o-t.-Wa AcL,~ necessary for mec TU, 1914 .-- 4 two.o'ciock la-à ý,nà 'CUt -guarateoe i the gainm ase ocorn.. i à llI tihne. BehuhidTE - j ~ntee s tho argonSunay, -January 18. J-- , tory in the world. Morning service 11 cicck., Subject ________________ -"GdsSaving IPrèsence." no need to. argue Iveuihng serV 'ite 7'o'lock. ýSu bject -chairmn and, secretary, whicii wau, oi)iý f Waffha -"'Where to Wrship." [doüe by're-eleoètlng lat year's 0111e- ioit Ik .and Aduit (lasses to which, ers.'ý The, Coà siba ii-o*.,stands Thalt hai been atae e re, meet at 3 p.zn. Chairùan J' -Moatyme; becrçtary,' d fo nerly Irc-:.- Un and A. M. Ross. - f a cntury. IL OIT TN. A aumber-eof aceountL were passed Nextý Thursday ae$g January and smre other business traasactedl. ;22, the annual me#îeting ot1 the Whtby1 Messrs,. Allia , andi Rose, baving ['ou Ownvil a WWaehm. -Branch Bible- Society wil be hel i in been elected at the sanie time, were the Music Hall. Rev. 'Jese ibon nder the. obligation te 'decide be upecialty of General Secretary, U pper .Canada' tweea, the ' as to wosoiihv S ~~~Bible Soci.ety,. will deliver an lu-'to-yçar .term, a' h ae js un. Watchem. CCIII.. trateti lecturi 'entitled., "Wlth>1 . th. M une year on the Commission. The assortmnct et aU Bible 'Seoiety ina Afria' Thiose wYho matter was *decided by'lot, an&-- the and styles. T8i* kiow Mr. Gibioii'à reputation asý a two-ye.ar term telI to Mm. Allun. Mr. - about 'a ~ lecturer'.willI not miss this opportu- Rosseî ill, therefore ev o n nît ofýeainghlm: Ever-ybody wel- year, when bis term will; coaclude. 7corne., Ii-- - Burnas' new Arena will open for -CLASSES"RESUMED.oN MONIYAY 8 -of r *is Two roornu of the Dunclas Street week. Schooi .will be, re-opened on Monday1 DAOLItTT.ýnuary 19. The rourth andi WeaIl h ofUHai #8 AS' T rirnary classes wiil be 'accommo- 5V M I ated there, an4 the third c1gss pu-1I- J- W L R .DATIu FaJOHNH, MeGREGOR. MAX~ESHRff'GLO111OUS- AN -red la Toronto of Mr. J.H. MeGme- gor, son of Mr.. Walter McGregom, of Money lýack says A.H. Allia if Par- O P T ICIAN Kingstoti Road West. 'On, -Chrstmnas Iian Sage does not eradicate al Eve Mr. MeGregor was alightfng dandruif, stop spllttiag hair, falling. froin a étreetcar nea?î Teaulay and hair and scalp itch, and put life anid IILUTAI l Agnes Streetg, Toronto-, jwhea helustre into the dull, fadeti hair of w as struck b>' an auto truck, and any man, woman or chilti. received severe injuries to his spine. l' Parisian Sage is pleasant andi re- Ife was taken to the Toronto Gener- freshing. No à heap perfumery odor, ai Hospital, and aithough hope was jxo di&agreeabie concoction, . but a -held out for hie recovery ýfor a time, daintiiy perfum.ed tonic-'one that-_lu èCe T.e1>. he became worse, a.nd paased away iiot sticky or greasy-that proves its *last'Thursday. goodness the first time you use it. 'L MAN,'- Mr. McGregor, who was a foulr Baldness andl facled hair are both aLY* 'nd feed nierchant, was in bis ffty- caustid hy-dandrufl gcrms. Parisian v has been comment-! first year. He was the eldest son o~f Sage kilis the gerine andl causes the ~in. the Washington ]Mr. Walter McGregor, and had been hair to gmow abundantly. trial of a negro a resident of Tloronto for twenty! Large bottle at. A. Il. Allin's and night commltted 'years. H-e- leaves a wife andl-four mgieseerwee. lRegua1 prce d who ln court, childrèn,, of whonî Mn. Frank Rice, «50C. or not bhe was cf this town; le eidest.1 so much.liqpor~ A funerai service *as heid-on Fnl- S50E. -INSTALLATIOX. inenber," The, day afternoon in Toronto at J. A.