le whest precduction !rom 2,804,000 acres;,. wau, 121,550,000 mhel ý,000 acres, sud lu Albe WO busiiels, froini11( 4rw9 t A .e -i.e f. %sa?! lin lx, lt %J- of le it ui '00- pli, ternjDeed, sud yU.91010 fflMloZj "til o'.. eilb a iihl asuoM2 t*mnooe ryianes semc-ld i"I Sat aftarnoos as b.ay.A bandit -aIendy I~ca-ne»is s I t Ab ffa. ,ntt4h truble beore big oCmasle a MA ÂAs11au tterm& o!l.B~knwr# a.tîîod.. whteh-endd many menhe g, -O --Thea mines Have mage 5d- 1thereporteof- mà anwbo,>kas ma mt ntr Tho t.~yn sd retviftnginlunçOed frcmr a tour huadred mUi> t b6ij Thté .twiFjn parteof Un' Interior 1c!t eOna'.minos unon business during ba-nia. Acordint ehmttrytean pue aiwear ha. been imcit zmarkef -perane are la dango ert evla'"athe T*Ãi-- F WSS ib cmoney Wa$t. UPon Wlldm resuitt ftae orian ocoupaètion ei $bat es eo.tlut,. atiRiver andi ln tOrritary aautone hundrei theusuxOsec. th at-and Porcupine roions. M5s'T pie are hcmell. wlao "gook safiler" ln minilg stcke bae Thisaà taln sharp contrant withicoud-- nu. ate remint t.hun Ot thir ,ventures tiens in> hst Part et Tukq wlieh-1911 la- - aeepit remaly or" tebut wothln ta thea banda cf thse <reïels. where. se- stock certftia-tes. condtng te tthe. lateot* information, the BuuIogof t.hé iieap .ffailuros ther 'situatIn la Improving rapidly andtInt'.l- haire emermed somo splendid soosso.habita-nte a-ne, net enlyreoovenuwfrein <obata scliver mine. patti over ten mil- eu u entalled, by thé war. but lien dollar ln dividende at, yar. Par- aree yln r-qihwnvrblr e oupine'. polemines beran ta show theirirà îs enl- by ibomoyr.efre * Dsoiblttîea, i'rtow bot>' sources' thero Asu race tho Aijbntando net rau>' willi h. ai.ady payauents dunlug the pr hi 1 ut>'. oale of civilisation. Ansd ta, sent >ear to .thcusanidî cf aiockholaeru hfam- .du d.e tesfn * scattered al eer the. oountiry. Th>e dis- they are ncw nndergetng. But tiie COU- bureemonte cf miniug dividende will con- bnetu tbsmcslvss orne cýf thebesu quali. tinua fer many yearsi and sew mines as tien cf soma cf tise bra-vest snd sireng- >et unduscovereil or developed. wih adde-st races cf that sectioni cf Europe. And- gneaitly teo their veolume. As a-n anchor te witht>'eg. ght type cf men for. leaders, -windws-rd a s-mt finîmticsl sterma the wit.h a gavernment surng enens>te an;- mines of u aPnvno beeboo a pro«ipress lawleuaness etofel kInde, itlota e siennerd suecesi. 1Z - unnesona-ble to expeot tisa uffering tkey - Cormans Cosi ttzons. are uc-w.-undergolng le but the da-rkneue Thie Ooerumet's achne ferrlthe .atab- lýetoro the dawn. iteoment cf coloniee cf Germa-nu lu Mani- -.*eus-bonelm i Mazieo. *toba and Aberta wtt! rtive riss to flO 'ie 1Wbet Bourbonlem ilces ta Bourbons te --glyines. lThore lo no "menae" bero, but Oclea-ly-.hwn lu lhe Case cf Lonis Ter- cl, prônitseesofthtei. cuntrys good. Nor, tsathe. great lande-I proprietor et tthe W bmlgrestrictions cf tue ratherland, Sta-te'cf Oihua-bua. ina i . ýTerrazaW, ehould thre be auy g tdliiLcilty in in- Bourbculmm wrae ao atrang tab . .t.renn- ducingiimhiigration from Germs-ny. Can- uenrsi reted the milde- ,unpte ecftorils- a"a bU alreudy a go nenotis interng iii- réseident Kaderc te mtigat. thi evtl ling cf Germa-n populaion. -There is ne eftshe lane- monopoly lu