IJI~c~- ded, h ou. irt andm fui'z w The ee'w oiel onand live moyed s YD umplimgs-Two cups fiofir, one- Rie put hWe arm roiud ber and' ai hog hm1k , i uadem n oatoHuil ,Town Hail. fourth teaspoon âait, two eflpon peppe Tdsi otse hee - ATES bt p-igt bjrvue l oentomafrot o aefenç liere a knd ele Five 'men' were injured- -by tho baking PýWdert one egg (May omit twtoe-tbeooulfcr- Ono gb, oI-emoib lte, Uie A.fouad a vigiee. iorcd er vinto epeech. i<lied"t- nonXa - urating of, a furnace at the-RB~~if - wiah)e, oas,-hgll -to.threo-fourths sac.dsovd-i iteol O ne -gt, om@beon-.. s sud Miepa lra 0omes I '-amconnotons of a Ho could not leep, a&M ho darèet 10<CYrr WoTks, Darlington. u-ik.Mxasfrai ' 111.Praruaiscecfbrd; Ib.kpfhl b -- ribe.horib, felng batI o ak ae narcotim-, for. clever as we are uowa- n lo%,wolreahpeWn or"'we*og".twt - pio'h:hole of your'haieut at- day ows oemlot'baebeau able to.4ucêver 1h deatii ham occurred of Mr. dei bisciadrou w !imta4oor# W'wen -ue. -aiiliïrwth te, ea'r eometime-it creepe "ver më,like' Cabiniet Mfi-jter, béal e.,eer b Lei Pr race.ut o! watr a c a spolil;, rtinig ftecut,-ostfj h."a e t.. 'ad timembora zndi 4't h oooghtiy, up bi crU ittheLayeditPiOflreLeave aboutué oaneoa -et 'vYesnuoteo fort.unâîte, an-wbisperod, 8a chill, luke <te touch ofi-desth i ttl-and In 'wqrking order. --~u~u 'Tlit'eMr.Olie Hnte, Fe ~gbt H.bat if, b oeei1cacwe vers ucpa- Mea.uwbhile Lady Edithi va buuy- with Ala octopua, wiêk-ten'ta4leufteeu co<>. tonz minutes -without- lifting ~ ai i ati o Clie arvyPreidnq'o tkoM olf rtid tstif al' vWeret aven 'betweeil us, hottrousseau; sud 1< engaged so'zn-uof,î-niches long, hae beon- found. on the cover. May, rol out'doug üh», warm jout c erliment Roui!"-Thrwthdhma e4o oiho a. wudoUty"-ep time, t h. mbcaw,veny little-'of'Oive, beach -atb-'alton-on-ü.e like 16 iscuit,,,;itsan'ylk oatndgg.Chp putyn o-am0b Wnt down thé stop@ andA alan-g<Ie coi'.t (deare diti, hé bbegan, "uili &-'chill ezpi t zDiht win 00bdw b. ~ Aoave i.Lr Ci!proac ietn okoe twhsi tdad he m unâ o doubt ,uviournj fi <bl 113Ach hehad1upoken oreep' Pariameutary work.b. Ainoti ak-" Lord Avs1 nkL- upChie fe whiteu, themtia.ndistand brushin;u bueesiiu; afo fw with another bluA of' ug over hlm; b ut mli.broie lin agalu bel bad s.hélièealy* waw. And'yel,- Ile, 3uitike afI h.. d h eengat-a'aboyé. te atecomPu fel b e oul o lutue btjforae oould couniite: she ca.ught a&look ou bis face wbloh awak- te -lhi"o4 siutlpolitician-id nual o bt- "if <bore are aur grouuds for my fear, eued ber vague unen-ineas; but sbe lulicA cd anl afliuity "of $20,000 for lfe. t-Sposi4eadtemla01 01o!nh]rsigoer h ue e FnIy i I ifor sxîy reaeon" i rCaIrdifra shi ntb terioto hs ualitetbls'*osrc adeenii n 'vauttit i u«,à hpy dwlofmn,1«&t you te tell me. *I could while <lie>' ould, bave lefi Loudons aîn-u d i quart bolierrpos, t _o!fotyok bsi <bis a -hei < oo-wbn e l ie- tfrom your lips. Il voiild kim mîeOClive vould get th. rehos e go rely* erect a memoriai to CaptainScott two tabilponesgr'.de ntland