Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Jul 1914, p. 1

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..d O~clas CAL hALL a . Whltby. * DuljtereÇouny Crown Attorney and County Solicitor. OSoes outh wiag Court Mous., Whitby. L.E.CHRISTIAN ofice; BWI k St.,1 Opp., Standard Bank. Mouey te Loa. «UUS rUTLEDGý,, Barit.r, Et. Money to Loan on easy termes. omic. l mmediately south Royal Motel, Whitby, (Ont. C.VOUNG BMITH. LLR. Issuer of ~!A.RIGELICENSES - ÇoutlHoule, Whitby, or residenceo *De Au de SWANSON Barrister, solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Q1fice-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block . ýResidence-752 Drew St. Ph«ones-Office, -321; Residence-. 326. MBrriage- Licenses. 1.tiuer of Marriage 141 anses ho wltue.s orner ~CTdrugotore. Whithy ~A.UOTIONEERS JAS. BISHOPý Osha*a, Lloeased Auctioneer. Suc- ecessor to LC Fairbanks. For ternis and dates apply to self or G. Robb, 'W-hty. WM. HAW ýL1CENSED AUCTIONEER L AND VALUATOR. ?I ldd oL sales proznptly attend- si te. Arrangements for sales eau bie adsad t lteGazette omfos. Teïmu reamonable. Est! sd Tladependent phones. WIIITBY, ONT. IUNOSTONURAO FARM Kingston Road farta, Durham County, one hundred and thirty eight acres dlay loani, witbin two miles of railway depot and village.' Nine roomed dwelling, nearly new, bank barn, driving house, *pggery, poultry bouse. Th ere is about forty acres standing timber on the property, valued at three thousancf dollars. Price of fanm, sixty five lundred. JOHN FISHER & eo. 409 Lumsden Building TORONTO SBus and Dray Business Bus to ail trains. ÂtTTOI[OBILE FOR HIE;1 ulmo Heo0kis irlagu aMd ýI 1SU! .1 kndel DIA ORORGT. BuIPkou-89i 14 anmd 74. Stabliand Oào: - q - 4 .4 .4 '-4 :.~. -4 - 4 - t ~1 Ont.- Poli, «W»re sat= uBjo7in mg lIe eul otwemt he le et boai -d = gai Quisa' lagme vS vi tuslng coan .4 Mby Br.' «are, lb1 hAlO BOUIFINISH. - t" ..or us. -r>*No sulobg NINTH AN Wu *th e M&a 1sM i" O- Ts report ,wI h a"o sppeared in 0. £. WIUthISéW 0 lb. -Conference. it o e4 lIn delilveyo un 0 for *publication- lu 0 Titis explanstionie' 0 thiose vie ub$orb, O*e ,aperseotalsdng 0 mosy understmnd lte O- heir not recelving à SUNDAY, Sunday vas 0» 0!ethI of lte Coufereuce. One cancelveo0f a more tui vice Ihan ltaI iricit o1 No fuature ofthlie Cal live more vividly lu t tou. lu atténdance ith ing. The sermon of the given' by Dr. Brown, ai sage of rare strengt. text, Epit. 8 : 8-10, 141 amn lesa titan lte leastc 'titis graoe given that 1 umoug lte Gentils.lthe riches af Chist." Di cussed te titeme, te purpose of lte Foreig The themne ho showed1 scarchable -ricMls ai untraoked by the foot task- -ta reval toala vine mystery ; the puri only mcn but angels n mauifold u4adom of Gc In te aflernooan t were ta bie tauud unde lte lawui reidy loanas' lions regardlng tlierw groupa of tagçr delega buay, aid galfited a lare teresling information. At four o'clock twc lîga wcne held, oie unc ship of Mn. Senior, foi althIr under the leader Stephenson, fon wam' af Ibese meetings the individual lite more d pasitlvcly ta ('bnistiai diacussed. The eveuin.