-i -»U J 'y uclu 4 u-cw ,' fflbuuw a. oee three ye&rs. Ifrs. lain .waà wheeled out on the lam Who iever 1.W b er land ap#earnd ven .na-ciated ai eince he -wag stricken fel Iowhen lh. 1ifted hies bat1 sevn yeare'ago, ae -df riends and neighbort in acknoi i Olimberain, ere edgïiiént lof -Iîhr s&hit4e. lA PARAIRAPU idUE 4NG FOIE 114 WruTUýI.Ie lit *-'caonda, (the Empire uni! (h. worlI tu General lefore Tour - Canada.'- The Canadian Goveinment will deport aIl -foreigneré who are chârges -on the public. Major R. W.: Leonard has retired f rom thle National Transcontinental Commission.- ~rnt A~stina oung man of îtt& uicdeon the - publie thomtuhfare by driuking canbolici aeld. R. M. C. Toot-he- a London bar- rister, was fin.d $825 and cSat by Magstrate 'Judd for seizing Henry C. Short by the tiroat when the, latter made. a.*face at hlm in tue --~ ~~o - ors !cross-examination inaa 0euaty court case. A ruliug by Chairman McKeown at Fredericton, that -anyone doing business with thbe Gevernment muet answcr e-suimmons, greatly widened -the. probe into the cost o! the, St. Johin Valley Railway ýnd the. Charges egailist P remier Flemmzing. Harvey -L. Virgil, an autcmobile salcsnian, who kilied Martin Long- man, a street sweeper, by runnîng hlm- down "in a midn-igit, ride at Vancouver, Was given two au)d a iaif year-sila prison. . 4 wa-s ai- I.ged thae h. framed Up a perjured cefense. The, Ontarioe Ass6ciation cf Vie Dea!, -meetingia London, adopted a tesclutîon "sking the. Dominion Cfovernmýent t-a remeve tie deaf cof th '. >oinion f rom the ol-asiflatien- cf undeirabies and' anotuer ta con. --tinue tii agitation te have tue On- tarieo Gvernment estabuieli a home lor agedd infirm, deaf la the. pro- -Great Britain. - ~Nationalistg and Orangemnen iad seriaus clash at Oinagh. k-Sir Benjamin Stone, President cf the National Photographie Record Association, is de-ad. ~ Edmnund Payne, a oomcedian wcil- - kneown -taEngisi ticat-re-geers, iE -dead, aged 49 Fifty thousa.nd rifles, it is rumor- -ed, have been landed for tue Na. - ~ tionallssts in Irclanmd. -The exnplcyers and employe-es e! the. International Pa-per Company rsignned a. one-ycar agreement. The, Jnionist Peers have asstînned a more conciliatory altitude toward the Irish home nul. amending bill. Gea. Richardson of tic Ulster Vlnteers has is.sued an order per- mlttîng t-hem te carry arms in Vie Rosa-lind, Dowager Cjuntess of Carlisle, lias sent te Johin Rcdmond, -- leader of t-l ic In Nationalists, $1,500 for thie Nationalist vlun- -teers fund.- SAugùstine Birrell, Chie! Secre- tary for Irelaftd, saales tint tic Na- -tionaliât volunte-ers, the armed fol- lowers of tic- .rish Nationalist par- ty, number 114,000 mea. The tZionists in tic bouse cf Lo6rds are anxiouîs for a peaceful -- and early settiement of tic home rule question. frvryUniited States. Memphis, Tena., will pay 5 cents fore-ryrat killed. Latssen Peak, a voleano nîcar Ried Bl1uff, Cal., s-stEnding saieke a mile It LW pcrsistent-ly reportcd la Watkhington t-lat tie Unit-ed States à about ta, intenfere actively Latheic Ra4 Lio-n trouble-s. --Aceording to an interpretatiron o! been Made by the Deparîtmeiit of Intbernal Revenueat -Washington, ail Canadians eniployed in.Ameri- éa.n ýcties, but holding residence in Canada~,are mbject te 4h. tax of one Per cent. on thelir incomes.- Martial Ia.w -has been extendled* through :Bosnia and Herzegovina becausei of continued .rioting. "Before I resign haif the. people of. Mexico, City wll die with me," is the. remaric Presiden.t ,Huerta, is creditedwith having madle, Captain Bojareoglo, a Russian army ýaviator, wa, killed by being thrown f rom a greut height, owing W aollpsecfhic monoplan.. twc> hundred1persons were killed at Mostar, th. capital of Herzego- vin.