Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 8

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MIl*' 11111 Ilb? V V KDO.........W5A...... . , ~UWWUUUW - I 1fr. and Mn. M. Coates mOtoreê b«rby rLW-WêyIm msusUy . . ..s4* e téo.70q Hu I rom -Torontl@oceS ufdaY led caIIPI a > 4ugIiter sçiurULý 1 #AO *. .. *.o . 0 Sheq on fiensiCeboe..w ; r4 ii lte .. ...*T * D - ,&i*Tm1 Qé Ofte............ 4.49 te.47 HoXa BRnOKLIN. lavugRHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM. IIdePiip b - lRed Clorler .......... . 0 1.to9.50 Tugil Mis8 iilîu Brwu i lu l~tuy reideuc lu uskoa.' oniatoe ioW oug iT4 YOUr hom, a'MaO rè sclioolliteach- .>,AI E oraM bi ith rli vii M . tai y , T e barge, S .Os~ h f B [Llalo' o -ete ltft a otcCaScaso imyarbc, donFToeur,'Blerop w t.s.4u.......... e.501eo,=aud2.o5 lto ro b is dutlÃŽi u t ther P-t w U arrived our Tuesday " w ith ;a n Weot e a f Rhbo edum t ea ir, ge - .15 Jate w tw o f e tc s, ëFOI4 pe r ee, wt. .......210 +b 2.15 w o bs* tis t heuP- ..R B fA.ô0 or idrocargo of 1coal foirMn ERiBso. MbIS iof lihurumo t ee 'i W alsh ipe, an o! fl ur ,a ee,2.1.50 to 1.50 he Rev. D. . .Bs 'p nd Ms.%fWuiba ~ i Dt. n<Wa5 oac ..... .80b25 viiii e itrlr.Jh a- lisO ,o o tvs t e iMeth- et o . R efho l odnu ~ db rothe . M . AD.Mre , M of e, So Iý e ura 500 02 b r .j h M a - B pod i T oflS rto b i r Home t a i ck actiou, the paiu ceuses, th 6 M oose jaw r . M o e o ~ S o t p r o n .. .......S7.00bo 28.00 Mr. Arîhu br Minlf a aed H e oes Pa r o me w muscles and boues are rid of!-ore-.bcllai, N.D.r, Mr. Jame 'sand M . ~ T 0 L T~ A D Pb D C Mur, sie er asPthsdHydnhr a nud stiftsess, and very Som ua Moore, of N~ne oiotih ef w.o dressed... ...11150 t,ô18.0 b A o -duMr.Cini jl& ue M.A.W aeco- bssld bsRheumo patient lable to bave thq o oa aind -- aIl, vew[gb . .Q e o nuk bas bcdn. He 'iiiteuds erectrng a double bouse to. Mr. L. Northal.,9al e rgth anid vitality o! youth. .Lmbac.....800te4 building for a bake .bP.Oeati b ntnsmvn m b cSouth iRheumo buÃŽlds blood sBdilch ad.......~Hgi dcsc 1.. 00. 12.50 ou hen bilding will begia u half shortly. Mr. Frank -Steffl b as thlck that ui a. ano osi....~iiii Hp mlç........ 8.15$ta 8.50 once. Ibought Mrs. Thos. Cam0rou'is lot exist. Itheumoe costa only $1 for a 4 bOes .....18 10 0.18 W. M. Lawrenlce bas beefl absent next to Mr. Jos. Southwellv', where large bottie from J. E. Wllls,- or NOW IS THE 'rIME TO GET ?RID Dueke, per lb.......i.8 te 0.20 from business 1o0a-ewdasOwîng, be has already started to build lxim' direct, al charges prekpld trom B. OF TËÉESE UGLY SPOTS. Geene, dressed, per, lb.... 0.18 te 0.20 t-o llness. self a home. V. Marion Co., Bridgeburfg, Ont. There's no IongOlt the sliÉhtest need. Turkeyl, dreused, per lb. 0.20 te 0.25 Mn. Wnî. Stockes bas purcbased a-iM a mwt e s. tiemitschliiol otine- dubl EgDrwpr do..........0.20 te 0.2ý Ford auto. spent a daugbter in Scarboro. Mss WHITEVALE. o eln sae !yu rois utr p r d........0.25 bo 0.22 Miss EennJbitn Grove and Miss Watterl, o! 'strength- la guatauted.,to, remove Lard, pet lb..... ........ 0.18 te 0.20 Mnand Mms. F. Dickie and Miss MYRTLE. Toroxito, visited 'orn Sunday ithVies. bomely spots. Pttosprbg1.0b12 = Mr.n5. oAli'k. Sim»ply get au ounce 0 ô thine Apples, per bu!rel ...... 