Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1914, p. 1

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1. WEIITBY, ON! ILLS Eating Insects. POTATO DUCGPFMN182H. Rend>' fan use dry. No mixing required. Sticks ta thc vines or leaves and kilîs ail the'usects snd patatq bugs viti anc pplication. The enui>'sale way t--' use a strou-g :poisoni. - Worth i s cost as a fertîlîzer. Dacu. nat ijure the plant. - - 10 ihs. for 256. J.E.WLI Drugglst and Opticlan MEDICAL -HALL 1 àvock St. ,Witby. Professional Cada LEGAL JNO. E. FARE.WELL,,K.C. Barriéter, County Crown Attorney and -~County Solicitor. Office southwing Court House, Whitby. ' A. . CHRISTWA4N ftBersSoliditer. Noarir Public# Etc. Office, Beock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Moncy ta Loan. JAN" ~RIjTLEDGE9 BarrIster, Etc. Mgney to Loan on easy terme. Offce finmedistely south Royal Hotel, O. YOUJNG SUIT11, LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whltby, or residence. Do A.uJ.eSWANSON B,àrrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Coaveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Office-No. 2 Kng St. E, Mackie Block - Reidence-gz Drew St. Pboaes-.OMce, 321,-JResidence. 326. lonuef off Marriage U sns SCorner drugqtore. Wlhitbl JAS. BIIS110É Oshwe. Lioaed Auctioneer. Suc- ousor A*L. Fairbanks, For rma mai <atou sppiyto0 sef or 0. fRobb, LICEN~SED AUCTIONEER AND VALLIJATOR. ~AlI'b4b of 0" Upromptly $U1td- ed to..Arr.agememta tor. sle oas T a4e ra l.;ui.oe III .14 Imep.udeat -phonos WIIITBY, ONT. APPLE ORCHARI> FORSA LE i z acres best irarieties fal! and winter fruit, planted seventien years and kept -ini prime condition. Prod ci1 n g fine quality fruit. This year's yieid lu valued- at One Thousand 'Dollars and included iw price of property, fifty five hundred. dollars. Locatcd anc mile fram Railway Dcoa;. eut QI Toronto. -JOHN IiSHER.& eo. 409 Lumsden BuilinIg TORONTO Gênerai Liverýy Bell, phone-39, 14 and 74. -Stables and Office: irot S , l iiiii, hi. vti ofa serhc day morniug las were canght ini the large ice cre Mathison's bake preFent wbli tii Th'e xraclfr.e 1 gasoline cugine, wvheels turns thie atus ls set up ju shop, 'andi was -ri o& the accident. The bakers wi to their dutiesç heard frorn the shop. Tlushing o, boy. near the nia, and arms in a Iioth hpds were and from one ar Up to the elbow, bare Ina places.1 ed by Dr. Warrej PALAC A question vi mail hîme-hononti tie Town Causcil lng. Dr. Warrn lIon, vilcl lad b asklng for a sddei frorn Dundas St. lion vas signcd- ai nalepayers livi Str, and also b>', ber of citizens ln tavn. Dr. Wanret thiugît he ad os aller consideratlai ablida lim, and preseut the peti thase via signcd -J. ýJ,,,.oley, wl t1cm, vas asked CouaciliMn. Foli quest vas madeq citizens living w vha attend tic vihose children ai Sdbool. la lad% ter, Il 1o necessi ouf ai Ihein w valking tva Ilc Ibere lenona alk Street also allai va>' la thc Mouse nothi-vesl parto resîdeats latheic nubstaullal porti population. For Folcy -supportcd Mn. .Iohn Thon Stanr, vlio arel ýon the block o! vhich idevaik present, ta appase Siunnr claimed V used on littIe 1fr vise tla consti large proportion lave ta le borae tva ratepayens,a ask tîcai ta pay tklng wvMcli vat tua thcm. Mn. SIý Imposition. IMc saý mena a greal exip cause mudli brout' lu vinlen. For refuse la remove frmiIt. 