BROOKLN. -Rev. M. E. SeXemthl, et Wbltby, Tihe toucher et S. S. No. 3, -Brook- visîteti at the paesonago re cently. lin will be Mga. Francis Thalan, of! LANGFORD.-Iii Xyrtle, on Augus% Langton, Ont. l2th, to M1r.ý anti Mn. Alfredi Lang- To-night, (Thurstiay,- August 20), a -ford, a'daughten. patnletlc ccont wll be hold-inl the' Mr. L. Stevenson, of Oebawa,, upùt, Masonlc Hall bore uat 8 o,'èlock, un- $unday wlth Mr. D.A. H-ubbell. Uer the auspIges. o! the - Women'5 lu-t stitutes,'of K".sle, Columbus , anti Falling Hali and, )tching Brooklu. Tlir.proceptis wlll go te- Sclp wards the Cà nadian -WornCn'B Hospi- Sap tal Shlp Funti. A splendid prograrn NvllI be prmpared. Admission 250. NEEDLESS-USE PARISIAN liss Olver le visitiflg iuUxbrldge SAGE. the guet of hMr. anti'lrs. %W.A. Hol- Iltay.Ros lelisTorntoNcýw that Patisin Sage ca be vi sit e tis in T o asto thi s e ek adat any drug counter i ni tie: MisEvelynMor a been' vis- niatteti, stringy or !a.deti hair. No iting with Miss-Scott iu Whtby matter how',uusightly thse bait, beW MisLoretta Soniey, o! Manchy- >badly It le falling, on ho-W much dan- ter isvistin atBIr D.Macà n-druif, Parisian' Sage le ail tisat la ter',laviigat îrD.Mco- neetiet. Frequeul applications andi Nald'5. Alms1isvsiig nwell rubbeti into th. scalp will d~o Mie Ma>oy Aleis e vsiingsuwonders-iI acta 1ke magie. The 0 rillin baâin noots are nouniissetiand tistmu- Mr. Wiîl White had four valuable l-atedti t grow new bair, llchixsg milch cews akîlleti durlng the severe scalp, tiandruli anti falllng bain ceaie ,atorn on Monda,.The animais were -your bond teels fine. Best e! ail, 'under a troc, anti v'ere struck by tise bain bocomos soft, fluffy, abunti- KÉghtning. 1 I ant wit Ilile andi beasty. Mr. aisd Mrs. Jas. Iroad vîsitei I You wiî be surpriseti anti dllghted Inu Os9hawa 'recentiy. - wltb Parisien Sage. <fry at least ÀMn.,EilîlotI Lawrence, whill uslng oee il ty cent bottlo from A. Il. AI- "Pa- at .,. .i,.+ 4,. in the il..,- A dha will reund the nurchase thons Ji the. near future. Thse Içinsale .branch of the Womez'e Instituto wlî join wltthelb.Brooklu -andi Columbus Inslltutes on' Thuis- 4ay evonnn&g ln holding a concert aI, Breoklin luad et thseHospital Shlp for thewar."'This le a wortisy cause, anti wlll meet with boarty support. Tise Sab bath Sehool ta s atitiot severai new volumes te lisÉe Librany' E. W. Retiman le maklng a very effi- dient Superîntentient. Mn. H. W. MoBrlen bas« completed bis new ban, ant iits fine appear- ance atdde mucis te the beauty o! the neighborhood. l)eatness Cafinot ho Cureti bya ocal applications, au rhey canuot reacb t i im asmet portion et the est. Thora le ouly edb 'ws tcire deafueme. sud that la b1 coutitu.I tionai6t.'nedien. vfestna causea ty au lu- fismed ic'ndittou e iamucouslia ing et tha Eust échinanTuh~e. Whan ibis tuba là Infianied you hava srumhling ouud or imperfeci hering.1 anud wben it Ila entPley clieti, Desfneas la the tamuit. a-idsuiestheInflammastion cac be taicen eut an 1 thia tube restored te ita normal condition, basting wil!l h dettoyed foravt; nine cases out o! tean are cattiad by catarrh, whlch la uoth. tng but in infismed condition ot the snucouu susaces. weW itlt ve One fldrad Dollars for any Case -et lpotfuema (causad by catarrh> 5h55 anD0t bc riirci by HulYa catarrh cure. Sent-fifr tr circulea. F. JCHXNXY à CO.. Toledo, 0. Solti b Drîîgglitm, 7se frcumtaîu Taireaialia