Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Jul 1914, p. 6

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wUthrich, red, h.lh..gIîVînFblood. MùHoEIy 8pih*nguMoe., L. P. Youi ne rve» are. cryîng out f«, ", pattM*#,. under s8nteno. of ten, ibloc>dand the n"iie&n-f Dr. Wil- yaln iith. penitoe4loe1ent on Iiamns' Pink Pills Is to-mnhke tG ungsr t2ike Aiid:'em 'hi* oell. ric'i blocd. eb ~e~lâe h hret~ ~a&n n of tho the.e pile have proved .uccespfil in k er t.4theei. . ià tlr l.ec- 60 IU&IIy 'cases oIfl&evous5 d"e Z w.l s Iso Î".wa.rrestd; i0- th..t-did nut yield to ordinary ed- with s«eIling Àr u@» to prlsone rs. treattuint. For exs1mplii,. 1r. IW. I Niâo N.W York frlewbds H. Wedon, AnnapoliS, N.S., sýYe: tiïguiahed themselvei.by hericc er- 'In the.strenuous life I hae t-o vices dùrinq , h4pa*tye.r, verse fol1.ow the. drain -on m- à ystelilwas present-ed wtim dle by the. May- ,ogre,%t that my nerves beea.me or. shattered, ti-eblood impoveri.shed At Harrisburg, lPa., Pascal Hall, -and my whoe p ystem underiàiled. a negro, condeniinMo te gallows, I tried a =nm-r of so-calîed ireme- refused to .ing a hyum on t-he nern- dics without- deriving any benefit. ilug of bisexeecgjti.n, but ea~ng Fiill havîng readi se mnuch about ,eagey jo»es"- Dr. Williamis' Pink Pil1, Idecided Former Police Lieutena&nt Charle to tty therM. Ihe rusu-It wu beï- Becksr,ýh beau r.mov.d to thle bell yond my expectation. I r.gained in ing Sing latelyocujl.d by Re- my ,encrgy; the bloodad nsrvoebaciteIiltalian murderer, recent- were0 rebuilt; I lesït th.eoneo ~ xcL constant tiredncâs, 1 had 1.11> £32d -Julia ILowenst7ein an East 114âi .W&ae-filled with new 1f. and eri.Y, 8treet, New York, muSie touah4r, 1 have Pince ussdt-he PINîS wth finishod a, eson -,to a pujil-,,, .nc benéficial re»ults lu rny fâmily auld t-heu went and jumped off thé. Md, 'Ill always have a Word C rI oommtin uc.ide. for thein." Peter Barker &»4d William Dun- You can Met Dr. Williamsn' Pink kerloot, N.4.y were going on a vaca- Pille' f roui any niedieiue dealer or tion on mot'crycles. They were by miail post paid et,ô0 cents a box held up -for eeçding, fined $50, and or six boxes for $2.50) by writing had w abarklon their vacation. nhe Dr. Williams' Medicine CO., Bauds will play ln fifteen parks BroèkVille, Ont. lu New York thie summer, aud air- - ~ rangements liavebeen made to have big iuging societiei ce-operate I;enîuti -of Character. wi-h t-he band& and orchestras, There i e a eweetness of the child, Mrs. Catherine M. Nelan, w-ho iiid a e*weetnces o!flhe old. The died in Newl York, left a piano, Sweetîîese oftise chld je largely lu- which will go to a nieceê when the dependlent o!1 bis pcrsonality. it le latter gets married, but - eit before. in. l.i% a nd in hise loûke. and She is net even keeping companiy et in jus " l 75 al - -e t-le eanemo hing- la truc, tlueugh not quite iso mue-b, of t-ho young iWo- man, But wlion swetness cornes '2 t sixty it is t-hé impression of t-li veri~ - pstusre o! t-le seul. 3. M. Barrie,i soiîîewlîerç, wve beieve, lias Ran-d t-bat no[ womau la really besutiful uintil sei leffty-tliree. The beauty that is wvort-h most le tho beauty tt a scenected witb t-he cliarac- ter ltself. A FOIiiIeport. 'Whist did t-hey say t-c you t" ask- elittIe Harry's mother after hie 'ý)î fret- viit t-o t-le ncýw Suîaday echool. "The t-cacher gaid she wae glad' t-o sec ne t-lure." "'Ye s 'e "Anud sie saitIdit- hopeti I weuld coeo- vory Suuda-" '.And wn- t-bat asTI she saiti "Xu. She asked me if our family behoïtged to-that abomnination." Genltm-I cure-' a valuahie huuilng Sof~oh manige %vtth MIlNAHVWS LiNS- t4 ENT ittîe, evùui -veterîartes liad -troate'] lite,. sittiolit ]otg hum any peu-minent glond -Pi-oh.r! GCraw! ('entrlai Ibid. Drum- !IL et of us are outfr the dust. 1b[it wc olju.ct tO 1louvýi g t thirown in ui r e'Os. * Nnarcluu iniment Cvres Gsrgot lu Gowu. $liure Roi engo. ýVife-Du you like this plîdding, dear? Mrs. 3IdBryýde kave me thse rîiefur it. * Iub-NoLut I gues% yoïlcarige't miqlitre with her by givng lier your' rpec for mince pips. HÂNB FUI 0F WHITE BLISTERS, -Scratch ng Made it Pain so Badfly Lost Many Nights' Steep, Coutd Not Do Work at Ail. