Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Apr 1914, p. 5

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- 'Grealest bnins o- ver ofleoed lu iom ata m. *W. Collina, on Èldàyý afternoon, April 3rd,:m!rom 2 t 5 O'clock. Corne everyeiue. New stock 0f mei'S ~es-tbe A.T. Reid maico Ask to ueo them at W. G. Wallers'. Principal J. J. Bell, of >the. High Schoo1, was lasti weeic elected an * honarary member o! the Burns Club, Taçrant, an l'onceaof which oie niay well b. proud. The membership lu cOmpofed solely of those who are Bois o! Seotohmei. 'fi' For polishing s ilver, gold, niei,-copper. brus.. or mnUV Mr. Hardy, of Lelcester, England,f descnlbed as a "prInce o! rochters aid entertalners," wîîî give a rectal inf the conoërt hall of the College on Priday, evening, April 2îd. Admis *ion 25 cents. The studeits wilI con- tribute some musical numbers. --#-- If You -Want a Si:nger, SOWling Machins Rernembei tlat we have them, andý -will be pleased to place 'One with YOU on trial. It. will pay you to cal1 and se* us bef.re purchasing a machine. You -know the SINGER haa - -. ' Anarner big saie of boots anld.511008 reputation Or iti umooth motalîli- surface. For at M. W. Collins' from 2, ta 5 o'clockI Frl'day afteriauon., Aprhl 3. $3, $4,' 0w!. 01188i5aAg plate glass, mirrors, aid $5 boots tu be sold for $1.08. lizadowal, marbie statuary, Mr. John GimbIet9 hbu receved the- etc., i as no equal. , appoîntment -ao carrier aof- , Mg Geo. 1. Wilson » Majeoty'u Mail ln the Town of Whit. -4 Iia entirely. newaîd un- by. Mr. Odmblet's duties began on photogropher lik al oter pre'ratons April Ist, and h. hau comblned witb lte a aiier paain tbelm a passenger service between tie Whitby coitaine no mineraIs, acids towfl aid the Junclian station. or poisons, being purely veg- New stock Men's, youths' and ohiud -_______________ etable and perfectly harmiesa. ren's ready-to-wear suite at W. G. Walters'. re! reshnmts were served. Garnea It la an instantaneous erad- - followed until elouing timi caxne. 0etro ito anai The 1)14 Voters' List for the Town -9 icatr o dit ortarish ofWbÉtby la off ite press, and tu the WANTED: AN AGENT. N;ow thit bouse cîeanin-g bande of Clerk White. The list this We have an attractive ofler to make - h*re ver hoe. ife year makes a book et 52 pages and ta anyoii wio desires to help Us lu time-i. eêevr hue ie cover, four pages more thai lait aur campaigt toa aU a 1ew hundred a otieo tis Mar. The iicregse hi sire la due ta names te the subscnhiptinlist ar tbe uould have a oteehs the. addition of a large number of Gazette andI Cironicle.' The upecimi poilus on haîd, Houri of names, chiey of workmen aititc inducement we lIold ouittO mOw dul'- 1-osplal for the Insane. scribers or te Preenm lUt ee bard-work turned into m<> - should make the work easy aid verv mont o! leasro b .1 CMoteur prices oas frm, pouitry1 remuzerative. IVe want an agent Wha mene 1of leaurebyusing *ad imwn fonce. Everything ln bard- ia proparod te devote a gond deal of vare. GEO. X. RICE. lime ta the work, and Who will Pusi Silii Ieal rea -4' h nergeticallY. To suci a oieth To-night- (Thunsday) a Union Meet- returas will be large. Caîl aI the, 25ing of ail the town churchos stll l'e Gazette and