milil o bsiain MYRTLE STATION. a gun, waus cuuueniy .. ...i il, au*u*" &&suu foot; anti hue 'consequentiy beep laid price if you are net satlsfied.. Mn. anti Mrs. Roy Spencer, of up ton a tew tiays. Poutypeol, motoredti t J, E. Bea- Mn. Jes. Frencis, o! Winnipeg, la cock' s la their now Ford car on Suit- visiting: hie moîlsen bore ton a time. KINSALE. day lest. Mrs. F. Francis has matie exten- A number [rom liere atteutiedth ie Mr. Randolph ICnowîes, our _new C. nive improvements 'te hon resitience, Wiitby Horse Show anti neporteti a P.R. operator, spent Suntiay. luPros- wich_ etitigreatîy t6 11e appear- goe1odtiime. 1 peot. auce. Mrs. Nicholson, o!f Vlstby, -visiteti Miss Priee, et Guelphs~ is speuding at Mr. H. Parkil', anti Mn. Robin a few day. witbhone brother, oîîr new MYRTLE. Nýicisolseis .vsited wlth Howard'C. P. R. A gent. Miss Nellie. Tarvis, of Oshsawa, is Mackoy recently. Dan. Black anti !nmlly moved te boliaylng wltis b er parente. Mns. C. L. Mackey seot a few Oshawa ou Mouday last. A number f rom bore attentiddWeb- tinys lun-Toronto. Myrtie football team playedth ie bor's gardon party, fast weok, anti, Mn.. Snew, of Toronto, visiteti et wild Brooklil team ou Saturtiay"lust deepite tise cool weather, a pleasant hon tatiser's, Mr. Wiltred Satilen., andti ied tisem ou their own gnoundz ,ime la repontti. Tise tbresisiug machine le busy now. Breekiln were back to play ouriboys Rov, F. Jehnstou, o! -Seagrave, Thse yicld et prain I. fuir. a retnu gamO, but owing te belng ceallc&, on fieutis bers luet woek. Mn. Louis Rogers Io nesumlng fanm- eppanently-eby ot our ernail boys, Mr. Pningle. anti son wers oun Ing on t is tather's farrn.1 declineti. They* hati agreedti teplay a busiesstfnl teFotobor on ues Our trustées, have et lest sueceei- 'returu Lrne witb Mytle If Myntie day. ed lu securnug thse services eo Msf wul o te Pickering. The boys went, lîke gentlemea, te Booklln, _____andth ie Brooklu teum dldn't use them very weli. But wo sisouîdn't wen- ry. They did't get beuton, anti scaneti Brooklil eut e! ceming bacis te Myrtie. Are lise Brookitu tearn goiug te give Iu to Myrtle anti flunk? Saiauu~.w.s up, noasff. W. D. MTIUS l5UIIS~Tise local boys tee! tisut they bave TIO Bank Offers Farmers evora trem boufire ttnet ts sonle.asteewu tWrbaukinvarl..fHerse Show Iu Wiitby ladt week. ei Oe roumatdo aeab.tri.Mr. anti Mn. W. Hl. Walsh are 1h. 8 svngm Dopmont lea a»mani oweoent 4fflteey imFm vemovisg te Claremout. Thcy wil -be 4 1517 Iteas a otrntraaslapationdeoaiset~ed ei"& misseti very mucis In tIIs viciity. WHMB BRACF(- A.A. TKINONManaogHarvest -leail doue arentibore OSIIWA " A. H BL.CK, ow andi uearly ail tise threehîag. If you want ail meats andi butter ou ice, buy ït trom .J.E. Beacocis & ________ en., as Iisey bave just purchuwed a NOW I S THE TIME Te work that stubble fildiiwitb a McCormick stiff too th cuitivator. No isard plewing if laud lo properly cultivatoti, riisi after nezmovlng tise erop. By umlug a stlff tootis cultlvaton, yen mmvie dollars la tlme,oèver tisa oldi metio se t allew pIewing. OLIVER PLOWS are tise lateat andi best lu tise piew lUne, straight from tise-world'm greatoat Inventers, eur Ausricia nelgihors Cal! andi Inveadigate thoeomachines astisae Brooklin Hardware. Brook' URIAtI JONES clin B ell and Imd. Phones. - Ontario. Important Announoomont We are able to announce that we ha ve engaged a first-class Harmes and Coflar