Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 4

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Ne W *JortuiatIll eyHrowheu ithe amiahilegi wua hold, andti bis MaY ý ! o lie intresi [to ou rZWM.r anY jinmy narbor Regattg s mise leurs eadlag et sup- Whsn oesbausmisnt ten <layalu1 sueb a plate, -ant bas tissa, owlng %o urgency ettise caîl te tiuty,*.f< pull-1 up siakea anti retire, bolldayu ueeM nover se attrs.etveaad ue couid wiell le isatiten weelca nîather tIsatens timys la wbicb te euh>! tIe gpeti tilge. Tise bKMA ussoyo iesaem fan te tolti by Mr, Harry -Dans, e! At. catsalbtel, 'a iuest ai tise ie- torta lieuse. -Wiilsieis sien M. laRvis vwa tiollht le Mctae'u Bay, ten mle' trous Wonev Harblor. Wltis 800 ffei of coper wtre as a trollinq Ilinm blissgnonan d hooku sunk rursettv des», anti a vr"Ofinsaison, trout tôk a faner to tisai mort of a lunch. Atter adesperate strnomleise umîmoôn w'ast atdéi. Whess wiisett it. flonedth ie -scetesat 174 Ibo. 'An henur laier annotier trout 'was iseelmet. Tst as ise wns hume br aÙlpdiabcnsrd tiee une 'Parfet imm on othe e nson. Thm e trti fiAht lac forriamoment umn thé, wxter, lIsusilong enougli for Da- day nfrao@no! laiwe*, vsP les l~ mu Mont éUl vet of. thse inti ysibeld. Tiseday asu-Si <n eeiy a~,anti tbe vwain va lit igis !o the sports. Thésecrowd ln attendmnce misst Isîv ýaumbsned a thouuand. The. gréoRnts et >tise itoyal Hiotel wers ubrouge4i wimti touriste ani 4vistiers ln os«tg cotu e. csuthe Channel, 'tb sbore mnd overieolag rocks wore a- l# ire- wlth sigisms. Frthoni Vlo tora Ts U Iuestore doclc *tiste ent etie curse'bnth sLdofettis e ss- nul Were fingeti wib beatsï. il tise, docks ln cenneettiot wiithIte Royal heldati. Itn lu pls wo audtbree deep. Evm enyret, cettace sud Camp fer mles arounti conirtbutet, oulook-ý en; andi never befove tidtihie "cian- .nel'" riem~-se lieland-ti t 1 ntig imn sinvemrmiie, Tise uoraim 'o! fleve.cniatidû1 8 nîinherff.-ail but one e! whiscis wa filleti. Wvenv e"eni wam InteresticL pnti frnm tlse siartinc heur oe!21, titi almont? o'clcthesepectatomi PriIce- Aioui"cenmeýiý e' Buyers to Share in Profits -~Lower Prices on Ford CaTs Prce effective from Auguet 1, 1914, te Auzuet 1, 1915,. mndguaranteed against any reduction during that urne: Tourlng Car $590 Runabout $540 Town Car $"40 P. 0. B. Ford, Ontario, fuily equippud~. in the loinlon of Canada ohly. Further, we agree te pay, au the buyer'u share, from $4d, te $6o per car (on or about Au gust i, 19 15) to cvery restail buyer' 1in the Dominion of Canada, whe purchases a new Ford 'car between Au1,ust 1,. 