Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1914, p. 5

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use a~ Granite wash boýw1,,.......... 1 L.arge sme gaIvanized waM t .ub 51 Tungatoen coPpe. bottom .... 1. Tnoe'lampa...... .-. ........4 at U'eg-. M. RiCe'S. EverYthing lu hardware.. Now in tl& *tim>e to bring la youx barrewd to bo obarpened. Colters làd. Be ready,.for the sprmag wooek. W. IOACH, Makailh, oste GOrand Trunk Station. The ladies. of!Ithe R.G. Church will b1p0l 60Oc1l llai the towIIhall Wl MonktIy -èvenlng, PIebruary 23. Every-'m iy you With, mnay want. -hewever4arc oirr best Sellera, anad the only, decfrence tteen Our pens and others, ýis- the fact that theyare al ': BSOLUTELY 'GUARANTEED to- give 'you perfect, satisfaction. We ave avery large stock to select -frein, WC wuldlike yo U to thé,,th1 Points"- - R-8 Nu BA8SETT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN A. Y Pl A# OWing to rAI Saintd' A.'Y.P.Â. bellgi nvlted t'O spenid a ocial oves- lag witb the, Sistex S"<ety la Pick- fo eri-g, - on' Tueed&Y, February' 24tà, Febfllal thers 'Wiil be zýe meeting of the A. tickets TIPIA. OR Iondsy S"mlngt Thé et>Uleuh 8!ie1-9b» wil leave the scýooeai ns t, 1t 7-19 Obarp Tueutiay evenIRS. 23r4. . -'s Marchi BAPTIST S. S- SIJEIGHnIDE, ado,, Id On sa;turday aftnoôn lest the anti Wa Baptiet Sunday Sohoo l l-. ts LosAU blegkrlde and te«. -At 4.80e ýtkrse e A sisig9he paeketi fl ot msrry maker Bou I.! t the. church fox a ride which last- fo a Wd abbut an heur' a»d a quarter.fo l: Thea tes -wua errc4 la the ichool ywe room and- gaineS ,vere. played for kand al time. Over 100 icholars took part MAIL i41 tii. fetvities, and thoroulchly .4,,,Teade: HIlS HOME BURNT. biy the The fionde ot .Wm. D. Lynde <> o! ofmail Og11180saek., willI regret to hier 01t ~< o ePl his Ions by line o! bis house aid con-toa tenta oit Jaauary .9.Thé tempera- -ao ture, a t that tirnewas' fty-flvc ýb& w1îpro low oero, andI a blizzard- was ragîng.j Thé. lust Mr-, Lyntie trove hie wifc andItam-ily nosme hil of umelil chultixen a mile to their 'gain, a nearest- aeighbors, his enly *guide peifle througik the hIîndlng saow stormi 1. Gai being a wlre fence. la dolng geo lie 2. Ani -lied hua face anti enr frozen. This S., Pit. ilu the- second. time wlithia sixteent> tnonths th.4t Mx. Lnt4.s.d a d eî a machine. YouImaow tl SINGER 'han reputatiOn of 9Wa. GoI.Wilson Photoïr apDher >r LlndsaT Mid-Wlter Fair, 1 ~y ZOthMd 2Imt Singl itare. J'aUCS' eit ot 5120 ood zeang p.m. tra.ins' Regular priceas from - caTif, vici ki-d-and tncl ,sn aUr n o ZQIan d .~tô 1. g. and buýttônleci. Regiar .50 to 5-00.-' -and i35 0 0 d t e r tura t1111.M onday S l1.35 . s 1 5 - 0 2 f ipeciaSal chapMettsbewe Sale prives W. Sl O .5th and April liati, te -Color- laho, Montana, Oregon, -Uttah,- geluSan Deige, Cahîfornbs;- berta andi BritiahCoirsaha. eha' also eeîed a shipment o ade'QenQýJt ;tepiienson, (ofposite Heoslthr ~ W sae a neO. mStandard Bank), Whitby, lahe-boots, regr $5.00, ifl l n rioa 1O A 1car neofP. E.Reed'sý required tickets'fer ebove,,or ' xe. Also Riverdale, Toronto, OelebraheuLboots, regular $4i.50, saie prîce 83.45i., CLCa O tikt to Tù,lêure Our stock must be reduced