Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Aug 1914, p. 3

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Wil be Otitavwa, Aug. -ilk-what w'ill- be raie.ifrom $ 2,46Y V $3.00 per gal- reoaWd as. the "War Parliament" ion. waë-Qpeed tisafterncson by hie On medîcated wine the i ncrea"e is R1oyal Highnesê the Duke of Con-J from 50 to 60 per cent, s2.ught. Thi.e poning oeremony was Ou malt IIQur a BJmcZia w& tax cf di cte f all-the social fUnCt'enJý 3c per pound i. impcoed in addition Whieci bave charac e#zed paet occa- to the. existing ad qrlorem duty of siAqti, and in their - tad was -tý,e 35 per cent.t & 'iletit evidence cf a4eep apprecia-, Chemical preparetiens, incIud1ng tieji of the grave,18sâus with Whiehpatent medicines, when dry, remail) 'thie Parliament.:of Canada hias been ýunciianged; but on 'ail others tii. c&jIpd upon te deaL.Ai sy6dfo 0t 0 e The arrivai cf the l)uke of Con- cent,- fje aised irm'b o60per 4 naught on Parîsament HUI ,waa wit- pe r cent. of proof, spirit.s the Speei- nessed by tihousanda of Ottawa peo- fie duty la increabed frein $2.40 te ple. wIic were net deterred by 832.00 per all-n. threatening skies fromn -viewlng Paints and colorg, ground in ispi- wlmat wiIl go dbwn asi a historic rita, are inereaseà fromin$8.00 te i, ,enie in the annalso! the Qw, ladian $1.9ô per gallon. 1 Paa'liament, Ris Royal Highn2cu.s re*EeoInra" was aecornpanied by the seuaUeles- ThExieIras. cort cf drageonsansd received bY The following are the. inereases in *the eustomary guard cf honor f rom the ekexie ddities:' the,' Governer - General'a Foot Spirite from $1.90 ao 82.40 per Guard. ~ -gallon.' tpeeeh Froin Thbrone. Malt liquors frein 10 te 15e per 'fionrablegallon. "Hoorale enteme -f the Sen. er wIt rm ct o 3cte eper pound; &eGeteeofthe Bouse o rse5 atfo 2ct c 'Very 'grave events vitaliy affect- l0e per pound; eut. tobacco and ing the inteý'este cf al bis Majesty'a twist frein bc to 10e per pound. dominions have transpired since Snuff and snuff fleur froni bc te prcorogatio.ný Thse unfortunate- out- 10e per pound., break of wàr made it immediastely Cigèrs frein 82.00 te 83.00 per .zmperative foi' xy Ministe rs te take thousand; if in aniail packages $3,00 .extraordimary- neasures for the de- -te 84.00 per thousand,. lencée of thse honor and integrity of Cigarettes, weighing not more Our Empire. than three peunda per thoûsiatd, "Witl respeot te such cf these frein $2.40 to -83.00 per thousaad; measures as may require tlie eane- weighing more than three pounds tikn .and approval, of Parliaie.nt, per thousa.nd frein87.00 te 88.00 tbe- necessary IegiýI&tive proposais per thousand. wilI b. submitted for your consider- Iu erder te meet the actien -of ation. Other bills ,authorizing ad- distillera -and brewers who have ditional measures ivhich are essen- -,ex-warehoused their gooda with a Mal for the public eafety wiil aIso view Vo avoidà-ng .expéoted wa.r b. pjresented to you without delay. taxes ail the excise , tis ae ad * AnL ",Jon-Clad" on W Ainnt ion fo>r the wholfflle rn *wrst. This "iron-clad"ý on wheoilm and is co'nsklered to bo the mot pe at ils i amy, WAREHOUSE .S ARE GONI Amerlcans Irrltated Because of Lack Of Ships to GOet Food1 to' BrItafir A despa.teh froin New York 9ays: thesn tisehope tsait they wi-i receive Every ship that sails eut of New prrmpt PaYment for their gooda. 'Yor fo Engièhpors thse ays AItisugis in need cf focdatuifs YerkforEngiehport thse ayegeneraOly, for this mment England sails light. Thse Krioenlajsd left the is-eupplied with grain, almost over- ether day with 4,500 tons of! food- supplied,!l amording Vto .