1.50 10 8.00 Jennie. DicUe, of the B3ase Line,Wbit- Miss Brookes visited f ienda in To- Mis. Kott and- daugbter-mflW were dubestent-fO()an rggs W 'o td wrt on andMfst, fms ot- eetl. -the giiests o! her Élter, Mrg. 1Wil-' and.apply a litte of it nigbt and Woodward, otheunday las Mr. .John' Bright, Live Stock Con'- in, over Sunday. 1 morning, and yau sbould soon isec 0SSAeA Tce cieani served t te Tnipr- Ottawa, was bere ou buhl- Mr. Rouch, postmaster bere. died that even the v'worst freckies hav e F S A B L anO IbuecnîueivugSatui'daY im1ioln ane oenin ay ir. M en otite Knesthe carlier part o! tho wook. laçt Monday, and Was biinied ti thel begun b bjsMppear, wbile the ligbteu **«L 5 auy tinte ofthtle day or gvening alter Some from ibis vlciulty'are. fttiug Preabytek1àzl cenetery ai 'Cheiry-, ouca have vanishcd entincly,< it la OS RI V i 6thespo aura. .oakwl potS psokt hwu Ie Ireiili wdon Wedneay. The funeral! seldon thut nmore. tianu ouce is , mm w1Wou tra. Fair on the 25tb. -was larely atteuded by !iends ulan edd t onleeyceu h kiri - ý1f ou ae *àmn Uthe *ed-if Thbe Victoria ('lui> wili serve re- The niembers of! Ui-Ladies' Aid n1boa sud gain a benutlful ciear conpe- aa aspmaeifaid !rehrniit i thie a! ternosi and are makiuig preparablolis for theb.b- The mun-y trienda of -Miss Marllon lastfed up, msat"g--or if you sîîffer evnig ! ay25hlu bc ppr aa w ic l t e hld nent mnoith. P ip ,lii e pBsd b er btI 1e aune ---touxk -fr bbc double c i d y n sal i rhoul cs. roonitgof ib)la),2oh nlc h ____________ ________té*______ bcbas recovered !rom tber attack o! strengtlu othine, as thfs is soid under gt 'kroieauas.-1Ic elg sav roonj of oront,_ba whooping cough and pneunifa. guarantee o!- money back iflb i~tost put up mu a coi4iapile tube so fornied DIr. (loodnov > bsWhere to speud thc 24th is thermv ekesà sbm~ lrakaby easy to u-e. moeditote ouereetly va- problen. among te boys and gil.a eWeul..ogbdcapSte*rcmovcd St cated by Mr., Wnrd. Large congregatiolis assembled ut uneoveri thse Uessl.hsped end Of the Mr. and Msrs. Water Kel!omd, -o! both churebes t0 lheur messages !rom MYRTLE STATION. . tuabe, about hal as Sncb long. Thtis is xe swell, viie eercn ly i their pustors. Tbe Saruatcga Comiedy Co. ciosed lnsertod in thse uoe and the tube Mr. Bond, o! Tomonto; bas Pumcha5 - Mr. Daniels, our popular bird man,_ ther engagemenut ut the Towni Hall, aïuetdgnty l ' ga îlte of cdua lot on the nontb of Priticcas St. was taken vcry suddenly and -severe- Myntie, druwiug lange cfôowds nigbt- A littie rubblng of thse tose, sud the and i,, building aiep îiebrc y wîtb sciatica Sundny morning. [y. The lady conteat wa ve.ny in. lsdrawu bmreath, distribute the Poua1 bouse on it. Mr. Wm. OrMiStOu us The doctor la attcndiflg hlm, and we teresting, between, Miss Mabel M&- Zam t1hout the passages, where superintendiflg the wotk. .hope for bis speedy recovery. Inroy and Mrs. Wm. Logan. Mns s. ia mea i rue sud cotategeW ! Mm. and_ Mm. . MGilli, wbo_________ Loga Woi a baîidsomne set of silver- InU e Them aterilsud the o bave heen living here Torontow fl l" o£ Hair. ware o! 26 pieces, baving a large voie former itt o an sd beai. Thse rnonihs, have eurfled to Trno IY~~vw at ~o! -over 0,000. The compuny le! t on mssrting imrtat iondppers-tlC and intend to Visit for a time ln Ne-w lot Just "A W-heel" - -Friday for Blackstock, wbere the., uostrils&»secle»Oe, makingz breathin¶ Ontario, boping tbut Mr. MeGll'S PARISIAN SAGE MAKES THIN wii -give concerts for 'one week. The ,--ad théetetaffhil conditioces1i Mrs. Bails, of troronto, s visitifg QUALITY whci you buy- ABUNDANT. at te Myrtie House, where Mr. and Gd ài po tube 01 Possai Baliz frOiu at Ms onls a wbeei.QUL Y Beuuti!ui hair;' thick, soft, fluffy, MrssGo. 