Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jan 1914, p. 6

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h tiOxýand commercia.iiz- 44i11 0e diuim have been repeat- lyis R esearoh 1taboratories a ý ighing for io! etthe msazvel-, J :u .1cm t. Publict lentirnt vili -nt sta;n ki' restr4int of iiealth assd thi.epo ta! n fslckneas and the Tnita Ommrnl~sty wldemad the Oozm..watkopà 4 peopleization of 1 radim, .uiltablI' 'Wht," '1aïks Dr. Evans, "1huis become o!f thé. Mldime neiglibor I1" 8h. is, as the idotor auggests, still -on the. job in time cl ilihus.and dis- tress4. but tii. job bas n..rrowid. Ther-e are other -ageiscies, equipped l aànd _trained for thei. social - service in wiicii once it wa iss r eigbo -or -nothing. -Very 'iêý%n-mi commuhiies n she les teing cross lot -v itii her apronS-fyiug. Tii.jones boy :b" 1fallesi outof »a tr.,-gr tii. - Abright boy chopped hus- siter's foà twltu a hatohet, or, Mri. McWii- liains l.Iajlien down celiar, or Q,.ndfat.her Bent-on has die& - ~, In tue etrick-mnlousehold se.,-jA - - bbs~o~flp ad a disastetý MisuiY -a housewife never dsr,.u be serions-. l* iy ii for test tue kindiy aisterhood weuld. enter with suataïing hands, but -Iquiok oyeo, _and u4cover al the/hdden -litti. economiîes of tiie \be only time ah. mad anytiiing e ,a patient spirit fc'r an ill turn t4Ëerseh1 was immedia.te]y, after Ü ouse oipaiug, -wiieu prîde in --the \spotlessa aspects wo'uld upliftt- her tirougii anguiseh. It was a ýenia.l - nan'e! tthe sanie bre-ed who, being caiid into hiehouse on a shutter..- mort »bUoula De. long WQSa 1111- Xn swansdown, in white,, in used te edge the. zseck and sleeves anid fronts cf the, uegli&ee, but beeause it iso$0eaaiy soile4 it is netput on th* bottom cf the gowni. A snuugly 9 nglttecap edged with »~e ~~d~ n la ltheproper accom- p4àientof this sort o! uegiigee. Pleetty Stippers.. ~Iie prettlest sipperS te Wear' witii crepede chine, anti swansdo6wu -ngiigee -Wre made cf -owered rib- e dged- wi'th sasiw.These can be made at4home quit. es§ily,* 1with a ittle :cars-. _ Tii. rbbou io gaterdissdMitered te fit ove' the t6e And 1t l is thered over àaisu- tic te fit snugiy about 'the heel. Thon t i. drawn into a&'band that Afte.about',thié top cf the. foo t and- the. lipper- inu-finished iLu front with fittie' chiffon roses. Crepe d1e Chine Slip. A matineemuid. of chiffon, ln a warm shade cf y'ellow, i. tucked la smali squares.. It is edged with lace and beadiug, througii which. yëilow ribbon. i. run. It i. aimeet necesaury tW weuir a slip of SOMe sort under chiffon negligees, and ith this -cainty matin.. a white -..ede chine slip is woi'n. It le made 'vitii a deep flounce of shgaow lace, tnimmed with yellow ribiions Ànd yeliow chiffon roses, on ebot. tom. Fur Trinuned Pettîccat. A pretty petticoat te Wj. r 'ith ma .tin.. is madle of turquoâ_echit-, fou, trimmed witii hait a dezÏe i'r- rew iaoe:ruffles. Reading the bot- tom ruffYe in a baud of brewn fui', and eaeh httie ruffle is trimmed with tiny irosebude tDf pink satin. LORD BBASSEY. Ilw RemIgesed lise Fout f Wardon o! üinque Ports. Ialo h h terec o smn o f*'t e la b r q u e stio n . A a g o o d he ;has theïr respect, too, for ow- ngatherçughiy ser-viceabie and iporting yacht.