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. Eux 095 aifli, Que.-" MiNy hand 'vuuid gut fuli of litili, whuto bligtors and wlj0a 1 wouid scraUwb it wrould pain me, au badly I lbat nany niglits' - iev. My liand was one muss of acres. I more than s uffered andl taliK abouitxeh- ingt When 1 rubhocl me biand it wouit hum. 1 S had It about six years, 1 I\J oid ot do any work at *aHIr fyou hau seun .ny band you roid liavo aald tucre ,ras nou ro. I u, -o cry andgctt s dlgcoiîagcdi.1wns at-ver trouhyled wlth it la îi.o surmer but as ïsoon aothe1 coid woa4tlier tartei my lîtouti got sore. 1* trio'] ail that 'Saio l gi.n nMe and wab -ratd for three xonths and every nigbt 1 washdxy and l-. Ithadspr(_ad all ovor my bian, 1 tarted to use >tîte Cuti. cura Soap and Olatmont and I sot reluef. Ollée cako of Cuticurs Ssoap aul,two bosco (SiBgne) Mns. Sarah Merelèr, Juaeu ,19. TO REMOVE DANDRUF -Preveuli dry. t-bm sud faitg bain, allait ltc1,Wng and Irrtaion, sud promoie the gncçwth au4 boauty of t-be bain, froquentu -siuxnPoos wit-h'Cuticura Boap, aubised by oauaglai dangswittuCutiemcun int- m enut, sftrd a mestueffective sud cSanmical troatuueut. SoIS tliroughout t-lieworld. Fe lbomraitn6 &MnLis et eCh, wth32-p. lodr. oend post-card te Potterbrus b present. A ssven-year-old Les- Angeles girl called on President- Wilson, and asked hin t-o kes hler yigshe 41wanted t-c carry his kisa baek t-o California." The President coin- plied cheerfulýly. Irving Ramnsay, a Brooklyn chauf- feur, la suîng for $50,000 for t-he lotte of-a spoonful of brama hi an explosion whil, repairing a gascline tank owued by Emanuel J. Weil, at Cedarhurst-, L.I. For t-wenty yeare Patrick Ferle>' had conducted a cikfe on t-h. Bow- ery. lie ent-rusted t- business t-o his t-lre. b&rtendere, and, wh.a lie di.d recentlyi leifthei.whole o! hie M19,000 ea te te t-hem. 'While standing neane gas tank t-lihe Peekakili Mat- Works, Ed- wand Wilson, a captain in the Peekskill Fire Dopart-nent, stnuck a match t-o light- a cigar. In t-le -explosion whîch ensued flie captain was iutilted beyond recognition. Eminont physicians at t-h-e second day's session of t-be Ainerican Mcdi- cal Association ads-ocat-ed standing9 on t-ho head Vo relieve rheumatisiii, gout, insauit-y, norvousnees and dyspepEia. One dctor said: "If poor, go t-o a dtscton; peerty le due t-o iîne-ss." A t-ube contaiuing $2,000 wort-l of radium was ho-st- lu Philadeiphia tise other day, and substautial re- wurd ofered for its% recovery. A young man catered police head- qiarters. laid t-le tube containing thue radiuým cii an officil's'desk, and andI disappesred MiLloit wait- ing fýor t-he reward. At Pittshurg police raided a coickfight antd eeized st-vent-son gamne hirds, ivhicli were ready t-o doi liattie. Tluey wer-e offer-et $itO)for ithe birde, but refuscd, n-turned t-hem over t-o t-hre. hos- piLule, M'hich mode them inte estew .nad soiup. Valuinig t-le fowl at $1,000 -the ttoup wonked out at $7 a bowh. 1. Fultons Brylaw8ki, a young W uu0î- ington laMyer, ueed suipuuroue language' when lie was nuariy bit by a golf club driven by oodrow Wilson nt thei SubtrbanCliib links, Wlien t-le lowyerý found -outtMhom lie lad offended he senit a note.e! apoiogy, whicli fhe President nc- eepted. It in'as said at flteclub t-lint-ne warniug elieut o! "le-ne" -suas gis-cii y Mr, Wilton. - -4 BEÏRIA I'r'ÉNDS l'ANCtIIALL. 