&, in fierce riots betweeni Mo- namedan Croate an4 Serbe which grew eutof the assassination of1 the Arcliduke Francis. FAtRMER -SHOT DEAD. Angry Chinaman His hMin Broîîuhead, Sask. A- cespatci from Egtevan, Sas- katchewan, -sas-s: Geo. Bidier, a farme'r, was shat and kiiied on Tuesday eveiing *at Bromiead by Le. Han, a Chimese restaurant pro- prieter. Ti. Cinaiiiaa waas arreet- ed, and appeared on preliminary trial before Magistrat. 'Spera, who - committ-ed hinm for trial. Bîdier had been drinking during tii. day, and late La the, aftcrnoofi proceeded tte i.hinainan 's, where he t-inca- teaed te ciean eut-t-b. place. Le. Han told hlm te stand off, and backed toward the rear door te get eut cf tie way cf Bidier, wio con- tiaued te advance, and as t-lie Chinaman couki not get, eut cf is way, after warning Bidier i. weuld shoot, he fired t-he shot, kiiling Bld- 1er instantly.- Threats were made te lynch ie Chinaman, and Vie po- lice te avoid trouble, hurried t-ho cther Ciinamen eut cf the town te Estevan. MARCONI'S ePROPIIECI'. Expeets t. Talk: Acros Atlantic -Before End of 1914. A despatch f nom London, Eng-. land, says: "Mr. Marconi cenlem- plat-cs being ble ýto telepione from Carnavon, Wa.is, te New York, be- fore thc end cfIVils ycar," w-as the Etatement made -on Wcdnesday by t-le manager -of Vhe cornpaay, in t-es- tîfying before tic Dominions Royal Commission on Imperial communi- cations. IV was added that Mr. Marooni aIse anticipated incrcasing lic speed of the wireles:s telegrapi Vo 300 werds a minute. l1OIIES RE(OVERED. ¶'wo .31mi andl 'lwO IoimietiBrouglt tot»hie S'ifaee. A de.spatch from un ebec. sayse: Diver Sciinseng, of Mn. Wother- spoons diving crew, recovered four more bodies from t-he Empress wrcck -on Tiursday, tics. bcing those'o! two men à -üd two womca. Onc, of tic women iad ljewele on her fingens, elierwisc, owiag to the conîdition o! tie'bodies, thene would be but littie chance e! identiflea- lion. letlmr ils ut theil oli eail Show hInease. office A despateli frem Moat-real says: The report of tic Moatreal paît- office fcr tic monti juast endcd shows an lacrense in ail depant- îients o)ver June, 1913. Thc revenue Vils past mont-i was $15,000 langer Vian in t-lia orre-spondiag monti laet year. Tic incrcase ia revenue came frnom. sale o! stninps, ncws- paper fristage and permits. PRINCE O0f WALES NESTEGG His Financial Advisers Have Ilade 5ome Profitable Ventures For Hlm 1A despatel f rvm London snys.: W«hi the Prince o! Wales next ycar at-ains tS hise twenty-first bitiday i. wiIl enter into the persoulal cen- trol icft-ho revenues o! t-le Duchy of Cornwall, now beinq. admiaister- -- d for hlm by tic King, and ehe ac- cumulatilons of - hicii will represent a ncstocgg e! even £1,000,000 ster- ling. Fnom an authenitat-ive finn.n- ciai source it is lcarncd that- advau- tage is. being taken cf t-he proseat st-at. cf tic -markets btemalte cou- -sideraýble invesîgieuts ia secuities, which two trusteuci cftic Cornwall Luciy estate consider bargains at- the preseat prices. Tiiese trustecs, whu are ineoplrcd.and guided .by; -Lord ]Revel"tk inc Kn George's aSçesÀion havea alreadyl dune vcry well for t-ie Prince. Not very long ago tiey purchnsed £80,- 000 wvrti o! securiti -es, whicl have appreciat-cd la tiie parýt six mdnths la capital value by 1 per cent,.« Tieugi King George la by no means on thie same close and fiendly rela- tions witli prominent- and inifluen- t-li personalit-les in tie financiai- world as -wvas'hie fatier, King Ed- ward, ils Majest-y nevertheeiîslias many sources -oen te him tirougi wiicihe can, carry on finauicial cp- eratiens' un4er vastly more favor- able' conditions t-han Vhe prdinary investor, and t-le: probabilLty je that tii. value cf the. Prince of Waies' iavestmenit capital wliea t il made over 'W hlm aext year wiil- be con- siderably over £i,g00,-00 sterling. I~~~~ý 1onma-YIJowu98Is .Wholesalers a"r trade at the folio Eggos-Strictlyi 24 to, 8ê", extra AIl ay Grtu, 20,to twlns.14h to lit -twins, 170. 