Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 7

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itlùtlie admitt-ed tisM London'4 Siiâ1e Life and Open Ai1ý_,Exiibi - V4i lias benrather long ini eom- Ïng<. Ut.is, aecordixigto reýpoTte, a "êvltion in muany respets. A vasV -qutity of things las sown by =âniufactirers, *packers and me- hlints, teo-brsng home Vo ti41 ow 2US'f tise ease and cQmfort o!ftie MpIe Hfr f h eu-Ité nature. Evorything that-,ingenuity s@uggeSts is at hig disposaI, whet.bes- le wisses te play or' reébt in tise country-in %vod, la-est'. fariouse, or isunt- er3> log cabini. Tise variety of can- ned and otiser food prspared* for him is astoniwhiing. Musical instru- inents are made for his special belie- fity so-hat even in tise remote wil- dernets he needot deprive hlm- elf Of the plea&sure of song or har- xnonious sound. But, ais bondoa criticasa»yt it this rel. lesimple, life 1 Does a mani who cars-les with isim all sorts O! oomfos-Vs, luxuries and devicss "s-e- Virn tô nature" ? The simple 111e is% extraordinary Complex Vo tVhs mani for whom tise ,exhibition i l eld. It ltaisel* terribly expensife, Tise true isimple ife epeils isard work and seli-denial. -However, it iaa good thing Vo0 go to Vhs country on any ternis, eitiser for ýpay -or rest. Any moyement whieistakes toma jpee out into tise open, which-introduces then, Vo grass, Vs-es, brooks, wild flowers, birds, blue skies, his and moutitains is a movement tisat de- serves encouragement, for it con- * tribultes Vo heilLh o! body and mind4 No reformer bas writ.ten More about efficisncy, os-ganization, me- thod than H. G. Wells, $Ociologie&l novelist anýl former Fabian. But lie lias droppe.d bis old formula and is read(y Vo jump on tisose wiso stick to it, -Efficieney, saye Wells ia dis- gust, is a bureaucratie cateismord. IV leada to notising important . Any q1jack, any dîifl routine-ridden in- -capable can, prate o! efficiency. Wisat society needs, to-y aa quickened imagination, for its ps-- blns sedifficuit and Compiex. Keenness, insight, grasp, vision are as essentialý as efficiencv: indeesd, iwitlouVtishe former no truce!e-, -' :ficiëncv is poseible. M1r. Wells l rigist, but bis dis- covery is Pickwickian. No intelli- gent person ever ps-eacised any 9ther.effliciency tisan the ts'ue and real kind-L That dulI, lacompetent bureaucrats cannot givé us cf- Aciency iadministrationis la elf- evident. The point, hoivever, ïs that one keen, hroad, able organ- izer cati get plenty o! "real" e!- .-fciency out o! -a large forcesof or- * dinary subordinates. -The demand for efficiency is first o! aIl a demand for hoxîest îC)ik, for proper organ- 'izati.on. IV sa aprote-st against aine- -mures, chair-warming, waste-, para- oitisrn, indolence. A few imagina- ive and .ente rpr-ising men at Vise SOME [i'FACTS ABOUT m IcO. Popfflatioti 15,300,000> - Less Thati Acodîgte tlie census of 1911 - iepoînintion cof Mexico", aunîbes--ed 15,W0o,000,-o!f viieislessatlsan one- -- fiftii (19 lies- cent.) mes- eclas&ed as -vIsitc-s, 38 per cexnt. as Indiang, and 43 per~eu-at. as mîxed l torods. Tises-e -ere 57,507 foreiga residents, i- eîudiig, a !ew Clinero and, Filipi- - Tsoe. Sinec,t-hen tue Japans-a have -acquiiis-d a-n ind-usts-ia. foyting in 5- --Mexieo. For nsiisy lyca-es tise la- diaxîs semalned ila 4ubjectleýn anad te-oliixun part i.n.VhIe poltiea- activi- tiscsfo! ti- -aVis-e country, but of l a-te til-ey ha-ie t-ke-W, muore la-tesest la-public affaire. iýThe, deaîth rate o! ëhiîdýr.cinaxns-ng tise inclians is esti- pateda a -rage o! noV les sa-a âOper cc-ait. Tise white s-ace is o! Spaniis des- catit a-ad,- h-as the oharacterisi-ics mosnon tVO a0ierTSpansh-Ame-rican cles. Thse larges- Part o! tise puoi- lation in Vo b-c found liise sentis- - he a riTîne ctimas oevn ominte nokt,. Te cimat onthe coastal plaine s l xii ealthy, alaise-ngisVera C ruz-hias a large pojpiatle-n No safe cetiaate caa lie mande of tVie bal! -bs-ed