Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jul 1914, p. 6

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Of bus e nmaçtIiatJ mye7lun-- Egypt, lpctup ar.&eroU mre ancient thaithte- Pyranuide, and iheý tonib of thc god Osiïis, king o! the îlead. - The profe-esor lu parlicuiarnly de- s irous not ta& viaim t/be ictor of! is dieavenie ahnebut ta Ïiare- it mit-h his ass§istants, MeSrs. Waxnýr wýrigb)t aaid ibsoi, o! Londont, and rh'Jyias Wiihi ttt-cire,-c-f Ta.ft -Col,- -Tic dlwev-iie!îmere madeat Aby- t1 cls buld Egyptian Abut, mw-idi îs 1,ali way belmeen Camwanad As.- SUai, -about elgh itutles ait ra'fom theilein »t/hodesert. - Intercsting Find. "The ground i ent over .masnet iu a sense exactI>' ni," saiàthc profemsr, ",for'iii 1903 Prof. Flin- dce-Pçtrie sud Mss Murray 'o! t1n1versiîy, oilege, London, had, mnale -interesting, diseaverles st Abydos, but I penetmtcd futhtlir dunug ito expeditione in. 1912- 1913 aid 1 013-1914. "Wo monrkec f rom December 24, 1913, ta Maneh il, 1914, and during -tbe eleýen -eeka -m xeine sanie anxity' aid excitement. At nfne yards under tic saili me found a large building, censtruýfdc'oa granit-e aid vcry liard i;ec1 snnd- atoone. Thiiedifice-la divided lut/c 1 4itree naves, wiich are surrounded b>' sxteen large celes, ail Identical i n sirc-and sh&pe. and oon-taiinug tw int5criplions on tié-mails mh.tever. "Thig'l.tttdiet proved tlat the building wuq _Ï -rYa-noient, as tie w ails e.1 the 4imoremdern ediflees in Egypt arecoo'red -îih inscriptions. _111 Infront o! thc coleis La s tone plat- -fonm snrunddb>'ton liige -biocki of ôgranite, and'tic piatfonniekinte ' tht e ervoilr., miceh ehave net yet Temb of Ostria. "On ,tie opposite',aide ta hioh m ent/ercd me !ound tie bunial p-noe 01 Ostnia, as the Bock of- the Dead and lhe inscription on rtic walis of ltbe funomni ehamber t/ment>' yards -b>' five yards pnovc.d ta us beyon< - -al .doubt. We -founiciaiea that-in somne enote*paut- Egyptian liievo: .ta<i entened tie ehamber of Osiris b>' pierciug a haleieh tle mall, but it lt ii o cours2 neyer bc knowi minI -hti ivesi§cnmnied aira>., -i tic>' tak e t/i rcophagus of Osiria? "iXc'oding ta a'ur observation flic temple andi,' tambiib'Osiris-mere niodifled anid fciraps, enlarged by Set-i I., about lic year 13 1.C Anient legeuds slaVe thînt tie bodv of Oâila as disa-niebtd even; îight- b>' bis eneziies aid tinLt the :moîins,îene tnangspoîited te difi forent parts aof Egypt, anid lunhi ilit his tons gaîhered theini-embhen evéery mnorning andi brutuglit -therr back t o the temàple of Aby&so. Fai thii. reniain perbapa there are su-tu poa-d la bo sovenial tomba ýof Osantf in Egypt, but the rcml 4eue is at Aby. dos. wo are sure." Solit o! Ennîliantid euet O' it ilnia>'be recalied, wmu o1W ç lte principal Egyptiar deities andi the son af eanthiii- hieaven. -A-ter a wiaî' raged wiîi bis brother Seti. eeeiting tlii eterriair oflieî b'tw-een good anÈ cPvii., -he -ns -lain. H-e ros)ýe agau'i h4jwvevr, amtîd md .îui!l- t i- thc deadin iitbe rn-cii-r .