1 Butter--Creamer 28 ta 25e'; farmeri ta 20c; dairy priat 16 ta ISà e.ý Beans-Primies,1 $2.30 te 82.25. Honey-Buckwhi tins,. 6)c In barre honey.l0c ta o 10e lie 'ln 10 lb. tinm comb honey, No. 1 tra, $2 ta $2.25:we dozen. Poultry-Fawl, 16e. light, 18 to 14 ehickexis. -dressed, ordlnary., 18 ta 19 14c; brailers, 20 t ed,-19 to 80c; allv -Onions--Ligyipta Ser liag out 0f eti 1.60 ta *1. 60 ou tees, blil., *5.25 t Maple syrup-P $1. ta $1.10, wine pro Whoiesalers are' on the tollowing i Smoked and dry Smoked, -14à ta 15 to 155e; lieavy, 17 con. 18- to- 19c; loi 14e; cases 145e; bi elal, 22 ta 23c; boni Green meats --0 thala smoked. Lard-Tierces, Il Balai Local nierchants Taronto, at the tl hay, ehaice, No. 1. No. 2,-012.50 ta $1 ýNo. s, -*5 ta $9; bale Winniv j Winipeg. Julie 7 lIera. 88c; No. 2î,g Northera, 55e; Nç.1 C.W.. 395e; No. a 1 feeG, 39c; Na. 1 f agie. Barley-Na. neJected, 475e;- teed NW.C., *1.37à ; No. a C.W., *1.225. VaiteG ta -Minn.eapolis,- Jul 835e; Septemnber, 78 885e; No. 1 Narîhe Norther., 83 ta 85i, 10w, 63 ta G3ie. 84J ta 85c. Flour ai Duluth. July 7,- 885e; No. 1 Northeî thera, 854c ta 858c; -Cash and July, $1 Stl O 50e Taronto, Jly 7.- chers. *8.26.ta $8-E ta $8.16, commalu cannera and cuttera, fat cows, $6.50 ta * $7.26. Caive-Good ves common, $4.76 ta 8V Stockera and f eed M0 Ibn., $7 to $7-Z ta W625. - llogs-*59.60 ted off cars, and 05 ta 1 Slieep andl ambe- leavy. $3.50 ta $4.1 $4.50; sprIng Iambe the pound: yearling MlcI cows--Mark $80, 110w ioUla t o the ing prces- e- laIdOs l, acatpno, 'uts, 28 tô 26e: .ordin- Le.14 te 14léc; olad, large,. 0c; yr Prints, treuil made, 1eparator pnta, '19 s. 17 to 19e; baker#',b bushel, $2.15; H. P., at, Ic a Pound ln ls; strainecI claver Pound li 60 lb. tins; 111e ln 6' lb. tins;' *$2.55 per dazen; ex- dozen; No. 2, $2 per Iressed, lieavy, 10 ta 1 livefat, 10O to 12é; milkfed,-22 to 23C: iv, yring, 13 10 tue tneys, dresse. 15 to 16C in. 112 Ibns, $7. )», $1 .40 10 *160 re; New Brupswieks, of store; new pota- $5.75. ire, Imperial gallon. alon. 75o to 85c. oZne. sliling to' the trade alted meats. rouo- ii ams, medlum, 18 o18c; breakfast lia- g clear bacon, tons. cka, plain, 20e; spe- lïe4ens backs, 23 ta 24e. t of plckie. le less lie to 121c. ïït are liuying on traek. lowlng prices :-Baled $14 to '814.5ëi; extra laNo. 2, $10, 10 $11; à straw. $8 ta $9.50. gr Grain. --Cash :-No. 1 Nar- orthera. 861é; Na. 3 4. sic, Oats--No. Z !.W., 391c; extra No. ed, 3855; No. 2 teed, 9. 52ie; No. 4, 495e; 47e. Fiaz-No. 1 2C.W., $1.34à ; No. lse Markes.e r7.-Wheat-July, c; No. 1 liard, 88 ta n. 87 ta 87ke; No. 21 c. Carna-No. 3 yei; OateF-No. 3 white, âd liran-UnchangeG. -Wheat-No. 1 lard, m.uly s o. LiNoeed 575,86e;N. 2 n- 1Makea. -attie-Cliailme but- 0; good medium, *8 caws, $6 ta *6.50: $2.50 ta $4,: chalce rcholce bulle, $7 to i,$1,25 ta 1.0 lra-Steers, 700 to 5liglit stockera, $6 and watered. *8.75 8. 10 f.o.b. -Liglil ewes. *6; SOI bueks. $3.60 to ý$l11 10$11.756liv Iambe. *8 to 88.50. et easier. aI *50 ta Moniroal Marksto. Montreal. Juiy I7-Corn-Amierican No. 2 yellow., 78 ta 19e. Qata--Canadian western, No. 2, 44 te 441c; do., No. 3 43b ta 432c. Earlej'-Aan. teed. 65 te 566. '-Fiaur-M4an. 54,rIng wlieat patent45 irais. $6.60: scecond.. $5.10-, strang bak- ers% $4,90; Wlnter patents. choice. $5 ta $5.25». atraight rollers. $4.70 tu $4.756; do.. liaga, '*2 16 to *2.20. Iloiled oats. barrels. $4.5,do, hags. 90 liq.. *2.15. Bran $23. S urta $25. Middlings *28. Mouillie. $28 Io *32. ilay-No. 2 per ton. car- lots, $14 .25 ta $16. Cheeze -Fneat westerns, 121 te 13e; do., east- creamnery, 2451 te2 Sje; seconds. 22b ta 23c. Eggs-i'resli. 22 te 23e: selecteli. 26 ta 27c; No. 1 atock. 