Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 6

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r pare b: J alone cmi give~.- Dr, WiYli4.ts' Pink jihs for -Pale Pe-ople ar~e tari a1l-yiýar-roünd blooci Jbuil4er 1r n erv nic, 'but t-bey are epcilytsef'l in-the spring. Every d4ehelps ix)inake new,, richi red b1l,ý3Vd.Returni'ng etrengtlî vcc.rn-1 mences %with tl:,ýir îî%Cnd the igor1 and J cheirftilneee of gcod heleat-h quic-kly fil ww. -7. -Tiierc im jîitune cure for la.ek off hhu.cl aiin41 that is more blockl. Food is the ni 4terïa] fromn. which bl".od'i Madc, Ibîj Dr. Wil-liamfie'Pinkc Pjlls dq tl4î ,he value -of the fibod we1 -ratTjiiy gWo. Fntrçngth, one up1 * th.,'ýstifii ý aýn<- weak digestion,1 cleit! c,.npfeion of' pimpie, -er4 luÏne n.nd' boils,, an.d drive out if .ýî arc paie and saJlow, if you1 Sfeel Lniiulytirtd out, breath- 1le fs aftr sllg* exertion, if yon hiave îace or back-aches, if r $our joïits ache, if your appertite *fûis und feood-doee flot, acurivh nor il-e~p efreslh yo'u, Dr.ý Wiltýia.ms' Pink Pillq il i a-ke-you. weIl a.nd ltcg.T rbildl up the b1c - 'ie 114le p e(ia1 purpC-Vv' of Dr. williams*' *. 'kPille, a.nd that il% htle are feel. flic e of a t,ý>nie a;tt fioss ea- boi giv DPr, Williamni' Pink pIil' a fair irial and ymu will rej<>ice in -.new h'lth10, new Btrength and new 1)4rg). o nelt the trying we;.t- 'twimÂiummer fitid yon WOrIlk am-d ailing. i3uild y<urelf up flow wit'h l)r. 'Vlhiame' Pink Pills-tho pis that e rcrngthen. Amk for I) r. iliaxns' Pink Pilles for PaPl11l'o pie arid do'not, lie per- -mutded le take Fîomeething cisc. If y<>iur doe soi, not keep these 1'ilJs Ctlîey1' ilb-etént by mail, postL raid. at .50 Cents a btbx or six boxes fu J oi$2.50 b: writiîig The Dr. Vil- lianîs' ?do-e-C. rcvle Tl' Tondi"of Oenlîim. Sandy Mitepherson started t4)- build a_ý_mall outhouse of brick. Af- t er ho uua,1 plàtn.of brickl'ayers, ie 'WOrke(d r im t-ie inuide, and, are le had(- tlli' inaterial clo,3e beside him, thé wn1le were rising - fast %vhenr - no-on arrived,- and wiith it hie son>, jock, vhc brought his father's din. Wifli înrtp ide n hie eye, Sandy l',looked at Juck 'over the Wall on which Ihe wâs eîtgaged, and ask- " Vye think I'x f getin' on V" "Eanîus, feytlî r; but hoo dae ye get outi You've forgot the One glance round him ihowed Sandy thant his son was, riglit;, but, 1 lcelcing k-iiudi at him, he said: ".Man Jûçck, y(,ut've gel a gran'- 4leid on e ' Ye'l- be an architect * yet. as stire's- yer feyther's a "WliaL'e ho y>ufather je say- -!-- "Hie, aye if yoti're not out of andl hipyoii-onit.Y "'Tell jure it won't ho neces.eary. DO Cons Lead to cancer ? 1 *A-9yo this lia, not.heen pî-ove'd, but Intror", ~art'swilli ind nothiniz bet- tür fu' - î thaýuti ntrrns Cornn rx- tîr ýtu, Z. at aliil ealerk, Lore Corner, ýN. J-I bad malt rbouiý oen my band for a gond many yearu. Every - f ln 'cntuer n band would crack and part of tbe tiue 1 bmd to weur a glove ta do my work)ý fur when 1 washed in bot 'cater 'ciii k un- wrapped It uacd ta Irrftate uouîucul that L 4dit know 'chat to do, I1lied to take a rotigli toirel andrub 1t;utttjl the bloodi would come eonmetia>es. -Maiîy a night I1lad te oit vup In beàd urb ilium aud somietimes that .ldut eatlsfy. I1lied ta scratch 'cfth My %figers and thje aett-morning 1 'could finda b$~ pecef ki 'cîib Ilid ake of.Tue #dqntel'KHiad mores on ono'of uiy baude. 