Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1914, p. 3

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Asiiccess of the. BeIgian arme gian cevalry the. Uhlans &h4w in- ",.e astonishing. Everywhere fericiity.. Moreover, neither the png the liii.e ofautpests the Ger- artiUl-y nor infantry has ohown >n," mts with baffling checks. brilliancy.. 4'ce an angry ciog faced by a per- "îAs an actuai fuot the attitude o! uine the vauntéèd Prussian aruiy the Germana to-day is almost de- tands puzzled. fenive; certain1y ibis. nat offensive "I &~ not wioh te £xaggeeate theiini any spirited sene' icts or te prétend that the tel- Thé Germaii casualties lu the en- 'tops a.re winnîng a series o!, im- gagement at Haeler Wé&duesday ortlant batties. Their successsso were 3,00 deaci and wounded. Tihe r, are ail intrinsicajliy mali, but Germans ap.prently 7saerificed their îey are makinga habit'ofauccess. men witiiout any seruples. ýDnring il1 dread of the Pruilsians la g ne, the fight the Germnans -were obliged nd that ie a most valuable g=. to pa.se two birdges over thé. Gethe ,'The_ Belgians jokingly w'o n d er and Velpo rivers, where they. were heu tii.Gernuan miitgrýy akiîlli wli expesed to a hea.vy fire. The, re- egýi to show itself. The audacity tiring Germans left piles a! dead Ethe Uhlan raids, seeme nothîng and wounded at these bridges.. TUEKAeEER'8 PLANýS. 1 Ti e Rach St. Petèrsburg By Way ot Flnland, ADMIRAi..VON TIRPITZ, Commander of 'the German neai SOCI.ALIST LEADER SUIOT. Refused te Perforai Miitary Ser- vice- for Gevmany. A despatci f nom Landau soya: The, Daily Citizen, organ o! tiie Labor. psrty, enys it mas learued f reina neliable authority that Dr. Kai' Liebknecht, the. German Se- cialiet leader, bae beeu siiot foir e- !using te de military service. The Daily Citizen sya that tii. story wae bnought ta London by a Ger- mnan. -refugee, who reported that Benfla, owiag gte i.shortage oi foçd, was in a virtual state of revo- IX-lîîtion. Dr. Liebknecht mas an offi- cer cf the resenves, and mas ýcalled upon for service. He refused te reapond -on censcientiaus grounds, whereupon, accerding te the story, a detachinent of saldiere mas sen~t ta his nesidence. H. mas t.aken te -the- miiitary barracks audJ ceunt- martiaied. After a short. trial he wae convicteci andieh ot bya pis. -taon o! unfantrynien. Il is also re- - ported that Rosai Luxemburg, the uoted Se)cialiat irriter, mia declarcd thal soldiers were maltreated lu -the- arny, lias beeu shot. OPFIÇER TO BE DE('ORATED. With Sa-van et Ilitm Ma-n ('hu-geci - Tiity Ulllaus. Adcapatc 'h from London soya r That Germany plaila te rush St. Petersburg by way of!' Finland ie îindicated by uews wiiich has been received here. Fromn information frein a thonoughly reliable source it je learue-d that the. prjeotwas iu- cubated a long turne aie and tint it contemplated- a rising o! the. Finng ,ta mhom large quantities e! arma wene secretly ehippeci fronu Switzerland. The information gains especial jutereet frnm the followiug telegram f rom Holgen IR. Angelo, a correspondent lu Copeuhagen: "Tii. Russians have dynaznited the greuter part o! Helsi-ngfors and other sou th Finnish cities, accord- ing te a p rivate despatcii recived here. Reaidents o! these cities 'mere sent say and enormous masses o! troops have been assembied in the expectation of a German attacek. It ie thought that the. runiors o! a ses figiit near the Aaland Islands cri- ginated from -the. dynamite explo- sions aMtHeiaîungfors."