1) au ueeri' 'I'iik lit,' le O uuoe, l, Bt SOîîîîI4esîriî titîke. Hlaving escaped f rjiot leigu' ut Ntuuiily (Frane) fair, a bon-r teck a istrufll nround t-he neighborhood. He We'e uttriseted t-onaprivatelieuse by si raine o!f nuisit'an--J made a budkn appearanc-e iii a er'>wded hall-rouai. As iLt wae utfaut-y dressedatiucot-le - reselleus at frt tluouglî-t lue a ls'te guiPFt, buit lî'y coon diseovered- their uitjrke a'id rn fer the doe wiîile tii?- oî')Clettra stepped pa- ing. Wiýh9uit taking t-hoeigbt-est îuutiée f the- excite-rnlnt brida exe- euted a Pas st-u, 'wit ragtime IntosC-fient(e, anud eemed genuinely iuiydw-len lus keeper arrivod anid led hum bat-k te ceptivity. Forgot Motîter. JO-linny-You'ne t-le meaneat, hatefuliet. anit-.f ul..iI'. +î-r. Tommy-Aýn- you'rc t-le crabbed- est-, uglet- Fat-hon-Boys, -boys I Youu for-get- t-lint your met-ler le lu the room. Rasd Ex peinlee. "I -«nt a pair o! butt-on chocs for ny wile..-1 "'This wray, sir. WVhet kiud de you wish, sir t" "Does-n't -mnatter, just sO they dou't- but-ton la t-le baek." ,-Jo4 nly do thbs dea hear .ouzidk Iý b'ôt t-bey- are often greutIy aanere i b y t-hein. Th.y féel ol ndsthugù "I the c.oncu.sipn on. the d hra1a o! their ear n4th bruns eaebti c aiacria e1r Robinuson, tihrough. t-le nerves c fleerlug rat-er, t-h&nby,, way of, thei auùditory nerves. A deaf man, feelé the é- M.ocfapassing -truck 1 thzrough t-h. vibrations it causeson t-he pavement. He does noî fée!elth passing o! a rubber-tired vehiéle on an asphalt- paved street, bécause tit causes ne vibrations. He f eels t-he footst-eps of a, horse if uearby and notet hsoft- ea#rh. Rie doe. not hear a stamp'upon etone pave-, ment, unlees à41. quit-e close tw hilni. '«A dca;! mute," eays Mr.- Robizi-' son, "vIii be co soie-uc o!ailt-h noise in the, roorn isihhhhoc- pies., Me'uwillicfel the doér i, t-h. fail of & bal!, an àapple, fau orange, &. key, or any ut-ber weîght.-;- room, if if in not carpot-ed, or ifý they de not hlave on'tubberiheues, or alippers; aise t-he noise, which ho makez wÏt-h hie 0w-n kuife and !orkc when .ating. !"A deaf, pereon neyer feols the sound of a bell, as its vibrations are confiuied aolely te thii atiuospliere. 1 think tlÊere is ne way 'by which the euund o! such au instrumient eau bce import-cd te our feelingi." Some of t-ho devices employed by di af- perlons Vo warn them, cf tMe ringing o! the door- bell are Moset lugenious. On. household has a ruliber baIl suspended f rou t-h.ý ceiling of t-h. living iromu, and the ringing o! the bell causes t-hsVo swing ba.ck and forth. One umau has a flag that drops when t-le bell ringe. Anotuher bas the bell attacli- ed t-c'an -electrie lUmp se that 1V Iights u'p wiien the bell-push je pressed. A New'Yorker has an alarju dock attached te> the f ocit cf a brase bcd. Hie f..]. t-he vibrations wheu t-he alarm goes off just as plainly as if he could hear themn. IlIl Walt - Little Johnny had been naught-y all day. At laest, to cap the climax, lie slapped hie emaîl si4ter. When father came home froua the office t-be mother told hlim of hie sou'a misdeeds. "The- next time you tease your sister you go tu b.d with- eut your dinner," the father said sternly. The kiddie sat in silence for a few moments. Then, ail of a suddeu, lie -Mirned to 'bis father. "The nextime 1 want t-o ht sister lil wait until after dinaer," h. remarked. After John. "John! Do you uractice regu- larly -on the. -piano when I am away at- the office?"' "Yee, 1fat-le r," "Every day?" "Yes, fathe r. " "And how long <ddyou practice tu- day t" "'Ihree heurs te-day. fa-ý ther, and Itwo-and-a-half heurei yelterday. " "But, Johjln-" "Yes, father." "Next time' you practice b. sure and unlock tise piano. VIl gis-e you the key. It's heen ln my pocket the laet fort- nighit. Now, inother, will you bring. me the strap t" luIT TUE $~POT