1 tboiupht they cere uabers. -Ttwy 'paineR_, adi crnd. T!ueyýartod Jl.ust lke -a luttle iump and woulil bo liard aud more and after chSa t Vvewoulil boa big buneh of puaïanti whon that 'couid lie out Ih would-leave an - penftî; almostu as bis Pas-bla OBe-cent I ce.Z ouldn% t r d rseep wii the pain antd tJhq >rflog Sensation. Tho ulcer JE Rad o011iMytlngKr tlis wlnter wu a ti worme, ,1Tbere 'ces more Inflaminatlon for my 1l'nger was UWQIo len liitwIce IUs natural 0uIse and wuastastred -u a plece of Banne!. ->-j top the Çuticw'a aosp and maie a stido with It and washod the baud 'ctîha plecocotonand arter »5s wasbed 1 uscd 0-t&th Me Cutieura Ointmeu t and iPrond It 4 a àpiedc f cotton and w p tlîShand wltli té.1 ws credlna lUne over a 'ceek" (S1gud)M MoXbarls 8u:re ýte. June0, 1913. aC-uticm oip antic u&zaOlinmnt are. po~ ~4~gggand dei 4er ovirvrbere For jilberai free sample ofccci.'li, w 2 2-p. r-book. amn post-~çrg ta ýPenq ]Drus do 'mit~ 4p.. ln . .li. Véry sbortly the aared etretw4,ç thi3 Holy Citly wîll -hum1 wituh the mare importanat thorOýughfïrcs will ]be iilumninated at nikhV with the brilliant clectric filament.'*' lt-s old, picturesque s-ails and imassive-tas- ers arc to be pullcd des-a, and the city ia te)lhave an adequaite wuXtr supply, s-rites a. correspondent a-t Jeruitaltini. . The rapidity witlî shich Jeru-sa- 1cmr is extending, throngh the re- turnO tfhei Jews* in sucl large nurp- bers t-iflic ciby cf their forefuthere, lias rndered tf lijeeimprov'ements necesiefrv. Iuderd, te the nort-l and wsut cf th-elod city there have sprung up, wit-hin t-ele se decade, large Jewisli colonies, populous residential Fecfions as s-cil as con- vents, lioe-pices,,instýtuticns, schois and other buildings with flic result that to-day there is a greater Jeru- sulem wibhout the wale flhan Within. -Four separate tramway -routes are te be laid des-n. Thcy iIl ail st-art f rom the' Jaffa Gat-e, the Principal entrance iml-o the City, and rual oli-, sie the city 'calla thr4.ugh the fliprts Of Jertiml. The first, whie-li wll have a length of about two mileg, wiii givé (aI coetO wl-ut înay b-e terineti the business qua-I4er i!ýt-l1e flv City, while the second, -of similar iençtli, will iipl% up the large Jewishi colonies taeflic north with the city's-principal en- trance. The tlîird wiiI oîc'ircle the old city, emrbrneîng many of ils lics-I historie sites, such as Oordon'e I Calvail-, bchirved by many schah-are to e he ue sene cf the Cruciifixion, the Turmi, of the Kinge, the M",unt Mf Olives, and the Valey of Je- hosliaphat. TIhe.- Ronuît te Udîjîchieno.- The founili line will run f rom the Janf Gate to Bethlehiem, score six miles distant, traversing s-la-t is perliapse lc rcelsaored fhorough. fare in thle s-enld. Il t-ceres sitli re- pûTèd lioly piaces-sacred s-cils, fombe, and convents. -The work of laying the rail%iii Vo begin next Apnil, andi aceurdling te t-le terme, cf t-le eoneesiion, the syndicate' have pas-er Vo- extend t-le lines in any direetion for a distance of eeme twenty-fiý'e miles.# The c*y ivalls3, whicli have a cir- CUmnfcrcnce (if abot i ne miles, and rise in Places ta a l-iglit cf 38V4j feet, arc nos- bcing offened by the Goverument for sale ag building mae-u t Vis expected, hos-ever, that efforts will bo, made, to save i solated sectiong', more particulanly t-he massive fawers. Indeed, influ- entia-i citizens cf JcruseIcmhave formedle Socie-ty and are approeià-h- ing t-le Gevernment s-ifh a view to pre-serving Dayvid's Tas-er, s-licli t-hey prùpose te couvert jute. a mu- Of -late ycare Jcrusa1lm lias suf- fcrcd greatiy fromn the s-unit cf freeli s-a-er.