- THE MAIL SERVICE. Postînasters Net te Aeeept It For Certain Ceuniries. A- deapatehli[rom Ottawa says:- 'The Post-office DeparÉm ent lias je-, sued the' following memorandum: "Tii. Britieli Post-office advises tiiat tiié ma.il service -betweeu the, uited Kingdoni snd Germany, Ger- insu colonies, Austria-H-uugary and Luxem-burg le enfirely suepended and that -malle for ether European countries eau b. recelved for de- spatch as opportuuity oftera, but that ah eservices are irnegular sud uncertain. Iu accordauce with tuis, postmasters througbout the. Do- minion 'will, until furtiier adviaed, net accept mail matter tor - Ger- many, German colonies, Austnia- -Hungary and Luxemburg for on- ward transmission by our Canadian service t7 the. Unitedi Kingdom" -_4 SILK FOR ENGLAND. Shipmeut Frem Ne-w Yark WIili Be Cenvoed by Warships. A despa.tchfi rom Chicago says: Two huridred aud fifty theusaric pounds o! Japanese silk wene rush- cd thnough here on Thureday for shipmenitot Engianci. The cen- sigument, which wns shipped in h.uA n A 1 A dcsputeh frein Paris sys: Tii. service men, mas the second in- fret office r te be decoratrd for gal- evalmc-av o! a total shipmnt cf Iantny lu the mar i-Scn Lieut neanîy a million pounda muhm ili H. -4. Bruyant, of!'theii.ftteutl go forward te England thia eek, 1)ragoons. Genenal Je-ffrne, tiie accondiag te plans, unden ceavoy French commander-iu-chie!, ia con- o! two British. marships.. Tii. sllk ferring lhe Cross o! the Legica of ml .pto it trhe 1¶onon n Lieu. Bruynt, aa d t he uJti waraiiips will pick the. mer- officer, miti seven o! hic menca, mc ata up oulsîde lie 'lirre-nule charged thirty Uhlanas, aud that jMt Bruyant had kiiled the. officer o!f___ lise thba-as miths bis oua -bands, wiuietue otier. members o! -thé. IEF'$E TO FIGIIT. baud ma-ne route.d. 'I'lîé Amslîiaî Fora-as are Saici toe b r'ORN RED.BIII!I. A despateli froni Rome says: Per- Genîînn Fut' nsteti ~'o '~sons urrving a thie Italian capital1 fnom Bosula d escnibe the. Austrian -- -- - Repeî'ted. forces there, rspcciaily tii. 51v, A despatcli frein' Landau sav-8. C'zecii, Italian sud Roumana ele- nei.Han-g Kong correspondent "o menîs, as uaruly aud rebelliaus. tiie Exchange Telegrapli 'ampaayiTii. traveiiei's ascert tint, aithougi says it is reported here that t-h. a number of mutineers haire bren * -Bn-tisii fle.et lu the.Fan East s js - so~~t, iheregimeats* appear te be succepdedin rnrucing the Germani disintegrating, and tha hs sc- ient the report, tii. corresponden~t tnian anmy on the Senvian freatier add'e,' bv the -facl that progre-ce duiug thie at eleven days. R W. EDWARD* GOSOHEN, eh Inlxsedîs -B lna.ho ,ereclttie jJrltlalî deci.înal.lon of ON THE NOIlI 1SEA.- Mes-'eha nt 1'esels Ra-siîne (arriaga- of Food. Adrispatcls f om' Londonsanys: Steamers ivitit pasaragere and pro- -visions c ontinue - ta arrive frein Scandinavian -North S-en parte; û4 aitwise truffie is being steadiiy t'estimrd sud traulers ' are goiug abouot their Irgitmmate business. TNt, cargues aofmitent tram tUe Plat. iler-n adProvision steamers train - liotteî'dar anad Copenhagen arrived on ThursdAy. iimoag the passen- gens fi-rn' mCopenlbagen mas Jules Cambon, lie fermer Frenchi Ambas- sadlor ah Berlin. 