-Wimates stuff a and rom for 8,000 more. made by omelCale Cf' the Internation- Others of the. 13 ships of tii. Inter- ai Mercantile Marine. This, they 'national Mercantile Marine recent'ý say, is due te tii. diversion te Bri- ly departed fer Engla.nd have rid- tishs por'ts of large cargoes in bot- den higis ii the water beoause et terni bound for Continental ports at t1heir light cargo. Otiier linos tell tise-outbrea.k of ise war. tise, same sbory. Pariadoxicaily,. Sugar le tise oen article wilich warehe-uses &reund New York are Great Britain needs more tisan any ehok>ed with -the supplie. for w-hieh othér. For the. first tisue in yeame England is offéring fa.ncy prices. .EFnglish'inerohants are impor'ting The eason why noue of this foodi direct fii>m New York. Thse bulk is ooinoe te E n-glnd. it îs asserted, lf Éngiiah snoer camne. lfo +kte. "Getleen ! tse ous o!Coi-'retrôaetive to Augugt 7tb, and the la because Àniericaxn ahippers have1 M013---Estimateý wili be l-aid be- saine date applies to the import ne assurances tha.t the.ir dirafts wiiI fore you te provide for expenditure duties on liquors. b. ihongred lu England prcvniptly, by iseh haa been, or mnay be, caused an__ sd are unwil.ing te send ieir pro: byteoutbreak cf hoeilities. ducta abrotad with nothiug more ' "n. Gentlemen of thse Senate, FORCE ÀLMOST DEýIMATED. --Gentlemen e! thse Bouse o! Coin- OTROWIL- TSDT neions,-4-The criticai périod inte Blath AIready Dlstin 8jhed Them- ITROVLLD IT DT. which 'we have Just entered his. selves In 1Le&orifs; GvrietWi ep uEYc Aroused tote i.ful the patriotisin dspitos ren onnonsae:t il e lManna e- and* loyaity whieis have a.hways actu. Wedesday's fgiti ndonit Aserseheter atbed thse Canadian people. -' Waextsaý ihtiga arao -"Fr-om every province, and, in-wa- xreminly hot. Thse appearance A despa' hf rom Toronte says: 4d".d, f rom every coinnuunity, thi.e - c>f Gerinan a&v1atiire war» the Sir 3aies Whitney gave out -the reujponte ta thé calh of chuty hu fireb intimStion'thait the Geyrmang, Iolowing Sbaimct-on !!lursdIay: b-eeaalthat oould be desired. The who had- bee repuiwedonThe pre h iesent le, a eupremc e &iis mirà whieh tisus aninsates (Inadà VlOUs ev(DIng nU dd or~ time ferS the peeple eft -te Prýovince; insire alkohie 1Maety's dmn the attack. FIying t eGer lon.4 throughout -the workh; and we flIn aVi&tojrgs surveyed thé pesýton ULd Caim1nega8, Couimge and fôrti- maibeassredtha unt'e acionand then returned to report. SooDn tude shuid be dispi-ayed by Gov- mftevwa4s heeseran nfattebumntaucoportiosacdtiovn to repel the commun danger wilI n-t et ad teGmanifnry, edinan~Ts con-ortins nini (illtoteStrengtIsen the ties tht supported by nmachiine gise and 'lai h nai oenet bird together tisose vast dominions artiiiery, opened a fierce attack. ha" beeu ca.refully atudying thse in khe possession and enjoyment cf Thse Belgiana were outnumbered SîtUatîon since thse outbreak of war theblesine c Bitih lbery. but put up a desperaibe resistance' with a viewte reu4eri-ng aid in tise The t-roops on -oth aides fougbertyk d'As repile se naivs of hie Majes- Tetop nbtmSdsfuh i e a0t effctive ,maisuen possible at ty the '.King, I1inumt add my expres- demnsens. The battle,&o-ozi became, a tisÀe when such aid aha, b. -of sionof !t-hanks and admiration for veritable butchery. Two Belgia.n thse greatest benefit toe i.Metier- the oplendid spfirit of patniotisin regîments,, whiech