Meïlco. Re car- finrrclaecf citizen. Wherever hobulime nîtihie -resltene to the .extent et glu'- 'lutee- humpeaf the country ha@ pret,6& u tuia-ci al atance to Use movernent b y that thrlfi and tclorouglinces. ths-t that resuhtedin lu aclu; Huerta lun5power. enterpriso and sterling boehety that are-t i is plire 1- ite whlnlwind. Rite bis mnarkcd charactei'tatics. eststes bave besüu iniated hie so] ta The Demand for F' 0, captiv bold for rensom and lieblineelt ho ' py w edwit>bis hIle., Tt le the - - be ur tadelu he -ir ~sct>' . etU@tory e-ver -again cf thse pre.nevlationary ou very.=uech thé sa-me b1Oals sewheu French>' arut-crats vise would ziai hlten -Cartier and Chaumplain irat trs-ded bolide te thé mile- preposale cff Turgot. andi kuicksncks evit>' th-owndeing- cete atgiiebew6, uays the Arganau t. A1 milllon an as ha-If dolflars, vorth of mer-. * ola-dise goeu nanti> (rm Edmontons, Ce. 1Emperor William ha& intervened ada, osfr-y uring tte bo cbanged for tbe te preventfrh robewhte two sud abs-if millionsa et fur thatcone tfnhrtobewt h baçk ilu midaummer s-ne- autumu. Be fsr garnison at Zabern, Alsaco. 111E UFFECI 0F FERTILIZERS Reviws-Experimeratal - Work Last Year hi Ontario, A desp&tC)% frein ,Gnelph says: At tii. Most enecestul' meeting yet -beld »f the Qutai- .Agricnltu.ral an £u 1Xperimenta Union, Prctf,Za- vit-z revieved the . ekperimenta-l work 1on -in fert-ilizei'u. The vork ,inu Ontario hua tuccecded 1s evli -becauso, il- as started onaOmali scale and worked up frets> the bot-, tom, Oiýe yeà rm. werk vit-h mats- gels sliowed good reuit-s fro0m the applicat-'oD f ni rgeii. on'e In- dred po4llds per acre increas9ed thie yiell fi6r o tons Vo 34 ton%- per- ace, At a clt oet tirecents a b'ush- -I l-r the. increase. Prosaf-lireonit sajA th5it teO carry: Domel Tuer. 1was a lever perel-age et vwoodiaýnds lu Ontario than lu Great Britain., France anA ut-her Eurc- peau countnies. "1There is a place for the dairy uhorl-born in Ont-ai," said Prof. G.* E. )a-y. 'They are quite coin- mon irWEngland anA vo hav-vose ofet tiout home. It lies vith tue breeders ot - short-bonus to sele-ct ccvi et milking qnalities aud breed a strain frein thei.e Mnr.>V. C. Nunnick, vho is con- nectedýe vit-h the ommission on eon- servation, said lia-t net encugi at- tentionll vs paid t-o the- vanieties cf 'grain grown. In Petenboro County, for instance-, 17 'vaniet-ios i.wgre grown. TYheso coulA Idnet ail hbeatv- eVe.-WeOer an lug the. asce-ndency lI n any cases- On one tarin M. different veeds w.re îcundýý A t&ct, tuie .silnificac f wlichtoulnet be ul8gted, vwax that 03 per- cent. et t he fariers ver akinnespeea,1 preeautions te PrFvent- the vaete otfarmyaà rd a.nnna--l losà cf tertill-ty. 'Eiqht de- imbïa tao <Pen in 19M wl-tii 0bS "1- dents. A, Geovernmnent bill te increase- the. Benste retpresentatiofl of the western Provinces by Rifle -rnem- bers was given notiée !. TIircats tc blow, Up the G.T.R. gene-rai offices inM, te' i tit days if "blokieis"' arée net dismias6- ed, were Madd i£lUr .Gertrude, theý 3-year-old daughter ci Gao. Terguêon, Kenora, feu înto a pal of h-ct water.