eleanoat ia Mexico. Ed-uea-tonal, industrial occupation, comxmercial training and-politrical i'esponssibiity as-e appa-reaVly mosk- ing a. tramsforniatioa lanaa claise friat eas once cnswvn clefiy for indu- lenice aind érdsssn«J instinects, and nsnyotthVie leedef-mnodrtn Mex- Leo l~ eprm~1fros tis arace. Suetl.ed qov asnincd hiabite, i-< tnu.neratÏve employaent -an'] pp*as-- ' tumâisy for Vths immpovensent ofViseis- *1 ~condItiou are dcvclopixsgis tiem tVie yit'o!fVise Vwo- Parent races. -a he -epu-blic o! ýMexicso la Politi- - .caUy divded la-to 27 States, one Statesa e gemesally subdivided i-- to âericts and ïhsecinto mumici- Eves-y mos-sle above»-tise average ~-«<cord-ins Vo h-b-oma beie. maJph'is Pet" One 4&YIay fith oxk bis dôg Jip andÈ went into the foreat iiesxr by to hunt. 'They .had not gone far ýwheè they heard a low, pitiful eorunid. They wondered whàt 1V could be.' Jip stopped ana lièteýà à e.fw minutez and than started toward the, pla e, from whieh the' ,ound came. Ralph, thinking thsat someone wa.s 1in trouble, -etarted to follew Jip. They soon Iound that 1V was a littie dogX that7some one isad tried to drown, but it had aswumtýo the ehore and cra.vwled out on the sof t gr&se. 8 Ilph s'a* it wasý so sinali and he feit 1vr oryfrit, and-so le fick- ed it up and earried it home to Eee if his mother would let hiim kee>p Ralph, being about 13 yeare of, &ge, as ýquite & large boy, whieb nadc it _ery easv for hlm teo carry the littie dog. _ 1lh 4~ When theY -renohed hmeLah' mother said lile-might keep it to be a playmate and a guard for his lit- Vie siwter Alice. S3he hought it was ver..nice, and they soon grew up Vo love each <ther very dearly. One -day when Allee *as b y'the r ailroad jýlaeink ehe did-noV isee the train coming- around 'the bend, but Trix, lier littie dog, did, He ran toward bier and -was just in tixne Vo save ber life, but lie was crushed Vo death under the wheels of thse train. They ail feit very sorry. but were glad that Vise litle dog had saved Alioe'a ie. IRalph went down to the track andbrought the poor dog home. He madé a liittIe coffin out of a box and buried Trix in a field hack of their houge where violets and &Il kinds 4o! wild flowers grew. He found a atone, and wrote the littie dog's name -on it, and the, date t.hat it~ was kilied. Advcn'tures of ail Elephant. Some years ago thero was a wild beast -show in a country , place in Englanci, and ini thé show was a big lady elephant. One morning; wliile ber friends-two «1eepy-he'aded camel-were still in the, land of nod,- the elephant hought she wàruld go £or a walk round thse town. Se was noV going to ask permission either! S& she broke ber rope with which se was tied Vo thse shed in whicl she siept at nig1Ut, and caTefully stepping over the two mon who look- ed after ber, and who were isard and fast aslep~p, she Estarted ont on lier early xoruing walk. N<> one was about in the town, as it was Voo early, and tise first thing the elephant saw was a baker's shop' AM she feit hungry-the early morning air does give one a goo.d appetite-Vlie elephant dccided Wo have a littie break<fast Wo begin with. So aise went up to the door of tise baker's shop and pressed against it with al lier miglit, and . tqueezed herself tisrough thse door- way, and hacd a lookc round the bak- er' s shop. She soon fo.und any number of nice things Voý eat~, and began lier breakfast at once. And what dD_ You think she hiad l Wh,, she &te twenty pounds -of currarits, thir- teen pots of raspberry jami, four- teen pourids -of almonds, -and seven pounds of lemon peel! After hs fiéd thse çlepisant went into thse yard close by, and se was -dancing round and making a. grest noise whien the two keepers came -an, inarehled bl.er ck f,.the show. l A nem aa d e-ful sysatcm ui t ils ciaimed, uili eouiol ize iigli-x-pecd ti-actionn tliureuîgbout tise moi-id v.a-s emonstr-tcd la Loni- don seecatly before mechanicaI ex- perts o! scu-eral