- Shii eportiug be- cause she gees vaut journeys; bo- cause ah. is al-ittie boat that faces big v-aves. 8he can round the world withî a c=aplement of ne more than eighiteçlnseamen and tire. stokens. Lord Brassef- has neyer been a timid master. He b.- lieves with Browning that- -t a h Z. ,after an.acdn,.îie hew~ Lord Bs-assey a nt un nown ho< -hrouglitiie ârât *aslock of lier' grief Canadia-ns, ýand ti.zewi that h. e by aayixlg. 'Neyer -md -n,~ lias reslgned tii.Wa-dnsiiip o!the ~ iid adea shrt n."Claque Porte has been \received in, this coisutr- with inter à. It s Fr -en eiholy aton '"nly a couple o! yoa-rs sa . e 'adc - - F-equetiy nighbcly aciis famnous yacht, Tise Suubeamn, thecked -2tiie sick room by iii.abil'- wcro seeu at a-l het principal han- ity £o do more tia-n put on, hot bore on tii. Great Leles. Lord clethe, .Au rualooesinuthe kitchèn Irassey le eeveaty-eeven yeass d with prodigieus resaits. Tii. îo'ýee- and was bora witl tise ft rsal- ieid le cquipped 'iu short ondes- With wy pies caes, ookesbrea, dà h Of bis parentage he eaakes a -- pie, ckes cekis, rcd, ougi-cord -<"For myu'elf4l I arn proud ho --nate, tus-n oves-, crulIer,., bu'is, know thali 1 arnthse sou o! a cou- biscuits, etc.5ý -to batten a battaliln. tracter for public works, wiose IL 'is an instinct te combat a grief good reputatien was the beît part1 withtii.creaurecem!s-te . ofthie herîtage 'which dese-rded te ii.sans." When tue firet o! Eng- 4' ish railways was in contemplation, OJFWCEB'S TRA.GIC. DEATH. Stephenson was shown over thse - ' Braesey works by themr owner. On Uashed Fromt Boat and Va.uiised leavag Stephenson said : "Weli, - aShark-lnfestea Waters. -young imnu, there ie eomething proniisissg about yeiî. I -sec a- great jA tragic&t-os-y was told1 at Ply- field for- raiways%.* t would b. wel mcutlî by thi se, gnew 1o ad- for yois te fol-kwom=y banner." Tii. i ed- froiMi -the 'West Afniiisu mai youmg usa-n did, tendered fer s pes-- stasr-Appam,. ceoernng the zien -tftth. Liverpool R1aiiwa-y, and cf -a !n~ VymciithangeV lt; du-ring the construction of 't., Gerild .Arthur Edwiu Douny; tise fisst4-tn miles of that railway decouuaugit Ragersj. H. 5W& Lord Bra-ssey wa-e bora. n-s>ulng ham n s ik e i s4 The. sequel le Weil known. "liere i- wuld h ve been mars-led duning cmes a- nan witis brase, on lus -fa-ce, hiseutay -in' Exgland. brs-s on is tengue, brasa un hie Re wua, passeugor on the. Ap- pocket a-ad hie na-me le Brassey," î>an fornFor~do, sd o ariv.-lwae, th. description-tii. fis-t clause 4t Lagos Pilo)ade, C0. Partridgo, a dis- o!' ,whith demande that eue siiouid trsict commnder~, decided te go ha~ve seen the. tauaecl eaiiotrercent- %o -ahore ho psy iis respects t-o tise lolsisif f ti. opprtuitycîtgoage-given by eue o! Lord Brassey's lng salies-e ay weli.go- eàniiest opponeis aat the. iustixigi. 