- With flie exception of a rnll quant-ity brouglit inta f-ho city frare the uncient pools o! Solernon, neur Bethl-3hem, by nicans cf a pipe whidli runs aleng thc old aqueduet, t-le Holy City is entircly dependent fer its wafcr upon t-be rainflaîl. Now reservoirs are te be hut ini t-le up- Peî' Part cf thbe Valley cf t-le Brook Cliorit-li ut thle springs-of Ain Fana-h aînd Ain Fous-ar, wbere flic wat-cr ,wiii lie t-ared and brouglit inotele city as rcquircd. - Telleplionîs in Ilol.y t'iIy. ing.f WestIRrnidi evidet.A few1 L extensive orange gro-ves-naround Jaffa are nos- leing irrîgarted, byI s-ater > raised by mobpr-driven ptrmps. At Jaffa the Frenchi are ta buihd a liarbor, s-hich àe ccrtainly bàdly plaecd on fthe Pend Sêa, and sitni- la'r crait are ruuniug uponthle Jer- clan and t-be Ses cf Qalilee, curry- ing bcth pa-sengers and f reiglt. -Upoxu f-le shores cf the. latter shecri cf s-nIer a fish-curng and sardine factory je te lbe eetablished.- - OilILamps lnaIvaris. The&cil-lamps s-hidh remain in use et thle Mînistry of the lut-crier arc only one cf the annehranisms of Parie, fer the Frenchi, desipite fleur' ropublican princlplea,.are eit heu:rt eesent-ially conservaWie. A year, or t-so since an ent'er-prisîng jeur-. nalist discovered that one- ol the doors of thle Palais de JuÏtice ws-e le.t &jar every niglit, and a. dive among t-le ohd r ecorde revc-uled t-ha-t fuel thut t-lus particula-r daen lad n<it been ahut since 1818S, whei Lo Uis XIII. ordaineci that it should re- nain perpetuaily -open "s tatm subj!ecta zuay scek justice at a hourg of thé day or niglt:" sto6ry of Geô. F. 8tander a -cl kinosn young mna.n of thiplaoc, wilU interea-t-you. "'For nea-ny t-en yewrs," Mn. Stander says, "I eVfferedfrom bore baeuk and li-eaduàehe. I bail bad teatt- in my m'outh in thbe morning, and 1 s-ss ais-ays tired. Ifinally decided t-latmny liduxys ers -e the cunuse -e! my troubl e, aùdý deeided -te tn.y. ýDodd'j Kidney PuIs. I got haif'-a--dozen- boxe-s, a-nd before I lied fli .-bed taking t-hem I s-as oni- plet-ely eured. "Iadvise a.nyoe b auff eujng afs .1 did te, use Dodd'u Kidney pille."-, P =ltr- Kidneys $train alie puiis il t-lie fee<hof disea-se, aut- of thie blecd. Wea-k kidrney's eave t-lese impuritie.>i-n thle blood, a-ad t-le resunt la nervousness, tired feeling an-a pais &bdace-ht of t-on dvelop int4) Dia.betes send Bright'& Diocaee. -Dcdd'e -Kidiney Pilla Muake s-eak Kidneacys stonga-nd, Woiunn et Seventy Who Suifere la the Cange of Ireedon i. "Bb~u'ka,"the I1uisian woi' fr "bItle 'gra-ndmt-er," i5 the lialf-eudearing, half-respectful na-rue 8-ppliod by revoîationaries te Mme. Ka-t-lirine Breshkov#ky, whcse rv- cent attempt ta csacapc frare ler livinlg toinli in Siberia created sueli a stûr. A large number of Russiain nefu- gees iu Londion aassembled recently te celebrae, "Babuerlk,'s" seven- tiebli hirtliday, antia-.s-endetaI sfory. was unfoldeti by nureerous speakèrs, narslialled by M. Kar'po- vitch, himpcîf a celebrated revolu- tionary, s-ho ese-apet f nom Sibenia a few yeiine aga. Thaugli bora i-n a s-el-to-dco fam- ily, a-ad marriedti o a- Liberal lanad- os-uer, Mme. 