o! tise mos-V impo-. tanit Brs-li xailways. Thsis nem syst-er, wyhis utise inventVioniaad diseoves-y e!f.a reacl isentist, Emnile iacheket, bas M tonce c-iicited a-a offe - o! a great saiiway chie! Vo lny duma a spe-cial five-mile circuit ts-ack is os-dos- tiattVis-ecnes-mous spccd claimed- for iV (300 miles an heour) xaay lie tested. Tise îystens as demonsts-ated by a model ofe! isJargest eize, did al that mas c-lied for iV. A sped ho! 300 mil-es a-n hous- mas aittaiaud. Tise automatie piropulsion a-ad stop-1 pin-o! t-le cas- mcse demonet-rated,, Vhs positio)n o! tise cas- a-Va-ny poixntj dus-lag tise jaurney -as indic&te'] by, ana electrucal signa-I. a-ad an ai-mos-t1 abisolute absence o!fuvibrationsmas1 obta.ned. .- TisetVs-n tra-vels tlirougis spa.ce without visible mca-ns o! support, sithes- above os- belom. At a wîz- a-rd tondis àV s amaýy like a- flash. devouring distance a-t t-le tcs-sifice speed o! five nmles a minute, de!y- la-g ail laiý-s of gs-aviVy. M. Bacise-1 kçt'as ystem, slamaad-e possible bhy Vise discoves-y Viat tise effooit o! a m-a-g- xetic cou o-n cestain metals la ta i repel instead co-!att-aet. Oie -of tisa metais lui alumnum, a-ad the effoot 'o!.mag-notic electricity on al-uninum is a gre-ant fa-eor in work- i-ag tise air train. As soon as the eleoVrie Influence i-s set li moncV> Vise cous, laan e- f attracttssg, ca puahis IVaway, rwit thVIe s-euk Visat it us immedi&tely saise'] andiseld ruspennded l is e as- dear o!fVise Strock, tise on-ly conxsseton hetween tise car annd tise rack Seing Vise brusheG uee'] !Qr contact pus-poses. Faine an-dOtherwise. "IEvery dime I seec gsandfiathes-si s-word- I mant Vo go Vomas-." "'Weil?,,-. "But every Vue8 I notice grand- fa.ther'e moodea Ieg, CI ool am.' NEW GOVERNOR-GEN .RAL AND CONSORT. This plsotograph of Ps-lace Alexander of Teck and the Princeas of Teck ivas taken only twoweeks ago at Heath. Prince Alexander la saluting the territorial colos-s at Heath, mhere thse Princenq opened Uins Dw drill hall of Lhe_Fnimçrgisn Cou t esIM.4uâocýIqn. THE SBNDAY SCBQQ L[ESSON EITERNATIONAL LESSONt MAY 24. Lesson VULI Unprofitable SerVants. Luke 17. 1.10. Golden Text, 1 Cor. 1. 81. *Verse 1. Occasions o! istumbiing --Stnmbling means literally "be- ing ensnared or ents-apped." fiere it refers Vo. Vhe es-sosainaconduet due Vo Vise lollowing o! unmortisy exannples. 2. One o! tisese little ons-It la noV lîkely tisat Jeanus meanV by Vîxese littie ones aIl Vhs disciples, but s-a- tiser Vise mos-e inconspiecus ones among ha bhearers-Visose young ia Vise laitis, or poesibiv tise chiids-ea. Ia MaLttbem and Mark hs verse follome Vise incident of! tise blîdren bciag bs-ougist ta Christ. B'uV if Jesus refers-ed primas-ily --Vo the cisilds-en, bis mords wouid also in- clude fhose noV meil grounided in tise faitis, or those miso, because o! lack o! experience and inability Vo,1 judge betweon tiseVs-us and tise faise, would be easily led asVs-ay. 3. If Vhy lirotiies- sin, rebuke hlm --Tise.sin la noV Vo bç passed oves- un.notrced lest "thou- bear sin be- Cause o! hlm" (Lev. 19. 17). Wiie oae, siould bear in mind that a s-e- buke Visat will iselp and noV; embut- tes- tise offender must be ver.y mise- ]y and tact! ully administes-ed, Jeaus, certaialy meant Vo eaci tise dis- ciples tisat Christianes sould' neither bo indifferent nor a-ct as if unconces-ned in tihe presence o! ws-ongdoing. If there la a connection between Viis verse and Vise tmo precedîng, it is to be fouad la tise cbas-îty which should be manifested toward tisose miso sin gainat us, contrast- cd wilistise severity witi wisicli wu sisould deal mitis ourselves i! mei sbould sin against otisere. Jesus1 expccted bis disciples Vo eonduct severe and tiosougis self-examina- Viens (compare Matt. 5. 