-anc was fa-tally The, outlook- is bright 'for large, prtofits inthe da.iry business accord-. ;ng te tthe preuident cf the Western Ontario D&irymen',s Association. The Wéstern Dairymen's Assoia' tion heard omre Plain sPeaking on. the. need f-or greater cars in- Iiand- Iing cresa and ,niik, *and inpt- ting up dairy, products. A new Hydr-o-Eleotrie Mdoad sCOn- t-emplated frein London te Sarniu, with stub branehes to Arirena and Pe-trolea.The. line, aeording 'te the. promoters, à a practIcaily under Tho. st eamer gs.renic - ci*the Northern- Navigation Uind wl-i be taken tà - T1,rontb -in thée utIM'rSMai Zrom thon on wlil plyr between that port Mnd montreai, înstead cf fromn Oà rnia to Fort Arthur.- Mary Dolan, Who W"asosnteneed to Kngto P.nitezutibry for lii, for tii. murder cf her infant child ne-ar ll"kostone in the.spiÃng cf 191, hi& be.ui reieased in 1.M heaith after serving & littie cirer three 'J3tw.en jnow and t.hi next spnual Mf.fl7f thé Ontario Agricult1ural aid xer= nýalUnion, nesrly Ove th>usad in4dIviduaii will con- duct more experiments tiirougii the Frvnewielh a viecw to advsnilno tlhi' cience-ot agriculture. Tii. bill tc b. introduced in the Commons by George, Bradbury, M. P. fo Selkrk, te regulate thoýcol-d soge'business, wiii provide that no foodà tha.t han been placed in cold #orage & m has been removed tiierefrom for the, purpose cf sais shall ho returned into cold-storage. It aisô provies a time limit foi storage for varicus oommodities. Great Brftala. Lord Haldane deôlar-ed in effeci that the. Luberal party stccd foi maintaià ng the suprprnacy of th( 'British navy. -« The London Mail says the Bri tish battieships Royal Sovereigr and Royal Oa.k wil be 2,000-1Zi below thie estimate, their guns wii' be 18.5 inetead of 15 inches, anc they wiil burn ceai instead cf cil United States. Tii. New Yo-rk City Telephone Co. lias been ordered to reduce rates ion per cent, 1Acoording te the Commission's report the waters cf the Great Lakes aré hopcesliy polluted. President Charlets Moyer of the Western Federation df Miner& was inAicted by a Michigan Grand Jury for eonspiracy. General.- The. vorld's first financial noe- paper for vomen is scon to be is- oued in Gerniany. A Tokio cable Vo the,- London Times esma-tes the casuaities in the Japa-neso volcanic dlstnbanc.s at 200, General Mercado, the Mexicars Federal leader in the north, inys ho crossed the Rio Grande for human- itys &aIe. ..- Several deaths froi celA have oc- curred ini Paris, anA large coke fires were beiug placed in the street& for the homeless. St. Anthony's Chunch, nt -Fer- ra-na, It.aiy, vas stripped o~f practi- cally everything cf, value by thieves. The bair et Sauta Beatnico d'Este, whl-chi as preserved ini a gold ne- lî'qnary, vas- seattered-on the flu'or. IM3IIGRÂITIO.N Il'NTO CANADA. Many Amerleans Settie Rere e rmi - mantently. A <lespateli from QOttawa saVs: Whiile the. large iminigration i't-o Canada (nom the United States is 1:well known, the heavy exodus * the el-bher wray is net oc mueh heard et. Durlng the last six years the. num- ber coming'acroesthe. lin. te settie in' Canada vas 618,11.9, but the num-; ber cressinig frcrnCanada- te be-' 1 ome permanent re"idot cfý the United Statea in the'uame penict wag 594,010. Thus aaa' e 1 ain su thix. yemwasoiy1- 193 AVéry coniiderable Portio6n of the exodus va. made tsp cf Amena- c au, iio iad settléà l lurè,but'weie retnrnîng to theïr x own s' country.. Tiieaa nunnered 22,299 in 1910, but >in 19là the numbe-r had iucreased te â4,491.