-doi Âwn'ti. Ilis itife "I lis (th( da .) is son Hju(lIte ýsun ir ils full atreiglt>. - lien-to Male a Bnngant. Piasil,)e loarder-I anjoyed, in: diulei -sen>' muci, aid if it -ti-as j fuir ia mplo A your meals I shouli lie l)eoame ta o ins. Yariecr-First -o! au. misler, Wl taI a, fair sampleof o!yur nppc - I eepCool Comfortable Don't spend s5)rnch of - your tiîe cooakung dîtring hot weatier, i your fnm- il>' will bc heaithier ,-ithaut the heav'y coohed foods. Give thein Post T'oast es Tiey're light and nily dig, sted aud yet fiaurishing ana, -atfàfying. No bothez 'In preparation-just pouî -fromn the package -and ade cream ,,ad Sugar - o tlicy're mighty gpod wit] freb1i bernies or fruit.- 'The Memory Lingers" Calueillan PoIItum Oeleai Ca., LUd Windsor, Ont. ~1.ft Ua da" O_____2___________th_ thie otaer t h~mem, r _______The________ veiy ,weU 1,how to oro«à kicked him, tùmred round, an~d 4l h M bnbeqêsue adA13 -w e'y yÙ ed hm int-o h air. Wien he camé en bat bdeeusi 4 Inveyntt r y ing, ir#é,U w p nt d an Thwo e suia ne u U o l ti.'qu d - down ls is 1mt thouighb'Ws for e K&nlisspore týeaë"éù ri'i ,andVUITI iiIedito .over a fi seu ~e1limff&taY "d e h" -its 1dangexsi, and t6ey do no ri and avi îo itub' * 4w1t surttoË« dicve. tit n o iisfin<ler ien .¶ 'attenipt, it excopt lu cae f a ______________ nila was tm onWe ie-blabbB '1àoe yl béng dOt ined~~~~~~& 'tht il 'r r7 . ~ ,.,juté n fflesty, or when they lar inT t à'ftf.ijrý. he me at5 all tidescura So.p aa4Ã"inUuét thât ý"had re. dîîven by an-irr.eoitnJe desîro p . awomr. wlmer albom a,ê came up withcries fhro. N 0000fî 14, nail bales dcroà$ ad quieted 1h. 1yer efoe. ,Se 1 cammeSdattaîn soine partieul&ily 8UukI3lè e ooked -down ind eaw thsxt lus wn Ã">e011*4aueçe01U1lyw4 8 111 ferawIhthwMpi6ofCucue = .article. ,~~A4T men. -s h Ce e pe us ide bfoà sayuàt and s1gItueatIyn 0teo JItlO1 ~Monsieur WiUteeo ,iW. otafli rite , w 3on hetwsgash ea pn -Ut Boton, Ir ad nwI~ pl . T rhé wctid~ qoti!'es. ever at the " of tbre. daïe theb.cbild as se f-br oboeB Trno abnv the a.et/luey co tudblthtile Eongn. acaala' dGaardenfr a<emi».li oteat Rie, et/Tnte ,cuiu iaal~o!~~WS1 m1 ' anot/hr gavbhlm ti. rile.-A Woi» rctcd eic uTeniitd tiesGenaUtaid WMmi &T iIusÀfed. 'à-Od N.ue;e y an a te A ho rds andca. hiapPeed, wh. *ingcrs nVFbcas a1~ s130 acE en e ' nmý, re he MmtOLt d_ # , . ti.~ r ied offtiun bit. Thn tho rp; 400 Tem it ora ilsnP i for ic n it illae. Ateo wa C- d e 1» Qei as aAsa sanlary meer-e 'ilipa, j ot sxs monVt igCwutro ,çoseoo rehybaed lcd nCizsl.1 at sther naives h-tru ehiit.O Aspit moligjJIIaf tatln dsiuunppion. fm t d tlnkl n cup Iiddlob te n he* t.tt lay nnde .a larg lts; fonldwih atr Intrnainalu &Ibave good1 î,î(igvîy m Yrk Cbyour h. Otaio rs unonfrtbl" tit e went e Get Cuci fW mn e ak. oer aute& fidlt .gvlgyu'thSlE i ers a bcfor ý; for a time tey uI niieinl a . onoIÉ ret f hewa o fot mdkl rci»hé.e r 500 mrne » Anv'- g lu prac tnllY uknmflWW he oe tie udss 1r3 sou de TFeance ing y Vie ion0, ' In:Franco bas empire. CuticuMadelgsofu, d uua oî26.1913. roed o undh bat rh iiothe ltri a be4,000. T orJ0 li r. e awound, dtan ce elirlanncta-ed O ereceive %n re 3Fsta 3 3g cents cýo'ra e )m t he lmer yallub f -Wbn,oDubuyD' E>ito. 17. S. A..s lwé'ýof41cp ng omay,7 Ws for Ctai» extillgedti ft, in.a-- U 1 ne bumind ao.Claù ____________________________ agdte by dry as ind, the midled Lti W1ema le< ifr o do e qt e, sud t as ie fi a nd Lodoeach y e l whlch, 'beii ai if oroldnong, unbroke.n une o! ants mas jay?" Sister's beaulade. v" ce pnoioih~,tll nm l ie d FkigLfty4v0o-a peitdcent. 