'm- Go erumnt'stan - i . tTii. tan ha. neyýer been aiawed ta - cae of oen tii i.', bu t o berdisappear;' the.brase bfisenever W*ato -thièe eý aBswarnpwdongîeou.- the bar.- Capt; Wilioex, 'whôoIl wae Lord Brusey hi; ise lmmilipunin iii charg , o!tise boa, was w>ahied bie hbouse.ilu Park Lame. -Like alj ln,asid out of tih-fbattle a~r'hOOfi5hocmewitlt, se -te an lir-sd s. Partrldgewat îéopà apas-tsu aha kicne an aiîoots unconsicilus coindlio.n by fuic tiara uAsrlah -Ja, native, --- ! found Opals for ILady Braauey sM~r. Denny wsseen &outt t enyhair, and. a-whWe stock of proper- ~arda3w.y-truggiing u 1ie yaertiesfor- -ii lass cases. To the -or- - j ahark-befre ayon4diusryma some of Lord Brassey'a uthèedsapoe fear-ed motg m a %or a little . tee sak-ezed himi -44> b. ùýçý OfitheImperia i inaituhe. taein*estsd with them. The,>b«V jThore 'q 1h. -mark, o! tii.,Britishi -w-a ne. r.o,.edpe.e.eona Ob. 'Moat o!hie trea- * ___________ - *rred#I»d GiIle itinau du ois ms ha- atno "The. honeest earuest manu stand sud wcnlc, Aeceopting iserfdoî." must And io believes tha.t aiot mca, a-t lie, cal, as-e honest and cannest. rhus lie la-s taken ou, lu obscure Foreign porfa, nmen left -beiid, by other vessele for insubordina-tion, and found them excellent. lHe le not'pr.ined full with the anxiety--thp- curb and ourse etitiie oonventional man--of coing exactiy tho ri'ýht liing exa.ctly night. Even oe cricket he brings somethlng of a sailor's happy- go-luck-inées; &ud hle tenacity ah the wicket sho'Ws bis zest for th e bah. Tii tenacity, peniaps, was in thie mmnd of the Nermanhturst butler, who, as arn- pire- in-coetfLord Brassey's meust dliittul stories, found it a vcry dlicate niatten te give a decieicai against lus master. Lo)rd Brasseî sac got lhis leg ir, front o! es stra-igbt bahl. "How ie iti", yeleh tho fie.ld. Tii. bateman turncd a everé eye on James of the' whltx coat, wiio aaid, aifter a-pause : "l'a af raid, 1 muet say. 'NoV a-t'home' y'our lordship." "What do yot nean 7" queried Lord Bra-s&ey, stil' Leiitating. "lWell, tien, if yoi will -have it," came the aaswcr, uncan you are lieut 1t OLD DAMk4SCUS.ý Mr'.- itcheus Says It Is In' a City e! Dreamg. Truthh Dani-ascus, withii ls a-adent sac- red associations, its 48 msques, the. tonib cf Saladin, a-ad itssClus- tes of houses, hidden in ils world- fa-mous roses and jasmine, le lu trulit a city et dreams. "1Why le le so ' aestnating2" aikg Mr. Hitchens. "hy will it be for ever a delicieus mernory in m-y mindîh 1 cn ecarcely tel]. Two young -Ara-b boys ican on tiie edge o! tise basin dreamily litening ho lhe feantain, aud casting sprays ef jaîrnine lpon tise surface o! tii. wal tes-. Tise guardi.an drawe slawly at hie nargile, as ho 45uats on the sofa wti hie legs tucked under him. A bitte pigeon fliii. under the white "Thse noise oft the city, la the. heart of whiîeb we as-e, cices not penetrate to this place. W. hear only tise- touatain. Wiio dwells ia those siiuttered ii9sses, behind the fret work cf -wood, beiiind tii. clmb- ing flowers ? I cial neyer kuow. No >voice draps clown !rorn them, ne eyes peep out. W. are in a