- -Honorable -Gentlemen i)f -the. "rGentlemen of the H-anse- of "I take this publice PPortnity cf- expre-aaing tô yon a&H My deep sense of grati tude for -thÇ coMfo ana support. that were affordedimÉe at the ttii'. of -the serions lilnesof th Duchess cf.Connaught bythenum- ereus melssage-s et s nptlr.that w r rcive rom Canaanudb the knowiedge that tiheartii.s of 50 MaISy Canadians ,were with. a sdur- ing those darkdays..I CaUL'Zni r- gret, that my enforcoê à bsence, ma-de ifimposgible 'for 'M e ..,0fully erercise tlii.duties of My i»h of;- Ãc. eduring a.considerablejportion ëf lut year. '401t gives me grest p1easure to be able toecongratulate yen nupon the' re-mark0bie expanson, cf 0Canada"s trac!. with *otiier.-cuntrie* in *the pat fisca year, duringtwlýiCiiOur ttai trade far ceeded . hat of any preceding year. HarvestIng et Cropiu. "Tii. bountiful cropa t wiich tho Doçminion han fertunat¶ilybeen be-en barveWid undoer uýusua11y favorable conditions, wýlhid h have enable-d tii.,transportatiQn cern- p&aies te maire ful i eo oý ailtii. facilities at their disposal4 Thus the' difficuities, which qzutlxes 1arese in former years 'hAte net 1béen inowuifest, and aon tuul1y 1large proportion of 1>4 ceops hais .beon çoayeyçd tq tho soab a.rd, b.- efore.tii. cloue cf the sesson of, ine- iland novigtion. ,long series of prosperous years and, although at the present 1moment ibusiness, is slightly irestricted- by bthe financial stringency wbnch Pre- 1valsl thrToug hout the. wonld, I feel 1 convinccd. that thils condition wilI eb. nierely texnporary &ndý that the .'boundiess rfsources cf thie Domin- r' ion. which are ne fuily and univer: gally known and recégnized, give us the fulleIît assurance £f contin- uai i-aterial -presperity and pro- tgress. r Redistribution HeraI,1ed.- "As a result cf the recent decen- niai c0ensus the representatien cf the ifferent provinces must be re- adjusted, as reqgined by the BBn- tish North Ainenican Act and a bill wll be introduccd for that pur- "A bill consolidatil-ng-the Ra'l- way Act and its varions amenA- iments as well as bis relating to the. civýil ser-vice and te trust and lean Compaios, will b. submitted for your consideratioti. "5-everai ether bis will bo sub- mittc-d, incluçlinq mcasures pnOvid- ing for increascd rep rosentatiots o! the provinces et Manitoba, Sask at- chewan, Alberta sud British Col- umnbia, in the Senate. Volume et Immigration. "The volume cf immigration dur- ing the present fiscal year promise- te b. greal-er than tha-t oia-ny pro- ceding, yean. 1V bas ceme in gre-at- est nimeure frem the. British Isies and from ii., United States, but a large streain cf desirable immigra- tien bas aise reached our shores frein other countries. "You wil.be pièiused te lcarn that satisfactory arrangements bave been made with the varicus prov- incs uderthe Agi icuiturai, In- struction Act. passed at~ the lust seission. My advieors are tconvinced that the- co-eperation be1tween the Dominion and the. provinces vich: im tins afforded will accom plisb ex- cellent -resulte, in assuni'g botter agnicultunal instruction4nd nuced- f iil improvement, of