0fb aily p womcr&nf alarer lghtfilet wcîf.te hie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b leheam."Inerbfond ysofeanlthmaes »Cnaaaext aldThe French navy bas buitie an JAamu. Gener r ,cmflAtchsNobain1is !tu rciu roh toeea."h-b lynganin b utk, tirrt s a1 io iasw rk sfca sla"80tcouret atTouo» or trln g lyloBeuetoaste la rmVetrpoerVem t he t c aa a oubrd." "r. Si h hi utiga d, "4 . ion m s w r y n 1 l dtite t o a o n t Q uf W en. iza e ii t stu t r e s odera nmm 1 BaoùZ ba o f, ir or> bty a e s.shoror o r tiey u rjinM . h rbyy? wasath, ire Englsb mam n ta car tonem.gà; te $100, sud a o niz a w eo ey rI îen - -- - ou mas a p- o pna y, Dr A34 pa àd my le(ot am, andeatBy riflehetili lny w miu Alk stcns.» u b i lla' wlt the hninte s , reprcsentrtund. atheb. Iyofo gaIne mys oef the n, Ond1m00t. ;iebus btY. The avclagFrwa e b as,00joe d httecnerIpare vr uBrii neo h nu emr- Arlova Sfo a ase ayof tee apn outabnhû eia I~~~~~~~~~~ -c&be onwtum etmrigwmnt e akl 65 h edo h Irrse. lngIt da ble prgsitlesud daris. Ieayea aitemai 8"W Thine ui ng » bis theu i o n I wis per we00. Abe 'ne n ate e . Boru 0f Fr'inh ather an a henualihopeaFo y1urypopn', ' no r heaIIeileulC to -omme iimon Ue bnk o!*~ tes~rpeltmomern Ebeua , trafets wa itberoksen pus o- raet eeato b. baDrus. ba',fnl nqal ek i u> rheg ion flst. lig e mà aret eeto edl ck-bsbe »etd int ekIfrain i ek Had ixends u I a e ssa«inig a, Hp- me afina ~hkc, uicly t r an ey Cl e rne»1%uto 3%t e tse dageonlsb explor ers, b ac iynh of leati ndl en H',n h of-t -ayPol.GilB leesiTo wcrund, sand distperd i u ytat .ioanrca!tit cunry mii ry ta cessuni d l cnvnl . ul e -geb - Sadu'hy ance itle u du he's ltl dabut eould »not sce Dh larlly WrthmofaticFr en or of andsMl- for tî-atn. awliebt fane Y e d Lbis moWtier, nd engaLmn»o!themcdater botra e w194 a-e ta f.eougi tar. te n d s. he r.lugeea o Ieprvnio ! esek oma'mlierc on imn I rmp ecsasb a ne sIf n Iaertc4msqute w ' ?ng a Uer motier-S baudsoer ln ed ito te ceWt theanial size Fity-fye>pet ent of ildaueg eus strtnerseIns ata r, i Grcu eGo rnen t tapemt No log nik a! eullri>n frtae &csi e."Whgo.y spt iee .irs yig mt/ m u mins Face tenIle 100raneo! elisapochfgta apoid utbopeile n u as n imtyscibthe- and e piu ressed ie lefpt ed .11 toar d m y s mre aloa matuu otrndf rud on St rns fan aité eek legaets-t ons he t a iag thed anduteri lt he11--& n DUGIArLLTL! O s at.i 8lan etmedt te d estefrmnycns ca i WorIsand beencbeun t ouonre lf Erp.Drnolelu ansnraymrk. M sto acr.as s é i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4 eiIriln1 i am u la i w a edattr ue ta Eiaethg higitôredmodseandats a muppi>' Bye- zt heronîf, ho rpa l 2Y00aW a l n lare.Istee ynire uieecéyoh~O f coand " etheson ew tom y pctfii'agoin. e lI oistUd ooutb te a i Geeka rt Fch asgrat>' ratdzzaes nd lcnhad m et're .m fi gillyi a os t ttulo, nglishwam d n thmilci dovme tie pertsare ivo1tiat- l n ati callt ted. cheau fene a eoui enkdow u js a ip l Depnfi M ete i and , c ùairneIthmasiseiren bThas u e ased