had already dis- land. With ttus objeot in view, UW~ And generosity tîsat have been dis tinguistred tisenselves in thse forts Government îs in communication phaed iseugsot tse e 1th -ndof Liege, held tise invaders in witis the Dominion Governusent at breadtis o! t-le Dominion." check foÏr two h-durs. BotIsBides Otaa oa t seranteviw8 0 ole f ~oîn were losing hcavily wlien thse ne- o! tii. Imperial Goverunt, and Notitti ofMoton. tre-at was sounded. Major Gilson, ieheqs the proper time comes tise Two notices of motion have been whose nose had been broken by a people o! Ontario ec rely on thse xiî'tn as the bsais o! Government bulle, tuook charge efthtie Belgian Government ci the Province doing legisia-tion. The first, is the nsime rear gu ard, wisich fought so ýstu-b its fuît du-ty and aiding t.he Empire- o! thse 'iie- Minister, provid es bornly tisat o>nly seven -out of bis inl thse nost effective mannen pos- "that it is expedient te provide force cf 288 mem returned. Wisen sible. Whether tsat aid Bhould be th.at u, sum n nt exceeding 850,000,- Gilson rcached GIsent a !iend sug- given now or later, and whetîhe 000 be granted to bis Majeety te- gested telegmaphing te has father. directly or in co-epematien with tise w ards defraying any expeuses thet At first he refused, remarking that Dominion Goverument, remains te nîay be incurred by or under tise bis fatiier woulj iearn about hie be determine.c." authority cf thse Governor-in-Ceun- wound- f rom tise newspapers. ýéildurng he ear ndig MrchFinally he consented, saying: "It 21, 1915, for tise defence and secur- anm atGisent. No need te worry. VLI AL I'IF0) ity of Canada, tise coSîduct o! naval - ' 'ICSISWII OD or. niflitary operations in or' bcyond W sîl quickly rejoin my regiment."q Cd-nada, îromoting tise coiitinna-nce 1 'ri' roIude as'me' -of tî'ade, iiidîîttsry a-nd business I1DI-EIO'ÂEFIAGlTS. cand 15.0010 Tons to Bnitain. - - inîuîietvswheîiîeî-b nieans A despate-hite New York says: hi 4!) - insîîî'antloê and intblemnit> IiIIil BetGivei cint dn Nlog The -White St-arliuer Celtie, sailingc alugiii.st ar risk or 4jtiîerwvise, and .41 Eflhiloil ohbis Vear. at neoon for Queenstown a.nd Liver- i the carrylîng oluto! any measîiie V'tît he Canadian Nation- p ool, ivas thse (,nly trans-Atlanrtlc dteovei-sr.or apisable C al Exhiition; at ¶'oronto tblis year vessel .o 1ave this port on Thîirs- -V thsencin cCumiCe hie oporuntyday. hecarried ilôs ýnpassen- * c ~nessi:îig tîydro-aerop]nne fligis gers a-nd approxi.mately 100 in thie it s iwjerrp.l ,%iid t-Arangement.ghave bcen made steerage. Fifteen thousand tons o! %2~'iri-'îuîi i m)îoc whereby W. A. Dean will fly ii -8 tfsc va~ ecito-i .Go t'nseb î'by c i, euîîporedr machine dail-y, starting fron tise the ;nsrance und-îrwriters would oûraohiise , sua s o uisa.n ! nionev ylake and cireling over the Exhibfii-a'14w-- were packed in lber hoid. as -are required foi' the purpose ýf tiun Grû-tnds. Tise flights wiil b. qF s ain sy payineiîf t t,1hî,rilze<l Uy given at varieus intervais during I IEFOT 11,)OT any Act inded on t1me e îeoîî- thse afternoon, but oue will b beted LE~ OT L)O" ti>îs" t t-be, fixed bour, o! six o'ciock The second resolstion. whiebh ap- every day, A suffiiient.heigtit wiîî 11111 Bte Illowuî Up Ritier Thian be paî i ti.uime ! heMiiserbe maintained over thes grounds Siirrendered'i. of Finance, is Lo emîsewer the Gov- t-bat in case of 4ccident tiere will Uc A despatch fres Brussels says: 1 erninent -te isiake advunces teO tie and rooni to glide out over A report o! tise capitulation cf thse banks, te authorize the banke t thse, water before desccn4hing. principal forts at Liege was officiai- 81 stike liayrnnts in notes, aud te is- ly denied at 8 o'clock Thursday ti sue excess cir'culation, te authos-ize - iigist.