to make room- for immense stock comincr n V OO.for sprîng, We have bargaîns for you in ail unes. Cali and* be cnvned. - ,ra are aow bei g aakd for Goermnt for the Collection: trees the -boxes whicb are Tenders ae te be ln by__I Sth, so thst the. collettion L ,m b ~ ~ I bably start about April lut. m S--T O ý' o! locations was publiahed- - - mne ago, but itlai.boes ivc jV La l a Sc edule "A " c f the A~-F rdesn ani Dundas.PHN 15----BRC STHU Y ýt and Brock, centre e! the ien ad unas .i liran Ba r ns bewnJ ire anP Buras, btenJ_____________________________ W B -.EWonder, if, we, can convînce you of this, fact-that this - - - I"ebrary, ithe montli that you Cansaemnyo] Overisbces, Rubbers,'Feit B.oots undSlippers. Men's leather topped -M en's fine overshoes, Men's fIct boots and Oo pisne' H.eavy ru bb e r. P.egular prices x.-o- slippers. I slippers in ch< Reg ;4159. Qandf2000. CIear ing at Iand blàelddd. -R4 Sale rice 1.75, At cost priýceand -nder. Coat Priceli. 3Ipri cunutar msfortune. AJ...iAIUa'4 . AB. Mosu5ÇlM. Il .., ON 0 1 5. Centre and Gilbert, J.H. Dow- PesniMntin CutIonnaro erchant, de4 Il eeAaPLsCPCTY le' crer êed,who died ôonIlor about the. llth Mess WJ.TB ,H. DRIOEU NINeA PU L -APC . e 6. D 'nd s rand Palace, E . E. Mise leue Rose bes bee vitn g a f b oe r ep11 ad r to e - * * . uiiieth. Dsaltowne, o a Sa r'scornr. riends, ta Toronto, 'î te Bon deby oe r epa e o re dTH ______7.__________and__Johninstaeatiooofkaliver te Mrs. Jane Fergusen, Whlt- - ~ - - ___.grain reýler, andi til, witjI a -cruslier, Mri C. A.R BOGEReT.ek-T H leif farme see br Aglng e n 8. alt oantiC. Brcduen a Obs o es. ew- by, Ont., one o! thé executors !ti MEMNUOSS RSON ~v. . T U l gong uirspee. A lage urnb~ est ! R.C. hurli.deceasedq their Christian namesof dh_ ______._T_________and_____ ir bb's cor- eda i, -I Mbe unms adess --rp,, gan Tner. Mrvî~rs. Oco. W.P. Every visited lie unms dreeand descri-Ti akQ te Whltby now, wno frmry went j he distance teb rvle for /sister ln Pickering last week. tions wlth full, pertictilers of thelr a oempisu. andsatmatr allgar GOOD ACCOMMODATION. te Oshawa, Brookla, or Pickering, eahrud'~ti oe ilb - Mr. V. W. .Dyas, of, Toronto, was dlaims, and the nature o!fUihe se( al«s NoteS colletoi aoal en At a müeeting of the local !riends silice there 15 capacity here for more bout three and a haif miles, end in tQwn for adyls ek curity, if any, held by them, duly The Savîn eaîet1 a or the Gîdeone il!,Londonlest week work than at any of these other adtnont ek.mey. Intereat e uretrtsisp an ddes ws ive b M. . . lacs.W.exec het ee t pb-two collections daily will, be made, Mr. C. T. Rose, of Bowman.vill, <irtlfled. i an ddrss as ive byMr.R. . pace. W execthex wek t, pb-one at 11.30 arn. andi another at was with his parents over Sunday. And furtiier take notice that after Gregory upon- the. question ýoi hotel 115h for our readers a descriptioni of 5.30 p.m., each to OCCUPY a period Mr. ýSulli;van, of Qeikilile, spcn-t the l-Oth day of March, 1914, the WHITBV RNi:A accomLmodation. ,. lis- rematks were this up-to-date plant. lo forty minutes. On SIdy RI h ek1edwt i ltr eé executors wil11 proceed to distribute OSJIAWA l fuil o! humor- andi interest. ,Among - -he-+Sund'iontheheweek endwlth liii aiter11ers. the assets o! the.said deceased am on& other tbtngs lie paid: "I ANUNOTUAE FROR 5 pm ollcin wll e Mr. Albert Defoe, of Toronto,spent the parties entitled thereto, havingiu fllŽ\many~~~~~~~ matie. Postroaster Howden bas thle ~we n ihheanMe .rgr nyt i.diso h -paces wiere we get better service Through an inadrertence, àanherror spediflcatsons. Ward. tW.e ard îly tenthae caimnot ic nt iseder local option than before." He was madie ln the report' of *he M.LEDerto!Toto VS- sldectrswlntbe, abl MseaeusA ets said : "A Redney hotelman is nak- ladies' hockey matchlest week, wien M.LE eat fTrno I-tesi xctr iintb ibe Msel.eu ing mord tnoney than under license. it -was stateti thet only one penalty S&. Ontario LUberals Meet. Éted with -Mr. and Mlra. W.E.Rcfo th ad sesor ny pt Comber'ie one place where we get a was meteti out. This was wrong, as ls ek thereof se distributeti to aiy person FOR SALE better room an-d better meai than at least two o! the. girls were on the Tiie Liberels of South Ontario helti Mr. Cullen Perry bas been et bis or persans of whose dlaim 1-they shall House and lot la thenrh!te under .Ilcense, and 1 miglit add more fence, and a third laya dlaim to the a maus meeting inteMaoiHl, home here .for the paît weelc, o'wing not'tiien have received notice, village ef Brooklin. A~t2ars namea. I was warned that I wciuld bonor also., No verification of ber Brooln U Tue&dey etterneon, Jane Ferguson, Apply te R. H. Wals ro h mot get eccomîrjoda%ion in Dutten cdatm coulti be 'obtaiinot howeVer ookliliOnJohns.C. Q. Fraer, o! Trontowa uftei Local- Option came into force. Be it di" tinctly eeotnyr- iwhen a moit ffithusiastic gathering with her aliter, lIra. C.A. Goodfel- Fru onFruo~ rn~s-4 y ratiirdio Io, verSunay ArhurE.Executors, by We. bave semple-rooms in a vacant tiieless, tint the Whitiby girls cen completedtheti.work o! ogtzto lwoe uda.Atu .Christian, LÂUNDRE99WN.~) %tore, and get an excellent meèal at play hockey, with ail the ctistomary of -verious committees andi sub-com- - Mr. andi lrs. T. J. Sullivan, o!1 their Soilicitor. Laundreos for flouseefRu.Ap good priaehqipens.Th oniy man frillQ, even t<-tiie usuel trips to tiie mittees. Liberels nerpesnt. fr 1Da prvae Th Toronto, spent Sunday withth ctd Fébruary 11, 1914. -34 ply at onoe te Dr. Laey wh'o1 lknocks local -option' is- the man penalty box. tweefro ormer's mother inere. ,Whio *iants a drink."-Ex. -j very nunicipaliti la Uic riding, anti,-Mr. SalyNyoo.Batod l O A rIE TAIBERNACLE. the meeting-was iherelore a inost fornterly o! -the $Standard Bank bere, NOTICE. 3 barpa for sale, Apl to M, Reia ere uil behe227n e r at business. steeetinwsi on vrSna.Notice is bereby given that th.jJh egsn hty-4 Reia sevcsw1 ehl h is-bsns a h lcin RsMay Newsome, of Toronto, ts tarin îand! u tTWla Iui e 1iiià È oa lia lfif n vuig !olorWih eutd5floa pendlng a week itifer gthdeithTow nt-af: Bor adçdigcnta 3 teen ~~~~miutces o! 905POI 50119- ThO resi:den4..Geý,I A. Rogs, Whitby. e rwat~1,WIIÃ"ba h" sin, antinorth quarter of o t i n- Mrs Jos. Fletcher. OdrNre revival services wiIl continue every lst Vice-PxeS.