tca e ro u e 8o!00 t ic n ed eu's althe* inrlào - idpots lu IBesr l l ia i l e teor ie s pn i'dngt'cse o fm naln Cib-" eiv i al iig Ismtis b ro und ie cvuld ,ue ftus DaknipalimexutI gîNe or elie .4 tih e i o b tenPersan iusin tug I b s ar erso ae nais.,Onedaylie usdaDr'Hn ulto's illem- ~ riaad l rmsrle /oeo- ii t oealpihuer ale producte. re eta rensi f atSro and a tot betr t nc. vr> dy on't/ o" - Dibs-"Wl, ter ieeylneo! h .thean b ut erIn y tsic a xu a y fonte nvrsPr wmcolm mntlagn seancvalic e arofl e toud nhar ir !nrie , baswiom womancuhed op il W' le iffein g; ltay uailpnds n batyod nitic re onal tenen e ul 74 t erm e ra Ptsans th brder> sptra' a cd rtso4 epnimar' scoruitddrsa ilm el? T n fi. hsc lai a aldt eP xd fler yours. IVw d b.b te owît o - tmlhe cm on e b f t e n nimmeln.5 ele in l e rk if a y hcae n opse aed . l i th u nome mya s ao iu i a H aIt lefa o deli ts Mes ti t sa tOr ogi>' f r t cmPd i o e p o l e e nac ir4bi, ht it wasRejgnysavid. r Jon t éeo pnhe linve rk anne T i iln v eume utba bu a offered îtti nfomatio n t. urge suiferons li el.acrl oe.Hevgss- meàfnl 1ae iky tr e er> ay.,nte oegutg d esesam e cha o! seven mres t a tIonsy a ml- g atHoneverB>perl. tHe g; M. ah arf-tie robstaue r.HmlG' go Up.. f ond canceded ta be n thti greattteaolnt. »itsnai dof hg i putnthem allt t c s off all>'n g jolto se M. Lirtic« Pilla."-Y u tiTPT~ 'uf AT8Vf~T riess Lndn basofv er nm n poai th o!tcomerctai m od. r octhof ma tecontry tu hhlméii s- Dr a ml ltof'sB., Pilla streninutic ad wr vë,ÃŽ grsI3lae ln oee h m odIdsr iohIawr-hr nsip > tai~ icblbast ied int otr i copt man obe v eeon tic er hes and 1redo r d e t.,d anu LnietCo.Lun A m diine th t 111kep cik- remn -e» In v ldentem r a l i eg- o tenpnlnh aehapdrrit.p. m ci Bi b' itti sst enis tocheniti sB>' ceanlnlg tic Gen hen-ae ugI ayhcs& bu eii ld agat Be on ta ecl ry ab out he eens n yfti v o e ti nt tmby ic rî e rua u rnîcîrs tprm pt dloua lredngg e ato nceaum io !logsadn m uiisb ai'ci udye lcsb'ebr ey ug ofr. h np dthe ork. A mamanrla ticnpteucistceo! a rule her Gure e s. Ade d unttp e>'it a m t a l nglie e slyem b uatgipon mrefnc. hee-o iccut.0.ml spnot her Thi s is it BabYs Il Euroes Fanefou!ae 1,00rrid o vrottenra andfei t povdesuioleprgiesà l - II wa awad b niaad»>'esed rÏ o'e owr hm hswnt ave enwhotîr ' ouibt ed lesaneli c bero- m i anb sr-allin afordMaau roifplaidosuIt m ealesa, depeean nd u ease. lit oui -mNDïcUuo i>' hdnobnli o oeket hel'es-mc i oko oe bt ncranpr esdwtoi oitubn icou tier. a he u oo. nothe ls achqefr tica ood fy or young o aid,- smn. f ry re F A i a r otrav. e bOwelnS rigtand re nto thek- mldesu it fo y Iënt entoalea >'. A renchi ben bgîne cl e t inEarnotspe biddilwl1nbw oenorcadre n o ÂIl ei e., yusaeMnÂrDnusteBlIiET d i r ness Durig the ht lme r R Testaurnt cmal.na 'rs br d n d-afrmdiferomIn Jécusltem npel t arktic reect and affction fohr bis Dir Hiiillo's la o M ndae id wekitiloevr f olmshald a4 wo e a trbue ethi atn igtad a olrn wtr ty iepl Bu,00 ht1ernu t. ldiiirhearo n vr ad nch n s t oeths and omawsh tubl s seel on lng u tic a cs th loîe couisue o h n g r espo n s oeluncilgli»ae reoi Immdco i ,t a h S ro n w s p n m rgloî eo m ndto i b -"I b le .i o! cih e o c h o ld u e _h s a la ia m de a i ug b m n eteause 50 f on a b ta tic metanilo! ti sauar f a r n ixi s n ay h s d r itn q ll. ; y R.