1 9-4, and Augssst 1, 19q, provided that we seli 3,000 car"bcîwcen the above dates ; which output will enable usîto obtaintise maximumn efficienqcy in our factory production and the minimum cot in our puichasing and sales departments.I For furtber particuars regarding these Iow prices and profit- bhariag plan, sec W. J. LUKE & SON, Whitby. Ford. Motor Co nppaiy et Canada, Lfited __ w w wv wv wv1 IiTi! AllER SA VERS I This is the time of year yo u are uhing easy to prepare for meal time. TRY TIIE C orned Beef Lunch Tongue - Lunch Chicken Cooked Ham,, wanting some- z 5 and 30C tin 45c tin 40C tin Head Cheese, Bologna. Orangeade, Lemonade, LUme JuÙ'ice, and- Grape Juice for the sumnier drinks. ~B U Y E ARLY, J'noe E. ýWATERI-OUSE Phone Il prompt Delivery, i ad rmurtid hati bas es and campera iban laý us lar., Tiiévisitons rm wentiStecmp on thf tcamp for the pamt tour one proxlmiy to the I M, -andi close te sebaue4 RRTUMO CT!W T-rqntrWMvrYr. No matter how long standing vouir case mav be. doni despair, gf-t a houtle oif Riseumo ne oday. .. Will lls cln wtth a guamantee to isenefit vou. 'Risesmmo lu wnerft iln lis quIr action, thse vain coese, tise musces uanti honen are nid o!snove-ý réens and utifftneu qd n o 1< vmnu a Rheunno iatient fi; able to have-tise usme str(mneth anti vitaltir o! voutis. Pheirpo bîiltis blond Rse ris andi tiilctisai unie aciti cannet nniislv erist. Risume ents nîil 1for a lamge botte !rom .1. 'M. Wilis or dIfrect: ah channens uenalti fmn'B. V. MarlnCo.. flrtdeeurg, Ont. -4- offHAWA MAyT ULL AWAY 1PROM At a reeni meetinr- fetqsawaCous- cil neforence was motie te thse ameunt o!f Coîslntv ftaxes saa uraui te iay, *6,87S, or neant! a tenus ot the taxes cf ithe Countv, anti fi wal thiught It mlii lie cheasser to wtth- tiaw from itise lountr anti becoenr an Intisenndent corporation. Tnger- scli, a iown ne tarcer tisan Osisawa, issut drqwn swav frnm tise (CuntY. Thse larrent @ernense wossld be tise enof j!ustice. crn tanti tait:-,but fail acmnmotitn n "Imi bu renteti qt tIse (,osïntv ail t. waa t4ieid to look Into thee nWtter.. TfARTRIceK.-Tu WbItby, on -Tisurs- day, Juir 80, 1914,. te Mr. andt Mru. *WalternHartmictc, a daughter. iiTNNG-Tss Osisawa flostllon 'Tv lO2tis, te Mr. ant ill.fubn .Tenun, a son. rOWl1t.r.-At. -Carili. on Fiir AurigtsIl. 1914. te Mm. anti Mrmm.1R A. ovhe. nueP!v L.Pool), .a Aumust 12. 1$ 14. tise -wfe cf ArtisUr A. A.icsSuo. o! a mon. tu vfuting aitisbe om. e! Mr. T. G. cereredi. vuzu ocuzoni. WIs theme voapous thse contesi la waÉed.ý Twe canosa engage, the efort of euh~ man wlth the tilt belng- te knock Or upÀê uti bis oppouent inlto tise vater. Thée boeut tg exodagly lnteremtlng andi srsuouo. NMuéis epentis upon the, ma wltb ib» paditle lun*keslng is canS up'te tise figis sud ln mach po- sitlon as vil afford bis mate'tise ableat support. Te usautal iss equllbrium wislle-vieldiung thee hein' tIilng- pois andi pusinganti belng pusth o i 10eut, tblng, oin may b. sur, but the way tisese contestants did It vas cause tôt won4ec. ..Tisane werefIve beOuts la ibis cou- test, everyone of tliem well playeti, tisel aiviciers belng Fred and ti o Musg9rove two young men, much inialler tisaitheir opponents.. Pnogram consiseti o! tise ollow- fIg siMnulgle rov -boat, Ladies' aglgt row boat, boys!, double canes, ladies' double row boat,, boys'. single row boit, girls' single row boat, gfls'li double row_ boat, men'e singe canoe, boysl' sngle rew boit, ladies'i sinsgle cane, boys' double row boat, girls' double rov beat, lady anti gen-1 tlemaa's row beat, tub race, lady andi gentleman's canes, guides single row boat, cnab nace, men@s swlmm- lnx race, ladis' swimming race, anti tiliag. Mr. Thses. Duif, o! Bide-a-Wee Cot- tage, the Presitient efthtIe Associa.