KI LLS iail Leaf Eatiug insects. POTATO Rue FINISH. Ready for use dr ý'omlxug rqred. SUd. to the vines or bvsand kils .ill the insects and potato bugs wtb one application., The only sale uay to use a treng po2ison. Worth its cost ma. fertîlizer. Does not injure the plant. a0'Ibo. for- 25e J'a Et WILLIS MEDICAL HALL Em'ces t, a Whittbyé PxJtý!.ssionaICarda 7- JNO. E. FAREWELL9 K. 0. burrfiftcr County Crown Attorney and County Solicitor. Offce south wing. Court Mouse, Whitby. A. E4. CHRISTIAN Bsa$rt.r SfclJtsr. NoUaryPublic, Etc. Office, Brock St.,ý Opp. Standard Bank. Moniey to Loan. JAMES RUTLEOGE. arrister, Etc. MOney to Lýoan on easy terms. O&ce lmmnediately south Royal Motel, *Whutby, Oiiî. 0. VOIJNG SMITHe LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitby, or residence. D. A. J. SWANSON _Barrister, solicitor, Notary Public, Convoyancer,. etc.ý, etc. Oshawa, - Ontario Office-No. 2 King St. E, MagicBlocli Rtesidence-52 Drew St. phooeg-OffiCe, 3i1;,IKesidence. 3z6. DENTAL W. ADAMSo Deniut, Office, Dunias Sirct, Resideace No. 4, the Terraoe, Byron St., Witby. -Phono NO. 132. JA. ISROP Oshawa, Liboed Auctboneer. Suc- mmsor to L. -Fairbanks. For terms .84d 4.e apply to self or G. Robb, LICHNSED AIJCTIONEER AND VALLIATOR. 'Alinias of!- saspromPtlY attftde sad t.-Arragemenls for aes eaM bi maig aitheoGaw$teo ofic. Tenus roaanable. ESIUd mai Indodt P1101103 WIIITBY. ONT. KINOSTON ROAD FAR -Itngstoii Road £armn, Durham County, one bundred and thirty eigbî acres clay loamn, within. two miles of railway depot and village. Ifine roometi twelling, nearly'new, bank barn, driving bouse, v. plggery, poultry bouse. There lu about toÃy acres standing- timber on -the ppetvalued at three thousand dollars. Prict of faras, sixty five -hundred. JEMIN PiSHIER & eoe 40'9 Lumsdes' Buil ding ,TORONTO I Son But.qid oray- RIIlnBUg Bus te al tranen. AUTOMOBILE FO*R RIR1E; aEeke, Canniages and Bi~of ailkinds DAY OR NIGHT. stables and- Offie - RoI 810 IL, Whltbg . t WRITr SEWERAGE 5'y THF . m %Nrw, I - . %-r WHI -,Ipet ç4nt. te 350 pet cent. Discount AT HXIRRCnR a ffà # aib n I %s WVa aà aifVW m a ait s £Là a ilEna &PP côuocil Mâkes 'Grant b $oisé S'bow., C.*.>Iract to bc Cooepleied ibis F'ail At the speclal meeting o! Coumeil grantedtihe suas of S250.' Thés mot>- What WMfty !ýu ned& andihas the olti dock, whioh Io about thr.. held Jast .Thursaay eVeatingi îwo =84. ion wau UiLabueLv carriiO&Si h eryeriwilI -b. .4 length foot'under water, andti ws founti by tos !fa-rahig irp9tw 'eTHE. QUESTION-0E' SEWER , imzeoWýi :ï -00onsrüeoli - cf s'a. vernment diver tb bes un When wth.the. impork antqus ionM ww«,ïttbg,'haror, nowandi strong as whon fist construeteti. deîtih aka, up, , der r ati tle r 9riâ in p ;id-Th 61d, Not iqit. hall lb. work han been The fist was'rogaruling th. appli- Isoas Dr. 1R. W.iBel, Oet1the PYtUvia eather bestis ý' istorm-Iashe osyt. T ae12Alcshv cation from the Horse Show Assoý- clal Public Healt.h Office, 10 tb e vt ooden docks a &xi .4aiT >glving beon laid, anti 178 ire yetÃto b. put clation for a grant. Tie. mombons ol Ihal it wu' th. duty of th. Town of