-e; c langeaI thai lbas even these Confcrences. Thi5 corne ta le cagerly boli by many peouple ot the beld atter thel evt-iing churches. It was a spi sec the, lange c xîpany pIe, notwitbstauding tl tbey lad ateuded lwa, 111cm three services air, own dhurches, galberi terence delegates fan th Tbey wcre abundaîtlv tening lato heatrong a sermon (ram Dr. Mci for his lext, 1 Peler 1 or pneseitcd lte thcme il was a great mcssag, théine, aid profouidiy- uarge coîgregation. K MONDAV OPEN lARLIA. Mislanary Instruction Priet. A defiulte, ayatematic poseful mlasianary iasi lu five titinga.- (1). Intelligent unde Citurci'. task. (0). Croates a perm la mission work. (8). Intelligent prayi (4). Adequate glvlng (5). Personal service The Sunday Scitool1 plant deep into lte lea tte mislaîary upîri wark of lte Sunday Sc Dr. Milîman, missioni Pan, gave lanlte evenin lng, heiptul, practical parallon for Lite Servi( lies à,na eu onol are St . SHah. WIk~v. -Oit. & AND b " rdb m ls.dbyi..eý aiL ssw a a kkes C. A. McCIsliaa, Manager. usijo et. Dewusa,~D. Itooblis (C A McQeLa.Ma.sg.r~ uiewessql. iiug.Oihawa (J. P, (%wsas. Masa~st.P1cigsoeims-sagIpoe* ,~.y leflais yrup I Grade ^that be Imade. milTns, dito> 0 Ofhhils. ' A piii by1iê mayai bo~ft seta by var-.O0 under the*ft »r.ébitlt , alt 0 aio 1*97crowd :iurndI%WC.alW soifît toâ el0iiitaer s 0ea'-o l lu iaisfor the oe t e'_--,ft ,5 '*ls- froi .me -e ý,w t @ d ~ P # Zt Oli r. H rp er A a ro uo' '-:>à -'- - »issue. o ?RDY,"40~ uL ,,'Jioolla reiel is iseeral read4IPP.a b;th", 0Pwa4v :n OLSPUa;iciun»Q X for ytwù ther foyhe0oudrefn sh oarsTb oneUmein.P J ulîM .... 29 hto rooï e 0 at-Se'rvice. p.n0. 1ev. r. ultMte M. atemanàrý Ùlt I Ù&intbng'R.$8a0n00 .........for.... 50o f«0Mdapwr9 isgt ettrcre- sol edn ioc.TeCuciH ude.......5 htcp aot 0ain t h é poketndTe Scial Aspe ts f cftlasI year pozis lti oey tehenon..........0 wisarcbabe Ho Missios." tHometsson twoud eIR zitnln o r repara.T. W8Vt in...........5.00 a3 net ~a ns. cernabaU wrkhatt hdst's a.aid as orsequence the gnthe nI metin oftueCouc tanomdli e hurc is Vrig b do. flu big aito e w 8 pabld. 40thogt 'iaion ud Th w ll e bed on Tuesday AuguatD. l~rst-ic es o ran for t is Pnd, nd if heand Cont iVte o t e B araldEd ay ~ Oe knoPae ayis,"TenGosel yMiaof ens:Jae dd0h '.Crst" t nEcssarj1 Mr. Laidlaw said lieouncil mWh Jhnigi.tir ..... $800 MisioarisgneaM isin tdida"nilt" afor aeyar.uo gatfrrpisTeartwrwchl vn e da y qe-sron l.Evnelm adsc a Sree itool lhe wo lkeut e pa rtjs.0f etern Ontarlo,....s.rec2-25 re Al adzen ssrieejinedy tgte.y Gd A.frcnieaio.î t perne i nai , e(toeof )- . etn Leanerput)asur. MW e r-ustnoardep ort t m sk i no . -#efr eal secton ou llainof t 4eKingsta 4lîvon e lt Crs. emstCn stan d -eny ttayreeSc toa nw-. Rt ai o Brisd sti noto.a group Vieetliaij ()aur ollte. D.farenha,é.4 lqurya t BThia. it otb6a.s0m 0 fer th leae-y Hsd lrag is .an ethpobabiity o o *wet So OloJas. a u oal cases..n lite40.00 trene aitetonas, MA., of Jarshou (ledppltonb 1snofteCntuc %0atreln hr lt ot hipof Mm lte Troto ld heoprr'l po'-int and opera t onhe s ît a brdan wit e b re th.......... ha..e. done0 t 0 eaçh mentf sk essiHon, "the AduIt do i fothe nsane ad oewa o 'l oni bletdamage, .....un.i2zth eangof the Suyclasa " hSutie ?spoke o!tue - oiin t.0h0aho ouain aIfwdy n hsCut hi ,cd U ames (ac ot be remeb ee eoe a.... flt i j yand si n Thlrs oeuiaepa o ldnt eerne tydP.ase Jraag Sulhav for.t..mo.. prt. be.u. 10ri ' atS erit. e Cpct f h .as aayc n uderable calent n fiR ntathsla0.Aste 00r wol<ve in.8P.t ed . r. McGillivr-b dneay, SceTahy f e Cu c omeH. lrehwvr n nc s" reac! h g' 2.pli ie on" Te Scispects"<"of oard, ast p e r ted t p