- tien, announcedth Ie varlous évent@ thieugis a miegaphone.- Dr. R. G. Mé. Laughiîl, tise PSemeary o! tise R- catia Comustie, recomded thse wia- isens. Two prisu wene awarded for 1eut @ vent, tise fini being a stiver inedal, thse second a bronze medat. .Prom elgisite nine o'clock In tise 1evening the pif zes were presente Iin- tise bath rom io! the Royal. Tis wu atientidt wiih muets Interesi anti amusen en%, anti a round of hearty Tisen came tiseireworks, anti hua- droits waticised a var fine d1lenflay of neeckets anti enamenial pyrotechinies. Thse wonk in connecion witis ibis recatta mucis have been very gréai, iandti Itis was a suPemb success IMusi bave given thse officeru anti Côrn- I mtise mucis satIsfactIon. As pari ef tise amusfements pro- Ivideti b! tbe Association there -was a tennis tbumnamnent on the It n anti 8nd of Augrusi on, the lRÃ"!al court, anti a dance ln tise Royal hall rôoôm on SOUTH ONTARTO WOMEN'S TN- Sq TTTUrP TW SUPPORT 'TORPTTAT, > Thse itrict President rneansn v nv',nbems or nomnswlinhlnir te con- Stribuite te the nn'snort of thése iopi- tal ship tIsatin abp4ng equIppeti anti nresented to the eovernmeni liv thse aMiliateti Societiesn f Ianadian ,Wre- Smen, for tuse In the, peseni great neeti, l l !orward tiseir conirtiu- Mious of monev eithem nersnnally or ihrouirh the Biancli Serreiavv. M. Wni. Balmer, Whltby, who wtll for- warti tiese'ame te headnuariers. Hepfinir anti tristinc that the wo- men of South Ontario wlll show horinir lovaliy te "H1ome and Ceuuin- tvv" b! neontiintr geneouçîr to this cause. T remnain > YVoumu In faith, WeMOn's Tnstitllte. Whitbv, Ont. TTT(,-'ONNO- At the' Rectomv, Osbawa, on Wedîesday. Aumusi 5. 1114. b! Rer. CR 'I dePencler. Miss Kathleen Mae Colinot, of WhithY. %in Mr. Bertie Oliver T.uke, of Tbomrntn's CoIrners, Oshawa.' a-,Itires"na ta. e *or asa me igoo My, husban4 ivas dllbt ddan ,âea a «Otliiion aliNOt lue. 1 aMlfeeling Luéee, 1Ud -B ÃŽtY lc1' a eétlg e Ibu -thes treet Dolced toy tmptoviappeam ceai shli.,gthe renam,> tukee soi;ham M", IL. a.WMIAXBI(S '$u1.-tvu"ame old .1>y ail1 dealssa.~ocabe~ 6for Sm.s@ tig duato.oru.Mt gostpa donuuiptof Pet soniaiMention. Mini Rosm and Mro. Verrili vlulted ln Oshawa thislweSk.. Mrs. Geo. Ayres sund Mrs. Mackey ire visiting frlends, la town. Mr. Culleit Ferry, of Toronto, lu holldaying with-hlm niother bore. Miss Pinel of Toronto, lu a guesli of ber aunts, the Misses Fraser. Mns. Butler, of Toledo, O., flu vis. lting her son, Mr. -Allia Butler. MissBombie Meidruni, of Toronto, lu iffng with Miss Helen Harri- son. Mr. Clarence Paxton Iu vlulting his parents, Sherlft and Ms.. Faz- ton. Mr..and Mru. Grahami, o! Toronto, were week-end