Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1914, p. 1

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-WHITBYî -ONTARIO. CÂN&DA... 1»UBDY, APRIL"'1 1914 I,ýRE OLIVE OUL A FOOD CANNOT. BE TOO R1IILY ESTIMATED. ar -Pure Olive 011 is paInt- de, lias a rih iavor and àcate aronia, 'and isi;mt- rld direct frotn the pro- It's purity is gouaraiîted(. lm 0 BULES AND BULK. J .WILLIS wugqlst- and ePt1clan MEDICAL HALL rock St. * Whitby. hAmsriuan Business Goilego Y.n<. and 1M116h ts.. Toronto, Ont. 14 te j ýad ntillieilqschonli 111% better work than ecier Write umI il Fou vwaut te preparTC f'r a good positlin. lienry C. Ward. Priundpai. ~ffliot ioia Gairde M~O..E. -FAREWELL9 K,.C. Beirilite, County Crown Attorney and 1 i County Solicitor. Office south wing Court House, Wýhitby. * A. E. CHRISTIAN Barr"«.. Selctor.*Notaat Public. Rtc. Oisce, Broc~* St., Opp. Standard Batnk. Money tQ Loan. JAMES RITLEDGE., arister. Etc. M4oney to Loan on easy ternis. Oafce immediately sôuth Royal Hotel, Whtty$,LOnt. 6. YOSJNG 8MUTHf, LLA. MARRIAGE LICENSES ,Cert lieuse, Whitby, oresidence. VDe &,Je SANSON ---Beeister, Solicitor, NQtmr.y Public, Conveyancetr-0cec., etc. Oshawa, -Ontario Offioe-NO. '2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. -Phones-Office, 3-21-; Residence. 326. Wanted Gentleman with good knowledge of farut land values, rosidingizin this district, Who #,an give al Or part of his timie.toe obusiness. FtHNItSHER 409 Lumsden Buildingi TORONTO WALL -PAPER' NUW SCUOOL WANTEDIN11THÉ,SOUJTH WAfl. EVter -je the. Churches. mienry Street Situation Refetred toRatepayers. - ST. ANDREWLS. ________ dayluSt. arej reaby- Àt themeeting of the Board of Ed- 'sutabli ire escapee for, the tlirec terlan' oburch wam a new 41y tu tlite ucation held luat week the Proprt.y uptown, 1sOchools. lives of ton persons, at ie ast, for. Toi Com itt. peseteia por 1 Iutledge and Mise Pow- tliInumber, of -peoos1eame meut- ~ Commtteepresntel , reprt e llwerelappointed dý elégal.e5 b te 1.bers oftechurcit-Difle by piofes'>l1 refl commendlmg a nOw two-roomed ichool COntWîo Edùcationaie AssociatIow-o to n e. by certiflcate, Of lte. to replace thé Dufferin bSt. sciteol, meeting te o be5»i 'i Toronto tiMa teit six -Were young mon and womu sanie to be bult upon a new site., t$emria evc r bra- Ais tat hequetin e eectngGirO'Anunes,- on behali of the 014 liam preacited a short sermon on the GrsAssociation, wrote lie Board Resurrection, fo'llowed by-a talk on a new building 10 teplace Henry St, as bt whether lhe wiriÙS of the As-' the Lord's Supper. Then the- meM- School be submittbed tq the ratepay-_ senrbly nom In ti.he Fgh Sohool, bers took their places in the centre ers at the January- eleitions of 1915.' used for the practice of Alice In Wen- pews and lte emblemso0f lte dealih The epot ws adpte by thederland, should be Jetfit place or re- of the Lord were partaken ot TB eeprdba ttmas adopted. mh rno ved. 'l'ho IBoard decided to asic At the evening service Il. Abr- hoad y aunnixeu voefor Its removal. harn continued l te Flaster sl'ory ln a The tollowing meniberi~ were pre- Principals ELývi-dge andi Henderson thoughtful discourse. 