Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jul 1914, p. 4

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birs throusbouthe0 proiI ~ In la rggrant wteuhe Hanse Show Lun- year, ad oW t-fflen t7¶hY1pa Iug 123 municlPalitIis' ubrelu ma- douhtedly: iaved the Show te W ua Inet el au Insane patient la Iib.e esiopion bt the e tii hro-lIths crucial point, and' only 'the. gea >'bsbencd dl yt*~ears t clause preveniled Ite adoption, t ueildjdnt !mm oî>'aoliiulcs 4 ie wer lhonstenoghtiie Councl ptevetted irliat ir@iI îcounties )iave,,empt> J44Aendthfrty- tle elergy mo 'ai"on nuhbarve beea a clamity'.' 'The reâlcîre cglit have émpy -oum , whila te be ýbold, anil boid iiiough ta - be te spead $114,000 on a systein , 01jie second loreit'daàihh Ïati*ýn Amn- louet" are demagoglc. But te Our Banitr szn ea na~mntu rica Io Kansas, witii soi nd a 'ray , of thinklg, "te speclous ani1 t-tons deciaiop, and bas meçt _,oy 111th halt pen thousand. Thmn figures ma>' cai~ui ata ~ hbS eartlesl approval o! man>' ritepay- be naid- tàae 'uegative'ýjni..tiisi vin- cettlarl et to.whioh w'rens. On the othen liand, ibetPare tue. Positivepofo oeooil used be convinai the etectona lIaI j not a feu . ira oppaa e fe epmk1- advantage 'of prohibition i. aftoi'dà. .local option a g t bl bar aboli- ture on tW gnouud that âdwens are by the, bank deposé1siin l<asai' tioji., as bl, dAu unbiased onlooken li<neeer-ahenIo ~nom *h ,', have increased . ln ten'years - mghtirel nasn taI-la hityof the, 'toua orfor domeatiec .'tini- rom one hundred i million tai 'tio opbo laslwcabeu e nce. _Wa cannai take thus -later hundred m ad, tuent>' million dollis., muere local oto a iebe e;vip lo! tha situationt. Leaating ot And ih should 'ha remembèrad t liàa1 featèd, the ' true findsof! tenijen. o! 'çonsidenation-th le malter .,if nulal linabalkdaha1s rel 'hi bad suce wouid bave taken lte position bat, r8eq-.aneaae >5jof the man>' sud not'oa!tha few, Ione $iiat this ltae chanoesand'tIe oni>' tam for domeshia conveieIos.. -belhi lnancIai agency reporta- 1>un?' a % agi ia outgrouing tue use il ( aT,-1 nd .Badstreetl's-hist les' than a' chance for Wlitby ta gel bar abol1-H doar closais, adl-theean so ,nranan score of mlIoares .n Kansas; and4 tion ; and tuthe, tue oulooken mou<l wimy a 'munîcîpallt>' ,>ould. 'dooMr n snot 'âti ver Ilii nline't ii ae. lae r i aI io iico-ctznhl epreual I eofiIice ase holding 4of taxable pnoperty,,Ialc.. ~a:~hInea ti. r , l ho (tua nis egard. Aà'uh Whtby Iing the nmber of peope in the state lsrorel tue proettcondition Of el are Ian .Jrom 'sanîtarysdtnvau tona.hie shae, if$1k,686.92, -things iustead o! a change ha bar ah- epidemie mlght break ouI any 'Ume. m*incIthtii.'Wau Street J*=ui te. olt ,yreil'av'rad thie reteition inl beter tab,Saue than sorr$'. cenîl>' declanad 1o be 'lia langent Iu America. Also a, report fmom Dîrec- Ion Harris, o! lia Census Bureau, 01 shostha State debi of Kausas han -- decreased faster than that o! any othar state. ECansas r-affects uer pros- - perit.y In record figures educationfi- 1>'. It 1e Bmoag tti ret six o!thie atates 'riti a heulpmncentage o! -illit-I n>.WitIt a potulatlon o! abouta# million and threc-quartcns tiare. an. over eighltitousnd studeuts attend- lag univenitIes and more studento la collage accordiag 1e population tia anrotiar state lu tie Union. WANT A SIDEWALK. Ti zehmns mesi of Palace Sra tethie numben of font>', and othens Who wish te traverse Palace Street L U , E. S ý tOtohe 