Placod la the hunda of tie printer and will ho roady for distri- bution to wmter ta.kers tn the course of a few tImys. The Groater Canada Improvemnt andI Land Co. matIe application t0 bave the watcr mains extended north of the C.P.R. tracks to their prop. erty, on which building bas been commencetI. Wb-Ile tic Cômmission, coultI not sec its way cloa'r to un- dertake the ,work, the Company weîe- granted Permission te do the wcrk theinselves. A auI Pipe will ho laid, ant Ifilnl future the servira mc- quIrediffIulee it, tue town-.will probabîy take the matter into its Own banide. In tic meantîme tue -ar- rangement la quite atIvantageoue to tie mnunlclpallty us it -will receive revenue froin tie supplying. of the service Wlthout huvlng Incurred u SNAP FOR PRINTERS. Newslpaper plant antI job printing equipment, inçluding monoline type. aettlng machine, la Cnunbro<, City, B.C., thît wIii compare fa jommbiy ,with muny la the West. Vaiué at $4,500. Tis wiil soIt witbln thirty day's * for $3,800. Business establsi. cd 4J ycmrs. Plant moatly new. Rea- sonable terme to ti i-ergit party. If you mean busines wire or write Tic Signal, Wtrous, Sask. Mr. antI Mra. Jas. B. Brown antI family, of Winnipeg, are visiting -Jos. antI Misa - Thompeon, Mrs. Brown's uncle antI aunt, for a few tIuys, on their way home from Europe, where they spent thbe surnier. They «were ln Germany, Swltzemland, flginin antI France, and lbit Paris juet tic day beforé wam wue deciared. Tîey crossed tic Atlantic on tic " An- danlu," tic tunnels andtrI mnings of wbîci were painteil grey so as to rentIer 14 us nealy invisible us pas- s(ble to hostile vesseis. No lights were aiiawed tIuring ticeivoyage. Mr. rown conducte a very prosperous1 prlnting business In Winnipegr' tic specalty o! bis house being loose bu!l booke, etc. a: * flThe sohools of 'the town opened, on j ~ Tueugay, The attendancewas not as - large as t 111illlb. la a few days. - , Many of1 the cholars usually requre C H A N G , IN P U M P B U SI E S S. a short tU m e to overcom e the effect i E. W Evas, ho as fr Aof tie-olidays, before starting to lit.E. W Evas, wo lis fo a chool again. dozen .,vears conducted a very suc- cesslul pum p business i a W btby, las Mr S. G Ha l , w o ha sold out to Messrs. James &Walker, M.S .Hwe, obsbei w ho took possession ont < t m er m n g r 0 t e f r tthe, H ospith i 1. Bot1I Iarry -James and Sydney *for the Insane here, as been trans- Wa'- ,members of the nwirin ferrd to the Hamilton Asyluin Farin bave had conideriblc experence in and leavea wth bis family ths week. the business as Mr. Evans' assist- *Mt Hawley was very popular at the' ants. They are young men of energy Asylurn, and bis going is regretted and gond character, anal wili pin,,,e by is friends. trustworthy and competent succes- ors to Mr. Evans. They ivill ave Master Willie Cobden bas been very the benelit of Mr. Evans' advice and I11, and waa moved lat week to the assistance la dilicut work. They General Hospital, wlere he la under- will use the hop owned by Mr. i gong treatment fr bis eyes. Dr. Evans, and will be able to filal Evâni was -in attendance. orders promptly. They take over ... Mr. Evans' agencies for windmille, m laefot ton early'aow to thînk gasoline engines, etc. of your, Christmnas carda. C. A.' 0 Goodfeilow & Son have some of the Rev. Pather Cline, former pastor imost beautif ni samples ever offered of the Oshawa and Whitay ('aflIOllo to tha'public,' and are now ready to churches, and who bas for 8ome take orders. We have 200 dîflerent raonths been Supt. of Citholice Char- samples to choose frout, with prices ftics ln Toronto, bas resigned this ranglng frorn a dozen up. This position to beconie pastor of the Includes >your