Menbers né bops wth' one applicasu. oui>' safe-wa>' to use a strong orth its cest as a tert:iizer. S not'iujure tise PlAut. 10, Ibisfor 25s J. Eu WILLIS -4 uool*t and Optielan MEDICAL HALL *rock St. Whitby, Pw.nmiualcarde J NO. E. FAREWELLo LC. Erstr, County Crown Attorneyand * County So1licitor.ý Office south wing Court Housel, Whitby. A. F. CHRUSTUAN krrdstsr. 5.eitor, Nisrwy Pff. ic. c Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank, Moncté toLoan. JAMIES RUTLEDSEo Barrisftor, Etc. Moaey te Loan on easy îerms. Office immediatel>' south Royal 14otel, Whitby,'Ont.' 6. VQIJNG SMITN, Lus. Issuer of - MARRIAGE LICENSES Court HJouse, Whltby, or residence. 9. A. Je.1SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Cenveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa# - Ontario Off&ce-No. 2 King St. E, 'Mackie Block - Residence-52'Drew St. ÈbOm5é"ffice,ý 321; gesidence, -326. DENTAL W. "AXS, Dtint, Olfice, Dudu BSO1ROidenS -No. 4, the Terraoe UaiomýSt., Whtby. Phono Ne. 122. JAS. 131SHOP Ohava,' Lioensed Auctioneer. Buo- mm« os bL. Fairbanks. Ver terme 'S44t8apply'to self .or G. Robb,j LICHBNi53t) ACTIONBER ANI> VALUATUR., AUl kiuds 0f sales promptly. attend- .1 te. Arrangoments for aiescen ue maiad e theGaette offic. B M& a Independent phonos. WHITBY. ONT. KINOTONROAO FARM Kingst>n Road tarm, Durham County, oe bundred and îbirty eigln acres dlay loam, withln two miles oi railway depot and village. Nine roomed dwelling, nearly new, bank.-barn, driving house, -:Piggery, Poultry bouse. .Thereus about *fort>' acres standing timber on the property, valued at~ three thousanci *dollars. Price of tara, sixty five jmnudred. 4OHN PFISHER & ee 409. Lumsden Buildi'ng TORONTO Ieai~ & Sons Sonoral Llvory and Oray B usiness Bais lu ail trains. IAUTO MOBILE FOR RIRE; aloHacks, Carnages and Bige of &Il kinds DAY OR -XIGHT. Belllphones-.89, 14 mid 74. 8$,ables aud Ofice: à r ai a u li6 DihThe aewerage question 'camDr. Wure. aeo In fr "ie had knko,,aiefor denled that heh."ba er, sorne:itrong support, but the mattor mombr of the Bo !i gave promise of cairrylag the session ed for a toerage «sy*ui woe she ww s'a'houri, 80 t 1fr.beablth ef the towis bould IH Lily ba beb shelved , util' a spe- good. Do u'otwalt for îw loMfüai ~ing on Thursday. - te carry~ f eou o Thse battle.of words began oarly. stali 'a uystem, Pt ktlba Mayor WIlls 'gave a short summar>' avoi an>' danger. Te re of the oreats -loadlng- ipp, to the pro. the waterworks sys WC sentý situation, andtatêd-thst the creasei by ,sewerage MÉ ueld-tenders for, varlons parts. of- vu' sbrongfy lu4nfa or o th1e sewerage, system. had boon open- and of startlng atoce ed by-_111. e egineeus, Messrs. BMrray oaa bear lt osly, sali 4cLowes, on Monda>' mornlag. Wit- ev Btoa w a hyhalbee fortunate ln getting 1ev- of the sewers. The 'wîl htenders for 1h.eseworage (lOnstZ'l10conie morne time.; He vas ,tien,, three for the 1 disposiai works, lé11.4 with th1e Jan ar>'I s!id -Ove for supplylng pipe, Whereas ever, ,-. and advlsed aubul in the. cases cf Osbaw? oui>' Ibree question 8a.gain. tenders wore reoed. This tact wu As8aà - harmin of $reet duie to, th present cheapnes of la- tigeMr. Hallet a Poadscarcity fwrk ad segwerage at anyit 1»hi erued te the towa's benetlt, as was oxperuence on thi tr Iwo later pointed ouI by ,IMr. Murra>'. neei. Thse biggeat .k , he Oue- ofethle tenderors had elated that [rom those who alr y the, prioe. ho quoted was tife iowesI tanks. Re also emp ze ho had ever put In for a job, but'cho that $15,000 or $20,0 badl te have the work, and ho there- saved now on account