Chronicle office if'von, cens pr bttI hld in tho Methodist Sunday School cen gîve a good part or 411 01 yOUt raom mi 7.30 in the Interests o! htim re for awhilo ta this work. Lord's Day Alliance. Rev. D. W. 0 4 Snyder will address the meeting. The FREE MOVING PICTURES. prayer meetings ot the churches are Tic Moving Picture Exhibil o! the I<"~)Nbeing dispenseti with toalalow at- provincial Board of I{calth- will b. tendance at this meeting. soîh Wib nbca eno qmd eveuing o!f Prday, April 24. It ..4ok orsanpleatNew stylos in-P. & A. and Cromlp- le iniended to have the a! tennoo Àsk or ampl atton'. make 'o! corseta at W.G . Wai- ohiefiy for school children, aid thf bers'. Prices 50C. 10 $5. eveîhîg for adulte as weil. The Dis- t.rict Oficer af Health will l'e pro- 9 A S S T T ,S Mn. Hardy, a! Leicester, England, seMt and deliver an addreui. Th!@ was ieantily endorsed by Mr. Bacon wî owl worth attendfig. Thi at the Methodist Tabernacle on Tues- tilb el ~T eenhg, id li wre rge tosciolars o! tho sehools will probablY hiar hlm whout faau. Ho wIll giveatediabdy JEWELEB & OPTICIAN a recital hi bis Calloge Concert hallTETA RNC . - ~~~~on flday eveiing, April 2nd. Ad- SnaAnl5 WiTiBV, - ONT. uuioî 25 cenba. -At il î.rn. the W. M. S. will hold bluir Easter services. Sermon l'y, _____________________ W.J.Gat NOTICE. hav hle pastor. Subjet- "The Box o! _________W.__3.__Gal___t & Son, of Oshawa, have, Spikinard." ~V.C.T.U. ueçurd a nic rOQflyflt bgP 81l- Evenhng service, 7 o'clock Subject - nage painting an short notice. Bam- G;ood music bath mornng aid evon-1 On Wedesdayovenig, Ap I81bridge's oltI stand nati ol thetowi ing l'y the choir. A welcamo ta ail. Ms iterestiug me etinjg, , under th,@' dock, Oshawa. . The S. S. and organîzed classes auspicesa of ie W.C.T.U., will l'e e'sut maeoorra W - meet at'3 p-m. ,4_ beld in the.Bapist Church. Mus. G M e' 0ta matIetoelecai W. i CURC -Myslop, Provincial Organizer for the Go. wesd60 and pes teatseecW.PTGT.HUCH W.C.T.XJ. will'be presoni, aid ad- ter .TweaiwrsdaW.G Sunday, April 5. dirsi lie meeting. Thore wili b. atr' Sunday Sohool and Bible Classes ai apccil music by the choir. Rev. Mr. H o '4str6- Hldy rp a.m. ]îoLean, Cha-Jrman. Silver collectionTcHt oor EasteraHlidtaytrsin -A class for evenyono. lài lie door. Meeting at 8 o'clock. Tike ada or tram ai l tiondi Mouning service il o'clock. This -Proceeds ha aild of work aMnngst thie@ nd.GoIgaî pî~ a will bea cildreul's service. lumlberZin. return same day, single tare; also The pastor wili give an addunsi, The . regular niathly'meeting of lhe good goiîg Apnil 9th, gou to rehurn llow to- Make (}od Rieber." W.C.T.U. wlll l'o held at the home DIiend April ldth, for tare aid oie- 'riere will l'e special music l'y ticý of'Mrs. Wm. Marshall, on Wedîesday, third. Secure thoso and ail required! Yeung. Ladies' Quartette. April:8ti, at 3.30 o'clock. tickets at your leisure at Stepien- Evenhîg service 7 o'cloclc. Subject IW hope ioJ bave at aur guest, Mrs sonsaffieo (opposite Standard B3ank 'rîo second great decîsori hlnlie Hlyolop, Provincial Organizer. After, aid Hewts Bras., buciers, Whtby). Bible. The deciston of G'od ta creaie »ion tea will bo served aid aniop. Ho redeemis lihikets ai par if pro-nIai, portùnity.giîven aur mentbers ta l'e- vented using. Also special ceheap A cordial invitation I extendod te oeme aoquainiotd wlth oie o! tie lead. tickets la ahI peints ln Manihaba, ail who wish ta attend gny or al ors ha ibis,.great wark wo are doiîg. Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Col-'of lieue servic. AIl ladies inierested li lemperance umbla. Thraugi cars, Taranto ta __ ____ work Inv'iled ta ho present. Wnnipeg every Tuesday, via Chicago, New' stock dreas good anad taicy oiàâi a W. G, Walo'. à mectiiof the County ,ýof Ontar- i~o ld Girls' Association will bo held *udmolm requeated: uW@orth auspices of'. St. John's Club àn Moaday evening, April 13. à thésÏmule hall. >Te.w stock lÃœleuxnu and oil Clotho at W.G. Walteral. Oie tb four yards Rey. Wm. Limbert, President of the Bay of Quite Conformne, oocupied Me -c pulpit of the Mthodist Taber- »sCis bore on Sunday. Mr. Limbert aiea preached at Almonds In the al- Bargains la- boots aud shoes. A ebcelot a! $2.50, $3.00, 8".50, T 4.00 aid $5.00 values, your cice b i wndaw for 81.'98 ai M. W. Col- lin' from 2 bo 5 o'clock onFrilay, Marci 27th. The mail l'ares have arrîved for tie postal service a! tic iawn, andid (tIs expecled' liai ihoy y whhlsoon ho plaoed ah their respective corners, aid ticmili collection wIll ho la- auguraled. Tic îew Tango, Hais ai W.GT. Wal. lens' hln navy, buown and green. Mn, W. 'P. Dykes, Presldent o! the Greater --Canda Improvement and Lanid Co., ha returned aller is trip ta England. Mr. Dylces ha. beeom- Way for several motis hi lie Inter- Ssais oflte' company. ors' tickets' to Manitoba, Saskalch,,- 1L~id JajLLI citai aid Alb'erta pcint-goad fon 2 Mfss A. Howden bas been quite moitis to rebun-via ail routes.,iii with appendicitis. For tirougi tickets and berti roser- Mus. Moore aid Miss M. Gnoen- vathons via aîy route, sec Stepien- w cood ai Toronto, were in towî aver son, Wiitby, Secis olier a4vetise Suîiday. ment in ibis paper. If you dosire ta Miss McKim, of Toronto,. was tie send for !iends 'relatives or, e8sist- guest af Dr. aid Mrs. Adams aven anis tram tic OltI Country, Stephen- tic week-end.' son cmi book,tiem tirougi ta any Messrs. Culîci aid John Fenny aid place in Caîada-aiQy çlass aId fiend, ai Toronto, spent lie week- ciaice, any accan steanxsidpUe. Hie end i town. tickets to or from alunogt Cv.-Mus. W.T. Smith, Cobeuug, t. vis- wiere, Rates, etc., guaraiteed rigit. iting wti ion brother, Capt. XcEtI- wards, and family. Juat received iuom Glasgow, Scot- Mn.. Wm. J. Gonbracib, a! Nelsai, land, îOw stock tapeslny aid pluui B.C., i. lb. guest of ber 'parents. rugs in al izes tiat are madIe. Good Mn. antI MIS. J.>C. Hyde. qualilles atlhowest priees. 85 ta $35. _Mu. Bd. Warren, tarmoniy manager W. G. Walteus'. af the Western Bank home, was lu tewu lait week on busness. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. - Mr. Fred 'Lynde antI sistièn bave Wieit you want your bouse papered movod le lowxt, and are nlcoîy set-. on aîy paining donc, ueo P.R. Brad-- lIed la thoir new homne. bury, -Mary St., or box 176, Whitby. Mura. Baird and son, o! Monireal, 0 .