11mb reaed ih« oi yu Dugstfl Mr. Mn. Will Mcdiund-, o! To- aks h dffrec b- usrusan !e fomd!lut Natiof»lbm sud Chemical Co. anu ,mkstedfeec e tosand refo anruf hopi by.etcmnaia »&IMontresi. 1 youiio, visited friends heme over Sun- tweofl the oneO of wornaul's greateat charme, yet W. M. S. CONVENTION. das Bihi wbo nt to so . many have,,streaked, thîn and ilfe- - ,M. George - ghthals bain and ihixuk there la no rem- The annual convention' of the W.M. Pdmnto soe tme gohagte-edy Prttyhait la largeiy a gnalter S. o! Whitby District, hcid In thbbc gn b/e -iog hnçjOtroi Meihodist. churcb, Pickering, on tuuitegoLEVELAND. Prectuent applications of Paitsian Wediiesday Ist, wal a declded suc-s 1-losp0 M-tul, Bicycle'ae wl rbbd nt escalpcn oi" laes hearinorsui $o34the iffret i o i, trength be pleused to learn ta he bas se ail that is ueeded-it acta lilce ragi. auxiltariet were encouragilg, This ured a good poSition1 in tueGnml- Tmy Iý bo-night-y0u will euiiy be Year bas been a finncial succes. the H o s p i t al ,o h n il e g .a d b te in s to n tu le i t o f f e e u p r s d w i t h t h, e e s u l . i- o t î . a d es. ' ' r ' -,03 . 6 e h Mx iu 'Mta r. on Vleis agohn d, cu bis years.of sp7tn!iý .ervice, wil bbc hait become soft, fluffy, rad- Brautrh Treasumer,- an increase of /l!UI t- fl fombs agnanand the one or two yeama lait -wtb lite and rsaliy doubly beau- $1 11-61 over tasi vear. Onue o! the tiubut 'ail dandruff dîsappeama, iuierestiiug !catumcà o! the mroning Mm J 1. echfi an on, o1 New indiffetefli service of thefai g ham ad ic ng s l eue - -session was the presentation of a B e n e fi ts Mr- .B. thn adScheaperind. altghlradiCigsapcae Lowell, br orha el ie anrt h vsi'ted bis f ather , M. .banr 0th reenwood Alixilîarv. - ethtoebieweek-end. We bave the !Atyoour hhead fecisan fine.ia - Rogers, -b 11a4 beenod aon ehb-Alduggists seil a large bottle o y ie itrs îd e tuis I Mr, Imviuug "Rogerso PamiinSage for fi! ty cents. Get sonil, the discussion duri gn i bIte com para &tteuuding ToronoUniversity, visit- Complete Line o lb froin A. 11. Allin; he wiil re!und afternoon, it waà plainlv evident ed bis gadPareluisMr. and Mrs. A. Higi. Grade Sundries the nionev i t! re- uiiisie. h pothelais rne mesonsibi- 1etchen, this week. Ilic iaves short- - sellnt et the îowest suae o atsid- tth he ladtuis arerez if thatden lyfo ishmei Nrh aoln- -i -cqn o ltntit he pages ead were listened ta' M n.. John O rmiston w as in T oron- W l t h w o .tb-w hile -M N H S E .ît h. i nt r s n r ft n h mt ing. .00 t eni t e ; M.In 'M ncheter onFridav, M ay 8,1solos rendered by 'r ink and M If ft U l Mr. (Jeo. Jobîtston huis jusi corn- $ 50 orwdwo h ae-oehFt pleied hsya tTrno1nvr chetb- Deceased was ait afiectionateo, BROOK LIN. Net C ost slty, and will lie home wlth bis Pat- exernpiary and estimrale motiber, a lBe sure to attend the lirooklij Faim ents in a !Cw days- devoted anîd constant nîernhem cof the MoitdaY, 1ay' 25th.