o fore quoted S 10w price._ labor market. . Mr. WIlip rend the. followlng letter Mr. Colwill wasc pn froin Dr. McCuilough of the Provin. o il eesw tta clal Board ot J4ealth - o wt odcs i ib lo 4"Dear Sir,-The Provincial Board tHoesystéld ifag ins bmo et Hleallt, having Inqulred'inte, as- "I favor sewers, andW(, certatned and considered the iaxist- start riglit away," as M ing çanitâry conditions ln your muni- opinion. cipalit>', ereby report tisat il is of Several ot tho Cou dulor the opinion that it lB necessary in gain, and Mr. Laidiaw and the- interests of the publie bealth ren 1 ngaged in a ively that a sewerage syntein should bée s- natured tilt. tablished inl your muicipality." Tflen arone a que s ion Mr. Willls interpréted thus letter neari>' everyone bail soin -as an order to proceed with the sys-anvi.wsth Iler tom, and sald that the statute pro- Board ef Healtis an )rder vides tisat where the. Provincial an opinion? Dr. Wairon Board of Heaitis reports ln writng only an opinion, but the1 tisaIit isla the Inlerestn of-public -terpreted 'o n re isealth t tisaasyslom be put la, _il beo e i asedab ol shall not be necessar>' 10 obtain th Town solicitor. Ot rs di consent ef the electors, and the Coun- aan. A raitoe éil shal- pass all necesar>' by-laws were put forward. and prooeed te have the work, put Wre-owilT through without unnecessary -del>'. not le- unt. suait cce Ia view of titis.- act ho advlsed pro- ole-ut ucti a eeeding at once with th1e- work. He posailihas been approyed b) peinted out that tise 4tenders- aggre- erI>' owiers. gaIed $107,784, about $7,000 les Moor.-Tbat we adjo than'the ostimate made b>'the en-Wednosday night, " oede, gineers, and that titis amouat tnlght tle efvi lized.ty nol be saved' b>' dolaying, as tise îow Moore-Halet- T at w prices are not sure to hold good. If to gel the opinion c f th thîs sum ç! money, la - spont, a large licîtor. hs ic proportion o! lit will remain right in Thirougitout hsdsu town. The total cost, incliiding en,- 1'Ti'5 rn aîntained bhatt glneer's feen, expropriation tees, etc.,ofCo. arewell was netc Iwould be about $114,000. Mr. Willin ha the -statement ëf tite 'strongly' tavored immediate proceed- Healtt, whether te lettei ure.T. order or flot, sholId be r.T-Aird -Murray' then presented Finally, out o!f techao, a revis-w of the tenders. For Iaying was rogeven4jiur t~he newerage system, o! the SeVen ot theveng for furt er co 'tenders received te lowest was tronif h matter, and or th Mr. R. B. Stewart, now a Whitbv- iord fromlte TDe artni man, who had a contract for con -'wa rietes esf struction on the C.P.R. Mr. Stew- agreeing bo alliqw tieir te art'a tender bail been tound satistac. stand tili then. tory, and was recommended for ae- A depulation frein the i- ceptanoe, the prioe being 153,443.75. was present asking for a1 Neit lo*est was lte John Conneli>' leant $250, lte sanie as laE Co. aI854650 Th oter .en the purposes of the Show, ersrageu as-i4,650.$The000. teu-tobe bigger and be tter1 erj agdu s ig 3$600 h Messrs. Pre acA cont entiniated b>' th e e)gineers was landF. H.Aes l-atc, A. te 1$59,F.0H.