1h Il vi Mn. Tloînpson, nepesenîlng ils sfsý ter, also oôpposed lie petîllon. Re uscd as an argument tic nali' a- mount af tnaffic on lhe sîreel, and tle. great cast tlathieratopayers ad- jolnfnê. Re eonsidened lic requess mfont scifsh. A discussion among tic Councilbonu ensucd as ta vint procedure v ould le necessan>'. Thc Clerk polnled-ouI tint tva alternatives vene belon. the- tauncll, siouid il decîde la put dova 1 Ile valk. FinsIthie work could ':15e don. ift'otva inds af lie natepayers', repnesentlng thrnee quar- teis of the assessed value ai proper- 1>' along tie proposed walk, aslced $« oIL. Second, il ual, the Council couid- decldc ho. put It dova -and' ad- ventise tle saine - nesolution. Those apposlng couid -came belore a Court of RevIsion. lieu, àud enter hbein appeal.- Thc Councilivouif lien lave lhc nîgt ta apportion tie cashtat be pald b>' thc ralepayenu and liaI ta le pald b>' tic lova., Dr. Warren dld ual lhfnk Alfain( tint Mr. Starr or Miss Thampson -should -lave- tô aya'0 pet cent. o! tic coul, but le tiaugit Ifie tovu slould Iay lhe vsik saliel>' ahits owa expense. Il vas polnted out, liovever, tint tlus could ual le dane, unlesa tic Local Improvement By- Lav nov la lance vere nepeaied. Tic Couacl vas- flot jusî sure of Itis ground, - and, 0wî motion of Bale- man-Hanp&i, lie !malter vas laid aven fan funthen connîdennhlon. Mn. A. W. Jackson, nepreseatiag Mnsi Holden, Centre St. souli, onul- cd attention tb tle fiel -tint te@ severage contractons lad - n uatt Sa drain tram Mns. Hoides b ous, and lad nol solar nepalred lb. Me sid Mat le WaS desfrous ot laVIn. an assurace from the Couine!! lii askced. A speclal meeting .wiii lierel le ield on Monda>' evening next t-l n- troduce tic sebool by-Inw, and la cousider tle Mydro-Electric by-Iav viiicli 'vIii also be uubrnittcd ta the à natepayers on September 21s1. Mn. Laidlav gave notice thal lic viii, at next meeting af Council, ln- troduce a by-iav- la appoint an as- sessor foonthie year 1915, andi movcd. Iliat the. Commîttce on Appications1 le aullinzed te advcrtlse far an as- csior fon 1015. Carried. Thc Strecîn COmmite passeti liese accouaIs: -Ouhaa Hospital ........1.. 7.00 Ch"s. Bridges ,. .... .........0 R. R. Bundge ............... 1.00 Jas. H4eard & Sous ..... ...27.00 Jas. McLeod .. ,........22.00 John MacCari ... ..... .....80o.00 Jas. Savdon....... ...... . 88.40 T. G. ColviI .............8.00 1 iE. M. Blow, coni, 4 accîs. 120.781 Dr. Warren Intnoduced a motion (thit signenontl!ylng auto drivers ta blev ticir harasne b iaced ah the foOtoth tcacents aI clher sidé of! lie Brack and Henry' Street G. T. R. bridges and lie C.P.R. bridge. Mor- ues are lhable te b. ltgitcucd b>' suddenl>' meeting an auto atI top of a bridge. Tic Doctor spake front experienceP. Tic motion vas unan- Iniausi>'carrled. 