Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Aug 1914, p. 7

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R III,- 'iàa44i*otou, % &tfour oock." retgiid & wsz DutW Ute be eh eotu bt, *»4i4~ a lura quarter to. bor ci,,-,11; To ut , bit, 3im." "And the Kerriotte lbave.ail- lonir, sien. 1 r'&tdUntil.,baU.Past four, *,bon der foot' and4 1004figures," abs ld, Iilppa'. ahé nmnetelther ]liave-lier zlaugls te« or go msdthe kette vas ate$am- ,* 'onok at mine I"'eald ber, brüther. lu Dbeore h.Misses <arwardlne came 'I bave Pt,& aIllolineIIr fi I nIe Ilan . ixjý8jght. Eiurbot lurrlsd to =Bat hem. turb«t ot. ol fot th. bookvrm'ustoop. a etsr1e.a li~n nover!" ss.t4 4 t., lman.. Now am hlere I wlJZdrIli you w1i t i i s, e Hoeritt.for htdf-an.3aoureveryday, ad maren- A. lce iaugled, ltheile waf broken, and Beiturbet aobrugged hie, boulders snd tI ewa l o4uolo ýrevre »lie.. book bis ioad.ý '«ne rieas4, n e M@noate," explained IWhen ouhave ail Inlslied te«," lie 1a e "nowingt os adomest.io earth-liDennuncel."I v ill take you for, pu .quae. u teryards, ts4her bas gone ulIs vaik."1ý e ly Io London, ibint hlie anelt doue tW our Thoy saunterail through thelwooda. Bel- kuowàledge f r threo yrea. -go did uot t-O mdPuipp ed, the ay,,vhid beave home efore half>aot tbree, and wvo 31 toUord ith-Prlmrose and DUklQI. had b oIwit I tILtha had:gýone." ITlhe inrry iaughtew of the latter egrated IIsu efflOti vent te the tati nto Be. ou Philippa, sud vhen tliey lid arrivait b1mo/~qer!d Heriot.ntaithe pool t'O h 1Boturbet bdled Dio s ae hlm as-look but a ofr b h ~le e e b' ovfh Betr. d get-me-not u14U9eyes. . bP "ý-lu bedéince 40 £ tand "'No,"» e. epided, In a s ihaI:obdecet,,.gzns to doubi lu t<l=ife mdof SUT cf ber audienc an ud Jim. se e hé aéeeof afeciontht eised Philippa va" rather sment, but .Prim. as-W <o eero o afeoion<bt sla rose and Berriott had lleuoty to'sa o botwen.Mm Çarwardino-aîndàhie daughter. esdi othor. for as thrs vw no 0bs"g i'hlp a twked pleasantlt riào Ia"o e idhp, this w~ilItBel~s*bt- w t eUsk___ Dl au hsrotecan ~< o s n. w i ~ vidu l, Prim i oswa shoâr naturai li t..- I rn a '- Mesuce ,o ot mae u- arss nd vlvaciono as DuîIcio, but sti'a Sirt! TO faoilitate the hurried mobiliatooft. cbesp babl!a un ofs cf, m atonoftaso tueCaritopt h vrosponscwmblz, th k li a cce. l4 i, hntMimthiew aydofchS cn, onfor t ued128w00menuyin auswýer to the. Czar'suks' tm i ,n ston. PhUllppaapveared te li tn bt ucksc latet type are being ue t rnsot h, * trostete ai ukaeauombl butb.4~y roaed"absberthogbt ves ereey oouped. Lin.The. photo shows a number Of these high-powerea auto trucks ahd" the offcers in 'Charge ofts ibought. "o ntry mîace-ons a tombor, Wbkch of these country mica r80 <bhe cdeparte tfth za'afrcs oyats P P TeIyoa'.; -eda arlaide vi emdta have n*tUiugý te- Bay ________________________________________________ Mu b Ue ueWlhbsg'yms agruPW b ber hu hovs hrvr ltnlgWber, but a grat deal te Jlm; or lvas ih to Dule'.s liatter vithJlm. utglulth ounzer gIirl, vho flirtaidopenly vlihIija*tF a v ord berarnsd tbere. Jim, sud itben calmrni«Unlld Belturl>et teop>en the camvaign humusef by taîkîng W a Jl ui ttho e Oc ebollug yetP" eoask. lier sida and kopt i hithero. 