place-. b a -strd, cr'et rcueb.Tsressta-6 Oto h Coueilhadben tinIin abut Wbeitbry 40 cstruo tr !s.,»-an- wîu strettd, along the barbon wharf In- laid, with 892 foot yet to b Coucilhadben tinkngabouI~e iar seens-ftrnt dad-eut iiat tbe laboe, aff ording put lu, a total lengtb îof 1260 fee1. malter for a -few zdays, anti vote dis- -Col. Farewell wrote the Clerkglv- sil oc -ou oralvssl Pt Whn teGaet ni hol posed.ti beb as generous' as possible ing it a' bhisopinion thaI the cern- may la future e0te hibr. vlsited the scene of' openations ýon with 1hi8 wonthy organizatton. -munication from the Board of Ifoalth - ewafI é tt te tl ody okwslen ed u Mn. Laidlaw. wvu lb. first tb speak, was a mandate 10 proceed vith tue Tewmfl S etwd~ ll ody ok vs bigbliu an emd tepooito ath wr.oistw f-eent tubes, four owing tb delay lu delbvoning of ce- Couci aproriI.$50 twads Mr. Harper sai Iin hiîs opinion théfoot la longIli *M* face, these cubes ment. A. canloati -hati anniveti about' eoneig a perraet$gand toad l s tinb811 a s1 bt belng placed- along tb. vater. ride. 2 o'clock p.m., anti a couple of imali. 1h. park. j 10o go on with tue projoct or- to sub..Boin ke leub*si placeti. six feet blocks were being prepareti for a test. the iltoe he people. He did nç>l'o! sand -and- gra -e * hwole" cover- This entails a f urthen delay o! 48 Mr. Mooreaketi if this vut eîîk ti or would uotite eti by a maak o! cernent lifteen, luches houri, anti the work of making more acceptable 10 the Hors. Show Ass ie- Board o urat lu hodng the thldk. An Ids.lot tbe strength of the, cernent blocks coulti net b. commenc- ciaton.Boad ofHeath n oderîg te warvs ma beýaiedwhen i is Inetibefone Wednesday. Mr.ia ckonion.ig ort- A-town tb instaîl sewers, unlesa Ihey knwh arvOS a b. ur oocube-of ce- The cnratcalis for thé wharves Mn acsnsekigfo bad good renson for so- onderiug. mntwéga , ýo,gj.' 1ey are placedto bb.flinishet by -next <ail. sociation, saiti h. coulti not say howj The Mayon suggested. that Mr. Han-Mr ihRcadsnsispt the Association mlght view the1pfor- Ivnoie!abyawt uaî in positton by W-- lie ateani crane. MrRchRcansniisptr poal, but b. tditinot thiuk tlb frserers,, totene would be one- lThe wharf reste on hie eribblng o! of the work. $500 anything satisfactory could be îlîiug b tiiscuss, If tbe orden from ___________________________________ built. the Board o! Healt*i was to be taken Mn, Hiarper saiti that unless the as a mandate, there wa5thno néed toTI R E TE C HE S NG G D Counicil bat .seme h submll 1he question t h people. HZ T E C ER EN A D Morse Show woulti b. permanent, il Aflen f urhher discussion, tho fol- ~" " P B I would not b. vise to put $500 imb a lowing motion carrieti FO- R TvisP BLIbUlLOL stand. 