- District 1)eputy Grand President, TIumphrey's Chapel, Church 'Street, ç. journalism an the remains were bnought to to have its IWhitby. Service mýas heid at Mn. REAL. ESrATrE wvbat bnand Walter McGnegon's resldence on Sat- ci Ji% AXfindl eut arday afternoon, and intermient was FRANK E. JONE.S' LIST. the manufacturer anti print his name made in Union Cemcteny. Several bouses and building lots fem à nd his photograph, with thîe simple wlm> sale la Whitby. iegend: "This is the man Nwo.o pro- MOIM-"% A am o aeI h onhpo fiteti hy the crime." The majn,, cf Th, KME "At lioneof te"A- Fiband ifo ri nlgh. Twshpo coureewould t-urnout tcac ea*high- canulAtH e"fteA-Whbyad iceng - ly espctble c-iizfl f cui iîî ent Order cf United lWorkmcn was GLEN PHIU -209 acres. A good ly espctale itzet' o Loisvlf held in the icdge nooms on Monday stock, grain and fruit -farm near or Bltiore orsom o en fte;e vezitg of this weck. lrevicus to the Whitby. 16 acres orchard good great- whiske-manufactuting enre; ocal part cf lhe eveîing, the ini-- buildings and a good. farm at a mca- at the very momnent whenm the trag- stallation cf ciicers w-as lid. Dis- sonable pnice. Apply to edy that he stlmuiated w-as hligh'ttîgtnîct Ueputy Grand Master ý%am. - FRANK E. JONES. a famîilylaWashigton liewaes stN',Vavalkcaiburgh, prcsided, anad LI. fWH-ITBY. ting enwigiy and haýppilv a-t tht' bead "W. Blair, Grand Organizer, was alec - cf he Unisrlas tbla suroudedprescut. l'bc dfiders instalical wene hy bis f. milivwh"'< he kceeps secure 1'. Ml. W Geu. ]av(,.' ROYAL TH EATRE from crime WI~.~ the safeguards M. W.-Wm. Watson. thatmonv. cn pov'ie,'HIGH CLASS MOVING PICTURES, - - Forman-l'.Open every eveming, -~ Overseen-ilusecîl Chiidren under12 yrs., ;c. Financier-A. M.-.JcIs, .A'ls,îc g Treasurer-EL-.iB Jlow. Saturday ffight, mec to ail. $ Recorder-Ueo. hicwat. - BAIN PERRIN, ROY BOO0MER, Loa H -pans Guard-Jos. Colline. Manager. Operator. S I.; G. -Wmn. opper.f the friende of the members were la- * LJU im U ni6y A .A Tl ihilpp Sner n1 . -. - _ vited in, and a mosi- enjc gramn cf aiusic, .m-eadingi, rnýred.- Gaines weme ii and refresliments serveti. IJYDRANT NOT FROZEN. -In connection with the report that the hydrant near the Model Sehool was frozen at the turne o! the l ime on- Tuesday, Supernateadent Every la! ommed the Gazette aad Chronicle that he was of opinion ýthat sucb was net -the case. He belfrves that a little moisture hati worked up a- round the top, and sorne ice was fônined, which male the openiýlg o! the hydrant diffieuit. He submits that if suicleat "elbow-gmease" had been appli et, or if:' a hamîner hati been used to jar thje top so as te break' the ice, water, coulti giave been obtained much more quickly. If the hydrant had been really frozen up, a ,mail boa-fine wouid flot have been suflicient te thaw it out. h would have -been necessany to dig down te the main and tbaw it eut tbere. t le qult eidentr o! course, thai the 'water -%vas not - frozen dowa te the main. Hence, Mr. Ey'cry 'submilts that the suggested course would have, 'solved- the, preblem .w'ithout the -ne- cesslty 'of a- bonlre, and the coase- quent losa o! tune. - pro- LAUNDRESS WANTELP. was