visitoru with Mis. Ravin. Mise Mlnle Warner, o! Leaukdale, lu viostling ber iter, Mis. A. E. Luke. .1The Misses Ptzpattick, of Toron- to, have been gueto of MT. andi Mra. 1M. Gurney. Rev. Wray R. and Mru. Smith, of M1erriton, are vsiting Mr. Smith'î sister, Mns. Patigeti, Mr. Roy Parlais, wbo has been ln Athens on a thieS weeklu' oliday, lias returnedto te wn. Muster Steln Macae, of Richmond, Que., Io vlslting bis grantiparents, Mr. andi Min. ('. Roue. Mis. Donagby andi daugbter, Mar- izarét, of 'Mofnti-èal, are guestn of Mr. and MuW G. Ersicine. Mv. Stanley Wlkins, :of Toronto, spent a flew days this week withb hh Muoter, Mis. 0,. M.- Gondfellow. Mr. Samuel Quigley, of Toronto a formier mprchant bée, was -ln tnws fhIq week looking Ur, oli friendiu. Mr. andi Mmo. (Oco Walters and daunliter, oif Tornt. %,,rrb recenl vigitors wfth Mro. Geo. Southwell. Mr. 9. A. Harrison anti wife, oi Tnrnnto. and, Mrs. WIiins. of Port, Worth. Tfeq, .were TrpCnt v1111tors with Mr. andi Mns. F'.E. Hrisn mi s flalcer. of Saulf St. Marie andi Miss Tina 'Ravin. nt Toronto spent P.undav witli the latter's moth Pr here. Miss Luella nnti lWster Malgon Parý Ilament. of (anninRton, are visitinp their eranclnarentq, '%Ir. andi Mr. .J MacCarl. Mrs. Wm. Tempthomne andi grand. daugbter snent a weekc recentlv wltl 'the fornier'iq brnther, Mr. C. Kemp, 'thorne. Mrs. r. .7. Veril, of Melbourne Oupe,, bas been vlistfniz ber parents Mr. andt Mm. (1. Rose, for the rasi two monthq. Uirs. T. q. Ffunhrfes andi dairj terT, Of -P ' iffalo. N.Y., are on a Vinil wfth thée former'a parrnts;, Mr. an( Mrs. C. Rose. Mr. Chas. RTaris anti famlr havi movetd frotnt iclcerinz in Whithv an, art- oer"invinr Mr, Trees' new bous on PDunias st. r. MrTi a.mhPrt- Whthv, ha, e 'i e n n I. p IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE C01UNTY 0F ONTAÂRIO- In thse Esiate ef Sarah Webster, wld- ow, deceaued. Ail personau bavin la chs agali thse esiate of Sarah Webster, lite et thse Town et Whtby, la -the ,'County et Ontario * widow, deceued, wbo dîcti on or' about- Augusi lut, 1914, are requiredti tefile their daims witb mr. W.E.N. Sinclair, Osisawa, Bo- liciter fer ibe executors, on or be- fore ibe-2and day of Augusi, '1914, ater wbleh date a ditibuionaof thse estate will take place, bmving re- gard to, those clatinss only whicb aie Illeti by that date. Thts notice js given ln pusuance o! ihe Truste Act R.S.O., 1914, Chapl19, Ses. Daiet he 4ib day of Augusi, 1914. ROBT. L. WEBSTER, SARAH HARDY, Executors, Hy their Solictor, W.E.N. Sinclair, DENTAL v. ADAMS, Denilut, omce. flmia Strfet, Resîience No. 4, t aTanises Byron St.,1 Wbltby. ,phone NO. lis. *anyThousand FarLaborusWantei "SOINS TRlIP WEST." I 'RETUBNTfIES" $12;00 TO WINNIPEGI 318.00-FBOM WINNIPF GONO OAT8 AuVst t-SSS tUIi.j et U MO0 . hha LMO dRois1ir 4 lut t. UIdaiMo moanta hib Manit A.u tt- erom MSIO m al. anst;5h Ot aeu. o n e lah PvffUd0 touaas.dUnd ctat.. teiaua luauln ae Qir.5A" &Ibers&. t 0au oao lu letofW1uiat.seuse t 0.;U = 19a là...M.O