Makor Who is prep'ared to- do ail kinds- of repair- -g. Give us a trial, we guarantee first- daissworkmanship at reasonable prices. Binder Twine In corder to dispose of the balance of cord on quote the following pi ices while the supply lasts: 65o feet to the pound 500 Tlîe' quality ?s guaranteed. Per Pound 14c i4 dg , 1 449 Y4 hand we Cash di di di Do flot miss this chanc e. GO00 PLOWING A field 'can be weIi plowed by an experienced plowman with the high gradewalking plows we-sell. Put your son on the "ýCockshutt On tario Footlif t Sulky" and he can do -equally good work. Otheër popular styles of plows we sîtock mc lude the Kid Katigaioo Gang' and the Famous Crown Gang. Ani£ Tunr0'wR0 .usa TROMP AND INSPREUT OUR SAMPLES W. F9 ISNI3Y, 2Y. 6 NARt~ new ret rlgerator. BALSAV..> Tise barns etMis. Wrn. Cotreli, on the tanm just ucrous thec routi from tise scisoolisouse at Mt. Zien, was completely destroyeti by fine turing tise electrlc storm et Monday menu- Iusg. Evcnytblug lu the building wus aise burueh1- Includiug tise whele ef the season'e, crep anti a tew calve,. Tise lightuing Ignitodth ie bhum se quickty thut notblng-coulti bo doue toeoxtinguis tise fumes, as they hati gel beyonti contnol lu -a momont. Tise whole conxmunity -sympatisizes with Mn. 'Cotreil lu bis loss. MAKING GOODS. Processes Comxng Back te Tiseir Own ut Cunudian National Exhibtion.1 The Precesse. are comlng back te tise Canadien National Exhibition, Toronto. Lust yeur tbe Austrian exiibit ebasedth ie wblnnlng wboelu out o et icihome iu tise Frocens Building. Thsis yean tise manufacture of gootis wlll ho nesumeti. A prom- mnent exhîbit w111 ho a joint eue, lu wici A.- R. Clarke, tise Unitedi Shoe Mfachineny Ce., lise Mlnlster-Myles Ce. andtheLb T. Eaton Co. willi get together anti show the entine preesus ot tnnniug a bide Into a sisos. There will bo mauy anether proces besites. andti bsteparlment, alwayigjone et the mont popular oethlie entîne Ex- htbîtlon, wlll come luto ILs own a- gain. ' Schooi 1 mprovements De- ferred till Next Year. A speclal meeting efthtie Boardi et Etincation was belti ou Moutiay.oven- lng, tise regulur meeting net hein& belti last week ton lack et a quorum. Tisere were presenl-Cirmxan Rut- ledge, Miss Powell anti Mosans. ilip, James, Hewis, Whitney, Col- line, Brougiston, Geetitollow. bine. N. H. Scotupplieti for an tucrease ln salary te equAl tisaI paiti oIson curotukors. Inspecter Ilutcisosn reportedti e- coivlug iu Entranco Egam. tee. $247. Of tis a$88.50 cemes te tise WhtbY Board. The Secretary repoiteti havlug ne- colvodth ie Higis- Sohool grant et $788.13. Tise Ministen et Education bai ad- vîsodth ie Secrotury tisut tise Boarti ceulti net spe4dth ie money ln 115 bauds, le! t ever trom19081,. for tise purchase et an auto fer Xn. Tippen. Inspecter FHutcisso's reply te tise Board's, letton atislng hMm as te tise proposed vove on sciseol quosiJen, wus tisatifttise vote was favorable, lishe grant for Ibis year would ho paiti. Tise tellewlug. accounts wene pass- Paul Godfrey, cleaning cbim- nleys ........ .. .. ..... .0 Water anti LioeisîCerm. _ 4.50 iao,'ti b ave made a ment capable à crty eof munoy. igte Ssurmeme na. x s'-M -MnE' rutworthy Treasurer, andtihe ecent neuaary.