-W. W. Sparks- Pick- the Standard Pank bers for somebe nighit.tiuring the followin ek x. eig time, has bien trangferred to Pick- br 22, Concessièn 1, andi the south in ee x eig eig east cquarter o! lot number 22, Con- FOR SALE -Remember the, auction sale o! cepti -Saturdey evening. The 'Songs. 2nd Vice-Pres.-Coi. J.F. Griersoneig cession 2, advertlsed for sale underj EdisonTrup Phngal.Ct alot7.3 oat'clo. Brlng ayhlng ou vceck. s ech i ngl et 7.30 Oshawa. - Mr. Roti Fra~ser, o! Sault Ste the powers contained ln a certain rupPh àt7.0 'lok.Bfn aytig ouoclck rd Yic-Pres.-W.B. Pringlee Whit- Marie, is makiug avisit et the home mrt'e nthe 219t o! -Febhuary, $85, also large 4umbe tAbrt want gl riB Srie lo! c-übet by ihie parents, Mr. an&' Mrs. w. A. 1914, have ben wtth<irawn from sle, mnute records. Siieal pl selti Moring srviFraser.k-SbjeBoby.C., Gazette O0&e -~~ -* Redempetion." Secretary- D. Conent, Oshaew.a e. and thle sald sale w!!! atit be pro- Mr§. Poell Io progreàainZ favor- Evening service, 7 o'clock.. Subject Asst. Sec.-P. N. Annes, Whitby. MI"a Lila Ruttan and lIre. Willlng ceeded i wth as heretofore ýadvertiaed. COURT OF-.REVIIN ably from a severe attack o! la- -"'Shahl we know eaeh other 0e- Treaurer-J. B. Mitchell, Whitiiy. spent a few dayI îreceutly w atdficlt dy o Fbury ii or- !Reiin llmetl gripe.yond deeth.? Resolution o! confidence in and brother, MIr. Leonard Ruttan, et 1914. 'The Courtciel abronTedy S. S. andI Organized classes et 3 eppreciation o! the leadership o! Sir Geert, lb Haliburtcm district. A. E. CHRISTIAN, teCuclCab Il you have any articles, tý,ssii p.m. Wilfrid Laurier and MIr. N.W. Ro.eeîî Mas 'Minaie, Brown, o! Vancouver, Solleltor for Mortg -es 8rd Marci, 5tag o'lockpmt ia by- auction Icave thom at Ilobt- :A cordial Invitation le, extended to were presented and unanîmôusîy car-BO., spent a couple o! day. wlth gaes."d determinè appeai gie b Waltera' auctide room, where they ail to attend the revival services. risc!, the former being meovetihy Mx. friends ln town labt week <turing a-. assesement roll o!11& - willI bi sela lor a smaîl conixpilon. F.L. Fowke, eX-M.P., aid the latter vîsit wlth ber parents la Toronito. JO.19IE - -+.--.- NEW BRICK PLANT 'FR y Mr. W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P. Mr. anti -lra. Jéin Parker <ne. ag _____________ 81.49 -buys a gooti streng etorm WHITBY, lMr, Fowloe said ho lied fot Chang. 'Bertha Worfolk), vifliteti ln tow lait W aààKIIfAITo~ Cek door -comlplets -wth hingeo et Pln- Mx. W. G. P. Iloott, bariîster, ofet d hs opinion in the slightest wxth weeirwthMx.. and Mers. Jas. Wor- Y tI ugàm :pREA I. &b' T tbyre's hardware store. jb45 flQ &l,&lgaMont regard te thç rççipreolýy polîvy fo "DI",maa ' 4 . 1r abrck"$" --"'- whieh the Libexai Governmnt went FRANKuuB. rvuaî !kr.- Perry Jobnston 15 able to l i aWity swsdonbFAKE.JNS IT înround againimemo Th p ant in t eet a11, ebyevdT_ us for pronipt, and Sverl ouses and buligotfr aon gi fe- imet wl lctdent.etri atla Énla in 14 as h.e ver bac!. Pt Fric!ay, Febritary20.-.