-,L E~ iltrita aalndbis am shoe o c oe r ma>' Wo n dinontwtro t il, upu n te rd s rne lsîzelf a hHobnead I et teraVV tonce0F LE S. Wly dn'tess. P -ry bake r~~~~hï infantui ind taBabv'sOwuî Tuinîtsix awelunh orwdsn a.wTal no ndbusinès-niexcolengago 's etus-ar oportionsand e ch id ay Nor ta>' b a fac of atri es I ni w'ni taa ari sugeo, e- olCtheampso Uti ihn e ~ rs Vs o em n y areom axioy md as orers tri mala t..lims ae ns awube er i n d a edhar Of er y lniestant1y Neoanrly 0,000 lvesLataftSesr lerng ;ita71d-e so ehery alway of k ep ue ai b lets bh maufacu eo ol echers c 4a ea te oe érwh ic ns temernda h ta b epaced s ol ,b rs im ef b t on 'et Ph scaut Tw ale e e.ty Vears. u rseI t tre c î o whe os e ad gie the i-nr seshld n detepio n. impra usm fote li$35 lie'.a c el tandh ringa a e i s d. c a t o t ws aa bell. Tnd i e f or cils a n a -trsip ingbl forhtheW i r ift a c o u i ri 0 g n occ ion a dose t a ed .o I he p r sw . J h so p nn i e h uft eeet ans.A luylle nn 1a0 uIt ow er ed ltteeFFc Iu a ent. mogems fent la std ard h cristru- en d stiobl i umosdke ie Msa anc deuncanresseriad 19 f i oangee lîf etfled mst tinpasse»- A ereal cm pecre? inj . Zh -iveon ublesmanage entr mîti a vie 90l wcIl Dont wat til bby i jil lieloy aild Gadencthe or cild concededmater 1the0gsecondS.acramp le ntdendaanennuit lieu- utepuasede Ils-second neadyngotnteaneia-.Ihe buachloa letterslJaskrengrhee me h Gettic Tbletsnow nd you r essingmk ondoere a e e o nrd o aiTof thco in e i hemp ldusry rlectqur, whlu ove, once yai ln ha sl Dren. I ute aiIe nton hnw eeog HO fe WensîAbiTH ieR - LENry O fgIr he 0 0,001olieorsasdems bihoye In e AnvEmuuIesuio!Nod e land b st ogh- ose f e rylandi re dn ic nse.tyHe -st , ic noeedietimons In n - - nI fleUio Its cdalbsataecs b- frpi- Tul s~' eetînik-lt'a a soilden a he e rvesrinre ma t ae, bilitte -laboSM MRTUI AEST T d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mdr t r i uesteTbesp issIros Inutry I Cinu, onUic en pved m tai tma ciiigthe e ibe t mutifu! lat. t ohe cic fltcaiei u dnngtc rsety ar. I Liniment Cd., t-hm ad tal a te bat vidnce Clîîîee.A encaî mamn hi rpleUnthniduter latng tic by-pro seld. a gle oie-mi cure campbit 0t e rssemelteid apption y lelinther se a Chic,aet adNot W str thtmere la noh at-1le edcine eareStates Anpatcdeitsmbs Ii o ye0 ca IV i l uet> adhrlsi a Svln.to tc h!, taniiauisa i qestion Spe t-i n raern d-ti> ticet o yç - ahi,~n s ud l~eTbes bou eennrad ad afora he clege uo! mw iapie Ileadeine mitlionie spt agg jiify la n aesm asnhsdnet le wrees adi nela SroFafic.irIo' o . re weii ahv mcd be dnit 'er by pycar nd rg-y itSriF an- ndehe iled lomIn l ie o.citr m n ier>', l- biogn b>'eubîpomnera ba id tpicn't ir. Vncouvehr. ictoi. 