'flresohkavsky dit not- heitate'to forsake her husband a-ad lier childrç.n Vo enter the rauks of flic first- "propagandiste" among flic peasa-ntry. That s-a-s in t-be early seveatie For deing tis ih ue wua-sarrested. kept- in prison for tîrce yea-rs, and then arraignet i s-L-I193 otetîre e- fore a speciý-l..tribunu.l, -whidli sent- Ier fa thc $iberian mines for four yen-rs..lan f81 sheade lier escape, but s-a cauiglt a-ad scatenced onIce mare tO four yeur-' liard laban, ivith isabsequent- settlemernt in Si- beria fcor l'fe. Býut ne amount Of ha-rdîdhip and vile tretaient ecrult break lier ini- domitable spirit, and in .1897 sic cimply teck fl-e train back te* Rus-- cia, anti, ignorng thle autheniticu, lielped ta establisl trIe Re-volubioýn- any Sociali8t, pa-rt-y. SuibFcqucn.itIy ahîe un-dertook a lecture tour to flie jUnitedi States te citam funde for th t-le'cause." HcRr arm-st in 1907 follios-et on thle d-eruuncia-tion o! t-le notonieus spy anj~ agent-provocateur Azeif. Ar- rraigned once more-fhis tfume sith M.ý Nieholas Tehaykovsy-shc was condrien-et in 1910 te baniliment te Sibe-ria. Thougli a-nold wsorn-, broken in leait-he maie a daring attempt Vo escape in December mest. UPWAýiRD'STAUT Afier ('haiiging te Poil uiii. Ma-ny a talentc-c pet-son je kept- back becanse off-be int-erfereuce of t..-a or-coffce IVhthenureimn s-ort-h. I s-as lit-eraiily sta-rving; ws-e s- en-kI coulti nol si-t up long a-t a tirne. "It s-as t-leu a f rienti brauglit me a- hot- cup o! Pos;ture. -*Idrnak part cf il a-ad uft.er an heur I fehI a-e t-îougli I lad lad some.thing toeca-t -feit strengîliencti That s-a- about five years ago, anti affer ontinuing Pc-st-a n l place o! coffee a-nd gra-- dualiy get-ti-ag stronger, V-day I ca-a ca-t and diigenit anyt-ling I s-a-at, walk a-s niuch as Is-a-at. My nerves are t-teady. "I believe thli finit t-hing t-haf did me a-ny goen SYd gave me an up- s-a-rd start s-a-s Poearn, a-ad I - u»e it a-tgether now instear1 o! coffee."P Na-me givea by Cnad-aPosture Co., W14deor Ont. Pcstum nos-cornes infs-o -formsa ilegîllar Postunî - mue le sWeil boiled. 15eaind 25ce'packages. Instant Postum-is a soluble powv. der. A tcaspoc-nful disso>lves quick- ly in a cup o! hot s-at-en anti, witli creai n-d raugar, ia-kes a delicieous bevera-ge instnntly. 30ec-ad 50c The cost pur cup of bot-h kindu ifs abo)uttie aame. -Theresa- Rua-on" fer -Postum. -censIY Preeteçd ýWitJî'a, 9i40 ilaM-_ of-wMT, ±ule, 4o*O"r' E tst-ai h hawl notbeetf,- able.ýt get 1t com- plete: w.ith guitùê (çoýtag-a Pseid huit- tireti guinées) -beig.- nceived - s-tàh quite mild'discliiun-ne-byt-le smaHl boy',Bspa.re.i-t. -Thie'tiniest ehlltren are pMisenfed ,With 'mcl tîjaga 84 gnocer's ShoWe-ompleely fitt-ed a-ad coSting- a sn i l Joitune, aad expen-' Sive 7mediênaui at'i. Addce t-l'tis,, t-le apb-aling fusQ.- ion cf jesel ery for <ehi!,eren lias conte over :fiiçm '-Amenricg, 'a-ad,-t-le dauighteri -ofAmerica-n pereses and at-bers '- posers complete miniaturte jes-ci cases anti expensuve, if trny, rings, Ina coatî-stf- -.the s-ieér quotez 8a- deiseriptiou o! two e!it-li ehildren, !ftire Queen (wliea she s-as Princees b!f Wales) pluyîng bnp- pily lu th-e girden a-t Fregmere- s-l pnesumably i+k0y haâd any icys the3 could.WIsl fer. E1Wenyposeeavr o! a- nurery- s-hi pprecute tIc truth -of t-he morali The ovcr-expensive f-oy kills imagina-tien by leaving not-hing to â', and kt is just in. flie exercise cf irnagine-ic>nt that a t-rue chlld se. mUc-h 4-iiglî-ts. A M0THERes PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs.- Fred Tinkia-m, Sout-li f(sa- nan; N.S., s-rites --"Please senti me.c a-nethem box of Baby's Os-n Tablets as I do not.cane te lic with- out thes. I have uiîed them re- pe-atedly anti consider thcm tl-e b et mediefue -i- ic s-anti d for h-tf-le c-nes.", Thousantis cf ether moti- cru eny th-li*ame -fhiag. The f-ab- let-meure &Il t-le minor ilIe of chilti- licod sui t ' î e nstipatýion, scur stemacli, coiic, cclii, simpie fevers, ct-c., a-ad are guara-uteed Vo ie abso- lubehly safe, Solti by medicine deira- cru or by maila-I 25' cen-ta- a box f ront Thé Dr1. 