1qO4 ,,+ thia ,meetin'g.:'reportefi that certain pupils were aI- - - Chirman utledg, luie _owel_ te-iIV th'rmsctoots or :whm tee l~T isthe lme tocorne aMrs. Llteew, MCp ellao-hainot been paid. The i3oard book is th0Wi.toCne ndMsr.HwlMiela,(0_te view that the pupils should be in~l and have a gno oo inJmeIlcnye,(odtlo deharred -unlcss thte tee,5 were forth- at our new sam pie. SendI Joncs andÃŽ3rougitton. coming. your friends ini too. Thc School Pr[ncipals prescnted Miss Powell molTed, spcon-dcd by You~vllbèdelghedwih their reports, &howing number on Mfr. McClllan, thâl subtect tb sec.V You wll bëdeligted w t oli and average attendance as foi- 55 of t.he Hligh School. Act, the Sec-- the new stý les of desîgns and îwsi retary be instruicted to nolify thea t-lie novel coorings. riunferin st-nrol6,aerg '6 ounty Council, the appointing body,L We--have Wall Papers at al' Dundas Sl'tree-Ill and 92. oftj vcnyo r..ac or' Henry .treel24 and 96~. i seat on this Bloard, owin.g Vo bis ab-1 prices, and the cheapest have ilg col7 ni6.sencefon thccoeciemcl a beauty which is far in ad- mr. -j- i..James, Cba-irman o! theii.igs-. vance f hatyo usal >~fi dPropertv ('ommitlce, tendered bis The mnotion was;defealcd, as te van-e o M-ht yu usall fi res i gationas a member of the Board Secretary repertea that Dr. Moore in ow prcedgoos.owing to the tact Ihat he hadt learit hadt signifled bis Intention te attend [here is a very large range to ed that bis execut.ion of the repairs the meetingg of tie Bdarff as 5,on a choose from, so y cu aie euiQ 'l the l)undas Street Sehool haddis- h ol s i uonlle qualifies! him for holding bis seat. Mr. MwcCormick, irepre*enlxing- te to findjust what you wilIl lke. Th, eqenatili tWas acoêpt0d Wlth' Atlu --Relief MAp Cô., ô! Chicago, Room Mou idini&t regret. Mr. -lamnes thereuPon vacat-, was present wIi an exh-ibtt of relief LEVI1SHEPHERD. Principal Bell reported that the Corniick enlerlained the inenibers of WHITBY - - ONT .1rifles for the C('adet Corps had ar-t- Igard and lte Priteip'a!s cf tie rived, and that lhe unifornis were to Scitools with ,a practical -example et - ----- bedelivered nuon r about April 30th. ! ceography teacing by lhe use Oftis F-OUR' LEADERS "Sranton Goal." 16Youghiogheny Steam Coal." "Blue Grass Cannel Col." "Geor~ge Creek Smlthlng CORM." No Ceai xc equal these. - Scranton for ranges,-heaters and f urn. aces. The bet-clean, bright and dry~. Cannel for fiee places mnd gratea. Youghiogieny for steami. None any better. George Creek for ail kinds of smiti- ing wôrk. Feesi mmced. -We Iead in quality and quantily. Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 14. New Laundry. - --~i1 We wisi te acquint tic people of DENTPAL Whitby and sunneunding country with - - thc fact that we have opened up a firet- W. ADMS, Denist, Office, Dundas ciass îaundry-on Bnock St., Wiitiy. in Streel, Resîldence No. 4, lte Terrace, Hjewiî Bras.' otti store. Byrofi St, Wiiiby. Phono Ne. 122. We are pnepaned te de aIl kiuds et - _laun-dry work. Faniuiy orders givein Au ÂUrio«.EERs special attentioni. Ail work guaanteed. ~ 8H0 ' - - Pancels callcd for mnd delivered. Oshawa, Liccnsed Auct"ineer. Sue- C harles War- hty asosor to L. Faitbanks. For terms hi bOnt and dbul apply to self or GF. Robb,_______________ WB&. M-WLivery, Cartage LICENSED AUCTIONIIER AU AND VALUATO R.adTa ig I à0 -end ýials remplly attend- a d T a i g @d te. Arrangemeulll can, be made <otr saieu at bie Gazette office. TeU u'nis easnble. I a 1have recently added, te my weffl WHITBY, ONT. eciuipped livery stable a iteavy teaux -- --- .and drmy for ail kinds et catage andf CONTRACTORS teamning wqrk, mcd*will he pleased tc ____________________eceive onders, which wiII have prompt i. HtWELL J11M1: landi çarçful attention, (,Àtpenteij l uilder and Contracter. PHONE 65. Plaits dnawn and estîmates £urn'ishcd.I____ Kepaîrs, Alteratien5 andi Jobhing. ble Fietor Baràntiord Rooflngij J h k b e ------- - DUNDAS ST., WEST, WHIaTBN .Marriage Lteenses. - - imseur oet ariage hi :ensesl Corner drugstore. Whithy - li êoSe equired. MMINUMIIENTS We inover recornmeuîd w@il'5 a"i inspeet for youliielt.y Don'l ho muele4 by agents, we do -Our periormal guiranîce. IR . employ tieni, conseqienti! we cari .sAd do allow theenêtt$5 comM'nhlO, t'e per cet, wbch you will certain-i ly sav" by purchasing frOm us. -~Colil51ctd -Ofice and Wotks Opite Standard Ijanu, Whutbys Ont' neis College wit i Vive Ctyy Brani hîc'rOlq. afly tite. Write f,:r CatAlog. W. H bW NICHOILSON & BELDO walit we wilI gel it for you. See oun Ha4ter winulow. TIhe fiîiu.it iuild cured liants antd BaWoi iii the wtnl4îî are luire, delicions -ndmii uppe5tiz- ing, lu,,,1 tlick or il-i ni -SPECIALS ~2 bs.(Or, bua4r fon $1.00 Ilich 01-1 Clii u-su Ilii. 20c 6 Surprise bSoap,- 25c 6 Coinfont Soap, 25c Oun famous black tea, 40e Your business friend, W.. MEEKER Phone 94, WHITBY- The serices at lthe Baptist churehi were ail of an E41aster charatter. In the morning bnth music and sermon vice was given by tite choir. The an-j thems sung were especially Inspiring, and a 8910 by Mrs. Meleanl and a ladies quartette received much fav- orable comment. TIIE TABERNACLE. As usual the Tabernacle services were strong and heiplul on Sunday.j TUhe musical Part of the evening ser- vice consisted ot severni fine anthenis by the choir, solos 1,y Mr. Alex. Wil- son and Mr. Downey, of Pete3rbiorc, and a sextelte, ýwhïch Was e8peCially 1 charming. The Sunday School per-;r vice in the afternoon waq also of Df Zaster character. ST. JOHN'S _(R.C.) ' As in the other churcheg,, SPec ai Enaster miusic was rendered' at. .John's. Hlgli Mass was celebrated VATER AND L quE s- w~ P.nding thi~ appointmentjof an Electrical Inspecter, fOr HIS Wn of -Whitby,. ýpublic'noti e ii, hereby glvel), hasti tec",M new premiseis bbug1 wired,'that. service conD'eOtiWfliwjil b. (a')d Where popdcoe"r me-e Wlure pmete-teroxe sWitches r eetaclboe (d> Wlîere flexible tuý'ing -ance witlî the 6iliytiro thie use tiieref. * oards are flot provided. are rIot intalled ith flush is riot used i4tricîly in accord- E le ecie" regulations ýgoVeriiflg GEO. W. P, EVERYf aSu$p. ESTADIJSIIU 1878 cFm -CAN"ADA, ,j>.p OlP FI ever dcsired withoutdly TOIONTO j WUITI3I 13RANG l- C. A. mtCielianManager. hm.. asa onmvfh r*km( elaln eeal à m C , o n rýé(. P dwzùs f n agC .