existhng mcth- o-ds cof agriculture. Wonlc ounX. T. R "The work on the NatioýaI Trans- continental Railway liau been rapid- 'ly advanced duning thebejast yean and, no twithstanding thé Aifficul- ties- attending-.I the constructien (f4 tihe Hudson Bay' Railvay,, and the pro%,->ïion cf, tejininals, every pos- mibIe ptogree's .,asbeen, made, in bringiug. that -ip;tn Project 1ne-arer-4o completio n' - -"In conenniwith' the bighly 1important subjett -of transporta ,tien. cf cur produ'ôti, -thé, provýision- of adequate te1rin inal f ailities at .our-n gzea.t. nýatôisaiports> ha-a re- 'eeiV&land ià reeiV1ng the ataen .tien of =y advïsers. "You bave: 4oubtlesse learned 1wtii satisnfaction t tat thi newGo-- year Wii b. ubmtted at- an e.rî; date, Thoy lbave been, prep.are.d wltidue regard to tiie necessarY deyeiomell-of thie reeourçeb -cf tii Domirniïn Oupï-ùled with casf ul -k- tention-teonoia diita tion.> "lHonoCrable Gentlemen of the. Éenà te GÃœentlemen of the Flouse: In invit iig you care-fnl considera- thon of the subjeets to which 1 have calle-d your attention. 1 pray that th e blessings cfi divine Providence mïay attenid your delibratielis." DhStuTbIiUCM ave Sbldefi, But Extent of Dlsster GuemSde. Of téa eOrta from SoutherhlJap- an, wiiere volcank lc rion oarthbqukff have cauued' heavY. loge cf l11e, panle ana great Pro- prydeme,y are th ý t th erup- ten elf th*. releano At 8-akura-jiifa, wbich batcaused tbo moist devaqta- tieon, lsabatlà gé Just liow eavy lias be-on thIonba c>f lie canno e y.b. estimiated. Santura, whoro the. greatest lcIss cf life undoubtedy cocurred, cancot b., viaited becase the eruption -ot 8akuira4lfimacontinues. Sô the aboy n t>arespect muet wait. Tlrop, and waréhups are now in the. vicinity and a search of the. island will bc ma* aet the fr#t opportun- Fý,gosbimi, tho nearesti big cl-t> te Rakura, while il-'t fereti gre&t damage from the. earthquakeu, does- not appar? to have oustained a se- vere loue cf lite. H. 1juin, former JapanewMo inuster te China, Who liv.. at Kageshima. sent a de- »pati t eti.fcreign offce ln which c.mt tatein pensons have bes killed and thint' injured there. He 1aiso .tat.d that gre.at confusion prevailed int the city. SIGNALANIPUNISED. Year"s Imprisonment for Stoppiiig a Train. Af nica, says. A signalman whc stop- ped a train and thus enabled strik- îug railroad menth V seize and at- tacit the crew for not haiving goe on stnike, was tried by court-mar- tial there on Wednesday. Ile vas sentencecl tea ye-ar'u imprisoumeut. This wss the- finit court-martial cf the kinA helA home. - _ WO NDERED WUV- Ma-ny pale, aickly pesons won*?- dem' for years vhy they have te tuf- fer so, ardiA cVontuahi-y diseover that tho dnsg-caffeinc-iu tea and coffee is the. main cause of tic trouble. "I was always vo-ny fond et cof- tee anAd-ndank it- cvery day. 1 neyer baA much flcsb anA otten wonderôd why I vas always se pale-, thin and weaI. "Aboutfive yoa.s ago nîy healti eomplete-ly broke devi' anA I va-s confined te mry bed. My stoinaeh vas i lu scbcondition tisa-t lcoulA liardly taire suffilcient noîl'nshrnnt teO suatain lite. "During this timie I was drink- ing ooffee, did't thl-nk I coulA do mî-thqut it. (Tea la lut as.iiarmful because it couVains caffeine, thbe