Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 4

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close on Auguai S. 1,-400- postés bave bens prinei, -sad -ar eblig dltr1bs- utedilar and wIde. The Holrs Shô* Assocaatiindeung eVeyllûg pô Bible tC Msks iblishow a-bigoo mas. Il remains fer tbe citizens of. Whltby te de their part la adveti-, Ing -el15 attraction. Tbe show sbould occupy a large place lu lthe thougbt and conversationo! citizeni« for the noat tbree -Weeka. Every letton writ. ton te a.!rlend mlgbt bave nome. r mention cf the. show; Invitations should be extendcd to relatives sud' . acquaintaiiee whenever,,seonsor it t_)to-, viitons te tovn..frein th ........,,.,ing e.'nntrv mhould.bhA resnm1 seheol granul aswi$lhOeld i j tbf 1,sehoolae ld net meet the r.qti moèits of, the Educatlon Departmoit The- Ceuncil appoieteil a cemSmft, t ' lntervtew Inspector Wgbk. p romisling the - inspector that in Prevementa *weùld be mail te t1 sohools, th# grant wuas paid. Il Couecil ceellmeil the arraugeme suLLouUI~n -uli&yalvluu &çi . ., 0 4w the eemmsn asd88 ais0e ed to cornC in opeý or more of the 0t'Î j sho das. hebÛmnes popl 01-'he Board o.1 Edu tion. When 4d shw ay.Th b~eu polo ummer e Bo lapplied to Cou cll Whitb3' can do nucb In titis direction. £o oeyt ryetinsm J1-véry country custorner mght be re., fr on t promieuethin nmecmr, miiided of the show, and advised te h eucldfedacinf ro corne ini te it. If people are Invited months,-aid bave now deoided toe o ain andi again they will conIý te Withe application te the rate y- emrs The' Inspecter bas' warned ho think that tïhey should if, possible at-, or htulsrpieae, ' tend- the show, and will make an et- te grant wilI be again -witbaï, fort te corne. Nor need anyone hesi- The, Board la thus placedIn la' f 1e taie te boost the. show, lor it wil position with the Inspecior. Il be well worth attending. If- it In would ndt surprise us If a number et only as gol as that of Ilast vear, It the ifembers would resign. theïr seats on tii. ",Board as a preteast agal ut wllI be wotthy of the highest pralse ý the treatxnet ubey, bave. Tecelved ai but thê. prospects are that it will be the bands',of the Ceuncil. W.ei LUKýE&SO GARAGE Auta Livery Cars for' Hire S This is the lime of year you are wanting thing easy to prepare for meal lime. TRY THIE Cornieci Beef Lunch Tongue Lunch Chicken Cooked Ham, some- - - 25 and 3oc lin - - 45e tin.. - - - 40c tin Head Chee 1se, Bologna. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime -juices and Grape juic~ -for the summeridrinks. B3ERRIES ARE 9ffC)RT Rp BUY EARLY. Jno. Ei3oWATERH-OUSE' r. WH ITBY V~ioue l. . Iprompt Delivry, Of The ambitton te hire a obae àuthe' ut let thb ffpople toek ftrni, old Couhty sdt Toronto, andl also pro-. 01 heciauand sm 50'16 O! theS!» 101 VIde a sreo ailwàyservice threuogb that il was more oftàa-glonieus priv- the towe te thé barbeir. ilege- th" s a saâilce. yte answer," This Hydre-Elect4rie Italway pro- 'e~ar m dm. ~ec bs bendlcuuedfo nenl a MISSION STUDY CLASS. yeoan by a large coinniittee composediNDA- et representatives !rom the munici- eae1. M. tiiwil Ipalittes-interestod, and oun represen- There are t hingu which .;lesely tatives have attended numnenous meet- a 1ffect -he Evangelîzation of India- 'tngl e!f1the commifttee, and aise join- (1) the. Magnitude et the l'roblemn, ed ln deputations le lh,-Ontario and andl (2)",le greal racial differences. Doinin Governinents. It lu expeet- The fillo-dte b. evangelized lu large. led lhe Dominion' Government wiîî Tii. area et India la five limes as uubidiz the, reais *hile the Ontar- large as, Ontario, seven times as large Io Goet4a nt bae gi 1à te great- as Gerniany, iblt imes as large est aisistance possible te the, pro_ as th1e j3cllish Iules. There lu ai jeet. popula%>n oe't'315,000,000 wbich lu 40 Th riwa l e o ie ooî's'imes . 