'Wil-iams' Medicin2 AILCOIIIrv. 3IEMORY. N tînîber o! -Expeninients Withl Beer il Me'îiory Triî'd. Dr. Smi-t-l, of Heid-elberg. Ger- maey, lia-s recenb-y cor.ducted some experiaients s-hidli sîçîs- lies - liu ougîly alcohlldichuirbe the ment- ory. A number, o! pensons wecre given t1luree orA ouir glaszs sof beer- na day andi necuired - famemorize certain 8entences, and wsrite t-hemt dos-n on pa-pen. Hall a dozen ex- perintmté wsere ma-de s-lth eaeh per- san. No senten-ce s-as longer t-ha-n fouir lin-e. The person s-as given flic sentence an-a1dt o go tnd write it-oit; je fifteca or t-senty minutes ano-t-erÉentence s-as given anti the pt-aces repe-at.ci. For t-w-r-t-y d-ays th-c- expe i- meniLs e wre carnieti on. The camne amount cuf be.-cm wa-s given dnily. Afber fie sixt-h fhuy flic errons and losges in meîn-ony iieeued, and on the fs-ent-ieth. day t-he locsece arnaunteci ta 7&per cent. ; tiînt je, ie one hundred xperimcnbs aven sei-enit-yof tlem s-erc errore anti mi-stakeis. Tic fault- o! m-eînory ete-ndily 'increca-seti. Tic first day'e experime-eits shos-etin a mahlamouel of ernor. Tiien frlere w-as a ste-ady Titis exp-cri-me-t confirme Profes- ser Kraepelin'estests cf nemember- imïg numbers anti sorde.. Rer fund t-lia s-ithoîî-b alcohll duc hindredi figures cou-id ic remembereti after forty repetibionis, an avern-g2o!fs-wo- andi a liai! nuinber tuta cdirepeti- Bcilss,. fîbà Bheumatism Gu-i PilS is0v - rcînîit Relit! "Y Curiflg ýrie h liueym. %1r. - Samuel 'an oo Montreal. says: **Just a Ws-o f ;,rale for GIN PILIS. About Ififten manthio azo 1 couid not s-alk at-croàse m3 roonu. sufer- lat gseverciy s-lth Rhcuînatlcs. 1 took G IN PILLS anti beesme quite-eèl. Two rnonths ago. Ilied ith,IUmnatic Pains wlth Nearalgia. - 1 reredta <flNq PILLS a Qr- one week anti became 50C. a Box, 6 for $2.GQ10 $ample fre if yeu write National Di',Ù-&Cluemical Co. of Canada. L-imIteS. Toronto. Not IP To lIli. Workman-ýSre gotten marriei,ý sir, a-nd I'd like yeu t,, rise ny wages, Enflployer-V-ery sqrry fer you, but I'm only1resporisible fer acci- dents that ocurin tEe wonks. - Minardts Lln tnhu elaIluuuSrlgl8, ray as ya o-a'but zayave enoueh ta pay' for a t-rnticket. thrôùgh -the' tisett'o, tzesrgat those stff, àore muscle, and trrltated nelrès that malke you dance with pain, - You'll,,gèt alînost-instant relief fzrÃ"m muscle sôreness1 -Etiffless, achtùg Joints,-, Iiimeziesa -or.- rheumattam by rubbhng with Nervillue. - -t's a sooth.ý doesnt bîtru or even staintie skln.* r' - It'e - th most harmàles, cure.lu thé -world for Lubg,.B 3 train or Sclàtlca. It takes away the ache at once anti endis, yur ..isery quicluly. Now quit comnplainlng-don'-suifer another -day-NervllI ne, that goôd, soothing od-tlme lIniment W11l1limber >OU Up mlghtyquick. - Get busy te- day,' the large 50c. fanilly eize bottie Io the most econoical,."o! course, the trial size costs but 25e. Any dealer anywhcre can supply'Nerviine, To Celebrate liannojekbiîrn. Great arrangemnents are being put forward in Scotland for the celebra-. tic.n of, the six hund-redth. anuiiveî'- SarY Of the, baite of B3annockburn this year, and a ocrmmittec, whicli waIS Appointed by nesociatione and public boDdies' represezuitative of gs'otit;sh natienaL tfeeling, ha.s isue£ -a report cf itsi proposa4s bone of the intenti'ons of thle eomrnittee is to creet a permlanent niernorial on thp field of the battie. la i.5 suggested that several acres of landa should he bought round the Borest-one on the field o!flBannockbuîrn, to be laid cnt as a publie park. A nat-ional holiday im- experbed belic proclaimed througliout Scotland on the anni- versary cf flie batfle, Xndî, June 24. Fiee Lnllie.