> Sap mande by your going cannot ade- lE Q1 N0 p i .squatêiy 'be filîcti . Se f aitistul' n ---- inee alL g 'l, 4n~L Exclusive terriory. -. timawo rom tise th.'5 1 V611>_UA IIhUHighist commissionspaiti ____________________ rnk~o! urlersWrite for full particulaxa. preitiug ut.cnusinsg a great lose ta 4h. Maximumi Beniefit 'STONE &,WELLINGTON j,, J. Bell, force et tisetcisurcis. forcé of Nuesenies' Exarne.. . . .n.........81 3.00 Ant inl your leaving our midst, Incomparable Dividend R. A. Hutiioprstig Sîster Watson, the church loses-a- Eut. Exa iâ ......... ...... . tiodvoteci Christian member, anti the TRNO NAI W. L. ElvîtgpeidigEt Mission Circle' a lifetlang memttr rMinmum Net ýCos ______ Exarne........ ...... .. 18.25 and- worker. E. R. Blow, for ceai ...436.06 We want tat yau chai! carry.withIb Mn. ,James reporteti that hirneelf, you thse knowledge o! bow sincerelY For rates and fulli nformatio'n IoEut Lt lsr~ S Mivis PoelChaidr.nBRlletige, visiti hedéley ou h avei yu u s eedm. 0F ANADA. Mdis Pofwell an Mx. B ellbc, ouise h.we havo e our îenv in usnti isoapply t'saveti its policy bolders $îoo,eoooLi st the Westen Hîgis School, ant il ad u r incere hope anti " prayer for Fp. J.DUFF, MR. A. E.,DONOV AN, 'first ton years of busine ,ss by -seIling matie notes ef its equlpment.- you loth le thut wherever you may Speciel Repi. Queeu _& Victoî'îa St thern without-profits pelicies, anti avLng Mn. James reporteolth Ie recelpto locale you niay fil as large a place Mrl. Trno g, alpeimspi iett edofc three tenders for thse ieatlng systelu intise church lite of the cornmunity Myte ootMr i rrirapiidrc eb fic of tise I'Iigis Schel asr followB as vou have in Whitbv, anîd that your In$upano Co. lecteti were $389;oee, insteati of $489- George Landry, Oshawa.. $1,685 rcnmaining years on «eartli may boe M utual Life of NeW yerk ooo Fourteen etiser Canadian cein- .Meintyre ............... .1,7M5 bight, happy and usetul ac-punies receiveti $18,499,6195 in tbClT- Th&ê comrittee necommentiet the companving gîft as a rernembrasice policies, andi paiti in profite te pelicy accoptance o!flMr. MintytO's o!enurrlov anti esteem; anti of our L holders $9,55o.- Their combineti'ac- but lu commlttee o! the whoîe tise oOurwioves o orftr. ' n - ~ è'tcumulateti surplus oever sharebolder'- Boarti ~ ~ ~ ~ ôo ticteitia lWS îWtô sig eti <>f o ! ftiesur aticontributions was $79,707 ut t be cuien late te proceeti with thse work this Mission ('Irne.1 their first ton years. Whicis-looku béit year, andthés commlttee -rose. .A e<esn We wisb te acquaint thse people ef te you ? Moveti by W. A.e Brougisten, sec- W. . A. lanes, Whitby anti surroundiug country with Thse Eqgity Life is tise total abstala- onde byY. H JaesthatIn aseT. Jaestise fact tisat we bave openeti up a first- ors Company. ý If interested' write fer tis Ton euniltuie e sisit heM. L. Geodfciiow, class lnundry on Brock St., 'Whitby, in fur-sr ariclfs th onCuii al obmthe cc-Thermarcoush. ow t.uliI Hvdre-Eiectric question t h lc L. M. Evans. Hewis Bres.' olti store. h a h-eùleheonitrPâ U tors n Setembr 21 as ntenetiWe are preparedti tede aIl kintis e o nise The Equlty Lite Asssîrane 0OMP&BY iauniry ork. Faîy o tiesgvnL . .DUbLET. H. SUTHERLAND. that the School question ho subnitt- CARPENTERS FROM ASYLUM special attention. Ail work gueranteei. Aen, presîcient*&anerai Mangow edti thtie electors ut tise next Jan- STAFF .JOIN VOLUNTEERS. Parceis caîleti for and tielivereti. Whitby.' Ont. Toronto, uary Municipal Elections. Msr.