11. C. Churci and Separale W . - J LU k & SQ la iai eather, are petltlozing the Wàkextendtd lnom Mary ta Dundas, A ~ A ~ EWhich uouid obviate tic difficult>'. GARAGE~ The lutile childnen from the ment at- tending sciool have ho malk twc blocks oui of tudr uay winathe A uto L 0, a r un ire roads are bad and luwner hc iv ry ~ r for fî- la consldered iv' tic petitioners te ha a vcry great-hardehlp. WATER AND LIGHT- COMMIS5 "00 Il ELEOTRICALUY -Why swelter Ithis hot weather v have Lake Ontario breezes brought r using an ELECIRIU -f1 -The cost of operation is but a trille, fc one cent runan -inch fan for 9 hours 1inhfan for 3 k hours 16î inch fan fe'r îï hours The gain ini conifort and efficienc) self and ho your employees more tl1 ainces any expense lin connection withj GUO. W. P. Corned Beef Lunch longue Lunch Chicken - Cooked Ham, Head >SIONERS 1 fi rhen- you may right to you by r you may for yr to both your- an counterbal- it. EVISRYO. supt. wanting some- 25 and 30C tini -' 45c tin - 40c tin Cheese, Bologna. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime Juice, and Grape juice for the sunimer drinks. 1BERRIES ARE SHO0RT ÇROP. BUY EARLY, Jno. Eý.WATERH OUSE <HIBiromnpt Delivery. ] Phone 11! NOTICE. Notice of Transfer cf License of the Windsor Hoiel, Town of Whii- by, Liquor License Act.- _ Notice laic hray givea that appli- cation bas beau made hy Messrs. Em- erson & Bell, af tic Windsor H> tel lu tic Toua of Whitby, te trans- fer their tavemu lîcense ta Messs Bell & Ianson, o! tic Town ef Wiitby, and tint the saîd applica- tien ilil be considered ai -a meeting of Lie Liccnsc Board for tic District of South Ontariu,ï in the Towa Hall, in tie Toua ot'Witiy, on Thursduy, Juiy 30, 1914, at 10 o'ciock. Ail parties concemned will govern iheal selves accomdingiy. 13y order, LOUIS R. LUKE, -3. . License Jnspectoî REAL ESTATE TRANSPERS. Mn. J. E, Winn bas completad sici cmal business and eni esinte trans- fers this wcek, amongst uhici ,arn the fliowing: Two lots on -Pille St ; Vendon, Mr, Cînyton Musgrove, Tomnte ; pus. chasan, Mn. Jos. Pearson, Wihiyo contracter. On@ lot on Penny St.; vendon, Mr, Russell Underuood ; purchasen, Mr, Bird. Mr. Winalso' affected tuc ?Lansfei o! tie equi>' of W. W. Emerson Ji th Windsor Hotel ta Mn. Leslie Ian. sàon, o! Greenbank. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. The following are thinamea ofth auccessfui candidates ah tie races Entnanca Exami.aatton. Cenhificate miii b. sent hothie succeanlul cauci dates sud marks te the unsuacestf candidates luns au daya. Whiy-61 candidates, 37 passed.- Dorath> Bradbury (hou.->, Walte Brama, Dora Coluili,, Lillisu Dou@ las, Emma Fisher, Ethel Gilas-, A] brt Goldring, Ramena Hamnii Muriel Hamle>', Gladys Hanaop, Jo Hai-leit, Louis Huibeli, Blake D Hart, Annie Jubb, Eunlce Kaml Kathleen Laver>', Josis Long, Chrii line McLeod,- Gertrude Mcîulyrt Mary M. Meîntyre, Carnie Neil, Na'1 Nei, L. W. O'Connor, Clibford Quiz hon <ion.>, Arthur Rîca, ÉLame E Ravin, Ehicl Stuthaford, (ion.), Wr Smith, Madeline Smith, Maud Shul Iticuorth, Violet Sadien, Dougla Tiempson (hon.), Gardon Trigl Elsie West (hon.), Doroth>'Wbutti ken, Muriel Waltens (han.), Willi Clifford Qulnion gels tic laI Tav Schelaraîîp; Muriel Walters*gals, i 2ald Towa Sciolarship ; Donoîl Bradbury ge the 3rd Toua Scioa shlp. Pic-kcning....