-4 iin Ejglunul. -The free lunch hia-% never been pi'opoî'ly tnied in Eýngland-,-elips of cieeFe and Nery dry biecuits being as far as it lias gone. But oe carnes acluss()CcaEornally tuostel- ries wliere thc price eli-arged for a good square mealis le rduced almo-st t-o .vanisiîing point. This writer passes every day itwo establishrnents that are carrying on a friendly war as to whicelh shah give thec cheapest dinner. As it. riandà :ab present, one advertises, "eut off the joint, bwo vegetables, and lire-ad and ceese, feor 5d,' s-while the other je a short b-ead-behind Witli "a good old Englis'h dinner foi- Gd."e Stop Sneezing Quit Sniffcling Cure youir Co1d THE SOOTHINO VAPORS 0F CA. TARRHOZONE BRîNG INSTAN- S TANEOUS RELIEF. J Thousantis of Testimoniale Prove That Catarrhozone Cures Permanently. Wlien germe attack the llnlng of ftic noee, make you eneeze andi gag,-when Inter on.- tley Infeet the branchial tubes,-lîow ean yu !ollow blîcm wltlî a cough syrup? You-can't do It-bhat's ail. Cougl eyrup go ta the stomach-tlîat's why they faîl. But Catarrhozone gaee everywhlere -gets rlghb after the germe-kîlis them-heale the sorenes-encres itle inflammatln-*makes Catarrh dlsap- pear. "Nothlng 1 have ever used gives the wàrm, sootblng sensation of Catarrlî. ozone,'"s-rites Isabel Fry, of Seguin Falls, Ont. "I w-as la a frightfui way iwth catarrh o! bhc nase andti iroat- lad drappings, lard breatlîing, bati breabh and Indigestion. Catarrhozonc relleveti at once and cured me thor- ougiîly. lb le invailuable In cois sre judgiîig by'Ap>tI~ie~ Have yoîî ca-lied on tlhe new preaecher's, wife vet V' "No. Have yl>u 7' "Yeei; 1, s-as there ye'ster-day. 1 gue-se lie muet have marriedhler for' her reaney." "Pid Eihe sav anyt-hing about lx-ny- ing a ricli fathie"?" ".No; but tliey have a rug on the living rôom lon thgt Inuit have Cosl aI lenet $4." le anceny -wkthIn the camp. Stw'il! undc.rmhsrô the sîrongcst canstitutiOn and ruin the meut vigoreus bealth. It lcaeaista iniliçsion, billousues, mpure biood, bd complexion, ick frelu nt eau es o!appendiîh.T nez iclitesiow suicide. Dr. Mase's rnaln, Rot Pills PoslitiVCly cure Censti pation. -ThF)yl are entirely vegeta le ncmpstou ndo net sic k u, wcaken or gripe. Prfservo- vour Ieath by takiag EU. 4. ISSUE lG-'14. -aan-vay,-vPw 70ye&-s o et ig, ll&5 ~Vae1dover 5,000 miles and ex- areined,3,0,00 miles cf cà,aet linc. 'Ho thinks thle te-triticny is dJstinc'ty a Lady M'es Wise. - - I lve jue een tl, wIitoe a coriipondenî of t-le Midon Dailyv Cibr 6icle, tle st-ory , o! a lady of f:itle s-liately heard fixa-t a~ suif ru- :gatte attxk s-as reditoted itga-irrit, ,ber, countryhouse., -rt-ah e!go,- ing i4o - yrit-nieIsureno-n7ing thle. pÏolice, anad rtig a ggard xround flic premnises, -sh, quietly fors-ardird1 a substantiai cc,ribution te t-lin héadquart-ers '!oflie miliýants. Andi nos- sic fee1s eafe. Ever th:!s-i!d- es th !fisild -wofn«n s-ould scern te damage pro)perty c f a spotr Womanly-beaiîîy Je Iargeiy me out- waed expression of! health. Every s-ans-ith pale clielis andi poor complexion necils medlelae-J.