pnkstmovrte hlethidrwt-rug Tho>' coun-fot failte<o se <liaI3,10Val bute I hould-ncomli.W tIcnI edd >~roking the ' - Serve a-inonce. Tus attractivenmeiia-d/'ixtureeat convenie tbAun and pale sud qcsreworu; bisu wèll- 1 ual endure would lie <o dià wCO t in 1Thsy. Vèes ithin a veei of. the Ved. Pr.getlk uRal o stne itr ray mnil frame waa bold ereol, and -the icenotherIrans. Tht-wo<nfot kil me, bul ding. vbhen one. niglit a telo'am w' Pak.Add one-fourth teaspoon Sait and'.o d o-er{g~g a emr 01cvr o agr. tgray ey'es ýlooked" ulraight, balaie <hem; jwoùld.driveihe '1usd." Oble drev iereif brougit into the, Hon-ufor Olive. HliTe i Alderl but there vku no Slowof esatifaction iunjf rom uin ansu tood erect, lier face white, opened itl lefly>; tbon ilarteA anA heAdely Copper Minou on flavor wlith vanilia- or lemon t eial olwd1 w e}~ds f ut-n.g <hmneidiaton<atli w.reeliu bn ye auhiug: the visataI <at MaOutrAIit lits a mn-n vbo bas received the estates o! Lord Sheffield anis ta -tie tôtaste. Put in mold, cool, and pacak par h eaaeprs u h adad ala in <e-tiumph ef gra*tifled ambition . lmeut <aepemoniicaliofl at théepride 1h51at cýudden ehock. - b. ro-opened aftcr being Qloscd for, in las an'd sat as lor mousse. -Serve.,îsh.anb sucsfiymle ymrlyhmt. eg waa not only 4 loch of ovem'wok-fom 1t' aUdeouring, implacable. "Noe bnA newu. I bope?" 'maid Mmra'wi honpibt bn-to! a mkeand 76ths. Aive<co iehebaud -sud dmow lier bin, w'ho vas ittinif bes.ide hlm. alogpeid- h sweetened and ifiavored -whip-015- ee t opy-utuideo bis a wpublic11f. ome beside hum anain.. ou am Clive meclistically hbnnAnAhlm the tels. Threc-roomed- cottages for J'th: ped cream.t Cherries may be -'put' ahi h at', av 'yMrohPte,,bie porat8204a ee hveben ro. inalter removin fmpmfie.Ue oah itoe h oka h smonhle minA. fsd desime cf mr~fEiho . alAgo orat$.0 a en-id.blo rm e U Vitha ravoelr. "Put a51 sucb <ougbte n-va>' Re. ieft the Houeas n-once and Vent posed by the L.C.C. for a aew ,Tot- as a g araish. À-l ed o ok ~~sLi~er~n- versYeuhi> mn-. - cemenieeto1gairloni boiyig ta- bett Ireuli A dequcrous' froz orut>r' aud ,i î- hey who To yn Blst e h loenyIhlm> < rctgo'Sqî. ohLOrd tenh.az»-- rng krbt Sebhaae rm h pcî --- ne Il-n i f ;oplenc ntli outre, vbole litesulial b. devoted <o maklug yau Oh. terleigli anA Edilli linpýened <o hbe -----'bes I taikedann a iuthed Vith -the mauner lu.p7"I; the>' wore, af courue. ain-et.oa tue i Whie cleaning a honring, 'Uie. water icisa with stiff whites Of eggs Pseti we' ntaaoe obecem ti ou who bave beacu tictan la -the,. "Tu clin maie me hi]py vilh a word, ne; n-nA Lady'Edith veul '*hite; for la Burchnmo! Nor'wich found a dia-. aA4eAd Twociîpe -wnter, 0one cup htze-ue o ag nml rneadtej cdaeinoileguthougolsuad Oie fyuke -owIl.dynbu al i-et lepspnd mond,whlch b.d apparently beýn sugar,*onc à up orang uce -nen-c edfriadtÃeau 1e spoils; and aCli, ifeh. u nlA; "a»nAd o yomv il Oh. an Instdanetchasarv Ibal <b. weding o m e % an -Woul1d lin-e been en-jo>- yeu nover vili mcvi Y es; -I vil inn-f "My paon