4 -by-Iav vas 'lnlroduccd by Mn. - Marper 'te provlde for theiessue or debentunes laelte etc f $80.000 ta pa>' for tic establiment o! a scvcrage -sd severage disposai sys- tecm. Thc by-law recelved ils ftnot neadtng. ý 'A resolullon sigaed 1>' twsaly-loq business men vas rea< congratulai' -Ing tle Councll an tIbm good judg1 ment I l g àg large grant to b Hanse slow.- templ ivice, lut carnîcd * meoth e bars will ima. Before le did tuis, hoveven, le broke n number ai .bars and lake-aifs. Shrathclair, tic dank horse, had meaule, at thec ral atlempt, cieaned the- icigit benuti- ful>', bciug grected wltl thc enthus- iauhic cheers o! thc speclatons, and tic delighted smiles of the owuer. Tic jumping caused anboundcd in- tcrest, aving Io thc elcaient o! dan- gpr involvcd, and although no acci- dents occunred, Iliere vas sufficieut trouble gîven by lic lorses la ual- 1sf>' tle mosl ardent laver o! excite- ment. The crowd on Fnida>' vas again most encounaglng. Tic classes were ail keenl>' conteuted, and tiere vas somethlng doing cveryminute -ta take tie attention o! the spectatons. Pnobabiy hIe mart Intereutlng eveni next é l- ie.1gbjumip vas the pig peu clais. TiI. lavalved a deai o! good hortsanilp and okilltul man- oeuvning, Thc flusst cap givea durlng ile show vas presenlucd by W. P. Eatan, for beut performance aven soie jamps.i The' cup vas an Immnense siive one,. Vaiued 'at 8100, 1TIc wtaner vwu Llberty, aif Sùanybrook Fnrms, JOB. Kilgourns beautiful place a) Eglil- ton. Mr. Entonls daughter .presSiit- ed thé cup. , *Tic nain on Tlursday evenag lad 11eccsllnted lhe:- poslponement of Borne o!fltse claumeaarranged for liai daY' an& lieu'e vers put on ai thc commencement a!f fldaytgspro- gram. On fflda>' mornng ef gît classes vers caUed, tissé being mostly for ievydrugltsan otien grades of harles a vbci le farmers of Il» district Cauid compete. Tie classes -Jones. Cup donated b>' H. -K. Wick & ('a., Buffalo. Ladies Huntrs.-l, Sun>' BOY, -Sunuybnook Farma, Toronto; 2, Eîaiiursî, LI. Cli!! ord Siflon;3 Cleveland, lion. ('lifford Sillon 4, Jap, Sunnybrook Farnis. FRIDAY. laItvaw classes postpaned from Tluursday. Pain o! Mares on Geldings la han- nous, over 15.1.-1,, Acrapînne andi B3iplane, Bate & Joncs ; 9, Wild blase and Victoria, Craw &-Murray-; 3, Enin>', Sir H. M. Pellatt ; 4, M. P. and GliI-tering Glory, R. Palmer, Taronto. Pig Pea Class.-1, Empynean, CapI. J. W. Siflon; 2, Cobourg, Sunn>'inaok Par=na; 5, Egliîaon,Sun- aybrook Farme ;4 Inonsides, Lt. W. B.', Sillon. Mornlng. "But Mare, any breed, sultable la - roduce agrlsultural iorses.-1, J:alsy lof Tangy, P. Batty, Brookila; 2, Sali>' af MArcibank, Meadowbrook, Farme, Whitby r, 8, Bosaf Braoklln, Leslie Hall,' Brookila; 4, Jeanne, Mgeadavbrook Parme. Bout bîgt Mare, an>' breed, foal at footi-1, Belb of Glen Diu, M.J. Hol- liday, Whib>'.f Buit icavy Mare, auy brced, tfaT aI fot.-1, Black PrInces, ' Meadi- ovbnook Fams r, 2, New Begglng Beaut>', F. BaIl>' ; 8, Lady Ha>', Meadovbnook Farmna Beet rqglalered Clydesdale Mare on Fby-,Black 'nrincesn, Meadow.' brook Parm ; 2; Morah Csrruoiaa, FP.