- Tise correspondent o! tise T tise suspension of the redemption o! BAI'ONE'l' WI'II TEE'i I ON Il' Figaro telegrapis that Qen. Le- ]R - lotinion notes and goid and gi ve man, t-h. commander at Lieg, 09e tite-Governf'-iu-C-ouneil autbority 'lPii' IIt Lto iipite's làioi P8't'o f woru to biew up tiie forta ratUer W t. establiâl a mor'atorium. Withdtrawal. tien srrender tisenste the Glar- a *, Excise 'Taxes Inerenseti. A despatel f rom London &&Ys: mns. qi Th'le following speci-al wssr tax on Thse,Daily Mails Brusseis corres- tz'. - offee, asugar, liquors sud tol4-c. poide-nt says tint thse Germans are TO 'SHOOT (ORRESPON DENTS. 'i -'c. was anssol-nced by Hon. W. T. 5 asy et itsttho i, White,> Miuister o! Finance, in pré-,wh hslips ineasily, but teers tise h -.qe. N ot Eveu Perinit Con.f -soutiig ig s bdget to t-be Hout,'co!f- flesh u opieces in' the process o! ' -nt t ry1%m Couinons: witisdrawal. -On tise otser la-nd. nniat o yhi. W, thse Pruessian- buhic't. by reason o! A des-pa.toh fri.m Paris says: The fa IÈIue andi Friiit Jive-4. lits extrenue pointedne.sis is Saviug Belgian correspondent ei tise Jour- ef me tap 25 pfri cet. avin not tb.-te Bcd Cross mut-h werl. Extrac- ual t-eiegrapii-s tIsathtIe Ka.iDar ias fl nio'e isas 5 prAc«t o Pplof , tions have beeti reduved 25 pesr ordered tisataIt 'war correspondeuts 'R ritsara-e placed uisdére a duty of 75e 'cent. tho bull-et passing clean wiio fait into the iadfthse Ger- inste'ad et 60e per gallon. t uII mjr(fe hn o. --isbto îh1tâi If the proul! spirit is more tIsuhran -mi<'<tntla o. ri~s .to 25 PW eâ et. tise-pecifie duty 1 -- - - --i- s-- a'iscd rein $2,40 Vo *3,00 per gal- lon, tise ad valorein duty remaining / ,~ -uiicliaiged at 30 pier cent.'1 > / Lime juice -and fruit juice, '-V 6 -/ t/#/ ' 11.0.P.9 are inrneoaed frein 22 te '<'4" war, frxn Gcrinany and Central Europe, Ne.srly 1,500 tons were on the Ceiltie, and 1,350 tons wera aboard the Kroonland, both jugt GENERAL HOETZENDORF, the chiot et statf thtie Austnian amiy, who la sald te b. leacing tise Ausatnian- soldier ns athse fileldi. ('ANAiJIANS ABIIOAD. 1200.000 Aîîportioned by flhe Gtv- -eîiieiit foi' Thieir Relief. SA de-spateis f nm Ottawa says: In :tse House o! Conmmunst on Thsurs- dey- Hou. George P., Graha.m eu-I qttiredas to dise safety o!f(Canacdians ubr-oad and was informed Uv .Si' Rkbert Borden that thie Goi'ern- Mnt bcad Placed this nîctter ils the si-sud;s ,o! Sir Joseph Pope, Secretar3-' of State for Externnl Affairs. aund in t i- f oRHu. George H. Periey. niire surn o! $200,000 isatibeen ep- porti-one-d for tisis relief.-wonk. thle Lan5lns cf troOPaSunfb. Bak4ie ppoviuoe.2'1 A St. Pe+eraburgcleapabtoh to the, Daily Mail zeys t&i Ncvioe Vreruya publiehed ean aoount of thee ûgiitizg st Edytk-ffhue, REast PruEeia, hjy an etr~wbnes;whoSay 8: "The. fightig hire seemed to prove 'thsa t theGerman army'e mii*tary -qualiies did not j uif y Ite, reputaiticin.T-4e mçn- inithé, skirmish Unes hud4qed tegether,ý' ma.king excèIenLta?&igetsý for our "iTi. Gerratan Ca.vairy avoided cure, retreataxsg when thse Rzissiansý advanced £or 'the.chbarge. 