29). Ttîess slould not make tisem indecisive la action, esor cause tliem Vo lie- corne leas confident and aggressive la theis- work; lie misissd, raViser, Vo train Christian c-has-arter wmiic would be strong enougis h bear dis- cipline and Vo improve with whole- some criticism. If lie repent., forgive him-Fo- givenes itisout repentance la; noV required, thiogi tise teàéhing o! Jésist- hroigisoutsegarding malice and vengeance shows pia.inly tisat a Christian- capîxot b-os- an un- forgiving s9eArit nos- continualiy bear ill will toward another. 4. Sevea times in tise day-ý.Tis aumlier*recalîs Peter's question, "Hom o!t shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive iim 1" Vo mhicli Jesus repiicd, "!Until sevea- ti imes seven," Phougistise num- bers as-e noVVto lie, Vaken literally. Unlimited fos-giveness is meant. 5. Increase axis faitis-The Isigli standard of Chiri-stian cisaractes- Vot misicis Jesus us-ged bis follomers Do doubt caused tbem Vo feel theis- im- perfections and limitations, and tisey mes-e impelled ta ask a-gaini Visat tiseir faitis migit be incs-eased.1 6. Tise mords o! hs ver-se as-s cl-ose-ly conaected ln thouglit mitis tisose o! Matt. 17. 20, 21. On that occasion Jesus refers-ed to tises-e- moval of a mountain, lies-e Voa- tree. Matthem connecta Vise sa-ying1 o! C-hrist mitis Vie question of!.Vise1 disciples as Vo Vhs ciuse o! their inability Vo cure Vise epieptia, Vhs msaning ln bot i nstances being tisat Vie-seumingly impossible cati lie aecomplisised Virough faitis. A grain o! mustard seed-A viesy stnall seed (Mas-k 4. 31). Sycamine-Tise mord ts-anslated aycamine means la modes-a Gxeek a mullberyVs-ce, butn ia s eta a largé audience many o! whomn owaedielaves., A sesvant-A bondservant or slave.î1 PloWing or keeping >bhçep-These Occupa tions are probably mention- cd because tisey are tise two moat common -forma o! las-ns îork ln Palestine. 8, 9- Ina this refes-ence Vo the treatnfent o! slaves, Jesus mas nserely mentioning V hes common -usto4is cftVise people o! Palestine, familier tVo al bis hearers. That different customs, includiag great- er sympathy- and appreciation and less cas distinctio, m iii prevail ia bis kingdom i. shown la the par- able o! Luise 12. 37, lanmisicis - Vie mas8ter himsell served1 Jesus also emphasizsd Vhs lesson o! friendfli- ness and equality when ho waslisod bis disciples' feet.- 10. Unprofitabls servants - Not wortisless, but baving done -only Viseir duty. Qusen Elcanor o! Bul- garia was praised for ber inVimate personal acqualatance -miti tise w<)rk*of-tise scisools, hospitais, and other philanthropie institutions o! lier country. She repiied: "1 <le serve no credit for tisis. It is my dut.y." This verse duoes noV reflect God's attitude toward bis faithitl servants, but rather tise attitude me should Vake Vomard our service. Tise worl of tise Kingdom cannot be properly done unless we wisp prav for tise comning o!fthat King- dom- are milling ta meet its hardest demanids in a spirit o! herole pa- tiencei IV is encouragu-îg to note tise increasing iumber o! C'hrist's followers miso exemplify this spirit. INDIANS STUDYING EN('ISII. The Language Is Taught ia Many Elementary Sehools. Ianosîversation secentiy mitistise representative in Indi o! a- lea-d- imîg London publisiis biose h mwas meationed tisa-t India-, and especial- iy tise pr-ovinsce o! Beagal in 'north- ea-stes-n la-dia, la wlsic-h Lalcutta la lucated, affords an imapor-tant mas-- kket fer educationai text hoouka. Tise mos-e ansbitious nnd initelli- gent young people la In-dia eviace a- great- tisiret for education, as Vhe principal means o!fsisiag supes-lus Vo Viseis -nivis-oyiment and impreve- ing theis- conditions la life, sutisa-t évery possible sacrifice is mna-de Vo geV an education. Tises-e is a spe- cia-i desire ia India fus-employment la goveirnment positions, as sucis positions give fixed imcomo and have special advantages. Englisis education îa coasidered essexstial for Visose miso misis Vo bave tise best succes, a-ad a large proportion o!, tise Vsxt houksarase ii tise Englisis fangu-age, altiso-ugh mna-ny o! tise mos-e îudirneatary books are