- Êath>' j8, Mev -Bsgig a' i F.Bail> '4, Banne, P. Séott, Col- 9 uEIbu9&A Gallon Tins a $ln38 Au Te LAW LER, WHITBY? ONT. Phones; Bell, Ne. 47; indepcndenit, No. 47 PRICES af sanie articles have advanced since commencement ai tlie terrible ;War ln Europe,_but same articles of food reman comparatively cheap. SALM01V TROUT ANI) WHITIC FISH are nov as dlieap as tic>' vere years mgo. We have weekl>' shipaients ai tiese deliciaus fiii. Parties neediag them wili be supplîed by leanîtheir ordens. o! dhoice dry qualUt> are offered b' us at close pfices. PLUMS and CHERMIES have been failures here but we have been supplylng theai froni the veut, below last year's pnices ]PIRSH &BATS of tic choicest quality-7beef, lanil, yen!,park and tenderloin are furnihed at a Ivery smll margin ai profit. - - TEAS have advancedbut we'are",Still selling allIl . nes at aid. prices. InterI~ren z t '4 S, MANG'LED IN.IWHITBV VOV LUNTEERS BoolijSnaton F aty , Mre oCobourg Rak.,Ms IBeet ineavy Draught Mare or Geid- --Ladies' 'Saddle Horue,-"not under COQ 0F FR EZE QVL~J INE SE D FFing, 1yr. o:d.-l, Nora Carruclian, 14.2.-Maycrdale, and 2, Sunuy Girl, %e*..%oqJ% 5 OF -FREE ER GVEN FNE atD OF ,' ,-2,'Garnett, P..- Batty ; 3, Sunnybroak Pari., tPrieff Maebb k, eadwbrok'Pairs I{arncss Marcs or Golding%, BOY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ans Mn OEOE~MPEE T IHPUS ~MNY~Dh aeo i15.2 and under.-1, i<ýng snd Presi- BOY- MAY LOISE -NE-ARM RE5ENTýE -WITH.PURSE -IE MgNE BetHayDiuh aeo Gôe, d ddnt, Crow & Murray,; 2, Going $orne ling 2 ys. ld.-, Bonie W. .sad Sa, Amn 1, Bate & foncs. iIne-year-old son ot - possIbly could be dane, and ln the The Whtby Unit of thé 84th Régi- she lias, done.- for us aIl Scott; 2,. Beryl Priam, Meadowbrook' Best Comblination, Pony, Mare or John Hill1, was the afternoon lie was taken te Oshiawa mneWt who have 'volunteered for -sor- these ycars. ' What Britain under- Parms 3, Bessie . LIa'm, Meadow- Gldlng.-lf, Little Mabel, Il.'J. ofts accident on Fn-_ Hospital. Efforts were made te oâsve vice ln the war leit $own on Fr- takes te do sbc wtll do. The enemybro;, Wlb Bee, Js-a-Tenh Trot;,El' rie sl, wliea lis . lands the arm, but at time of gcùng to day eveuiag last, anid at Oshawa ha sfnot ta deal i wtl the lion'>onîly, IcIt, Whitby. Thos. Rodda, West - ill 9, 8 ,Lay :press, il could net be ieanned *wlat jolned other nuits nfom varfous but witli al lier ýwhlps aise. B e st J{eavy Drauglit Mare or Geld:- May, S. D. Fitzgerald. the cog whoels, o! suceess had lie attained. parts ot the County. Thc Whitby feit -sure thattIc imen woul .d give a lng, 8 yns. old.-1, Sir Thomas, Hunters aud Jbxnpers, best per- 'ar feeeraIDaid The cog . wheels of the machine are Unit numbened 18 ma n Ii ongood accouaI aof themselves.MaobokFrs. formaaci over'six jumps.-,Lbt, e>'. NeO One was usuafly hled in. place by a set screw, ga.ve tliem a fitting ;arewe1l.. Prob-_ Rev. Dr. Abraham saîd lie« votced . ft.rnoon. Sunnybrook Farms ç 2, IronsI des, - Lt. ýe accident Iappened. but this hail worm. and was repiaced ably five hundred 9 .eop.I gathe.red to the sentiments o! ail the citizens in Sinigle Heavy Draughb - Mare or W. B. Sifton- -,3, Skygareper, Ron. s run b>' a large by an ordinar>' nail. Wlieu the ac- see the men depart, and to sa>' good saying God speed ta the volunteers. Gelding, over 1,500 ibs.