1%e Ger- man infantry, likewise,- retired b. fore our bayo.net charges." . The. Novoe Vremys commnnts on Japan's ul'tiùnatum as foilowsj;: "The enemies of eur epeaes are 'frie-nds. Tii. %ry of the. yeleow peril is net justified. Tii. yeltew rade, evën as the- whit.e roc, ises against German violence." AEROPLANES WORI< IAVOC. Aviator Iteturns aimd Tells of De- A d'espatéh fremin Lndqn says: Adcdphe Pegoud, the. noted French aviator, ha.s returned frein tie war zone te Paris te gel, a new a.ero- plane. Aecording-te a Paris des- 'patoIs to the Exchange Telegraph.-, the win gs of Pegeud' a old-màhlne were riddled by Il -uliets and two shella when h. mad a fliglit with a military obs&erver of 300 kiiornetres (186 miles) into Ggrman territcry. Pegoud could not say just where ise had been except that h. recros.sed tIse -Rine a-nd bl-ew up by ineans cf bornbs two Gerinan conveys. Cap- tain Finck, a milibary aviater, Pe- goud said, isad destroye a han-gar near Metz and wreck ed a Zeppelin and aise destroyed tii-r. tube a.ero- planeso whivh were in thse hangar. Abhouté TiwoHuid esI a tured ,incc Qitbretik of W'nr, TIAse-,Ds-h from bondun s~s Th DiyExpress estimates that tise, number -o! large Germaim ves- sels captured at sea by thse Brit.h, F'rench aud Russian warships total 1 200, with a teinnage of a mil-lion. snd a valute -e! 300,000,000. T-he, r'ape.r says t-ha-t t-er. are stliire- mainiug at sea about il00 (ilern sbips hiable to capture at any m- ment. These hîave a total tonnage o! 2,000,000, and a Value - o! 8700,- 006,000. Tises-e latter -include 155 Ilanib)urg-Amieric'an vessl, 120 North German Llo(-yd, 6à Hanise, 45 Geran-ustalin,45 Ramburg- Souti Ainerieu.n. -15Levant 30 Gem- jmai-Ainerican pcirùieuîi.ai 30 fWue rnmanun. 'itiîind Li'st of Germn Cun(aslaltiî's A despatel frein London says: Telegrapising !i'eun Copeuisagen thse corresp'>ndesît o! the Daily Mail says tIsat thse -tiiid list o! Germa-n Casualties. aggregatinq about 1,000 men kitled or wounded, mainiy in- fants-y. isas bee upsbhhi-jed ini Ber- lin. TIse correspondentacide tbat the s-cpurt tisat Prince Fredt-rick Williami-o! Lippe was killed before Liege is cousf'runed. [00K TOWN, WITIBAYONEIS :rencli Forc.es Are Once tlore lu Control fil Miel- - hausen- A -despatchi frein Paris ays: mon'infantry divisioin ?etreated at- <Our iroops have me-t wits brilliaut fer suffe ring gre-at los.4es, leaving u àe-e l laee seial v iglît cannoin and two msitrailleuses succs.es n Al3ac, epecillybe-iintise isnds o! tise Iltissians. Witi-ý Ween Muelhausen and Al-tki-rchs.lin a radius o! 100 kilinietres around 'h-e Geninans, retneating on tise Wargaw tisere is ne Germas cavaur>' Rhine left in ocdr bauds mnuy pri- le! t. %ners anti ,24 guis, six o! which "Between Kielce andi Duibnso, -on' Were captureti afte*r a* siarp strug- tise Galician frontier, .iseveral Aus- le. by our 'infautry. - Tise main tnian caî'alry raids were repfflse. uart.érs -of' Muelhausen were re- Railread, communication between ilcen. Kielce sud Warsaw lias bren res-i "l Lorrie tise day w-as less for-trd Lna'te for us. Our adva-need troope "An Atistrian cavalry divieion mund tisemseés fàýeed by ekeep- was repuslsied after a hard fight st iouaily strong positions. Tisey Frodelia. The Ruselins haive taken -ere foréed by 'à colinter-attaek te the -off ensive ail al-ong tie lin. 1 aIl b-ack inia bddy, wiich is -suiidl "M. Dényi cchin pres.ented 28o0 utîa.blished on tse 'Seille suid aloulg Greeks to tise Mihîi-er o! War forj he camai frein tiseMarne tetie service intise Foreign Legion. Trhey1 .1hne." are -«Il Balkan -veterans. There - "At Stienponen, il kilonietreS have been