Olive!" unid Lord Cheiter- set-ýformeriy in a ring. tablespoons lemon juice, gae ci k ucso ua - se an-194a», <lie ro4 <ing.; for ho yau whenever yen- like'-yau- kn-ov lliat" eigb, "It le io o c'klel, aunexpced- The hair <ir^sseru o! Soiith b idto rnewitcgreda the etcok aeo1iypu86tl ie 'enniae r. dntaI<b LonlLord OhoenIelihi knacked at. thé door aud hoet wue vasunlva>'s elîçaso-.n-oranges, 'w ,,ggs bolîge 'ment ~nrsdbsappoiniment vhils the>' vers talliluz and annugi igj' ton ans to vote on ai" Mrtfon< o- sirup ý b - thecrto!ats nA IutP8,Wi-t.oeat in receiyed vitb general approtal. tho narao nn i nemdm h Y a,"u-d live In A 1ev, talc.:""nn-Amaking six cents'the m qiuem pn-m"euttterlu hndfiin-go! coked ngredinuteansef re - - ~~~~~~laid q« le Opeul>' bat, if mc iloddiscussion vith à JO>' and a plen-aura toc <bat la vhy I id -not allnch oan>' gventmimu picts'nA ugrtetymnts, ho oud n- A-yb. Premier Butobvions. for conolment. Lady Edith de-' importance t<osanem.of bic letters, GodA for cutting a man's hair. oag nAumn jlen 1Tl'ango utwc hyaeclA omk ivrp eplyedno n-îulaîie ar~m-d ideA that ehe coulA geltlier trouseau t: forgite me! 1 mnut go'dovu ai once: lie-I A.Brigtlgeafr r,'hcr- ndcoetaufezeoniiv onteswhtesk emoeoeoue-o eitn <hay o aisfctibn, brsalie- gellrInluthe voua; anA au approxi. -lie la nt tafliaraugi, annA1Idonl mcv mige arewoCO-rn;.cosran ree om«à n th! lie rtahinh ha oi<bemate date for Ithe marnage. as hosen- te- heno Demtie i." Re gel up sadloche A plined tthat -his root crop had been add whitýes o! eggs, beaten stif , an 1d -iolwAot hnfle vtvtroe h ie 1Nt.-Orna4am'a choie; ann-Avarda tha en-A of that period; sud Olive round hizm vaguel>'.- damaged by- pheasanti, has been ireeze until not too bn-Ar. Mn-ny M1ne ll-o hee n iteo ua hnêl y eumned 4ie rputatian aoflbe- vent home vith <lin-Isenseé rlefv0h Ye:yumuet goen-I once." salA Lord compeusated by lhis landiord. doehl abepoo lti n-ynasmk --icas-r-d aia- - ton fer vomi." follows onan memeuntous deciuioli. - hesterlsigh villi nympalli>. -"'Of counse,"ad oehi!tbspo-! anif toemedor c bre h. <me ie-Notvithanuding his ex-lted political D. o badd l'Ietly. - "tlie eddln-g mueaI e Sir Lindsay Wood bas nent an aid soaked andA dissolved, if desîned. l'à i toluos n 'Rue, ee, -AOnuonretioandn-n-A l ncreazed Income, hoedil ponîpolned."locoomotivemae yGo.tvn rhmBed-T ndhe- -ea- 'euterleimh- n-n-AocCupisd hlm aid. roonsie n Iturleigli Strcet. Clive ciglicd. "I'm n-Innid 1< mn-et,*"ho md y8o tvn rhmBed-w -- his odlnho îhi nd cWukaluti tl - nkI> nnAd psni>'dlaplayeduilvm e-dnd of, mltn b i,~e-d. Nsein-ise bic oye. la Lady BAilli, Bon Vo b. placed la the qunAdrangie quarter, cups grah'am gour (or <'vo letii aaoinudaee oaoePiritl od pride in bis appoînîment anA chU eamaked hie alA brin-n. Nav snd in-A -annAbancs icA aon hlm vil asen-i'.nt Armstrong. Coliege, NewcaAtic. and one-quarter cupe -whoie wheat lf mmtengtbfr.Ha nuuuisr - to lhe ackin-g lu Olive&Sain- bo met Quilion an the staîn rs.c us expression. "B-ut en-tvfor a chant theeo