1--ib. TO RENAIN AT HOM~E. K~aise-r Iili 'Net Stant for Beian FîTotier as aintendcd. A. despatch f rom Landau soya: A. speciai drspatcii î'eceived-here on *Tliîiî'day from lomnesanys int Em- Pei-or William, wiio it, mas -neptrted iutended nialziug a v'.Mit ta Aixý-lu- iChap"Ile, ucar the Beigian frontier, lias been prnctîadrd netteW muke the. joUl'Iey. SI-R JOHN-FRENCH, b. who aîasbeen, appointed, Inspecto0g Ibi" Generai of-,the British C thé THEI GERNIAN VERSION* CIaIm ite Hlave Taken 2,000 Freneh ~ Primeuers ln 'Alface. no. 1A deepatch !rom'New York says : The firat despatch direct f ram Ber- lin uncensored iby the. authonities of the nations at war -ith Germauy wa&s received -on Thursday iby the Associated Prese through -the medi- um of! -the. Goldschiidz iWireless Company's statian at Tuckerton, N.J. Tii.'message contained --the. important information that during the. figiiting ut Muelhausen con- siderably, over 1,000 Frencth officers aud soldiers were taken prisouers- by t-he Germans, who ai-se cantured fou-r canon, whlle lu another ftght with -the French ou the border o! Lorraine, lurther te the north, the. Germanis also took 1,000 prisoners. The despsteh acdes that Genînan soul has been cleared -of French troeps. WILL SEIZE DRU GS. British Government WIi Keep Priees Down, A despatch from London sys: I Tii. British Governmcnt, having succesefuliy coped with the. attempt' te maise the. pnicea of food, an- nouncea that certain druge, the. a upply o! which ia limited, aud the. price o! whicii has bepu raised iu some instaà-ces fifty par cent., ýby- the. wholesale dealeBrs, will b.ý taken possession e! il exiionbitaut pnices are charged. -4--- GOVER-NMENT HELD UP. Animaje for the Canudian Contin- gent May Be Commnandeered. A despatch f nom Ottawa-sys: When tii. local niilt-ar autiienities atteiupted te buy hors.ab Lans- downe Park to-day for tiie local unit te be attached te the overseas contingent de-alens aaked aucli pnices that the purchl3.ng committe. threatened te commandeer the. ne- quired number o! animais at a pnice te b. fixcd by a uiitary veterinary. No herses wcre bought. Tii. pnices asked ranged frein $250 te $350 each. MEN FRO1N U.S. ENLIST. Many Offers 'From Caiîadians and British South e! the Border. A despatchIi rom OttawasBaya: Many offers -are being re'ceived here from men in lhe United States whc are wiliiug to go te tth. front witii the Canaduan militia. Thursday mnorning George Fernie, a resideut o! Chicago ,and a well-kuown gel! expert snd teachen, reported * aI one o! the. recruitiug stations sud was acccpted. Ferai. is a native b! Scatiaud, but has been, lu the States for soe itme. BELL TELEPIIONE CO. IIELPS. WiVII Holci Positions Opetn for Ein- ployes Seat te tth. Front. -A despatch f nom Ottawa sys: The executive e! the Bell Telepliene Comipany bas rannuaced tint cm- ployes uhe are sent te tth. front ia the prescrit war wiil have thein posi- tions kept apeu for theinu sud those wiosc familles anc depradrat tîpax, and not-othcnwisýe pnovided for, wili receive ialf-pay duririg their ab- tence in the field. Blabbs-"Whi-ch do vaut prefer- lite in the country or in the c.ty '" Dobbs-"I'n not sîir' ,à-tJep'ods on uhethen I1unm in Lt mcxxito l'e tt- tackcd by a eau or a inatar.r' Soaa, which aeoomp#nles " matter o! j-betorical or ortligrapifl i onvenience; and lu eU1 proibabillty