8h. hardoi. en. ndvalkIng vftb ber, at the e est iAKîtChener was sent out as chief cf d. l a vealdbe nu vatng o long for d ber liart a çinet both, sd congratu; CoP rtuitT.. ThiIS"afar." lh e docded. Gtt I Uhe i i h d t toa.". lated bierneif villi the rellection th w~ ould a.fford hinm even more amusement 8IAN RA ODE tf ihLr oet.Io 'I atri t la our fault," said Dul. she vas etarîug at 014 Rouse, she u dthan ieobadl antlclpetcd. h V/e te ar, AA'w he ar-m ie. "IW, are awfully Berry, aren't vo, have f ar more oppartunitvobonvtirgethPeeofeengn, Prim P"Belturbet ban eîtlcr of the a wa ilin. "Vacry" sah4 Piimrose pol tely. 'I vish Jms nd 1.ter ol.ad ifh CHAPTER IV, FOUGHT AGAINST THE GER suad how -ho came home te b. macle 4ou h1M not Iraitei-for ni@. embarkcd on a flirtetion vlth on. of them, A veek befox'o the.garden-paruy prim- a MANS ON CE BEFRE. thankethef - "ot valtcd for you!' crled Jlm Iu mocli as -lice ccied oztremaly lkely tW do, she roepensiveîy ezamined berNSidONCEe a raOVIuLccutyar ~~i'ror. "WI~, te on't et' o 0t he 4 mneokc h.dres..Elh. vos thinkins that no materzi atoso oeu ioy Owrdne, you tva ladies are tes <ý ôclu the other vatah <14vIliti. oud 111 obofii crot We have been iaoklng forvard We main lu lb. background anid ohe bell o eu4 odor. hloned, vlien Dal sainieMay -be said cf his appoint- i ploMb!e, W ltbu au<ie Sdty vahs afuigrl. bew. PIn ipvsnotacutm d te liner.ol-fa D he inarkablc CareerofLrmnttIniwheheokup ibi ba ve sîcevogo u ibs uau-- h. as l odiary Lemt!ur f5'"P<,uî vwaste ti me laokîng at that old or lhsn samatch ror a couplo a oun. 'rag!"sbe slit."Tou arc ntlot ing WKthnr ti tnei, otc cm.ne.nCif - w 1izd"I opp yaur expectattaus are rosi. tvear Il aiithenr, helie t head)8tisofCoeb a d qurrel wh i .81" 4 idDolilwa tattefre-pry ae returnedtetahbcene of lbe surprise for Tou. Iardeis elerty. I have awit "f!o th. fuilest possible extent," replled piculo, Prlmrose said ibey muet ssy goold. "A surprise, perliapo, butnta 4Man. Lord Ourzon, and left the Iudian EeIou w I ouil O, cne forat Belk . Betube dot htcim ome lahtedroo," roplled Prlmroue, .11ilfingering I iiaytaiinb rc b ryifntl togrsdbte 1120 es 14Tno aIl ou ct.lyva al ! ou.sdse leImrvme tth e bcdcepad sarment. èam niieysrn b1 ubeldkousreinpotu h5d beIn ade. "Primu, you are a ica girl, but hope. present is not the first tinie that than he found it. The last threen -DpcioandlfomBeaubo a Pullp."Anothcr lIme," replîod Prlmrooe. "But Iessly antiquated In tour ideas," said ~Kthnr h u en~years ho ha svent as head of the Il pa 'lo astlkngbh0m sda ude net nov. Uiank you. Duie. **As il happons. ysrrs gLord Brcheeish t's Et ap ausIc6uvoie u o. What if tàis Ilerriott suggested llicy abouid ail sec Ibat va are Coing -ta 11a1Yeforpriserypifa BreayU tt frW ritshadministration in Eyt aionably.drased girl, to, lia -lSe-te~e elmfodthe.. ond Sgeayinfste ra 014ne uafnish the aentence. the.Misses (Jar*ardine home, but as day te sel nov Weses vl.oW i.wa mlwhe re bsus me as s benevolent su- ' l Mr. Beturbet," olle asked gaiiy, "do Pldiupa profes.ed te be tired, Beitarbol Garth's for liion.' ewl ot i h a gintGrayadtocrat ha. been a distinct succes. T0~1eauMr. lerhottyou frInd? Wel7k dbock te 014 Hanse villi ber, vhllc Gartb'e vas a eoa»beloved b>' over>' Austria, ha. fouglit on the aide cf Schiabresusmmrs- le ot!"teIcmpnl'DlieadPrmrse tW lady lu the county. for bbe mos t.delîglit. h rný g s Ute. cf »lue Poste. fui cothai coff'd