hemit- uage,, deep suroly inu dlDamaicua, Iwhos- tii. teet o! AKbraiiam trod." "Wha-t becam,nseo! that fellew Tweedley 7" "Oh, he openeda shop."l "Deing welIV N-o Iug lim e .was ca-aghinsthl e -M -M. Newrîch (feading a -newspa- - oto.Newrich-Ief't le fuij. what hthose Japisnffe acrobàtý ,athered te hear Jss'us, a liwyery, h# ýis, a, 8rle ' who lnterpreted se law, m.detriai cf hlm,'or ques,. i0m.d hisfirn order toe tent hus bility, as a tiacher. What shah i d'à o tî'nherit_--The ensé impiies' that thi lwyr had n mxind tii erfrmnc e sr mie great deed or perhapse i.xak- - ' smf ,. r no b lei- sa crifi -e. (C ern. )ar'&Mark I0., 17.), -Rternâi life-Lie ly.the 11f e ) the. ages.-w The expression 1"eter- lai lii."' was'familiar to -th. Jew's )efore Christ came, as i. shewn-in' àie apocrphal book cf Enech (16. L-). Bu t the. awyeLr, hic. thiriebch roung nman whe aske<I Jesus the arn. question, iiad an errofleous iew cof eternai il!. and its relis- ln -to this. lie. Jesus and bis fol- îwer referred to it as a spiritual Donditiqin, the.divine - il!. inthe Soui. (Bee Acte 16. 30; 1 John 5. 26. What is writief in thelawl- Kotetii. skill with whieii Jesus so tre'quently calle upon-a questiener bo give answer te hie ewn ques- ýions. How readest, thou?7-Tii. words, Thou ait love the Lord tiiy Qed with al thy heart, and with ail thy 6oil, and -with all tiiy strength, wrere taken from Deut. 6. ô -and were w ritten on the. phylact-enies, thut ie, the vellum slips worn by Jews on their foreheads and wrists. Deut. 6. 7, 8 coimmanded that they dieuld be repea-ted mrnrngs asnd eninge. Th6 heart, SOUl, strength, and rnind with which God is to bte loved cover snàn's physical, intellectual, and moral powers. 97. Thy neigiibor as thysell-From- 1-ev. 19. 18. A precept much les Fainiliar to the Jews. 1v 'was net on the. phylacteries a-ad w. du net know what suggested the. associa- tion -of this cornmand with the other. 28. This- do-The form oci the vern denotes continued action,. as if -on.e hould say, '-Habitually do this.yy 29. But he, dlednî,ng to ilstify himnself-For having askçed a ques- tion wlîieh he could s4> eaeily an- swer himself. Who i. my neighbor 7-Tuis was an important' question to the -ex- clusive .Tew. 30. Th'c parable wlich follows is given te answer the lawyer's last question. It does flot impýly týhat eternal lie, about which- the law- yer askcd firet, could bce obtained through good werks. Coing down frDrn JEriwalern tc Jericho - The distance is about twenty miles. The road to Jerich< leade down through. a mountair piss, on both sides of which are caves. Even to-day these are thE haunts' ef robbers. Robbers, -Who str-,pped IIiXn arc býeat him-Perhaps the travelcr wai *oc severeiy beaten because he -re sisted -having -his garinentS taken 31, 32. In no other passage doei Jesus speak against prieste -or Le vites. The story i. doubtiesse true one, otherwise Jesus wouid no have, attributed such behiavier t4 a priest, a Levite, and as Samari tan. 33. The ortiiodox clergy hiad pro bably f eit ne compassion for, th sufferer, Who was without douii 'a Jew, but the Sarnaritanl, dPspisec by the. Jews, was moved by pity t aid the. unfortunate main. 34. B-ound up hie wounds, poinr ing on them oil and wine-Note tih medicai details given by Luke, tih phyaician. 