-Atnes1 pakeen For newage disposai worksth mler tender of V. V. Fry, o! Toronto, for mt iotodappreva l 5 $24,942.94 1was recommended, il being maad th alterowill bem about $700 below the next tender. n h atrwl ef The estimated cont had been with at the meeting Thuri Mr-Mia xlandta r The gentlemen spe king Stewrt Mura>' explaued wtaéx Show were asked foT an Mtrt ror h had o tdonc -he hlm'the sewerage questio-i1Tç Mn.Arou, wo addou tsejo b tavor of t g on aI once, £1- Oakvllle, and that'Mr. Fry w as pute wan orig tcuni te mana who put la. the disposai peîiaeut works at Weston. CosnWho was - apeaki ng al Tht utalo ewe Pie ~ refused to enter in o ft t,.erOrnitar-sewer Pipe Cw.a dlcnuon a suggestion, an opinion. H. sïaid IJ. E. Waterhouse tise Asybum would net nmake ceane- C-JnTr.cRordy.... tien with the system, and ho was C.A. Geedteîlow & soi deubtul about lb. Colbege -and otiser . B. Laidîaw.... large places. We have tise scisools le J. E. Waîerisou.. look atter aise. Tisere l net a Can. Coolidautmd'Ru b* hoaltisior town lu Canada titan Whft- Co . ...44., ... i..... - b>'. We do not, need lise. sewerago Bell Telopisone Ce. tystem. Mr. Harper was net -alisfied wltb the vote of lutI Januar>' eltiser. Mo HORTICULTTJR.L N was stroagi>' la favor ef tise"Stem, TheMSro tri M do bu*wanted te bave the mantdate 11cf ltural Soclet>' ar re lise frooholders oethbie $ewn befere mut luabiseAgriculi voblug ln Couacl te go On with %01eridzy, Julyl10, a 8 ol ,work. albsns. Mr. Lai dlau' rose te suppor theb buIess. Pw l prepresal 'lo proceed 'at once. M. V. V bite law Il is not umeemar>' to et gol p mbr tidaetf 'the approval of 1he ratopayes. 'A 1'&e id ar nPat r tebnati,4oethlBo Darde!fHeaibt july 249 on lte lai m h" bIsef hmr,and lhe repor ead t N. G.-A. Nl.m. O' pet i*t. t@t 501 pet cent. Dlscount on (Ail L FOOTW EAIRb A Complete Stock, to Select From. remueA or j xvery insu .rou-mIgp s- quesO ! Iof8'Phaso V r- ;ii5 mooS uea-ý rould be iu- 1Ivis1ters, mmd eouu i>' W lday, t1lbue, ofCental ,sIudlit;Dr. Chou. Ir. Lailaw spacious halls eft béýllege cpm- I Oliver, ef Cen~trai Tuila; Miss Ebhel ,f- -ewerage mnced ib ecli. wltb*Is.ring of bap. - Giomdluniu& e f aetral ludia ; 114g T he towa py volceaaî wfit4lis of, elitMary-ýT. Smis est Chinýa;Dr. aà ,o ld friends met à igain. Strasugèrs f ord Elboru, West_,,china missi mein laaver vere lntheducod, '& ' comraâaiip Lue>' M..Joues, of ludia; Bj ey. Gil- Ihave teon MPrOvg" ansd Moe .the. a ie. tEadie,, t of suù hn a 1v hard>' mat- lng meal ws cal04. a . - H. E. StllwelI, et ludla; Rey. W. vote, how*- as on, lre lb.,The, Houptl G. Cenuelir'ofe .apaa. dlting tie b>' Coiilmitee ad z4 spiendid '. Mr, Eadie gave a ver>' (nterestiug' rangemen t oi 111e éerlaiment e -:O ecunt lia tour titreugb is lpart e-t bt at on. thb,-e dlegate,. Tb eiigltraten w#0 the ceuntry', and relatai soerpefethie lu tavor id systumaîr aann e4,sd soon lise 1ePferincs met ilu1ltheovoryýday lite ev Irons dolegabos -were Cons rtabIY settllofethlie misslenar>', siewing isow lthe riht Wfisiby lu tise'man>' splendid roomi u int atitude ef lise n$ssienar>' overeom»S he said, was building, thse opposition and breaks -down théý bave septlc A-t th@e peniug sieson, 1ev. Dr. barriers for lb. advauce ot Christian- Od lte tact, R. P.' MacKa>', Charluof!'tise Can- itlnlatise Eit. eould be adia Cuncýlo etl r11uionary Edu- Tise atterneen heurs Iliroutgs tise, t te easY cation Movemel, a . Secrelar>' -et week aie reserved for recrealion. tse Board oet'Poreg Ms ion ttse This depar-tmea t ofactîvit>'la un- ed le, going Prombyterian- churehIsnl Canada, pro- der the- supervision e!of Éev. -S. R. iotiter voe. ulded. The singfng;, was under- tise Fittch, pastor ef lise Watertord, Bnp- ru tnfave! et capable direction etf3Mr. W.C. Sen- liaI. Churcit, *hoe bam outlined ai tted. ler, Secretar>'ofetblisq aplist La>'. splendid merles of tennis and croquet, 'uid sa>'te men's MISSionar>' Moyement, snd Dr. tournameats, and has organlze' lthe Nr. Meore'a xMwacR> thon urged tlie importance basiebalillngue, ceonsistng ef Triait>', and necessil>'ofet lring laIe lthe Ontario 'West, Barrie,' Toiento, and nr apoke a- coaterence whole iseaÎli ln a rder Hamilton. A -gent den! cf lateroal ,d Dr. Wnr- ybut geed- I on which nething te [ ro- lthe' ror merol>' said il wns Ma yor la- randisd' J. arewell, doubtod titis ýal mÙotions entracis be ns te pro- by tise prop- ONTR1RTO LADIES' COLLEGE, WHITBye. 