be purcliase<i thare, sec- h ree ginst tb. Garmans. cuto h evcso hamnc ielrbtlugesu ae vrteDl 1Ocan't Invite you in," laid Duiche. eon lu bbcthegeneral opinion, te timoso The soygo.. .... w ..'hwas lit h ervniras ofthican o "WbY fsn't ho?" hli ncuired. "We are ual sllowed te«k amy aone Iu. obtainable la Ragenit Street. caetaI ha RoaMi ironmmcm the Epr. r side lie rate." - "Don'l lslk monsense, Dulila1- vas Prim. cdt'tteI ant "Ho la soinsg to bell me avcrything au "liard aines on thb. other people," ' aad roe'es loeri> rabuke, as ah. turned the ARey tW oyalch the Frco- id that X. of K. i. popular in theF tod bu aboutl us," sald Dulcie. Herrot y thiaiy. l"But 1Ithought musliludreas round telooak at i renAasima Wrof 1870thebreo-t ry omnis oua h "Ltlma sy Ifinlumy bearing. thoan," Mr. Carwardne bad zone svSTP subliter point of vîev. i rauPru s a o 80 rk uier.. [Nolmand sbîrker whnoa retorted Belturbet. "Jira, if yen dont bc-. "014dIKariba, aur 000k and iencraI flac. "Primmose." mid DulepaiciI>, ad tf yong ohier, uxiaada -ha,'-. WiH n hlae otmrelfo., Ii stels incyntotum. telle talonexplalued Dulole., "vo are bath af us Io bave new drees, glan hpatience cm glad ness a lever. He siiell coma te." slihruggbngîlier abouiders, bats, sud shoes ai gamhhs#. I bave gimaLntselet, uh Phîlippa rosa from the Irea >iunk on Prîmme ecauglit sht cf an adventur. fifteen paunda ta bu>' themu imr' edan rsigte chaunel nd orued- is strogadmsterfu uw cue "Whh ah, aYe bre sitting anllsoulien that hbat etrayed from tie fovi- Prbmrose iooked at bar sismrl ude h or fGerrs hry Itoqlleuîy ho has 111. erbarnc "Looaako irpltini i ard Itlie gretd o a-lcIe. Ye avm e not borrowed It from a .Loire. Some doubt the anîheuli- -w ith those.who cannot keep up wilh "Arthur'a dowvual." replied lier brother. "Good-bye, Mr. ffHott utcael oy"@i oehie tiiçesatvt nd i niiyt "*Afier t sI uijý hng t1.11 lMies 08ar- avay." rmot. Imut cas hiboy?" et.skamdnet ' m<a es hor, and thon os'ic i!nover spaak to hlm sthoraibofteheir.din vsecacîIgbsh' i tae 1hv edmne ldbo4 51ie iul paIl.etou ly o fvrLw xcl ntle tl naota a it fti ttmnadtheaffr eormueth a'r dt again/ are Aatheu hilslarwariuerearo4ilulaf laru, ecpood. takn 1erthe cUalities On occasions which may v -Yot realrmig im Crwadie n.Harriot and Dulcie s0too tpklug for Pri fasthaxrus on t-" or depne.-taeny il. tetrul 4,afrnprove of the greatest value in the t] necassari!>'," sald Phhippa, "bac anse, as quit, tan minuteo alter sa bo fI thorm, and *"Mo vonf ft. l iecnneyer out--tvi Bor potwhchhclatotae mp. amalter of lact, Mr. Belturbet vas un. wbeu Dubcie returuad tae hne u b er ook t.ba uil nee r yo ti im" out a l aywBitshreteHawont wiherof od rep sdý -abîete ell us auythlug viatevar about. aYCO vere sparkhiug. sud ber cheeks "u h ddyn 1o ab> hm"wBl rfe l conf t ay itl aigrgr fh.av aisl h yau.n Hearoused our curîosit.y, sud then p r izwnui. -e kdPrmrae sen o oaian&hmai banh oid As thayBast at tiroir avauiug mes- i. hb Vd Pami experitth C ecet vasLiai oua. cf yen lied gray' vas frugal l icnextema. ulci vas a dlkestions. Let It. beu suc ncb pemced, general A Bosa, u hutlengta 1M.ythe erhtreme, me s lt mareBtoar ver' canerul.en nohs, sudva areh 0 eyceru.Uln o o eVnov thab I have tîree Lcrd Kitchener at the head of- t lonhoeeaetemldl 1.bl ,htt-,ecaedJi_ lerteglwr t er artms