-21 candidates, 15 pa554 -S. Minou, 0. Bryann, M. Clark A, Couan, C. Coma, M. Couan,-4 IDouglas, Et. Gaacoyne, R. Gormie IC. Miarquis, M. McGuire, E. Proue IL. Raid, il. Rabbins, E. Wite. Clareoai-26 candidates, 20 pas ed-ilia l3arkcy, Douglas, Dîchinsà Ilarmy Dodd, .jean Evans, WiIl Fri, Burnecîl .i'soa (iou. Grant Joues, Raymond Joncs, Ï4B bars IKyd&, lazel Mentet, Edna T8M dicton,, Hilda MiddlOton, Ll oyd Pog Mary, PugIt, .Blanche Reesonletua p Sargent, Charlcsi-Stocks, votAâ Ste iW ~ iV -%L it of d7lng. riv «r &go,. =y husband's'&xIetyt.1 &cided ttado se and1 nt once I tit relief. Then 1 BTýKDNA WARFIELD snWtmg recbox*sud1 M l eic "- lest nierai paunds, but afier tskla "Erlt-4lvs", Iquickly eained Mr. Penfield iis the, proîînletof and -w tIh~e.I'w I-utsloePand - edter of a uemup aff led.the.>Un. digestwelll-.ina*od, I aulcMp Ce y lou Hie iiud filscwu nigdbnti as 'th e, ials e"mltatv bu w il eu Iin phuid -ho coniducted. M.A LCAIýN~Û ' hpto, lc lu the vwonld, and' Will wu.a.piiblé. ïMies Wlli*uieýauis ldaI -SMm îww' wmjan" wbo w - au pportIng Eeitbuus" is5iil u te liersit by tehingMr. Penfeld met toaiTrbls bour-.uud wi$ attravted tu ber hargely ce a box,- 6-tfe $2.5o, trial site, 25C. on ';(4eOunt ut beýr *force of charmedrir e eto rcita ni t î.eul 1wîis ilsw ~ b PIij44 imLjhtedi Ottawa. ilm aisttrotedto. Mn. P.nide 9 1agef n ceuat'iof admiration. for a ~an ow ',for b.- was amaofa School Reports- aithovri*jbavig nt tde? r muedi- tOTO, ClUks, printers. ete. u î r ubr of School Tber. are nuy inds of Duew's*a-;Reports teceved top. la$e for publîca pers as thereaekid t o.Mv in lutsiweek's issue 0o! tua i PnflIds pIly Wt5wltb a 110W tO paper . . mainu bli paper P sy -or Wbat becou- SEPARATE SCHOOL, -WHITBY. 11dered tibesW motbod et' makng It Frm Sr. I11 to,,Jr. .IV-Basl 0'.I par. Ms Wiliams' Ides of a news- Connor, Mary 'De-wan, Arthur P'a-,I tpaper ia an inteilectual engifle te quotte, Eloia Fogazty. ioid opinion. Thut Io whmt ehlesiiP- Jr. III to Sr. 11.-Margaret -(iilby. posed Me. Peufletd's alinîer to b. b& Clus IIto i 11.-Hanors.-KatO I newspapë'rs are for. 'i'er became en- Vasaleaky, (jas. Cannons, Margaret ODgeo i.tlmhao i no Gaies) equal, M[adeline Breen, John Oel tetn e th enar f tbeGilhy, Normne O'Connor.4 iras te wn~generfly cnend~ Pt. Il ta 1.-Hlonora-Mary Fly state, for It wdgnrll ocd Mattd aln James Calderane. Paso 4 that the paper s briliant advoeacy of Falle onre, ahen 'Cn4 Ltbe governor's aIde and tinglng con-. sl oetr Ktle ,Cn demnation af bis opponent ad bis non, Mary Calderone.L principl es bad securel the. election. Sn. Pt. I to Pt. Ii.-Honors- (L. But rbe th capalu ias vertheDewan, Neiiie Connona) equal, (Joan 4 Unin rtuned*t iL InepndeceStewart; Jos. Vaselesky) equal, wbie Ment tat t wa atlbt o Cyril Gaies. Pàss-Annie Vaselesky,4 wlcbmahe&ntent t ni ras t ery Iena Anderson, Gea. 'Forreaten. _ If peusen the. gretest .nuirerlatonrbd Jr. Pt. I te Sr. Pt. 1.-Dennis Con- consequantly . greateat Income tra onos, Peter Foley., Chas. Brick, May adrrtseens.Roach, Henry Vaselcsky,. Helen O'- A question of moment came iup. In Connor. M.S1ILVATahr which the govèrnor took a decidebM SLLVN Tahr stand. It iras supported by many andt oppomed by an équal number. Miss S. S.-NO. 2,_ PICKERING. Dwoîîid stnd by thé man If ho thought Term's work countcd on aIl examina- hlm igbt aud oppose hlm If he thought tions. hlm wroDg. One day an editoial np: Jr. IV. ta Sr. IV-Edua Redman peared lu the Union. wrltten lu the 77 per cent., (honors>, Lena Sadien style of the editor lu chief. lt rend as 71. foloirst: Jr. III to Sr. IlI.