-aid Mus. Bunhoy aid tIaughten, NEW BELL PHONES. Helen, of Vancouvor, vlsited wti 117 r.2-P. J. Sullivan, plumier, 'Miss Ham on Suîday. Brock St. Mrs. John Soldai wus called to 117 r 3-P. J. Sullivan, rosidence, Pickeing an Saturday lasi owing te Centre st. the deati ai ber brother, Mn. James 177.-F.- Dent, dalry. Somerville. - 104 r 42.-Fred Draper, farmer,Base - Une West. I N MEMORIAM, SMITH-In lovin e momrv n,,î rv. Col. IlemnWord, K. C., el.-N.P, of potHo.1ýpe, h4s ben appoitod Judge o! Durham .CoUrtY.- - WHITE WYANDOTIÈEEGGS. Egp -for - hatchlng: frem-a peu o! thirteen bred-to-Iay -hens. One. dollar per fi! temn. Edgar L. Seithill, Whltby. . Tii. 11W athfolileS ta Oshawa are *earing'cSmpletion, aid should e,' ready, for uselu a moiti or. soi, Mr. John Allaway wlll have charge,wblch ,will probably necesilate ýtIi.a>. pointment of another mai for th el armourleq lu Whtby. BIÉRTHS. WILSON-At -Wiltby, on SatUrday, March .28, ta Mr. and Mn,. Dave Wilson, a daughter. Tis tRAIIIC LE'IîTE- Ifo wàwuldyod aawer It P Bethe Ubolnes of iis shorta lelter you eau niad gn trsgedy. If itu appoal wore mad -ta von; personsfy, how would you aniver it 1 duppoa you belli the pouer to recave this poor wommu or ta turn ber away, which wouid yoU doT "Will »ou kIndly give me information oancerning admission af a very iiedy woman near me. Hon husband ia d.ad, an&she iluih oannumplaion. 8h. bai twg small ehildren, a# préuent i an orphans home, sa the mothor ta flot able ta care for lhm, and thein only incarne la what an agid mother earn. They live in oes mail Itl ioo@as, t '; Wy, of course, I would offer relietfaî w in Mny per 19 But, think 1 Are you sinaire wlaen you rially waiktota el por, suffering C on- sumptives 1 IThen here is yaur chance ta prom eyour rlncerity.1 Contributions ta the Muakoka Free Hos- pitl for Consumiptivre wiii be gratefuiiy acknowledged b rW. J. Gage, Chairman Executivc Commue, 85+Spadina Avenue, or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treaurer, 341 King Street West, Toronto. DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION. Thi Ontario Department o! Educa- lion hua lssued l ime tables for the. varIais Jus DeparnentalExamina- l-ions. The'dates of ezamination and subjectu are hen given, the mrnuing subjeel being tnmed finit. Middle Sehool Entrane. hnto Normai Sahools. June 22.-Acient Hlsbory, Ciem- iutry. Juie 23.-Algebra,, Englîsi Compo- sition. June 24.-Physics, British aid (Can- adian History. June 25.-Geomotry, Englaul' Liter- attire. June 29.-Latin Authors, or Art, (lot paper); Latin Composition or Art (2nd paper). Upper School Entrance halto Facul- ties et Educatlon. June Il.-Germai Authoru, Germai Composition. J une 12. - M.lîeralogy, Trlgonom- etry. June 15.-Zaology, Botany. June 16.- Greek Authors, Greek Composition. June 22.-ediâe*ai History, Clien- hstry.. sition and Rhetorlc. j une 24.-Physicz, Modem History. J=no25.-Geometry, Eîgiish Liter-1 ature. June 26.- Latin Authors, Latin Composition. June 3.-French Authors, Fr<tnch composition.-_ Pase Matrlculatloî. Sanie as Uippon school Entrance Juuo 12.-No examhinations. June 15. -Arnhmetic, Englisi Gramman. June 22.-Monng, Aüient Ilistimy Juse 24.-Aftemnoon, Britishi and Canadiai Hhistory. - RHnom Matriculatian. Sanie as Upper Sciael Entrance, exoopt- June 12.-Na examinatioî itie manning. Attenon, Trlgonamotry. Model Entrance. Juno 8.