Vsana- lated into native languages. Thse mo-st elementas-y achoals for' natives la India begin tiseis- ia- strusction in irsna-culas- la-aguages and tissa -teacis Engiali la-Ver on, anad fiWelTly cunsiderable instruction la m-àny courîses nia-y be given la tise Englisis languege fs-rn Englisis extboks, and in iigbes- education most o!fVise courses rnay be given f rom En-glisis textbooke. In some instances, instruction, ia-Eaglisis is given a- tVhes ir stas-. Amoag Vise young peole la Vhe Province of Bengal, mises-e Vises-e laiv fas-tVie las-gest opportuaity o! enspioyment by Eu-ropean comme'rcial houses, sueli u' are conccatrated at Ca-but- ta, there is a-a especia-lly keca de- mand for cdueatis lfrom Bagais texthoo-k-s. No cothes- city ia4adia contais anyVising like Vise nVxsber o! !ais-ly meli-educated Englisis speaking native elerks, Vpie, etc., s aeenlaalcutta. 11e6iRadiEnough. Counsel-I'm sors-y I eouldn't do mos-e for ,you. Conviete'] Client--Dont mentieon iV guv-aos-, a-î't fuie yearis enougil The Test. "Ca-a I trust you, Smiths?" "Gueusso. Ts-y me mitis $10." Flowers Aré: Everyrwheie. Flowers, of, the, artificiai varietyý, are more and more. used> as tibc sVring adirances.iTisey are use&.Vo, dtecorate every imnaginable part of thse evening, frock-.'m.ie band o.tim oItjineithe decollette' lUe cf- tise neck, tgoinetiniies tie waisV. They aWe use 'd - -gly. ad in lusersta oldVh skirt and bo- dice' ad aeeve clraperyia "'laoe 'Tiny on-e, struqg together, outlune cuffs and wkle collars. 'And Vhey sVilI form one ' f tise standby trim- mings for lingerie and negligee. Colored. Linea Froekq. We surely livé in a wondqrful age.. NOW me have non-eraekible taffeta, waterproof kid gloires -and evew non-crusisable linen. Thse newý Iiens o! Vhe aswing do n9t retain wrrinkies- as Vhe linens o! the pa.st' have done. go a linen frock is noV Bucéh an extravagance as it lhas here- toif-ore been; for when itlias noV been often relaùndered, 1V lias look- ed teo wrinkled and crushed for beaut.y. A calored linen o! this sort is a most substantiel choice, and many coiored ]i;»ens-i'ndecd color- ed waili niatermIas o!cilH orts-are ehown in the frocks of the gpring. Black Satin Girdles. No tmatteT isow inucisor how liftie color i. used in any one sea.son, black always isolds a place, some- times bigger, sometime samaller, ip the es4timàti£on o! Vise dressmaker. Tisis is a seasôon bf -black isats. There -are black satin and taffeta f rocks, too, in abundance. This year black satin girdie;s are used Wo give char- acter Wo many o!fVise brightly color- ed f rocks and tisey are a usuel note in wash f rocksi, both white and col- ored. N'ew Parasols.- Tise newest parasols have -long haxîdies and f rom thé point of view o! coaveaience, at aay rate, Vhs news la melcome-. For a long-isand- led parasol is the easiest t-o handîs. There are new and fantastie sisapes in tise parasols of tis pring, amoag- which tise Japanese shape, wiic stronglv suggests tise paper parasol o! Japan, ia decidedly popular. But tise more coaservative shapes as- quite as popular. Chiffon la used a great deal ini Vhe nem parasols, aad so are as-tificial flowers. Tisey are !estooaed about tise edge~ and i".op- ed asound tise stick and even £asre'- ed on Vhe inside àf tise parasol. Real lace parasols, Voo, as-e made for wcar it-iselaborats frocks. Ia tiscm tise lacs is înountcd oves- ta!