& «r . ndP r r- ' The followinl,t accounts were recoxu- maps. -Ail wto iheard hlm- wre at lte mornîng service and lte 1ene-'-- mended for paymient by. tic Finance greally fnlerested and pleased wilh diction in lie eveniàg. Fatiter Ryan Commilîe. I1lteniaps-but the, Board dii! net give took for tic texl of his Hanter sr W. Y1. H. Richaidson $19-.90 ui-an order. There arm elgitI maps mon, "1le is net here-He le risen." A. M. Ross--------------...._ 1 .00 In lie set, whici, costs $115. Tite There wns a large attenditnce aI bot - W. M. Pringle------------.1.351 Boar'd promlsed Mr. McCornilck tb services.- On motion lhe Properly Commit-'consider -the question of ordering a ALSIT' tee ss ske 1< prcure prices upon'set fer lte sciteols. AlSit'ctriwsIteya- 1 0 a l y u -tended at lie niorning atrsrje IISP!IIN &n7ou S LE 0F PIDIGREED CÂTTLE9 Beauliful floral deceratiolîs added bo te beauty et tie service. Tic. Bec- - _________ Ptor'Er sermons niorning and: evening P r n ih s rd h . Sir Henry Pellatt's Holsteins ? nd Shorthorns. were based upen thc greal eventPue a d H gh s Grd .t t ____________which tie day celebrated. Mr. Hazel Tic biggesl sale of pedigree-I caIlle Pir. Thos. Holgate, of Belleville, ang ahe soo a lie rtiu gEservice. th at c an b nâ e hcld ina lus section fer a long lime jpurciased-for is brotier at Edmen-adlichrnbattu.asca-ue m ce was thc dispersion sale et Sir Henry1 ton Oive, animais ; Mr. HM 'tit tmi i vnn.AlreEse M'. Pellatt's Holsteins and Short- of Scugog, bougb± four T-iJ McLar. oftering was rcceived towards tcex horus, ield aI.ý Meadowbrooi Famis en gel thrcc, and "TU 1àyndicate" pense ef repaire le the buildihg, etk. 1d on Tliesday. Tic day was te iniest, secured four. Trie Syniae a h ST. JOHN'S (BAY). -Gllon i m 83~ eithle season, -and thc yard in which; "secret" of lie slsig eev Tie services at SI. -John's werEl;a o lte ealesring was made was on the knowing wie was the real purciaser. aiseo o a special character, in har-' sunny sie eoflite barns, and was' -%Ir. John Bright, Dominion Live warm ddyudeto.Tecrowd Stock ('0mmissioner, et Ottawa ; F. mn ibteEse es r was net large, as auction sales go in Hatci, Wiitby - and .1.11. MucLaren, Ha rs o Wyciti 'ogprcaci-e these parts, about 200 pr kn eing. ttwwere cne din th s> ei r-Goer ben peenc persos Otawa, concrned tic hrough illness front takilg hi$ ac- pesent - called syndicale. 1 . l i . W . E Ir~ostended bot services. The choir rend-,- A u.e Lm icrs viewed the iterd and aise teok 3i heuis, (Capt, fobson wiclding-thie sred special music.l - j1 great interet in inspecting the harns, bammer. At lte close of thce salet On Monday evening the annual ves- WH0 .Y,-ONT 1stables and outbuildings of lte fan.' catlle, a young mare was sold, M.J. r et , ishl.Th ersr- H T Y IT LvcryIlîing was founfi neal and dlean' I10lliday purchasing lier for $115. -tymetn a el.'i nea e and yen - up-to-date, as befits thel Tic twenty-nine shortherns aven- pr loe nrae ahnmr Th ,talli and financially, and a satisfao-Ph es BlNo 47 de net, o. 7 propert% of Sir lienry. gd$4-ccaltl!