-Aflennooi, Englisi (Cam- position. Junu 9.-Algebra aid Geamnetry; Englîsi Lîtenabure. June 1,-Elemneitary Science ; Art and Spellfig. , Jus 1Il. "-British aid Canadiai Histeny ; Geogmaphy. June 12. - Arltixnotic, Englisi Graminar. Jane 18.-Frenci Grammar, Frenci Composition. Lawýer Stihool Entrauce ta Normal. Same as Model Sahool Entrance, eioept~- Jus S8 and .-No ixaminaions. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. Tis Entranse Examlnationi cern- monCe on Jane 17ti liii yean, aid last for threesdays..The aubjeets aid lime table are as folowu : Jane 17.- Afiornoon, Composition, and Spelliîig. 9' June 1.-Mornlng, Arnltie, a!- ternnen, Litcraiure. June 19.-Mening, Englisi Gramn- mmmai ad Wniig ' aftericoôi, Jeo- grapiy. Give- That Puny Chiid This Guaàranteed Remedy. ri le il ) MU OIUAu; UUUOlà»i A5Uwp.ilt-ls YOUG POPL'S OCIL. -I.Smith, who died April 2, 1911.. leui, ailing, lia.ble ta get sick easlly, The 'Young People's Socety oi the Three years have passed since that. It needs a Medicine te build its Baptist Church held one of ils reg. sad day,* wehght and strength. For 'this pur- ular moithly soclals 'on Monday When one we loved was called away. o! that"we can n s trOngly endorse evening. There was a large numhe4 God took hlm horre, it was' Rils Will, as Rexail Olive 011 Emulshi. The present. A programme n! readings But ln aur hearts ho iveth stili. remarkable success of this splendid and musie was enjoyeti, alter wicb I other. medicine lu due tg the fact that ht * contains Ingredients that tone the ____- -- - -,nerves, enrlch the blond and furnish F1 XTto the entire system the streîgth, weight and heaith-buhldîng substances JN 1, ~ it needs. Aid lt daes all this witb- INewest floral dsgnFancy mounts, Beautiful riibbons, Syii ouxi lnjige ol soch. fat deinALL FOR EASTER. MostliensiiveOll mac s nefot - b! Il, nid the digestion irnproved. I -.THE MISS S P WEL On the aother hang, It contains ne IB ck St., 'Wbltby alcohol or habit-forming drugs, which I__________________________________________-__ l__MoSt parents object tb gfrlng their ohldrei; Il 4dom is good work by - FLOOF-INISHIS TIITSANTIE SCUFE T HERE ae four ways of finishing a floor -Painig, THVarmshing, Staining and Waxing. No matter wbkh method you prefeir, you will find here the - î4h ftpcaJS "Fns o every purpose- for evey surface. Four KindiaofRBeat Four Beat of Thei'r Kinda SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT-the old reliable-it wears, and wears, and weams WOOQD-LA C VARNISU S TAIN produces the beautifu appearace -of hard -wood on soft wood. il.MARRLE-JTE"-the Iloor varnish that stands the. seuff-heel-proof, waterproof,. almost wearproof. ~~ LIQUJD WAX - the. new and easy method of applying wax ta floors. Retains 'fts p élish and is economical. Uet us tell you More aboutit. W.M.PRINGLE taking hoid ai the weaknoss aid builds lie»body Up ta its natural aturtgti, at the sanie tme making lb stroi-g te resist disease. If Roxali Olive 011 Emulshon does not build your child up, feed tie stunted, punymuscles, aid make lie littie oie lively, stroag, well and f ull a! lie animal spirite cildren aue moant l'y nature ta have, corne batik and tell us aid gel your money back. W. do't wait you ta loue a cent. We thiîk this is no more tian fair, adid Il baves you no cause ta boul- taie. For aid people also-far con- vaIescnts-iar all wha arc nervous, lired-out, run-down, no maltet what the cause-we offer Rexail Olive 011 Emulsion wih thie same guaranteeofo entire satisfaction or money bnci. SoId only ai the, 7,000 Rexaîl Stores aid in this town only l'y us. $1 .00, .H.Alin.. SALE REGISTER. Tiursday, April 2.