-Lockw.ood Mc- It sà perhaps taa eariy ta discaver Brien 79 per cent. (honora), Vanna whetber the governor ha. acted wIseiy In R. a 'ey70. ýe the matter or wbether ho has been indue- Mc creet. No ans will doubt thiat ho has beon Jr. II ta Sm. 1.-Fiva Redman 71 Influenced by theb h est motives. thougli per cent.,* Ailan Neai 69, Norman there are thaso, wPn wiii deny this, con- Neal 67. *sidering qsathbi abject ia to fill. bis pock- lsLto ;,I.-ar .ake7 ets. Even these wlii admit that his pro- CaaI.t J.I-am aky vious record hâs been fre rom niaking Eiwood Stev-enson, Clarence Redman. - money by vîrtue af the officiai positions JEAN HARVEY, Teacher. lie hans bld. There la but one charge agaInat hlm that bas neyer been satisfac- ,S O 3,PCEIG torily anawered, and Ibis la balanced by S .N.1,PCEIG fmany acta that have redounded ta the To Sr. IV.-Ernie Joncs. -weltare of the atate. Those wbo support 9tbe governor's policy have the satisfaction To Jr. IV.-Aillen Joncs. if knowIng that ln the many Important To Jr. 11.-Violet ('ottreil, Lomne tpoliticai questions with whicb ho ha. been Jones, Aima Joncs ecommended. 1,sdentified ho bas usualiyL bien riglit.OuI>' To .Jr. I.-Muriel Spears, Willio on two cases haç ho been wrong. Wbou Miss Wiillauis rend tâte leader LA, LMAJnc. NTI the biood came tt ber cbeek aîd unuAM P.NTIG omînous lîgbt fiasbed In ber eye. Wns this molding public opinion? Sbe bad TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. sn i nformed herneif of the matter In' Council met en Monday, .luly 6. L q1198 tlou 'nnd, bavlng no opinion n uIt Ail membema present. Ileeve in -the was free to be Infiuenced by tihe man chair. Minutes of iast meeting rend wb<sis ntellectuai -strensthb bd won ênd coîifirmtd. ber. Grant was ber dlsnppointmeut. A number of accounta' were passed SLator lu the day abe took u the Senti-orpy nt ne à, paper that had bitterly opponedl Mr. Rowe, aceconded by Mr. Brown, he. governor'. eloction. and rend tu an moved that Mr. Matthews, of the article a clean. logîcal argument as ta biick yard, Whitby Tp., be notiled wby the gai-ornor iras rigbt on the by the Cierk not 10 reinove any more *QluestiOn nt Issue anud cailiug ou ail sand from thle highways o! the Tp. Tha ct eenstg suport m. Pnli It was moved that 'a 'bonus be Tba cailad i on bIsMr. c e h o n ha sh ganted to Mm. Wm. Walkcer, on west bmlld onebista pe bevenngtt oau aide lina, lot 35, con. 9, for about -. . a.-.--Acoshel- t umesaefor10 oa n neat2c P, but ho beganta feel uneasy about bis are flot represented. s. fiancee. Ho expacted ta meet bor. càs. Fruits are bningin g high prices, and e, cally. but did net. nursery stock is in demand. b. Oui mornlng Lb. Bei ,appaarid lu a MakoBig~ Money Now by taking n- new r deas, and -the fOretLarticle on thé- an ageucy. Best Time for cmnvassing 9. edltorial page iras an annouacameut is during the Summer months. Exper- M. that Misa. Elizabeth Willilams had ience uaL necessary. jt bought Lihi papem- and iouid thence.- FREE EQUIPEENT. as foruard b. the-edltor itn chlet. ,g, Wbeu Mn. ['enfieid samutill ana- Exclusive erifory. la-un cement a lgl4t uns urned an lu Highest commissions paid. Write for full particulars. peils bralu that ravéàlid neyerai thIngs. Ho-i nair tliat hy blis ttamp'L to pions. STONE & WELLINGTON in verybody he md dloguatad bis fiancee. Fnhl usie Ho E knew that Miss Williams .badl unit- Fnhl usne hyton Lhe article,- idlculiug hlm lu Lbe TORONTO, - ONTARIO iyBai. And be'& as destined to learà -12 in t thae ro rmora irmye'than one of r unniug a ne-wmpapar. M Wbau Mn. Penfleld .met Missn Wil- te iams againineltior cf Lbem nifetTai C OM I *b ta thoir pant relation; Lie>' met as pro- BY, prietors .aud- mnaagers of two différent* F. E. LUkEs OPT.