- feta or satin o!, blue, red, green, violet or sorne otiser briglit <h Golfine. whicis has turned out tc, be ance o! -the succesful fabrics o! tise season, is also nîounted on-pariasol, frames. - One charming golfine p.ara- sol is developed 'ýin green, ii-islied witis a hem o! lnatcising silk nat about four inches wide. - 11ll a ftieta Vaisteoats. Always, whea a' new fabrie or dle,. sign cornes into- fashion, ,here î,s' mucs experimenting with it on the pas-V o!tise dretaziakers andd"i- ers. Tisis bas naturaliybsn Vs case in tîhe plaid's and stripes Visat have becomne popular this spring. Thse decision tîjat eveyoae lias re-cli,cd concerning tiem 18 that tisey are better U'sed ln srnaii than in large quantities. One o! tise best uses o! plaid taffetas is in tise fox-m of waistcoats, as a part o! fine blouses o!fmwhite mousseline, crepe de chine and chiffon. LîVES AS i7EARS AGO. Experitiient lun - Lîiîd Owîîesshlp 1roves Ii ig Suleeas. Fifteen years' trial o! a strange y%-stvrn o! land r-eorm in thse littIc v:illage ,ýo! Wintcersloiv, near Lon- don, says a report f rom England, lias proven tise suîcss of thse plan. In 1899 Major Poojre, father o! tise Ducisess -o!f Hamilton, obtàince-d p-os-- session -of tise 0d village anâ somne t.! is eiviro-ns, rc-e.§tablisising a lo- cal gov-ernment, VracticaiIy identi- cal t-o that o! tise Saxons there 1,000 years ago. At tise beginning o! the experimexrt tise major ch-ose for tise personnel o! thse -s,,leni-c per- sans noted more fýor ixdustry tisan for wealts. A Saxon village iundrcd mas dise- sen and this primitive legieslature ailotted landVo iscads o! !nmiiics under countraets %N-hereby Vhe pay- ment for Vise la-nd could be extead- cd over periods !rorr. 50 to 100 y-cars. These plots susround a large coin- mion, whicis belvngs.tivtise village a-ad thie gr-azing 'riglit o! mhîch 18 eldin perpetuity by tise village-s. Tise village is aow a self -sustain- ing oommuni-ty, andmisa-V mas stast- ed as more -os-I-lEss o! a cisarity bas provea succes-sf ul c&nmcialy. AIl o! Vise villagers as-&free mcen in tise old Saxons sease o! Vhe tesrm, and ths social and political life of tise place is based on Vhis iirFimption o! equalWVy. Tise promotex-s have bee-a chas-y o! publieity, for fear thia thle ýplan miglit noV prove a succiss, but since this lias be-can assured tiiey hý.kve inited -tise leaders o! the goir- erninent land reforan scisem.cs Vo in- .ppect the commuaity. liiexlcanm J4ong-Llved. 1 Mexlicaps, if they ecp -theil-. chances o! mas- and revoliition, 4re S, long-lived râaoe. Humüboidit wro*: "Ile by vne u*mtqn aoomnt be SaId ln - Its Nothing in its 1 "Tise grieveusness- of war." Iaaiah xxx., 15.l- Et zis Voleraly evidenit Viat hu- mpanity is noV yet ready to dispenseý wvith, , »r, or at leaut bas noV yet found the .ways nd sneanns ofdoing Sô. -In spite, of mucis tai-k.o! pjeacé and muéh imor-for peae, tebuld ig o! stupendous armnamenVsupon 1 'd nd a, asVill« goes on at'an un- p*eoeclenteèd rate, ,and every, now ad fltisen tere oomes .some ' Open c~nfi~ wsicdestroys pr'operty -and i e, brings eojrrow.-Vo unnumberM' hÏmes and laye a iiew burden ofpo- v rty upon generations yet unborn. e:bitter êetruggle.1in-the Pilip- p nes, tise lloody revolutions in ina and Turkey, tise aVupendous d 'e betweetn Russia and Japan, tise h eeous ca±acilysm'in Vhs Balkans- tý sis are only tise more important o1 tise fights whi<>h-have.been joined 811C6 tise 01o6e o! Vhe nineteenth Cpntury. mhicis las .Passed aincetise b *ti of Him miso wasj.nâled as The Prince o! Peace; aid, if >present indications mount fVr.anybhing at aJIl,'ise end is not yet. Stiil, 1 the purpîs testamient cl bleeding war" ie closed, only to bc opened af resh 1 In spite, bowever, of tise persist- ency of wi.r in our civilization, it is gtill as truc to-day as IV mas linVise days o! the prophets o!f.l that (diere: is absoluVely notising Vo' be asi ina tsdefence and almoryt no- ting in its isonor. War at bottom i Vise abdication of reaonr-and Vise ~ntronement of brute str'engVh. IV i~ the submission of greatquestions cright and wrong to tise arbitra- ýfenV .not o! intellect but o! force, and the decision of theue que8tions !#s fvor' of thse party wýhieh has not j ýsstice but the heaviest batt-alioins o~n its skie. It is tise suspension of j Ihumnatie Fever. all Vis' cc whici liaN odet 4i isunh .tizxs fée ishant -pveïTsini0p ,civilizaition to tise cruel ihstincta- nom so ne.Wy conquered ia al aViser reîatios of Mie !