linoc-ked Out Tes aud 'ofTet- AIls. Tiier,'s a guod deaol o! satisfac- tion and comfert la hitting upon t-le riglit t-hiag t-o rid uae cf the. '-aried and 'constant ailmentte caused by tea and coffec drinking. "E,ýven since I eaun emember-," writee ene women, "lmy father has been a lover cf hie coffee, but t-le ceatinucd use o! it au affected bis Stonsacli tliat lie couid eeancoly en-t gt Limes. "Mother Iiad coffee-headache' and dizzineas, sud if I drank coffre for breakfast I would t-aste it aill day and usually go t-o bed with a hen-d- ache." ('Iéa le just -as injuirious as ceffec, li-ecatlse beth cen-Loin t-le druîg, caffoîne.> "One day fn-thon roruglit luic 'a pkg. cùf Postun recommonded by our grocer. Mot-er mn-de IL accord- ing te directions on t-ho box, and ià just "bitt-be> spot." It has a dark, secul-lrcwa celer, cluanging to gol,)- den -iown wiîen creui-ç adided, antI a cnappy tait-o sirrolar to mild, ligli-grade coffo., sud we foîînd thaitt iLs evatiaucd use specdilY Put un end t-o n-llour ceffe«e 111e. "Truit was at len-et'ten yen-an-go, and 1Post;um lias, fronit-lint day t-o thua, been a Kt-aning order' Of fathc.r's grooeu-y bill. "'Viîen 1 married, îny lîusba-nd, was a great coffec drinkeýr, ait-ho lie admitted that it hurt him. Wheu 1 si4iouuý(.éd Posýtum ho 'en-id hue diti not like t-he t-asto of iL. I told &im 1 couid make it t-ate aIl. night. lie smiled sud s.ai4, try iL. The result wals a ou«ces, ie wou't bave a-uy- thing but Postuni."-; Naine gifutr by Canmadian P-ostunu Ioc., Windsor, ont. Read "T.he, Rùad t-o Wellville," lin-pkgR. PostUi noie coines in two formea: Reguiar POst~iui-ù,.t be well boiled. 15e sud 25e packages. I8tan Postumý-iS ia soluble pow- der. Maie iu t-h. cup with hot wa- t-en-no boiling. 30c, sud 5(c tins. Thue cost per ciup eof both kinde le about t-he, sanie. "There's a Reaseua" for Postuni. -odjby Groçers. ne!geroue' o1jponrii, n'H.hnon i± Vat-io n nvo enl9in Hi 1Jkâectua~l, -owér'io' olidfy nias- Rtve. ' 'He, Ëagnuine NovaBota nadc Bi4tshkr in hie 'adheïr«po 4 Sîir Rebertu s not a&pliAbIe ýteing Hle do.. wnot't-ry t-o 'plas.for, thle it-y-t-O go hI. e"'nway wfotc sidoring t-he'. feelinue.aiouct-ers. te peeîtsqulity of se-lf-isola- t i len ',Te do not deliberaitély red upon corne, but- th.y-are net 'cail-y liedled or mauaged. They h eapreferenos for gcing ebr&iëlt- aheadnd-c4,ù'tinàg t-hrouùgh obsta- 'a~4er thancircumveintiug 4.h. t -i er are eêcnfronted withli insudperableý difficultie., t-hey bide panie or,;a -piesicu. They-are an I-*in perurbablie. pebpl'. They kniow liôw-to wait. Sir Robert-e caree'r sino. hie. entrance inte t-le political arena le an illustrafion of t-his Nova Sooftan Loyalisit-patience. He> kneo liow t-tu airt., Ho knowe hew te cou- troi, t-le pet-ulauce cf deferred ambi- tion. Hie, ha. learned, Vo avold those errore which diequa.lify a stateisman. eT. i. ne flexile oppor- tunist, but- ou t-heo t-ler hand heis a insater o! non-coramittal 4tac-tics. H. h-na always beon tee camutieus t-o iimeolate bis reputaion '.pon a fer- boru hope or au extreme enthusi- asim. Ris niind i-nàtinctively drive2s hmanalong a niddle course. Me pre- fers to allow e t-her minute xake Sir Robei Borden, G.C.K.G. ragh exjieriments. He proft.,3 by the impetuýous haste <4 iess prudent na- tures. 