1 Laldlaw-Bateman -"That tbis ______ mn. Moure suggostçd that' the Counicil il once proceed with 1h. con- councli give the Assdciation the op- struction of a tystem of soyons at Ai Lasi Meeting Of Ibe Board of Educalion. tion of accepting the grand stand or a coul cf $114,000, as reportd by our a grant of $250 towards this yean's engineens, andti ta the tendons ne-. shr.Baea aoeite bidn cmerneded by them be acoepted,sub- Tiec meeting of -tho Board1-or .july, the Treasuren cf tue Board by the bfr.Batman avoed h ligjc o satisfachory arrangements vocvs attondeti by tein Department et Education for salary of a grand stand. being igued, and liaI th. checks of he t a' * Qf 01Mn. Han. at th. rate 0f $100 per Mn. .Jackson, afler consuiting with the unsuccosaful bititers b. return- out of lbe Ibinteen memnb&5-NMe55Z'. mnb steDp.ya n several diroctors present, shateti Od* Rutletige, James? MoUClllîsn, Ilewis, with Octobon, Mn. Mare drew ouly' that 1h. grant Of $250 would be mono The carrying o! this motion v as Colline, Gootfelr,-?bilp,- Wbttney, $500 o! the $1,200, andi 1a1er ou somne acceptable bo the Association than met with a volley of applause from- Broughton, andtiIe Powell. email drafts wene made upon Ibis th. stand-, for tl'ts season. tho natepayens anti othors present, . . - scbooîs funti, but thene yet nemains about Warren-ColWill thon moveti tht anti adjourument îmmeiateîy îoîîow- The reports fo~e publie..$600 in baud. Inasmuoh as Ibis mon,' the Hors. Show Association be ed.- showed an aveFr% atto ne frey ,came fnom inte Dept. cof Educa- June of-Duif t ' 58 ; Duntias tion, Secretanv 'McGillivray evai. int eysritreet, 121. tobt5 htitlevsa 13ARN 3 E TR V D BYSr 85 pbo ! isHazolenley te hanti thUs mnioven 101;he FIERCE M IDNIGH r BLAZpuon, a n IflaY techer,.a' une for lb. purchase of an automo- AZE ~iîantiaccplot. hvingre-bille for Mn. Tipper, a' requesheti. cei et 11gb eool hg r o!On motion o! Goodfellow4ilcCleiIà an, At sunmer Home of Mr. David McLaren. !$788. w- the ecretary va fInstucttion as v __________ IMn. W. A. Henderse., principal O o! rithe inute of eduton, as f Ilaning I uftein Street SChOO, wrote thise h.tproal wo! ticurnon e n te Ilvngaiued eniormous headwaY- The enigirà of the fine is not known. Board, asking for an increase o! $50lsapoala eundthn o befone il vas disccvened and makiné It vas thought to have been lu the ,pen year, btlnglng bis saîary Up ho pay thie IIicy te Mn, Tippen. brillgae nnnivn Ji re e te ie motor- car, hy neglect te turn off t le *.ioo. Mr. Colins advlsed tint the moniey brigde rrixd, re estryed th@swilh of the electric battenv. Vhis Miss Anderson alsoiade req4qeît be devoted te the purchase e! a plot barns anti stables at the summer . el ojcue oevr. fra nrae rign e aayfreperimental purposes, but ne hoe o ai-crn eto h up te $500. oe esuppontet î.:s >ugge:4itioel. tovu, on Saturday rnorning just ai-- -MnMeefaifoleMngmnt Tie Secneîary vas instructedti t mitigi. Tc etir ou.buld-Commitîce, reponheti the engagement prepane a testinionial on lie Bonrtl's ings, ich vene very extensive, vere- (0o 0 ) >0(Jo 0o (1o t O u O u o!oflire. tenches--Misi CochLanc, for jbehaif, as te tie satisfaction Miss swopt ýaway, but a few timbens and«- thle- third dlais, anti Misses Newman 1 a ivna eahno partof oee wvail béing eit standing, 0 SUMMEII (ONFEIIENCE' rmayOîar om The alarm va' nung in just at 12 0 REPORT DELAYED 0 anti Luton for lhe Ivo pThaeyPnlanyroom. ws ntrcd t o'lc.Tefnewstsoeetb o- - roomsi.Tbcin engagement va' ap- TiSerar vsintced e hfro. Thesmfieti, vi, on ening 'y0 -Te0man !