2le. No. 2 stock, 20 te2le. iotataes, Per bag. car lots, $1,10 to *1A.0 FISIIES 11ODY 1FI031 RIVER., Foli Play is Feèired in Deaili of Frank Q'I4eary. A depatci traml Haiieybury enys Wllc angliigag4t-thc end of tic Haiicybury wiarfIJoç Sierili fislicd up a body at th ead of hi&s inel It had apparently Ibeen la tic water some lime, but *as idcntificd as Viat cf Frank O'Leary, a camp couk. Sicnilîs h ne hock caugit lan thc clotiing and t lîe fisicnin-an won- dered wiat -iad i4ppened, until t-lie body came, te lie surface. Fîrom t-le appeaFance cf Vhe body foui play le feare la inte dea* <iof O'Leary. Teî[ s a wouad on tic back cf thie hea l. Docteors tiink this wa-s sus-tain 4d before he, got int thceivater. BALLOONIST DROWNED. Dropped in the jRlveîr Near Vjnij- -soi, Froin IRis Airmliip. A despat-ci f ro Halifax says: T-he career O! JO epi Stanley Pur- ccli, t-lic Hall! ait aviaton and bal- loonist, was tragi ally ended Thurs- day evening, whcel lie was dnowned la the Aven River at Windsor whîle making a~ landin f rom a balloon. T1iý wind canie hlm over t-ho river, and whien i was seen ha was likely te uit tic river, boats wene sent eut. ýTh av: ator was a stroag swiinmer, and i mcdia.t-ey struek out to reaeh the shore, but within! 20 Yards frem VihéAvondale sb.re lue suddenly sanlé, sup>posedýly be-, cause of cramps. Sir Francis J. C mpbell, wlio died La oion, aged, 8, was -ex-Princi- pal1 -f tic R Poyal 'ollege and Aca- demy o! Musictfr he Blind. H.- was bora in Tçnu ssee, and iet is sightwhen four>' arc eold. 'J DôJnion bdrrow4 la,.helave 'montas the huge ainouat of $160,000,000. Ai.-ý tralia came' next amojig Brtishi coun- tries with 00,000,000. Ille Britishl to-- talI nveoted -benealli the. flag abroad Wa3 $312,9000,000, s60 Ulat Canada.got ýmore :than hait. Te otcrigncounïttle, Great Britain lent $400,000.000., No country obtainied à nythlng'like as mucli as Canada' Thun', despite a flnanclalY stagnant year, accordlig ta the Ottawa Journal, and diespite aILll the talit about Canadieni aver-borrawlng, and despite getlùig hieingers nipped , somewliat h6ie, good old, John Bu, - didn't tîgliten up1 no very mudli ta lts country. ,And that h le didWt Io undoubtediy ta some degree due te thG tact that there -_sl politleaic connectian. The Union Jack 1s abix1 asset to us ln, the 'lýinancial wa.Y as weîi as lanallier ways.- MAY, uXake Nurop Island.. X, qiirious ropheey as te the event- ual fate of lurope la made by a well- kaown Qerman geolagist, Herr Goisdlie, tin One of the scientîfle reviews. He points out that since a certain period _great -crevasses have liçen praduced on the continent, and that thus Ieelapid , and Greenfland werè separated frôm Scandlxiavîs and a channel farmed lie- tween England and the rest of Europe. The tendency ta the !çrmatlan of cre- vasses, lie adds., stilil îioss, and the day May le foreseen iwhen the sea will penetrate Into the iUral regl ans. and there spread, frani Lakd Aral northwest acroà s the Kirghls Steppes te the niouth of the Obi River and thte Aretie, thus maklag Europe an Island. The. Alberts U. 011 7.8 One of the wells ta the north of Cal- gary>lias abparently rua into ail and this seeme ta confirni the beilef that the Alberta fields are going ta become a feature ln the, wotld'W- production 'of ail. Tlie Britishl Goveraiment lias been spending a amai suni of some $11,000,- 000 la the Persian Guît regian ta secure thé suppiy of ail free tram the variaus groupe- wlildlicontrai itThe Calgary strîkqg- will prabably be recelving îthe serlous attention-of these -groupe by now. It can not, hawever. lie taken for granted that ail existe la large quanti- ties even aaw. The latest strike raay b e a packet, but tlie tact remnains that It'lu heavy ail and loaki; like the reai thing. It tends also ta caýniirm previaus 'Suspicions wliichl