'uj -mi tisat ,tise eb>octs eftht~e Coaferonce is beiag sisow a inthis deparîment,' juf ti gho beattaiaed. !!à l' Meusted tIsIat " t laevdu iabs-dlfrt eaven -te bever>' delegato'e Ë;à coé perate'with events mn>' b. closel>' eont0sted, a- the leaders ln seeking b>'Iteir car- bout seventy being entered lithe tea- vo adjeuranonstuns 'lu proparallen te noaiizq nia tournamont.: alone. The new eTown Se- tis., Rev. Dr. J. G. Brown, Genen- swimnung tank la mucit nppreclatod. ussieu Mr. I ai Secretary eftne Bapligt Foroign b>'tise Young men, nent etfvisom, tbeo opnoBMu oa rd ndteDean ef Mis- have.their quartera a inthe gymn. enougit, and joua courses, enipiaolzlng tleIs. mm- FUAYEEIG iBoard et portant pelis ina cd. . A deep latorest marked tse ovea- er wbtan Tise citoice et ten stud>' books was iag session.Tise speakers were Dr. à , oainod.of offered, oach debegate being required Gifford Kilborn, et West China, and: ýsa mtjo toenroll. Thte books used and lthe Dr. Citene Oliver, ef Tudia, liotit o! untsl Thurs- teachers oetame 'are ns folîows witom. have spent n number et, yeara âme te get "Social Aspects o! Foreign MisW uIe epclv onre n1s en. Ttssien,' 1ev. Dr. .J.G. Browan . u Kislltor a, w isionaryo tseie nl enderThis 'TeEmergency in China," 11ev. DMethodin Msso l hnasbu te %l tndeersGillies Endie. MtoitMsini hnsoe tenders te "Sunrise in the Sunnise Kingdom b>' mens o! a map lthe Lituation o! (.Japn," Rev. W. C. Connoil'. ltat large and important missnlen FloseShw ieId. Site aIse outbined lthe polly -boseSho S"outht AmenicnProblema," Rev. olt or u eeec e i ed at ea R. .M a.ical work. -Every contrai mission et year, or "Indià Awakoniag," 11ev. H. E. station is nupposed le have n dec- Ibis yenr. "S'i"l n l lteD-k onient ton. bu titis way, net ouI>' is tise W. Jackson "Dabrakinth DrkCoti sympatt>'and confidence etflthe peo- th "Hefial the SckV" Rs..' pie gained, but aise tise italtit oet "iOa dhed net ber MD..Kil the missielsnnits in ltse sectton cared 50 dd nt brnM. . 1for. Among the man>' lateresting ail bands, '"Strangers Within Our Gatos,' cases descnibed b>' Dr. Kllborn, was furtiter dealt Rev. C. .J. Cameron. tat of a woman Irea vitea a tumor rsday cveu- "My Nl-eigittor," Mms. F.C. Steph- weighing 113 pouuds was talien. Tte enson. Misin iaiosending ot'dontîsîs "The BlMcksiondelaBalsoriut, n e lHonne b"The Clack Bade itna, who are net ouI>' fiudiug large and opisa CnRe. . PaC. PfsteCnd a uccessful practice, but are provlng a roin èion S ev. H. C.of Prhes liet Candiahevaluas,îe auxill'ar>' b lthe . Mission am ads Scrtn'oteMee ntad i staff. 1, nd di- xecutive Secretar'ofethtie Conter- AI Mr. Jack- ntitn outîîueîi lie daily pro IDr. Oliver's addness ouninedlical kt f**h ence, en y ..T..A4,.urne Iiu.noÈl.A 4.. ..44 furtiser di»- à fer - Mnn- wisy Brock een watered, assed at fast o! tise Vire rplained ltaI e ise wnler- mg Jul>' and tering was da>', July'7 .... $52.00 .....27.017 57.02 ITY. 9.00 ....187.14 ....44.00 4.50 -;..27.50 1.04 bber .0.00 NOTES. of th1e -ion- 5queSted le 'ecle. Spe- th1e Baptisl lo, wda>', R«1e. and gram te be -tollowed during the wc+ek. Mrnuing. 6.30-ARising Bail. 7.10-rIntercession. 7.80-Breakfast.* 8.00-Pialfona Meeting. 8.15-9.00-Bîble Exposition. 9.10-10.3-Mission Slnd>'. 