îî eot~ rvdyIh or.Invest tie Tamblyn bequest of $200 bbc-T. teor o hngg, fontoinbe0 - T h. Misnryonfe reort Accounts lrom Mn. W.A. Henderson lu a debenture of the Gxeat West lane new ofthcgauge n d' 0 Ofthe Mii adie'Conéenc 0for $12, anti from Mr. Dalman for Permanent Loan Co., hearine, inter. bile wrappedtlu fiames, andtihle fine 0 Jege, July 2-10, *vas to bave 0 $61. 75, fo p reng aIEsnt n a est able ate!fiveapr cn. pe rapitily spneatiing. Tii. neareat W.e- -0 been publsieti in lii.-ssu. t 0orEraminteon, e .pesteiadaumaybealyar pioue is at Mn. Jos. Mtcell 'serosi- O was wrilten hy various men in O The (1hairman o! the Iloard and the o frW 1 U douce, a quarter, of a mie away, anti O altendance, but through some O secretany- thereof stated* thatb;the De,-803 fo spiy Horse Mn. Desmond ha.! te hunny thene b.- O unkuovu cause, vas net dliv- O partment o! Agriculture bat mae -how. fore sending In an alarm. The Me- O ered ho this office lu lime for 0O ppiato frth alpJtt Nr ,aren home, wvii'ch is- liee lti Mc- O titiissue. Space neservet for 0 Tappicatonforhe . pbyantthe M.W Gillivray homesteadi ha mile dis-0OIl bas ,hadl ho he filled inluother 0 Tipperae!tc600hintheBrani, o the renw el ne tant frem lhe centre o! tic lova, o vays, Iherefone. It exc sun()ito! rabut $60inthe anda n of Arrange ntarno veIuie an b teti re te bdZaceng e -bi0o tai n et eksiuewl0 the yenr vhen the distitet office had vny fer the Whllby Miorse Show, on Setean eceth scleothe 0cnai h delayet report. 0 heen opened here Mn. Iare, tue fir-s August 12, 13, 14. The prize list Io conflagration' 'lie entire buildings O O nepresentative, came in lie spring, being prepaned, and viii be ready for were blazing. Indeed, wien the a- 00000OO0O00OO0000OO00(100O andtihte Oum of, $1,200 vas sent to distribution In a fev days. The show larm vas OirsI rang, thé western sky._________________ - wa iluinatie«d vtheelgane of the 1- will Uc Uigger and uciLer inan iast fiames, anti sevenal .neighbors living nearby vene avakeneti by lie imeli o! lte imoke before lhe bell bat rung. Tvo lUnes cf hose vene aI once laid -andtihec strearists urneti on. No hope vas enterlaineti o! saving any part oe!tl-hheblazing ibructune, andthei fine figilens ha.! te b. content viti keeping lie bouse ocul cf danger, anti wibh -gratiually subdulng the flames. Fortunately biere was ne- vin.!, or muci more senlous consequences 1mlgbî have nesulleti, as lb. fine vas Inîensely bot. Tii. le!fts eve.well flletiwith ay, afh.! Ibis lent fury t h lb.fie fient. Tic herses, vilci bat been confineti lun lie stable, had been libenated lu tlimé, but ne attempt coul.! be matie te nemove anytbfng else. Aler a- bout an bour's wonk, thé ire vas prncllcaliy ail extlngulsheti, save for a blue blaze of gasoline vapor, tht refuse.! te be subdued, indlc-ati-ng the spot viceethc bantisomo motor car la.! lbeen.