ndicate a great river or lake of ail ruaning tram Athabasca southwards ta Calgary. The tiret strîke was maGe ta the soulli of Calgary, but an the same line, Some way ta the narth of thdê presea trilte there are the Moriaville =iedswhIch are lieiag explolted and on whlch iorlag lias been done for a consideralile number of years. There liave been many Indica- tions of ail la that region and bores are s1111 being put Gawa la the hope of -striicing what mnglt pasly be termed the main sauthward flow. If the latest strîke proves as gaod ap Il seems and nat merely a poclcet tales of fortunes belng made overnight will duiy follow. Whule there la no need ta be sceptIcal there la need of cau- tion. It la prabab l,,«4.tliat a great deai of maney nlay bd ii e liv taking a chance. But a great deai of money can also elesbt. Maay rmay lie ortunate enougli ta lit off tlie riglit develapment coïnpaay, but there ard a good many of them and Il will taite-sanie ime lefore any can 'prove their prospects. Every- one lapes mont sincéCeiy that Calgary, and the district round il wiil iiad al tlie ail Il desîres. * The. Z'iyt gIraai. Of all e wanders which science las produced la this last quarter of a cen- tury, none lias so lnstantiy lmpressed the popular Imagination as M. Bache-- let's fliying train, whldh la an expert- mentel state goes at least 300 miles an laur. Here la the thIng which. fiati contradiets commun evcry day experi- ence, and sets the spectator gaping at a visible. authentic miracle, If there ls one thlag more than another of whilh the human mind was certain il was that aathiag whidl I la eavler than air can remain suaýpended in I. Ev.erythlng muatIri it la tu witlstand the pull of p~ull of gravity depend upon movement or sonie sort or lie auspended froni above or mupportcd from heinw. When- ever that rule lias lieen broken h lias been nssumed thar the:witniesa has beer, sUfTering from a delusan, and we have turacd a deaf ear ta arguments Offiei- tricians that there was a repulslve for-ce capable of mont astonishing inani- festations. l3ut Mt. J3achelct for twenty years struggled ta mnake thls force subser- vient ta thc wiliior nan. and now It la yoited and liarnessed and lm rendy for service. This wizard 'pulls a lever and a train' whidh was at reat rimes la thp air and remaina there wlthout any visible or tangible support. It la kePt there liy somethiag, nome force which must lbc very great. but it is absol0uteiy imperceptihi *e. This cushioli of far-ce upon whIeh the train lo rcating can lie neltlier seen nor feit,,yet It la9 as solid as a granite rock. In it any wonder thLt moat people are loat ln wonder- ment and] hallthe le nw mystery as the crorin adievtiintof science? For liere lm a farce that may revolutloiize the '_vrid It can lie put-tu- a tliousand uses, but lirsI and chlefiY to transit. and transit la 'tle very hasia of progres. There waa nieyer any revolution so +;tu- pendolia as that which the rallway andi the steamshlp brought, and every adi- ditlon to ileir apeed lias meant a s4teP farward for humanity. Vifty-.onc Inquests at Mobtrefal in lVonth -of Juile. A dcs*atch from Montrentl saYs: Fifty-one bodies cf persona whose death took place under such circum- stances as to nîlceasitate an investi-, gation by the C-droner, were taken to the Morgu during the month cf Jun ,,yt Sts list was sialler by thirteen cases than that of last May. The EarI cf Wemyss, who was 90 ycars old, cied ÃŽnLdndon on Tues- day.1 H. aucceeded - ta . ttle iu 1883:' Hic heir à la r lhe~u eideet, surviving ýon, bor n185 7. cia. For the. pat rwe4nty-ftyeYe Ma --eve- sinae the central (kvern- mont 1took over the'nmonopoly i.n._1r Baie, el aIcohoI-vodkac, ha. -bdome eaoh year a.