UPDPA.. .0. Trans E.R. BLOW,# Agent,. Whitbyt Ont. A. CURRY WILSON, B.A.So. ARCHJTSCT Phono -lot. 5275 283 Evelyn Ave., TORONTO. INSURANCE Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glats, Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the best Canadian, English and American'companie.s. JAMRES MÇCLELLAN Box 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 12 ROYAL THEATRE. ilION OUAS8 MOVINO PIOTIJIES. Open every evening. We have installed a new Simplez machine, whlch is absolutely flicicerles. and esy on the eyes..1 Saturday nighe, soc to aIl.. BAIN PE1eRIN, Manager; lAis al DOUDLY TURC ALL TRil WAY HARVESTHELP EKOORS 0 8 $12 to Wnnpeg Vis Chicao sd Dilutish - lAguit u tra' tstationa ln Ontario, Kinigston Renfrow andi West, to certain pointe in Saskatchsewananad Alberta and aIl pointa la Manitoba. Harveat Help speclal -train Wini mer Trovnto e» .8a. ion abors date, i& Guelphs, -Sratford and CONTRACTORS' j-_0 WELL JAMES'.ý RearAlterations and Jobbinjg. Agent for Brantford Roollng BOX »~7 WlIIT Y Phone 149 =-JOHN -Te HORNSBV= S UILGIR and CONT RACTOR PA IMade andPlan timates Given. 1l K sd of Brick and Concrete -W ork Repairs to Chimncy-Stacks and Boilers a specia ty. Whltbyt, (Box 91) Ontarlog -Bell. Phone 138., C, FOLLEST, OON*TROTOR AND 13UILDER PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION i FURNISIIED.ý Resideisce, - Thornton's Corners Phone 41, Oshawa. 'Il*.,LIMITEO I MiuteCai .- Toroto' Vin, Canadien Façon oj Castrai Ra TOiIONIO. - v..,, We ha.re, rnad'- study of this pa optical profegsi can supply the with absolute. -un Norman -B Jeweler au ( pt BROCK S.,R tisat inbought su a and many ethser thin bought su othor s tores cannotý repair your bré b r i ng " th e m t a u s a n i thonsif iL isnpossible te charges sîsîl be inoderàt be A hole~toreeleaiig, sale- means that evërythin~w boffered at a reduoed prc.Thisis "a half-ýearly event Swith us, to eélear oôut ail '.remainilng li4es left o0 r,1 to make_, I room for new fal goods. This is the store thaý dou't- carry over goods from mne season to another, nd wei offer at al times the best and newestf grades of '"mer<haudise at lowes* SThe besi table li9éns, 75c, a yards 25 Mon'. clip, boate straw,. hats.' wide white table linen, anilolîeni.I Ed . a!. rice49c. Regular.value $î.ïoo to i.5o. * $1,25 2 yard wide table linen. . Pr.39 SaePie 4. $1.25 Fast mail I*and, blac k;bibb. S2 Only, white silk embroideredoeaî. e funics, Regular value $zo'.00.. . vrls Sale Pris. 85.90.SaePes9' 'White and crearn net embroideried îcFcoycto 0ice ke overdresses. Regular value $ 6oo. Sale Price.82.90 ISale Prie 12e !U25 Pieces of dress -goods, black -and Moors arnong .the lot ]Regular values. 40o to 75o per yd. Sale Price- 29.,~. 75c Double fold,.stripe ratine dress 5oc Boys' denim pants, t o fit ages-5 goods. sale Price.4e to 12 years. seIe Price 290 5Dozen childrenf's blue and white .