many Italien applicants, ne-t cf Eydtkuhueu, tise firet Ger- for tise leg'on." abaËdo.onsng it raiiner t>an to ai-1 tempt &. fômmiidabie- defencel, espe - éiabiy as thse position is noV susp. posed te b. regardled by the. allies 'as 01 strategie iïuporbance. Th r1efigbting ait j3irleqient and< Louvain ii desýrîibeci by tii Ostendý corresponùdent cf thii. E xpress,*ho. says that le witnessed it frein a church toWer at Tirlemsnt firat and later preceed-ed te Louvain. He says "Tirlement wà.5 quiet and nor- mnal, sùddenly - there. camne the sound Ocf tii. firat'Germnan gun. Thse a.rtillery -b.d open.ed fire. "Frein the church tower it waa possible, te Sedietinctly tii.1 posi- . tion of thse Germ an gn n h bursting cof 'tdeir shelîs. Te l gimns replied frein their position4 eaab cof Louvain. Lt was a strikingi sight te thse aCcompani'ment of thse 1 ceaseless tiiud cf bureting shels j wit4their ,uffs Lctn-iç ~eazng up he"peaceful wheat fielda ýnetvery Jarm away. i ."Gradually worki.ng nearer, the e shela began te strike tIse'house ini Tirlemiont, Tins was a signal forX the populace, which heretefome 'ladt been confident that-the . Belgianst .weu1d proteet then. te fly lhlMiy Sliooting begun tri arrive foli.Qwed -liter by. 8oldiers. By eleven c'clcck thse Beian rea.r gùÎrd: was eugaging the enemy -at. the railread bridge at thse entrance 'Vo the town.' "The firhbg waa- heavy. ,The wounded bega-n Vo'corne in, Rider- lesa, hersescamè along, .both Ger- man and Belgian. Those- were eaught and -mounted by -civilians, glad -te have se rapid a mode of escape. "Iremember watehi-ng a- bla.ek- célad, Belgian wohian ruùniî« straight dewn thse- Middle cýf. a road- way froi thse Gernuansg.: Beiind-her camne thse retiring.ý Belgiars trç.ops, disheartened but, vliant. This ýk«- ma~n, clad in moutrping, was the. - smbol cf tIse Belgian populace..< "At sonse of- the barricades along th'i'ou;e,'tiie refugees and sol- diers arrive~d niultîapeçi kk- ing tise 4efence dii , , IAf about Tirlenmont and Louvain thi. ,efugeeý ço!tinuiaily interfered with tise Wkomk of tiie troops. Tii. road- t,6 B-russels always wae crewded witfi refugees)' - .Wounded- A despatelk f rom Paris. says: The of Barras, Harbone, Mont rigny, Frenoh Goverument calls the atten-I Monraix and Paraxc, while during tion of the powers signotories. of the actions ini question no artillery the agueConvntios tetue f i fre f ro.m edther side' eould have- th e H ag e (ýo ven ic ns o t e t i _ p rod u ced fires. In the sain e re- lowing act1s of the German military .gion'b4 Germans foec&i the inhabi- authorities which con,,titute a vi<>- tant.s to narch in front of their ad- lâtion .01 thoe, 0nt-enfituns gneA -on vmegaarcl. (ernnan troýopa aisô, Oct. 19, 1907, by lthe (erman lIn- forced women and-childre,to-o perial (kvrnînent. elore thein to enipty ile. By tihe comniander-in-chief of the Uponý the b Vlefields tliçy masa- army of the east,: Germnan troops ered, burned and fxnishe. lof finishied off an important number of wounded, They killed p'risoners atý wounded by shots fired point bla.nk Bailty on the loth as reporte.l to in the face, as was evident- by the the Governinent on the lith. dimensions of the w;oirnds. Otiier '"Th.e Goveriàment of the Repub-, wotndedI were iiputionally' tra.m- lie in th0 presence of auch methode, jIcd on and kicked with hee]3 of!%% hic'h are of universal oonsequenoee Gierman soldiers. reproves and l-eaves to the civilize.d "The Tenth Bavarian Infantry powers a: fuit appreciation o! thea systeînatically !burncd villages criminal facts which d.iàhonor for- wie-h thicy traversed in the region ever, the guilty beiligerent.