kOODpELLOW .LS Il Le afl 'EvAing Insect8. -u uqIvu TATO BU6 FINIS&. cady for uedry.Nu mixing requircd. Sticks te the vines- or Icaves, and kills ail the insects and.' potao bugs with one application. Tleenly safe way te use a streng .1 isce. et injure the plant. 0 0bh. for 25c. ~J J.Et WILLIS DJ[raggist and Optielan aroeck st. wWhitby. LEGÀ]J MN. E. FAREWELL, K. Ce Do5idîr1 tr, County Crown Attorney and 4 County Solicitor. 9fikc south wing Court iousc, Whitby. S A. E. CHRISTIAN parrS.<Mr. Solicitor. Notery Public. Etc. Mce, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. JAMES RIITLEDGE9 Barristor, Etc, Meney ta Loan o'n easy terms. ,!ilmecfiately south Royal Hotel, Wkitwy, Ont. e. vouiNG smiTN. LLi. Isouer of MARRIAGE LIC ENSES. Court House, Whitby, or residence. Do Au Je SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyalicer, etc., etc. Oihawa, -Ontario , ffcNo. 2 Kig St. E,--Mackie Blockr Rcsidcnce-52 Drew St. euoes-fc, 321; Residence. 326. W, ADAMSO Dentiat, -Office, Dundas frset, Raldence. No. 4, the Terface »y"« St., Whltby. Phono No. 122. ÂuOIioNEERs JAS87 BISHOP Oshawa, Llcensed Auctioneer. Suc- oeUS ot L. Fairbanks. For terme ! Md dates apply to self or G. Robb, WM.MAW ýICENSED AUCTIONEER Af%1D VALUATOR. AIl kinda of sales prornptly attend- ed to. Arrangements [or sales cau be made at the Gazette office. j Terme reasonable. Bell and Independent phones. WIIITBV, ONT. FARMS ANUTRUETLAND WANTED2 - We sell ,à ll elasses od suburban a n d 1 êountry real emtate. Every d ay we have enquiries for sorne cla ss of property in Ontario, and we mayhave thepýurcliaser wîo usece an wbat you have to s eil. -JOHN FISHER &20. Y409 Lumsdèn Building TORONTO Jos. b ril &-sonsd 1~~ ~ Bus and-Dray Business, Bus te ail trai'ns. AUTOMOBILE FOR IIIRE; also Hacke, Carriages -aid -B'ige of ail kinds DAY OR NIGUIT. Bell phoîee-39, 14 and 74. Stables and Office: 86Ifofeot. I.,1109Ygont# FOR UIT NO-W" inPomps, Patent Leatherý, -Ni. -Kid, Gua' Metal, New Jihe iateT n %;I'stile 'CAO dilua LAM VI JAIf i.,ix a, nL- -A MR. CHAS. CALDER.' IBand i proi ine<t ahd I was pretty generally agr ,that the type or men en] Year ln 'the 84th le above agb. This la the resuit cf vor by aIl théoffice rs tc froni *thelirpycl the maires theéaùnuai cam nity to MI1 two weeks full carouslng and as littie lxi as possible. Many companies lni the filled their ranka with mei recrits from thie great m W. 'E. N.51 Mr. Calder is tic Conservative can- until the paper was on the press that L.IJ1 IE. didate in South Ontario for election il was seen how bail the eut bad lie- ta tic Legisiative Assenxbly at the corne, and in tic rush ta catch the Polling Juni forthcoming Provincial elections. mails it was allowed ta rua through Though Mr. Calder has flot favored tic, entire edition, ratier than de- the Gazette and Chroni oie witb bisi lay the paper while matter could lie To tho'ýElectars of South Ontario. electian addtess, wc gladly priat the i set up ta 1111 tic space occupied by Genlemen aid Follew Electors abeve excellent engraving to make a- the eut. Ih saanbe eaatda mends for tic printing iast week a! a jThis explanatlon Is made because It 1hv g' ennmntda very poor lins drawlng ef Mr. Cald- h as been suggested by narrow minds cadidate for the Legioiature b>' the Pr. This lne drawing- was usèd some tin.t the eut s printed te "knock" Liberals 01. South Ontarie. MIen years aga, but it seems te have be- Mr. Calder, than -which nothing could two yars and a hall of ths regular corne damaged. LasI ucek, with the be farther froni the truth. tour ybar terni, the parliament in wish te