1epopulation ef Canada. Four railay, wnedby te muié1plite ut e! every'. Ave le the. British Em- raan , poflwned by the muuc ea Pire live lu 'Itudia. Il you ceuid -.dThe apvrfits wlll go-to thener Icrowei four. th0pun'and mba 'male, thé TheGevumnt roidomacine YI poople of India would cirle the te buuld and eperate lte road, and Globe thnee times.- There 'are 730,- guarantoee1the bonds so thal lhe mou- 1 000 villages of-a' population o! fi-ve ey necess'ary can be eblalned at tbehnrdtrnn~an wn.,nal WONDERFUI RECORD O0F A WONDERFUL CURE Only R.m.dy TnutActa On Ai Tht. 0f The Organa R.sponsibb 'For The, Formastion 0f Urie Acid IluThe Bloed., dayp opt d fot relize that the Skie is oe fthe threegrateirnina- tors et waste: matter =o ii oy As a inatter of tact, the Skin rid=th stem ot more Urea (or waste miatter) ti an'tic Kîdneys. W heu. there is Kidney Trouble, Pain ln The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the. fault of the klideea t ail, but b. due te taulty Skia Actoor Constipatiou of the bewels. "Prult-s-ltives" cures wesk, sore, aching Kidiseys, mot ouly becauie it strengtheus these oruano but aise bc- an d wrc: roui plat May loweat rate et interegt, whIle 1the, i ve mut sooooo 0 amonth. cue*P tat«9 enh es inunîcpalîlles must show theîr real disvr u - weetens the stoinach sud U Maes Interest lu the preject, andk plédge There are fu distinct races in the action efth11e skiei.I tbein support te Il witen built,. by India-DravidiBii, Aryan, Mongolian "ri--ie"f odb i elr tssulng debentures for their ahane of and Moaleni. The Anyans are white. "ri--le~ umiib i eln tho ceaI, wblcb dobentlures do nett Iu England, Celts, Saxons, Danès at 5oc. a bex, 6 for $2.50, trial i*, boar intéena, but are'beld lun e- and Nensemen f used, but Caste Pro 2C. rilî b.mt.& vos imirct serve by tie Goeorument as a guar- vented fusioniu hndia. 'ruere lu ra- Ottpri. b gj-.tvsLmt aubee, sud when prôfitaiae earue4 cial pnîde la India, but we have il, tlioy will bc applieciotitor fer boe aud 50 bave ail natgons. China and _______________ termeet te tie rond, on pull as aJapsit eau othen peeple devils. We dlvdon teth mulolaltle wbcbfeel sorry. for lte Hindu ; tiiey ge Moement, bnoughl iu two hundxed dividend to te municipaliies wbieb ýSa thousant istas; bCrebt bave guaranteed -tiheronds. away freni oun presenes antidbrslasrtePrmytr Te blty 11eprpesl rsi woidbath, becauae they bave boon con- ian eîgirty to ene huudred thousiand, prev i ba thle téosd rïdwoltamintel. 'hoe ethiegs stand bc- and 1the Methediat oeehundreil and Proid watth twnpepe have tween, us and thein wo atlemPt t " husand. Each mass move- long 'deslrel, uaMely, a atreet ralk mentîis earwas rmoecseads waY frein uertb te soulh, glvlng no"t teevangelize them. 