- D. le, nèwspapars. Thé itIrss adapted'.a tA i' ,.du tie poiicy of not tranblng ber niadeltW uith Ât Âlna du oo a-ber owunpllnu ut*ben athe dld î. t by, 1Ti&day July 21. M -a n ftor MatOreconegiderattn nd .Don't miss seeing hlm if iei lntvestildù, àù4 iL' uaàaliy turned out ' you suspect trouble with lu the end thate.sh. r igbt ' l", ~a: graduali>'.drew away tr beanria <" - Id and fornior flançe, tbough bots weru F.E. U KE, ING gstrmfui alndër? hhir own peouiiw UK # OPIIA. bel 19 oueSt. TORONTO -g~bo i 4ça1 I ah. I ~J. E ~.- ~m- - puts tue ~~Bi IT NOKSTHE >IRUDGERY -OUJT -0F SWEEP. DAY Cléas ape Brgitens Floc )rs Order a fia, go-day iat yqW( rocers or- *your bàrdware-mat Don't ask for sweeping compound' SAY. DUSTBALN- BEWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES i =AT LAST WItITBY MAS A. REAL L 0E PAINTER- 5TUA'L,,R&GARDINER PAINTERS, 1DEeCRATVRS -and SIGN WRITERS.4 Country orders receive immediate attention. Distance no object. Box 6539WHITBY To LINDSAY- THURSDAY._JULY 3OTH STATION TIME Boawmauîvilie, up taun .............7.15 Bowmanville, station.......... ... .... 7.25 Osawa Jonction.....,.................. 7.55 Whitby, Junetien................... 8.15 Wisitby, Town.......................89.20 Broeklun. ....................... .... 8.30 Myrtle ............................... 8.37 Hîgh Point........................... 8.44 Mancehester......... ....... 8.49 Prince Albert .........................8.52 Port Psrry ....... ...... ........ 8.58 Seagrave .......................9.15 Sonys............................... 9.21 Manilla Jonction..................... 9.30 FAIRE .................. ........ ..................... ý1.65 ..... .. ... .. . ... . .. . . 0 .... ... . . .... . ... ... .. ... .3 .1.. ...... ... ...... . .. ... i . 2 .. .. ...1.. .... . .. . . . 1 .................. . ...... .'0 ... ..... .. ...g .. ... . ................. .5 ..... .... . .. .8... .0. . ..... ........ ... ..... . ... . 5 .. .. . .. . .... . .. . .. ... .. . .. . Arriving at Lindsay 10 &.n. Returtiing trainIeavu Lindsay at Il p.m. Ch ildren over 5 and under 12 yearu, hall lfare. MARRIAGES.. MURPHY-BROWN., At St. Pat- rick' s Chuxcb, Toronto, on Wednei- day, jJuiy ,1st,% 1914, Francis' .1. Murphy, lormerly of Port Whitby, to Miss - Anna Marie, Browi, of Colling'wood. At home at Wright Ave., Toronto, atter their ratura trom a trip Up the lakee. I.....uuI'IIII NEGOTIABLE intest coqupOnsPyabe llif.Yui1y ASSETS i I7,4iiiiii Whethr you have coehundred dol-. lars or ten thousand dollars to, iii- felt, debentures ln the Great. Weat 1Loan Co. are a- safo and satIstactorY purchase. Pethaps you don't want to, tie your money Up for a long per- fod o! years. You can buy deben- turea ln this Co. for one year or more, junt as you ohooi.