Laundress for House el Refuge. Ap- lai ply at once to Dr. Lavery. LOTS FOR SALE. Two very central building, lots la town of Whitby, on Hickory Street. On the lots are a nurnber of apple tmees. The new rafiway- wiiI double the value of these lots. Apply to Real Etate Depnrmrent, Wright & Co., 86 Richmond St. E., Toronto. FOR SALE. Coon coat. Ini good Texms reasona.bje. Apply Beali, Duadas St. East. condition. to Aà M1 FOR SALE. Two family cutters,! buggy and cart for sale cheap. <M.W. Collins'. Low Ra te.s To .California, Florida and the, Sunny South NOW IN EFFEOT The Grand -Trunk Fae.layi h mi»ct direct route fçom ail poitet <bosbCanada via Chicago, Detroit: the Methodksý Tabernacle on- Monday next. Januarý' 19. Master ýCharence Rice. le! t on Sat- urday to nesume bis studies ai Tria- i ty College, Port Hope. The famous Canadian Jubilee Sing- cruen wil give a- concert ini the Meth,- odlst Tabernacle on Monday eveniag, January 19, at 8 o'c lock. Admission 25e.ý Do't miss this. -Mme. F. T. Rowe wimhes to1 aîl those who asslsted hem by trlbuting votes la the meent content, Resenve Januany 19 for the concert gîven by the 341h Regimeatal Band. The Ontario La4.les' Quartette -wlll taise part. Mn. Qeo. -l. light, Witby, çylsh- es te express -ie nppreciationi for S idndness s hown by neighbors and- fniènds durink bis i'atber's reent ill- nees and death atMymtle. 'De't forgçt the baud concert on January 19, la the mniie hall. } The membere ef the A. Y. P. A. dreave, toOshaWn oMI Monday alibi à A s 'nt apl enjoyable -evening wlthj thé A>,V.P.A. 01 St., George'schunch; -W. &L. 001 tloD iui.v~1tt~aeWhity-~A y. "the flst aieeti A. Ia the at!ar future.,. and' Light iGommi ; , r.-4- - 8-èl on Tuèsday, The Regal Mlxed Quartette, wtth-, cessary, of, cour Ps',rg S54 Pergonai Mention,, Mr,.Lou'. Paquette,,.ot Toronto, bplne oe ud Mr. andti Mmsl P. Mathison anti I tô. Bryâ a -a two weeks' ir prings. 1Mt. w: A. Headerson was calb homie this aweekowlng to the erlc ilintes otlis father. J -Çourtesy and fPrompt DeI'ivery., I Ydu r businesis friand, les Phne 94t. WHIB Misses Esther and Madiellne Gold, "M FIFTH ANNUAL -COURSE IN AGRICULTURE-,~ .To -Bs, HoId In Hardy Block, Uxbrldge $ Four Wooks, e.3dt ob.2t,11 $ Under the mianagemnent of the Ad-Asory Agrclultra Committe pof $Ontario County. A fro courue, ne examinaient'and no et-;books re- Squlred. 1 1 # This coure l pln4ed t-utte ed fOntario County lâtmers,$ $and isopen t:allyounmn sixteen Yeom of age ýor over. The uýudieu incude-LedinFa_;Cropi; Foeding, Caro, Management and-,'judg. ofnge Livestock; Poultry Raising anid Marketing'l of Poulty Prodae s ruit Growing, Apple and sinaîl Fruit Culture, incudng spraying, prun- $ing, grafting, inucct pests, Lungus diseases etc.;i Agricùltural Botany. lncluding austudy of Woods, and Weed Seeds; Methods of eradication; lant Nutrition; A utudy of the Soil; Important Contituents; Soil Moisture; Methods of Cultivation; Underdraunage and Drainage Opr ations; the nature and use of Commercial Ferflizers. This Course cornes at a tîme, when farm worlc Io not pressing. Four weeks upent ini this"way will be a good unvestrnent. Like menin i other profesuionu, the modern Agriculturiut mue studyi in order to attain'th'e higheâuedegree of financial succes Writé for calendar, giving particulars of the Course. Addreuu al *further information to R. M. Tipper' Ditrict RePresentative, $ Whitby, Ont. -------------- . i. -lArfl l1i1 - i i411111m .Ei i1~4u.