cl be - - 't<lie>', Ico eemed te, Quilton came ta bis roonis; liut tlie con-It tue. We coulA lin-v a ver>' quiet yod- Doit>thy Irene Dobson, aged 25, flour anA on-e-hlai cup bran), on-e <e vrngi oahraAneTl 2e*that thené aoncme. Tenin-tioli of the <vo nien Va@ almoot on- dïngas @con- as pamînlo." -anurse st tht Grove Feyer Hon-pi- teaspoon- nat, one-quarter cup sug- or u noabkn mb ae vr -o !'a -d Oheseoligb ascribed itreiy cciiined ta polilical aAumua snho onid uot.hing. Tbey vire alone - -W, id Lady BAiithtriled teo cubjecta. Mina an-A the unbappy voman-. gtel-lenfor onîy a ev minute eoe ho l To n, was bunut ta don-th anr, one-quanten cup nuts, cut fin-e, 'itbr endrmsa- ae<iisek rpr o- i ut @oe spcmossed tén'a mnn-en ta Clive vs. faa importun- blAdasbed the cup fromnhemlin-cavould ce<udaneuO irmte.vr oe elae.Qiieatd -achev- e> un.D a4 hrugihe lncetenihtdesonee-sfpos ,one eggbeatnurow.' A< egay1 r indeflnable senscé cf nbie anA indifféen-tas illbn-A beon mn- <ho il le ieldtuifreini hem fon even? vwu icin ie nebl u ai-ss n u on Ab- crhmnymuo ti iziz îtt - hich n-t aven Clive,*, eariy stages oft<hoir acquanntan-ce; or.iif <b'- tb-nl"-rt. 1"' --Aa at @moteoncrois Alter two ye.are'ainkin-g, the miik-, on-e tablespoon melted ahorit- mxue<ffle'erfpve na noW n - a~~.r coulAdispol. And, <haro vne-ny change, ilva indien-ted ber mind, ber lienrt. Powell Duffryn Coliieny Compan-y ening. Mix dry ingredïents , adA d snpa- ingrlre nt hutruoto - unoc dvte ~ bacer ltain an- ot t nn callive -.. otm-e.have struck a-,thiok - vein- o! con-iwet anA mix. -Put inabtee psen-dpedoentecoc.hvebedipdl - ~whntliq calle a nt-i-tel>' vilth i. bondfa!sardonie iran-y - near Pengain, Monmouth, wbicb brenAd tin-an-A bakte n-e-h-if ,ta Al terAyntépatruol'b .-hssr~o jtbe elootian- hiei. vhh hé Alayed ou an-e or <vo cocai- -- wiii erupioy'3,000miners. . -tlrée-quarters -o! an boum in a slow bruse wysdmp-td f e pr-h--th u - 1 b>' a dhitalmon. sionc som- mnontha before. cuam, si Apppi te -.nttendrneee a.' tli.niglit live paused et his ovu Theolades-t high bailiff!-stili at <ven. Thise makes on-e ion-! -ces 'itou thon-gh Ià door, anA t.hen-vent up'ta QultonasrO. womk, h believed ta, be Mr. GolA- Pot Rouet Lamb.-From a ieg oforavr ae oaou as - ni> accentuzkI- Re vas consolons of a desire ta, te1 hlm et alpprehoion. tlie appreachin min-ge..Ho knocketd ring SomeIl, of Newark Couflty i-mb weighing Jour poûnds emove adsrbtepate unith- -j- -ecr watcthful. nKI the doar. sud Quilton openied il eau- Court. Rea is cighty-two an-A has the. skin an-A fat. Sliceos e-quarter ouCyMa- he r.Bk ir scahetitute lion-ai>'; a tory 11111e va>'; but, ceei n-wlthle 1ha1 1< vasl Olive, nt once opeaied il vIde- been a court offil for sixty yen-ns. o! a pounci o! sait ponk very thua, on(ehu nased vn ra i:O-éio -n wiii be-r ]yn-n-d bochoned hlm ta ontoi. A m-an- cmployéd ntÙMèsara. Pnice an-A cut it îi-to stnips. Put it 1i e openat rs ihsipeprf-e vsi ai - laiteileee-lle-l- - ---'- .-.. '.