- _Blig day's out- FRAKISI-O SaurdY~ ay 6,churclu, a sinceme friend and an esti- ing. *- 191,, to ';%r. and Mrs. Ch-o- Frank- . niable neighbor. - S5he was deservedtyr Big list o! sports at Booklin FortsÏdful nonto Spriug Faim on Mlonda5,, May *25t1u. apply to isa o.Mmr. Uialu -Joues will have a repre- PORlT WUITBY- - r sentative o!f 90( mavitv WaseemCo. 1-...1. [)CFF, MIt. A. E. 1)ONOV4Aj \Iis Brth, ýkison 1,dtiottý). C LUM IA RECORDS at Brooh-lin Fai, Monday, Mýay 25. Reia ep. L e ffiVc~r*'St ~Tis l-i-rth AtknsOi, ldimit.>fl IILEIIr' iie non tenested in wiasliiing aIlyrtle. Tomonto, rr is eat ti'lv 111)1cenoflier jiaets, 0w-i119rchines should eîudeavom io blue tieme to tlie ilhitc.sS tItmuioh27"oi ¶ISand ses this ijuachine denostrat'ed. m epotf . li e lt e r . Is v îcil,- - - - u cc ss IE Ua ' us iilinr&dnr- 4,4hi ftr unt r I - - - - _..1-1f.1 11- T o l____l fà a a lv Soasonablo Noçsaro No othier ti Iron'Age SprayerS mearus 50 - music love, are a necessity and a benefit. T'hey save your crop? Columbia increa-4e the yield and Improve the quality. We have aNots r variety tp choose from for mariy purpoSeS. -ore tha BinderTwinemercial tro hias advanced. Be sure and get our prices before placing heyor your order. ooî< fo Cockshutt Rlding Cultivators "imark." No. 5.aUl steel two row corn cultivator, has aIl the latest this trade. improvements and cultivates two roA~ at one lime. Noe I The Cockshtitt .Spr-îng Tooth One Clmi Rôw Corn Cultivator ColumbRa also 'ut bh stËff teeth, is a leader. u~xe1 Lawn owersof tone, re. Lawn owerssurface a ccir-itt-m -.n r nnmlet#s. and the onces içrht. :& -A complete line of new and used Çarriages on han.d. Af, goonyr'ngClydo-Fdale Farrn in-resqfor sasle. We F.DISNEY ONTARIO. Bell and Inde:endent Phone&. C.A. iBOGFEE1T. G.andlMa~gf Do Your Banking By Mi If you live. at a distance from a, branoh of The Dominion Btk Deposits may b. mnade.-cash wtthdrà1wn-Of i1n1 othor BDazilnt Business may b. transàctcd by mail, Just sa 555lT as thougl imn WHITBY BRANOFI: A. A. ATKIÏNSON, Manager. Fence Fence! $~re and get ny P'rices on Frost Coiled WireFence-a fence that. 15 not ýU U smply to meet competition, but to stanld tietest of years; 1Drcmcm ub,, I erect fences at -Se per rod, brace mire and &tapies free; 1 Have loir Quick Sale 2 Fleury Turnip Drills# new, regularez 5.00, sale price $î 2.00 i McCormick Roller, regular price- 42.00, sale priçe 38.00, i. Crown Gang Flow for - 5.001 i Steel Range, regular price 40.00, sale Èiïçe 30.0 0 Gravity Washers and New P'erfection Coal 011 Stoves always- on ha nd. Sec our Corn Pianters, regular $55.oô for $42.00. Brooklin Bel d ndA H ONes Have You any Pimopemty 1F6oi Sale P Il go, ont, ont and mail this coupon for Our listing form. Phono 11imati Canada Imprevamoent sud Land Ce., LImtd, kWh St. Gentlemen,- [baye a.........................for sale. Kindly.senad your listing form. ..................................... .............. rotpCanada Iniprovoment ~Land Gog RICARDON& RICHARDSON.§ MANGERS Bell phone 193. WHITBV, ONTARIO Imd. phono 70. Farms For Sale Upwards of fort f arinv from 25 acreq up, and at from f $35 au acre, guaranteed to gliow eatifactory results (rom investinent, located, in \Vitby and Pickering Townships. Every conceivable reuiuiiment of Boil, buildings, orchard. nand other impro'.emexuts can bel met in the varied list oflered. je E. WINN, = WIiITBY Bell phone 109. - P. 0.