- The benulIful gandea vas alise rnUCII damageti from lie tnampllng o! 1he crevd and o! the firemen, vie ha.! to Iay lie boit acrosu tbe vbole vIdtb o! lhc big grçunds froni the sîreel le tb. eat. A great teintof! excitement Vas anoused t n v, IuMntil as loarnot eractly vieree ctine wuas 'il badthli appearanceofo a mach. more soniens conflagration than Itl prove.! le be. . Sotte feaneti tht It vwas tlie Houso! Refuge, anti people at the lake judged it to e b. rigln inte centre ef the tevn. Mn. McLaren, wbo Io Presidfiet of the Bank o! Ottav, vas nef- a home, but the.botue vas occpieti by soveral members o! the family. 4 4 4 Special Train Leaves Whitby C. -P. -R. Station -ON- Thursday, JuIy 23rd at 8.30 ar.. or Toronto, Rivêrpaio Pâpkkand Zoo. Dring ypur basket along andenjoy 'the day with us in Park, or do business in City. Children 50e, Aduits *95e TabrncleJS. 8Whltby. SEE, LARGE, POSTERS FOR PART1CULAb, year lu every vay. Tt vili run for 3 days imateadnto!2:, the classes yull be increaseti from !orly le si xty lu number ; tie prises yull aggrognte $8,500, neanly double lait year's of- fernug, and!tic entnies promise te be muci langer andtihti coutesîs much keener. Secretary T. Cussion lsaa bus' man these days, and ti lahex- pectedti tit some interesfring an- nouncemenîs vili be mateienl regard te cups being offered fer cempelilion. Fanmens may look torvard le more classes l in ibthey can compote. Lasl ycar one clasi, fer roatîter tniven by fariner on fanmen's son, titi net bave a single enhny. The fanions are to be gîven a chance ho show liaI Ibey are Interesteti, anti Il Es hepedt tit tiey wIll- encourage lia show by geeneus subscniptlons. Herse loeos, froni al parIs o! On- tarie contnlbute te the funds of Ibis and other shows, and as a couse- 4quénee, thé utajrty of thé e ogu. must b. made eligible te tbem. If the fariners o! this eommunlty -asà ltt Ulberally, il vihi be rucl casier for the Herse Show officais tb give tbem more classeslan1the Iisl The citizenn'o! Whitby now hodow bow bonelIcia thte Show Iras provei ho th1e lovnausean adverllsenl ntanti s a business brigor. It ta up 'te evotyoa .e c-perate cbeenully anti ia ovory way rposfblo iviti Ibole who bave th1e afaire la charge, t maire il 11(0 boul event e! any Mati evon beld In the towm. 'As the Show Wa creases faan era M ...vlitn. 14- FOOTWE<ANI. ACoimplete Stock ta -select Frorn. Peel'sShoe to Strock St. Souîh- Wlitbw. O0»> w TÂAR 7BANK or CADA --TRONTO B Pure, -and Highest Grade that that, can be made. Gallon* Tins M *1.38 Au T. LAWLER*- WHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bell, Nd. -47 ;Jindependent, No. 47. Seed EARLV 0HI0 DELAWARES Potatoes' 'For early we have ]EARLY SIX WEÉKS and IRISH COBBLERS- For late - - GREEN MOUNTAINS and. VULCANS Garden Se eds - New and cholce Our Bulk Seeds are the fine-st obtainable. Wu B. PRINGLE* & 00.S WHITBY ONT2RRIE0 'e WRITERS DECIARE TH-EM. RIOHI I'PIER, PEN7XND INK BOUGHT AT- IW.s J.efi. RIGHARDSONiS BROCK ST. WHITBY YUATIONERY -of ALL KIND5 MAGA2ZINES AND BOCKS - I C@16& ,s a0t ejihe W. sha b. ploaud à "iâbu W.HITBY BRANCH' C. .Mccleln, Manaer«. ~éâ abs aS D@w »M un Bokis(C. A.MClImaagr.?eatl O a.Ohaa(J. P. d... ns, Manage), PicEarn atr RED LETTER DAY ý& ÀL AL -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- # i il