'rT@mn fei, ee cst anra eniytraspotaton e ad feinles v.ry frequeully pray "Taire eut 1ueme wero langer lte penceutage is '11e ranspaortation toad rvice f i rca rie".about the. same. This ilua hMut as Mrlt te tefatonlns erviefor Titene are 185 lauguages and 589 te hew Cbistla.nity stll coee teIn- buigt aise ea l i peeplo e a1redialects spoken. Tis grently ne- dia, and bigben castes are belug lu- but ai usenbnth11epeautiul abe stricts the use et papons and books. fluecd by lte lower castes. Tii. Cosud t s La o the uif hab One man iluoee'bundreil eau rend, location Oe! hoemass movomeets le anulaiceenShare t o oladand euly seven won In lua titeus- veystralegie. Publieexpeedtinsarto c Adan d aul. Titis meaus.ltat we must de- The wemen et India are by nature Illle adîntas atmeetir luWamlB dur-pend ou oral -teacblng, witicb lepeuls uzodout, virlueus and pure, but they wlg nonWs mo tinhuitydr on memory, wbici la uncertalu. Il have been wrouged by Mehammedan- Smg ln ba give bisbeatopens the. deers te ail kîntifs-to~lm sudHinduisumTheir aterïes' of 1he Shui t i s rom bs i ad n habis be ipersilions. These things linger witb women etflte paot are e! lovely, vin- Most hearby support. i us yet, but lu India il u ister.. Thoir lueus nie.Bu:e1pesu9cn ields are full ,of pots le attracl b dth e n u abe. ey are unedu- Ii odpropose&L wilî, 1h lIo1*. evIl oye from'lteecropu. * cated sud i$ ornu and feel themuel- lieveil, be of very great bouefit toe 11Caste iluoe te l greateat hînd- ves Ihat b oy are infenri t tlte ceuntry lying nerti.anud nerh-wesl rances te Chlistianlty. The Hindu me-Fryhuadof e!ltese - et ýWhtbyr, andI i will be se eperateil tradition su "The Brahmlns men are lu secloandn see ne man- a'te, devolep morc.luteuuive agricul- 1sprang froe eMeutit ef Qed Brait- i bult aîben, son er husbaud. Netten lure anti dalrylug, wlth a great lu- ina, lie Kaigtriyas sprang from bis must any othen man sO tem ift hhy Mrase lu thte number et peeple en sheullers, 1the Valayas ftromn lb is Ih te seea heirhusband lunlte neit th1e land. The nightI of way of the hhlghs sud tût Sudras fnom bis fet. lite. noad will be usol for power linos le Beaîdes ltes. castes -titene are sîxtyl ChIld manniage aud, enforcel wid- supply electriclly ferlilght sud powen million wito beloug tle 1eritCaste' owhood are the rule. Titene are ever te tbe farmu and villages on 'aud or eut-castes. Thon thefe au ne eue Iwe.million te snd din esh t near the roal, sud l11Io believed ltaI hundrel Ibeussul suit-castes, between e g.Ad111 ubn iu11 lu a few year i tere will be a veçit- witicb-therý sno anltermianrying and ehild-wife lu a widow fon the remain- able trausformatiop lunlte ceuntry ne lnlor-dlning. Tite preseuce, teuch don of ber lMe. And widows are ne- silo witicit-lu sure te btriug presper- or sbatiow eta lowen caste pollutos . ganled au accursed ii; liey gel ne sym-1 llY net ouly te 1the tarmens but le lb.e sou must Iellew lte ocua-palby from anyono, and are teld the villageis sud towus as well. tienoet is latter. Eacit caste wor- thatl ish heir faull. Mauy 11111e Thte Gazette bolleves titis project sipa certain fetiaites. Th1e weaven girls are married le lte fémple woul bcof rea beefl to tow woihiphisloo, te crpeterbisgels sud live alilIheir lie lu the anw ount o reatn eflble îu e zi i s ls bsomlicn.ntn stemples, wicitare centres et vice. bearly support. 'Te people ef Indita îve lu villages ITite grandmohen rules lte home, aund wblcit are seif-ceterel and self-con- lie unelucatéd wemn la the. chietj -aineil. Each village provides fon ils' Iiiudrauc~ e *Cirftniuy. If we eau M isio.tay Cn frene. own wanîs ail bines its own mn, win the womeu, we shali have lte gelng shares foi a barber or fer 1 key te lie proitlem lin India. 