-Auctian sale of youîg hanses, new nîlhc cws, higi grade Sliropsiiro siecp, a id phgs,tbef property ai John M. Lynde, lot 8 con. 2, Reach, (2j miles norti o! Asiburn.) Sale at oie o'clock sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Thursday, April 9.-Auction sale'ot farm stock and implements, the pcop- erty of Lei'* Ward, lot 24, con. 5, Whithy Township. Sale at one a'- dlock sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Tuesday, April 14.-flspersion sale a! cholce -purebred Holstein and Shortharn cattie, the property of Meadowbraok farm. lot 5, con. 2, Pickering. Sale o! Hostetns at 12 'elock , 5Shorthorns at 9.80 p. m. sharp. Capt. T. E. Robson, Londan, and Wm. Maw, Whitby, auctioneers. Miscéellaneous Adverts - EG-GS FOR SALE. Fram purebrod Wito Logions. $1 per setting. James Smith, Port FOR SALE OR RENT. A blick bouse on Dyron street, Wiitl'y. lmmedhalae possession. Ap- ply la J. P. Disney, Braoklin.-tf. WANTED. A capable muid for gonai. houe- work on a&imail fsrm. No millag, n cidren. Ccmforisble houe asa churches snd village. Fermamut pc- sillon for sulltable person. Apply at Gazette and Chromlcte 'Office, Whit- by. HOUSE TO RENT. Twa stouy brick cottage. Opposite Postmaster 1Hawden's reoidenco. Beautiful grounils, gaod gardon, pieîhy o! fruit. Possession ah once. Apply John Rice, Secretary Ontario Ladies' Colloge.-39. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE. A quanity of Mandscicuuh Bauley suihable for seed, testiig 521h.s to tic bushel. Price, 65c. per busiel. D. Robinson, lot 28, con. 7, Wiitl'y. Iîd. piano 502, Brooklin.-40. FOR SALE. In village-of Brooklin,_ the laid; and buildings occupied t ly -Uiai Jonces, and used as hardware store nid Implemoît siop. Ahl in firut- class repair. Apply'ta, GEORGE PRINGLE, Myrile, Oni.-'40. WIRE PENTE FOR $ALE. 1 Eîgbt wiues, 48 icies Èigh, and 12 ta the 'rod, 27c. per rod -, wlmrés, 49 I., 12 ta nod, 29c. Baoth Na. 9 Lwire. Poultry whue, 4 feeél higi, 181 strands, 40c. E. Story, Base Line, West, Wiitby, ageni--ti. REAL ESTATE FRANK E. JONES, LIST. Several houais and building ilota fer sale la Whltby. Parme for sale ln the Township of Whîtby and Pickering. GLEN DHU -209 acres. !A good stock, grain and fruit farm near Whttby. 10 âcres orchard ; good buildings and a ýgood farm at a ras- sonable price. Apply to FRANK E. JONES. WHITBY. EASTER FARES lletween ail stations ln Canada Fort wiliamSU andi East, andtu t Saudt Ste. Marie, QttrQlt,>ic Buffalo andi Nigra palie N.Y. SINGLE P* B f erasd OneThilrd Good going Alpril 10 1 (id ,-going Apr. 910-11-12 RoturnLirnit,Apr1io Roturn Limit. Apr. 14 COLON15T FARES * One-Way Second Cis) te, certain points in Alberta British Colum.bia Californis montant oregon Washington, Arizen, Idaho, etc. vally utitil April lb. 1LEIUCED SETTLERS, FARm-3 (One-Way second ciahm) Rach Tuesday unti r i28. Tlirough trains Toronto to Winnipet andi West. Coit.nisi Cars on ail trains., No charge for berths.