35. Two silliiîgzs-The wor Of -t e a , ii4lofs i.- i.. il noid- xoedbelw,à eu a taiking tegether as If it twere" the great.st, Joke l inzý&l the woprld to pictue taen. h.e au- e d 4), TJPkyculto thelà#- and' Zan on .ate er father and no-' ther. - Wiien ehe réeli~d 'home, and al ol the picture films bad been..prît-w ed, Betty iooked eagerly ,t6 lad the one thabtwas4-tken lu ,Markent, the, oe of the da.lit.Dutcii- girls -lun their tiny ba4k gardon lby tii cab- buge bhed. But wien he o ud tii. pioture iat last, it *was a very nice view o! tke t4ny Dutch hou se, and tii. ittie garden, and tii. cabbs.ge bed, but---juet a; the camera had clicked, while Betty's» iiead was bent-tiose ittie girls had tiirown their black eillcaprons up over their ,_4~and tiere.was.nothingte b. to. éonsecrate the interval of itr- sition, by new .and' solenin dediea- tions ci the. spirit. :And-as w. thus gaze àbýut us, on this summit o! the days, whist cornes no readily tW oui'mrinds 'as the lwotds of the famnous hymii- w hich, 1 have. taken for my text .-" God, our help in ages puÈt," and-.God, "oui' hope l'or -years te <come. " le not hte aiding message of the new yeaLx?, Béïhind us le' thii d"efinite ýexppriene of,-thé Divine:,Spirit-,working ,at'the t&sk. of its creatîve handiwcrk., Hei'e jïsGod fa."hioning worlds out of the e&rly fire-mist,- olething.,the. earth in verdsknt garments, guiding the ,évolution of organlo life. from tiie arnoeba.and protozois te "Bhakee-- peare'e brain and the-.good Chrit'. heart ;" leading rnankindi onward and-upward through long centurie5 of agony, struggle and defeat; dis- the course whieh7 Re hais traced- and the. staros hine on the post4a wbich h. ha. set. Pr-opiiets and.,ets wilW-reveal Ris inspiration 4n,'burl'4 ing words, herces and m&ityriat test Rise will in saorfiuëisI. .1locod, the, multitudes ciimb to heighis of joy. and-peace and righeousness as yet unknown, in witnesu Hiu perpetual, guidance. "Gadis not, dumb,, that He,: should 'sieik no mree-ý id e not dead, that Re should help ne more l ~ Th-us, 'as we stand upoi the sum- mit 0f thé day%, may we survey the. pait with thaànkfu.ineýssu and the. fu- ture with confidence. Xsi och,1j0z been "ou.i! help Ini age - 'Y' 8 l HRe Our hope iii yeari td-eoee" Haill-to the giad New Yeaâri!-Rey.,. John -Hisynes HN6imes. , and woden hoosgresteet scenaitiste ln the. woid. xe eau No wonder that they haci iaughed- Jis ne thnglfie.' erhngse so mernily after the 'picture waâ Thse. wlo eau not ipity the Czar of ailA L when he siWYtuthjekemani. And toothem naste ail ethers deàth A Ll when she sa the j !