'rie ferryman. This maires them coser- msinne ii rmbue l (Ceuhinued tnom Page1 valîve', sud slow te move lu any iva. ibouse. liev have classes lu Zenanas Bo YokIh eea er ayo h Tepol r or h vrg t (hoîr homes) and have caste ucheols Da Yon, le Guenl Screary o!li Ti. popl ar per. ie vengefor girls. Thene lu a grent opportu- On M. E. MI., 'thon spokie o!"'rTe So- lucom e!o a man who tas a family ulty hene fer work. Only womeu eau w cial Fonce eft-Christian Missions,' being $20 a yoar. Thoy de net live do titis, and we need so many more W] and suggewuted "ltat lu these days il Ou this but exisl. There are man>' workers. Mr oughl not lu be cousiderel stnange causes fer Ibis: lte dependence upoun Sm ol oe aebe e i liaieaes n ail deninations, agriculture, tite evercnowding of pop- for Christ. The Sorabji. farnily, Mt Were uniug fer îorwanî movomenîs uation, lie itoarding o! weaith il-' Parsis, Came from Persia, and were -r lu lte unification oet hemes for Mis- slead et placiug il atInluerest aid fine wenstippens. One womau lu a P sien suul> and service. Heo saidltaI lite tylng up e! moue>' lu jewels. Add Chstan arhlut lu Lonlou, anolter Sei we must pracîlce the principles of te tuts the fact ltaIlite people are, siîa ave i ottTd a tue Chnistianit>' we protes. inlu ie kind ieartedanul have hall a million lu Gerumtfmlov.Ainother ia n communit> lu wicit we live. Ho caritoly men sud beggars, wiici lte ne- pool, sud yeb anoîher niariel a ta- niel us back te bbq work e1 ligion et lb. land %llows le b. placel ______________ Dr. How se, Uspoke efthlie teuudlng of au a bunden upon them. Robent Cellege, anrd emphasized tie'Te people of!in-dia are rery ne- lmpçirtance eft Hamiiu's werk lu Turi- lîgieus. 'rte>' wîîî wersîîp aimesl iie m fu ire> lu lte establishtment ef launedrI's auylhiug. Tbey ane very much in lue To sud bakerios for lte Iroopu. eanneat, tee, sud have been inown ho ls one that assista Nature. WEDESDY.cneep oee iundred miles teas sitine. Pegular and nalural action of WEDNESDAY 'riThe>' lie ou bols ef spikessuso - Ihsom hlvrkdny and lii Open Palameul, led by Rer. H. C. limea one mnuwilitol up bis r' tesoah iekdes and PnIesi. for yeans. Hooir swîugîng bas been bowels will keep yeu weUl and sel w] Standard e! Efficieucy for Milssen forbilden. At te siege ef. Chltoro fitandthisactionio'promotedby lu, wdrk lu a (2ngregation lte wemnen , dressol lu white sud l a 1. Mlssionsny Sermons. were burnt raîben titan lEve wltboutre eu. ooa.ny Suuday Scitool. themit ushauls. E E I Arejsu 3.Mhulouar>' Offerlng ('Weekly). Ilsi bas gîven Buldisinte China, * U a '4. A Women's MlssIeuýry Society. Japai, Thibot, Tartan>', Siam-, Ceyi.r -h ô. Mlssleuary Prayen Service. IoonlBrab (eehait the P l 8. Mdisslouary 'Y. iP. S. .wCill). 'heir religieus, lite lu maul- Th W"" i Aa 11@uii. ia e. Là 7.- MSSlenany Literatuîe. festel lu Hindulsm, Moitnmeanlsm, ____Wh_________ S. M4issonary Slnging., Budditism sund several othen 'hums 9.M's Mlssloeary Society. less strong. I NSU RANCE wl 10.'- Our Owu Mssieuary tu- Field. W. are Inlividualeanaust as suceito Rer. Dr. Hicirs-Hlome sud Foeiogn but net ise lu Inlia. Tbey more lu Fire, Lite, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Mr,~ Moutions. ligoups, familles ail villages. 