$ox 394 Resimdence, I)undas St. West. - -Y-i Sucli las been the expenlence of I11M~I~ . :11>f ,~ rnauay a poor sufiemer frorn titis atUlic- ra e-n rkflaýnmd, are capable o! gvng N ~lxt.. rad e m ark mbstexcruciatiflg torture possible to muhto0 imagine 'banks t a discovey hy rsas these mel14ef quickly folows a dose of Kcp- * baldol- The f m f hsprescription 1 IMU S IC bas spread. aIl over the civiized F hey are world and Kepaldoli hfheartlv rien-lui cause Sciatila, Lumbago, Rbeumna- n a COmtf îisrn or Neumalgia, yleid to a few ide-mark-- doses, and no0 saler or more relialîle prescription bas been, fouud. If you a symbol. find it dirîcult to' cubain locaily, the i buy musi*c tube on eeipt o! 50c Keplialdol, the MUSIC Limited, 31 LturS.,M-tel B uy - by 1FORMER CLERGYMAN DIED IN VANCOUVER. -imark.ucue, May 11.- Dm. Elliott S. Rowe, for many years a clergy- a mer ' man lu variolis Canadlan cidues, died the ULU ots dnopsy. He weut to Victoria ten - yeams ugo as pastor of the Meimopol- ifan Methodiat chunuh, and whexu bis Double termn was oui nsiined froni tbe min- MxIltn »jtry, He b&,ame publicty comuls- M auot ýcords are sioner of Vancouver ;and head o! th8 din quality Dr. Rwe :m bora In Wlitby, arnd WCe baVe a paint and yansh. for every purpose -production ~~ "~ inside -adotie "A 1 1 c. I - We are exclusive Agents for the ceiebratcd SWP, For your walls use S-W Flat-toino, a durable Wall finish 1hr i - i l a i S P i t ( r p r d , a p a i t !ua iî%m r is a f . pl P v l t u secnb e W as e Pricas from 850. tb P,850, eacb5 Brooklilo opt. [ ISNEY BROSO IBrookliu, Ont. 1 EMBALMERS AND - Day or night ca1is pronxptiy attend- ed to. No extra ebarge for àMtmie. A complete -Sud up-to-date stock of caokets and supplies always On hand to choose front. on accouai of uts quality.- hI is the kind o! pain t bit you sbouid use on your bouse. SWP is madc Of Pure mater- ims-pure lead, pure zinc, pure iinsccd oil, etc. ,-mixed anud ground by special mgtchinery, in correct scienbiflc Proportionis. SWP covens nuost, tookes best, and wears For a p,,ainted finish on your flions use, S-W Insids Floor Pàint, made to be walkcd on. Phone Use S-W Kopai for aill kiids of vamnisiting, outsîideand inside. 'Use S-W Mar-not, a durable watèrproof floor varuish for'handwood--fIcors. We handie acounpIete line o!Sherwin-Wiliamsproducbi-- snd so we can take came o! your.every paint or varnish uecd satisfaýetoily. - EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE -20 WI4ITBY -a or IPÂLI -quality a - lb will vàantage Break 1 JNO.E F Bmeter, Cou Office South ws JAJMS SAIlLi Moneyto 1 Office immedia MARRI Oourt House, Ç onvey. Osha.i Office-No, 2.K Phones -office, W. ADAMS,. Stret., Residt Byron St., W] AUC JAS$' Oshawa, Licer «meaor. to L.-i -sud ldates appi - - - LICErISE AND AIl kinds o! 04t, le. Arran ble ade 'ntthi T ?eme reasao FARMS ' l wii have einqul of propiarty i -mayhave thèp wiuat You iîav JOHN IR 4Ã"9. Luni TOI nslnd1 Bus tg kUTOMO1B alole k DA.Y. Bell phohet stable Itout St ARCHIV vr QNTARIÇ t' -- WHITBY$ n tari -0. Bell and Ind. Phones. ,nu uui-nuii- T^ntm9r^,

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