- 'j Particulars rom Canadian Pacific agents or write M. 0. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. 9,E. R low, Agent, Wiiithy. ROYAL THEATRE HION GLASS MOVINO PIOTURES. Open every evening. We have instalied a new Simplex mnachine, which il; absoiutely flickeriess and easy on' the eyes. Saturday night, lac to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager. INSURANCE Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plaie Glass, Accident and Automobiles. Agent for the best Canadian, E-nglish and Amierican companies. i JAMES McCLELLAN Box 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 129 lu O I& ii Easter, Holiday Fares SINGLE PÂlIE Good going ni returning April 10 only. .FAREanti. ON-TEIRD Aprili 910-11.12. Retgrnliiii, April 14,1914. <Minimum <are. 25c.) Between &Il stations lu Canada sast of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, M ich., Buffalo Black Rock. Niagar ai Falsa andi- Suspen- sion Bridge, N. Y. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Round tri p tickets to points lu Mauitoba, Aberta andi Saskatchewan Via Chicago, SBt. Paul orDfluth, 1on sale sach Tuesday l,,ntii october 27, Inclusive, at low rates.] Through Pullman Tourist SiosperetÃ" %WInnipegott above <dates, ieaving Toronto Ill)-m. NOcnange of cars. RETURN LIMIT, TWO- MONT HS. Pull partionlars ai Grand Trtink Ticlcet' otfices or write C.E. HORNING, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont.,O and ueO E, Stephenson, Whitby's 1uP- town ticket offce. Phone 36. Before You Stop ...Iook Ahoad Before ynu Art, Plan andi Aiiii iligit. If ynaini to get a Superlor Business ducstIon you wiii h lok!n119,îtowariIsthe Toronto, Ont. th libool t1jat lias the habit of doing a class of work that beaps the stamp of *Isuperiority." Open au yüar. 1Enter :tY tillne. + laçý4oine catalogiue sent onurequest. Cor. Tonse anti Alexander Sts. W.J. Ellilot. Principal 18 i "Experiencia Docet" DISNEY BRUS. Punerai Dimutorsand Emblmers Everuon ahock, 4U Simm .St. M., Omlrws Firat exclusive Funerai Pariors and Chapel ta be estabiished ini the County af Ontario. YPRIVATE MORLTUARY.- Private ambulance headquartero. Day or nigh t cmi proinptly attend. edWt. No extra charge for distanee. Phones 47 pr2 and 41 r 3. Earm Salesman W.anted Gentleman with ggod knowledge of farm land values, residing in this district., wlîo au give ail or part of bis time to the business. JOHN PîSHR 409 Lumsden Building TORONTO ImpregnabIe dtreýngtli maximum, Incomparableé D iviùende minimum Net Co-St For rates aid fulhi infrm atieft apply to F..J. DUFF, Mi. A. E.DONOV AN, Secia'i Hep. Queen & Vitpta Sc _Myrtle. Toronto, Mgr. The Mutual Lifo Ii BUura#CO- E. W. EVANS Pump -Manufacturer Sbop and Residence, Dundas Struet WHITBY Three doars west of Whltby Houa. Wo- arc prçpared te lîstaîl wood m tran pumps -on short, nete, 1s attend to ail kindo of!te- Agent for the Ontario wliad mM, 1 ts gasoihe engies and ùthe spaMsOM4 ed Magiet Cream Separator. Phone No;. 50 resIm. --4--

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