'rte Accident and Auttomobiles. -le IIe ea wewer bb MluloarvI mss ovoentis nlelelte li- Agent fer the bèuý Canadian, Engllsh ne Progress lu oun citurch? 7 cale the movement lowanl the. churchsdAnrcn oiiieW M_) Utnite fou. praeseta oc l t ieu Mrup L-T-r- reàangrslaMES Mc LEL-LAN leo iChina, ooudutl 11viii,. n~îîui.1'bo LueStn"7o, au .7 as '-aie~ 1these girls are being bnought te lu-181 rist., Tl4e suent cry - ef "ho IJIIY onged woi4anboed of Ibis vast ci? Part.] lu o risin' g Up daily to the Sav. ir ef we 'men. Amn 1willlng te £e myseli at is1dispoul tiiat Hoe Yuse nme te Set the Captives 1V put s the ee's (ease) IT KNOCKS THE' DRUi SWUPé. M -Cleans £Cd Brghtèis Order a tiit to-day ýa' Yi les couuerued wll govera îhom- i accorntily. B>' orlon, - Louis R. LUXIE, In sweeping DGERY OUT OF MAY arpets- Foors, your b ardware mait- s Don't ask -for swccping comfpound SAY DUSTBANE BEWARE .1SUBSTITUTES AT 'LAST WIIITBY MIAS A I4EAL LIVE PAINTER STUART- &GARDINER- and SION WRITIERS. Country orders receive immedi4te attention. Distance ne ebject. Box (65&,WHITBY. To LINDSAY-' i-muRSD[AY,- JflLY, 30T]q: STrATION TIME ' lARE owtnativille, up town ..............74ý5 a. in ................... ........ .......... owrusanville, station ............... 7.25 .....- ................... ..16 irliington............................... 7-35 ............................... .....I L& lîhawa June-tin ....................755,............. .................... . .i..... hitby, Jjiiotiosi ......................1 .. .......... ................ Ihitby, Townu ............8.20....................»................. 'coklin.,............................ 8.30 .......................................i1fl lyrtie .................................S.7 ............................. ............ l'QI .gh l'oint..........................-8.44 ..................... ...........M tatuclester ..... .......... .............S. 8............................ ».....» 'ince Albert......... ............ ,2 ,................. .......... ot l'erry,........................ 8.... .58 ...............................S..E....ý.. eagrave ..... ..................... .9. ................................... ....... onya ...à.................... 9.......... ...............................5 Lanilla Junction ...................... 9.30 ............................. ........- Arriving at Lintia>' 10 ani. Re'hnrnung train bcaves Lindmay at Il pin- Ch ildren <,ver 5 andl under 12 yeare, liaIt tare. DROWNED IN ATTEMPT To '~ fA fhIf iefsnall RESCUE. M IUI Iqvw Mir. ..Armour. wbo la eunuse 0 -F*CANADA Ssuperneieng lie.laying oft he ewerage s>'stem 4ene, lu coujunetion Lh Mr. R. B. Stewart, the con- .acter, bail an expenieuce last Slin- &y tint iho wlll long remomber 'wtith igret, because efth11e unitappy ro- 11. Mn. Anmour's summer home Io bOsirville, ail on Sunda>' afternoonr Dwent 'outinlathe lake oppoitte tiresîle Park, accempaulel b> bis tl. son ail laughton, lu a canoo. beu about 200 yards eut a gOal et id strucr 'lb. small mail lu tie )w e1the caneandltipped 1h orer. r.Armeur gel t ol o!flthe -two lit- euoes wlti oie hbaildatlhe1,ec- 0wili tie other anti keptlait N. Allen, a memiier of tie Tenon- te Hamilton geel ross surreyng, iff, ueelug hemr prelicamenl, stant te swlm n t te heir assistance. vo beats hunniedti thein aise, anud oen, ueelng-lie boats ivero making. od headway, tunnee