---achair atertee-simpltr &o cool, ad thon rail t j- an-A cram. Serve -i <lieoolketdlu Nn-tuolly enoinghnh - - - -'n (, -the apération -oftiltiug the lbooks anA pn-pera î,mx'p .n 1npan fi, te the flar, ann-AClive ent down met with a terrible death by £nllin-g curry powder son-sone-cl 'itii sait a fi-e ahn db -w-ae É-çi-rt cf! nn leant liseinAd on his bn-nde. Hao'wieinto a vat of boiiing grease. Hie anA peppen. Make horée, ia the7 meat Gmaai t-c nd yee-fai ete f Il bat@ Pr-merht nt bni omn.tCiv liareaoile-I-body wn-s n-at discovered for somn-oan-d put lu the stnipu o! park. Cut putin- ure !apu- !Vsbs nustn i -r'ehlie ould -iluW hnePlaces viîh tue time. oeqatrofap-do pr ie e Isre~ ol-ar>' vonker vlia lived mn- <bn-I heere n-urs'o oudo akfnjb-et'vlegm -alre-ohe meyo rfesi breuaind, yea, aven brutal, Lady 11 thPOU- ancroco 1the tbe n-, sentint hm, ocean-going torpeo bon-t desti'oy- an-A brown- weii, an-d then-nAdd on-e- lofae.St<oboteo-acoi n-isvnospae j vuici '< ore"hea tnte with -Gol on '-ho an fhe rtm,-ini. lb-ers -o!fiat year's programme, bas quarten of a cupful o!f - an ! atetveeicfne<oaundit i more han euaimt> .if lch' ~~linhave big ctwt i ppe. l'e ' ten ana înii i laY belindit; butlio vae p4erimpa- n aa nYThornycroît an-clCompany&s Woois a! t-en an-d bro'vn vol1. AdA 'vaterthn ra-thog.coiikitepay-m-t tient, nover brusque, aiwa't0 - ceurteoue Olive ronsed han-an-f front lits reterle. ton-yrd a littie at a time as - - , - o gaatif>'ý evonj'-wlaim. n-ip., firide which marrieA mn about Ithree weekfua an-A I Aften reaun-in'g his seat nt a mis- Steamed' Cîp Puddng-Blutter f ew itvvi ipiy<ercs.mr mtw i vn-.u x lcchot0- ' r;ti lnAdbeau jthon-nht 1 aboulA liko ta tell Von. Will 1-led.byIte lve erlii1Yen- caule <t> <ho ceremony, Qnilton?" .aonary meeting n-t Con-sot, Dur- <h. nside o! tii. desired numben o! If tiyasue vr iitiyloars bnt il vasaceiy italeci. ont>'sleeping, an-di"Mucl hon-orediby the invitation," calA ham, Canon- Ross-Lewin-. vicar o!f ___________________________________________ l alght lbe avakeio4 nny emomentann-AQuilton; "but -mamnlagm,-are not I-ni> Mylisiea- ualda fLu EtitIforth fln-miec. and -aea iko anù-y va-y. llihecame, I wleh yen- luck. Bniedie n urldan-Af AieA aronned vo!cano. Whore ira You gaing te @pend youar bons>'. en-ner, sde ycollpsed n de Clive was thihking etflier s a. iepn-ued mnu? Try SwItzerlnd. Tou look ta me before a doctor coulA rea-cli hum. - ont cf <lie flouse- that n-ght; in- fnct. lis off colon. ns if yen viateA tanin-g up;Aneoiim uet euîg- vas alastyhii;îg of lier. Ho lived in-ann-A hure in noîhlng like a done of A.At- é ed yofilerso!umetheRyalEin- <le rienvr a In-c Ina n- o ipno air. Thi- go going nil iglit in thle éCaptala Bn-tiente RyalEn mn:i i gt. ouI --of hie mmeer>', n-n-Atae ouei?)0OP"n .tgn pln-nt, Lady 'Bili <lens. TheRouge :"Oh, y.. " nid Clive lisîleesî>'. gineers on the corps' parade linA elîleA clown te legîsîntion. Elîhor. 