-- - w+ 14 Interesting Offe Subscribers, We want to add 200 neW subscril Gazette and Chronicle within the next few order to bring this about we are offering -tht fui and handsomne.Kitchen Cutlery Set as with one year's subscription at a very charge. Here is the value subscriberu get- ýazette and Chronicle, regular price, itchen-'Set, regular price Total Both for E.ach piece of cutlery is oil temper.ed G2 Ki I M M M ranted, handies ail smooth riveted, ruberoi .and wiil stand any amount -of usage ini hoti out injury. This set of, cutlery is needed in e and is the deiight of tlÉe cook. -This^ set purchased in this community other than tl r Tol bers to the weeks. In c ab ve use- a.premium .smail extia $3.00 $4-00 d and war- id linished, water with- every home, cannot be brough this paper. >The above offer is open' to both new and renewal :subsc offèr. criti bers, for a iimited trne. Sècure a set at once and -teillyour frienids of the - Lot Part Saifntfield Plan, Lotî bng pait, »lock Dï Loti,> Prin-ce Albert, S'being part part Pt. Pa rt Pt. Pt. S% Pt. W % Pt. N 3j Lot 12 Lot 12 Lot 1,9 31 26 7 8 il 21 Con. Acres -Taxesu Costs G 100 $48 $2 50 G , -51 1049 2 51 M 100 $15_7.6. $2 64 TOWNSHIP OF REACH Con. A cres Taxes Coà ts $ 7 3 Tota. f 929250i TOWNSHIP Con. Ac Mres &4520 20 2 250: 0F BROCK.. Taxes Couts TOWNSHIP 0F MARA ,Con. Acres Taxes, Costs' 5 100 24 61 .2:87. -9 4 2 40 250ý 11 Xf 78895 4229 8 25 5-14 '250b 12 100 34 25, 3 j 12 1100 22 56-,8 12 0 15 02 125 12 35 14 85 -16 Zreasurers Offilce, Co. Bldgu., Sept. 23P, 19 13. ORAN ONTARIO LABI Miss Pearli O'Neil,] Miss Kathleen Walli. Miss Dorothy Atkey Miss Florencef MacN Total 20 93 Total 27 48. 490 83.0 7 64 37 36 425 37 17 60 n COýNCERI Humorous Entertai [s, Violînist- y, Accompanist, 1eiII, Soprano> i.atder auspiceà i cf the Pat, or Unpat * Fat. Pat or Unp t Pa~ Pai Fat~ * Fat Pat' Pà t Fat pat Colïnty TTeasurcr. -x [i = i 4 - 4 ETTEI 4 mer 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 d ong, 34th -Reguimentalu-Ba-'d MWUSIC "H.Lg, WIIITBV. MONDAY, JANUARY -I TH,- loi14 Tickets,ý 25 and 35 Cents* Seats on sale at Allin's Drug Store. Patroriize this*conicert- and help the band r AFIER THE 'NEW VýYEAR ,,SEASONkI1 1i Youî want a Chancre of Diet. We have the,goods to sati-sfy your palate. FISH. Li1alibut, eut in steaks,- per IL Maîîitoba Whsite Fisîx, fatones, Pur lb. Sea Salînon, nice coici', per lb. - Fillets of lladulic, per 1l). Finnan Haddie, mil cured, per lb. Cod Fitilî, 10c, -Bic n5e. 15e oaters, etc. BACON ANO HAms We bave' the goods that have pleased pthen for a long tinie.. Try our extra mild aWeet cured Bsuck Bacon, Breakfast Bacon and Haine. Our mlail Sausage 'aefine. Tryus.for" quality and price. Jno. FI WATERHOusE WHITBY Phono i Promipt Do1ilvery. aythe coming year have. naugh t in -store for you' bu t Health, .Prospérity and, Happiness..' This- sto re is gratëfùl for the very generous patro nage it has erijoyed, -and we trust- we have earned your support by deserving it. The year f913 gpve us many' new friends, and -we are hopîng for manïy more during' 94 Agà in wishing you à IJ a PHappy New Year. i - a j-, 4GOODFELLOW& PLVLISHERS - [1111111 Wahbi Ipite ' with .,l joyable ;, etc. , ndulged -i _I il thanis con- piano pwwlwm y'w or Il 1 ý. Io rww-w9r" al