tîhs aalug ta army. He stands head and shouil- suce iL was bis alraigbtforward and r 'bleYeuoware Jlm. lier tardliverus-t sah, askad. Tien aflernoon.ders, mot omly pt.ysmcaly, but mou- oet fnîshch- "I bpe au arem',L vry ardbu s."added, vitb a complote chauge af touae- i~ laid Dulcha, sud looked sPPealuglY ai ber "Miss Herriott dm et lo ike us-I Wne Mr. lierrioli le gobug ta drive us." tly a - al h wrdsgret t hoestmoa etined o tih onquwbo ,mart dreffle s ad eu-iy ciun.ey- eaiea.,"- "1d t 'st e vy ie n' oudedis knio, sheBuvif vond e e n~'e i e"..olir. 11 $h xtnedýbr otrterticl ai i bigldutk uab iif Mserbrtis cocotus l uçw rses sîder.had been fighting against hini.ù ih -e ateed buter ot. ate iekI>ah D Primrose. liougbifnily. Sic vîlI toni father.-.and it wi g1r ome Lord Kitchenerinotle-'e hewaadywe hemnh I vb iri. Im, ndoe but uealew as "D o't von? I do. .Obe Io afraid wvOont, Dulcie, rsdlviia-caeieucfhe rinotîr.ieTreassaybetemuwbi vay ea, udblefot ndnlbî- mma>' treapatsa on viat aoelook8lna u vili Yealn otdoue I!" i n ftestrcng, sulent meu who wanîed te pursue the stmugget "Tiare ha uol ver>' micii nhI" said lior prîserves. But I am port _on "Do't bceoll iyI1haveamageevy-othwrkflbwrîsuleethbiercdemeaoîtt lim pointadi'. ocfore" Ceir-ry lete "e"ared Dulcie, "ailalie Curardnoe. "*DuleJe,I oî@nd Prîniroce, "I vîsh you 1mus lu nfrocks, but. dros roperI>' ai old thetalkiug te others. The whole thieir wav.' Kitchener to-oIcDe Weft nom aieamu ~mads ud eet ud oue." oiid riva up th.ct Loua. 'y'u sn»w whaî t Uoulea--warea'goi,.g tome iut hèr, o i ixyîmeyar fhlteaî n tle ahm soesl Imcau-it le mea nuorti>' o! you.' aid Martis vi!!noverecfte hem, audr f i it mie ndtledWhm soe 0, "canai Osea h 11ikthat at aitlie. n rgeteni-bc ouhda. su e ç as en e'oo t ut'- 'is ie oî ak mtesd b sueto marr-vîloine oua. and -why flot them aur. Lu caaor au-eamergeucy. Now, unmarîiendetsud tha-,ft haIle l gege r -Il l ct<e> a epaihe d uni"amI1net clever?' duaedan as othfa "I eun-worthY Of Yeu" suie ropested. ietake. Watdace 1: mialter if vo arc ecmao nodEs nla Etariayllroa oc. S C"I'd DU2CIg YOULAVODYeu," Uc ced aul. ba FTasthCAfj E? muomare ; bedréel Yeuc s cie. and lir forget-m-notviceeiu thlook-diowuharmteribaed thonris wimpoli le faiilywbutk*aithonhin fornr addo n t. ond d ilbart y et n t @ alfor mbong t au ltai. in Ir land, upon wiî oî c o i g alladmire tbu. a liasmsu.l avstemoftmeu prieor e afsPrbIt ra, getda em er.Hsfte a er o-PoesoKthnrihwvr reslip a et' "ae re$dn t l ler the r jl.' oaid rîn. io Kithe e rled. orng Kitcen e r He r o s p w r n o i "It supos ta ty u w-l e m r n -ve, e e uu 1o a a g e s c o ae o. c o e b s f t er a p o e s o , a d id nuî ng p r es li y octe thn e acî es l teilixauhehat, ginco I canna t e ack -lked nPiLîippa" s. ic-'aenthe Ib. a ai M ilindtaei-t po ne ndwthamiaio Tou leotout eie ar a r-c mt ut tba-if-pL adittfo ned . I a- e ~ that leso paird bu-irl, ml it a d o ra v a ku n ! " d r e i . F r c o e s o m u m c auth n r. ny a I W o o î, i n H e a s a c o r n s r e g a r d l i e la j e t e rt h - mm-osl ooea aitub t. irlsaraoint cf severit' Wbe cmehmn u ceu ' i, c ore pnî esi ,"Yaeur on'tenger bo orIdgrm.Laie for mathematicugwichenîod erichief i Sou lhwerafi is i wi llhe Y eu ht-ce. I -- Whist m rae a do yule eu? prd ooe, h s hs fters po essin ad lIe m m er ed, he