-wisiei -re two lions Vo rend and tsar *ôoùe ara- o inerlasome jungle flght' or tw:o .haked s.vag'es to straggle tVo'Vhe eActis upon soblonely liore. a, ,worese!laIntiseà dayâ dIf ar-flUzÉg empires, adcope0scial m'-ý chiaer.y, war . Às e deliberate Slaugistes- o! men by men who' have No Quàrs-el With Oase Au ther, and have neV even a brute iriterest- in -tise ettiemnent o!fVise isue-s st stake ia tise cgnflict. Looked at from any point of ýviem, studied ln any relation, described -in' ans' terms, mar lu still ià4 bottoni Vhe -hideouis mon3ter described by Mil- ton, "Black as nigist, Flerce os -ten- furies, -terrible--as. That war enabe -wholly avoided to-day under all cirdumstaacesÏ9, ps-obabiy not true. Tise venec# of' civilization is *stiiL too tisin upon tise basiic barbarism evei o!fVisebest o! us. Uut that me shàuld conse- crate Vise beat powers ôf.our mindii and hearts in Vhs bous- and-ini every isour Voutise abolishnnent of this dreadful cvii is too plain a duty Vo need argument. Tise ay is 00ming when mar wil-l be classed.'Witb ln- fanticide,-cannibaiism and torture &% oae o! tise outgrown hiorrore of the bsxiighted pabt. IV la flot toc early.now Vo dream o! this'glad day s-ad Vu labos f- ritecoming;-Rev. John Èaynes Holmen,. in sorne !orrn slxouldble taken, stew. cd prunes, baked appies, tise'juice of an orangé -ae-ali suitable, and will have a pleasant laxative effeet. 18 CANC'ER IN1FECTIOIU.St Medlical Mca Gis-ing Study to New Phbase o! Ps-oblim. ýZ is îx¶.regtnim-sssy eco)gnizeu IMedicai mn.ena ed sanitation, cx- I Vist riseumnatismn is a disease by no prsa bkn a ra a,ýeqi means coafined Vo tise elde-lyý. As t-ptrbemVakîng- gret aesSt x a »iattes- o! faet -tise most freqîxent Vh solma ew eexaprsi suferes fèm cut rhurntis ca-n become infeeted mitti ceirs suifs-ess f om acuVes-iiuma ismtîroýugîs living lan a housain îîiish ,and s-leumatic feves- are chilîdresi a cne itm ha%-vd o and voung persons. Tise fis-st syrnp- yasVs t:In.s, tison-gis Vey may vas-y a -good testo! question bai Lbeen aiat- deal with eves-y case, as-e ves-y often aerou ads lindx'ees-eaces -o "anre pains la tise limba, o!ten ts-e'teçi iîous -nre.ene ù c"ne mitis scant attention as beiag wîa-t hînvestiainin n.nlssfl are popularly knom as gs-owing lowe Vgtise report o! l)r. saolde pains, feves-isinsas, a-ad sos-e Vhs-uat.ic oa -aVla& i-~eo If tises-e is also per-spis-ation, a moist 9 skiathatis Vnde- ir plaes inhaiabît-ants in'France eleven deat-is toucixed, ixeadache, a-ad aay -slight oiane ou-r- asve ss5 swelin abub he oins, her isail being locatcd ia tise saine block. llttl~ doub as t- Vis- presece o! - 3-osslaVe-rtlies-e %me-rs-&e- rittleuta otepren -fvente-en cancer patien ts in tiseo a secmai lever. Tisis disease bas iscuses. In otiser pas-Vs -of Fsacne aseilimportance, becaxîse tlxere iîîclîdipg Paris, a simnila.r cni- leave a permanent meakaess -f tise nsGreat BrIltain -tues-e -ire nui- lieas-t, -and tlîes-eore great cars- "'us "'cance(cr i-ue.'Tîsere i-s requisste. rixe patient ssoîld b iheg i legrl -fEnln puit Vto bcd, and aimays betmeen vcrg nVxnri !laln wlb-îe tivU successive incunîbets biankets; flannel nigisV ciotises inîîave died o! cancer., place o! calico as-e aiso Vo bë rse- Ia a large bouse la Sdin-crm.et Medicai advice la inost degirable, mieseaon <lf, r,%ied ! can c nn noV because drugs are called for ycassada o lus wife, is ini econ but becaîse tises-e is alwavs a ces-- hi. iusn , nds-a lus !axnil b tain sisk o! complications whieh lhavefis-t inefeallnd a h-sek-- may proie ses-lous. Tihe îo-,m aanote fheincti!ns. - sisouid lie comfos-Vably wartmed îbY lan t ise-ou.etse la c*tldro mens o! an -open fis-e but aise caner isto Any ex iend i&t waà Vliorouglily veatilatied. Tisis must gnsain. A xeiet'a lie accomplished mithoxît a-ny dan-tap.ade Ves-e y -6fit,,n n ni-a4a ges- o!ds-aught reacising the pa- tVs-a-p. saier-l iea ursate tient and a mizidomboard mixicis pre- Sir- ThIonias liv-ex-, tii-e dis-ili- vents tise lower sasis !som