- check print dresses-, red trimmings,8> Doz na safety pins, assorted'izà - to fit ages,5 to io years. egular. on string.R ' 1àrvalue,20C, fvalue 39c. Ss ge.peguarO I A bargain in Swiss and silk embroidered bos rns 20Odoz. to seec o4M. Regular value 50C Io '75e each. Sale Price24 50c Pen Angle, black- and- tan, Men's silk -and lisie sox, 'al colon'-s, lU cashmere hose. Regu lar value 35îc. IlSale PrIce 430 Sale Price 24c .11crohetcoton bale or 5e Men's work ' hirtjs; 1Regular, value Clark's crcht ctti Prbll foe20 11-W 6 Sools Coats thread for 20CSaePi 4,c toAil numbers in stock. $1.25 Yard wide silks, stripes and 1 O3inch torchon laces at plain colors. 4ocpop yard@ Sale Prîlce 98c Tremendous reductions in Men's and Boys' ready to LI'wear suits. IDon'It fali to visit the Walters store dur- Ing the blg 13, day sale.: W. G. WA LTI3RfS 'iWýhffby, entario. ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO WATCHIS ARE. OUR 8SPeý W. buy-OId OoId orl and psy tha highusnt mark for it. I1f yen have any yo like made up into new jom "Illbe pleaaed te gire yqu mnate.aisd guarantee îhat -r your old g0ld will be-UsRed. J»- -R N. B A5 ) JEWELER -AND OPiCiAI OPPOSITE NEW . WM POST OFFICE m WwC. T. L R~AD CONDITIIONi De Crozlçm matie astate nigbi ai thIslquemi.on Wl Donald Porter,,tIse his -wbo Lied ,in jail alter two thse pressai arranlemàeatsi wlth pnisonera wbo are 111 gaoi,.-anti especiahly for de alcobolîca, who ehould . b trom other prisoners, ans j te thse district. Tisat tise'man, dieti frein drnklng ef alcolsel, 'wus1 ef; thsejury. Tncluded iu t was a recommendation tIsai Multes fuvestigate -te trya en trous wilch place tise <Tu isi neti his tdrinkras hit wa that tise--man prebably tir alcoisol, wlslch was describi Crozier au belng a violent1 Port Arthur ('hranlcte, -Mr. I. N. Basueti lu bi upper front oft lbis store tua Duindas St, i tuckpolted. Rer.. B.-K Fiser, o! occuphed - tise pult of til Churcis on' undmy lagt lu sene of -tIse pastorr, n tMcInýtvne': hardwre, 1 Dr 1H aseornhaiste trons tovxfor neyeraIl ays Ing m*fary medîral hasn rolunteem for' .servies la Regîment.- Mn. Pàkien,- opticlan, vil flassefti' eimlry store A .Mr. Parkcer usestIse-eano will -give you s -tisorougb i The Ont. -Co. Olti Gils' helti a meeting Iu -tise audi tise PublieTbrv nMo noon, Auguti?7,.At 4 . fulil attenidance la xfequestem wartis tise H-ospital «;bip. ROBFRT BARNES IX 73ROTHR. Tise -deatis occumrod lu Bi YSatum4ay laut, cnf Ym 18arnes, Isrotiei t of Ro o! Whlibv. Deceaçeti wan Botton, Englanti, ata -reslded. lu' Whitby.- Mm.! t. WATER AND LU "100 mu Why swelter thi Shave Lake Ontario b using an, IGHT COIWM-19810NERS 2 r ELEGTRIOALLY' iie hot weatber when you may breezes brought right to you by ELECTRIC FAN The cost of operation- is but a trifle, for you may for one cent run an 8 inch fan for 8 hours 1 2 Irsch fan for 3ý heurs 16 inch'fan fer i# hours The gain in comfprt and eficiency to both your- Self and to your empiqyees mtore than counterbal- ances any expense in céonnecion with it. GEO. W. ,P. EVERY, supt. '4 i. 4 1

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