2m nol mai a 25cets bx fro Th D . sa itAiiprcîe be is-leeo uiidig rooptenéorflia dpIp esr 'Lal tigrs dde>' nîgthni>'amoic iud eev suaneo am on C algr> sti n, Ybuot th'al. t. a loht B a y In t r h oi ? dh u f i o , t h y e f c u a l e a s w y f u ! n r in nd l . u u th o ln'u îe b r ýy iot er. -Th s i j u pe fouShe ongheal.l g c oye in ta od the o a m en al. th ct ean$4 nfer all m ac ie' lte s ent lm o lie mdé eres o pa rudi e s e - indg of l e iai n e rvie . or r to il s , wiiiia ls o. B Anvil-,Ocai al nto h v n rey p bbI d e.sit.ne nui Ot sco wicat alu l e Pilllp T. .G a îgwfrM al o rd Iwa oe eq lpi i m ler isil. tai-iladrPrîe tu ni f ie doseriess arelilnle stimatî ag tick propertiesweeamcetaind kf ro a aocuid ae frep an d for ohn uaori ovlng tic sec- f parcul Atl a s deM i'I. .Hne o!r. ansd io ut dbea rîinul theici g r a ro- efuîdm si u lgle moalkîni id rea hi ad tntAiltdeulers tie p u ema.OnarDSLo. E- f- bowels right and preveott-actod-auos al night by hetenatiliellu-ecouldA iardi>' crosseni>'conooni.pIIbn am3,000,000(lloisdhavel heen aatoutwsca, fTdereearndswvr,'llime sVo!yu $o- -te TRestaurant maBngeBrs. ~abro re.e focai>md ramstmelitube natives o trtre. Ima80 a ubled UP I ImlldewDr antn' as. PU7S0ovAla, thîoîmlling -- ive ,r-ss -rn t e hoChanpl r ng e avt ate îg cd ns iu . ti n raductiaimo!e kcro anuedNonenO b!O' r tiani terîi le ro nîga.1,44 posniaiabl e ss -î t r sîîîna e Artifof ial dt ghingsaudclookiagmentagoo s dose. Onceogenseaidtcleof thetsaine 101 m u n ttreld a r vea o . h l m n gîli. te d mi begin e a ay I cil o WIIl HEAVsoothlOFg scîsalitnoiE6.a! _ _Baker )r nintmhnd if avsOn - etMratn chpro n ink tha Tor . ineUSin ThenDoftringe. Nervlifcin n i>' saiInc Ims Th i -W tmol yo tik letic ae-ctaiedhaln t tedl-rap, me- wt a brea fat oryment aid oi e ritamie s m bech aid Bar" ah rigi,000Livfinlsod lie crampe- putdiSwicIn aesw hdis.oWey md-ni>' orpar fntsheorhM init$et rme( o ens wawemsJast nenty Yehus liel' a ar aroollin in man ufaoecri of iiy discovel fra n i- a bamnhi et enrawowm icuan i îglaeodiepsafNrv n laharse TueSun-aîi' ii me ipa ted t iorsta ntador Eenç ing Ps ee Ilis the mal e r phna. caretesfr's cei te y em a nd ti gs beul o!Tmen lita animais, an cbmpl, Norvhllie hi everr cas the bered, an inc e seh e nt h ldel N 0 S E D R l t e B ii h p r a nernation al It y a a cst k f fi~l> o h i i tia benefial the rt e f w S14 il 25es: "Nom," sa i eryjuidg e suppoe mlicreMa e aî aecllgtcxDauLnmuCruagînam i -lmi i owthl bub atnihi cely-ou d uhe tEI.eFaverENhavyyouandI wne umndtltestansdarcdr. envlin lua fmul' pysl clan lu teoif. ic langeSOc. fmil>' ThrIons sme mon ave b d t-ho coi Joinli-nhrItuepo-w ite>' i sprnal o tngbee n d miei glo mma i srak atner ufnanIly ndo ige s d aarg slfa, whih dwîid Ou ien- Aizebal ca a!cure, amotec t-ionamnort y flagmen d b for ve gta gt'uedssad ae i an a Dnt rn ao !nitrogen or o il- h e lio called Gme uoh ifrsaI b- fer ta b e h"ic asu, le butaute mîca réal otria s îze coseîs a quar pris f th saba metgs i ubisedo e aa l aeatanyhpIn.N e ulicd Int econdys . capI "Wl ne n he-atpasdIsseodradn nPu -te u'hof eir suro,-ea idtic or dina y-ou ncayi-C-aton.Autrenier-sohNervlne b~ngfa blo amophri rea- e suggostd a tril on quheied t-o judge."Becaun, ____ cet ul, enn i bu tmo GaeNI-5 i te dens I hd acat mas ie rmeplyetNeI havetad a ! an - e Nrvlie n he -i heriwhr pienaure Thbet ne ike 1 M i g or -e ye ima, t condd ove beîga d geof ut !a h rbr rne hfu ae y o a mabi ?" aed Ihtcre d u uigtepeetya.IAýeC cfflcicany o! t is thmp s te i ng ta t»kie lerdic e Som i nte Uixcd nd