-ae nlhadihr Tise rep ort et Mn. Bell as te tish e uriae. .J as ntsih anti.cherti harles___________________Ont._ recent examnations was referreci te Gily w apnesfex ts hre a hty n tise Management ('ommlttee for con- Whitby worklng force at tise Hospi -________________ tal for tise Insane, were given a big*fJ MR fl sidertiansenti off on Monday wisen theyi le! t *04Â ALAF~.<~ te join the Canadian Contingent for MUSIC AND HORSES. tise wnr. About sixty-o! their feîlow N TC O ST DN S IBroo0klin, Ont. Blgestfloes ctlu isewortiat iworkmen, Xocomnpanied by tise bag- Cuntiln Ntioal xhiitin. pipes, eeçorted thse men te tise sta- 1lion, anti saw themn off. Great en- Tiemng etofSasBci TseMusical Ride will be at tse thusiasi prevalied, ani'tse volun- ..s cieeTr oobetaivs Canadien Natiua hibition aga .Jt ters oit that they xadtihe entire aisenotu blcSloinalis u. m ef couvéie- I t tiste blgget anti boumt sympathy nnd goaci will et. tise whole t mail aloZo iscriclmt UNERIAL DI RECTORS dtsplayo! honomanahp on tis con HIpta.taf tinent. Those 32 'wondêrtul tira- goonu, on thel r upirited horses, wbirling, through their mazy figures te the MUSIC of the baud, are olti favorites et "the regulars" at the F'air, anti a *nover failing delight te new visitors. Baptirà t Church Loses Twoi Worthy MembçrS. Mr. ani Mlrs. W. B. Watson,, ivho have reeitied tg, towa for the past tourteen years, apti have been meM- bers of the WLIbýy Baptist, church for a much longer pôrloti, ae t is week leaving Whitby te tako up rosi- dence eloewhere. Thsy have solti their rouf donc. on Brock Street to Capt. McEdwards, andi are bneaking up thoir home for the presont. It je their purpose te spent i ome menthe vlsiting relatives andi frientis ln Ontario anti the Western Provin- ces before tieclding upon a, perman- ont home. During tholr resîdence here Mn. andi lire. Watson have been very f aithful and useful members ot the Baptist Churcb. Mr. Watson bas filleti the office of deacon very worthily, andi for -.quite a few years bas acteti as church treasurer, te the entire satis- faction ef the congregation. Ms.. Watson, though ln. poor hoalth et late years, has beon an earnest anti zealous worke n lu church andi Mis- sion Circle. As citizens et the town, lu their quiiet way, Mr. anti Mrs. Watson have bean ment estimable, -anti couiti al- ways b. counted on the sie o! every mevemont fer the welf are et the> commurklty. On Monday evenlng a small cern- pany, nepresenting ýhe officiaIs oA the Baptiet Church anti memlbere ef the Mission Circle, met Mn. anti Mn.. Watson anti spent a few heurs pleas- antly tegether at the home et C. A.. anti Mn.. GoedTelowf, whon the tel- lowing atidreu. was reati and gift presentei ADDRE1SS. TeiV7B. anti Mrs, Watson' ;»a Brother anti Sister.-On the eve of yôaur departunre frors Whltby,, ptns.S Tist tntha oe e opro atn.Toroyno t.r asrTi at herour atal r ogu CoÃŽ. Yo4ge andI W. J. Eilott, te.. I Principal HOMESEEKERS'5 EXCURSIONS MANITOB,iALBERTA Esntip Ta, l=! b5tk , gl lptau ti un- lEdmoçOn-#ad RtaD- rom T151 u mfW Untt tTeO it megna~ On Tuesday, one of the guards, John Hallagan, a reservist, receiveti orders to joluhie regiment. -The boys at the Asylum belleve that there are more ways of helplng than by. going to the front, and in the course of a couple of hours a purse 0of a- bout $100 was- madie up, wh1ch* was placed Inl the bands of'a commtttee for the benefit of Mrs. Hallagan, andi bier four small children, as she may require It from trne to time. The