-l, Sanm,. and Clifiord Siton; 4, Elmburst, Lt.-ý and aýseries o! C09 cident ccurred the nail gave way bye and, God speed. 'the liegimeabal He trusbed every tpan o! them would Zi GUS, Domlinion Trangport C'.T-Cifr iln ý-freezer. The appar- allewing the cog wlieels ta slip up Baud occupied the Baud stand, -and reçeive a medal of -valor. 1'Britain," ronto ; 3, Dais>' of Tangy, F. Batty. Sige il tppr-,WIRo, ust outside the bake- and freeing the boy. Had the set played numerous patriotie , unes. he said, "la. looliing for yau." J ilrless Mare or Gelâlng, sired by. Crow &,Murray; 2, Goiug Some, .unning at the time screw been in place, one arm or Mayor Willis, memberî of the Town, Rev. Father Ryan, in adding bis reglstsred Hackney stalllon-1, WiId Bale & Jole". 3, King,*Co both mugît bave been completely Coubcli,' local clergymen and other word of farewell, referred ta tle Rose, Cnow '& Murray ; 2, Aeroplane, Murray.Co ere Inside atteading taken off. citizens t o places on the stand, Unity of thc Empire. Ail ýnter al Bate &JOus 3 Biplane, . Bate&y wiea screams were. Mr. Mathison reports tknt lie and from whcnce tle pxoceedings were dilerences and strife liad ceased, and :J~onesàeMreo î 523Coriothian Class, open te ail huaI- south side of!'the hs bakers havýe repentedly warn- directed by the Mayor.the mrÂr presented a slid united di aeo edn vr1..,.ers.-1, Elaihurst, Lt. Clifford Sif- ut, ticv found the cd this and othen boys te keep Mayor Wllis called the assembly front ta th.euemy. 1,. Last Posl, Mrs. Clifford Sifton ; ton; 2, Touraine, Sunnybrook Farms, chine witl lis hands away freaithte place. But with the 'ta order, and addressêd the men on 11ev. R1. W. Allen admoaisled the 2, Faugh A Brallaugh, Sunnyro ,CunSnybrook , Iee tfrigittul condition. natural persistence af youtl they re- behaîf of the citizens. This was, he men bo remember the stock fraai Fara u; 3 Gold' Dust, Cumberland land, Hon. Clifford Siflon.. ecrushed ta a pulp, turned lime ai ter*-ttme, seeking a said, tic ira limie Whltby ladl sent which t1ev lad sprung. Thc sy.mpa- Stables; 4, Sunu>' BOY, Sunnybrook.. Champion Harness Mare -or- Geld- ni the fleali was tara chance to enjoy a. taste of the good lier sons abroad ta défend the Em- thv of tle citizens were wiîh 11cm, Pn ne ade 3hns ad'g .pb rne Gog ltl 1leavlng tle banc things around the shop. No biame, i pire. He referred to.Ils priceless and le prayed lIat God would cause iiudei.-I, Lady May',-S. D. Fitzger-- (Continucd an page 4) The boy was attend-, af course, is attacele anayone for privileges' of liberty and justIce pur- His face ta shine upon them aàd' ________________________________ awlo dld ail tint 'he accident. chased for .us by thase wlo lad gone give them pence. ____ ____________________________________________________-before, and hie adaionished tle volun- The several speeches were receivedTH NA E teers t "quit you lk men, B with clers, and 1h. iand clasps adT E N M ST W A LK ~ ~~srong," and said tînt -when tboy re- gaod byes as thc men departcd -for TO RE EN ER '.OE