-Yauth'.s*la lùexorzble. As for the. boy. k ant H E T C~onipanieu. - - e vili ba spared tise bloods±ained -.. Z.tisons of Rueut&. - ___________ -- - Muet_ Moi Shiva the Upiler Lip. AÀUel -la the Ilcad. -Doinige in Europe. eAn o£fir« lu thoe trian army have e feu-hear- of a cold gALtasit the regulations, tise War, Office throughi theheuoIse," nd niaý la Bue Oe*r utin&$. bas jaistIssued a ipecial notice culiing ' Beriln s et ueOeBuIes upoux hem to grow moustaciles agaîn at pie are content te take neole Acoording te autbonitatlire reportse once. cekispors.Te bis -department storeS in- Berlin are go- Only one réglaient. tise Fourteanthcekitprre.Tiy Inc ta have -tise porest Chriatimas in Drageons. or Wlirdiachgraetzerdi, hn bai ictviim alter anether suecu' veare. Umual'y by this time the satone. univiiega of ûaing the rater nit tihe s<pp'-v infection, and calniy aw have begun adding te tise number of lhp. Tis dates !uam 1757, -wben the regi. ow tssrsn. -Anodarc théir emploies and shopping e la full ment, olpose f yeung boardIes, oys, Onforinany c swing, but ne extra isip bha. been taken diatinguished Itaeif at the battie of-Kolin head is ah infectieus feVý on o f ar and tise shopping la tar bece Rince then nonsetf is offleers has worn 4 ipltheiia is- though thse average of former yeara. Tiqht menler a moustache. and the ha-bit Las gradu- r Io sald ta bie causinç even thisogaussaly ally crept Inoi eothêr regim ltas. The m ruch less severe, and ver>' liberal wlth giftsta taurtail tiseir Fourteentb ili gjaon shaving. The. Wur attended by aniy coin, expenditures thus tinte. offloa edict han eaused a good deal et tsuse is net, as We* Thse indust.rial depreeslon. resultlng la grumbling li ail reglimnts.poeepsîet an immense srmy, of unemployed ace, Pariej, Nov. 24, 1913. psd xouet lait uprlng, lu keexiiy test lu Berln. - viiere building in etaà a ceniete oetand* - 'v ain, or log, for yo-- sîil owlng te the îM"oisbliy et bar. ain observatoriesj roiig moea>'en real estate sud build- A.W DE LLWOD ed te sucli condà'ý-. inge. That meaxis khuiS toueands e! Ber- lin workere and their familles wiii net ~iii effects. Tise c- have aven a semblance of Christmas celle- j There is ne Lilnit th ie I>urahility 1Microbe, or s-a bratian. More than 10.000 men anid wo. of Greecnheart.I crobes, fùr wh' mexi vhe usua51y are able te earn extrai Oh ,qf 1,1 bIle demand for ex- Ame odru ~dit tat example, le a! The population f Berlixi i. d crasifg. 'of t e tropicl aitre- c -led grîe' -- speîiai gern, Not onir are laboring classes moving cout h-eart. The tree belonge to the lail- ab-u ta the ecauttry to 1* n worlc but thse tdmîlyeéi fi-e weaixis>'are ,forsaking the citr for mnearel famtily, and ja exportdmisyfrn rr p retenticud homes is thse ncanby subunba. froin the. island of Trinidad an-d Therc a-ne Tiie exodus h se beén en steady during the 1îl lategtr4tisthat Berlin te-day h1is 'ei Britisheii na. Tii. wocd i-9 a8 the case ofti 4f,0 le$ saitanshan It had en nearlv indestructible that it iat aeniioot ai'thnc-ue ars i. ;naitn Tah ra t1. ri s ni a at islt eknown. 