sa-me drug tonA in, coftee.) "Atten awhile I came Vo the con- cluion that coffeelva-s hurting m, and decidd te give it up anA try Post-um. When it ma-s ma-de ight -dark a-nd ici-I soon became very fend cf At. "In one ek I began o fe-cibet- ten. I onki eut more a-nA slep better. My siek lieiida-ehes wre les troquent, and 'vit-Iin five inontiis I looked puA fet like a nov being, he-adache spelîs§ entirely g on e . >- & l ,- My health continued te improve a-nd toda-y 1 a-m vellanA strong, weghf8 l1i.I ,atrbute my pro- ties o! Postum." Ngane given- by Cà nadiin Postum, Co. Windsor. Ont. ,:Read "The pigra es iiNrtRE 0r t #I C 5 eo to r c a r e . r a in , M ot.fl s ii #Vigoc* et Homne and SU*- Toronto, Ja. ..'FIo r-ontarO whc 9eUr. 90 o.r cent 5'3,50 te 13,65 , ibOTd. endiai 13.5OTo'ronto. nib*~Pr pilie~nJte baes, $.0 o é480 trons bakens, .n ln M!anitoba. wbeat-ýLP1 hienthen 95 1-2e. ai' GodcrJçh. 411 rail No. 2, 98 1-2è. Ontario asrle aide. - rn te. W~ Vineaze Peruia, No. 2. a n he t Italian, Who atole -the Mona BOX)e Lisaý the meuat famousj painting in Corn the 2ord, 'whieh was recntly re- T;)no' coveked and returned to the Lou- Bi vre,, rance. 2-111 TOT Qr-LQndQn -,Letter 101 Drtadnouahtl lulit. Tii. naves oft îh word have built, 10 battleuhipo cf thé dreadnought tYvPo rel-e th* ]Brlie>' Davy Izuncht'd th. origina-l D rem dno u u si ei ht as ago . The pesin 0 ctho eentury marcmewt h.récent laiaching or thi Britishh at cruiser TI or, and i tt'iat- t1fe dociai' of the Brfili>nval authorities te bu, ne mnars waiwhips cf met that teipe. hias been re1vcîted t.hat the ami.ller ve mone. ezvi y rmed will b he t.f a. -durint the nezi. eason cf Britlîh w. Tit"building of M 1dreadnought#% mortyo e snaibat an averagç mont>' lsas been Iaunehod. The I1' contributionl woo a de ln 1911, wheili ahv o h ranuh type we, azot, ncldln th tor cownInent of 00o Britimhl -ptogiamw of 19P., the twc h)aMintn battIs cruisers. 1, Australiesud New Zealand. The-Tigerjete hi btyfouriii ahip ôýthédreadutihi type. launcbed..the'order -f ter tti n ma-ny 22, th>'. United States 10. lt-aly 6, Busseaand Japon 5 ea4-' a-nd Bratti 3 emcii, Rpain-andiA eaoh. s-nd- Tarber and (hile 1 1911 Eritin poeueqsed ýtwentY- wedlo slity.three dreadnull ,while now it basm thirty-foiir Toiser, of 009M volts The impendtflg demeiliti' boeuses inu hblngdouStree cf tho e fé*nemains cf the cf Weetmtnster, which et ed by ugly bricks and r There lu an olti tower Westminster Abbey, an Spa&niiilOt whleh is* authorities ta have becs Rufusasnd- by others te .4 by Abbot Litlingv' 1 Richard Il. Whatever ité origit .serveti a varlety of one time or another on. a strnig'rcow 1 E n ol nd a w à rdro b and a depoeitogy fo present- ite vaulte c- s tandards cf vatghia ;Thie building is o!f1W taining two rorne. an.? ctaiÇonal turret wiil- ment foece to the e inally cf stoeai, i' -fromn an antiqu.1 loait tbrough in'. Radium Cane nuxubeo' cf'iri- oit-ah wiscrio hie paritliit. cf cas le te Times iii- tby tir 1tlfrc-d 00, ca-i service cf the- oinle ae end iter urg- say tisat- Dr. Lata-rutî il d i Madeo vitout nxi vush those respensibhc fc c patiens nt -ttdoffs flot Tht-v s-y t-hat ln the court 1912, 319 patienît@ ver. sreted. 