lecr e ..ar ...t.. ...gn to.io5e75 cen eld ut rohhlv e imitd t, <e hon. ead froi I se lltbahî on e- lang epwhenson ...ar............... * sr hle las Hmleiions.tH om isosing that cant he varo-rpaie tis T. ilo,..50 s3or is- e » is 11 s annt orriaI t ise part asd tab. Hnry See thean ut-Tha n er etcl (ci, ndorthe man tad (rand toe, SgrhIotîngt d oatitheoewas * - . S;tnet hools, -acnd expld ied stan e don ur esry, n t h 1,c vi absinr ThItspl a o iQt al l ieh eied a canxnîwit. ica- the crn i onabict. Oats, onn * evîcs l th b rv ,, cah to i,,,h ii oe ss- r.o Jroamte s poCa tor ian t wetmty t. ei oh he Prropsa ;ô,hd 4 u.wrljTh uins o h sigt b 5111 o nwii Ih Bar itd el a otpr(nd, hieîtaes a cl nspices o- Uha ultortth i olanIf sthe secial omeeingfandhere ta hofld a-th rolcpa rec prtilylf hen tthat -pesdy must he te astcning o!The'0 uhmnr teRadwne aid saineDof egreatlcial f it Ofe wa rld t h endthis '11, and w±e de riros me Wohrm ia O n ta riobd ay nw ther Rev19,."ThMiGîman, fJapans enJambes ig abta oo ittrpia rmt atin l ey set i t lIc C on gaesavtochanecrnitions of te Hgthe eollbctogrdng Hny sith abnevroIbes wonstmae'bir mapy i 8.15 s o errice etask cr onetiu g etrb y Gntian p ro s de laî ye. paac.LtI a i oct e epti in lis:oatd n ev impstressfîv- et sp ank pt sof r wemut Bdiws- fnetBo d -~askngfr.oe oran s eti s stofiltherigsone 9,ths eak mcthoe Chrsgth esemu sCstian- CHenrofSarleter be o ar a r-Ieinaaesoh iewom r aal~atin. iabiil es f bc ('nisian('lunch ceved(no Mn.Huthisn. oud nd . I sargrb n h asr an ap get zerc Wi. BAbetnte n lidoDrM. Warer naea" ea nbeast edadhvnobeutanrc, lmrese te helen id okc utd une fteBadofEuain esid-a a tit renhm.shde ougt ed aoun the suepearer-siorna h n teraiss ai'te oas te utv wfth or ln coak the igaeted i rea t caslntheanfotE R i mnan th TomM.A. forth a500 is C, stît- opaferthone soandofithe vas ntrulb1.adp wilte peiend iclîre ade m a- th* dents. atterntolg the penarli-ive n o ndil's busines ofbsayth a otwal's wea nd(rom rm the wonms. he- baI- ENt a4'mt slssTon, "hApan. niiço ore In anTefouncilh a ofithe a onidfetr encamaho-,ut le clcane yeatn oef.h C. yCas hesoie« ghraoiin t athqe s o popuadtio u at andtca lntis onty111 e wll D i ýfiniely an factos te Yb IXlNINer.dmou et r llw epe openly easevot aes hth e r he a b e as n, seraiced, pur- 1. Onbtute a evit afthe Liste aup on i î bleugtente ou c posibe 10t e velnd.sthe wors a r clion ime uitsSrice iedti.g on.theGlw, Misso l ra no e fretaiilgbf e n n awli g euprPho e sshad ouod le. as on ()f tho 2 s spli e ieoufthe ,Pst bo Fl Breaxin, but sue ted tthe nkaie- surk aou t li e fo te e ve iwn- t stndn hf l a I"lowing (h it be oemiddu s e !nwaho uSoliWn n vo wet-ie (e bn h i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ed nenti Inespee h.onlt. cd ltknw l u î ec ate lm canleyers. e re nch hesv f a luofd elng un- hece l a -inu'lli ilv îhny coat us. He dar- is Pwll hr eide h et calnltàxtae ln e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~pr ans11 eassu afIowHm on tbatheHrypa tr et andgb Scbon lb l to f e ad inan (in-t ed foward ef steig tta lto e su d useatt a o oti *Sret ihsf aexP l ai coo sthnepls henre thy re eail d.e- tfl. is Se::ugge:o2d a snt we fIspectr n nesuichn a toe.Ti îto a ev erie ntet rare, Miss Ttomas sa in ne ses- would e ihbrceîd a nnin theyniringecongta gain crnp, 1 lii bite ual B t Ins~ ect oed thait wtIc whenthy re., he m rct b yhecon- l aî undrsan hw eoleca sy,'I l Cpoun cti rn 40th ie Bo a eard o st rtnga renc hdirecpt E frnda )fr't om nsp .