> pore and moree imlpo>r- tant Ã,ctorJiiithe ipùperia1 reveéiue. This past- year-the last, budget of the Kokovitzeff, fil,îne ncial regimie- the. revenue from! vodka reaehed $500,OOO,Ooo. The. Agure geand.alized the -repectable senWeof serlous peo- pie.. But Kokovtzeff was entirely a laissez fare mian. Hic, prede.ces- s6rý and eneany, Wittè, had £n5de, alIcohoi .aGove'rnihent SOUiTS Of weath4o e ay for hie ambîtioffl raîl- road and ind4utitrI'al finance, and, Kokovtzeff was qut content to use the proceedst keep up the price.of Governmnent securities and. to keep the reve -ue side of th. budget abreaëk. -of the vast new ey- penditure -onùrmny land ixavy. Wltte's Plani Rejectcd. Into ths quarrel between finari- cial experts the decent outside 4pub- lic broke in with the demiand that the drink queation be handled, not, as a mere mnatter cf tmrnediate rêve- nue, but as the biggest of social 'and econome troubles in Russia. Witte camei core way tow4rd meeting thia- clami>0r, and proposed that the reve- nue' f rom alcohol reccived into the Imperial treasury should b. stead- ily reduced by reducing tii. sale of vodka until $35,ooO,noo should be the maximum'taken in one year. Èis proposai was rejected, in the Council of Empire by the territorial magnates who own the, distilleries which seli their output f,6 the Gov- ernuent, but th. discussion of the subject led to the overtli1row of Kokovtzeff . - Czar Nie7îplas of Russia. Ascide f romi the political phas.- of t-li question tien. is lhe plienome- non t-bat drinking has - incneased cnormously ia théo last liulf-d-ozc'î years-in Vie pe-iüd wien tien-eia bccîî a great inerease la tie, circu- latio-lo f nioîîey among thé pensant- rý. Ia t-he breaking .up <if t-le communes ca-t-a-ied by the new Lnnd Act, settiing Up fneehold fan- mers as tiie pnevailing agricîîltutral type ia Russia, peasants wio. sold out but did noV wisi t-h. wonk o!* building up homest-cads fer ticm- selves were pnid la cash from the State Peasants' Bank, an institu- tian subsidized by t-le Treasury fer thex epération -o! 1land transefers. Tinifty peasants liusbanded t-hein lith.e capital for Vicir. new liveli- iood; most- e! Vie ot-hers took it te thie "moaopolkL"-the Goverameat monopoly drink shop o! t-i-e-dis- trict. Drink to filet Dnîînk. It lins been snid thiat some people drink t-o quencli thirFit, otîiers to gel- merry but- a Russian te get druak. Any one wîo lias sea t-le couîntry drink sh(ýps lanJilussia will b. inclincd t-o fongive hlm. Vodka and nut-hiag but 'Vodka, le sold to b. dnunk out oif Vie ne-ck o! t-le bat--le and witiout a seat or table to, givti a ýtocia1 sease ta t-li per- formane. No ghasstis, no carafes o! drnking w-nIer, are la- lie place, no douibt because t-e c cîltoners wouid take t-hemn away, and t-lieos- tablshments arc ýGovernmý-nt pr-o- pcnty, and tie Treasu-ry, -a-s (ý,wner o! tic vodka mon opely, would have tu make good the lese. The banc squalor cf Vie dninking business serves t,, hast-en t-licdrinking Rus- sian'5 longiTlg for a "change cf meod." ' A few. ewigs at- t-le neck- a! is vodka boitle and he is la an- üet--r world as sure.lYas anY China- mnan drugged with opiu2a. Tiiere iz nothin-g festive about-t-ie perform- ane. To sce the group of Russians mad «wlihvodkalun Qe -public road ou-t-ide a mionopoîka le about tic mo-st repulsive ýpectaC1e iu the world; t-hein iornid, rae-anchoîy- heiplessness giveý t-hem t-lie look o! bcing dehumanizcd. Decent people wio want t-o pas. &long that road mu-st wait until tuey have inoreased tà Substanti-al à ùiîbers and have strong men ,mon'g tiheza And tii. agtolilshing t-hinÈ- 15thêt crimes oomattd f Vii.,s"tte are con-' ýntopYsinmpeW, and -other ' cen- ýare loeigiïercs, and 'd these ,y h&ve eoe- to Canada within lust three y.arc-. If' dihe see ofthe city certifie& that cer- doncdby Rùssian coudts and juries as ,unfo>rtunate acta el affiicted peo- :pic. The* invariable - verdict ' is, com.mitted inia "tte cf irresponci- bility," and tue sentence is eitMèér a few weeke' ixnprisonment* or, m 'ore commouly, nothing et aul. Floatlng Missions. TDie people in Russia who -areý trying t-o make- practical headway- on 4h. uines cf the -Czar#- temper- ance rcscnipt are -making a, bra~ve stir. Tis mon-thi tuey' have started, twe- fioating temperance missions froi T!ver- to navigate the. Volga and Kama and advanee tic cause-cf 'abstinence anicng the~ riverside population. On board .each aa'e a couple cf leeturers, and Viiere are cinematograph filie.sdernonstratlng,,I. tic s1peedy ruination that resulte f rom giving way t, o drink. - Like tue Czar'. "jas",train, wluih la out -on a similai' -mission,. on 'tue Goyern- ment riras hs taesds play ghas-tly graphie charts in color Of the anatcsmy of tic drunkard. This train has been on the. road for ~six weck's, and Viiere' is rifhl only euee train. Tic trouble is tiat such missions get tiec hance cf preaci- ing'oniy to tue converted. Butb it is isometiiing that their existence and purpose get tà lked about.. In the army tier, le better op- portuni-ty for helping tiie cause by direct pressure. Tice Czar ha& de-. creed that at the daily drinkuigof hie health at officers' regimental mess, it is enough to stafid up and make tiie geet-ure cf salute, Gen. If iknetzky, tic adjutant-ge-eral, responsible for the moral condition cf the allny, has issucd a long or- der on the subject, in ýwhich hie unaintains 4,hat Ruissiansg betwee-n. tii. ages of twenty and twenty-four -that is, during their aea cf miii- tary service,-are the healtuiest people for their years ini the world, and tint their systems do net nced any alcohôl at ail. If bef-ore, enter-: ing t-he army their stomache have been habitua.ted t-o tue use of stronrg drink tiey -should be served in thie regimental canteen w-liAi large onions sliced ,aad Vies. wil satisfy t-hem. Re urg'es officers not te drink in the presence of ticir, men, because example is a grcatcr influence t-ian anytiing else. He also fonbids cificers' clubs f rom epening credit accounts with their members,' as lias been t-he customn bitherto. la spite cf't-is theie u- munity cf the. drunken officer f rom t-le consequences cf hie acts re- mnains beyond ail underst-anding. l'le Russian Arîîîy. Recently at the buffet -of the miii- tary railway station at Peterbof a drunkenl officer kept demaîîding more drink after clesing timie. The private 'soidier scrving. at the bar was shot dead for refus,.ing to serve hlm. Anotier sokiier - who laid iands on him ttu restraiîî hlm f rom shooiag others, w-as court-martial- cd and sentenced Vo five ycars pe.- nal servitude for assaulting hic su- perler officer. The murderer, tic officer, was let dff wit- t'v-o menthe" confine-ment ta barracks for "excess commit-ted wliilc in a. sta-te of irre- sponsibility." - Russia has only 2,000 Govcrn- ment savings ba.nk offiecrs for the peeple, w-hile it lia-i <iver 7,000 drnking shops. Thc meet unflinclîing and best or- t;anized enemy.:of temperance re- form is t-ie Departmenit cf tic In- terior. Its peliti-cal police, spread ail over tic empire and sending re- ports on tic sayi-ngs -and behavior o! even tic Provisioaal Governocrs, --om- Lt;La up.osed te ere- forced'.., Tii. off ered empl£ this propossi and now otten getting higIliwà kes5 in! the mine and -metai induëtrie r&ý pidly *preadjng - over Riuscia -are less dangerous politically iftlley spend their wagee on drink. They,. are very gregaricus and talka.tive, a&nd wità some vodka added it is easy for îtheý police ta' learn ' h. naines of the workmen whe ýagitaitp paiu~ic amogthii~com rades-.Th-&, dangerc7us gsocirvolztionà riJs iin Rua- r te0 e Éoaes, aind thé -woret- enemies are e .r, fo1Iowéra8 who drink'.andl talk -atfarge. Sueh Ieeble paliatives