tiat, le the ' exact truth. Y.t l lea aMost z$maricsbl -oincidene that J>y',tie volunlýary and'-nýncoùnéclous ar- rangement'cf a compurdname the. mli- îe.ry ieutory of the orl ehould,-be pro- phesied. -A"Croat Discovery. Oxygen wae .dlz'cavered 1401 yeare tige. Joseph Prlesl.ly, a diesenting Engliàh cleriyman wha had turned'.ocientiqst, ob- talned tiraLprevlaouàly unknown gas by 1<. niting mercuriec oxide. The oxygen bc tiiue prodirded ireo callei "dephlogdeticatedl air." Re, and Ben$amin Franklain ad often dlscusled the. mysterioîfà compceltion af air and wa-tezj. 0Noane Up ta tat tîme haà determiriéd bwat el'ment it wua in bath wmmclisa invigara -d thse hysical energies cf m n. It"1s *ald *that PrleetlY made hie actual d-seov.ry af the oxygeri whie experl#nenting ln a brewery near iei home lu 'England. A monument stands in Envland ta com- memorate Plriestly'es discovery. Wore he suivelie -could read of tbousanidso! live whlch are saved as a result o! lie.mark. Oxygen da the. only <as,.çapýable of artÂfi- ocl.y eupporting respiration, and ie re pes4edsly nesd l iri.e iék chambee ta pul a patient-thr4ugh a crIoi. ~li~ qupped wit.i oxygen attach- mente -enà ,be the diver ta go ta oceoa depti., the a»lator ta aacnd (ute Tarie. 'Oeed air. the fireman ta descend Into s Mlled mines. Sao'wlde are Its u"e.tiat epme 4.000,Ã"0 criblefeet Q9 this gas, are bottled la the lUnlted' Stâtee 'évery year. Box Hateis. Over ln Oermany the. women have or- gajz n, "aesociation, te combat tha, boiulng arer lain.That lsn't bad. In fact, 'wtbtn certgln .limitations, it te e s"ieble venqtiÙre, buV ,nben*lu deflance of iti. purpoée At ira1 o enleed a. soclety chrletaned "Iba vont a. hlben ",amer froin Man,' Vmh ee jectlea let -mma Maln. ta hiimaeif aîd no totahave anything ta do mih hlm, it ha. ealered ,Mna desiert marcb. Il mlineyer flaur- We have heard cf moman.ha.ters and man-hatersi. but Viiat le ail gammnon. Since the vaet majorlty of humnanlty are goad men anid iromen. il-wi be -impossible ta keep thein apat..Andsapmetinla ewroug, or at least eomethlng le 'lhe matter wlith teman *ormrnuif ettiier persiste la keeplng away from the. ahher eimpiy or the. ground ofeex. If miani d mere made np cf m-an-hatera and maman-bateri the iuinan race would commit dulcile by elow Poison. Shabby'Slgnboards, A citizen ln 6nalher taia.'wriltig te the looaal pager tri the. nterest .a!o a "dlean- Up" cf the. town, i;ugËgtdbuelneesa men ta put up neir signe 0s.e t nîthir lr d ones. This, de excelent-a lce. I-t il the Indication of a lacis;o! enterpiri. and suc- cees lnaa n's basinfae te have thse same aid meather beatenaiîgu iiung over the place of buasie for many years- paît. It shows the m-an le trudging eiowvly Mioin lieheaid beaten tracks that h. ha. been pureu-lng for years. Lt le natice ta the. public tint tiie praprietor takes no p~in lahle business or bas respect !9nough for tise community ta brilphten up the ta-mn -il, a neir cont af paint. An aId -worft.out and ehabby uigu a4. vertise. an oI.d morn-out and eixabby buFA- ness. XIt ays:-"I am n thle rut just where I was trwenty or thirîy years &go. I have ntiing new, anid'what I have 12 more. off than Il ueed te lie." Tint le lie message of every aid, diagy. siiabby oigai. If the. mari mia a-ms it doent care enonuqh for isimeelt ta renewir l, h. shauîd for the to-un uhere bis lot