tiznove he. - prchroaîinle oe, mho hude<Jrape4 8litheeI oopstoaàetirIos l heg.'iilN so e.xu . he ablet. beeI gald-a se - mthe i. -. Of Pa ceful. qietseart iden , nedaniae , yon," t emo ark tie aB s>a' atmnn. h wieeAnee. a raii ~ t/lic plaininl-nîgateifilament "Butrthessaidaaimali aroiu a sound sIîeen andeMr.'JohdiBornso Incmov-tgbore.sec- nomrtiha-tyitaought -t- lamp supersoded the oid caîbon frl p-usmetaln '- witîbFutna *g5('.orn F e.Acahed,"m'ic h us>' mai. amen- dciice afew ars go, t blinI1Imiat-at aIil according ta dir- tmagi-donî uW.can>' butPtnmt lmn oigh afing. uicarb on it aei.L i rai zsi-4 iM>1AEiTLGE mv a-shil-ýd ns -nnrking a nom epocli octions. Sa I slarlcd i it-h justhc e Wt, 25c,., nI al deniers. in ëlee-.ti-cie 'ng Te abn r-- ts nd cra_______t UZlarud'a Liniment Cures Dîstemper. fiamet consunied throe ta fouir boiled eggs aid some1, crîap toast M'illie Replied."hydîtyougtid!t/a watt-s per candie power,thie tung- IorIbeakt-.t "1 înda 4A 'I avcn'î an>' doctor at all r e- mule J- ,Weil, suh," unsmer-ed - sIen filamnt froni i ta 14. The-"Ict u'ensnialt of marked tîte boy mith eaum dignity.'.Em asttua Piikley, 'I haîeto givo ns lhe ôrdinary, tuiguten filament iîg ail my ieaidmas gmatificu cie?" w-ns lIns next q uestion. "Oh, he'd -regard il as a persanai vie lum. fsjunisiebnllaleyis Ita sec thal I w-a gligbtendntI? Xiii eied. Father's tory, He's been tryi' fo>i de las'~ ~ te abu-igit finies as great.-I i1 ngitalig.- qnluded I ha-cia»dentiat, -%eraahoepth, 4 x meeka ta gût rid a' me."m-» expeccled tint it eau le used Vo ne- struck lie ight t/ing and stuci ta my cidest si4tc's jaiied the amlîî- Washington Htar., place 7the anc ligtin u ai>' places- il. I had not- ouI> beon eating li- lance class, graîdma gocn mad avor - wian set/ual anviîg o! exponse, praper foodi, bultacymiineer> nmemdicine, aid uîiîe's a due ho the decreased cost cf main- IImas 'warkiug at tic ,carpeit-- vet. l-es4," h.' added, -ili a fan- tenîce. cm's trade attliat time aid, thoughl aàway look lu hie eyes, "aid 1h.>' r The new inîup has' eue disadvan- tin-t uniesa I hnd a hennI>' break- ail practice on mei."Yuwl ldrle nZn-u t.age iu tiat a lange filament is fast mith pleut/y a! ment, 1 would - ilUdrlfI Mékl necessary to prevout k toa rapid loss play ont before dinner. But aflen A Bit o! a fIlait It eue$6 the l>w'ilig, sti , ii A V u bl C ta o u e aviugbeen fouud that a eedciys o!fnty "nom breakfs" Briih(l111 .n>Xhi p Insops 1eeing and bringsl ýr with a SmaililaMent ithe rapid.heat 1I oouid do' mare mork, felit bettbr 1 waq a boy I uged ho ring do or-belis ease. - Ferseverance, wltthzarin.Yu im TaeDa h oaa'tàl'eueh fieficiona>' in ever y .., aid --- 1 am nt nid .,e. nun aa. kmas ue-Wynt r ee Yeu & h omo raofDenerili . ae desPite the high -er raueo ithCii-Aid - unng-owio yAI es Lel-avnbobokt, listing .iel e tie huigten, i o u raob/erIndgs-îî( wig>" ~humeraua ,,inca of goa VilC Iii Name given by Canadian Poatuniyurigtei u tny ' aigPr4ee.