uST & W A LK turncd victarlous a warm welcomîe Oulawa were suncer. and hennI>'. R MBE IL awaited theai. Of0! the 18 amea, elgit werc mem- U N B FO R f"tO IN C IL Reve Bateqxartiten -,gave ecdin anbers af B. (Co., 3411 RegI.; îre aprecontaining $5,'the guIf of' Le married men r five wcre vete'rans o! town, as a sllgit- tangie expression tle Southi African war, uamely, D. o neetadapeato. C. Millar, W. Little, Geo. l-LRecves,- ce witb Drains by Sewe rage Contractor Col. .1 E. aIewelle aaied up- E. Gardiner, Ciarles Recves. The j S oif >B -, T JR E Subjeci of Lively Discussion,. on. No gnthel;ing o! ibis sort would names of the othen 13 are as tollows: ______________________________S T O RE______ becomplote without hiai.lie sald H. C. Stuart, Fred Charlton, Ati -__________________________________ li gathertng was an Indcation Ihat un W. Rofsi, George Gotta, Thomas [cli las'become al- the matter would be attcuded to. ('anadi ans have came la a realiza-J Fleming, Tlarry Gacumon, Herbert WHEN PURCHASING ed was agana before Mr. Jackson ask.d êl It werenetie of their responslbllity. The time P-eggs; Edward Gammon, Wm. Gen. il on Monda>' even- truc liaItue contractor lsundeOI1bas corne for Canadians ta &iow tic Ward, W. W. Hoacyborne, A. Leduc, 'O T N H E aprescqted a peti- contract ta replace ail drains Inter,, Motberland tiat we - appreclate wlat Mark Davies, John F. Albott. 5 0 . AN5H E been landed teliai,' fcned witi lan course o! sewerage con- ýwnlk on Palace St. struction, Mayor Willts was not just Fle.....__F.______________________Men___s_______r notl. Tic peui- sure ns ta tic wonding of tle con-Fl tFotSL P E SM nsW r - by a large number tract, and Mn. Young, reuident ea- ' HIRD 0 F W HITBY'S OutingPU S, TC Boots a ing west of Palace gineer, was called. H. rend a clausel U P 9E C a still larger 'nuai- în the contrat whicl stal«e xplicft- xe% wgs. pecm- a other parts o! thI 'thnt the contracter must repoir, SPL NIJL HOR~SEt SH0n( Shes Sc-lY- % -sald liaI aI firs1 replace and leave la a satlsfactoryA alS ictdPhn isW tb O . icorned tle Idea, but condition any drains lntcrfcred wîîî. A CalSlctdPhn 15,W ibO . )n *il geemed .reason-, This led 1e some dlscusloh- Mr A lic was glad te Harper Ibouglit thene should b. - Ilolds the CrQwds MIi 7.30 p.m.-Higb Jumping was______________________________ [tien on bliaI! o! committee te enforce thus'clause. The the Stroi>g Attraction>. -_______________________________ 1 i.Mayor sa.ld liaI the contract called 15 TuB - lhe beaded Ilie peti- for 1h1s,, and thnt ougîl tobeb suffie- u L te speak, to the lent;' lIat lie cooftrachon would do Tînt tle Wbllby ;'A Show ot ai Brooklil, vas the largest winner. ey snld tînt le ne- hls dut>'. 011cm wenc not mtlsfled 1914 was thec succeàs tintt he Dir- The viole slow vas conducted on behaif ai thoue with tlii. Il vas polnled oui litaI ctons and Oficers sought t1o make tI&'PParetly' withouti a hulci. 