- nee ds a patent tonle ta regulate lier To toue ap the stomeeli-to ineurÇ good i dgcstiou--ta gîve nos- lite andI: vltallty-to the ws-laissystem--wlîere --- tîcre a remedy like Dr. H-amilton's Pille?r -Dr. Hnmllton'c Pille enable you 'ta eab WIab Yeu lIke--lhey correct con-' - stlputia-,make nourlsllng blooti-- i ESTi Instil force anud v1m Imb a mun-Sas-n sBysbetù. r If nervous andi 'cnn't elecp, your mc- j aiedy ha Dr. H-amllton's PilIe--tiicyj - searcli out the cause*of yoar conditIon- anti yu rise lunbile rornlng regreshed, strong, vîgomous, rcady for the dak"s fc s-ark. Dr. H-amIlton aiRs every s-cakanti Outi debilîbateti persan fa use his Mundrâlie anti Buternut PIlls. The-y maRe aid folks feci young. anti s-aR Tlcs feel J sfraag. Their effects upon Ineomnaa anti langaur Ioîuîai-vcllo.ue JIun.dredfi' decînre bhcy soatîte anti quiet bbc. nerves se that a gooti uigi's rest ai".»- ways folIos- their use. > Ta looks-cii, fa feel s-cil, ta keep s-cil. use Dr. Hamllton's Plle. Th"i*- are mîlti, cleuusing, streugblening-" gooti fon tIc young or aid. Soiti by ail deniers la 25c. boxes. Iloiel ieeper.4InluJapan Olve III,,, If a guerst, eaves a Japanese Iîo.te without paying hie bill, a br'om ie. dressed up, his naxn, j attachied tu it, and it îe inverted as a eign of disre'epect, s.ays W. L. Hildburgh. Complaint, he added, je then made tu the figure, and it je order- ed o b ring the tnoney next, day. Farirere heatbeane Vo find out what the wt-at.her is going t o be. and sacrifice a. black horme if-they waîît rain. Paper amulets are tgecd dur- ing thunde.rstorine. and slîopkeep- ers at the end cf each year coilduect (lemon-dispeling c<'rem<bnies. To a.void litigation thie perr,,on mwho feares it bathes in thie twiliih on the' fou rth day of the fouthl month. In villages wellq are ccover- ed over duringcechipsei*of thbe imon. as the people be]icve that ;~i drôps froin the skv at that timoc. T coisiilir MNAI'S LNIMENT tihi IIES'I'lAlultiettlniuse. i gîît iuy t'ont iauiy jariiviii'd iatpiy. 1 butheil It scl wlth 3iAtt iANI- MPNT. uand ItL -a a w4 wll s ii-i îtî' nxt îi'uT. Winkle--My >ife wvould ninke a good niember of Parliament.' Hirkie-"ýVhy 2" inkl-"Slie's alway-9 introducing bis int-o the1 houise." Piles CurtO laa Sto, 14 IDayO Drugîte refunil maner 19 PAZO O1I'MENT fale ta cure Ite.4lng Blilnd, or Protruding- Piles. iit application gives rellcf. 60c. Some ýs.urgeons manage tii carve cut big f-ortunes. Minard's Linimefi tcures Burns. Eta. J iiî'e 4Response. Because -of ler own goodc looksn. M.g.-Hate-h1 feit- slie married be- neatli ler whlen she "t.ok lip'" wi h une-eyed Jiin. Foi, six miu'nth> &he was faib-hful to lier vow never te twit lier 'iusba-nd a'rioît his defi7rre- it-y tlien, one llday, lier' eilarp, tongue goùt-thle bette-r <'f her. Jim libtened qîulietly to hù Ife' estimate 4.f hireseif. physical i aîd, otrierviC. EUc."hi' poké naV -last, in his caim vojice. '-yuUc,- ým. wife n-owl but, if I'd had two qey, I'il s"l1ooked furMer" "Your fathtor basa lot o~, f very fine chickozns," -observed the young, man. "Ias lie incuba>torsV"ý "Nlo," soaid the rwoob yo.uîig thing' ijot iornoe nbSo. (ding..scliool~ 1I tl'uink hey're Plymouilî ok. ali Is UrefidI Mis eu4& fi. W. OAs- ?oronf e, S POU UALL - -Nineli, CelSor,,. sueur, Ij .8c JFa YO.Wq'BUT OR BL writ K.W. awanBrampton, or il W, DAW-SON, G@loothe SI., T@È'1eula - j - - WANTEO. - - A GENTS FOR WJEA#fgR nSU ance. low rates, liberal cormIsson. Apoly, The Canada Weathor,.Inh'urnci Co.npnnv. Tdrnnto.. NEWSPAPERS POU SALE.