frcfue t a N e rY o u m n >'s ip i s >'r ai lt hdl fe dat o o lsm il i o ns- f orliseaR o y a l E n g in e e s f oY i r u t o h es b r o t h e r , a dme r a a t o n "Noh t handg o y a wilI u>'1 hI. ak a us leh. d o r-o cu i r.er iota sud. ýI corps heawacdrneisd.r tardim ort nt p- frZimr inee t u b te gatloulssw re a d so ed get poinitd of uudevetmd nci liehPerect!'; esidsr 1- secîmd potstn ly " ale aîg Odreiltfr wh c e b d b e to g C l ' li 1/ h !! au bo m"« s d onu li n e v t m se f n îr l>Cte tn î' F r l ' ia t- . y r c o m c u e d i m l y b e a r- bbe itrwudntllwbrfi.eu,"" salaste foruhc Kahraics hie oodbrotnherinSudhe rcawl i- "s psh e Mm. e lturbot heurs hihat eprra-WhenreLordb,' ce h-ed was hi. ahe td - e vn g e u i v s î s a h il i a fr e m d ? "' lt h t d f o y m e m o n ? -h i . n oi frriroi- te iad.- m Pri :OhOmctiPleda w egeD-bic vue ver lsf commeso a ne e RalfEgr'Ciint hispiohr eea ofalor ter c Wlfushould I eveave aoDlc f-JundPc ou preI.Ating c1Iin. litumbts ac n eé hchrshe did otienehuhsec o alcnet ned nt "I ci ! heletak pl uarrs t ue rtod ati berotî.umdet hl m' sieK the e- t-a i P ra t f M b i a o l et e Du tclo r hu teaI w u lice 1! is yl ea h d I 1,0 ins- wed tra m er u b p o p c f e p y e t f rfge . In e d m t i i e t o beau ilfu-, su lu hm jirsc'n moad~ dchrmnhalia, ha e nilimbisaletd fare. Ih e nrgeti a-oîug sbalîcu. H hi altl a esu I"ii îe -îîî u aneLed eligifl.th at iev t séelfemocir ed i-t w-s oousghlyForaîCac e.u us lvng sldeal:an H rulo rîa altje DuIcl e a;aJ lo n h r ole tir. ne t îu erbett ]ymt a! pr f a o , a d r e t! ' E ey word es lla, howe er, S x ",sppoe r. oltrbt har tht yilgo htliud mot-kuaw " fd ano i ehncLrdKcf ee eevdwshsbote n oWUdi-d Ale0 ine h î0ou-'iul n lier Ni ta v"mli etdon ameîlig orhernihl anreuc heni u fria s id ho t aught thai hi - - v e J et n n a Dufrioenc o v s m o etnm m re m u i e w o k T e c c' - u eydîî g o f c r 'o o e hiei.îII fnt - im oe i aule a yed .Dulcie wavh had - commissonand he oeya rs n- u no s pcon ffa rts ucîrroo ilmutîi lin fr th cai incu <-anaiumvu-atliolt m, un a! hof et aeatiand'of lime population WithSt. awrece Uought -s agraceful, uccom' bec;d îtý ~tiig'YdearN iol; Prim. - fth:ar rtan"u fJmsae, aathoîgh ib is be- Wit Si La rene wmanIc cfied'ister uvus, but feitroe' wic b>' I yo he prob!emn of bow ta prot-c Sugar resuits are - mot ltme faintetit. etiri-tugs o! amy iepsr go'! auj a gon atre. ony 1 iappeiled iEgypt against the wild tribes of the1ledthtîfiuesa1000,9- -fphiipparce-t hi-r lips P$i-ml>'. for cie rean -you ani Youn lete lu thii' aoods, andsi Stidan, 'The Eg3-ptian anmy oo m ighi perhaps b. a more cor- always satisfactory. ized Iimat os a tamic ad flot beeu able' ý tiers-fore 1 canîtot iý-lîm feliiîg tint yoUr I bceh deinoyed: a-nother bad to beý reût e-4Mmabe. Il is, oîîghly speak- taam iseea xeep. i*on tisot altog-ther diiiniereIstei St. Lawrence Extra Granuîated ftiniidli>aie. - u 1în -T orilî'r abat tait' ailldo thtFieIunt. bîii t upAnd ready tli baud was ncupsdc 1,0 hihas si rlssl n2lb. eaid 5lb> j Nie dii ber be.ýt tridilt-st-Orn&t;1-r2 1Pti- .$tlvets :,c-»1avoui nglish officer. a gluton 12.000 Muhammedants and 70,000 seaedcaton, ndinbas$ ofia0 irii-porsora aineuc. but Beltui - tVý3 Tic oni mn lu ert paderýnuy lits ' .' flr.