1v iii used chief- 1v w-ould -b. well foi- ituch pçple tîu Blhow a decreouse la population sie 1873. iy in ship and dock-b\xiidinz. Nan- try and i raek- their frequesît jhld F-or six yeardipai the rae. r-rcesnsship, the Fri-an. and 2(aptaini te the real source., Ii iMany:sC bsbn- consarativel>' slow, but as e- s ,,loveri enti>' as 1906 tiscre vasa again of 64,000 hi, * cot. *-e& _hip. fihe I)'oen.t-lli fudhatîysenth tweire mothu. Now the tide h»u turned1 were% both buit et greenheart. The gr enater pait of their Lime Ïe close, thé othecr way anid th'e municipality '. Ioode jd.il-eniltd.o alarmed over thé dpasfture cf nineteen jtaii'th -ieatht oetrwe.ilvniae.o nillionatrcs, ln the GersunhBoese, ln on ]and and the teredo) in sait wa- dustY rbornm$ hec-cndt-s tho , -hce nmonthe ended .Tune 30. TIse t-.ATntdSt48gvîit-u edtoiwe h ytm power City s tax recripte are correspoxidiagiy ré- 1 e.ofntd ttsrdelm.l ed Itancoer te sermetai duced. report says ,f ess.nc t gi attaeks c i Mars e Rul Thebe ~ reeiiheart has be-et knowntokd, and-tie man wiho gets ofl 1514, ~lms t.ançl in 'wharve-s fer uver thirt- witls n4othing weorsc thana ld u limé. Tlsebte predficts 1914 viU vîitnéayrsan o tï,hvelned tehdl._ on iiéflcy mucis trouble in Europe, but prophoele easanloaha-herean- tiehanaycutim ifik. no isaterfo Aneria.Among ber pre- ne atcr for one httndred yesr-- Thpn agaîra ix vicirn of!'constant dictions foi-, the comng year are-., - ae iu pertcl on odto-cid îypoilwfi rm~iu Tii, l ai e arsc i i re oaixat, Ail the gates, piers, and jetties -o ! la4nor mnal grow th iwi he noe w hih Eagandahisuferçniicl pri' bthe Liverpool docks, and aliînost >.li!eCt le itality oft1, mcoi India. Lnau l be h iotened by floc,, h ok-a-sc h 3rdeae'xîsnrnraigitseilyss catastrophe' takine place as a reeuit <s!1-Canal, in Engiapti, are of green- cl-t ile, Insich à. case'an eoperae- tise ixundaiioau whielx viii arostt ii e eat.iîypir ! oh gi-s iii thouMaybe necess, but- f-e- pury o! tise 'holp cîiiized wvend. lat ii.yjaý f1)I-ae Portusçal js to,-c(e a reetoration cf tise Itlie Manc-lse.ter (Englnc) - Shil il 1s.I't] tly is is l not a Very set'icuis musrlavishosreytredvtbr 't assaiare msade or ft. There is an eut'. and when it 1is oves thie suffc- 3 ing. 'Phare viii ho bloacished and fire la kn'own init tbthe durabilhty of er liais 110 ore .roul ewihcd tise einieets cf ',ienna; the iiitxîatioti v5ll5 louik-gates of greexsheart Isle Wo)od Wislcre there is ne! sues reuisOiytO() bie aven vere han-that haniHungary, hfrcedinteha hY L tiha Austro-Unnxgsi'iaxi dyxnaîr viil 1 la t ar' sacre dssr:ub!Ltthaanthe ir- s ccoî011forco-deintied oheiadte tlin grave perdl. boita; anti other'f cnsg.Whes jean geaerall.y be wardedofi a- heva bniisxgperioad -suge bli he gi-en îeart docitk-gatee in, Liver- lIe- ta 1 en te keep ali rooa nId- -characi-er of its xatlonsl 15 fa, pool Ilat-bor wei'e rem<rt'ed, ri c(il- ing- tlîe b.-dsoom, vbî-oulgbly -ýenti- Iai>'wil itrtee« a xOut PaPe, vite v"ii1tien that the c-hasxfs-l, Miglît b.des- late'J, Therct 'stfoui b. no acta' be fieudiier ta, tishe arehys.i ,fte ýwh IL vii le lta god orlxue ' na enet.l anti widencd, i-l0eWood iîg -draisglit if a windýi- h. itd wt lapr asea aln tuw a Blbkîis. iîlvused in si i.e' culs trsîctsosahudsm triicssdc Frit" is t-o bc» aiflicd vît-h scxan'dlxlst Mlote. iioedsbed and iluustrial ti-sabiesva uscil -iiditîg ttue lieu- gî.'tes -i et.