$,S. tory balance after aI1 debts had iteen L.uncheon was served lu tic oliices, twentv-tour -loisteins brougit $3,- paid.- between eleven and twelve, anud tlie G5, an average of $153.50. I sale hegan aI 12.45 by ('apt. T'. tj In addition te the purchasers - -mon Robson making a short address to uarned above, tie follon-ing secureild the crowd. ot rmreo ie anias sold ;- j nqi i. t i sIieIlyWvo .i__________________________________ Tien auctioyneer Wm. Maw took thel L.- .1. (*ourtice, Towmanvillc-e____________ stand and began thle sale o! ttc.] A. Sliaw, Boltenygeon. Atter liearing ei idence on Saturday - Holsteins. In an bour antI fîtteen L.uther ('ornisi, Taunton. last for five heurs in cennectien witb i minutes lie md disposed eofthle ,24 Tohnu 1. îaldson, Markitam. the deatis et George L. Vincent andj animais comprising ttc herd. Thel F. IL. Anes, Whitby. . xlent' S~tar, fTrn.,egn Windsor Salt is oe of tic purest brands of sait in the world. bea e tc erd tc plndd yuug l-M.l'eti, cUe0 cer and fireman, respectivcly, ivie We have jumt.received a carload of thîs fine Brand. We su.pply -ulFrancy Bonerges Kortudyke, was Thos. Oratam, Port Perry. were killedl on April 2, witen an en-- erdinary fine in barrels.- lte higitest priced animal sold, briug- C. Piekle, Oshrawa.ieo .T.cntrcin tan Etafn frbte alg ucttnbg,~n eres ing $450, Mr. J.14. McL.aren. o! 0f. O. 1)ownev, Mýrtle Stition. crasheti tlirough a etlvert into ai guI- Etackfie r bte a si oto as adcues tawa, ieing tie punciaser. Mn. Mc-- .1 .Sa.Varn- .o iiu~ .k Soeue near fr tek. - iLacnmIn aIthbihet riet Iobt. s1pp,Whithv. - (ooe MGliry Wien sait le fresh, il liandlea freely like sand - d Mé. C. Gumsley, of! eglington, was Aas. White, 13nook)hlin, 1 ,e il i expected .Albert Sitelson, F s Stic big purciaser ofthle sale, secur- -Nicholas Brown,. Asbhtirin. Ifieiniinrefibrakeman, will he abile Waecntnljn ad hie rs, llbt ht ii Ing eigbteen animais, et wiici ten R. m. Forbes. '%onrpal. jIo lenve tic hospital. ehvcosat nbndcoifrh Hlb ,WiePe, wereHolteis. is urcase a- las T.asb 'launou ccedingte liccvienc1 adt~e.dSalmen Trout, Cîscoes and lladdîes, at close prîces. - - 1'il! pint ut wviich the accident hap- I f ~ ' pened wag known le them ,lsa '-dan- ý ýh ea g SPFLENDJD ADDRESS ON TEMPERÂN CE lWOfK. 1 enn,,s fîiec.eor the new lnp,1 in fartOr Choice Young Beef, Pork, Veal and'lainb, at reasonable, pricea. that officiais ofthlie VP.R. t i âiue Spare Rîbs and Tendcrloin-s arc of suchia highb grade, Mrs. Hyslep, Dominion Organizer money losse k not thc onlv udrain on 1limon' notifled Ien iai e ffeot. as sbould please the most fa-stidious Epicu .rean. y' efthle _Wmen'e Cbrâstian Temper- lie country, iowevcr, Every year ('ouduîctor Wilkinson, wio was lun ance Union, wms lte speaker aI a six ttousand lives are sacnificed as change of the train, consistinz ef mn -0DIki( 9 N( meeting held by the Whitby Branci t lie direct resuit of the drink Iraffic. nieat îecreitt iIh Wm lIUNN1L ~ X 4/'~ of the W. C. T. U. in lte Baptiet Tic 1mw et dcmand and suply - îad received verbal erders te pro- ëhurch on WednesdaY evening lasI.