10.40-11.30-Open Panliameul. 11.40-12.30-Missiouary Heur. 12.45-Dinner. Atternoon. 2.00-6.00-Resl and Recreallon. 6.00-Supper. Eveniug. , 7.15-10e Scrvice Meeting. 10.0-Retlring Bell. - FRIDAY MORNING. Sisorti>' atter sumise on Frida>' mernlug tiese lumbrofret tisitlIes was rudel>' dlslunbcd b>'tise claugiag et lte gongs. Tise majeril>'lten galhexed lu tise auditorium for the firat perlod et inteession under tise, dIrecton. of Mr. Senior. Imuiediate- 1>' alter breakfast, 11ev. Prof. Mc- Laiigislu, et Victoria College, Tenon- te, comZnenced a,- seies- et Bible Ex- poiien, 'takiug asuhbmstiseme "Tise Misuilonnny'Message-efth11e Bible." Tise varlous Mission Study groupa tisou assembli lu tlier clasa xooms. Tise liraI Open Parliamentoet tise Cenlerence 1er 1he discussion et Prai- lI Metiodo of Mimionar>' Educa- lion, w" led b>' 1ev. A. E. Arai- mtxeng, *ovisedsusmed tIsejnlohiliua standards efthtieCisurcis, Young J'eo- ploe'1 Secleosand4 Suais>'Scisols. lie rcommended tht Ishore seui Seo a central, chëurcb- Mlsmiouaxy Commit' tee eeMPosed oetbathum n sd we- 'nou 'irlbh-repremtstAye. trem ise, vanne Pa1%tidt« fqwel&. - - ci-» wurgin u aIIJOwGU LLDivaL4 VUwAiiU close attention, and - made a marked impression. Atter deacribing lte van- bous tentures lunlte lite o! -the Mis- sionar>' doctor la titat land, ase de- scriited lte large opportuail>' for titis type of missienan>' service.nlan-di a, and concluded b>' making n moat sennciting appeal *fer lte dedication of ite and its luventinent lu Ihal formi of service ltaI would yfeiii lte ver>' langent relurus. One oethlie !eatuý,?s efthtieConfer- ence l iste singing , under lise InsPir- ing,,beadensitip et ýMn. W.C. Senor. Mra. J. G. Brown, et Toroato, ably prealdes at tise 7ongan, and. Mrs. Homult and Misa Constance Kilisora at tise pianos. Witen thse 200 deis- gatea under suait leadersip sing - as delegates 10 tise Wiitby' Cenferonce siug, tise almospisere la electnical. Thte Salurda>' mornlug session epened witb tise second Ia tise serles 'A Bible Expositins b>' Prof. Me- Laugihln. - Tisese periodi are belng munis enjoyed. The quiet and gra- cions spirit o!&lise leader, anibise Illumination iso lhrc>ws upon Serip- lure, render titis t .our a deligisl. Ia _devololl(ng is subjeet, I"Tse Missienar>' Message efthtie Bible,$? Professor McLnughuifl, for hlm sec- ond lesson develôpedlise earl>' stops lu tiese nIe>'oe!redemp-I lion. Beginnlng lInlise 121h of Gm-i cals and cenliaiuiag le lite 28rd otf Exodus, ho sbowýed isew' God firslt enliai Abraham -sdann L- li Cevmnulrelation ils hlm as au Indîvidual. Latex 1be called- VcVS~, sud enterod labo lise marne .Ç-,'Oen- asit relations wbh Israël as&a Os- lieu.' Thoen passing 'tiste 91.1 cisap- foreof Jeemialh, the Profeoser xead tlhe -ptophesy of 1thé new ovuait,. Peel's Sho( 'p- K 7IJ~JL ~ Plies. 111 TANAR t TBY BRANCH C. A. MceIeUumaag.r., !avlb ron (C. A.Cleln aaerfwah 1gw psSrup Pure, and H'ighestlGrade -that that can be made. Gallon Tins - $I.38 A. TLELAWLR W-IffTBY, ONT.- Phones: Bell, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 EARLY OHI0 E ARLY -SIX WEEKS and IRISH -COBBLERS For late DELAWARES GREEN MOUNTAINS and V ULCANS Garden Seedas New and choice Our B.uIk Seeds are the finest obtainable. W. B..PRINGLE & 00..- WHITBY ONTA4RIO - - - - - -u muu bmumo WRITERS DEOLARE THEN RIOHI PArPER, PE-N AND- INK BOUGHTz!:AT W. J. fi. RICHARDSON'S -WHITRY DÂNK TRONTO WHI dAI oSdpü dt sbook waeeLWI ",h&a,sof put o« the evrdeu" tiwmt dmIq. -i [i Seed- Potatoe-s1. For early we have- i .4 4- t BROCK ST. STATIi M2AGA 1 Il . ý 1 p ýç if A-7