- EverY six months you tear. off- an Interest cou- pon, take ilta any bank and -get the cash, n worry or dèlay ; and when the debenture ,mâtures thé moiley lf : payabIe a4toùce-no waltlng--becaue 1crêps have been poor, orthe mort. gagor has been slck or out of work. Write, plione or cdI upon th' oe. agent C. A. (Joodfellow; Whltby The Equu11 Lite 889818981 cou 0F CANADA savred its policy holders $1 ooooo Inli s first ten years of business by ýseiiing them without*profits policies, and h aving ail premiums paid direct ta head office without commissions. .Premiums col- iected were $389,oop, inotead of $489,- ooo. Fourteen other Canadian -com- panies recelved $18,499,695 in their first tcn yearî mainiy for with.profits policies, and paid in profits to poiicy hoiders $91,55o. Their combinéd ac- cumuiated surplus, over shareholders , contributions was $79,707 at the end of their first ten years. -Which looks best îp-You ? The Equity Life is the total abstain- ers Company. Il intcrested .write for further particulars. The nman who studies hie own Interests wiiI- atonize The Equity Liff Assurance ComIPADY whcnr le wantu Life Insurance. L. W. DUDLEY, il. SiTIIRLAND, Agent, President à oenerai manager WNItby. Ont. Toronto; NEW LIMITEO TRAIN- SERVICE,- Bétweex Montreal -Toronto .. Detroit - cèllcago via O4soadian Pacifie a id Michigau'- Central RaifO uds via michiigan Central, OitS lic 51:881 Tube§ between Windsor antd Detrvft, Lea%,Ing MIon- brmai 8.45 a.xn.; .Toronto 8110 p.rn.. arriiir P)etroit 12 85 a.ni' and Chicago 7.46 amn. ially. Equadiygood service raturiig. ThrotlgliEhctris Lighted ltruiprgetlt.» r TORlONTO - WINNIpEt .VANCOUVER TÉoronto ýVancouver Expre$g NO. 3 leayes Trontoa 5.65 p.ni. aiy. Vaincouver.ToY(flto > xpress No. 4 arrives Toronto 11.6 ua..daily Manitoba lzprous No. 7 jeaves Toronto dairyi excepbt Snnday 1iO56P.M. 'ariylng WItInll>eg secon4d "Y. ontarlo ExpressNo. 8 155veil Winnztye 9.25, p.Z. and gqrvea Toronto 6.15 ,For fnrtber articnlaria aiiy toCanadia n PaeifiebiekotAcgsmawile M..MUBpIY, of a watoh Is 'il À good 'matei truelifieud ai Let us shouiyon asortment- of WA in, Solid' Gold, Gi Silver a W. av peeli We can- T1 in aoldGold ydu wilI be proud c For $40. and many others frc JoiuIoer mLd graduai S Opposite Net Of Whitbyl W.C. T 'THE -CRY OF'-THE CI Al' Thon ig.ne more. impc 4 1tic great ternýerance q -th~at eue wiich concerns -drink and -thec hiid. ,Il -enad deals uti tic hante- 'ratage. It traces- the- nI taiity for which our driu respensible and f oiluws fi a biack.catalogue o! evils a! accidents, ,starvation, djsea 'se, Ignorance, menLaý ýcnimna1ity, -nd crueltv Vl palling.- As wefol livui -of investiation -,e -bear Upon. US froîn ail sides tl -bitter Cr' of the- children. Do other singîe factor ln- -world wbich>makes sosch1 tbrice accursed drink sstc 1 ody's Mnhv 'T.hc Catholic ('hurci gai w.lll-be ield this %-par on.- -Ing of Thursday, Augusit s£econd day of-thec Herse -Resenve Thunada>',- Jul~ lia Mcthcfdist S. S. ex *Rivemdale Park 'and Tomai 'cial C.P.R. train. 'PÉicI '95c., cildrea 50C. Sec" - - ete a One Minu te WVasii *ash day easy. W mou ho send one- on.approýval .Rie. .-Everything in bard -COMING. W.E. Luka, Opt. D. ., Taronho'sabale optlc ,eousuited about your eye ýÀlan'i drug .store, Whitb ý.Uidy -2àt. For eighteca 'beaucôming hp Wiitibr, a gel spectacles fnom kUnr tight. Do't fonget tiè her walel. e lhd r'.ept beauti n tnthe rf-ri. -a11 ri think ljondd,>inii dreadM PlatItct in 1 slloIl .oon lbe nul t tuke ho train tel M.T'ames paltirnr, i gtephenson's' express c Do net miss mr. Pl lar8 Tulyv52th . mece a montl h a l, ei lat Saturdav. .Bicycles and Repairing Neiw and Second Jiand Wheels For Sale, 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 'I - I .4 4 4 4 BOT WEATHER SA VTERSI thing easy ho prepare-for meal tume. TRY TIIESE; k K & 'w ýw 'w 'w ýw 'w 'w IV 'w 'w ýw lýw 'w to

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