> A CI'BIOl'S Pt NIISUMIEN'. 'I'Iîit'v"ç Lotkei i)tsau losl con Sun-m day IIeft,iî-- tChlis. Tie Slovaks (Huingar'y) arc a very pe,,acefuii, law-abicli zig cominuuity, but tse-re are priubaUl y UI-a-ck slseep ausong their uîmbe-r, and in front o! thse Roman Cathl]ie Cisurcs9at PoEityeu, reminiscent o! thse daye wlien puinislsment was meee-d eut in nîssel this alme way as it ires iii England in tliose days, WasXid-e Wo'Ild. Fasteneci iin tiis illar in the centre i-5a large' iron d-asp, and a-t tie base t«'o suiehler euýes close together. These ci-asps fitteti ar-oiîd tIse waist andi ankles o! effenders, and wlsen a mniaso-s'r o hiad stolen sometIsing they wvr'c loc-ke-d to tisis post-- on a Sunday a-nd c'om- pelled te hold 4-) tleir hî',inls îibat- cirer the-., lied ,toleuî. Ees'ry Sic- î'ek att-ends nias on- Ssn<lays, f rom 'whic'bit nsay Uc ga-tliered iha-t iliA: publie -expostire was île aiîtos'- decal. Tisé r-st izeairs a -tcr-in- seniptiüsi, tIse translation o!f î-Isiciu ïs, i'fdo nut, ak you tî> couse, but if Ycsîcom 1 Ireceive oI LESS IIEAU - A<h s'f-f' fFaîiiiy l'Iyxsk'iî.- Formerly iseople t-bousgbt m- ncesssry km Frt-engt.h and is-os Ian vigor,- Tiiems-n w]lo worked lisard was tupposed 'to requin. me-ait two or - ibres times a. day. Science lias found out differenrly. It is now a common tlsing for tisej famuiy phsysicien te order lcss meat,j as un ti following letter fres an Easte-rn m-an: 1I haec, suffered foir ye-ars witls dy.spcWda and nervoisnese. My psy-sician advised une toeaet lee unÉat. and 'greasy fcods gener- ai iy. 1 tried »everal thingm te talte te place o! uny issu-ail breakfas&t of chp, fried potatees, etc., but, gc-t ne relief until I tried Grape- N uts f ood "After using Grape-Nuta for the ore-ail part cf my -meals fur two Ye-arg, I asm now ýa - weIt. man. ýGrape-Nuts bessefited nmy beaib fan more tsan tse niedicine I iiad taken b'efèee . - .. .I "MXy wife aàd ,,Ohidreû' are, iieaki3er itsaisthey hiad been- for yemandi we arle a very happy "Wie have'b-cen so inueisbenefit- ed by Gruape-NutÉ tsat it would b.l ungrateful -net te aoknowledge it."' Naine givein by Oaçadàmaa Postum Ce., Windsor, Ont. Read " Tse Rad te ,WeÎllviite," lun -pkgs. (Tliere's a Ree.oS." Evér rUd the shov. latter- A new on& appeart -from - limi e Ltimo. Ihey are peua.,trus, ind bah of human IhIOrest. Wiiu sw far has refrained frn tak- ing a-ny ste.ps aant Germany, b1ici whD m&Y bec Cmpelled by ariti-Ger- man feeling in Ho>lland tu s?'ad an- ultiniatuirn to the Kaiser iînqu;,Iýýgl what -are bis i~2tos Tranùs or in Aiskit. "Uncle Sain' runis soine peculîia r businesgia, aid among tîe~m is tiiat o! a reindeer farmer.- There the Government lierds (i! reindzer, whi-ch co.me Clieto he200,00d' Intark. To tho in1iabitant ftN.orth- ern Alaïka the reind-eer b., a down- right neesity. Reindeer te-aina haul 'the znaiI te i. créd goJd- ning camps and gttements far froWnthe f ew rniles *cf railroada that, Aleaeks peesses. They ca.n carry a biggrjoad énd go further and faseteoe than the malamüutes.ortrail.. dogs, -aind U mueh me re__importan.t factor, &re s'ery, eae-iIy feci, living mainly on Aretie moss. The ren deer i.s net a ne-ive -of Alaeka a', znot. people 'think, -but wa rt n trouce.d into'AlaekIr~ .p how adapt.ed t6 the. country the deer were, aetarte4 to e ayed ',m Belgian 1 ]

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