1Re would rather- rise upon t-ht miitakes çf others than iupon the speculative daring of his ow i choice. He is never in a luîrry. f)r hie knowa that mast pr4>bleme lv themselve if they are left, ron. And whenever lie Î8 forced to act, ho prefers to crr on the sid.c 4of cau- tiop, rather thian on the side of ternrity. He realizes that miodera- tion in politics je a %irtue, and that, inaction is a pardonable iin. '4ppeals Lu Moderato Moi,. lIt is these homiespun virtue that have helped Mr. Borden to lhew his way Vothe highest office in the gifk, of flie (ianadian p&iple. It le a notable fact that le has buit up his prestige by appeaIing to the centr'al mnass of inoidÈrate mien. And wlv-i, ever may be said by hceaited Pýerti- zans. it is certain that in Canada, aq-mn 0ther En' glish-gpeaking colin- tries, tlhe moderato xmen are, after ail, generally in theic najority. Therc is never a permanent xnaJority of extremiiets. They inay supply the driving power for the political ma- chine, but it is the moderate titan Who controls, it. Anctlîer Borden quality je tari- turoity. 'Thle (Uon"rvative chjeftai.'i knrow» lhow to keep lue oiwti i eonsel. Hieje&the eml>odiment 4)f reserve and- r4eticence. H1e ncver thinks aloud. Thuis gift'o(f silence if, ofien the caufe o! irritation tio his more emotiional folltowers. Yet Mr. Bor- den 4owesa great deal 4À is gucci.'4 V'o hi$ Power of holding Ilis tonglue and eaying no thinghle not forced to say. H1e je not an orator in any Son"e of thie word. In this he je the antitLhesis. of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The Libleral Icitder le far hiesuiper- i.or -in ail the artm, that dazzlc' and fascinate't.hc poptilar mgat . Sir Wilfrid on the platformn cal, be irregistibly moving. lHe ca'î cap- turc the emotiis o anY auidienice, and melt the Most obdurate anta- gonigm into niomentary admiratio,-.1 Borden does not try Io meit or ýmove. If lie <dahewould be un- succecseful.- lHe addresses -hi% argu- nien t ýOl'Cly and wholly to the rea- son. Hfe je a, great advocate, but hie never re1ics on rhetoric, or sen- timent, -or cinotion. Hie ieî practi- cal, argutmentative, logical, aus- tere, and setern. lntenslfled laaertes Everything in th .e new knight'a career haà intensifled bis nwtUÎI~a chaxacteristics. HiS intellect was shaped and nioulded by s4he'ac-ade- z»ic tradition of the staid seateof sblufillyavelded. hréé yesrs have- g o»fand bi pow r 4,pu+eoLi ikvo grown. A prtvl ageý, he.,h& e 4Y an y yesas c o! »ticia endeav6r.-M. G ,4ntoa-O'Leairy, luin r Wc.kly. lYhen 'DVoa Sfers Theré te Treuible Àhsad. Constantly on their- t4tt, attendlng te 'tbe w auts of a large sud'exactiag family,,- womený ofon break downi wlth nei.vous eibaustion.4 Inu t-best-oresï,. factorles, aud - on a, farm are weak,; ailtng. womien, dragged down witb oru4gb'ca~ u beïorti g own pains. -- "# n 9felIn't natural, but ItOs dangeoüs, becauzse due te diseased kidneyso. The dizziness, lisomnlie, derangedt Menses anudilet-ber symptouis of kidney1 complaint cau't cure theuiselves, theyj requlýe t-ho Assistance uf Dr. Haml- ton'a Pille which go direct Lt-lthe seat et t-he trouble. Tc give vitsllty and p~ower te the kldueye, t-o lend l ad t-o t-be bladder and liver, t-o free t-he blood of pois-ons, probsbly thon. le nu remedy op suc. cesotul as Dr. HaImilton's Pille. For4 al] wouaauly Irregularitiosý their mernt la well knowu. Becausis of their mlid, soothing, and healiug effect, Dr. Hamilton's Pilla are ste, and are recommended for- girls and women of ail ages. 25 cent-s per box at- ail dosions. 'Refpse any sub. atitute for Dr.- Hanifitoa's Pille of Mail- drake and flutternut. ABOUT "HUMAN MCIN. Why Net cite lMen sanie Coasider- ation as Plant Equl pment. More is 'a thouglt: Jur:t suppose1 you gîve t-hemeni who are on your staff scmnewhat th. saMc considera- tion you do t-ho plant equipanentj under your charge.,' Tgeat t-hem at iesst- as welI, saya a wniter lanIeow- ër. You find a certain piece cf ap-j parat-us not- up -ealt-s proper per- formance. Whaf do yçu do, sorap lt-t Hardly; y'our employer would probably object if youi waut-ed t-o. Se you first examine àitot see il it cannet be improved; Possibly it je ouly a hitti* e out- o!adjustmeut, or it le worn, or even broken in omei usiner part, when youÙ examine into it. AIittle time