is unhapplly can5t. Cermanys Handicap. A mn tel jrtThseLondon Magrazi ne Baye that fin"cea}y Germany le wholly unnlt te go inta a serions muar. nat for inck of snoney la 11w puW.lc trcasury. but hacaue business abroad has been conducled an on such long credîts tint IL wvll'l li im- posisible for heavy barra-uer. îa-meet the demandi wmth te banks "'ii bc sure ta niake upon them la order ta meet -the enlie of ticir depositoreq. l enumothe 'whole situatioan up by*,- 'ii g that tho German militnry system ie the lliest pifece of machiner,'intahei world, but Lbat tbe severai parte o! Il are '*id an everlastiag state of unc-hled friction -,q'LIsthe otier." Evente îem lxkelY ta dé'maritrate very ston hum mileS fouad&llon there le for thus criticista. A- Russian "Airbus.". The enormoui; biplan. inventedl hy Igor Sikoreky, a Itussian, bas carried sixteen pnsRx'ngers and n î,lat on n short I-ight. and eight peengere and a pilot on a flight tbal iaslted tua heurs and eix min- nies. Tir miîîg spreaid 114 feet, and the body and tail are 60 feet long. Besidea; the pit uarters ithe 'airbus" coataino an ob.4ervaticn alniy. a wesh room, amilait an olcised paeciengelis' cail that j,% ligited by electricity. heated by gab, and furnised milli chain. Thse machine is driven by four 100-horse- powm iotore and mih tus power suppiy lire been driven art a epeed of sixty.ýix miles an hour. But lie laveator's deoigaî c-ut for a flfth motar. ms-wh ih i probably litîcrea,3e th!G speed. EneS i olor cati h. tJîn e oltkc.:- - Count- Von Moltkej thé chie! o! the. grand general staff of the~ Ger- man army, no-w engaged lu war- ring agaiast France, Russia, Hol- land andi Belgiui.. Von Meltke la the nephew o! the grent Field Marshall Von Moltke aud rejoices ln the-Cieitian name of Julius. Iu the. sainew-, - that t-he Field Marahal was cele rated for his taciturn-îty, se î s,bis nepiew and.- successer as Chiè! of the Gen- eral Staff, renowned for nevéï sinil- irig. H. sAlways lias an appear ance, not merely o! profouid 'gleoin, but even oe! dewnrigh'n is.r' y, inipress- ed on his fat cutnac.'Tie esaid tii-ai thé Kahli- àdd'res4 hum' s "1ti Gloomy Jullu-" GI'oomy lie ie, for hie imperial master hais preved a liard man, te sa.tisy. Tii. Kaiser 'himmel! has 'assumed su- prein. conmand of tiie forces, with hie g1ksomy general as hie Chie! o! staff. SUAUOWING BANK CLERKRS. Mr. Nesey' Par'ker I<eepe Tub on Their Doings.. A man's home life and pnivete bi<e,, is nat generally iuquircd into by hie employers. The e xcep- isf ien the. eae o! bank clenke.' Montbunke make a point o! knom- ing aIl about thein clenks' life after. business heurs. Many make them il up a retumnataI egular intervals, statiug whetiier they are married or single, mhere they live, what nent they psy, and a number of. other detaiis which mould be resented by employees lu tiier professions. là saine case§ this information le eb-. taincd by means'et the bank,s pri- vate dctective, Mr. Noeey.Parken.