'Phi Iet o! palace St. the Chainman, of Streels lad not was amply sel forth b>' the good apeclalors were entluslnstlc ip tudr tend tle Sepanale drains being cul mbt, and he md noand Frlday. The performance a! lie a! Whilby Ilorse Show las airoady renter nd l vi- knwlege iafeen ! lo drinslait day vas net aven until alter j pncad abraad si) tînt It 'ta bccoming n dom. i bk ry for lieue ta go wene being le! t. The situation seeai- 7-30 lnthie ceig u i lre conzefvn fb onelyr W .l shKim e aae vay ane -block cash, cd ta cali for some action, and iîî1'crowd liung on liill ast, lbath la and horse avners. Thc effortsof!the àsaw Mk « m oe ociks extra, because was uadenstaod blinI bie contractor miss anc moment O! the IlriWlng commlthce ta make the Show tle on alce~l Tis autaleaolfid ha liiclause evenit whlch cnowned lie day's pro- best possible were arapl>' ncwardcd, b #A Ifi A 'eà"m "PcrinPo s ,ds thc most direct ýof lis contract was ta e sîicl çram, the higli juaip. ansd Il is oaly lhc part o! widom - d4.t .as L o Refuge, ad .efrc > i oa Intenest t hle specînbors, th. and gaod busines'a palicy lai Is O PC. vtdtheisui cly of the towu for the .John Patterson, nlgitwatclmnn,higI jýump Ian surpasscd an>' sher 1.oRoz'n _________me______the____________ west, who tanin a asked tnt hils salary le increascd te clans in the ilince days' program. tontinued next ycar. President F. iS ON____________________ Uo fthc how's $35 a uonth. Re!crred ta Commit- There were cigil entnies., and , the IHatch, Vice-Presideat A.W. Jackson liee enons tnee on 'ApplicatIons. event occupied about an io'ur. Tic and Treasurer S. L. Trees& wcre ail H IT B Y' B R A N C H1. thc petîtian. The Board of! Education, tîrougli jumps commenced ah four tedt six uilu uterwnhaPuiaog. AMe.fs ane. ipsn ad n. .1 thîe Secretary, nsked thaI tle scîooî inches, and wene ralued six tanhes at thc Show. Spécial mention, low- 5Mjoua .wssilEsi (C. A McX ma@11804wegi, lie oui>' ratepayens question le submitted ta tic rate- a lime- Up ta 'six tout. Over this eesol emd itcslni ,uOhw J .um.Mssr.llassâot Palace' street for payers on Septeaiber 2lst, in the mark btce lîigil vas incneascd b>' services of the ecretary, Mn. T. lu rcqueslcd, were forai o! lhrce questions, viz.; 1. Are gamaller distances. Thc Si! hon hor- Cussian. OnI>' hase wia were nionse te the pétition. Mn. you laln ayono! building a acw - wo- ses, Confidence, Skyscrnpcr and Mer- inhiflahel>' connected ie-hi arrange- that tle sîreot, vas roamed sclool at tle Bnay, at au ap- cules, and Crov & .Murray's Strath- ments have an adequate idea o! tie ýa Il would be un- proimate coul -o! $7,000 ? 2. Are clair, vcry- soon outclnused tic oth- amounir o! detail attcnded la, and 'uci a sidewal. Al Yeu in fnvor af building a new four- ers, and thc conteat vas lefItat hie shoady, entluslaëtic wonk doas o! the cost Ioud rooaied Henry' St. School, ah an np- tieni. Confidence is the champion b>' Mn. Cussion. Tic lava las lbeen e b>' ciller of tic praximalo coat o! $11,000 ? 3. Arc ligl jumper of tic world, and ti palcar>founb laaigMn andît'as niar t Iyou la. layon of repairing Henry St. Wasp la also "1some jumpe." Sîrati- Cussion as n residenl here, and I- an t-a m uci fao i ni. Sc.oo ahanopprxi---Aoulai lai, a4wlmktIleladbce'ierdoeaanooddca tahlm

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