&ýuotion sale careful-filliug of erdore, seal hty occuPiOti by Elizbeth Hooti, ou the ï, ObendfeatetDY au aptly termed o1 household lurniture, the. property Ar e nexle f Frafr sale i l b onhpe ,;Rev. Father Ryan, who is now l asit ! tla x- ôîy a-pe op e" Who h teNt i.ftelteC .Seat tte satisfied customens? On Whltby and Pickering. Pected thaalustness-people waro hateti Sir Wilfrid resîdence, Coiborne Street. Sale et pectofteR C hrh ee e tist a ummer. hes wiity oarte Laurier because o! his broati viewa, 1.80 p.M. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. thie generai run all through 1 GLEN DIiU -2*09 ces1 go -etarge o! Mr.R. C. churh li e Tow th ni l haîesr.n etîvliy o!the people in whose niâids there Was ho 0 Wednesday, lMaxh 4., - Important thbe store, t-bere is mon 4stok. grain .and fritfrser *ccupylng lIr. fator Cunir as rmesultei lamati-tode ! lyit ethe fiag. Mx. aiivtlon sable o! bigli grade ahortbIorn aved la buing bore. Y Wit'.1 oruoca4 S9 houa.. - factry .xrangeesets ~ing matieFowko SOorfldthe preent Gôvsrtnment cattie of rich mnDçlag srt, as iidnaat ot ae tara eserve Monday, 1i'eruary et,,1for .wi r. biIôoand the nw-îs ltrte<l nddipl Obe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o .Csoil tw bll wh head tenw ncsry the rgiime of extravagancece anti onaier prive, *leR..iotln.-tbl o hl. hitl)Oe inagu hrs tock, împle' ROYAL HOUOEHOLO fILU I OiberiApyt. - will be located here as a eonnstince arl o ted, H111,i ote la te curs cfa fw tiys en ~ prtiulaîy t th Nay Mi, 0 te',,t, etc., êths property o! Robt. FIVE ROBES FLOUR FAI .JNS in It ob.Wles'acilcreaseti expenditure la the. Depart- +: Mle ,-lt ,cn.7 Pcnrn, QUAKER FLOUR________________ Robt. W0ters'fteen tiams *111 behauig tthnet i, il orth o! Kinsale. Sale- Bt -______ mi !1ltdgo eudyee-plant down from Toronto te Wiitby, speh e, ic ilao g e nea 12.30 o'clock. Wm. Maw, euotloneer. H A anargeastalihmst. spe pt n tr i Fok ttoicya i along the tie ITnesdaY, Merch -lO-Credit auction Good and Clean for HIOR GLASS MO VINS IOTR Iilg anti et stme i th establihn itIl e puTtsl I.Fweutrtiahg rbt osaleo!ferai stock 'and Implements, Mis. W. N. Johnston vîsîted lier rhu lrvea rat quicktme WTits Sir Wilfrid ïn- moving the resolution"tihe pxoperty o! william Bligbt,,lot Chick-ers. Oe vr v inother, Lugtcn, at FeneIon by, seilyt uidr.o rcat o. tOphae nsteycvna g shoud prve geat ensft toWhit 0~ ppreiatiP. - 21, con. 5, Whtby Tp., one-laUMlle BBr Fý l t I ra e. ,Msp cllîy te buld rs.M r W E.N 'in lar, owing lte i11 :eest o! Bro oklin. Sale at 1 o'cbock 6 ,B r o f r a ih ne w ic le bî t ths, mgthis ee. M a rs.cLure nadnees, Spoke'butoomtdJUl6for 25 Machie hc aasltl lcels tiw lsfrtue t f il ntifraturea SDDE DETN N PCKEINGbiely, but hie few sharp. Win. Maw, auctioneer. asre ole o 5 nd jeas> on the eyes. ~'bnne' ln ber leg iust above t-beane. ;.wrswr hratrzt yaIoe ucs1îeILauryngh,.otoil - -.....On Wedncsday mlorniflg a sati death Of Confidence+ that enthusêd those pre- Qaefors8làBINPR 'lIrs. ..ii;. Perrin' bas- ber realdenice occurred ln Pickeriag, news of whicb sent to a determination te repent the Notice t o Creditors.1 Try Our Wonderil Tea 00 AN ERN Mngr ev thor oa Theatreic'omplcted. It arrived just as WC go to prees. 