( -.l"s-pr ft inl tise norliCeet. a1v s~ - iewodlstegae b fi O C s hat the aash shuts duwsi - Pas-s iiibave a avreckears . . ~~t a ' T-,it. In tlii8 waýythero i-isal- -- Prison For Bank udagitowsekth-rôa; sanlpnqg ntheénMiddle ot Afe-strial laititig 11,1,daysen'O, lrr 11' it 8-1 illt t tt-inus %iîîdow tisat enflures reet mnsaging direcior o! t-he Niedeîdeu*lalcieli ckgt fth aa ritoar.1àadlO,-hnvr BanS, Dontxassnd, Gernan>'. vlsch fu,id cirs i i ukgin t'es u(-i) ± ri i.l ddiî ieee e with liibititie^ o! $12.000.000- on July 27. ina Canal i-@ireftgreenls'art. the i-nom us empty 'fer a short tins. 1910.,aws@ssxiteisced ho sevea yeurs' linj. nwar% ,îan'îss, Iltle Wiùclo - yhé-nendride prisoixeiit foîr wrecking tise insitttoni -éell-t' xrd)(iir e ý1 W a ee i b y appri-priatîltg lundi. A, publie ac- sstauce te ileîav ib pi-obahiyî- L- t il nt-a good thing te wcar tqee ) cotîntaxitt.Jerr Uartwlg, vas seatenced ~igtotepeess ta aodnuuels rai-y loth1ing ii ht.', for thle Paine urne lpioiigt'h rslc fa lul v t tisrce-yeare-' iiimprn aim o'cratiiis-lîtOME aient-, aa a number of etiser batik.cia- known as bibsia niîî oçr itstnst skeIle*tieskia sei * îo hseah.1tain resinoîts sutbgtance O -a I" a-tive hi druh.Wea oili- r lloyes taeternisuet tramtfou Tebatik s'as sarted sane IyearcLaaisIloses. Thue i.ti<. i-le -reldil-- s on a isinal capital. hmapeid tostebonî'sta a e -e -ponrar claisesate make &dis ansd spur- 1 mali esut e ie li nt-ti hi, eenany. oer red tiscm on ta do anIl y i-le uoe ot r'.- grow- is'id ;- w cswllaspyh letknd o tIlgionsut oatilotte. ater ton tisacapisxi cavî-tiss nuiit tliey -4tt-i fl 'om wnsmis bs-aue î-akes-e ko Th le id i slosv e iai hm nid$3,000-,00.'W wt Oreissuc»r-late fi4-ccr. - vabate:éE3i tuuiLre-h 3,01000iev eely. As rw il trîdxàti atis u êue ied~ trea tlîey turiîs blac-k. anti irake the -An-d il..despite ~c rcuifi 9 balance sheeti ta cover usatha bauk's e don- le 01le r -mtrees'bi aek. &aha -ebeesi suggeaed, a cold t- wood -of i The Czareviteh. As in ail1 tropical trees, whose taekB&you, go.. te b.d for a veuplle c! Y&f a long tine the Osarevloh bu egml!twh la outiuuous h.irough the diys, adb-keigaa r~ ýe binsuifering -front. onieMe- 'al- ua there -are no annual growththe'r-est o! the. famiiîy @pare hem ;r nature' etfvhicis issu "e--e'vPrloueiy stat-do-- t[tKv -al. -ApparentS>' nov It lea admitteil that :rings ,,thetrées poiby e nt-epsr ai!oii.A .~lln ibis case tla 3svelea, -and -t3st-ho -tà dl' r.aci natulnity under 250 -years. A 1 fin >oftùboruloo i h bus Lutterly, -cars-ednbean 'stre. isfrom- sixty oBdfrDnit. cai e ots inan orderlin4 Th'e 8plser. idahsndred feet ia height ; it ihan 'Hwae hew ~sgmn ktn' ma ot ago publialied .without knots,'and--' baswh-enipo &ti'b a 1- ' bratiisïa tiseRomans fcentenaryinlau9;fc4opens crown. i.4~ odtt eîigo T *A t vràd, i aW 4t' bVîQi, - Thé' i hu b utuevýeitY-îive posndato '-A aher - l y , "'bo tiiy' s?

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