oceebatIk. leufl>', whon about slxty feet frorn ne, 11e éaiel for assistance, and il doive. A Young man lu' a row- at hunnlet . thespot, aid ah Ibeý =ud efforti'b'rOughI up theO boldy. Sn or byve doctens werired unavail- ;1 ever the bod>' for an helur aud ait. Mn. Armour 19 backIn laWiit- Ibis week, nonelthe wonse- pht- il>' ton bis'oxponence. rh uewerago system il, maldng ld adrauce.on OuMeulay"oveeleg a ig eto Tunks arrlved la lowvu, aýd -Tuestia wee set to work ou Byo- LSt. uenth 'aIet1teeolI <'Ca9tl. lent Theyu 'mllie-the.Sl +vsssh t dIas ibing 1- saved its policy holders $zoo,ooo i its first ten ycars of -buuiness by -selling themn witheut.profitii policies, and havink ail premiumi paid direct to bead office;- without commissions. Premiunis col- lected. were $389,oe, instead ef $489,- eoo. Fourteen ether 'Canadian cern- panies received $i8,499,095 in their first ten years minly for with.profitt policies,' and paid in profits te pelicy heiders $91,55o. Their cembined ec- cumulated sur@plus ever sbareholders' contributions was $79, 707 lit the endl ef their first ton yeara.- Which looks best, te yeu ? The Equity Life is the total abstain- ers Company, If interested write -fer further particulars.- Tbe mla who atudies bis *wu intcreots "If petronize Tih.equlty Lifr Amurance Company wben bu want i Lite Zsurace. L. W. DUDLEY# H. SIJTMRLAND. Agn, Premident,&, Oen.raJ Mannew III UMITEB TRAIN, SERVICE Botwae --1 Moutuesi - Toronto - Us roiS Clog VI& CêsMdAISÉPMelfie id MluàIgms vis Michi cffls (PUIM. TORfoN@- nom th. C Nol Mr.. Pa'rker -c last. Saturda month. He again August QUAI Jnoler and Gradi Opposite post -Whi (by, wu C RELP THE KIDDIE GOOD TI Ail those wito are i I>e*cess -Home, Hoe' mny louve" coutnibuily - ~eoyregtabesIre 'nlfruit aI Mr. Tc Ted bas -von>' kindi>' vo>' au>' donations t'o. us all give what je. loug Ibis geod work cildrea 'pleasaut nm 'Inays spenf t-fIHees .Local H4po Mnl. W'mn\'anstýue bulciier business to M -gle,-o! Whtbr.The -( * tiated by r M J"E Gel a One 5ýli"te--W ivasi dav easy. 'We te send one on apprc Pire, Everythitinlub KEIS -FO0 buich. o! -keys fou. .-'%azette-Chroui!ce cille Miss Jolan Joitusl part et ber holadays -g Mrs. Laing, lu Hamihi mn a s i hîui g frieuls The SuiidayScboc drew's Uburcli theld lb niec ah Heydeusiiere F day, -afler.noon eoflast The. Dominion Exp pluced a large fine di wlih Mn. E. R. Bic àgent. flou"t forget' 1the dan 'rilion ut Heydenshiore day evoning, Jul>' 23. chosîra iut atýteudauce. WAN'rEJ A Scotch' Coiite jil a -àfew weeirs eld 2ette Office. WANTI B>' respectable iwo iday or niontt Goo ply box 37k; ,Wtb>'. This Salurdu>', MI- Jan, wll again be ut il' store.- Maire 'Yo0 now, as ho ls"usuahiy 'e . Tere die at Taui '4y of hast weeir Mr belove ihusitail of S - Bicycles'and Repai ring New and Second b-and Wheels For È$ale. WATER AND LIGHT COMMEWSSUONERSI t 10O Il ELECTRICALLY haeWhy swelter this hot weather when'you may ,aeLake Ontario breezes brouglit right to you by' ùsing -an ELECTRIC FAN *The cost of operation is but a trifle, for you may for one cent run an 8 inch-fan for 8 hours 1 I2 inch f an for 3~ hours 16 inch fan fer i~ hours The gaîn in comfort and efficiency to both your-; self and to yr1 employees more than counterbal- anceË any expense in connection with it. GEO. W. P. EVÊRYO Supt. 'HfOT WEATHER SAVER~ -~ç. t s l

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