spent in renew- ing defective parts -or overhauling, with lfl or ne expense, -andI it gces-o on as, good or be-t-ter work -than before. Ncw, how about t-heociler or t-le fireman wli l not- doing t-li kind o!1 work ycu expect? If lielias net- got it ina hini tolie a better wcrk- inan, you do hlm a service in dis-. clîarging hinu. with t-ho advice to geL into some ine fur whiù2h le is liet, Ler fittvd . But ho sure youi givo hlmn a chance if lie de-serves iL. Shiow Iîim why thie or that way o! diciag soinething is not riglit. Thon teacl i fm te do t-ho righit way hlm- self. Incidentally, youu i Wil gef a Joyalty i l tat man, wluich moacy cannot buy. Another thiag, do net bîe unrea- 'sonaly harsh wit-h your mea over their faflt.g. Cursing tlien is jus-t as foolieili asbanging a ,baiky pump with a hammer, and doe about as mulu oo. You catu carry tlîis analogy bc- twecn youurir ien andi yetr niaclini- ery as tar as yoîî like. Really tliey are hotu îîîaellîîery il a away, and tîow inich -more importani ti je o 1wv patient witilîunan Ialioy fi>r that can manifest sppreciati-u-i ln retuirr. If you are not appealetI to, hy higlier motives, th-ere are plenty' 4- selfisli reasqns for yoir heipitig the lîcîper. Ânotha Case of B100(l roisouing i"ss" iiiurnrng hie - corus witin rnit""- Po olitiîwl-on cure lm #4oupai- es andlsure witîî l'utri4Vis Corrn Ex- tracter. tee PutnuItiî- uIy-iiethé, bosit-guarlintecd and i.uîitîîi-f4l. prh-e "*Say., old ma, you'le lookiîug a hundreti per cent-. betLon tisa you di-d a yoear g. 'I'wab worrying abouit- my delits then." 'Ail paid now, ehît -No; but-t-bey have grown se tIi-i 1 know t-home je nop use t-yiag t-o pay t-hem. I t-ll you IL-s a greaL ( ud off my mmnd." -4.- I'i'EIIEST TO, I'NVEýNTORS. Pigeon, Pige-on & Davis, patent réolicitors, Mont-real, report-tisat 171 Canadian patents were issued for t-hic weck euding June io.th, 107 of whiclu were grantedti t- Ameicaul, 35 te Canadians, 21 telresideuts cf lor-eigu coulitries, and 8 t-o reiidente of Great Britain and sélonies. Of t-le Canadien& who receu1ved. patents, 13 were- o! Ont-anc, -&',)f Quebko, 8 o!M-nit-oba, 2 o! Bitiê tCelurabia, 2 of Al-berta,, aud'2 o! New -Bruns- Onlý ioyen weddixxgs hâve.'tiakeni plac.e lu (lo'uee.sr cathedri, Eug- land, in the last 25 y'e*rs. Wosnsn s aupr sans -ham-jen; ~s eta4i iow th"aub nure ,i'nca go insan t-han wmo la I México 1yýbmen and cilîdren pack ,their'belenigings-and f ollow the. husbaud 'and father t-o war. ý Geuaylaid. e.l- t-he ther countries in t-h. number cf meam- bers of t-h& Internation al Council of FaoohIonable wcn ~uin 1Londen have ia pt-ed't-ho e M-oha.vixug tuez'rbed'rooma u nblak, even t-o t'ho Mies Elizabeth BradIey ha. st-he houer cf reeslviug automobile l- cenise tag No>. 100,000 in PeansByl- vanis.- Miss Fanai. 0. CIemeut le super-- int-endnt cf t-be healt-h teachiuig 4e- pa-rt-ment cf the American B.d 'croms ociey. Womeun teachers in tk* elemeu- t-nryand secondary schooleof -t-ho United, Stat-es average $458.51 a year i lusary.1 Sixt-ee-year-old Edit-h Jackson, of Vaueuuver, B.C., s'ucceeded lu landing aii huge shark Irecen-tly a! ter a twc-hour baU-tl. In a t-est vote conducted by o Paris ucw-spaper, 505,972 wonItWn declared they wished to vote andi 114 declared. they did. net. Mies Cleta, M. Smith e! Saint Loutis, Mo., lias ent-ered thle law office cf lier fat-ler, ehe having jupt been graduat-ed f rom the Bauton Colloge of Lw Mrs. Kudasheav, a Cossacsk w0- man, la ncw explorng darkest Rtus- aie on a horse prese-nted t-o her by Czar Nichol"asfer lier foot ln rid- ing f roua Vladivcstock acrûes Man- churia, Sibeprila.aud EngliDli Fusria th'ree years ago. Under t-le Frei"çh law a divo'rced woiuan as couipellW t-o abandon tise use cifiher former husband-' s naine a certain t-i. after the decree le