îisie cwamany o hm ai'e mmmi- Ibo, 0 bo.:25Ibo., 50 Ibo., sud nîct lu a ri'cýprousive mood, and ilt k-ugîi mautri-ountt i d- r(x ie adpfo'wr.ndhvgtereuRe 100 Ibm., rarty, ix-fore Phit:ppa i-,ked h im lo wa!k knowl dge f î-emaï-ke'N's that lu spfromte cfa Order aibs ofBtSt. Lrenae we igo ad nul mm- im? .11e as,'e. - Ibong the igroutile 50nses- if avcryrin4 cîocfAabc e a ch' raî rom Ilîta. Extra runltte1 'n Ble a- e.e'l, Ilislis-vs Ie-at i the -nd hie alic - ea- tt. Gr aic ansiii ipaiewcs Prîirae, Dlijo.nlsen b% Sir velrn Wood tbu a> t!,. Medium Size Grain-Thiicr <iarth tti ie 'inan.' iecrast warr" p13.1itîg croquiet. IL obheail an afu'n Jwsoes suhsncoleb;goî~10i ii-y the tp-de-t i tioftiih awiîlos ie-mi n 'cvavnianii--efo le mY out of the fellaheen. iw-heegrtucfm yJwseo- everywere coinaupply >'ou. atro»'tis s'e - t -hae r- Hnmi Cmîvriie ais. t soi i u.e-ooahondceddbonlepu on-Ii- ap mlta-rsrvreter bsstl .Lawren e Sugar Rofiherie,, oit ouzlit tol liais-roie iiti uit-, Ar-. at 011 Ilouss,. Phili]tjti.'l lotte lier leit to Pharowt h i f"e.be akt nrae n_ hssc Le, titmr. ho said c-iy. 'l bave luni a de- ta pi-avent his. ulOiIeriott isI dicta- en raî hteaidcfuSrbeow in a maredolaith acis sec - Leild, Moatreni. bglflerol d I it old b1a)il Sta 'cave rachairmw- ntWhat's-his-uame"--is aiw inc i ouaif nacpt "I ili, usotier iigit. o-d cbmsp,'repliaI îtgthrls anlenismgabout be vooe history cf théi next teil yeams, of the couduunntu !ao If NE fj~ Belturiet. lbu ans dyimg tn îaîk ta tiem. ît yti GfAI -7I ~ -"And 1III luise joli>' good eare FOU Y"ou needut Lmtrouble vot-cal! ir i lb ern. wbicbculminated iû the med slaugb91- jews, wbo came witàl the intenition don't!'ihougir Jim.Ïlie iîad etijoyed bis Philippu. hi-lias! tîlîstl. Iepu yti> erclOdr asdtefnlds !ed-gterdsl aetn tetea-te wih Ducietremndoïlyandarcuabit t>lunfipiiticati-4 fat- voand dmiha liat ne-utneetucwe remuacl m Arthur. but 1, hue tie-mi ans! tîey jke~ me sipatian of the.-dark clout ht a Ths-y %etibaicks ta the bonse,,anu l ip - blae ts 'over the Sudan for Centumries. ms-mm ud aflot atie once, îeaviuw the 'MI' deor .im. 1I hiik they ara ,par- lis Syinpathy. tw enra c he hatd n mokei foeti>' cianming, alv 1I oghtthi- a umtili midttightt. amnd timon itrrittist0ol thor might icae-ois 'ra'iubesomie - PIillip- Souîth ,Af-eil, India, Egypst. 'Hv o er fIelitil UP. Ca h~~~~bn ail i-efflied, de-;c-nmpcî la inake te"Lia -hu, fth er l o..1 no%'4 ortlist. lie suis! Oood -St <If pp wrongl an f oAtu.-leAi o To lue continues!> But there wasanother sud great- lfrun hi a apnd t Hi' wili- tiedeftl>' nel-si-o nt 1Inii____., r work for Kîl:tehenem -in another -o;Aîts rog" roasmu 1'.quarter oft ýsanegreat Coniti-- hoaiiiîuî-. idujtis-t> ns 7 " wn, Jihnnv." said the mother ret nOtbr 1899, we were 'h, ly potchp ia lp i ao ue-of tJi6 youîng hosteas to -ihe littie boy -4alkin-g abu h rlîla-ycl d With MY wife." Belîîit--lt as tirer!, yet nestîcca, lie - watcuhofeaefo~ n l buttheasBdintish lu Pie- vil'iMs Jysis outd mouise lier guest.' "I .atvi t elpret-in 1-asdnrinP- Pi-t aie H~î-nîi a l-! taic'.