publish à cut et Mr. Calder, We are Indebted -te the Oshawa Re- prnmaturely dfÃiolvsd, sud,th. -ounn- the " mak4e up'" man on this paperj former for the use of the above en- try put te thfe uWNnosr>' 'ense o! huntsd up this old,>.cut. It was not I gravîng. an election. Tbe Goverumont at dis- solution haà 34 -m4mbffl te .op- posi tioe1, iaad l ave net en- BROf%%CK STREET SOUTH nit4a> o1ywlbrqre the endsrsatloa jet, lii peop. The' TO BE WATERED apparent "no ler'he premature et Sir James Whitney, whlch will Because of their Inporturity Council Yiejds to undoubtediy prevent bis holding the s~eqes~ f Brck SreetResients offce as Prenter. A re-rgalzatfon D i et f rckSretR siets fthe Cabinet ull ne doubtiSe made aller the election, whf ch the people eset- r. . ,are now entltled te hbave before an Once again a deputation represn- Mr .W. Jcko appeared befere'elecîf on. se that thev mav kn who conisa. ninn MYoramlars. Thes Dominion'- 00 vur mn S ies n eay oî n xo tii.aorlu WC.TTJ.Superintendent ws.s ar, the înB'W I d rh-6edAmurUsie fil-ïesuxnas for the Special-i Men's and py'p Work Boots-, sold Wlioeeae. and Betail ord uven cd.- Pat4y Sppteciat. -) ~ Lderahp' O Whitby Compaay, aider Lieut. -G. ~ -W.Pw;Eve"y, liad about 80.'on the, roll, P~k JIJ )J J~ n tmIIalil tem iomç,,brewoê or at ,«1t -or -- Tei R6Ã"6kîreidents o! tbelVbltby-;Pickerlng, dis- pbthey triaitThis le rte beot r-shouWlag-made t.W iL.Ot hs 'e *M 4M 1 e éô nty 1o n oiùe-yar, Srock S t. Soui , w i b . i s 5 ber'no _t 'te good w rk bas ,oramUsbeen bu.iftilu loped tbat a strong9 ______________________________ epaywl1 be a pemanent .tvare *edý ber.. - -a- TH re.whCol, Bickin icommand ef the ilisted this regiment again, but Major Sami re the aver- Sharpe Io unable te be pressaI, and f an endea- In hie place Major Theo. -A. McGilli- ýo eliminate vray, le acting s eioSajr man Who Capt. Earchmang;ý formerly in corn- af as much t er-Master, a position filled for years mT nest work by Major Dillon; of Oshawa. Harry 8061-sets n S. Carneron, aifIleaverton, la Adju- - fl ]lb h cqq h past bave tant. à wý»dS 0F CANA A h&dueMu.emdPovides a who were We tigpeak for -the reginent a 0 ,C M , dc ass of city profitable and enjoyable cam'p.' m m I u nd ~JCLAIR. LIBERAL ing tne resmacairs aleag trocIc Street1 seuti appeared bef are the rown CouncIl at their meeting on MIonday night and repeated their denîand to! have tie street watercd. 'Alil th% arguments that lad been used before were repeated, and others presented, Messrs. Smith and Blow being the; spokesmen. Tic conditions prevai - iag were represented as unhearable, and the petitioners begged that the1 Côuncil shouid show theni some con- sideration. Evidently the troubles of the peti- tioners bad at last penetrated into thc consciousness of the Councillors, for, witi the exception of ;%,r. Moore, they ail professed conversion, and were now favorable ho watering tic Mr. t Harper had been flguring eut the cost, and statcd fiat the esti- !mate of $100 made some lime ago was unfair, and excessive. Tic tume required to water froni Trent street souti bticth bridge mad been esti- raatcd at 11~ hours, wiereas la esti- mating thc cost 21~ hours had been charged fer. 1-ence tic cost te tice towa would lie $50 instead of $100. It requi'red that the Streets and Fire and Light Comnittccs should make an adjustment of the work ef tie team te, meet fie chgngea condi- tions. The deputation agreed that tle ratepayers would pay the same rate for the ' ervice as allers 310w PUY. As tis' charge cannot be added to this year's tai bills, il was suggest- ed tint tic Clerk manke