- Mn. Parker, who comes fronu the iiead office, aud la, o! course, un- knowu te -tii. clenke lu the provin- ci offices, . shadows Mr. Smith, the nçw clerk. When Mr. Smith le so gaiiy having a "hundred up," andi Vnkiug suudry bets upon the, resuit, the bnnk's detective' la sit- tiug quietly watciiing, au iutenested 6pectator of the gume. The- bank doesu't objeet t-o equi-et game of billiards, but it dots to its empie3'ees betting and drinking; se Mr. Smith gets a blac'k mark_ agairiet bisname. Lord Roberts ('hiîf. A desputeh f rom London -anys: Tlhe King ha. appointcd Lord ie-b- erts Colonei.in-Chief of sîîch over- sens forces ns rnay corne over t-o Engiand. W'il-ie---'hat kind -of n book je "Who's WVho," dad 1 Crabsha- It's a work, nyboy, in which othea's see us as wr see oîirgelves. "Yotî're very yohing ta be- ieft ini charge of a chernist's shop. Have y-oî nny diploma 1" 'En-no-sir, I'm afraid not, but we've got a pre- parution of our owa tisat's jîlet as "'I wake up inst ;aight %vith ht feelin~g lta my aew gold waten was go-ne. The impression w'i sù bo tng that I gai up ta look.*' Well, uns il gone "' 'No, but »t %vaS gg Qui E'nglieh Loetr -.-Chines. OPIUM. Hall >Found In Londonl- Raids on the opium dens lain London'~ Cistuatou, a ,district near lie docks, bav thrawn, newlilgh't an, tus sordld luarte, mmii was littie knorwnuntil, 'nîneteen Chunes. mes. brought ta -animwer luinlci coni-t.- The, se&tdbn le aaie, o "114un deue an g'trbing- oniî3i, hdnese eai- are off 'the orientai ehla fn-prt bave lie. ýrobed o! their-,oaralag. Tiere are-abou 8M0 e! tlese salons -and cabia baye la por~ Charitab:e oeiotien are na-w ortaninn a1fuad ta bnild iu thie diotricàt- a hatl, 1a cial club and -Institute 'ils ciAsees iu ilngtIsir - nd seamanuÉhIp. -Arrarige=en. il lia, made by mblch the salaor n ay rend ho-me Part of! hein earnings. ^The naine e!ftthenew orqanization , le lie Chizicee Merciant Service Guild.. - ] The Hardeat EnghIsh Phrase. 'Wie tire-phrase "a -1111!. bit" la co easy for native Engq4eli speaking persans t pronounce liat it mouid secm ta make meak test fer sobriety, Il bas been picke4 out from -ail other toagne Imietere , - Profeisor Walter Rippinnoa!the 'UniT veruity of London for forelgners tedpa tic. on. cr re Aryone wmi ansa>' "a luttle bit" corr t«ctly baenothing else te feag 4n prof riounclng Engtliih, Pxofessor Rlppmian - tld the student!o Iroin some elghteeii forelgu countnies, îw#io - re here ta -tak4 tlie specli smmer courseof lectures ar* rasged for tiir- beneft.I The.beginner la, nQh' li nuaiy set ne- cloner ta "a 1114-i. bit" lian *'a l beet" or '"a leet bld." Bu mi'en bheq mnéter il, tise clistee "brums,,-prIseme and f simnione" and "iclked a peck o! pièk ed peppere" came*.eomparatlvely easy. Macheloril Club.Anoient. WhToi Bachelons' Club, o!f'wlich tiie Prinýe eot Wales.las 'bedoune a"« iohorary mem- ber, dates back ta 1801. aaid laeaeeehiaOly a, Young man's club. Members must be iieelore on electioni sud eioudd tiey èen. ter lette matrlmany muet tand-tii. bazard o! this ballot'and t.ay a fiue o! $100. The association o! royalty uwith Ir l là'nd ha. net alrwaye beaun entirely iappy. Wiien George IV. mas Prince cf 'Wales i w aenrxioue ta become a member of ZAoos's, partly la order ta hbave oppo- tiiitdeso!fmeeting Charie, Fox. le ,mal. lie oui y memier elected up ta that tlmp without ta balaot. -and irse recelved -mdti accla.mation on bie finI ,appearance. bu~ hie cii. reason for jalnlng mas tsaI hp mtigi lie -able ta carry on a vendett~ Pa1 iutt. e, memiier of White'i. Wbau : av a bail the Prince comman4 ed hie frienuds not ta <e ta it. and sent h oma ticicèt and tbat or thse Duke or York ta be aoid ah a public lirary. 