granted or els ulis le ablie tu a fine fer every day sbe uses if therc- a! er. Mrs. Francisco Villa, wife cf the famous Mcxican rebel general, le only 26 years cf age and married lier husband wlien he was- a bandit. Sh.e ucw haa tw-o automobiles and a great mniiny diairoýnds besicles a niagnificeut home at Chihu,-,hua Cit-y. - In Zurish, .Switzcrland, tIser. are ttiree middle-a-ged women who have a lucrative buxsiness -of shini-ng shoes for travellers as tht-y einerge f roni tlie trains at tiiat point. Wlien they have no customers they épimnd their time kuit-tin-sto-ekinge. Pleurisy Palqs Varish! Ohest Oolds Guredi1 NERVILINE 1-lAS NEVER FAILEID TO CURE. Don'L suifer! Nerviline le yoûr relief. Nerviline Just rubbed con, lots of It, wil1l, case that drawn, tîglit feeling ever your ribs. w!il destrcy the pain, will bave you siniling anxd happy Iu ne Li me. "1 cauglit cold lasL w-etk wlilc mot- cring." writes P. T. M-Nallery, frcmn Linden. "My cîet watt full of con- gestion. my Llroat .v.,s mighiy ecro. and -I had the f ercest etitch la my aide you ceuld -imagine. As a boy I watt accustouied te have My metîxer use Nervilîne for ail or miner ail- mente, and reînemberlng wlîat confl- douce she had In Nerviiine, I sont out for a bettie at once, 3etweca îîon and eighit o'cloek 1 lad a wlîele bcttle r,1,1,.on, a1dthon gothile pore liantoi lit-ltil ici,scIliuii.e]f. Follciwing a disastrouus fîre in -a Western City, m-ny -min nand woîna gat-hered t-o hock ai tieniis. Soma of thîe Men, .seeing iluat a w-nil sieur w-bit-tley ivere sLxundiuug tass top pling, made,, ,.4e toLugelt out io! the way. and un-rewl.y est-aped hi ng! crushed. Juhany Bm-bison, a guiod lmi->, citizen, w-a. so rienr t-le w-ail tllt lie cultI no-t escapeO witli thle tiiers # :e, whiring about, -ho made for duor ln t-le Malîl, suret tlrouigh it and came olut on t-he ether' ehlzi eo-f( anýd cvidently tory proutd of ie e, X ploit. Womt-n Whhubd' siitttlirl- eyes antI ehieked wi-iti- a his danger now gatlicred rounrd lîim' iu great jsuy, and cried osa: "Praise h-on-von. Jýoinuy B r.ashi- son, down ou yoîur knees, and tliank- ",Yis, yis," .said lie, "'and 1 will, but ssasn',t it injancyoluttinhille, now t" lutupoértant IPoint. Ln-wyer (t-o he-itatingclet.- lieveage le swect, remeusher. We'll figit t-ho case-to.the -bit-t-enrt-titI Client-But ivho'll geL lIhe bitter end-the et-len felIlow -or me MXmlzaSS' iimeut Cure* Colas, Zie. E,1.DAWSON, Ge1boua fi PODWJJKY 1LI Business * anconuisotion; $4,000. Ternis itberal. Wil lngzCernpany, '.78 West Ade Toirpate. - ES0NiZ'NZO lh. Ai QUEENS KINGSTON, ONTARIO EDUCATION Ieuludlne SUMMER SCHOOL G. Y. CHOWN, Regisb-rar, King«Len, gable t-o-develep a Spaudn, Ringbeuc, gplint, Curborlamenessamyourpoorcstl KENUALL'S SPAVIN'CURE - lias sayed many thousanls ut doildiro.la herse flealu by eutirciy curlug theft afimuenta. Gairnet, Ont,, Itèb. 25th, il3S 'Il have îîaed ICendall'o Spuvin cure te iil gareral jackrs, snd reînoved a bunch o! loirg sanding, causeSby a k. sx».GIAIAM Doîu't talcs chances w'Ith aou r hns. Keeý a boiiieof IedanI'siudy, 5i-Otor$5. Ourbcole "Treatise ou tuhe irse" fie ai dnigglcts or Or. Il. 3. KIDALL CO_ !ubuu:aml. VI.' 89. Not Paid -Tet. A man M-ho was 'veny mi8erly' io-anded îup Ihisst-acks' o! bey; -Ylea .alter yen-r- lun-t-hohope cf1 making, double t-h. price - ho- was off~ed for f-hem. A welI-known hlay*' and Rtraw buyer ln the dl-strict -one day susked t-ho pi-lecf e st-k.-An en- o04os sum was as-ked, which t-h. buyor accepted. "Hsw -about t-he iter-nilo! settiement t" aA-ked 'thé <Ad mimer. f"Well, you Bse, -aid fIse' -biner, e tmy ternis are 'fo settle wlieu -I fetch t-le las-t load pAway"- "T.h.'t's .