11ev. victory o! DeCeaiber, 1011, whenever'I laflte ua lti iltie latest lm-!G. L.'Johaston, pastor of the Pres- an election may be caIlegI. b saecfJh e son, de- S A C prbyenients andi conveniences, -and .1a -bytenlan .church, _Wasg on hls way ta 'Other speakers who addressedl th, ceased. - our business friend I NSU A heautifuily decoxatcd, maklng a vexy! Greenwood ta, attend -a baptisaei, gbilyWr ' rEmn- OC ohreygvr usatFrDe ie1tc dsrlnresideace. Iwhen he was suddenly atricken wlth meeng of rletly weRe ao ténd oiel er ie u st0!e.Lfe iW &Sok.PatMlaa de~Iabl ~ allue, ad ie paaed waysoncf sllwa; R. R.Mowhray, or, Sec.55, Chap 20 , -etfthe Statute lAcçcdent and Aatom9bilea MLW Dulyhabe aoi- heart flue n e-pse wy KInsale.ç G, D, Cnlt-Oliw;Qaio acr Nttalced W M M EKER ý Coàte e tadinEgla Duly b'n pp qu 4talcy. Mi. ,Tlison was well- Wnrden fliram Gifford, Cedar fDale. litors.and- othera {havlag.clalxns-a.. Po- WHITBY i mnencmala ed- a-agent for -the Ford automo- kpnopa la WhItby, and dteep -reSrot1le -The netng adlo'ourneti, wltll tlirpeg8ant AllhO ate ôf John F'erguaon, --JAMSMeCLELA - --e bilesby_ . J.on, Who aitoerhs aitIdeath: -cheers for '"Thii ng." - -lt tti ono hty ah.~33 Wuy i~ in 2 biesh W t3 uke, &eofte owSo --by i he- - 9-W-iby ondreta tm d'rKN ollar and uwr. A. ATKINSON, Manager. N. BLAOK, s' Tihe engagement is announced of' Alice Margaret Clunn,_ daughter o! 'the late Capt.-' H. W.. (Mwin, of St. John's, Nild, and Mis. Wmn. Spark-; hall, to W. S. Orniston, barrister,- UxW'rldge, son of! Ue aic e.Dayid Or- miston, Whitby, the marrlige ýte take place in April. Tho M utuaI81,Life ., ., AE. bonovane Enq, Manager -for the Province of Ontario, The Mutual Lue i n5. CIo . NW Y Toronto, Ont. Dcar Sir: On ret;ruary *Mi 1967, 1 ap- Plied to y our Comnpany for an Orclinary Life polICY for t25,000., prTeiiUrn - on whichiwas $121îz J was very pieu- ed indeed, to -receive jour recent letter, advising that' the dividend for the'year îgz3, on the prernium $n212 payable on Feb. Sth i9K3, would b ea8, Whilte my careful investigation into the strength, and carnîngpower ofýyour Company, led me té anticipate a fair dividend. I1 uitconfus, 1 was lot. prepared for so handsome a resuit as this, wh.ich Workg out to be over 23y,, on the year's preniium. This as an investment. la me, e than satisfactory wvheu- ene has at thersame tirne, Ile Insuac protect- ion ini the oldeat lite insurancce Company on the American Continen~t and in the largest and strongest monie4 iltilôn Iltt WarIl. 1 have no doubt that when a re5uIt llke this à known, those anxiot s fr ln- surance protection for their families and eStatei, will flot hesitate in placlng their insurance in Xhe Mutual Lufe Insurance Company of New Yodc, in preference to ail others. Very sineerely yours, .John Cruig, President, Stugeô PaIaEeetiLght&Pôwer Cô Y. J. DUPP, MRt. À. E. DOJO V-N. speciale.ReP Quen Vitora ' Myrtie. 'Toronto, Mgr. E.a W.E -VANS. Pump anufacturer Sbaop and Reaidece, Duncfas Stremet WMITBY* E'hreo doors -wflofe!Wb1hzb HOUMa, tron paipa On attend to Pa t 'w I t i J- ;x NOTICE i TO 'FARMERS. Ladies' feit boots i5o paim of 1-adieW patent leather, gun metal Ladi'eàl iAt L--- W. D. MATmews. VICE-parral lfers Farmers ns, imd admces made on weh not« at if@ and conVýanient deposit d on depuits of one, dollaroZd f.oir.YIZ

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