naine and a greeting Hfoiy Name Church on Danforti prlnted on the inside of tie- caïd!. Avenue. Leave your order now and gnt il. off your mmid. Delivery will be made The patriotlc song service held whenever you please. The main thlng Sunday evenlng ln the Baptist church la to get your carde chosen eaiy, was one of the flnest sacred 1cnrT- 50 that the particular kind you waat 'erti given ln many montis. The will not be out of stock. Il you atrlotic selections were ail weli leave it tii! later, the stock may be ýendered, and provedl a great treat. sold ot.Ciii anyway and look over rhe choir has been asked to repeat the 0ample books at the Gazette MY azifely aetoporm fSnifie VAR SEVC TALSIT' Sunday mornng, lnaccordance vith the direction of! the ishops of the Church o! I ngland, la Cana4a, the service at1 Il Saint' ws specialy devoted to he cause of the EEnipire'a forces in e war now raging throughout the orîtI. Prayers for the soliiers and allora now fighting on French -ind elgian buttlefieids, or over the 5ev- n seas, were read with the lituny. 'hec. prayers-were prepared by the rchbishop of Canterbury. In the vening the rector, Rev. R.W. Allen, reached a sermon upon thewar. Ho ad froin a historical work, written y' a Germnan, mat ufter the Emper- r'a dismissaj of Bismark, in which îlilium IL. le sald to possesln reuter degree than any of is pr. ecessors the Hohenzollern churacter f lust for power a»d extension of russian absoiutism, he being the -nth King of tiat famiiy. Tie text 'as froin the old testament bason tie morning service, and bore tip- àKing Ahub's attempt to deceive od in his attack upon Ramoth Jii-' W. The hymne for bath services ere selected froin those for time of CHANGE IN EXPRESS BUSI- NESS.; Mr. E. 0. Shannon, o! Napance, bas succeeded Mr. E.- Stephenson as Canudian Express Agent ut Whitby, the latter having found it very ne- coseary te retire owing ta advancîng ugo andI the need of easing up of hie busiy life. Mf.'Stephenson, howeyer, still holda bis oltI-time "fort" la tie ticket andtIetlegraph departinent. The express work, although ont o!, his - bands, will be cammied on lby Mr.. Shannon us licretofore ln Stephen. son'e bank-bniing. Mr. Stephenson ,desires to ieartily thunk all bis kintI frienda for -their lopg and loyal 'pat- -ronage, antItruste tiat Mr. Siannoni FOR SALE ORrRNT. 100 acre farm, north half of lot 34, con. 4, Whitby. Nover failing atreani, good pasture land, young orchard, commnotIlous farm bouse, baune, sheds 'md stables. Tenant to get possession te plough thts faîl. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIFtLNG. ing, pressing and repaîitng 'jf ladies' and gentlemen's cuits,' and am, pre- pared to give prompt andI carefui at- tention to ail orders. J. H, GULLIVER, Two doors east of Wm. Hlopper's, Gilbort Street. -2 CRAWFORD8 Dollolous Engllsh Biseuits For Sale and to Serve. Mermaid Torfe, High Grade Choosiatos, Home Made Cakes, C000 MUSlC\tý Maple Leaf TEA R4JÃ"M WAR PRICES Go oen Tu , 25o lb. Hlgh lass Black Toi 88o lb. Flnost Gardon Tea 5O0 lbo WfIY?: Make your own soup when you can buy as good a ca- ned soup as ours ? Chieken, Ox-Tail, Celery, Tômnato, Bouillon and Pea. xxx White Vinegar 400 Cal. Fruit Vinegar -80-0Cal. Your business friend, WM. MEEKEN' Phone 94., WHITBY, Be prepared for the cool weather bygetting Don't put off until to-niorro-w what can' be' done to-day as it May re suit in di-sappointing,'you. Our steady expansion in this department is sufficient evidence of the thorough way we'do Our g'asés or smoke escaping when done by us. We handie repairs for ail makes- of furnaces, boilers, etc, As a final word to fear' stoves, IT Ne-W. Hardware MCe,.ntryHaIN TyR PubigEngn Sioves Landmeisa, Immedlateiy for Hanse of Refuge. Appiy, to Dr. J.F. Lav- One nearly aew pneurnutio show buggy. New tires andti painted. lHalf priefor cmsh. at Gazette office.