boys uuggest tha't perhaps the Daugh- ter* of the Empire miglit be willing te interest themseires In this case. Whltby, of course, le only one of many town that are slmilarly ai- fecteti, but it lu pleasing to note that Canada's sons are cager to as- siet ln any way possible during this great criais ln the Emplre's blstory. There is no doubt but that In the the Canadians, as it was said -of th 'e i!nal uiznming up il will be said ot Seutb African contingent, In the words of Lord' Roberts, "They .stood for bravery, dash and courage,, anti gallant deeds worthy of colonial comrades."l TORONTO-EASTERN AT WORK, A gang of men took another spuit at laving rails last week on the To- NOTICE Pursuant te the provisions of seo- tien 191 ef the Rallway Act,ý notice Io hcreby given that a certificti copy of plan referre tet in ant i alroved by order No. 22027 of the Bo âfd et Rallway Comuiissloners for Canada, dateti l8th June, 1914, was, togeth- or with certified copy et sait order, tiepositeti In the Reglstry .office for the Regflstry division of the CountY et Ontari o, on the llth day of JuIT', 1914, at Whltby. The saiti plan shans landis wbieh the Campbellford, Lake Ontario andi Western Rallway Company havebeen authorized by said order to Inolude wlthfn the lmte of th. Right of Way shown on plans approveti by or- tiers numbers 17024 an.d 17103 of the suid Board. Dateti et Montreal this day of July, 1914.- EW. BEATTY, MANT THOUSAND MEN REQUIR- ED) POR THE HÂRVEST IN WESTERN CANADA. Appioximatéliftteen thousid mon wl1 be requiretifrein Ontarlo te hielp In the great work of harvesting the Western crop, and practically the entire task of transportlng Ibis preal army of Harve8ters tothie Woat w!!!- tall- te tbe lot of the, Canadian Pa- etlfe Rallway.1 Excursions trom pointe in Ontaïlo te Manitoba, Saskatchewan andi Ai- berta willI be run, anti special-trains operateti, maldng the tnp lun about thlrty-slr heure and avo!ding- any change et cars or transteru. This w!!! bo a -day Rorter Ibam sny oller route. l«Geing, ri,-est,$12.00 'te Win. ipeg. 'Trip Fast," $18 frem Winn! Consuit *C. . 'R'. agents regardfng particulans"'in connection wlth trans- portation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATES. AUGUST 21-Prom East tofKlng- ston, Sberbol Lake anti Renfnow, lu Provinces et Ontario anti Queboeî to ait peints -lu liani- tobe, anti certain pointe lu Sauis- atcbowan anti Alberta. For ful! penticuiers regurdfng transportatlon wesl' of Winnipeg,i oMe., Ses nearest C. P. É.- agent -' or wife M., G. Murphy, District Pas- songer agent, Toronto.-IF. short penioti et 6 or 8 months for S god salarie~d position. Atdre.. S ha'm SceWls, Toronto Ontario. Heati Office, Yonge &Gorrurti Ste. ' eti te. No extra charge for distance. A complote sud up-to-date stock ot caskets anti supplie& ulwaym on hand te choose from., Have You any Proporty For Sale P If no, cut out and mail this coupon for our listing torm. Phu@ 101IU stoi Canadatmpi'msut sud Land Ceo" Limiibr-on* et. Gentlemen,- I haïe a .............................for sale. Eladly moud yonr listing formn. ........................... ;4................... . creator Canada limprovomentâ& Land Co@ RICHARDSON & RIOHAROSONt MANAGERS Bell phone 193. WHUTBVY, ONTARIO Imd. phoe"70 r Farms For Sale- Upwarde of fonty farme fnom 25 acres up, and et fromx 035 an acre, guaranteed te show satisfactery resulta from