(jct ii oviou -e npparenîlv, t'httbefilaments Of the_ C.,, Wnsr , R- îî IL'toa$kiai.Yôu cannati he.M ulî rn liigi-tcýmpcnature hlalifmat lampe RIond ta Welivi1ije' inpkgs-.' Itmom hie point- o! dem, na nia»-' - - wcuu mdeh i dtntte rmo lampe 60y vrreulb t0 v bin inAofas' hnumanscfîf. ith e laa- 1o rndi)z!r ancmmd lati fom o aeloel>- re 8 'sa IIcaeosmw,, ever marries a maman baiaten than--NerYu - ade-Poer anid upward are the oui -a»peST5 froram, teJO timoib Thor N 211-'14 ..ouly oues on the niarke4, - Z40ICflIP* x'dI ures laU 0< ha.ma* ni> ~ha1r- h oye me; aid I gaI frigitene( menSt1A - a restaurant te ~ta -ot, I hardi>' dured t aid 1 bi<!and waited -abo >1 let i>my n>'ad got 1 am» o lIred! You won't, a Questionis;to-ujibtz mil y "ÂAd -lere are yen ta, Thie -wse a quetio)n. i -nct riak Wreaishaw aceini trave&tîy. nd yet I w», ta ta place lier in Mrs. 11.5 opeedily 'th0 posWible. Jt questIon ta baave ber nI a - t.a>s ciothes, *and far taa Puirchaeaies. - The n - leained - for a momerut the 9tudIo andidsf'. IMoi - -only. hope. At ni>'doo- I badtl a cabi, drendfuuty-a-Iraid -e rliiihitgive-me 'tie slip a@ iuig ler-promise ou lier b In lte cabi ntilni=y rotc "I amn boa tired anid lee -&gain," wmpýodLMU know iL's ao gooci nom. 1 In the- studfio I1fouiS- -Ib]okunpg pale, ftined,.and shiortl'thi pistative record - - ece b>' teIhhar ber-liaI Ing belom nýh ticcab. " 'Thank, goodiest" sic- t nom tihat you bars locua «qne' vo>.yu must put her ii nitght mc mlU aieep at a monne# me miii go backti apecial license. and m-ari - "Marry ber!" aimoat eh laid. **On tic top of al dct? 3(r. Honte>.yoti e rîgit censosl "My mind lu made up. mald, "aid IwtiI noV trau -care of-Liltt aller to-ail MNe. Moniand ciutoiod cloati and sznnU pontuta -touee. "If yon reail>' -- Luth Saxon, 31r. fientý baadeof.hgr entirci>'. mrent- I -ieline 19 sec, @ho has treated bath yoi îaabiy. 1 amrnont cotai hundned -and ae-ent>'-live kLeso >' er fSighl altli in 4tned ofi- - "Stopt" I sa-id.- *' mil end wniteyon a elick-foi eevent>'-five pounda. 1oa t yauon oee triditioi-tl mjhl far t-bau ea<>anttadil etflyanr lifte tmaVelýng tt long duýs*t-,loak- >on d.laleîid and gliïnered.- it ce askcd. - .For Lifid-i. -1k it a1: Sir -ofly hlisit-t -r<se ha-'- iad ont- or t- tile .bol eaid. tien. - 4id a few mÃŽInai tac lier t,(>lie deer. amd ea litb iii folwaing hefr- li Tier' I .'ougbt Lilith. c dirc a! hLading hem floa and I-oa4 v)rOund lie - l-e oeiber mi me Il nesai>' piaced a change c oi.he cpnt-t ai hem n-n eclir and -.ipread a c, pj pc per av- )iem. ea,nx- aiid lierd are pi, aiid tue montcotnfort.bl 1~ g e'l- c ep. A id 1h eo 'Wa comuuun-k'ates -with ta>'-i w ,and berca. ýanol îîn -o 'AIicmej huil 'sggd your 41rèé lier. Ten-nilitit, i hati ai li Il ,t reexc but to-utc '-l aid waie hem tona-n agd w-fe»- .Y'-u are ver>'. ver>'- - iooluiig 11e» e acmta sUler extra.-cîng aiohe îtmau eht- moulci rot rue lnfcrebe.ad anad loft bc~ Aid cu.pa dt t ('HAPTER Xi -Nett ay. a,terrible- day anr-iliiiuîduig, aind dnizali ecd nt ipy ,nudp- beýfor e n iln My oct à 4minediaý,e nanrrilgo of #Pirewt '1(1 M«.'r g-c n ,vcie liorae e.eioi, acter, ait toit tierve- laihf*lor, au rCon of (a ci-lierre>'. 1 fcund-Lilthi Lib ic h i. Ing vte>' light ard, gale Pbi-k .--elk gewa cf Ir, hueed of 4eopped i yl!OJw C i-hild:'4h lace' aee»r4s -d ll 1 kiolt berrrelirn - c- ber mai.t. ih'k nie t-ti-ad O~pt bei-ut

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