ý C QOD -WEEKLY. IN LIVE TOWN 111 r York Couilty. tationery -and. Eook ':ln5fflOEn connection.. "Price oulIy $4, 000. Torma liberal. Wilsoti Publioh. Inw cOm»a&ny. 73 '%ent Aead~Bre CACR UMOKI . LuMPS, ETM nai ai d-zAterzui. ce&&wità. ou painby OfouDme rçatmont, Write us tore t6c lat.. fr. flellmsoMdIa Co.. 1LImfl..caflngwood. Out. - ut sed by success- fuil plantée or over haif aentr langeand beuthfulilkitra.ted CATAL0GVE FREE A~. SIMMERS, Liznited for alRorse- . sîve a heorse aud ,you, s-oit liav'e tabuy au.. -Dout seul Or dcstroy any, herse oui aeeonust cf -SPaVusln.ilnt, Ritgbone, Spenti ane dollar for a R END AL'Sý ISPAVIN CURE, lias savcd a hra ay irfs,- lis put' tlucnu i.ruIckL. tuk- vnafter theIVl-:.e byei gis <'t î'-.9 O-c1. y'a of Luuzcess ilai pu-oscil its -tbicr Mv..3 roiin of lit.Lin, Qu, hzlv, 1-rn ust.g your SPOhin xe l lc i n t t O u Dr. B. t. enll . Be -('areffijî, "-\'4IW want yau tbbe enreful,". saiki a barnister tvteafies-itnce.- "Have youÈec been a bankmipt?" "N,"us flie answeî'. "Aguin I mus-t -arn voit to lic.careful.Did' yoiu evcî stop paymeiit 1"'Ye-s." "Ah "' exelairrîctithe cotînsel. "I tiuoug-ht I shouîid gel - at t ala-at. WXlien di in ht luappen 2" 'After I bad paiti aiIl] os-eti - c-- - - 4 '---i Only onue K»OMo qrnNxNxm" To get the genuine, âIil for full ruame, LAXATIVE JJROMO QUININE. 1.oùiC for siignature or E. Wv. UIZOVE. cure» a cola lit lOnue Day. 25C. Maxk-l'm looking fur agod plaI.ice tu cat.' Du yuu know anyl J"aiks-l knowv some g!.>d placm, but they are nQt edible. ' Try Murine Eye-Remedy If -you have Red, \Veak,' W\atery" Eyes Or Gran\îlated BEyelidî., Doesn't 4ffart -Èobthiés E-ye Pain. Druggists Sdil Muriuie Bye Remedy, Liquiti, 25c, 50c. Muriziî Bye Salve'in 'Aseptic Tubes, 25q, 50ec. Bye -Books Free by Mail. Ai £eTrnie Goedfcr LUIR YOn'that-Nasd Care- murl. 12, aeRoguedy 0C.. Chicago Femin ic vuriiakes lhan of many an olerietruthfin-i man. Minard'a L niment for sais *YerYwihers. Thie Ei'aslest Way. Joe-What, is the easiest *ay to drive a nail without smashing my>- fingers?7 3Joeephine--HoId flic Jiammer. in boili Iand. il' REýMMRI The< intment yiput on yOur 0ild(à8kiII gets intoth ui1c tera a ~surcly, as food the child cars, DoWit let impure fatsad.nxiieactoÏôing mntter (such as mny- of the chcap olatrecats coatain) get into >'our chlld's blood ' Zam- Duk i. purclYblibal. No Pois- onous colarnig. Uze it alwuys,,. ,50çi J3= ci, Ailu rguftaJLe The. CHAPrTER 'IA-? I waoIti do aiytluurig What tdo ,vouw-ant ioa tc "YautiS lme." 1i saId. s-lis finie bluî.iung of1 the ps-lraa. auîd ta fiwr ~that yaur motitir w-as you s-NiS ul le ta b(:iplo 1i rstoppeà tae-nie maltetîy plan] couli a, 1.1llth elasiiet bath berýi Mîy shaulder aîud wtohtc sihltîlng cytmiind ;atu "fi ou, cij.. it.., - 'Wl, îar.' Icu1 hueCi. s-ten >'ou au-rvfl- aOyantàge lt-fore"lu -w'oulhd hue b<if- l io 10 - aîl> ut, lurlui imîîeh. <und't t' lorii,ý mire,.s- a u.--utas. .4pakta lOtti.r-uc ta si-' uilIeu' l'.îokeuy a t0lilng d rq)elt-' - l ;fl 1>1* fc e l," I su it rîîk -Br t anî î'itu. i ' unc trli.iuîdltig uvriu '"T atlm, ta l-h urt,' YOUI'$Itel*"- 1L Fr8h, sweet -the first ihing3 of when you E soap. As soon as-'you usc deliglin ithéIeswec fume îbat is icîr ciing -- fa-cc, 'you ar l and n -ii the toft -ehilie, hiî o! the glycnîncran yc r Oct n cUke-toCtiy. VIO LE GlyceîNxe l0e a cakýe. 3 cake,: lrMus 3Co. Lui. 6d,.i h. --

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