1 Tisa Duke of York's assocation mitli Breoki's neanly co-el-hlilshi life, forlu lire courseof a druakea froleic e ment c tise club and feuud Il siiut for tise night wiereniXon he andribe ço>mpanitone farce4 their'way ln end tmnsbed evenylbiig là eight, tili a malter, bellevinç -hem ta lie housebreaken,, came dama wtis nblunder. buse and mas about ta fine mien tise. Duke mas recegaized. King Ed-ward's differeace mdlii White'î committee on lie subjeet o! smoking wmlii be recalied. Tapetlry Art Net Lest. Tapestny pinys oniy a email part iii the embellishmeal o! thc modemn home. bu~ lie art je by ne meanas3 -abel ane. Marri & Co. bave mest produced a fine pie. oc mark. thse desIgn of -whieii ie based on cri of Bernard Pnrtrîdge's lineet Punch carf taons. f In lie ta'peetrv the King li represcnte4 standing on a daIs nreceiving fromth li four virtues. Peace. Wisdom, FcrtItudeý and Justice, i i id. Iselmet, emorda4 sear. ILle nighl iand ne-ste on a chartee and behiad is a eanapy decoraled mwiii tise arme o!tithe prindipatl colonies. i Ia style It repreeute lie cî'aftsaanseip of lheelf!teenth century ratier t.ian th~ more elaborate methods a! tii. Gobelin s factary. Thougb 'mander!fully .'umptnon lu effect the tapeetry lis moyen mith grealý sleupiclly. Few colore bave bren ued.: four or Byve aI most, sud the eluadiag ile lira-ad and exprüssive. Thse deigni lail great distinction. Capt. Cook'e Statue Dcesi't Please. Thoelatue of Capi. Cook, inow ercctcdý du the Mal. sisows the ilavigator itî a bronze Ilirce cornered liatwmii bis bac-k ta tise Admira-Ilygazing clorai>' ut tir Lau- don Cannty Coutîcil offices,. Sir Thomas; Procli lie .sculptor, bus givesu bita-a a-ail ef nope ta -eland ou and put a fat -1ele. icope la hie hand. If. ne Prince Arthur a! Cannauglisîsggeaited. severai Landan stal. ues siouid lie ecrnppcd, ti, lthe-Intee 1 addition la Ibein ranke. -moîiid 1ioeeublyl ual exist for an>' congilderable period. Paper Dish's Day at Hand. Tise Amenican paper eîîp throiten@ i lnvadecEug-iaad. and miii il the papoi1 plaie and tîttbier. A speaker aI tie Black' pool sanilan>' conferenre eounded a muan,- îug againet crc'keny. The Seet masicd diiili. h. sa-id. -retainas eome germe. Itleis cianer and uafer 10 barri the wmole service àitter oaci meal. 'l'his ruthblets counel squares oni>'toi) mcii mwiti thtic ccassities of present dal' iouscltecpiag. No doubt mîsciof- heie Ir. @tan belmeen modern maid and mi!stres mocul-d go at n rîroke If 'broken dishes mere tio langer aîî io'sble canseof -it. - King's Club le Plain. The Joc-key Club romtsil Newmmrkct BA TTLESHJP ON- WHI2H PRINVCE ALBER T IS SER VING- News '.Vhe G.randa uie. UjolstalraRe- vitch lm& given the lamous marbie palace iu St. Peteý'aburg as a hos- pital. wrhici are set aside for -the nieo!Tof yalty are, remarkeble for theîr -npretenlons. 'neee. They are VIsalniy, even meagrely fuoenizhed. The. walle are hunng'with a few sporting ointe, 'while the smoking lounita hie tie plalinebI bentwood chairz. ,It i1,i ti. departanent thet the. Klng e jpendis moot cfhie time, wien at4tii.club. ToI.graphers Cràmp arowa. livae éald by a delegate ta the recent conÏgreos e! the InternatIonal Pedera-tian of Postal and Telegraph, Servante 'that telerapher's cramp la dnoreaeing ùiaEng- land rat un alarming rate.