out an ne- ceunt for eacb ratepayer, In' the luith tint tie sanie wauld lie paid proemptiy, otherwlee the service weuid be discentiîued. "Ple- deputation witidrew greatly. pleased with tic resUlt of thoir ef- forts. Mr. A. E.' Christian appe-aredl on behaif of the Grea-ter Canada Im.' provement and Land Co. The Ce. have made a suli-division a! the lande east et Brock Street and soutb ef Blurns Street, and before tiey can1 register these plans tie -approval -oef the Council must lie, btained. This Mr. Christian asked for and obtain- ed. Mr. C. M. Willecor appllc' d for a cement- crosslng on B3yron street.1 This wças referred te tihe Streete Commuttes. Tic sewcrage systeni engineers haît Prepared and submitted- cep>'e! an' advsrtisement for tenders for ticý construction et the scuerage systemn. This hnd lissa approved by tic Se- lititor and was aocepted b>' Ceuncil. Mayor -Wilis repeVted tiat 'an as- lessment ef $25 had been mads upon muaielpatlties te defray the expenses of tue -Hydro-ElectrilaUlway ad- vertilng and preceedinge, - and on motion of Bateman and Moore, Whlt- by's contribution Ilîl be forwà rded leô the Treaiurer. FOR -5. ONTARJO )e 2 9, 1914. gatiens are being blocked, and all be- cause a weak oýpposition bas b=e overpowered. by a large gevernmeat tollowing. And aow a hast>' appealj le made te the people wfthout just cause wbsa the terni te net much moe than halIl expired.I ', 1 bave eerved tue peopîs et Suth Ontario for threc Sessions lu the1 Legielature followlang ail the work as carsfully as I could.' Havfng, again boon nominated, I appeal te yeu fer support, and if again elccted, wliU do ail la my power te assisti any - tblngthat may bc for the benefit of South Ontario, and for th. e*llure! of the citizeship of - the Province,1 particulanl>' fa matters; o! social and, moral referni,- ne matter which side' ef the Houe proposes it, reservfug! te myseîf at aill, tumes the rlght toi vote aid set as*! It myi>'opinion sons rlght. It le impassible fer nme te esee 'the ('ouncil on' behaîf *o! Ms.a- -Mt»e -l, -"M-& --Mu01UtVU çrà .Vuuilu UVSl nier of erry - f rs. al-are e bo ln control. It is not trust- the rldlng in the sher-' timo at my nir 0 eryStreet, who has hadt lng the people ln a way whicb. the -disposai1, before June 29, but if ln to go to an expense of over $100 ta Govorument sbould? not allowing the your opinion 1 bave ln the past ro- drà iii ber eellar. Owing to the lay of the land at that place, -rnuch qi the drainage of a large area had ,sroaked into Mrs. Palrner's cellar, and the only wav she could get rid- of it, owing to the opposition of a neighhor to opening and cleaning <out a drain, now running across his premises, was to dig a i-ery drep drain along Perry street to st. 'John Street and east for a consideralgle distance. Friends had suhscrihed $30 towards the cost of -the drain, anid Mr. .Jackson ashed the (ouneil for $50, hecause inî bis view tlhe town would benefit from this drain. Mr. Moore thought $30 w-as ail the town should contribute, and that amount was granted. bMr. E. R. Illow's tender for coal was accepted. i The following accounts were ap- proved and ordered paid: John MacU'arl--------. ..$30.00 1 J. MeIèntvre-----------....7.40 John Newport ............ 2.50 .Jas. 5ýawdon ...... .... ..38-40 H. R. Burdge........ 