as .tepmpeo4ee mis- sien steamboats and rallroà d, traine neverg'ét near the ro 'ugh m-iIRons* f band workers -w-ho are- nient to be saved f rom tii. vodka curse. And the ol-ia police esfpionage or- :ganîiaiton, -the real ultima*,e rui-ing pi6wer in Russia, will see to.i-t thi.t the. reform canipaign remains pret- ty mi4eh of an ornanmental ficurisii, I4 is due Woit that the-Russian,,peo- pie are still divided 'into beaots cif burden- «nd beakse of prey. and-the latter win ttheir games easiest Wicn tiie beasts cf burden- hâ>ble thera- selves in the. mire with thc oblivion IMMIGRATION RETUERNS. FeIl Off Fifty-thrcc Per - Cent. ln !April and ýîIa y. A despatch f rom Ottawa snys: Immigration returns for April and M-ay, the first. two montia of t h preseat, fiscal year, show a deeredi.s of ne less than 78,270, or 53 per cent., as colnpared with April and May cf lact year., The total for the two menthe wAs 68,153, includinfà 20,375 British, 2Q,,7J3 American and 27,065 f rom other countries. Thé- total -immigration for tue year is likely iW b. ies than 150,000, or back to where it was some ten years ago. Tii. decrease le xnostly in im- migration, from .Great' Britain, wiichd-eclined by 36,565, -or nearly, 65 per cent., a&comparcd with 4h., corresppnding two menthe cf lest year. The falling off in immigration f romi the United States wae 12,794, and Ln immigration f rom ert-ler for-- elgu coun1triees it was 28,911. U.S. AY QS DR. Sccre tà ry D aniels' Fanîous Ordeï Becomes Effective. -A despatch from Wà .siington says. Secraetary cf the- NavyDaniels' fa,- mous order baniishiag intoxicante from thc United St-ates 7Navy w'vent int effeet on Juîly 1. It not enly aboiished the traditional wine- mess. of the officers, but bare ail alcoholic liquiors f rom every ship. and shore ,station-of the navy. Begitnmng July 1 any officer found in possession'o! alcoholic liquor on board ship or a-t any naval station' will be guilty of misconduet. Ccminanding officers- will b. hold directly responsible foi the. enforcement cf the "dry" ediot. STIA)MP-REI'CEIPTS IREAVY. liiercase for the Year of OYer $58,- 000 at Mont-real Office.- A despatch f1rom Montreal says : The mÈoti just closed was a. record breaker at thc Provincial Tréasury Departmcent'o! the'- Court 1b.use Stamp ýOffice. The. total receipte during the monbh werc $33.529, cempared «witi $18,156.40 for tiie correspondingi -month, met year. The- comnpeÀ.Pcipts for ti ear- TIIEAgWCHDUKE'S ASSASSIN, Intended for a Longý Time to KiIi Leading Austriani, ani Glories in His GuiWt A despa-ol from Sarajevo says: Martial law ha-s be-en proclaimcd at Tuzia and Na.glaj because o! t-le serieus rioting in those towns, wicre much, Servian. preperty has been dest-nayed. ' Tic preliminary exainination by a Magistrat-e lut-ctie assassinatlcn cf tic Archiuke and hie wil!e show-' cd t-batLt had been thé. intention qf Prinzip te commit t-h.decd at Vhé7 time cf thie manoeuvres ab Ta.rsini, but tic, attempt was abendoneéi owing te the strict niilltary gu'ard which preventcd auy outsider freilm spproaciiingtii. Anci-duke. During tiie -pnelimînary examination Pria- zip -glorled'ia his guilt. Ré des- cvnibed the. killing-of t-i.Scuple, and declarcd ,tiat it md lbeen his intention for a long time'te kil-I a prominent Austrian. He -adreaid muci Anarchistic. literature and ht- become convinced t-h-at there could-b. netiing on carth finer t-han te, b- an assa.ssin. "I de no-regret tVee deed," -io said.. "I md natlîing t-odo with-i tii -bomb at-tack. Vhen I iejand 4h. - xplioi I exclaimed: 'There are still people wio fee'l and.-tiink as 1 do.' This sîreýngt-liened.,my îreso1ve Ne evidence lias'yet been f-ound against auy cf the other persousn arrested, 'witli the exceOption Of Ga- bnin"vies. They were- taken intoa. cus"oy becauee ofjthheir personalJv,