being guisîlicd physicien and irriter (,n siiut d i imitl-a ordina-y place is issedical sxibje.cts, d-eclrstlitt a good ensiitivance. A sereen round in- - laiesftcanct-lie tise bed la als<, useful, as midi thhisgrîtles-yocaeri iyds- projection tise soom can ho verv fxlly a-ccepted, st-i iV is kaomiiVisat î-eadily ais-ed. Tise blaikets lxxiu - :c, uer eniais.vee s-r is lie changed !requeatiy, iliuxig 4 Ifof<~t ovs nmi.Mxevx.it ýioos-s, and afiermards ds-ied beore egarded ,-as proebable Visat, jiuj- aes a lfire. Whiile Vise fev-es-asts pe7 un u-us spstcr uns- spis-ation is profuse. and is to be ena- jictes ie-es couraged, but tise patient slsoxld be rxile per5sanS iuight ixhes-t- a 1'-,r.u- dailY wasFmd witli was-în %watei- and 1hax min eiability o! is-ih. {issueà asild soap, Vo em<ove it fi-om ie mwhereby aat a pas-icular s- ge (Uoy skia. Th'iis needs to lie dons quick - bcr hal oca-e-- é iy ansd skilfuliy, undeî - ovei- o! tie - I-n lus annuai report Vo he ini- binaet, e tu-t Vses- maylie sUriance iniztitxite at Nemcastl-- sisk o! tise iatient getting cil oTyne SirToa-sesa;idrau A niilk diet, mithout a rhing eie c ssa sred: 1t ie the mar o! sol ids, imu-ut ie adbes-ed ta- series-o! c ýa e icn.a rota Rot al to foir suais time, aad la addition towefThe o! a nualelon ii a si-l barey -atr nxy b ivnibrly dential.. t- tie tiftee-n yens-s fs-osa to ,usencli tue tist wiiclîi i3theise 183 o 1908ýt1he-o died fs-rn c-axsoer naVu/s-aI resuIt o!fuihe fiee Peruipira- in thils sti-set nineteca per-sons aind tiori.-A Physician. 0.-ed. x uma!tsJ5iSl.- DietIn 041 ýVistes-e lad oceurs-ed Vo os- Vhs-es 1>1e la 1<1 gi. a-ses. As la ail tise;- casestVises-e mas Tise mes-e fac-t o! oui gs-adxialiy no bes-edi-ta-y -lstos-y o! tise diýsea-sa, losing ouý Veetîx as» me beconie aid tise large axînîber o! deatilis among- risould show tise aecessity ,o!f<le- successive occupants o! tise hu*nes cs-easing Vhs quaitît.y. o! sucis foods lias suigge-Jt-ed* thist tise n '-lat-Ver 'i as requis-e mastication. Wfiti a-d- moes-eVia-n a colacidence." , vaacing age the mIxaIs digestive ap- C. E. Grec-a, amoV1her isei on tit pas-atu becomes meakened, and tisem-lia lias P,-Vud-ied tisesi1jee-V o! ca- ox-gans as-e no longes- able to deal' ces- believes VIsaV 1Vi lar--gely duo0 wvitb? 'large quantiticis o!Mar-l. Vo c-.l fis-es.-- For thie reason old people sboîîld Nai-ii5hui.43 ha-stise -higîseat ois- neyer cat iseav.y or'abuadant mcala. cer den-ti s-a-te in Soo>tland. M-r. Tise amouatb o! nous-isimeut- sisuld Green repos-ted, in.-191 tisa-t tise dis- ha spread eut oves-tise da.v ves-y triats of Nais-n*hire -which were. fr'ee much is asna Vie ca-e of an infant, fral cancer mes-e those whes-e pat wiso, must be !ed mos-e fsequently i-îs lius-ed, noV ceal. tisa -an adulV, because he can oaiy -Se- fre-juent1y heu lie ob&e-rved taise a omallquantity at a time. Old Chia fact tiluat hos is dinxpoed to abbri-. people rea,1ly do noV requis-s aay bute tise prevalgince of- ancer- taVhs- gs-e&V ampunt of focod. Unlike tise combustion of coal'riohin s 6ulph1iI, baby, wls' e ouin arsy dày, enaeolaiy -whre -VhsliseuÉes o!fVise tihy re slirinlcaag. Tbey can nepeople 'are on ýs1opes or la holloma. longer take mucoisphysical exercis, '1 tohougis V simport&nt Visa-t-bat lit-: Wî aeMn lniîcs nié -exereilb V bey can take sluould Wl aeMn imnes b. kept up. Tluey cannot mos-k be- He (la tiseiram ho iioe)-J)o YOU yon 50155el 11VOcOpOMiî,anç lnom, I ca-n larthit îieve *t'bant me th~OTÇ hse V >Q eed mu oh a re a~yadtuynaxid fod ý Vis réewa l o t t1esO 1y Sh-Glance oves-h"iee bl eisou4 livc osy liglib, n1>us-slah n dear,ad you', h iirve oub d~jinilk tfoodorare ejpeolyl.v uit- misate-ves-. aMey, au me ç! tisepraatal- :zd'y eined lgr isaant-s mill Tiseseîixxg fhon may ie'a loafer, 1 &tVen l»s loiind n seful. Fruit julce but &ise deilvers -Vis gooda. I - r- - e r-s-i of 1-ici lie l- f-i dis- -i 1 il. -

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