-1Trd tina rtau w odai,(f ll aweision i ualloeinndfor epa r t îl 1angbthc anmy or arn ie c dg f t hvei a tnees-ait thuta tehae'Youdo ofteSPec l1 n .s-atu idtui f orMiso B oar tolaithi 1e qud eiest i ro snw ran elda. By sfod alto e adisn aliter i youbteust gournBoard.rWpaire lite tnctlrgenumbery eet ut. ra y iorn their e . puzulwhnod sa tees illa hr. .J.ole Anwole rghug wth ero rm.wll e e rs aetiroyd Ti asi li phy5srie. a a nfrois wor e Chrimsurtia n rutnis aet a s êalk n Pla eaosa b. mLitbt lecngbc onee ude-f -ý 1hnu-aeHae1 Stro Whtas pelllo ed fra relue Prs Groeenai lh tflyounds f dr7i . usq ni s-j Durcin thIslnd botEmpire. o ba sdthn asbnngill .elh impesIe iv WeSpeke ote eno ae mlets ta di1>>p OUs-!ofth BOUfowade h Se-ned ae trnitin b. witol -mss il ç y. Dho ig c ul Chrens ofund er i.I and psrea r e eubi h a ainla coue- arumble resdily bivand tii.. faings ' 9, the speak- ehttoev. En eas ai e ts ei as- ct.pofadlitter h C dhairmn of lte Whralivae ntbae .air a re on a great Rev .B leto hnt M. IStresis C m altsde is ommeal i elds anhaveingopento g rain lit Imorld. se Ahe ie plf or n d tin ev. ».c ofte Ba r edeo dun . Hta bul da0 etrent e tiero perabc louis sbaoud 1 the supervO ~ isisonofteItertoal Ai- aste u fth sadsol ote atained sua e shled ot oneot A dens - ed0f tom ie r llonm." Amouag MsWbuse. .slsr sud Ohatwas aytIom fror the ormsaThedt- e LET litS in Tyuo.esliag ngsi., hoe er. hesueal lepreis Ier e It in fte pools, suld b reeoud C, Inted pr,.. On Tu el!ae'IgEve ngellmm th~e ques fo r su e tasie. ithe Cunil poi. blegte prevent te wsmtl ot- xr' L s pio S>ocialtService eargote law isp s shou 'lud gan s* e 1forsmilse chusl cra-lie u p. Lrgost me r sol w Tn oias leon 1 u"Th ee s f -0rse ibou slugges e htthef Pao sukeaouI one i Uot up vey e erstanding n owlug ( 'hrist 116 vitilti, iin s terofew scho i off uve adn trn vooel ,nfu i-f efseg oni viie A.T.LA WLER WI-ITBY, ONT. Phones: Bell,'Nia. 47; Jndependent, No., 47 ýeed 'potato'es! ,Y 0HIO0 MWARES For early we hiave EARYLY SIX WEEKS and,,IRISH COBBLERS For late GREEN MOUNTAINS. and VULCA.NS Glarden -Sêeds- New and choice Our Buik Seeds are the finest obtainable. la B. .PRIýNGLE'-& 00. WHITBY ONTARIO 'RITERS8:DEOLARE THnM RIONT PiPEÉR, PEN AND-- INK I. s J.HRIGHARbSNS OCK ST.WtiITBY STAITIONERY 0F ALL KINDS MAGAZINES -AND 0J5 -$I.38 <Oir vous.. m a Critwoud stge- uom~ptta Eul kpaisGefou Pounds S e «ou. meusmier.-~ #iodai t. TomgO, maou e, mfidr mda1Io.1v1 --l e e BR * ~fuS WSEgsifu tm lspole tbI. zhd tr as IEIU0, Im ad tf or, linse a e i 0> vbos Mm ~ la contat" Iit lev I-eWIe 1la IMte run t «upusyfag vasue.MW à buCa ~UU7 4tomneatà,tu l ie ,lm;. 1186 s u k"M gSl vat dose sumy, iurmlmg ovse*6afee W Pnd allut111 5 BelU0s t 0 e veule- lai elor l pomuiifli arme, viii Ueteolauge uimet of Mdi ~i.SMt i Sltesl ic fie m t «udim everx mww Thes-le v teOrasoVr febrifr~ 514 ~ ~ llii'~ 'I@t lieUt-0o mats couvomil lei 1111««OliS- rfugar5mg nIe, lifhsud life blslot 01111' imli- U. V4y Wad Io$&" 0f M YOum~oi.p'Teradmuflfo Wo thi m pim -fr cf flkoeew n 'Usl p i«W(C va" ,n g '>loe r 1 eer os I té d ue Si . tro Wlli te. h* e¶' 6lPPIte e ous. rd h 4m i dà, u la WHI'IBYBANC Pure, ahd -ighest . -1 ý, Melrtd--W-r A-r 1 - an

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