~iolvai om," "H'în !! gî'owled -Inia. Sume f- it did-but as Pi-.r da îsadada da vus g3o uuu<'iottlnbly stda tit hat e ollui.tI u'wwnat fe a su i-s cfid i-. AneIak ee ie a sb arid tea ieah begiuning to aui- umtyci. - ~ léfos- ie1011 .ci-t'i h de.enuîied&~home. , a uhave a good lime." ae w onh feWard and -tber. ani "Y NjREPEATS 'TACTI«S. OP 0 LAfJT WAE., Auguet Secnd Famous la' flhstory -Trivial Incident Preelpltated Borntin thé11ibaesc. btle Bomn i890,1 - blge cf batiep4 yrance and, Ioratatons, raPin sud G-minnanyareto-da revening wth an.stnnyth siilarity civth l atgte usie ti, ckîfic aIThe latret1870ean o wuar T, i. wa r f 870 b.wea n Qget manlt adFechigts, eteen r. maucno Feihtroc-s fat SLor- brueck-noretelnt ilsfron, L-dr man battle cof this presentsud most frightiul of Enropean couflc'ta 'bas jusibeen* waged, on the same day, Auguat 2. In 1870, just.as ta-day, there were thlree cbief point.aviiere lbe big I]ermsn armbe crossod the Frenchn border. The Gemmans, in fuel, are nov repoîiug the t.aotics cf Ibeir lest war. But at binait ime German victory followed Gennian victamy wih terrible rapidity, sud as a ro-, suit canerthe formation cf the Ger- man Empire, with King William cf Piùùsia as Eniperor. And the. suc- ctessi é- doents af Napobeon H1I. cf Franice -culniinated lu his capture aud d-vufaîl, and the estabjlisbment of the French republie. i- The wo ntios ths frmedaregie casauulty tue battery aecomplisb- Tino wo mtion Ihusforaed S -O e'n ute au&oneiialf heurs whf- to-day flyiuý aI eacb othor'&'e 'se draught would have, re- tbroats once more, vitb ail the .4ired (rom three to four'day, anct vengeful bostility engendered inýheebyestablizbecl the vorld's-re-' that former ceuflict. To really un- 'céord for the movenient- of heavY1. erstand thc whole meaning cf thi» guns.. 11. Europosu cri-ais cof 1914, il is ne The nature cf the lbat may b. csayta caîl to mind the dmiimatuc ganged by îthefc that the ammuni. îiotory cf the. ;truggle of 1870. tieu wagon& ha.l 1 make a 'deiou, Il was caused by- Prince Bis- ci aven 3 miles in order 10 pick np xmarck'm detemmination 10 place ammunition. Whcn they rcached Prussia at tlîe head cof a united their destination they had'tmavelied* Germany, and by Fmance's jeelosy 11(3.5 miles cf ccuuîtry. Ti. stani of ber hereditary enemy's îbre.aten- is tIns desimibed by au eya-vituess 1 mng grovîh. But hostilities were ae- uIt was an eeî'y sigît when shott- :ually precipitated by £. vemy tri- ly befere i o cleck the West Riding vial incident, just as in the present botter>' ro pýeci out'o he polo The. FrnhAbg!lr ee rund lu front cf the histeric îan- Tet, Frch mded of RingBWllm f aon at Wentworth .Wosdiouse, Prîusia dttned prins f he 1meofTheir advent was heraçled by a roar* bouhd ever accnopl theof iene ~lik. au approacbing e5xpreas. Tie shold ve acept th th oii o position of eacb gun sud wag ou in Spain. The king refused te listen, the dai-kness vas marked. by the, and maide publie excerpîs froîn pwru electijo eacilighîs ou h 3euedetti's demuaud, AFedy cars that were acting asa trac»-ra, laler, July -10, 1870, Fac for- Tino.. îighswee1. aùde-oe nally declared ivar, pirand 100. al do-pwed "Maied Fist" Shmuej. the electrie starting applianes wilh vhjch the cars were fitted. -Abt Gei'mauy' s mailed flet" sbruck 2 a.m., sltortly, before daybreak, tbe- -efome Franco had hall s chance la wagons leit -Weutworth for Selby."i prepare borseif. iGemmany had a There are many details cf tb. iglîing force cf evçr 520,000 men lu buat which the Wai Office will not ;he field ab once. The Frccli ad give out, but, it may inicrest