375 1The Water and Light Commission- 1want muney for permanent exten- sions, and on motion of Bateman- Harper, the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized to negotfatewith the Standard Bank for a lban of $Zl- 000 for that purpose. Thie Committee an Town Prop- orty were authorized to repair the town scales. Couneillor - Lailiaw submitted a sgmIple, or proef copy of the- booklet lie ie preparlng of Witby. He stat- ed that he was havIng 2,000 coptes printed, and If the Cauncil wanted SOMe COplem for qdVArtlsiggpurpoqe they could be obtained atb--loc* Oach, On Motion b! Moore and -Hallett,- Mr. Lailaw was instructed to erder 500 coptes prfnted for the une et the people a chance tâ select their. owa prëssnted yeu faitbfullY, 1. appeal t&- tolwn. admiistraters, but on the contrary you for roux support and Influence Reference was 'made by- Mayor WiI.. t la a selection of your gover nors to again siset rme tri a fflt in théè lils ta the [aider that was belng by caucus; 'Tue transaction %of Public Legisiature. Befng a*naîîi f South prepar-ed by Instructions et the Coun- busginegs basnet been sati sfactorily Ontarioe, wfitIL p.! lpyy essionoa,1 cil for use at the Ad Club Conven- carrlsd on wfth the' over- agrcultural:ýand Othe r lnteérests cen- tien. Mr. Annes had wigtten a whslming gevernuient major! ty, and tered bers,. 1 bave neo ther end te' lengthy article, but Mr. Laldlaw It would be better for the govera- serve than the weîfare Of South On-_ bad tliaught tlis tee elaborate, and ment. itseli and the country at large tarte, and I lbave It te YeU te de- had prepared soniething much short- If there were a lairger opposition o! cide whether yoU *wf eh me te again en. From tliese two the Mayor was active mon te scrutin! zo ail begiuia- render My services te you as your to select saimething suf table. tien ln a legisiature wbere se much Member ln the 'Legisîsture ln1 the The meeting adjourned at 11.30, of tbe legislatîon lnef a bus(ness na-f neit- Paîliameouitoe Ontario. ture rather, than a mattor ef ai Mty record la befere you ail as a DEATHS. parte pollcy affecting financial In-' member of the last ,Le 1ître n GRAINGER...Inl Whitby, on Sun- trse prier te that au Mâyor ef the Towa day, Juno 14, Wm. Grainger, ageil The -proe bas kopi yen ail Inferm- et Osbawa, a member et the Coun1ty 66 yers ed of wbat ln going on- ln the Legis- Ceuncil, and 131 other public Offices, lature, and et how yeur mon.>' (s and on that record 1 arn contenlt EAS'IWOOD-On Wednesday, June being spent. Yen know full well how that you should' judge of my fitacea 10, 1914y at the residence ef ber educatienal matters are being band- te be furtbef entrusted with Yeur con- son-In-law, 'Mr. Richard Gourlay, led, froni the condition in your own ldence. Thasxklng ýyen for yomr pist 254 Evelyn Avenue, West Toronto, school secions, bow meney Io spent support and conidnti>' aPPeallng te Margaret Gres Brewn, wldow ef on Goverament Hfouse, -Statute Rie- YeU again, 1I arn, the late Dr. W.O. Eastwoodl Whlt- vision, prison Farm, and Maury $ber ~YOMlr, truie', b',. In 1ber I4tb ysar. 'lias.. Ton know bow publie'Invoeut-W.. N. SINCLAIR. -i..-- 1~- /* I-t - C. A eIIaMngr S '~Lmsah.ai owmaniu DBrokilu (C. A. McCleiliamTaso~N.,jm O..... O.Lawa (J. P. 0w..., Manager), Psckenng and Pofl F.y. Nsw Mapie s Y!'P. Pure, and Highest, Grade that that can be made.' Gallon Tins - $I.38 Au Tm LAWVLER WHITBY, ONT. Phones.- Bell, No. 47; Jndependent, No. 47ý Seed EARLY OH £10: DELAWARES Potatoes! For early we have .andEARLYHSIX WEEKS anci itu t O JE R GRrlaEEMONAS GREEN MOUNTAIN Garden Seed's New and choice Our Bulk Seeds are the uine.5t obtainable, - r ¶1. W.- B. PRINGLE &C00., WHITBY eNTUtRIE JWRIERBDELARE THEI!Rififi jPAPER, PEN AND) INK BOUGHT AT W. je H. RJGHARDSON'Sý- BROCK 6T. WIiITBY 4ES 'AND BOOKS. t' .1 (X t blilb The 14ke . - m m a MW h 1 lu à MAUA 2 lb r4%ýA lirir