- iolds gond in the liquer business. céedcite Agincolîrt witli instrilctions W HITl[Y - ONT -iiRitD - Mrs. Hyslop came te Wiitby on lhe For every dnunkand's death,m Young le pick îîp a string ot "crippled" cars day preious, andi addresscd a mccl- man musttbhl drawn ia le lake ils -out or repair foe1w sisetiui'ntly de- - -- - - Ing- aI Almonds ôn Tuesday. Sic is 1 place, if lie. business is te flouisi. -saec i. hp lAgs a iusy woman, andibas addressed. Mms. lyslop made an apPeal to While ceunqsel fer the compaur iv n sevenly-flve meetings since engagingi motiers and tatiers te use them is rs-xriaio ttcwtt InaublliptoncapapainNoriolismos-xaint nopteratn lu lca olin mmmin 11Noîl- votes te gave lie young men. 1 tricd te catablisi thcathat a Wil- cmn Ontarie recentlv For the lirsti Mrs. Hyslop's closing tieugil was -Usnbt ensplc lf w eut precM,.eelsito LUe j ga1H18 DECLARE IHEM RIQUIwth tw .1,p e aing r.lis oc aewerk ef temperance. Site sltowed qs tcting him no ttee nle Almond's meeting. Sic that one cati figit for one's native Sair aditceurce c was qlle aile te speak on Wedncs- country wti a vote just as Weil as careti tînrt o h i ntret e-;Cî- day eveuing, iowever, and ber heur- wih a glîn. One who figits le save- vna nlr emmi iIlecîl N N longatidess as ost nîerstin li vouti, tie brain anti the brawn go le liat poinut. P P R and inssruclive. o! tic landféotro hei greml oclupus P P R E N N Mrs. Hlyslop teck as bier suhje&t, cf drink, is fat more patriotie andiA i"Patriolism anmd ils fRelation to liehe 1ai teimolierlmnd than ticeman 1ie o ahft hcsB U H Temprrance Mevprent." Site. began who w0aves7a flag but eits dly bhvj edfrCahn C ek iy giving a defînition ot patriotism. wliile thousande c! hils ellows goi- Patnctiu toc ne ceni1t t Ã"fin- ownb uin -andi dealli. jOn Tucsday oethIis weck Magis - -waving and sbeuting "My Country." AI lhe. close ofthle afidress vote -1rt aprhu oieCorwe I MU I I W 'Prue ptitai i oec otvof thaîtca wns asac leMrs. 1Ilyslep five charges werc preferreti against wJ j thtputs pî-nciples before partv,mnd for ber splendid talle. i . W. Emerson, ot lie Windsorn ho-ii W e thfat prompts men and womhi te Rcv. (,. A. Melean rpedn. andt, tel, ail oethIle saine naiure--caluiilg lgit tearllsel andi undauntedly fer witîhlm on the pîatform were Mrs. cheques- for workmenataItle new, URoÇK 5T. W HilTf3V what le best for tiir native landi. lias. Ted, resbitnt efthle local! Hospital for tic Insane. Senrie Of ttce Mms. T-yslop bold o! Canadm's *ne- iranci.nulMs.E E. Stan, 'Cou n mawcre subpoenmed as witnesse. cerdl as compareti with otier na- lv Pres4dent. . Ib is a violatien oettlie 1mw for a lion Athic ad enl's .CTU. 'riM hiropit aîltCur n ropnriehor et a llcesed intel ho cash.ý ARCHIVE TORONTO' v.A. SA'q NGS deposin j h m~lak bcl raw the Iu4hSt cment rte of interest Wfthdrawals of part or the whole amount may"be macle whei- ý4- Ur u m 1 m THE laie

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