Mo- .oficleuîly expcbed te lie abl. ta tonass o know that the gun, an4 îobilize 500,000 men iustaubiy, but limbex' bcbiud eaeh car weighed 28 .und Ihat only 250,000 were avail- cwt., aud that 90 miles of tbe jour- Lb -foi- tbe milita-y novomenta ne>' were accomplisbaed ou juat eigbl uriug August. gallons -o! peu-ai, The guns, which A ler lie first-couliel at, Saar- w ae o! the I-pounde«r-rapid-fire, nrueck, on August 2, in whicb lie type, were attachcd ta the chiassi French ver, victaorions, there, oc- oaI the ouring cars 'b>' speciai baul-j ,urmed a fiece iibac-k ou h e Gem- iig b i ek t ade lu the Shffield- .an advauce guard near Weiss- Simpex works. These backeL, iig, in Alsace. The French were flttd wibb stout mpe washers ýroop:5 retired with bcavy l-oss. The. to avc "clittei-iug" Thrce spare cerm an invasion p nogresaod rapid- c as s a co p ui d ue ol m , to asaiis, if tIeCe'asa!'yv, on tie'hils Y.or i case cf hreakdowu, aud cach Iu baIlle afler baille the French of the gunsq caried spitre wheels, nflicled hosses snucb hmavier than but neitltcr rrcautinwsa,]d hei- own umpon th.eueemy, btut of ci-e eacb lime defeated. .Fimahi>',]c.-h9 aa-ie alter L.Xpoeon'*î. -downXaîl *at - . dan;,-sud,,oerganizýd 'a g4vernmen#4 ,for national defoem,cf 'whicii Leoni Gambefta, thegreat Fr4>ncb ,ttes-ýe man, vwaa oneý of the chiots. ,Gam4,etta put, a.ronautics, wiil are playing &o. striking à.paaétin thIi present strife, -to-tii. #rot iucceoo. f1u use iu war. - Ro -escaped from beleaguereâ Pvirs Mnai a ba1lon, sud attempWçc to raisà more troopas in tho south1 of France . B ut thu s d nùm atïc deed, wàs, Vain, ana Wbytino la'st of Janu-, ary,ý W871, Paris-va. at the.*pointoT starvation, snd vas foroed tao capi-- tula.e. - Thne aiusing exactions cf thi e' tarions Germans, -iu tln buge in-, deniiy-they required, sud tÉeir, anuexation cf _.Alsaoe-lorïie,j' have' neyer been fogrgotten, -by1' BRITA1N'S MOTOR ARTILLEItY.t Covercd 116.5 Mliles Ian mhe and a H[ait Hours. Acting on tino assumption hht a hostile -force bac! r aided the. Eaet Cost at thé mouh.ofthe Huni*ber' a Territorial battcry cf -théo RcsYaim Horse Artillery on, niornfig a fewý, daya befor.' a , generai Enro 'ari - v&r threatened, bitched. fts * gi.n« andamiantin wagons beiiind n Septeniber 2, the French Empeî' r, aud all be army under is omniand vas capiured at the bat- le f Sedan. Tîmre vas eue amny fI ta France, 'but il was botled p lu the foi-bifi 'ed ciby of Metz,- un- r tb. command af Maraal Ba- lune, vino, aiter a dariug attempî t a, sortie, vas forced tacapiulaleJ face is ho hi-t bis vile go round witb- i October 27. cuit anv clothes. i t r' Mn. Skkkl--l vaut Y6îî l obe - as econômical1 as ppssible, -my deai-., Timies are very dmîll, aud I vaut tlu ho able to iok the warîd in lbe face. Mis. 'Skids-I sbould ,say- tbey were dîîll, wbeu lhé onl'v' way a' man cun 1!oak the world lu lb. does make, the - bread' lu utter .taste gqqd!" 'T T ishenyou sprcaýd it' out on bread or- pancakes, fru it or - porridge, 'that you notice mroSt the sweetness and perlect pumity.of REDPAT- Extra GrianuIated 3,gar. Buy it i-n the 2 e%4. 5-lb. Sealed Cartonà,orini the 10, 20;,50 or10b. Cloth Bags, and you'l gel tthie genuine <4g' abso!utely CANADA SUGAR R-.FiNlINC -CO., LINIITED, i 1

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