ýa bargauii," e-ifd the;nui'e. sirupping t-le otler-'-s hand. ThIseoId i-bnp watcheti cvery load gouany exepit-tho mest, end L-ha th -le uyer liasi neyver fotched yet. SUMMhIB TOIT2IST EATII5 TO T! -' ACIFIO OOAS *T. via Chhcago unéiz S'rth ýVeiitéra fly. Speriai 10w rate 1ririîl-tr-iî tlcitetO on sasle, fu-onutull i'(ttm siit':r:iu']a t5eLesj inlo.San i,;io'-. i'etian..Seat- le. Vanrousei-. VIctoiIa. Edmcntou, - Ctulguuu>'. li.tiifr, uluv-cou ' P rk,, -e,, ilorheg Jul>'tMgue4t and'] t;C.Itember.' Excellent train '- i -.or-rates. Ilius- -te'] foiders. tLieue tablies and fuil pariularm. ia']']rosî B.i- iM.i3eniatt, tl'I-'a geuuit, 46 Yonge ttre.. Tu- rue lui. Ontario, S4,ap is one of'the fow 1i iigs thut- shîcid.lie lei~uîdh'd w'itlîout g'lev7u,. J>.nck-J w-ne juie5t atiuniring - bols lq au'. l-ow pi'etIty it'ie l Ma- tier, huan t-lit! j rià-triaé le l.r '- ifor R5". .- . -Suertitonneyer kcept eai b fi-cm uCCeptiiug 13 for a dizeui. W'aîteu t-o Gel ii. -1 ~ !tossed hlm thle lotter, ar --tàrugh and4 ret-unned Luwi - - Wbat great liack Éýmeote lie exclatuned, -Now, I euP c.hsiec.paIntiusr altogethi-r .',Wbatcossid »ceeîbiy lu t-hink se?" 'Oh. I *'Ose o suil mEetti mnarry.-sand grew ft. By the your wooiug epeed to)-day? I ha-tle girl luçapd aS eo? "-on thbe ceuftmary. ebo rdafu -- blank." - #ay ro sefrom bLseh a iri Ytecret. and loaned witb folde t-be table before ýwhfcli 1 wa-s Lng May face CICOely. - Do I bear sUrigbvt?" hlui fa lit realliy nofflible that yen by t-bislitl'siulgTr uow t-bat yuu bave Iwo 521w more, and are what ber angi ,]&y- muiby le nothing t-c - Ie-nn$ur. -hen lue cut me b areh iaugb. - - "Mhoney ,nothing - tu ber 'Show me thebe buman boint muney le notbing. Embibit wlihIlb. the greutest 'Wonder Mener lJa better worl.b haviE -us, or beauty. or -vinase, or lur S thing' iu short, for money 'w ee-of t-buse- thinge! .Wt-l can be a knigrbt, a barcfutt. an B.A.,-sud. «Of Course.i goulus. .aý.to love, if I badm I wcuit eurrouundmyseit of -t-bemest iertect- eauli in thbe world, utiS liey -woul aud--emuke cigarettes. ah-S wlidenaatnd u4kte4and eci love me very inucl inmdeed. will»yîove a Man 's'be riveS uioney and shows be doesn't "Witb yonn tortuue and Y( -mdc in picture-seilinis.I ----London aud focsry, dirty.n -Encland alteoeier. and H year iu Veulcean- dhait in E No more inurky sktee. no remarks. ne more -social lI workt Net-ing but essef sud- t-be ânles of coonit wlpaid beautyl Theno, Ri Cood counsel a*s te bowto e from sa juan eighityears coi aud -who k-ncws the.irerld. corne! to i, andS lu le cuite He-was et-retéb5ugr bis Io ponted wblte bande abeve *one of hi.e haraceistiéall attitudes. fornihe-unau -was aad gMpetually 1JOZint. MeA v.erpeVuýUi puaii. aio. niU too well btake-.bis rnutlb or to b.e bociced bytiueire couveuttonea nature.- "Tour advice bautalli srouud." I saiS, laurinlu. tâOalfitbteet wish t-o Pes aud if I -eau onu indUe t 1 love t-o marry mue, 1 Sen't look et a.uotber."' "*Wbat -an-extraordinary1 be mutteroê. au be Imarcheý -t-be rooni. T2ien.-d uddenly înediateiy lu front of nie,1 ..Ane rouireaily au tufstii lutt-le Sazon girl.,ifervey? inean. t-batYom 'wôu*t -b. 1 set. ber.' iilike th c lt i aswered, "Tbese t-s bard] wouuld net sactifice 'te Win Re lookedame 'fullith rerzl secods uslne e- a< gain. ý ~'Heaveu beip you !ne bat "Â,nd the wcrst ViluîgIeu t-o Innry ber. But yon nnt sel. -Se oue oas bawieher i u-ne, s be'l l-îake yeun know-woiuwuiGoud'ulg4t After Wray 4drz6v b- -puegen(le I wr o - LUit Aionate. tool"la oveer . i. lUýuies tigOLOuit» rçpgn -1 dld inoV dlà ui*nIt-, - oi no more atore by ansi A ni on -Saturshay, n lgb t came' a. little iettentin t-li baadwrltîig cf Iers, thbe eent- nuy bearu thuipni englue. Tiauzedgy 1-bave been'thlir kn fer, îqauIjtlUug: 40- ecienees lD tue matte: yery otiitlZuli ave decý t-o ovoolWç Quggwand aie, aieueeoeely voun - <s - LIHAPTIE ~ED?4.

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