16ý died assd siat-y-aeven diechLrited awn ýreqîsea. Aitisbee ne- of te î-. wene cighltv-ftve ,cancer Vnt ei <! hopita uthe yca-r 1913 to isiîunp Pa-iscnt» treai-'d vas 361. 0f th;.<t dled, geventy-Ilv e eslcbarged ut1 owll nequfthd'tand olghty-ight rOMilien - islum la Seing UideidbY 1usIli tli ttmenit 0 etroone éiîffernng frorn -n o- cen " thn pIte -t cans add. a-ud thnbI.M-celtu histisentoisttailîsal, iltiilrbln > smu-' iJsQ îbey have hi-eu met st-Inls and tlansany ui . g -,Ie ise te hope. re nOt mss-i as - t4) i1sueif>' the etal-euett lIa-t lradium there td a cure fer cancer.'# . $ t.- ClYdi Shippili Makl a Record. - dum725; L0 Thse Clyde uiipbuildint retuirua for thse $5t0,rmedium,. ycan have nov been ma-do Ili) anC. a-, te $550; peer,>$4.. s-nticipated, lbe figures are t-ohe aruct i 5;igis elc..i rccrded for a-ny so bnlhdtirorcenitre la u hdcfca-ne. 8c_ tise'vorld. The tataI tC767.00 tauts. vieS Tcrente. Jan. 1.0. t'. eeepdIlait v-r'a total--tise laigst- thon chers. î08.735.ta $9; (tond ulec recoerded--by moire thn 21,000 tons .-$7.75 j-commhon ýcws. $3 50 to -. The -veaels lannc.ed Icluded tie;Cu- chsé' bulle. 8375 te 87.75; cantier.. na-rd lin ostoalméhi )csîtanla f '50.000 cutters. $3.50 te 84. chorie fat cuits. S7_- tas;. and< sevorsl Viatue s"hietu. -ruisemu ta 87.50. Calves-Goce- useal. 18,75*tc $I..; and 'destroyers. cemmen. $4 75 ta 85.10. titoclerti.a-nd, fee-- MrAm Ruaiel & Ce.. of Po0rt Glasgow, rs- -Steen, 910 to 1,050 pounds. $6 to $6.75-, launchoil te largept anîunt of tonunagei quality, 80 pud«. 450 te 85.25: vith 860M0. Meism. e. on Brownu A Co.. ight.; $3.10 le $J.50. Sieep andil ambs-3- Clydebsank corne noet. vitis .1V0. lîceture. Light- ewes. $615 te $495; hea-vy, $3 ta B row ni a n tie Faltllold -O rnPanY, Pov - 3.0; bn lci, $3 t e 3.50.,- prin g lsm ba,. aci> tu mued- o t- us nh ery .e zce -nin 2 0% - $8.50 te $9.25. but- vfh s 76c p oieruhxd d ict- 0 0 0 - io r pa e o e e . - - fo r a l t - h se hi l a m bý . . R e L - $ S . S t e Sons of Peors Comlng of ffe. t o.b.td îs-wied*95o cr,8 Thougis ithe haire ta peeragesu Who v 1- Te -- ouic etof nge tisyotiili inet hoe uita! Theýt,'p lias eue advantogu - ffl nti tlr luq ai In 191-3. tie nunnber- i' viii 1 atllrileonorabyintt -double fiUire«. over an. aitQtIobilC you cti' Amnonwrthern le tise lMa-rule 'of Tiienfiole- puncture hMse' tire-.- tise, lble oe!Portls-nds oir. ,Tiser. viii__________________ S e bl-v doInge ut Wslbsck vhsn lie cornes-1 cf s- 'o l a M arab. - Ife le > lu t- eu e ,d ay yngr tien Lard Item hetusi. Ti -oung - man, visooe la-te mot!senf vue aa-l-i ter e-t Milliceut Duchesa of Sxsioerlaad, i a cadet *i the.- Kîn'o arry., l &ce i ra W. ADAMS, Pentisi mreét, Reuidence No. yrn St,,, Whtby. JAS. BIE isaa'Lleenseil Au esort L. Fairbam Md dates apply ta 91 ViLtby. LICENSEÛ AUI ANDO VAL%. AHl kindi o! sales1 ed te;, -ArE5fgemeg for saiesýat the G92 Terras ressonable.- Bell and Independe WIIITBYI 'CONTRAI J. I4WEL Carpefller, Builder Plans idnawd ahd est Repairs, Aiteratici S8os 467 wHIt Marriagè A. U. ÀkY - -. e euid. I7r fh -ur a e tt t :iliri(y. taf î moLe- w h4 hioti iaii-t-kly ori lir bo e im w, lit' rîcm' p nj -h tl-,!r. a i .e iibu. i'sp - lisl lI Oitifiiil 19il;m t (Ir F fî lioný*ýI--r p mavdwitii 'a aprh agar and &1me rie] Tsdelihtf ni fo id« LI Prof. Zavitz