invoatment, located in Whitby andi Pickering Townships Eveny conceivable requinement of soil, buildings, orchard anti other improvements eau be met in tise varied liat offeredý J. E. WINN, m ' WIiITBY Bell phone 109. - P. 0. Box -894 Residence, Dundas St. West. OOUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Clark, Wbtby- Jas. 18, Teb. 8, un. 49 Apr OPgay î,ý'JUESi, July 8, &Sept ,t f. le Nov. 1 Du. 4, Jas., 0lo1i1. Ciaok-Jaa 14, Feb. 6, Mar. 0 9, pr. do May go June de July 4, sept. do Oct. 8, Nov. 9, Des. 8, Ja.8 , 1o1s 1. BROUGHIAM-1. Gleesen, Gresa. wood, Clerk-Jaa. 19, Nau. S, May 8, July 1, Sept. S, Nov. 11, Jas. il, 1o19. 8. PORT PERRY- . '. WBunam, Clerk- Jan. 17, Mar, 1, May 7, .Tuly 8, sept, 4, Nov. 1l. Jas. 12, 1915. 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Meere, Ur- bridge, Clerk- Jaa 10, U .Mt.1, May 18, July 14, Sept. 0, Nov. Io, Jen. le, 1915. 6. CANNINGTON-Thos. IL Foster, Cannington, Clek-Jaa.9, Max. 18, Mgay-14, July il Sept. 9, Nov: 19, Jan. 15, 1918. S. j3EAVERTON-.Chaa. A. pater- u, Beavertos., CWsk-Jma.S Mar. 12, May Io, july le,Set10 Nov. 18, Jan. là , 1l19. 7. UPTEiRGRODVEj- »»autSwLad1 Atbarley, Clerk- Jas.I1o ua. lie 19471Ut July 11 Sepètri1 Nv lit Jas..ne8,l1i1. Clark w V fa #Um BHW' USINESS SOHOGLUa Troront.caaamvehghgad ramsud cigsmlria.. ThynéuiTge central1 B 0,lnem "oimm *Yonga 0 (NarantSt»., sud Six 0157 Erauebi Ochi oeuuI n tono*nut. nter any tm. W. Il. Shsw Proest. -MONUMENTS voru aiftmuet for YOMeUel. Doi't be valeioW by qute. W@s Bot employ tbm nemIutly va à ami do 110w me aPut'ambuano le per bout., wklob you, Winlehha 17 mave Iby purobaalag -f iom u. Vol, 52--No, 8 ail Leaf Eating1 CHURCHI POTATO BUOGF Ready for use dry.b nequired. Sticks ta th beaves anti kille nil tisei peite obugs with oie a The only 5afo way t' ný poison. W ýorth its ceci asa Doeâ.nÃ"t injure the Pla 10 bs.for~ JaWILI Drgglst an-d E5 ýMEDI.CA1Il HA Bock St. -LEGAL JNO. E. FAREWELf4ý Barrister, County Croweý A County Selicitor. Office soutis wing Court Ho A. E. CHRISTIA Berrltsr. -9llcitor. Notary P Offce; Breck St., Opp. Stan 'Money to Loun. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Bar Mouey te Loan on easy O&oe immediately soutis Wi-h . 'ty, Ont. »G. YOUNG SMITH,' -Issuer oet MARRIAGE LICE Court He.use, Wisitby, 'or De -Au.J.,SWAN BaWrster, Soli citor, Net Conveyancer, etc., Oshawa, - On Offiço-Ne. -- King St. E, M Resideniceý-2 Drew, Phonos-Office, -321;- Resiti corner drugel Ne Wltnesmserert. ÀlUGIONBE, JAS. BISHO Oshawa, -Lieeasoti- Auctien oso to L. Patrbanks.- sud dates, apply te self or WhIIby. WR; MA~ LICENSED AUCTIONI1 AND VALUATOR Ail- k!ndm et sales prompt io to.. Arrangements tonr -be mate nt tise Gazette oU Term a enablo. BeUll d aniIdependeutpb - WHITBY. ONT. APPLE- ORCHA FOR SA L iz acres beet .varieties fui i fruit, pIanteti seventeen years * in primo condition. Prodi -quà lity fruit. -Tihis year's yielî et One Tisousanti Dollars an~ tem prn;eof property, fifty fi4 dollars. -Locatoti ee male 'fro, Depet, eet .of- Toronto. 409 Lumsden' B~ 1'. TORONTO' Gonurai Livor Bus and Dray Bul Bug te ail tra ius AUTOMOBILE FOR ah aie nke, Oaïriage Ri-gé ci alkind! P AY OR NIOH- Bell phoses-39, 146 Stables and Offi( ARCHIVE I-. 't 4 'N - 4 £511i ^**W -- --- -- - -- --- IL AI I& A ý& I& ý& Àk ý& ý& ý& I& ý ý& ý& I& A W'W W'V', w , WWWw w WWww, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - - - VA i: 1 M r , %i