1 ose tÃŽat came-af yen-r Socin-Ucitie retired Amenîcan-naval office r,,'wio gnot-An- t Aldcrahot, ta t-he late ta lite nianige ha- beasun-n Imposbil- fiaonds are -maklng themolves a inuis- mn- goin-g ta try t-o fly ncross tlic At- Lieut. Cammeli, vha 'vas 'kilîcAS M E m il>'; but amy <ai lholinA v*eiu tanted hic n-me." sid Quiltalu; "an-A<home vho are iantic in-ann nci-pI-ne o! bis own- ville flying nt Hend-on-. Aoon hlm t jarry aimA get na>' for a anIl hoaie lamiile ." Oie designi'ig. Tii. New Tabernacle Sick an-Ad cernen - short Iloromnon. '"Oh. do 1e>'?" eaid Clve In his omdtotinit ii, a dcleuisve e i -"Yese." calA Quilton-, clating at ha Pipe. PoietScey wihhsjuint 11.liI of hlieiani'1nge te ~Lay BAt , "Thorea.a mnn un-un-sA iwh i sino ea ~ 'completed the 21st yea-m di its axis- 1ur « il vtlcm:it pld ~n-at itiinit caveours yeIn yent.emn spchi y ut, V.Lt:E 0F 'i-hi:GOAT. PoietSvet' hc bsOthe; -rm r aeu a h yw n et ve It en'isid laceauA n-piLl inu - aof havol au l , Gn-îl e man- >'au.Ku e wBt. erce, dittributed on- December * P rl dCen t - ablehai,'r ht%i-eem himn- n-cin pa5<, i. Pûltsb-termnatifc-Whitmebn-pei nlien - ~ -'-l5th th. record um o! $87,500 P- -a whlch n-eant. of ',ourme, botiveerlI lima an-d cen-t. an-d atide -o him allier charainq LISl u ie As a 3111k Producer lsa nmon-g its 16,000 anenbers. Iluit, an- ay Aî,t - b qitct.-aInr"l-.uities an in-lireut it tlike o! scap anndNtApeitd u h n n '-o d e h an-A n-arn- w;aurenciti i e r n ia rous'C I lm.lv»anle njtlu a-icn-ci juuýtâ reiiuedIgrani ioc-cjutlaim. Oie nu ei~rtlm1."h n Failut-e ta investigate t-le goat je WARDING OFF THE EVIL EV'E. h s w r nit p ng 'Juet se. An-J. e course, yen knov you're ia negleot o! the United States -De- ib s hein-g ehadnved?'en-Iad Quilton-. ase <nS-i partin-nt o! Agriculture <un-t lu de- Strange Bollef 8<111 Found If -WASA CNFIMEO YSPPTI 'Ohs m be - n-i ere plorecl by Dr. XV. Sheldon- Bull, anA Palestlne. tin - ~Yos: ver>' -cl]>' ý Yrcqî ua in a recent panupliet h-e mIakes a It Son-n-d$ hardi>' possible, but there Fldt# Peletati ns', teHO14 te-ohe Iwed. 1 linppidte btpot thiea su 1 civ jina for the greateT use of thus ne- nréecuaily peaple who bellevo that Ci - -niglit. À1A1n -A a lalutakin-g par t mnthe gZle-_1tVýdanimi, 'ospoecialiilnAdsame persgn-e have the power b la- 'c à . fy- e:KUj[flý aned- 'il hamno cith -a ie-brual-int nd, sdrub sta-inci ýce 4tre iheslp It keepis <e, ,wn-u. 'purchasel flowored 1awanJ hs oeitre ;, but-, slip the,. covèl ha&ngeri, n-die en dessert 13- one-hall - pintlý rated rind .ot -of <'vo -six, n-A one-fourth' - eroons gratead1.i ir.i- the. other iddiug, 'disoIve' imn- :oupfui o01 adA iiall-p'-oundAý n- to es o! tua eggs.tý mnt.. and nu-ice the e brnown-cd but, gpan-, an-A 'ven inn the. iliéd en-t thoro-Og IY,ý ces o! toast:thau I bot Sait-ad W.%« linsi réquires ýai amounit O!j Peace Palace n-at ioln-g ago'. e Nvas bomfbamd-à r e poters. TheI ian turned ta -. 'Ah-, gentle'ý ,n iii verymnteii tys studying life . I regret very n-ct became a upon tie wn-e anti>' retorte 'vse regret eve ot becom niml - -j 1' 4 -'-t- - - 4 't ilttey rl ,d- ,0 1 r- cohli- ilîllot "-j ~ey & 114W ý4T.l y à ý fflmi