- The incereae le attrdbuted to thee ystem cf'speediM u which haa been. Introduced lnto, lie-tele. grapic service. The. cammîttce of inquiryýfouind tiat the. dàfseaoe la eeated, in the. centbrai, nervou9j syatem and i. a weikenlng or breakdowa of the.eerebrai cohtrobhng meciianlam in con2equence o!finusclar tain. ýA tele- gra-pher auffering fram, the maladly in au- advaices tage-can expeot no, cure unleea he or ehe ig rcinaved campieteiy fromAhii service. -The forearm, band 'and fingeXu becomoe nuxub and c'eaee toa anwer ta th. nerves *and muscIes'ï In somn. cases thie power ta hold a knhfe, and fork l ost. Grand Duke Nicolas.Nickoloviteh, the Commanide r-in:éC hie£foofthie' - Russian armies. LAROEST COINS IN THE lVOlLI Sua-chah iCopp-m Weighs Thirty-ene - Pounîd$. Weighiag ai paunds, s single cep- pen coin beariug tih. impnint o! the Smedieb cromu and ithbe nainee'of' the. mouarch, Charles ýX. C4ustavug, duriig uliose reigu it mas issued, bas been acqîiired by t-he.Americ&n Numismatic Society. -Tise pied. represents eight "daler," equiva-- lent ta $e.20 in Amenicar n ouey. It measures 23,1',b-19 luches, and ia ton is a rectarigtîar irigot, bcaring five large stumps punciied- in the centre aud tour corners. These impressions uvere mode la on- cien te preveat a neduction lu value by clippiîig. The coin was struck at Avesta, Swedea, inu1,659, and le a'type ubich was minted continu- ously for 110 ycans, altlioîgh the eight-duier plates were, issued ouly a shiort time aud are nom - quite rna'eThis specîmen .wds dredged eut a! lte harban et Riga, Russia. Large-sizcd coins of this type were first brouglit ouit in 164 during tue h reign o!f(2hri.stina, -the daughten of Guîstavuus- Adoîphus.' The object wans totorm n outli for lhe pro- duets -o! ti. country's coppeî' miuÈs witliouit dýpî'eciating the val-tic of the inatai VATR('I'S E-GIIN'i. Mae-h o-f iaGoo(i tia.sa'ana-Enl'oling lu 3teutrcal. A despatcli fram Montieni soya: The opcniug of a recnîîitiag station for the Pniicres Patricia's Liglît Iutaatry Itegimeut at 596 St. Cati- erine west. uas followed by a large influx of necnîîits, aud tiiose that ure enrollea uwre described on Tiiuisduay by lhe necruitiag officer as a -firýe cdace of!mn. .Over fi! ty Iiilve aiready been passed, wbule as rnany liafe been tuirneci doun b.- cause -of bail cyrsiglil, etc. T['le Size of the lVav'as Theiniost cxî>e iencedFosuasofthe -va are apt te haye very cxaggcn- ated idaatof tii. size oet-towenring uavs ubic.h break over the vessela duriniîg cea stormas. and frequiîeatly waves arceî'eported as aviug r iea~h cd ant almast impossible' lîciglît. As- 'a matten of tact i i 5extî'aondiuanyý for a unve tu attuin a heigbit e! sev- cnty feet,,-ýhiIe tvlî Average size o! grent' maves ia corisiderably lese. The xnountâiicoîs ýe as often encoun- tered by, linenrslunt-lie North AtIan-. tic 'itsually 1 neasîîre abouit- farty- fret, l *hough t-he upwird-Si'ooting, quick-talliug matter -- attaine -1a greater altitude. Tii. big mvaves of thei North P~acific: narely measaure nmore than tliirty feet, while.tii. iiglîeot wave even met by au Aus- lraiàian-bounc lihuer -lan- t-be outh Pacifie reached fifty feet. ýThe big wavea o! mid-oceau are mucii langer t-han tiiose encouîntèred elèemiier, sud it is véry rare tlust a heigh-t ot even tmenty feet la neached by & wrave in the. Me'dil-rranesn. along tir cçýast ie resuming its tnor- mal basic. - I

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