-tf. New frime bouse, 1i stores, si; rooma, 5-piece bath, fumnace, el ect2<c lîght. APPly J. H. JAMES, Wlit- by.-tf. PARM POR SALE IN WHITBY TOWNSHIP. Seventy-seven acies,' lot 28, con. 4, tbree miles from Whltby town; con- ventent to three railway stations; weli sulted for mixed fmrmIng, dslry- ing or market gardenlng. Sinal fruits, good orciierd (prinipaily spy trocs), nover faillng stream, wel and cistemi, frime bouse, banit ban and other uarge buildings. Soverai mores of standing tImber. Also two lots -tire - ARM TO RENT. Parti rent, lot 14, con. 2, pick- oring Township, adjolning Picksring sIllage. Bank barn witix stons stab- ling, three wellsanmd nover failing spring. Proposod electric car lino acrosa property. Pcssiçasloa to piough at once., Apply to Oco." H. Jon, Plckerlng.-9. ASSESSOR WANTED. Applicattons wilU ho recelved at tic Town Clerk's office,' Whltby,- up to Septeinher 7tb, fer the- position of assessor for tue Town of Wbltby for the year 1915. Appilcants to estaté Isalary expected. J. B. LAIDLAW, Newspaper antI job pminting plant ln tue citY of Cranbmookï-B.C. for sale at $1,000, below actual vaIua- 'tion. Monoline tYPe.%Otting machine Included. Puant nearîy new. Prîcej $8,300. Good terme to rIght purty. This offer wlll net imet. Write cmoF wfre The$ignal Offlce, Watmous, Sask. Wm. Founitaîn, of Thorah, lost his barn and beason's crop by fire, the resuit of lightning. Ite ls reported that an aeroplane was seen higli over Cannington ro- cently. It exéited much curiosity. Train' Time Table. G. T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. GolngW w 4 58 IGolng East .... 8.20 8.1 ,.ý40"Plu- .... 9.30 p.M SuiLday ,a ns ave for Toroto 4.52 a.m. and) 7.40ý p.m. Prom Tor- oiuto-trains roip afthtby Junctfon at 8.11 -out m arn d 9.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Golng Northb... 8130 a.m. Golng South...?. 18&.i .. .1 . .I...5p.M ...à-4-' p.:m. I p.M C. P. R. Golng West-p5so a.m.j Golng I58t".t§ a Leave. Whltby for Oshawma at1l aM.. and 4 p.m. Jos. Hoideu, Pr:- pnietor. Leaves for Broughm ai fo.m. Mnr. Edwards, proprietor. For Port lVhitby- 6.30 a-tu 6.30 p.a For Wet- 56,30B.la. 6.30 p.ni- 8.3o P. la. WIIEN Peopie wbom wc hla-vo ltted w mth. ye-glsscs sentI their Aor ate tlnu) l-s na ls nbet proof hut ou workze cats. aeor adretîonr LeJIi L E OPTICIAN. Frpriuaaapyt 15 YongO St. TORONfTO'- Furnaces Liv'ery, Cartage and Teaming.a I have récently added to my well- equipped Iivery stable a *he.avy tearu and dray for ail kinds of cartage and- teaming work, and will be pleased to' receive orders, which will have pronmpt and careful attention. PHONË 6s. Cà BRUCAE. TO MEET ALL -TRAINS. Jlohn Gimblet DUNDAS ST., WEST WHI-TRY and witnesa the magnificenL and insplrlng spectacle, Moblîzatlon of Ganadian Troopâ ,w e e a t V a l C a r ie r - - - 1 heethe lorls ni W'olfe and Montcalm ledabeft tng envlronment to "*Prelient Day UIi.tory in the lMakfng.'1 SteAmers leave Toronto daily nt 2 m. antli! Sptemcergth. Lnbt trip September 12tb forthe bhOnan(! Islande, Mortre4 T, QuL.bec and Sagenay. Toronto, ta Uoufi'aîand retura $25 - Toronto ta Quebec and Pstupn 34 Toronto to Saguenay and return' 47 Abore rates inclade muais anîd herth. temrlleîllereToronto t otei n eun M$1 SINGER Which is without doubt the -best on the markt. r DE ELOINGaniPRINTINOR for gmateurs atended to promptly.. TION -1 là il into. good- repair repairin-g. No need ib .je Miscella'neous Adverts WANTED. v& te ul a l', etc., put turnace and stove i MC'INTYRE, Furnàces

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